#i'm going to start sobbing about “nur” i mean fungi can't talk yeah? fungi can only communicate via telepathy with beings like nahida
nacrelysis · 10 months
lines from nahida's story quest ii [sapientia oromasdis ii] that made me cry + will make you cry too (spoilers)
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"our past has been saved, and our future ensured. it's enough for me just knowing that they will return home."
"not all eagles who have fallen to the ground can soar in the sky once again. but if no risks are taken, then the eagle will be grounded forever."
"don't be sad...this is not your home...we go home."
"lord of dendro...should also go home too."
"i learned a wonderful word. it's 'nur,' which means 'light.' it will be your name from now on."
fun fact! the word "home" is used in sapientia orosmasdis ii a total of about seventy times. i'm gonna go cry now.
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