#if this makes no sense pls send another message and i'll make a shorter one hahaha
hatchibomitar · 7 years
Heyo I just had a quick question for you, is hoarding exclusive to OCD? I'm a little concerned I might have issues with hoarding but I don't think I have OCD and I have always assumed they were exclusive so I'm a little confused.
nah i don’t think it’s really exclusive to it. it’s super possible to have only one symptom of a mental illness but not have the actual thing. like i have a lot of bpd symptoms personally but it’s definitely not enough both to constitute as a “diagnosis” (but i dont rly care abt) BUT it also doesn’t mean i have the disorder itself. so i definitely think you can have a hoarding issue but not have ocd! i think actually the real Definion/Diagnosis of ocd is that even if you have all the symptoms possible, it only is ocd when it impacts your life and stops you from living normally. ok this is just confusing sorry haha
No i don’t believe that it’s exlcusive aha, you can have any symptoms of anything but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have it :-) i understand your worry/confusion and i also actualy realy understand having hoarding issues, it’s a really scary thing to not be able to Stop yourself from doing things and that sorta goes for every mental illness but it rings especially true for me for all my ocd symptoms. im sorry hahahha i keep going on tangents if you are confused then tl;dr no they’re not exclusive and you’re ok haha
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