#i would let her have kaliyo as her companion for pirate time
vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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Gonna get her a swear jar, but instead of swears it's every time she crosses her arms in disapproval on Rishi she has to put a credit chit in the jar
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tearlessrain · 3 years
OC Interview Meme
Tagged by @mercurypilgrim... a while ago (thanks! I wasn’t ignoring this I just left it in my drafts and forgot about it. shoutout to the ray bans spambot that made me check my mentions and remember)
Pick three companions who know your OC/muse well. Answer the questions from at least one of their companions points of view. Replace anywhere it says Khatte with your OC’s name. Name the three companions who will be answering here:
1. Kaliyo
2. Vector
3. Dr. Lokin
Are they ready to be candid with their responses? Don’t worry, this is totally private. Khatte will never read it.
1. First Impressions. What was the first impression you had of Khatte?
Kaliyo: “I thought he was a notorious pirate who'd be fun to mess around with for a while. Yeah.”
Vector: “His song was... discordant, but he was more courteous to us than he needed to be. The phosphorescence in the caverns caught in the ends of his fur like unfamiliar constellations.”
Lokin: “My first impression was that he was a reckless fool who would be dead before the year was out. I was wrong about the last one, at least.”
2. Khatte walks into a bar. No, it’s not a joke - what does he order? If you give him a credit for the jukebox, what kind of music would he put on?
Kaliyo: “Usually he just sits there with his virgin whatever and acts drunk so people will tell him stuff. If he is drinking... he's all about efficiency, like every other aspect of his life. And I’m not letting him near the jukebox, I don’t know where he got his taste in music but it makes whatever room he’s in feel like some kind of stuffy cocktail lounge.”
Vector: “If he isn’t there for work, most likely whatever’s strongest. He has a certain lack of regard for both taste and his own health that we find concerning. We all have our own ways of living with ourselves. We’ve attempted to introduce him to the concept of moderation – and quality – but the results have been... mixed.”
Lokin: “He can hold a very intelligent conversation about liquor, but in actual practice he doesn’t drink it for the taste. As his doctor I really can’t endorse it, considering how colorful his medical charts are already, but I’ve seen agents develop far worse coping mechanisms. As for music, he has surprisingly old-fashioned tastes. I’ve heard music while living aboard his ship that I hadn’t heard in decades. It always drove Kaliyo up the wall, of course, and I'm certain he plays it on purpose sometimes to keep her away.”
3. How does Khatte spend a day off from work?
Kaliyo: “Off work? He doesn’t take days off work, if he looks like he’s not doing anything important that means you should be running in the other direction.”
Vector: “At death’s door, presumably. We can’t think of anything else that would make him stop working that long. If he has a few spare hours he has a habit of disappearing, getting himself spectacularly drunk, and returning with obvious injuries that he somehow expects nobody to notice. He does manage to make time for us, though, and we appreciate the effort. Particularly since we do not share his appreciation for colorful nightlife.”
Lokin: “He gets restless with too much free time; if he doesn’t have work to do he’ll find it or make it. If he’s not doing that he’ll be wandering around the less reputable sectors of the nearest populated planet to find new and inventive ways to get himself killed. It’s none of my business, really, but it runs through our kolto supplies and I do wish he’d just take up knitting.”
4. What silly superstitions or funny traditions does he observe?
Kaliyo: “He doesn’t really have superstitions. Just a lot of paranoia.”
Vector: “We have never seen him sit with his back to a door, though we wouldn’t call it superstition so much as very well-ingrained habit.”
Lokin: “He goes out of his way to be polite to the maintenance droid, of all things. Sometimes I catch him talking to it in the middle of the night. I’m sure he’d stop if he realized anyone knew, so I’ve never said anything about it. No idea what he says to it, but it seems a touch less nervous around him than Seneschal-series droids usually are, so perhaps there’s something to it.”
5. What does Khatte wear to bed? And just how do you know that?
Kaliyo: “I don’t know what happens if he actually makes it to a bed and I don’t care, found him passed out on the floor of the main cabin in leather pants once, though.”
Vector: “He doesn’t, and he has both strong opinions and a complete lack of shame about it. We suspect the only reason he wears clothes while awake is the risk of arrest on most civilized worlds, and the risk of mutiny aboard the ship.”
Lokin: “When you live with so many personalities on a crowded ship, it’s usually best to know as little about one’s crewmates’ personal habits as possible. That being said, I regret to confirm that he sleeps nude, and he’s not the type to waste time pulling on trousers in the event of an emergency alert.”
6. Your favorite memory of Khatte?
Kaliyo: “Ooh, how do I pick? Maybe when I found out he was lying about who he was and I got shanghaied into working for the Empire? Or the time he suddenly grew a moral compass for two minutes and let that double-crossing ‘friend’ of mine slip out from under me? No, wait, definitely the time the hairball almost killed me and started treating me like some kind of prisoner because I got double-crossed by the Wheezer. Fun times. I’m thrilled to be working with him again. Really.”
Vector: “We can pinpoint the exact moment he realized that we wouldn’t leave him for someone... easier to love, as he puts it. It took him a very long time to believe that.”
Lokin: “You know, I find myself missing those ridiculous conversations we used to have. It was only a security measure at the time, but there are very few people in this galaxy I can tolerate, let alone enjoy talking to. I really should find some time to catch up with him again.”
7. A time you very nearly almost kissed Khatte?
Kaliyo: “Way back on Hutta, but unlike the entire rest of the planet’s population, probably including the Hutts, I apparently don’t meet his standards. He has awful taste, his loss.”
Vector: “‘Almost’ is a somewhat leading phrase, but still apt, in his case. He has... a complicated relationship with physical intimacy.”
Kaliyo: “Right, I also rank below ‘creepy bug guy’ somehow. Love it.”
Lokin: “Ah... no. For several reasons.”
8. Vacation time! Where do you take Khatte for some R&R?
Kaliyo: “Look, every time I try to take him somewhere fun he ends up yelling at me. Someone else can deal with it.”
Vector: “We always regretted that he was unable to join us on our pilgrimage to seek out the lost colonies, all those years ago. He has asked us about it often, but we can only describe what our own senses told us. It would be impossible for us to know an environment by scent in as much detail as he could, or imagine the feeling of steam vents against fur, instead of skin. We would like to retrace our path one day, with him at our side.”
Lokin: “I suspect I’d have to sedate him to get him to relax around me. He’s got better survival instincts than that. Not that I’m any threat to him at the moment, of course, but he certainly knows that I could be. Perhaps I’d take him tea-tasting, just to see how long he would put up with it.”
9. Khatte’s sense of humor – is it dry, immature, sarcastic, self-deprecating, physical, witty, dark, or…?
Kaliyo: “He’s fast with it, really good at the whole charming witty banter thing, but there’s nothing behind it, you know? It’s a front. One second he’s all smiles and quips and flirting, the next he’s standing over a dead body with a smoking blaster in his hand like it’s nothing. It’s eerie.”
Vector: “We appreciate his wit, most of the time, but we’re fairly certain his sarcasm could peel paint off the hull of a starship if he feels threatened. It’s best not to let him get to that point, unless you want to be very accurately insulted.”
Lokin: “Even when I had an exceptionally low opinion of him I appreciated his talent for wordplay, but you’d never believe it if you met him in a cantina. I’ve seen him hold his own against half a squadron of drunk soldiers. It was appalling. Still, adaptability is key in this line of work and he does have that. But yes, I wonder if the Commander has given any thought to simply letting Cipher insult the Eternal Fleet to death. It might be worth a try.”
Tagging literally any mutual with SWTOR OCs and time on their hands, all of you, go nuts. Even if we’re not mutuals, just say I tagged you if you want to do it.
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