#i would probably also beleive he killed her and want to hunt him down. ngl
I’m glad I’m not the only one who appreciates the nuance of Jason’s character.
I see so many stories where he’s portrayed as the generic homophobic/racist jock bully, leaving out that in every appearance before he (rather understandably) looses it from thinking he’s actually battling demons from hell, he seems like quite a modest stand up guy. I mean, modest in that “my modesty kinda makes me better than you and I do enjoy my own voice”, but he’s cool with everyone and even those he dislikes he just ignores unless they provoke him first.
yeah ngl seeing people go 'jason is obviously homophobic and racist' despite not. displaying any sort of bigotry in this sense perplexes me to no end. (also the same people who hate jason will defend billy who was openly racist and was confirmed as such by the writers and the cast and i think thats hmmmmm)
I enjoyed jason's character a lot! He great example of of the twisted character who believes they're being heroic due to their perspective, but the audience sees that they are proactively making things even worse.
Jason definitely is the high and might modesty type like you said. I think it being the eighties during the satanic panic and him most likely being from a religious family is part of that sort of superiority he feels over people like eddie, who he assumes are into satantic mumbo jumbo. He was genuinely kind to Lucas in the beginning and seemed to think of him as a friend (offering comfort when Lucas had his first hangover, reassuring him that he didn't need to take part in their hunt for eddie and that they would still think of him as a friend).
I thought he was a compelling character that i could see from his perspective, but also the contrasting perspective of Eddie who was the victim the entire time. I liked seeing the difference between the two, both shaped by this traumatic experience of Chrissy's death and how it changed them. Jason believing he is being a hero and hunting down her killer versus Eddie who died for the others to be able to actually stop her killer.
I think people classify him as racist/homophobic/bigoted because its easier to put him into that mean jock archetype than to look at his character as a whole but. it is what it is
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