#i've been stuck obsessing over one of these aus yall sent so i'm putting that on hold and diving into the superhero asks :D
jumpboy-rembrandt · 5 years
OK OK OK IM BACK. n abt the super au is it valid to ask abt the other towns n shit? >:3c like kepler n all that stuff, I love all of it and am DELIGHTED to hear its like a well for this stuff, this au caters specifically to me, tbh
howdy yall i’m back!!
so feighrun is the central city of this invasion, but certainly not the only one affected. some of the hunger’s agents are getting a head-start on world domination, and unless someone wants to pay bus fare for the seven birds, the outer towns are on their own.
the berg is a…tech city, i suppose would be the word. ever since they got trapped, though, the humanitarian-minded Poer’s 24 has been at the head of efforts to understand and break through the attacking forces. by studying the heroes in city and taking samples of their powers’ detritus, P24 gained a rudimentary understanding of how the powers work – and decided to create their own heroes.
with help from the prodigal nadiya jones, a serum was created and administered to twelve members of P24. not much is changing with their powers or backstories, but i will say that irene’s dose was synthesized more closely with samples of the ‘god’-given powers, generating a new proto-god that shares her body.
i can’t not mention my boy remmy even though not much is changing with him here, so here’s your obligatory reminder that remmy is a good good jump boy and i love him so much.
in the town of dry river, though, a much sneakier division of the hunger is taking control. the town had been torn between two feuding families for generations, but nothing causes unity like a war of the worlds. before they can officially declare peace, panic strikes – dylan mathis is arrested for collaborating with the hunger in an attempt on jeremiah blackwell’s life
(attempt. no sad or dead gays in my household.)
the grayson detectives are called in to help by abigail, and urged on by the strangely insistent anne and jeremiah. the trio is errol, who was cursed by the banshee as soon as the invasion began and is now part wolf; gandy, who made a pact with the higher power “uncle oni” and has unpredictable magic abilities; and augustus, a rude old man that oni cursed to come back as a ghost partially for penance, partially to piss off the raven queen, and partially bc he thought it would be funny.
unlike berg, the gods are pretty active in dry river. uncle oni is more-or-less the patron of the trio, and can be defined as a sort of trickster god. he is similar to garfield in that he uses his leverage to fuck with people, but only grants gifts to gandy – she seems to be the most wild and ambitious in the town, and along with finding her amusing, he thinks she can help him out the most too. the raven queen is present through her emissary michael, who is tasked with keeping oni/gandy in check. limdafel and amdefal, complementary gods of order and chaos, are present and active through both sheriff connors and the banshee – dry river’s own complementary forces of order through chaos, and chaos through order.
i got another ask specifically about kepler, so i’ll answer that separately then link to it here! :)
hau abaut you send me saum more suggestions
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