#i've always been a grell fan!!! i love her so much!!!
azxremoon · 1 year
i listen to monochrome no kiss one time and suddenly im being dragged into the shadow realm by my ankles
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gearbox-dollhouse · 2 months
🎀🗝️👛♟️ ask game
🎀 a ship others like but you don’t?
Hmmm okay this one is hard, I'm very much a multishipper and I can get into almost anything. Maaaaaybe Jay x Brian? But I don't dislike them, it's just that I haven't figured out a dynamic I like for them yet. One day I will like them, I just have to think about them a bit more. Figure out how they fit together. They're cute for sure, I just haven't found anything particularly interesting about them yet.
Otherwise... Spinneraki probably. I never really got the appeal, I'm more a shigadabi fan if I'm shipping him with another villain. It's not like I hate the ship or anything, just deeply Not My Thing.
🗝️ favorite antagonist?
Ough... This one is hard so many antagonists are so fun... I could literally list so many. Probably Grell Sutcliff though? I'm a major simp for her. God forbid women do anything etc etc. I'd let her kill me.
👛 your favorite rare pair?
OH I WAS WAITING FOR THIS ONE. My boys Ryo and Jin from niche manga series Boys Run The Riot. There's like zero fandom and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who ships the two of them but they're so cute and I love them. I've been meaning to write the sequel to my oneshot about them.
♟️a character you feel is overrated?
Hhhhh okay this one is hard. I rarely ever think any character is overrated. It's not really my place to judge the characters people like. Also I don't engage with the wider fandoms of any of my hyperfixations to really get a good read on who's popular.
If I'm being petty though. Claude Faustus will always be overrated no matter how hated he is. Fuck Claude Faustus. I hate that motherfucker.
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grelleswife · 5 years
Why do male pronoun fans hate you so much? What did you do? All I see is you minding your own business but the other side posts passive aggressive posts directed at you at least twice a week. I've been scrolling on your blog but all you do is post things you enjoy?? Why are people so obsessed with you and your ships. I don't understand.
Hi, there! I apologize in advance if my response sounds a bit snippy at times; this rancor is not directed at you but at the "haters" alluded to above. There are a few potential reasons behind their hatred, though the validity of those reasons might be open to debate depending on one's views. First, I am very passionate about promoting Grelle's identity as a trans woman. While I do not send anon hate (that's extremely immature, to say the least) or anything of that sort, I make no attempt to hide my anger when people misgender her if I believe their actions to be motivated by transphobia and/or fujoshi tendencies. My sharp tongue and Mediterranean temper most likely earned the enmity of many male pronoun users.Another potential reason for their hatred might be the frequency with which I post. I adore Grelle with every fiber of my being, am naturally obsessive, and have an imagination that won't shut up. As a result, I come up with new posts about her on a regular basis and reblog my fair share of Grelle art (often with rather effusive tags!). I suppose these "enemies" might assume that I'm doing this simply to spite them? I can be petty, but I'm not that petty, and my world doesn't revolve around TERFs. I just love Grelle (to DEATH!) and want to share that love with the rest of you.A third reason (often alluded to in the vagueposts) is that I headcanon Grelle as bi and tend to shamelessly make and reblog a fair bit of content featuring her in relationships with other Kuro ladies, most prominently Hannah. I'm also the evil bisexual mastermind behind the upcoming Sapphic Sutcliff Week. (diabolical laughter) All jesting aside, I'd like to use this ask as an opportunity to explain my motivations for doing so.
The people who oppose my actions make me out to be a fetishist with the rather ignoble "agenda" of putting Grelle in wlw relationships solely for the sake of titillating my own lusts. However, my main intention has always been to create the representation I want to see. As a sapphic bisexual, I love to see content featuring romantic relationships between women that are healthy, loving, and stable. I adore domestic fluff between female characters. Since my religious denomination forbids marriage between women, it means a lot to me when I can see happy sapphic marriages in fic; if I am denied that in real life, at least I can enjoy that domestic bliss in the realm of my imagination. I especially want wlw content that is made by us and for us, portraying the women and their experiences in a realistic, respectful light rather than reducing them to mere sex objects. However, there tends to be a paucity of such content in almost all the fandoms with which I'm involved, Kuro included. There is little denying the fact that there is a dearth of high-quality content featuring Grelle in relationships with women that also uses the correct (female) pronouns for Grelle. I wanted to see more positive wlw representation involving Grelle, so I resolved to make my own. I realized there were other people who shared my sentiments, so I proposed the Sapphic Sutcliff fandom week as a means of organizing our creative endeavors. I'd like to add that I only ship Grelle with women when the relationship seems plausible to me based on the characters' personalities; while the aesthetic does play a role, it is never the end-all-be-all in any of my OTPs, which I feel sets me apart from a mere fetishist.
One thing I find rather disturbing is that some of the male pronoun users are apparently under the impression that all wlw relationships are inherently "weird" or "gross." We are not intrinsically filthy creatures! We are people just like you, and we deserve the right to see ourselves portrayed in a positive light. Although some of my own content is rather mature, I'd like to think there's more to my work than mindless sex.As a final note, I find it mighty interesting that these people lose their minds over consensual relationships between women while never uttering a peep about Sebaciel. Mighty interesting.Since I don't interact with these people directly, I can't say for certain, but I'm assuming those are the main reasons for their animosity.
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