#idk what it is about polls for scheduling but they make me want to die
damnprecious · 1 year
love being a human disaster and making shit harder
old friend group suggested a meetup at some point during the summer, one person decides to instantly make a poll about scheduling on whatsapp, my brain instantly fries because for some reason I just really can't deal with scheduling through polls (have experienced this same many times before where I just look at the poll and die inside) and thus now I simply explained that I have no plans for the summer except two very specific dates and that I don't have brain cells to vote and am now sitting here going : D feeling bad bc when a fourth person said X date that suits the people who had expressed their schedules so far works for them, the person who created the poll was pretty rude about 'did you Vote It' bc they hadn't actually hit vote (which imo was unnecessary since we already had most people agreeing to the date and the two who haven't said anything are rarely active in the chat anyways so what does it matter if they vote or not lmao)
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 5
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Captain Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359):
Her everything <3 But in all seriousness WHAT is more sexy than a haunted, competent, funny, cursed, vengeful, mourning, badass, doomed woman?
listen to the run and hide speech and tell me that isn't the sexiest thing you've ever heard
Hot space lady who could kill me mmm yes please!
(sort of) twice-undead space captain who wired a bomb to her heart to make sure the crew of her ship didn't kill her before her escape shuttle got working. she's funny she's a genius she knows how to use a gun and she cares very much about her crew (despite the whole bomb thing).
#LOVELACE #idk who she’s up agaunst really tbf #but she cares so SO much #she gets boiled down to ’tough scary lady hot’ a lot (which 100% agree) but #she is heartbroken about her failure to keep her crew safe #and stubbornly wants to make sure none of it is in vain #even if it kills her #HOT. ​even apart from how hot her monologues and threats to hilbert are #also her and eifel laughing and getting along when they first meet her 😭 yall #anyway. lovelace 1000%. the defense rests
Vote Lovelace cuz of the way she says "Hi honey, I'm home" to the bastard who shot her in the head, and then how she proceeds to beat him up <3 Oh. And how she twists his arm and says "good boy". Yeah.
#LOVELACE SWEEP. DO NOT FUCKING LET ME DOWN #Lovelace is so much to me #Seen some people in the notes citing the run and hide speech#Which is very good #but my personal favorite Lovelace thing is variations on a theme #The cyclical nature of trauma #The lack of trust #The fear #the sadness #‘You can never go home. You were home. And now you’re back— and you can never go back.’ #Lovelace hearing Hera say something to her and #Thinking ‘what she’s actually saying is that I’m a demon and she would be glad to kill me in a slow and horrifying manner’ #Is so #I don’t agree that Lovelace is doomed either #Like #lovelace did die. But #She got out of that pain and trauma #How do you listen to her say that she is Isabel Lovelace #That she rejects the person that pain made her to be #And say she’s doomed
captain lovelace helped 12yo me realise I like women. She’s so hot. her threatening Hilbert is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. isabel lovelace SWEEP
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Mina Murray (Re: Dracula)
As the winner of the Dracula sexyman bracket which ran before brackets were even a huge thing on tumblr and as a podcast character sort of now that re:Dracula is a podcast I think she deserves a place in this bracket
I would kill for Mina I would die for Mina etc
Mina helped everyone kill Dracula with her reports and memorization of the train schedules!
Mina got her mind invaded in order to be used as a puppet, and she took advantage of it by uno reversing the mind link to hunt down and kill her tormentor. Twice a day she gets into a state of being buried alive to achieve it. She dreads vampirism yet she's using her vampirism to her advantage. Her man vowed to become a vampire for her. He hates vampires. Yet he will offer his throat to her only.
Mod Note: This poll is about podcast characters, please only vote and offer propaganda for the Mina Murray in Re: Dracula.
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
Hi, Connie. I know it's been a while since you did any headcanons and idk if you still do them, but I'm curious of your opinion. I realize the wall is one giant quarantine bubble, but the people are still free to do as the please inside it. How do you think each of the chocobros would handle an Insomnia-wide quarantine like what's going on in most of the world right now? What if one of them got sick (assuming a FFXV equivalent of COVID-19?) How would Regis, as King, take care of his people?
PS: Aparently the Keep Reading line is having some troubles. May appear right under the question (how did it get THERE?) or nowhere at all lol pls forgive tumblr he trying. 
It’s definitely been a while since I did any headcanons, but that’s because school has kept me busy like crazy, and when I have spare time, I put it into my two big fanfics going on (I don’t want people to wait too much!) but I’ll definitely keep doing these, every single one of them, until I finish, even if it takes me years and years <3
The ask prompts are one of my favorite things in the world so of course I’ll keep them going!
YOUR PROMPT IS SUPER INTERESTING!!!!! AYYYYY, let’s see what this raccoonie brain has there!! 
FFXV Insomnia in a quarantine
First things first, the government
Regis, as King:
Regis is going all the way into making sure EVERYONE can stay home.
Regis is going to ask the other countries to lend Lucis money. As in. M I L L I O N S.
“Your Majesty, you ARE aware we’re nowhere half to repaying that debt in a near future?”
Regis has brain and, most importantly, humanity. He’s definitely going to put the country in debt for the next 15 kings is that helps people right now.
Mostly because he’s aware it’s no one’s fault. 
Regis is announcing what he’s going to do to keep people safe publicly:
The next three months of any loans are forgiven. Mortgage, rent, water, electricity, and all the public services will be free for the next three months. If you own any debts, be it a house or a little clock, you don’t have to pay on the next 3 months, and instead that amount will be divided into future months in small amounts so it’s recovered in the medium or long run. No one needs to spend one gil in any of the basics, don’t worry about that, it’s covered, government’s got you, SO PLEASE STAY HOME. 
Regis is aware that some people can’t stay home because what little they earn is what they spend in basic food; Regis is going to spend lots of the money he burrowed in them.
Regis is going to pay as well to teachers and artists for online classes and entertainment, because he’s aware of the mental/emotional distress people can be in after certain time indoors. 
Regis is going to put most the money in the medical and cleaning services.
Regis is going to keep online and phone polls for people to fill in particular cases (I still need to go out because I need to go look after my mother each friday, I still need to go out because I need to go get medicines each certain time at this district) so the Citadel’s intel know best what to do.
Regis is going to make sure to have teams sanitizing public transport and places everyday.
Regis is a no-game man, dammit.
((Regis is the reason Insomnia only needed three months before being free))
Makes sure the media broadcasts not only the death cases, but also and most importantly the healed cases. Not gonna let the media get stupid with this for money or paranoia, no sir
Noctis, as prince
(Remember the game tells us he was a damn good prince as in politically? what a bean <3)
Noct was taken more off guard; Regis acted immediately like a (good) madman, Noctis still needed a bit to process it
Noct is who comes up with some ideas that Regis puts into action (the phone/online polls, the online classes, for example)
Noct too manages some of the intel going on during quarentine to see how the city is progressing and how else they can help.
Noctis is in charge of the interviews along the...health minister (?) everyday, while Regis stays at work and intel.
Noctis makes sure to do a livestream each certain days to greet the people, answer questions, or just have a bit of fun, and to remind them to stay home and to keep the spirits up. We know Noct would rather rot in boredome in his sofa because Sleepy Boy, but he knows the effect he has on his people, so he does the livestreams for them; to keep them entertained, informed, and simply to keep them sane.
Noctis came up with the idea of making an app/text service for those that suffer of domestic violence; “staying home” sounds easy to him because he has a huge house and a good family, but he’s aware that not do everyone. 
(Putting a keep reading here)
Sleeps it away lmao
Honestly Noct doesn’t have much troubles with the whole “stay home” thing. He likes home. He LOVES staying home. LET HIM STAY EVEN AFTER QUARENTINE IS OVER.
Noct has videogames and his bed. You don’t need to tell him twice to stay home. 
Noct sleeps most of the day. 
Noct decides to not shower everyday.
The only trouble Noct goes through is that his room starts getting super messy everyday and Ignis isn’t going to appear to help him out. 
Noctis spends his time doing homework and mumbling about how “teachers didn’t use to give us this much homework until quarentine, this is just their excuse goddammit fuck this shit”
I feel you Noct
Besides that, videogames, trash food, and sleeping.
It’s 9 pm, he’s in pajamas. That he hasn’t taken off in three days. 
It’s 6 am and Noct is out of bed. He hasn’t slept since 2 am.
What is this guy’s sleep schedule.
Despite the careless and carefree attitude, Noct still worries. He still has to stay the most informed, as the prince, of the international and national situation, and it sometimes gets stressful.
When Noct sees numbers grow and a gloomy future, he gets stressed but won’t say it; that careless attitude is his way of coping. Like pretending it’s not true.
Noct worries about the poor, too, and the low and working class. He too came up with more ideas along with Regis to keep them safe too and not force them to work while the middle and upper classes stay indoors like it’s not the big deal.
Noct thinks a lot about Prompto. He knows he doesn’t need to go out too much, but he also knows how much of a terribly, horribly emotional distress Prom is in when staying at his house for too long.
Noct takes up on video-phoning Prom, everyday. His best boy can’t be sad, stressed, or messed up, and he’s going to keep him sane and cheer him up everyday. 
Noct may or may have not ended up inviting Prompto to spend quarentine at the Citadel with him. He hadn’t finished saying it when Prom was already at the Citadel’s door asking to be sanitized before going in.
If he got sick, everyone around him would be more scared than him LMAO
Noct: so can I skip online school like this?
He’d be looked after with almost paranoia, there’s only two of the Lucis Caelum alive and honestly losing the heir and only one that can have kids at this point to the virus woulnd’t be very epic on history books
Noct IS worried, just pretending he’s not. 
Noct is going to avoid Regis LIKE A PRO. He’s going to ask to live somewhere else, will ask to sanitize his room and keep it locked, will ask that Regis gets nowhere near ANY of his belongings. Basically, Noct is going CRAZY over avoiding Regis...so Regis doesn’t catch it :’’( 
What a pure bean
Even if Regis tries visiting him, and even if the whole place is sanitized and like a little bubble away of the rest of the world, Noct will still not want him to come inside. 
Honestly, this is going to make Regis really, deeply sad and maybe even hurt. He wants to stay positive, but he keeps thinking of what if Noct dies to it, and not only dies, he’d also die without having held him for a last time or seen him.
They meet through the window. They phone each other and just touch through the closed window... :’) </3
Noct knows he may be over protecting Regis, but he’s honestly not going to have it any other way. He has way more than enough watching his old man grow old too fast from the Ring to run the risk of giving him this stupid virus. If he has to make his old man sad in order to keep him healthy, SO BE IT. 
He’s fine.
He’s just so cool with this.
“Ah, of course. A plague. It was our turn, as was expected.”
...w...what are you talking about, Ignis.
He’s barely impressed. 
Master of following instructions, they told Ignis to stay home and THAT he did.
The store? The neighbor? Just an inch outside his main door? NO. THAT’S NOT INDOORS.
It’s not that he’s paranoid, he’s just not bothered by the idea fo not going out and he knows that the more he stays home the faster this will pass that he just. Stays in, sometimes not even looking out the window for a day or two.
Ignis still phones Noct each two days to remind him his room is messy do something because I won’t, or do nothing, the cockroaches will help you with the crumbs and leftovers in a day more.
Ignis isn’t bored. He still has home office and paperwork to do, the poor, young, miserable thing. 
In his spare time he likes doing stuff he likes, as he normally didn’t have the time to do. 
Ignis is making sure to call the other chocobros to make sure they’re ok. He’s particularly attentive to Prompto.
Boy is having video calls with Gladio because Best Friends. 
Ignis attempts to do as your raccoonie; will try to finish two-week worth of his paperwork in one or two days t o have the rest of the time free LMAO
(I hope, unlike me, he’s succeeding at that)
Ignis worries mostly about others and the outside Lucis. He takes up on the advantage of being bros with the prince to suggest something, that Noct can suggest to Regis to make it better for as many people as possible.
If he got sick, he’d attend hospital and not go out until he’s 100% okay AND spent 2 weeks with no fall back into it. 
He’d thank the doctors and nurses like every five minutes honestly. Iggy appreciates they’re doing such high risk job, keeps admiring them. Dammit.
He would accept no visits. Is it the prince? tell him to FUCK OFF. 
Mostly the throne family Ignis won’t dare visit even after he’s healed.
Ignis is not overly worried about the illness. He has stupidly strong defenses and can see himself getting out of this. He worries just what’s normal but keeps spirits up with all the numbers of healed cases.
Go Iggy! 
Surprisingly, he’s taking this really well.
Gladio’s sort of more scared than the rest at the news; he was so prepared for physical enemies, the idea of an abstract, non-physical one suddenly sweeps him off his feet.
But he handles it well. So long he doesn’t watch the news.
Gladio won’t listen or read the news on the virus; he’s aware of it, he’ll take care and be careful, but he won’t read or hear numbers or updates, he’ll just live this out until it’s over.
Gladio takes his mind off it with indoor exercising, lots of it. 
Gladio’s job was mostly physical, so he takes on the advantage that he has nearly no chances of home office to do stuff he likes; mostly, this nerd will drown in history documentaries on KupoTube, will watch the equivalent of Disney and Dreamwork movies, will read like the world is ending, and will take up on online courses.
He likes crafts. Okay? Leave him alone and let him give his baby steps into watercolor painting. 
Gladio is video calling Noctis. To force him to exercise LMAO
Gladio is holding back a Desperate-To-Go-Out Iris.
Gladio’s not letting Jared go ANYWHERE
Gladdy it’s ok :’)
A bit paranoid when it comes to others, though will still be a bit paranoid about himself.
Gladio is mostly calm about it; just a few times every now and then he’s stressed and a bit too troubled for an easy sleep.
Video calls Iggy every day because Best Friends.
Iggy keeps him sane, the baby :’(
Honestly, Gladio also makes sure that Ignis is ok. Ignis is always looking after all other three, but Gladio is who’s most aware of looking after Ignis. Ignis won’t say it, but he’s probably feeling very lonely after a month indoors, as his family won’t pay much attention to him. Gladio’s making sure to keep him happy, distracted, and in good spirits, and in company.
If he got sick, he’d probably have a very bad emotional time at first.
Gladio would cry and think nearly for sure that he’s dead already.
Not like in drama, he would seriously get sad and be very, very scared :’(
Same than Noct, he wouldn’t let Clarus near him or any of his belongings, nor Jared. Not Iris either, of course, but he worries more for the older men.
Gladio would probably not do very well emotionally in hospital. He’d spend there the necessary time, but then he would probably like most to be in an apartment for himself if available or in his room without letting anyone near. 
Gladio will keep thinking of the chances to live or die, of how scary the idea of a virus with no cure is, will get really gloomy and negative on it.
His family try to provide emotional support, but every time they call Gladio just drowns himself in ideas like what their family would do if he died and it just makes him sadder
The doctors and Iggy are what keep his spirits up, to be honest.
The sadness lasts the first days. AFter that, Gladio’s going to handle the ilness like a DAMN WARRIOR
A new treatment and the consequences are unsure? BRING IT ON.
Whatever it is, Gladio’s HEAD IN FOR IT
Baby boy just needed some time to process it. After that he’s just taking it so lightheartedly, even the doctors get cheered up at his bright attitude towards it.
“You’ve progressed on a 1%”
What a beautiful boy omg
This one is the chocobro that REALLY gets hit by quarentine.
Prompto’s not hyperactive, he can stay indoors if they ask him to...the problem is his house.
Prompto gets easily anxious staying at home for too long. He spent his childhood locked away in there, isolated. No parents, no friends, nothing. He stayed locked away in what was the toughest moments of his life. He doesn’t hate indoors, he hates indoors at his house. It brings all of that back.
Prompto’s trying to keep all the lights on to make it less like in his childhood; gets easily guilty remembering the huge debt the King put himself into so he doesn’t have to pay for electricity and now he’s wasting it. 
Prompto gets easily anxious around food nowadays. Remembers it was staying indoors doing but eat what got him so fat and lonely.
(Prommy it’s ok, fat is not bad :(( this poor angel )
Honestly Prompto’s so busy emotionally stressing over being indoors at his house that the pandemic in the world isn’t even super concerning, it’s just as if there was a storm outside; he knows it’s bad and that not everyone can stay safe from it, but he’s just worried in his own situation at home.
His parents get to stay indoors with him for home office, which is as good as it is bad.
For some reason it’s not so comforting because it makes Prompto think of how absent they used to me. For some reason, it also IS comforting because unlike his childhood, at least they’re there now.
Prompto tries to make the best out of this and tries bonding with them when they’re not busy.
It actually works <3 They don’t get overly emotional or anything but they get to spend some good time together, watch movies, talk more, etc.
It helps Prom with the food issue that Dad does the cooking this time.
Good as his parents are with him during quarentine, it’s home, like the physical place what keeps gnawing at his emotional health.
Prom is going to try EVERYTHING to keep himself distracted. 
Iggy phones him constantly, which helps a lot. Noct videocalls him everyday, which really keeps him up.
Prom is taking BUNCHES of online courses and classes, bECAUSE THIS BOY LOVES DOING AND LEARNING STUFF
Week 6 of quareantine, Prompto has made his own jacket out of kitchen towels. It’s...actually impressive.
If he got sick, he too would be paranoid.
More than sad, Prompto would be openly scared and nervous.
The chocobros as a Four:
They’re having online video parties and meetings.
The four got a pizza each. They’re video meeting, and pretending it’s the same pizza lol
The guys are showing their quarentine achievements to each other.
“Look, I’ve let my feet nails long because I don’t need shoes anymore and I shaped them like I’m a dragon haha”
“Oi look, I learned a new trick with my yo-yo”
“Look how GREASY my hair is right now haha. what do you mean if I’m attending the national interview later like this, of course I am”
The chocobros are sending each other online courses that they think the others or one of them will like
They’re having one of those online movie in different computers together. 
Also multiplayer games because they can.
Ignis wins every time. 
The chocobros are playing a 4-members Squad mode in Battle Royale games. Noct and Prom are okay. Ignis is the Pro. Gladio is the bait.
Cor is surprisingly calm about this.
Cor is spending his time meditating.
Cor has barely any paperwork, as his work is mostly physical, so he gets a lot of time free with Regis’ politics for a proper literally-no-need-to-go-out politics. Meditation that is.
Cor is phoning Prompto each now and then, too. 
Prompto would answer happily that he’s fine and with no virus. Cor finally once tells him he’s not asking if he’s ok about the virus. Prom needed no more explanation and just said he was ok, if a little sad.
Cor is working out at home.
Cor is getting bored.
Cor is reading, watching series, or meditating, or cooking just for the sake of it.
Cor just has one problem.  He’s a workaholic. You give him no work, this man starts slowly having a meltdown and descent into the abyss of madness. He needs to die of stress, how else do you expect him to live?
The first weeks were fine. After the first few weeks Cor starts getting anxious about needing work to do.
Cor you stupid thing 
Cor is starting to get distracted in meditation because he keeps getting anxious about working in something.
Cor starts phoning Regis.
“Do you have any paperwork for me now?”
This is every two days. 
Regis COULD have given him something. Regis doesn’t. Cor needs to learn to know how to be AT PEACE FOR FUCKING ONCE.
Cor is making paperwork up to work on lol
Cor was diagnosed with the virus. They put the virus in quarentine for its safety. 
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garfieldexplained · 7 years
The Garfstream
So, I’ve spent the past couple of days working, drawing up different ideas, and testing different streaming services on different platforms. While it’s not perfect, I feel like we are in a good enough place to at least pitch ideas for the type of content you guys would like to see and give just a general update to the stream.
From now on, the stream will be called the Garfstream. and I will try and stream as much Garfield related stuff as I can. If I end up streaming anything that isn't in any way Garfield related just for fun or boredom, I will title the post Nongarfstream. They will also be tagged as such, for easier access. 
I want to try and stream AT LEAST 1-2 times a week, but considering my erratic retail work schedule and general lifestyle, this could be more on some weeks and less on others. This also means I can’t really put down a schedule for what specific days I’ll stream. If I end up settling into a basic routine, I’ll update with an official schedule for the stream.
Now, on to the stream ideas.I feel as if I should iterate that none of these ideas are concrete, as I might not have what it takes in regards to equipment and such to make all of these happen. Regardless, I am still gonna list all of the ideas I’ve gotten, as I would genuinely like to do most of these. I will specify any qualms that I have with this stream type in the description of them.
Well anyway, on to the actual ideas, I have created a Strawpoll for easy management of what you guys want to see. The Strawpoll is here, as well as in a few different areas along the post for convenience. Please choose whatever you want to see on the straw poll. Choose as many things as you want, you're not limited to one. If you like them all, then click them all! I also have a “I’m fine with all of it” option if you’re lazy! I want to do most, if not all of these at some point, but if it doesn’t have a lot of votes with you guys, it will negatively impact when I do it, or if I even do it. So please vote!
>>Strawpoll is here<<
A list of all of the activities, complete with descriptions after the break! Please Read Them!
Garf Shows/Movies
The Garfield Show (continued) [Not possible yet]
Now, unfortunately I do not have any means of doing this yet, but if I ever found a way to, I would really like to do this.
Garfield and Friends
It appears that it is on Hulu. Now I don’t own Hulu and don’t necessarily like Hulu, but I’d be willing to get a subscription in order to stream this. Also interestingly enough I found a YouTube channel for it, but I think it’s just for compilations and mini episodes. If anyone can confirm I’ll post the channel page once I return
The Live Action Garfield Movies
I have no clue how I would stream these, but I would be freaking stoked to stream these somehow.
Doodle Streams with Tumblr and Friends
I would love to stream my artist friends and I doodling absurdist, surreal and generally bizarre Garfield drawings. You viewers at home can submit prompts for us to draw, and even join us in prompts and send in your artwork to us!
Now I only have a little $99 wacom art tablet with no screen, so my art quality significantly diminishes in comparison to my works on paper. So expect more rough, gestural dumb doodles than absolute masterpieces. I figured this would be a good way for me to get generally more acclimated to my tablet, and have fun with friends along the way. Also we might occasionally deviate from Garfield if we get bored or if the prompts lead us away from it.
Garf and not so Garf Games
Garfield Kart [Currently a Terrible Experience]
I sampled streaming this, and not only do I suck really hard at it and consistently land myself in last place, with the stream on, the stream runs at like 3fps, while my pc runs at like 20-25fps. Basically it was a terrible experience for everyone involved and I would only do this if I had some practice with it and got a better PC
Garfield GO [Might be impossible, I don’t know yet]
Unsure if I could stream it or how good it would be, but it is most certainly an option. Haven’t looked too into this.
Garfield Flash Games on Garfield.com
I just noticed that they have a lot of Garfield flash games on Garfield.com, and I wanna play them and see how weird they are
—Not So Garf Section----
Fighting off the Mondays with the Anti-Mondays Task Force (Battlefield 1)
A Monday stream where we assemble the Anti-Mondays Task Force platoon on PS4 to play with us and stave off the Mondays. This goes for both my friends and anyone who joins the PS4 platoon and wants to play with us. Sorry PC players, I’m a console pleb with no money to upgrade my toaster PC.
Dark Souls 3 Garf Run
A run through Dark Souls with a character from the Garfield Universe, and try to make as many Garfield references as possible, whilst dying as little as possible. Disclaimer, I suck really hard at dark souls and will likely die very frequently and make really shitty plays, so if you are a ds3 god, please don’t watch cause you will probably cringe yourself into a singularity.
Until Dawn, but with Garfield
A run through Until Dawn, but we set characters as different characters from the Garfield franchise, and see who gets killed off and what happens to them. Now, i have never played until dawn and therefore don’t know what happens so I feel like this could be really dumb and fun!
Undertale Genocide run as Jon Arbuckle
*Suggested by@thegreatestegg*
A genocide run through Undertale, but as Jon Arbuckle. Now I’m going to go right out and say it. I never had much interest in Undertale. I can appreciate it for what it is, but I’m not crazy about it personally. Sorry if you like it, I don’t. However, this is a pretty great idea and if I can snag undertale on sale and it’s popular amongst you guys, I will be willing to swallow my pride and play it for the first time. Warning, I will probably suck.
Non Garf
Other dumb shows and movies from other franchises (Mario Super show, Sonic Cartoons, Gaming Show IMPG, Air Bud, etc.)
*Partially Suggested by@thegreatestegg*
I watch other shows and movies that aren’t Garfield, but equally fun to poke fun of.
Non Garf Games
I can pretty much stream most of the games on my PS4 and some on stream, so I might stream something random when I’m bored and not in a Garf mood. I will list just some of the games I have down here
PS4: Battlefield 4 & Hardline, Guitar Hero Live, Killing Floor 2, Overwatch, Prey, Resident Evil’s 0,1,4,5,7, Code Veronica, and begrudgingly Umbrella Corps, The Evil Within, Uncharted’s 1-4, DMC, Soma, most games that came out free since like last year, and probably a few others that i’m forgetting.
PC: A Fuckton but idk how they will work out on stream. some of my favorites include Left 4 Dead 2, Terraria, Cry of Fear, Half Life, Half Life 2, etc.
>>Strawpoll is here<<
Yep that’s pretty much it. If you have any suggestions for what I should stream, let me know with a comment below this and of its feasible I’ll add it up and credit you! So Please Vote! Thank you!
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fourteenacross · 7 years
2016 in Review
I’ve done these stupid surveys every year for the past ten years and I don’t care if LJ is dead, I’m gonna keep doing them.
The writing one is still in progress because it involves a lot of linking and thoughtful responses. Below are Fandom in 2016 and Life in 2016, mostly for my own records.
Fandom 2016
1. Your main fandom of the year?
Oh god, this has a different answer for the first time in five years, but definitely Hamilton? Up until SM, the only fannish words I wrote this year were Hamilton, most of the shit I reblogged on Tumblr was Hamilton...jesus, it’s like 2004 up in this joint.
2. Your favorite film watched this year? This is really difficult. Um, probably Ghostbusters because it blew me away and was totally unexpected as a favorite. I knew I’d probably like it, but not necessarily six-times-in-theatres level of liking.
Runners up are The Conjuring 2, which would have won without Ghostbusters, and Moana, which I found surprisingly moving and would probably see six more times without getting bored.
3. Your favorite book read this year? I’m gonna say Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older, which is an amazing modern urban fantasy set in Brooklyn about an afro-latina teenager who discovers she’s part of an old spiritual order that can channel spirits into art. IT’S SO GOOD? But I will say that The Diviners by Libba Bray and the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo were neck and neck with it right up until I made my final list for our WBS year-end episode. The best middle grade book I read was George by Alex Gino.
4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year? I honestly am not sure that I listened to any “new” albums outside of The Hamilton Mixtape this year? I spent the start of the year listening to Hamilton and Great Comet non-stop, then listened to every Dar song in order and all of the 69 Love Songs in order for a couple months...but yeah, the only ~*~new~*~ thing I can think of is The Hamilton Mixtape.
5. Your favorite TV show of the year? Prooooobably Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Or maybe the end of Gravity Falls. 
6. Your favorite online fandom community of the year? idk. To be honest, I still don’t quite ~*~get~*~ tumblr (tho I had some nice conversations via the chat function, despite my general awkwardness as a human), LJ is dead, and while I connect with fandom friends and talk about fandom on Twitter, I don’t do that as much as I whine about my life. I guess AO3 has been great via comments received, but that also feels one-sided, as chatty cathy as I sometimes get when responding to people’s comments. Most of my fandom conversations this year have PROBABLY been over text? 
7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year? I’m trying to think if there was anything new I was super into? Maybe Six of Crows, which I talked about a lot and read a couple fics for?
8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? X-Men: Apocalypse, for sure. Man, after DoFP, I had SUCH HIGH HOPES for XMA, which was totally my own fault. Every time someone made a comment about how weird something looked or how dumb something sounded I rolled my eyes, because they had done the exact same thing for DoFP, which was AMAZING. But, uh...this time they were all right. The more I thought about the movie, the more it fell apart for me. 
9. Your TV boyfriend of the year? Strictly teevee,  probably...idk, Luke Cage?
10. Your TV girlfriend of the year? I don’t watch SNL regularly, but can I cheat and say Kate McKinnon?
11. Your biggest squee moment of the year? Seeing Hamilton. Seeing Great Comet. Ghostbusters. 
12. The most missed of your old fandoms? I really missed the joy I got from DoFP when I was watching XMA :(
13. The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to? I’m p mono-fannish, so I’m good for now.
14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year? Going to Chicago in May! Heroes! DragonCon! WBS liveshow! Maybe other things! I don’t know, I haven’t planned that much of the year yet!
General 2016
What did you do in 2016 that you'd never done before? Voted for a woman for President. Went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Um...probably other stuff too? Gosh, I don’t know, I’m so boring.
Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
+ Make a writing schedule and stick to it Did not do this. Like, at all. I got maybe a week on schedule over the course of the whole year /o\
+ Go on more dates Yes! I did do this! None of them really went anywhere, but I went on a whole bunch!
+ Get into the cooking habit and stay there Ish? I got better about making lunches for the week, but I wasn’t super consistent with it. Another thing to try in 2017.
+ Read more I did do this! Sort of! I didn’t keep super good track of it and I was mostly trying to read more adult books and I failed MISERABLY at that.
For 2017: + Read more adult books + Keep track of good things that happen + Make a writing schedule and try to stick to it for at least a month + Be better with money--pay off half the credit card + Go on more dates
Did anyone close to you give birth? Joni had a baby! It was so weird! One of us grew a tiny human! He’s ADORABLE.
Did anyone close to you die? My (step)grandfather.
What countries did you visit? Just this one! But within this one I went to...Charlotte, ATL, Orlando, Arkansas...and, you know, the Northeast in general.
What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016? I'd like to feel more on top of things. I'd like more organization in my life. I'd like more sleep. I'd like a girlfriend.
What dates from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? November 8, not for good reasons, unfortunately. May 21 (Hamilton, Hadestown), November 12 (Great Comet), stuff like Heroes and DCon. 
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Finishing the goddamn ghosthunters fic, HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN?
What was your biggest failure? idk what my biggest PERSONAL failure was, but I certainly know what my biggest failure as an American was :\
Did you suffer illness or injury? Brain stuff, some colds, and I broke my foot.
What was the best thing you bought? Great Comet tickets, plane tickets to visit various people. My dumb Silhouette machine that I love. Tiny John Laurens and The Washingtonians, both of which are within my sightline. This fuzzy blanket.
Whose behavior merited celebration? My friends. A lot of excellent activists.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? The American people as a whole and everything associated with our clusterfuck election outcome.
Where did most of your money go? Grown-up type stuff (rent, utilities, groceries), cons, and travel.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? HeroesCon, DragonCon, Hamilton, Hadestown, Great Comet, The Conjuring 2, finishing the ghosthunters.
What song will always remind you of 2016? I mean, mostly just The Hamilton Mixtape, probably.
Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? Uh. Up until November I would have said “happier,” but currently I’m definitely sadder and more anxious. b) thinner or fatter? Same. c) richer or poorer? Same.
What do you wish you'd done more of? Writing. Sleeping. Hanging out with people.
What do you wish you'd done less of? Being depressed. Obsessing over stupid shit people said on the internet.
Did you fall in love in 2016? With this fuzzy blanket.
What was your favorite TV program? Brooklyn Nine-Nine!
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Many, many people. THANKS, POLITICS.
What was the best book you read? Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older. See above for more details.
What was your greatest musical discovery? Nothing really new, tbh.
What did you want and get? Cons, brunch, travel, Great Comet tickets.
What did you want and not get? A female President. A girlfriend. More sleep.
What was your favorite film of this year? Spy or Star Wars or Jurassic World, I guess?
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 31! The weekend before, me and @pearlo​ and @cygnaut​ and @littledust​ saw XMA a couple times! And Laura and Erica and I went to the Gardner and then I had a party and people mostly hung out and played Drawful and drank a lot of champagne. On my actual birthday, @ginthusiastic​ and I just went out for dinner after work and I had a drink that was the same color as my dress.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A different election outcome. Literally anything. A box turtle could be our president and I’d be happy.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2016? Retro-y dresses.
What kept you sane? @ginthusiastic @pearlo @caphairdadbeard @isjustprogress @intrikate88 @anachronistique @lisapizza @charmingpplincardigans @brilligspoons  and the rest of the Boston crew whose tumblrs I don’t know/remember, and the DCon crew and The Hamilton Mixtape and theatre and the cast of Hamilton and crime show marathons.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I have a Daveed Diggs problem. And an unfortunate swing crush on Morgan Marcell. And Kate McKinnon was A THING that happened. And Jasmine exists and also Stephanie Beatiz and XMA was a bust, but Sophie Turner was A+.
What political issue stirred you the most? Gee, I wonder.
Who did you miss? Pretty much everyone when they are not right next to me. Sarah Bay, a lot, but I feel weird singling one person out. [This is exactly what I wrote for the last two years, but I'm keeping it because it's still true.]
Who was the best new person you met? I’m trying to think of actualfax new people I met? Boston Maja is the only IRL person who comes to mind immediately? Oh, and I met Ellen at DCon? Online-wise, I met a slew of great folks through Hamilton-related crap and you’re all lovely 💜
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016: I’m still not sure what the lesson from the ‘16 election is. Don’t trust polls? People are more misogynistic than you think? People are more racist than you think? I don’t know. I guess I’m still learning it.
Quote a song that sums up your year: I am the one thing in life I can control
Maybe THAT’S the lesson of 2016. idk, man.
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