#i want more zanvis content
intestinesauce · 2 years
im a machine (also redesigned kc....)
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romeave · 2 years
regarding submissive uwu breedable zane ro’meave
although zanvis typically accredited with it’s creation, submissive uwu breedible zane ro’meave (which will henceforth be referred to as SUBZ for my own sake) was a plague that affected all zane x dude ships in the aphmau fandom. fics that include SUBZ usually depict zane as a vulnerable, too pure for this world little bean that the other party (typically travis or gene) is free to either fix or fuck with. these fics were often written by a younger demographic and tended to feature a number of problematic tropes, triggering topics, and demonization/infantilization of mental illness. also SUBZ kept turning into a neko. just constantly. all the time. catboy hours out the wazoo.
but, those are all issues that apply to any mlm ship in any fandom. i’m here to talk about my issues with SUBZ, not a systematic issue that an essay on BakuDeku or SaiOma or Gacha kids or general fandom could explain much better than I ever could. my account is called zane-romeave, don’t expect too much more than zane content.
there isn’t anything too wrong with zane being uwu. zane has been uwu as early as his first appearance. i’m not going to deny my lil guy to sip his lil tea and get his lil beauty rest and tell aph that no one will trust his word over hers because he is just a lil guy who has done nothing wrong, uwu.
but zane ro’meave is not a submissive lil bottom why tf is that the popular interpretation of his character.
i don’t really know what more to say about that he straight up just, is not. zane doesn’t just roll over like an obedient dogboy at every minor inconvenience. i have no idea who this fictional man is that you are all talking about but he is not my asshole catboy zane ro’meave. he’s power hungry and thrives when in control. if given the opportunity he will gladly turn whoever into his lil puppet. he will achievworld domination if it costs him his left eye.
and this isn’t even just my silly little headcanon it’s the most consistent part of his characterization. mcd zane....exists. mermaid tails zane works for tavari to complete his end goal of being a larger crab. mystreet zane rarely helps people if there's nothing to gain, often adding humiliating favors to his negotiations (ex. refusing to help kc with anything ever again unless she follows all his advice exactly). even lil baby sophomore zane in pdh s2 chose to commit a crime and pin it on the sks so he can save the day in the end so they are both indebted to him and think he is badass. this was a response to making him cry. zane ro’meave could kill god.
SUBZ, by nature of being submissive, could never do any of that! He’s written to be pathetic and vulnerable, an overly passive permanent pity partier so the other party can swoop in and save the day. SUBZ is often the target of a sad and tragic backstory but is rarely, if ever allowed to stand up against whatever it is that’s harming him currently. you see, if the other party magically solves all the issues with their big muscles, SUBZ will instantly fall in love and get mpreged and they will live happily ever after as a nuclear family. if that doesn’t happen, SUBZ will just die a tragic death. How is SUBZ supposed to kill god if he’s physically unable to hurt a fly?
i do understand that i have made out zane canon to be a bit of a heartless monster who shouldn’t be in any kind of relationship. however, the power thing is also what makes zane great for both platonic and romantic ships. once zane warms up to a person, he develops a protective devotion unmatched by the divines themselves. a passionate young man, zane will do whatever it takes to keep the object of his affection safe and happy, prioritizing them over others and himself — not in a SUBZ way he’s just got low self importance — because they deserve it. although he isn’t outwardly affectionate, it is with genuine love and care that he tries to be the zane the other party wants him to be.
SUBZ can not love. Not with the instensity and passion that Zane can love.
SUBZ would never think to threaten aaron because SUBZ wants aph to have the guy of her dreams. SUBZ would not break all of his codes and help someone just because aph wants that of him. SUBZ wouldn’t try and change himself for the better at aph’s bequest. SUBZ wouldn’t have to psych himself up to ask to take this relationship slower because he knows it would upset his partner. If faced with a traumatic life or death situation in which he’s kidnapped, gets turned into a mindslave , discovers ghosts exist and want to hit that, and garrothed, SUBZ would not bottle all that up and beat himself up over being unable to protect his best friend from a similar fate.
not saying that’s healthy or anything (it is not, btw) just saying that SUBZ is a piece of printer paper so devoid of zane he’s practically a different character. by ignoring zane’s weird power thing, you’re ignoring 80% of your zane. you’re left with nothing but ponies, cupcakes, and a list of traits without any meaning or motive behind them. that’s not a character, that’s the opening to g4 MLP.
TL;DR: Zane Ro’Meave is a chad alpha male who makes anyone else look submissive and breedable by comparison
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biracialartist · 6 years
I need to address this (REBLOG SPREAD THE MESSAGE)
I’m no professional ranter but stop hating on an artist that doesn’t draw what you like or draw what you want(Example @pastayaoifantasy She was hated because how little she now draws aphamu related content, mostly Zanvis and then she just gets comments about how her art sucks, look at her works its fucking beautiful people.To me, it looks like she took hours making it. ). Artists are entertainers not slaves for the media to boss around. Entertainers have a price for their work and you have to pay up, don’t ask for them to lower payments either. And if they don’t have payments and do requests don’t ask for a drawing that’s not comfortable to them. If they don’t do requests don’t bombard them with hate saying how their selfish and that they should let people request because their “fans”.
STOP REPOSTING ART AND CLAIMING IT AS YOUR OWN. I k.)now that you gain popularity for that shit. It’s not good on you when people figure out that you’re a fraud and stole one's art for followers and likes(example @sonhabem, their art was reposted on many social media and not credited for their hard work. like just go look at their stuff that shit looks like it takes days to make) 
SJW’s back the fuck off of artists, just because a person draws artists tend to experiment with new skin tones doesn’t make the person racist or if the artist draws more of males doesn’t make them sexist. and don’t get me started on the KYS comments.
alright, I already got all my pent up tension about haters in the art community. Also please look at these artists blogs they are such great artists and deserve more and one does do commisions.
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