#i'm mexican so i'm always a little wary when someone calls traditional medicine by any derogatory word.
lloydfrontera · 11 months
I read the first chapter or two of the unofficial translation and the acupuncture stuff just kinda put me off, that's too close to quackery for me to take it seriously, so I was wondering about your thoughts on it
oh. oh buddy. listen if you care about medical accuracy like,, at all,, this is definitely not the novel for you lmao
personally acupuncture is not for me, i have a strong fear of needles so the thought of anyone sticking needles into my body is terrifying, but i also feel that way about any kind of shot so i am probably not the best person to ask. as for whether it is quackery,,, maybe it's just that i'm not a native english speaker but that sounds like a loaded word lmao. i think it has to have some benefits, but definitely not to the level some attribute it. i would group it along with chiropractic (which by the way rakiel also does). useful for some people if done correctly but only if accompanied by actual medical advice lol.
plus. i think most people forget how recent most modern medicine is. for a long ass time herbal remedies, acupuncture, moxibustion, things we now consider as outdated or primitive or outright barbaric,,, well they were all that were available at the time. it was the best they could do. it wasn't that doctors and healers of that time didn't want to do better, they literally couldn't. and some of this stuff is still deeply tied to some cultures, is still respected as traditional methods of treatment. to call it quackery feels just,,,, a little icky.
now rakiel is from the modern era, but still, he's not someone who tries to scam people by offering fake miracle treatments with acupuncture or whatever. he's just offering whatever help he can with what he knows to do.
and really this is a fantasy novel. massive spoilers ahead but like. rakiel talks with his goddamn organs. he can get a diagnosis by taking people's pulse. he cured fucking covid with the help of a dragon. his own bone dragon takes x-rays by sneezing. damian uses his excess glucose to make mana blasts. medical accuracy is well behind us.
so like. i get why you could be put off by the treatments he uses, they're not very accurate and are definitely being exaggerated for the sake of the plot, but. they're not much more outlandish that everything lloyd is doing in tged lol. i think it's just that most of us are less familiar with civil engineering that we are with medicine and, uh, basic human anatomy, so we can more easily call bullshit on some of the wild plot devices ajksdka
i am very interested in your thoughts tho! please tell me if you read further and what you think of it!
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