#i'm not ACTUALLY top/bottom discoursing please don't @ me lol
pileofpawns · 10 months
Intro post!!! Wauuugh! Finally!
I have been meaning to make one these for ages but I've never gotten around to it lmao
Hi there, I'm Plum! I'm 17 years old and my pronouns are she/her (though idc if you use they/them on me either). I'm a disabled aroace cis girl. Nice to meet ya! This is where I tip my brain contents into - Consistency does not exist here! I mostly post about my interests (which can change very rapidly), but also make generally nonsensical shitposts and rarely post art I make.
Misc info about me:
I'm okay with any and all gendered language being used on me. I'm not a guy but you can call me one if it's funny (or even if it’s not funny)
Common speech quirks and things I say and type a lot include "wowzers", "eep", abbreviating "-ing" to "-in", and capitalizing words for emphasis
I LOVE turtles. Can't get enough of em. My favorite species is the three-toed box turtle!
You are always free to mention me on posts or send me asks for literally anything! People nudging me to show me something they think I'd like brings me SO much joy.
Fruity fella who loves (literal) fruit
🐢💕 <- favorite emojis
I am disabled!! (I know I said it at the top) My disabilities include ADHD, dermatillomania, misophonia, mitral valve prolapse, and major depressive disorder. I’m only sharing these because I’m comfortable doing so and I want to talk about them!
I have a habit of calling anyone who I am even slightly acquainted with "bestie". If this makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I will stop!
I make visual art, write, and craft things sometimes! You can check out my stuff under the tags #plums art and #plum writes . I've also been playin the violin for uhhh... 7 years now?
I HATE discourse and I'm a strict inclusionist. This blog is safe for endogenic and mixed origin systems, self-diagnosed folx, folx who use microlabels, and pretty much anyone not trying to cause harm to others. Please keep discourse out of here.
I'm a scalie and also alterhuman in some kinda way!! I don't really label it lol but I am a three-toed box turtle in some capacity.
You can find me on ao3 here
You can find me on YouTube here
And you can find me on Discord under the user pickledplums ! If you shoot me a friend request or DM please let me know who you are first or I will likely not respond.
My blog name is a lyric from the song “Ghostdubster” from the “Super Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition” album by Vargskelethor. Give it a listen, funniest shit I’ve ever heard.
Spam likes/reblogs are okay!! They make me rlly happy :))
Non-definitive list of fandoms I'm in/media I enjoy:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (mostly 2003 and rise but I love all iterations)
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
Usagi Yojimbo
PaRappa the Rapper/UmJammer Lammy
Rhythm Heaven
Samba de Amigo
Magic the Gathering (not really versed in the lore but I do play the game!)
Dungeons & Dragons
Spongebob Squarepants (the main cartoon and the musical)
Kid Cosmic
South Park (I am not very active in the fandom anymore and have not watched the actual show in ages, but I will occasionally like/reblog fanart. I recognize the problems it and it’s creators have.)
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userbox credits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (bottom two are by me)
Welcome to my silly little blog! I hope you enjoy your stay :}
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Why the fuck did you like those posts? You're a shitty fucking person if you think that omega or fem Luke is homophobic and then write omega Aemond like it's not feminization in the same way. People defended your fic from the discourse and those same authors that are being critiqued in those posts read and supported your work but I guess its a one way street for you. I'm glad they took screenshots of your shit and posted it on twitter
Oooo the girlies are talking about me! Twitter really sounds wild.
I personally don’t think authors who write fem!Luke are inherently harmful or homophobic. I enjoy many of those fanfics, and might write one, who knows! And I don't know that any of the OPs were calling out specific authors, but if they do in other posts that'd definitely not be cool. Writing fanfic is hard and I'm not here to hate on any author for doing something they enjoy and others love. General critique in a fandom does interest me once I get in deep with it, like I have with lucemond, but in the end it’s all fiction!
If anyone's wanting further explanation and an opinion from me on this matter of fem!Luke, buckle in! Lol.
Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, but I casually read a lot of lucemond so at this point I have a lot of casual OpinionsTM on the pairing lol. Most of which I keep to myself, because we're all just here trying to find things we like, not get nasty about the things we don't.
But yeah, ngl my favorite omega/bottom/fem!Luke fics involve him having some personality beyond being submissive and salivating for Aemond-dick. I'll rec a few: omega!Luke a/b/o paint me in your colours is a great one, modern!au a losing game is getting SO good, and just started a very fem cam!boy Luke fic you can be the boss that's been fun so far!
Also, I admit it, I appreciate when I find fics where he isn’t constantly referred to like he’s a girl in all but pronouns.
There’s nothing wrong with trans characters of course, that can be a great thing to explore—but I think it’s concerning when I open up this tag on ao3 and the “Luke has a pussy” fics are dominating over anything else that's posted, don’t even tag him as trans, and almost always involve him acting very submissive and still looking like a prepubescent boy. And yes, fem!trans men exist, can be subs, and can look young!! Fuck gender roles! But hey, trans men can also look masculine, be doms, and look like adults too, and I have seen zero representation of any of that with Luke. Please somebody point me towards any that I've missed, would love to read!
(Maybe I’ll have to write a one-shot of Luke being trans!masc 🤔 seeing the lack of diversity in the a/b/o tag is what prompted D&S after all 😂)
So after enough of these flooding the ao3 tag, it starts to feel less like trans!rep and more like a trend we could analyze as a fandom whole. After all, if we’re just really cool and shooting for more gender diversity, it should make no less sense to make Aemond trans, you get me? Why are we so hung up on Luke as someone with a vagina?
Again, I don't as a blanket statement agree with the OPs of those posts in saying it's always sexist/homophobic to write Luke this way, or that there's inherent harm, but I did appreciate the discourse especially in the first post that addresses the trend as something to watch out for and think more critically about to avoid perpetuating stereotypes. Nothing wrong with portraying top/bottom and dom/sub couples, but it’s just as common with irl homosexual relationships for that dynamic to switch or even the one who through a 'hereto lens' seems more fem to be the top/dom. When a fandom as a whole is constantly putting a queer ship in gendered boxes (and the feminized one always seems to be very younger/an actual child, like Luke in canon), and also hates on any opposing portrayal, it’s just cause for reflection, ya know?
This ship is already problematic with one being underage and then also being portrayed by an underage actor—honestly when some of the more-nsfw art looks too much like a 12 year old next to an adult Aemond I really squick out—so I’m personally more cautious of how I portray his character just for that reason alone and appreciate when others are too.
Of course, I always stick with the “Don’t like don’t read” mantra of the olden days. Any harm in stereotyping/assigning heterosexual roles to lucemond is SO much less important than real-life stereotyping it's silly, and I’m personally never going to go hate on a story I don’t enjoy, just move on to something I do.
I'm also not going to pretend that I don't enjoy something! I literally just commented on a dead dove fic (derailed by theglitteringdark, the surprise CNC and babytrapping at the end really did it for me haha) with Luke as a trans!femboy because I enjoyed it. If you're looking through my likes, check ao3 too, okay? 😂
Last thing, but I have to add—writing someone unlikely as an omega is fun for me simply because I can then deconstruct the idea of it and, sort of like gender in real life, show that we are more than what is and isn’t between our legs. Idk if you’ve read D&S, but Aemond isn’t exactly a very feminine person in it. And this call-out is such funny timing, I have to spoil—in the very next chapter I'm working on, Aemond (an omega! gasp!) tops Luke! I've alluded to it in many previous chapters so some of you probably aren't surprised, lol.
Alright alright please cherry pick and tell me how I'm awful and wrong now 😂 I don't mind, like I said this is my opinion and it's all just fiction in the end.
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voxofthevoid · 6 days
Hey Vox! Werewolf anon here and glad to hear you're doing good! Or maybe feeling spiteful? I saw your poll and I can't wrap my brain around people who still do top/bottom discourse. Maybe Yuuji needs to go on a marathon and top all three choices?
As for me, I'm glad to see Yuuji kicking ass. And he's definitely giving me the Ichigo vibe with all the convoluted family connections and power legacies lol. He's a human! He's a vessel! He's a cursed painting-ish? What's next???
And that tiny Gojou crumb we got. Seriously it's sad how even those few panels make me happy. Then I see Nanami's weapon being used and ugh my Nanami sadness hits again. Fuck you Gege for killing them. 😭
And ahhhhh you want some updates on my werewolf namesake situation. Well since the last time I mentioned my foray into monsterfucking porn to my non fandom friend, I've also told her about the existence of a/b/o which went as well as you might expect...as in total confusion. She didn't initially understand the link between a/b/o and werewolves but then I had to go full blown fanlore explanations of werewolf fanfics and the whole knotting business and omegaverse and yeahhhhh. I think I might have added to the confusion when I mentioned that it's still mostly a sandbox and each author can kinda pick and choose whatever the fuck parameters they want. Gods...I haven't even mentioned the mpreg yet. Pray for me.
As for the knot dildo...I did briefly look into the inflatable ones but I got a bit intimidated. I decided I didn't want to end up as a Buzzfeed headline by accidentally rupturing an organ or something so instead I researched non-inflatable ones. Because unlike the Bucky in your fics, I do not have a black hole as a body part. I eventually saw a mold I liked and ordered the smallest one JUST IN CASE and uh...
I think you've ruined me, Vox. Because I don't think I can go back to normal dildos anymore. Even this smaller one (Let's call it Steve kun. Pre-serum Steve kun) definitely hit a lot different and better lol. Am I possibly also maybe kinda sorta admitting I re-read your Stucky werewolf fic before I gave the new toy a test run? I mean...I'm certainly not denying it. 😉
I think I'm going to try the next size up. I can name that one Rogers san, like a post serum Steve. Then maybe try the next bigger size and call it Nomad sama? Just keep ranking my knotted dildos based on the Steve Rogers DILF scale but adding Japanese honorifics because I'm unhinged.
Hopefully this wasn't TMI for you. If it was, you can just delete this ask lol. But I get the feeling you'd be cackling over one of your readers using your fics as sex toy shopping/orgasm inspiration. Thank you for writing and please keep feeding us the good stuff. 🤎
Tbh, I’ve been running on spite in this fandom since I posted the first chapter of little lamb to the slaughter and received a comment within 24 hours bitching about top!Yuuji. The spite levels keep rising because people keep clowning. I, too, would like to know why we have top–bottom discourse in the year of our lord 2024. But it’s fine, spite just makes me more productive! And don’t tempt me—I’d actually scrapped an idea featuring Yuuji topping ten men in a continuous narrative, and shit like this makes me want to revive it.
Yuuji’s family tree continues to fascinate me. I’ve been heart-eyed about the whole thing ever since Kenjaku was revealed to be his mum, but the new reveal about Jin and Sukuna has got me howling. Then they added the part about the finger being sealed in him at birth. No wonder Kenjaku sounded so fascinated with Yuuji at Shibuya—sure wish they lived to see what he’ll become.
I’m with you on licking up the Gojou crumbs 🤝 The Nanami crumbs too—still not over Yuuji thinking of him when Higuruma died.
You’re opening your friend’s third eye with a knotted crowbar. I approve! I’m also laughing my ass off. YOU HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED ON THE MPREG. That’ll be fun, especially on the heels of “here’s a highly flexible alternative universe based on disproved wolf behavioral research.” I salute your commitment 🤣
And first things first, no worries about TMI. This—
But I get the feeling you'd be cackling over one of your readers using your fics as sex toy shopping/orgasm inspiration.
—is 100% accurate. I’d print this ask out and put it on my wall if it wouldn’t lead to some…fascinating questions. (Okay, in all fairness, anyone I’d invite to my place wouldn’t even bat an eye, but the landlord is another story.) Anyway, if I’d like to call anything my life’s work, it’s all the porn I write, and getting people off is itself an achievement. Throw in you finding a sexual revelation or ten via knotted dildos (gleeful that the werewolf fic wormed its way into the equation btw), and I’m over the fucking moon about it. I can die happy now.
“Steve-kun” made me lose it, and the progressive naming scheme you’ve proposed made me put down the phone and just laugh for a good few seconds. Enjoy your shopping and please don’t rupture anything!
Also, thanks to you, I’m considering “Blackhole Asshole” as a tag. God knows a bunch of what I’d write would warrant it. Plus, it rolls off the tongue!
Loved the update 💗
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interstellarity · 4 years
just realised that my version of top/bottom discourse literally is who drives and who rides shotgun
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