#ic ﹥ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ʟᴏʀᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴘᴇs; ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴜɴɢʟᴇ ( answers )
madebythejungle · 4 years
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@battlesthatmatter​ said: Ten hours? That sounded nice, delightful even. Sooner or later he’d have to adjust, simply for the sake of comfort. Even then, he had no intentions of leaving John or the couch anytime soon. “Yeah, we can put something on the tube. Anything specific?” He didn’t care what the show was, his focus was simply to stay here, with him. That was really all he needed, but the background noise would be good.
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“MM. NO. ANYTHING,” John muttered softly, his nose tucking up close to the other male’s skin once again, before he’s allowing his hand to slip up, fingertip drawing small designs against the skin that covered Rogers’ bicep. “Just noise.” A brief pause, and then he’s letting out another hum, eyebrows furrowing together. “Animals.” He still hadn’t quite learned the names of channels, and at this rate, he probably never would, but there was something he found calming about watching animals on TV. Even if the shows about the animal doctors were kind of gross at times. In fact, sometimes those shows were even more interesting, because they tended to have normal animals that he’d never actually seen before, like cows.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@primankapustoty​ said: [ eyes ]  your muse making mine look them in the eyes during.
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EVERY TIME WITH BUCKY FEELS LIKE THE FIRST TIME, REALLY. Maybe it’s because there’d never been anyone before him, just Bucky, and the other male’s hands on his cheeks, drawing his gaze in, has John’s heart picking up in his chest, lips lowering to press against his in a slow kiss, arms flexing slightly to hold his weight off of his partner. “Buck,” he grunted softly, the word out of character for his usual quiet grunts, pressing another, longer kiss to his lips before he pulls back enough to properly look at Bucky, faint flush spreading over his cheeks.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@battlesthatmatter​ said: The werewolf quietly awooos at John from across the hall.
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HE PERKS UP AS SOON AS HE HEARS THE OTHER MALE, body on alert. He wants attention, like he always does, and it doesn’t take more than a few moments for him to be barreling through the door and to his side, head slumped down onto the werewolf’s chest, large body all but covering him in an effort to get as much attention as he can. “Hi,” he huffs softly, blond head nuzzling closer as he does.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@likeprotege​ said: 11 for that affection meme :*           gif for reference.
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HE’S NO STRANGER TO EGGSY CLIMBING INTO HIS LAP. Truthfully, the other male does it more than either of them care to admit, but John doesn’t really mind. His arms wrap around the smaller male’s waist as soon as he starts shifting on top of him, an affectionate sound soon following before he’s pressing a kiss to Eggsy’s lips, nipping at his lower lip gently. One of his hands slides up, beneath the other’s shirt, pulling him closer as he kisses him once again. “Comfortable?” he huffs softly, half chuckle escaping his lips as he does, arms wrapping around him tightly.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@primankapustoty​ said: "Hiya honey," Bucky grins, eagerly sliding into John's lap for a sweet kiss. "Y'know, you're definitely my favorite seat," he muses between more kisses, though he knows it isn't news. Really he just wanted an extra excuse to cover John in kisses like John /deserves/.
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A PLEASED LITTLE CHUFF ESCAPES JOHN’S LIPS WHEN BUCKY SETTLES INTO HIS LAP, arms immediately coming to wrap around the other male as he leans in, meeting his kisses with some of his own. “Good,” he huffs softly, hand rubbing up and down the other male’s back before he’s hugging him closer, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Should sit more often.” It’s a half-sentence as he instinctively leaves out words he deems unimportant, and it’s only how well Bucky can understand him that fills in the blanks, completes the thought as John feels himself grinning.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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what are your muse’s feelings towards the culture of romance and sexuality as it pertains to their identity?
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WHEN IT COMES TO ROMANCE, JOHN REALLY ENJOYS IT, even if he doesn’t fully understand it. But when it comes to the culture of the modern world and how they treat sexuality, he sort of hates it. He’s not a fan of labels, and doesn’t view them as important, because at the end of the day, the only thing he cares about is who they are as a person and how they feel about him in return. Gender and labels are not his concern, and it usually frustrates him greatly whenever someone asks him about them, because truly, he doesn’t even fully understand it or how to phrase it if he was going to entertain the thought of answering them. And then there’s the fact that he doesn’t agree with people and how they shy away from sex. Truthfully, he enjoys sex and is shameless about it, because he wasn’t raised in a culture of being ashamed of it. He embraces being sexual, and will gladly boast about it as long as his partner is comfortable with it.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@touchfelt​ said: 🎉 (From your choice of guy!)
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HE DOESN’T QUITE UNDERSTAND THE CELEBRATION OF THE NEW YEAR. Really, it might have made sense to him if he’d grown up surrounded by it, but he hadn’t. His only choice, really, was to just go along with it. See where it leads him. He’s mostly curious when Hunter pulls him down to a more reasonable height, and when the other male’s lips met his own, he makes a brief hum before he returns the kiss, still not entirely sure why it’s really happening.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@nanlanmo​ said: “ what i’m saying is what happened was fucked up ”
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IT’S A GRUNT IN THE BACK OF HIS THROAT, the sound that escapes him. Vague and something of an acknowledgment, not that most people would recognize it as such. There were few in the world who could interpret his grunts as the words they were meant to mean, but he made no effort to elaborate, because he rarely ever did. There were some things that human language just couldn’t convey. “If that is what you say, then I have no arguments.” Perhaps to the language, but that was an argument he didn’t wish to pick.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@likeprotege​ said: 🎉
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HIS HANDS COME DOWN TO CUP THE OTHER MALE’S CHEEKS WHEN THE BALL DROPS, and though he doesn’t quite understand the hype behind kissing someone for the new year, or even the significance of the new year in general, Eggsy had wanted to kiss him, and he was more than willing to oblige the request. He leans down when he sees other people leaning in, taking that as a cue that it was time, lips molding to Eggsy’s eagerly.
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@likeprotege​ said: “I need someone to kiss at midnight. You up to it?”
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THE SOUND THAT ESCAPES JOHN IS A LOW, HUFFY CHUCKLE as he watched the other male, looking down at him as he let his fingertips trail over the other’s cheek slowly. “I am,” he says finally, giving a small nod of his head. A mischievous smirk spreads over his lips, his head cocking to the side just a touch as he does. “But maybe we should practice, yes?”
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madebythejungle · 4 years
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@likeprotege​ said: “ either kill me or shut the fuck up ” / collect him before he starts a fight.
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IT’S A HUFF IN THE BACK OF JOHN’S THROAT, ANIMALISTIC AND ALMOST A COUGH, that Eggsy’s words bring about. Maybe it’s because he is most definitely protective of the other male, over six and a half feet tall and standing in the background, a screaming warning to anyone not to mess with the shorter male that makes it almost comical to him. “Come now,” he huffs softly, moving closer to the male who is picking fights, arms wrapped around him before he scoops him up, all but carrying him away from the fight that might have broken out otherwise. “Don’t want to see you hurt.” The words are short and guttural, huffy in a way John isn’t often as he presses his nose against Eggsy’s neck, because his scent is something that calms him, and he doesn’t want to get unnecessarily tense.
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madebythejungle · 5 years
@seesgood said: ‵ if i can still breathe, i’m fine. ′
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“That might be enough for those so-called friends of yours, but it’s not enough for me,” John muttered lowly, voice barely anything more than a growl as he stood in front of the blonde, chest to chest, his head turned down so he could inspect her. Even the mention of her friends had the dark veins beginning to spread out from beneath his eyes - anger filling him at the way he’d seen them treat her. “Let me take care of you, Caroline.”
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madebythejungle · 5 years
“ I love how your breath pauses when I put my mouth on your cock.”
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The sensation was foreign, without a doubt. But foreign in the best possible way - and Bucky, naturally, would know just how to push his buttons when it came to things like this. “I feel like I need to hold my breath. To savor the feeling,” he muttered, voice low as his thumb brushed against the other male’s full lower lip, dragging against it gently as his eyes darkened. “I like watching what you’ll do when I don’t do anything.” He liked to sit back and experience just as much as he liked to tease the other male - and he never kept how much he enjoyed that a secret at all.
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madebythejungle · 5 years
a soft switch who loves to make his partner happy :’)
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You’re so right it hurts. Like, it actually hurts. He is So Soft and he just wants his partner to be happy.Top : 0Bottom : 0Switch : 1
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madebythejungle · 5 years
1-10 of the kinky questions
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A soft hum escaped John’s lips, his head cocking to the side just a touch. “Kitchen counter. Uh… Haven’t had any sexual encounters. I think Batman would be pretty great in bed, not that I’d know if he was or not,” he started, head cocking to the side just a touch as he thought. “Really slow kisses actually get me kind of squirmy. Like… If someone takes ten minutes just to kiss me once? Wow. I don’t think there’s anywhere I wouldn’t have sex at least once. Can’t answer number six either… I saw M’Baku pick up a really big rock and it made me horny and I don’t really know why? I don’t… I’m not big on restraints. But if I had to choose something, probably some kind of soft fabric, so it doesn’t hurt. Quickest way to turn me on??? Probably letting your fingertips brush against my skin, or something. And then, I guess, uh… I’ll do whatever my partner wants me to. Top or bottom, doesn’t really matter to me.”
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madebythejungle · 5 years
@lotcria said: ❛ i’m here now : it’s gonna be okay . ❜
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“Shh.” The sound that escaped him was harsh, eyes clenching shut as his senses continued going haywire. His heartbeat pounding in his ears practically hurt, his lungs feeling constricted as his head stayed ducked down. The feeling of teeth digging into his skin was an all too familiar memory, but not something he enjoyed thinking about - in fact, it was something he avoid thinking about as often as he possibly could. But it still haunted his nightmares, and waking up from them was never pleasant. It was why he did his best to never truly sleep deeply enough to have them. “I can’t... Breathe.”
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