#if we wanna keep this we gotta vote for biden
lawhat22 · 2 years
Uvalde, Texas.
I wanted to post something sooner but my mind and thoughts were too scattered. I was literally speechless and couldn’t think to what to say or how to say what I felt. Kinda still don’t but here I go. As fellow American and Texan myself, I’m so angry and hurt by the actions that happened yesterday at Robb Elementary. I’m not father yet but just the thought of those parents and what they’re going through is unbearable to me. Also as a worker in the school system, I’m a bit shaken to go back to work with this incident in the back of my head. I can only imagine the fear of the attack as it was happening for the children, facility and staff in that building. We’re trained for situations like that but it actually happens is different story. You just don’t know. But I know my role at my campus and I gotta continue doing my work and make sure it’s safe zone for me, my coworkers, the staff and kids. And make sure this doesn’t happen to us here! As far as gun control I don’t care you’re pro gun, a republican, democratic, liberal, voted for Biden or a Trump supporter, throw all of your political views out the window. This is a humane issue that needs to be addressed and resolved immediately. Enough is enough man. We can’t keep putting this aside. Actions are required now. Innocent lives were lost that shouldn’t be lost! I know there’ll some asshole to hop on and attack this topic. Just stfu for once and just put yourself in those parents shoes. They thought yesterday was a normal day for them, until get a call of see news about the shooting. Some punk ass evil 18 year old with AR-15’s is attacking the same school you dropped off your kid that morning. Imagine the panic and terror going through their heads. And then founding out your kid was one of the victims. Think about that for a sec before you wanna argue. That punk shouldn’t have those guns. It could’ve been prevented. But here we are again. It’s sickening. I will conclude by saying our time is limited here. Take a breath, appreciate what you have. Call your loved ones. Send out that positive energy. Enjoy every minute you have. Because you never know. To the lost ones you may rest peacefully forever and the families of those, I pray for healing in your times of grieving.

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folkiefruit · 3 years
y'all do understand that rights are forcibly taken, not given, right? Like I'm not saying DON'T vote, but please understand that neither Trump nor Biden is going to just GIVE minorities anything. Women, BIPOC, LGBT people, etc. have had to organize and protest and demand our rights, and only when we cause enough hell for those in power are we listened to. If voting is how people gained rights, then how would women and poc have gotten the right to vote in the first place?
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striving-artist · 4 years
From @fjordtoughtexblade​ on this post about Biden’s Student Debt Plan
You can call me progressive as though that’s some form of insult, but I still think that they should commit to just eliminating it all together, all payments and all debt accrual via education, the whole kit and caboodle.
Banks renegotiate the terms of loans all the time, that doesn’t make them bastions of class equality. Reworking the current educational debt structure doesn’t do away with what the ACTUAL problem is: the designation of education as the sole province for the rich.
Is Biden better than Trump? Yeah, in the sense the being killed quickly is better than being killed slowly. What I mean is, this whole situation is a pile of horse shit, and to sell it as anything else is, at the least, disingenuous.
@striving-artist Joe Biden is a right-of-center moderate, and he’s *barely* that. In most other western countries he would be a true believing, dyed in the wool conservative. Reworking the loan structure is the barest of bare minimums that a government could do to incentivize the continued participation of millennials and gen z in a workforce that soon going to need to prop up the failing economy of a nation about to navigate the largest and most deadly ecological disaster in the history of mankind.
It’s a bet hedged against our better futures. Designed to *look* appealing to liberals while *being* appealing to conservatives. But the blowback’s gotta go somewhere, and it hits us right in our future. He could have committed to completely erasing the structure of paying for knowledge, college and vocational training would be free and freely available, and the US could have one of the most highly educated, most highly trained workforce in the world to help guide us through the shitstorm that everyone know’s is coming, but instead we kowtow to the desires of a few ultrawealthy people, and knowledge is inaccessible to the lower classes.
So, please, spare us all the unenthusiastic explanation of a truly, and deeply disappointingly transparent capitalist attempt at an olive branch between the right and the “left.” Thinking about it just makes me sad.
sorry to pull this into a new thread, but I cannot bring myself to reblog that full wall of text again. Unfortunately this is also a very long post, but, I wanted to cover a couple things. OP is tagged bc it felt rude to quote them and not tag.
These kind of responses (and I’ve gotten about a dozen or so out of 9k reblogs) are as far to the left of Center in America as the Tea Party is to the right. They’re ridiculous, and they’re damaging to their own cause. I am a progressive, and these responses annoy me.
This is like walking into an ice cream shop, and being pissed that they won’t sell you a burger. There are no burgers on the menu.They’ve never sold burgers. But maybe, If you and all of your friends show up, time and again, week after week, and support the ice cream shop, while continuing to ask for burgers, maybe, eventually, they’ll add burgers to the menu. But if you walk in once, throw a fit, write a yelp review and think you’re done, they’re gonna ignore you. They should. You’ve proven your demand is performative, and nothing more.
You wanna know why the Tea Party became accepted as a thing and the far left hasn’t? because y’all keep leaving yelp reviews and going home. The Tea Party moved the Overton gap to the Right. The Far Left threw a fit and weakened their support when Obama had to compromise to get progressive bills passed.
And this idea that you can measure American Politicians on other countries’ scales, is absurd. That’s not how anything works. But if you do, make sure you look at the full spectrum. There are places that make Trump look like a flaming liberal. But see, we live here, and have to deal with our political scale.
The options currently on the menu are the only things we can choose from and expect to receive, and there is no version of the future where we flip a switch and instantly get the future we want. Go ahead, order a burger, you aren’t going to get one.
There is no version of American politics where a guy gives a magical speech in congress and the clouds part and the light shines down and the conservatives suddenly decide to enact a wealth tax, ban all guns, and commit to a socialist lifestyle.
Oh, wait, or were you planning for armed revolt instead? Have fun facing the US Military, they’re disgustingly overfunded, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. Enjoy your coup.
You wanna fix things? You wanna move The Overton Window until talking about fully wiping loans is a real debate in congress? Until we’re talking about not just taxing the income of the wealthy, but taking back and redistributing the mountains they’ve gathered? So do I. Do you have a plan? Not just wanting the electorate to miraculously shift left, but an actual plan to move them? No? Do you have anything other than whining and pie-in -the-sky dreams? Cause right now, there is only one way we move towards our goals. We find the best option we’ve got, and we remind them constantly that we want more. 
It is slow, it is painful, it is the work of years, we have to compromise, we’re going to lose some battles, and the rewards are incredibly rare. It is easier to give in, give up, and surrender to whatever the right wants this week. We keep ourselves going by celebrating what we can. 
So how dare you tell people they’re aren’t allowed a moment to be happy when something goes our way? This plan isn’t enough, but even this would change my life, and that’s true for millions of people. For the space an hour one night, my future looked a little less terrible, and I was excited, because the work during the primaries had done something. Biden’s plans are further left than any major presidential candidate in history. Hands down. But I’m not allowed to be happy about that?
Fine. Sure. you wanted a burger, I get that. A burger sounds nice. But every time this attitude shows up, I’m reminded why the GOP has so thoroughly trounced the democrats in so many elections. The far right always votes with them, because they can see that incremental improvement is better than incremental loss. Meanwhile the dems have the far left, which has people like this, sitting at home, writing pissy yelp reviews about the fact they wanted a burger.
I’m genuinely sorry this group has decided to live their life in a way where they’re not allowed to be happy until everything is perfect, because they’re never going to be happy. I can’t live like that. So yeah. I’m gonna keep celebrating the small victories.
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wumblr · 4 years
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direct quotes from this article:
the Democrat is enmeshed in a scandal that sparks enormous ugliness and name-calling and conspiracy theory. That scandal may or may not be vaporware,
Time has moved on, and after four years of President You Know Who the political calculus is different
(who can keep track of time anymore?) [Ed. note: Anyone with a calendar, clock, watch, or essential job]
Far more important than that — because I do not think Joe Biden is the principal character in this drama, except in a limited, accidental way — Tara Reade's accusation and its spreading repercussions are like an underground explosion that threatens to lay bare many of the contradictions of left-liberal politics and gender relations and feminism that lie just below the surface of this historic election.
i gotta stop reading here because i just wanted to make a joke about how they edited the candidates’ heads onto one tailored suit, but lemme summarize real quick to see if i’ve got the neoliberal angle straight? so you trot out the term “vaporware” in the second paragraph to discredit tara reade, make a voldemore comparison and some jokes about how you’re too wine-drunk to keep track of the passage of time, and then admit (far down the page, in five-dollar words) that if you accept her story as true, then you have to throw out the entire american political system? okay babey!!! go on then, out with the bathwater with you lol get out my face with this “if we believe those allegations we have to believe more allegations” logic -- yeah!!! we do!!! glad we’re on the same page, such a shame it’s different books
if you wanna clown in the notes about how i should vote for biden anyway, well, after last time, i am now legally required to disclose that if you do, i will decapitate you and feed your thorax to my young, like the murder hornets. if you wanna clown in the notes about how you can abstain from voting in the presidential election while still voting in local elections, i’ll allow it, but you should know that you’re wearing insufficiently thick beekeeping gear to protect yourself from my potentially lethal venom
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gayshowerthoughts0 · 3 years
I genuinely think that either my mom is a literal facist or theocratic bitch, either that or she just doesnt understand thw truth of the matter. But either way, i told her that with the mail in ballots it might take them a while to count them and she said that "if they couldnt count them in time then why did they go through with it" and other classics such as "it should be illegal for them to do that, if we (me and her specifically and other commoners i guess) wanted to do that we wouldnt be able to, I dont know if shes under the impression that mail in ballots them selves are just bad, or if they are holding open the door for people who missed the actual election day by still allowing mail in ballots to be turned in after the fact, or if she thinks that counting all of the ballots is bad, or something. I know that last one is true, she's like "it should be illegal for them to still be counting votes after election day has ended" and im like trying to explain but its just sinking in, I'm convinced she thinks that them counting ballots that came in before election day ends after election day and has it confused with them still letting ballots come in.
She also thinks that "stupid people shouldnt vote" but because i was in there spitting facts to the best of my abilities, she also added on "but also smarty pants who think theyre smart but their not smart spiritually"
She said i should vote with my soul and that Kamala Harris was a demon and that joe Biden is a puppet, and I'm sat here like, did this bitch really just say all of that mess, like what does she think a representational democracy should be? I think people like that believe that people should be voted in and perform their duties as they want them to, but only some, like i dont know if they think that Christians are still 99% of the country, but they are fully convinced that if the people want them to do something they should(asterisk) except when its something they particullarly dont like because of "a vocal minority" idk girl.
I wish i would have though of this description back when i was talking with her about it because i fully think she doesnt under stand the whole, "counting votes != letting people cast votes" != means "not equal to" in c# because i couldn't find the right one.
Anyways yeah thats the bullshit trump and his followers are going into this election thinking and going to the supreme court with because hes a joke and an opportunistic monster.
Like if someone hands him a gun, hes gonna shoot it, if someone hands him way more power than a president should have, hes gonna use it, if they give him this election and he wasnt the actual winner, by both the popular vote and the electoral vote, then yeah, hes gonna take it, and presumably keep taking for as long as hes alive.
Alex Jones: hey mr. President i just wanna say big fan,
Trump, now fully focused on the con man before him: thank you, you seem very nice.
Alex Jones: aw thanks mr. President sir, i just thinking, gays got too many rights these days, i dont think they should be getting married, and the bible says it so my hands are tied even if I didnt want to because my agents told me not to say it but I'm being brave and speaking my truth while being legally vague enough to not illicit any cancellations, but anyways Mr president ive been thinking, we should put em in a camp somewhere, just go through the streets and gather em up, and take them to this camp, maybe we try to make them the gay intended and make em straight, if they cannot be cured of this sin, then lets just oh idk, maybe shoot em or, put em in some kind a rooms and full those rooms with poison, or maybe just work them till they stop being gay, and if they cant stop being gay well theyre gonna keep on working.
Trump: you know what, you called me Mr. President which a lot of people dont do but they all do because I'm the president they have to love me, and I have no idea who you are but i gotta say im already a huge fan and since you like me you must know what your talking about, lets do it. "AMY, GORSICH, KAVANAUGH"
All three: yes sir Mr. President sir.
Trump: is it illegal to do what ever the heck that guy just said?
Amy: well i certainly dont think they should be married, its just not right for my actual marriage to be compared with some kinda tax fraud scam because gay people arent real they just do it for tax benefits.
Gosich: yeah i was hit in by one of those things, then i turned around cause I was scared he was gonna diddle me, and screamed and ran away, it's disgusting, and wrong, and dont get me wrong, i have gay friends, i just dont think they should be allowed to exist, and I'm only saying that because the bible says and so i cant not agree with it, even though i already agreed with it, but the bible says so I couldnt even if i wanted to which i dont, but I'm not a bad person i promise.
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ok I waited long enough to write this
but when I been going through the election tag there r several posts like “stop saying there’s more work to do just let us be happy u dont have to be a drag all the time blaaaah”
and it’s like ok. I did wait to write this so u can be in ur happy bubble. and yeah, I was relieved bc we won that battle. but nothing is over- there IS still so much more work to be done and sometimes when u win a battle and u get that lil bit of relief ppl give up & go back into being complicit. kind reminder that we’ll end up right the fuck back where we JUST WERE and STILL ARE. let’s be real here. I dont wanna keep doing shit. I wanna sleep. I wanna feel like everything is fixed. but it’s not. I'd LOVE to be super happy and feel safe and feel like everyone I love is safe. but I'm not and we’re not. like sorry for stating the obvious?? like u guys remember....facts ab Biden right...like u rly gunna make me list all the reasons he is a piece of shit?? glad he won, still hate him.
so yeah, we won this thing. but im still not happy w the state of this country. why should I be? & like ofc I worked for and voted for Biden...but I dont like or trust him at all.  he’s better than trump absolutely. but now we have to learn how to force him to go thru w ppl first policies (which he will have to force the senate to go along with) while he’s adamant ab being a centrist and not causing more division rn- which is great as a speech but we need someone to DO THINGS lol 
and he & other politicians only do things when we MAKE THEM
there’s still so much to do and im so tired and I dont think im being a party pooper by saying so
and fuck...yes I know he has plans to do some good things. great. we gotta make him stick to his word ab those things. we gotta hold him accountable. we gotta keep working and community building! he can’t hand us a better America, we have to build it 
he may be the face but we’re the hands. 
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Today at work I got my shit done. Then hung out with my coworkers repairing a 34.5kV CB and that was fun, joking around with them. Talked to Jared about fishing. Worked with Angel on a crossword puzzle, we did well. I was too tired and, after asking Nevi, decided not to take the OT and just went home. 
Daniel had made some crazy chicken, short ribs, and sweet peppers, all grilled. They were delicious! Then I, sigh. Talked to Ashwara and argued ‘cause I ain’t fucking voting for Biden. And he was like, that’s our political system now. And I was like, so I should be ok with voting for the OTHER rapist? Like, fuck the DNC. This system is broken. I’m focusing locally. And he’s like, you can do both. And I’m like, yeah, I am, with 3rd party. And then he was like, that’s worse. How? How are democrats any better when they keep pushing towards more and more conservative candidates?
I get so tired reading the news, especially reading Amy Coney Barret or w/e the fuck her name is and her desire to be a legitimate piece of shit. No birth control, reverse gay marriage, she’s down with voter suppression. Everything I read about her is hell. Reading about the environment is hell. Don’t talk to me like I didn’t fucking consider all this shit we’ve said EVERY YEAR. Vote blue no matter what, vote blue no matter what. You don’t want to fight? Fine, idgaf, why are you giving a fuck about what I’m doing? We all have our ways. I wanna go and risk my life ‘cause I don’t care about it. I’m sick of people telling me what to do and I’m sick of the DNC saying, hey. We’re the better choice. You know you have no choice. You want Trump? 
Your vote isn’t going to change the DNC. So voting for Biden will? Like, what the fuck are you fucking saying? Fuck you. Fuck America. I love this country, I wanna see it get better but it sure as fuck wanna subjugate me. I love getting to live in CA and going to an Armenian neighborhood and get some kebabs, then the Korean neighborhood for some cold spicy noodles, then taco stands on every corner. 
Don’t even get me fucking started on Harris. Forcing MTF trans people to stay in men’s prison. Is down with ICE. Biden has said ON HIS PLATFORM to give more money to the police? REALLY? IN THIS CLIMATE? 
I am shit at memorizing stuff. I don’t remember all the stuff I read and researched that made me go, fuck this. Just because my recall is shit, doesn’t make me a fucking idiot. I am. But not for that reason!
How can you say ACAB and unironically vote for Biden and Harris? How? 
Man I gotta stop talking about this shit. It’s making me mad. 
Mad means I’m scared. Means I need to do something about it. I need to volunteer for a political org. I just gotta find a grassroot. CA liberals are fucking clueless but. Just me getting angry ain’t doing shit. I gotta find time but. Mental health first. I guess. 
On another note, I started recording a let’s play of Yakuza 6 for my buddy Alex. It was a nightmare listening to it. My awful jokes. My awful everything. But I’m still happy I did it. I uploaded it and I will link it to her when I can. 
Anyways. Yeah. I’m fucking mad. I’m living in hell and they tell me to vote not for old white man rapist 1st place winner but old white man rapist 2nd place winner. 
I wish I didn’t get so mad at Ashwara but fuck. It’s too late. And I don’t disagree with what I said. I’m flipping mad and treating me like I’m being irrational is fucking insulting. After worrying day in and day out and doing all this research. I was fucking fuming. 
Deep breath. 
We cool, we cool. 
self love time ~~~~~~
I am mindful of the home I live in and how it provides a safe and peaceful haven for me and my family. I feel grateful for...
My bed. My cats. Daniel. Working shower and toilet. Nice kitchen. Backyard to grow shit. Laundry hook up. Being near Asian food. 
internet access so I can talk to my friends. 
I love my friends so much. They all live so far from me. Japan, Virginia, Canada, Mexico. God. I daydream about hanging out with them in my living room and playing video games then cooking dinner together. But they’re happy where they are and I’m happy for them and I love them. I hope we can hang out someday. 
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sometimes self-care is crying over an election that hasn’t even happened yet?
look i know we gotta vote blue no matter who but for the 2016 election i was so focused on school and just keeping my head above water that i like... barely had time to think about the primaries but then i had to take medical leave in the fall and i was in such a bad place that i just went numb for several days after the general. and this time i’m SO excited about bernie and warren’s cool too but if biden wins i will honestly go through the five stages of grief
and my parents keep acting like i just gotta suck it up but the level of sadness and exhaustion that i am personally feeling about biden is EXACTLY what happened nationwide for clinton last cycle and like... they genuinely think that this is a valid strategy? just. fuck this. i wanna cry.
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jinae-escape · 4 years
If you dont see the wrong in canceling Gone With The Wind...than your as lost and confused as the next milleniums or genz blah blah fools ,because gone with the wind was the first movie to to win and give an oscar to the FIRST BLACK WOMAN !!!!!! like your canceling it for black lives matter organization ( do people even realize who funds and are behind black lives matter organization soros,clinton, and hey fact all your donation is going to the most racist president candidate ever joe biden funds for his presidency campaign but ima stop thats a whole different rant post) when it was a very first great achievement for black woman in film? great job you morons ,by the way all those white liberals screaming cancel gone with the wind are the real racist retards and isnt it funny everyone ignores the black voices saying NO WAIT we dont want this ....wasnt this the movie that got the first black woman an oscar ect.....YALL ARE BE PLAYED THE FOOLS AND YOUR GO RIGHT ALONG WITH IT SO EASILY
If people really care about history here the amazing woman that won the oscar for this movie: Hattie McDaniel
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dont you find it really odd theyre trying to destroy good images of black people( gwtw,syrup reallllly.....,uncle bens rice ect just completely blow over the good in black history like the elevator,microphone,carbon lightbulb,... funny how they dont teach the black inventors or all the good black people have done good for us and they focus on these sellout celebs and over payed sold theyre souls athletes “achievements” ) when I was in high school i had to look up black inventors myself in BLACK HISTORY MONTH....
...even negative or bad history good history.......ITS HISTORY we need to know this stuff so we can pass it on and learn and learn from it or know what really happened....its to wipe the black history clean....this is democrats plans since the beginning of the demoncratic party creation 
fun fact not alot of kids or adult know this fact cause it was a plan in the 70s to cover it up but....ima open your eyes
The south in the civil war who wanted to keep slaves and treat black people like less than humans started this party we know today as THE DEMOCRATS the democratic party and with hundreds years later THEY STARTED THE KKK organization
The North was well as we know people wanting to end slavery (black and white fighting side by side willing to fight for the thought we are equal and free) ..and the biggest fact they try to hide is 
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 NOW PUT THIS ALL TOGETHER you notice these democratic owned states and city are saying go destroy your cities and black communities (ever notice these poor black communities are democratic owned decades of poor and badly took care of community THATS THEYRE PLAN were democrats your black your have to vote for us were the answer gargabe lies repeated)  destroy statues with racists past (once again its history it wiping history clean away we wont know the sorrid past bad and the good ) cancel syrup with kind black woman as image bass ,cancel uncle ben rice its racist somehow ,ect major moments for black people lets tell easily led foolish youth to destroy black history  CAN YOU SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE NOW 
they got you destroy statues of good people who were for freedom and were for equality , you get 10 years now you get caught destroying the statues....they wont tell you this cause they dont care about you....DONT DESTROY PROPERTY dont waste your life away in prison IT AINT WORTH IT
FACTS FACTS FACTS ,should’nt lead with emotions ( its hard to do it yourself ) but always go on facts before you get riled up,it takes time for the full story to come out...or the full picture to be seen
all this from democratic cities oh and hey go destroy Abraham fu**in Lincoln the man who WAS FOR BLACK PEOPLES FREEDOM (was assassinated for that very belief)freed slaves...
 people PEOPLE please tell me your not this stupid and lost come on
hillary clinton super racist white woman trash funded black lives matters ( and you have a black woman as the co founder yea right she just a fake image Patrisse Khan-Cullors and this rancid a@@ woman wants to segregate black and white people again) geroge soros (look this devil up) funds you to go destroy your communities and others oh and hey HE FUNDS ANTIFA (you know the terrorist group) and all the good intentions we had to send our(yes I was played too) money for donation to the cause right? black lives matter organization? right well guess what all that moneys been going to the democratic party evil slimy hands and TO JOE BIDENS PRESIDENCY CAMPAIGN so he can run for president ,he needs money to run for president which means ads,rallies,ect and he getting from the suffering of black people and well meaning people ...PEOPLE WAKE THE FU** UP
dose’nt even anyone realize hillary clinton is...was..is in court for her treason against the united states (emails evil against against humanity) and riots broke out and protests (ego THE BIGGEST DISTRACTION IN THE HISTORY OF DISTRACTIONS) and the mass media never not once covered her in court to the BIG NEWS TO HAPPEN TO THE U.S. since I dont know 911 and not one media outlet covered it???hmm obama was/is in court weird no americans know about it...hmmmm 
oh and perfect just perfect the evil snakes behind the curtains ACTUALLY are trying to actually convince you some lost sheep to defund our police or take them away YOUR TAKING AWAY OUR ONLY PROTECTION in our communities taking our real heros forget these fake movie heros these ARE OUR REAL HEROS (you signing away your life if you stay silent or not speaking out that you want to keep  your police or protect them) you take away the police in your city or whatever armageddon is and will be in your neighborhoods they have nothing to fear you sighing you and family lives way (these evil celebs and politicians saying defund your police ect they have theyre own personal security to protect them whenever they dont need to fear BUT YOU SURE AS HELL DO) WAKE * THE * F* UP
theres thousands and thousands upon thousands of GOOD COPS out there and the cops (3 4 shi**y cops out of those thousand of thousand upon thousands good cops) that were not cops or human in my mind were arrested and are going to jail for good 
dont attack the good cops who live day to day to protect us
look this up yourself if you dont wanna take my word for it always best for yourself to look up both sides of the story and come to your truth
dont be gas lighted dont fall for the lies ,the media and celebs and evil disgusting politicians them all scheming and lying and diverting out attentions to separate us and fight among st ourselves to ignore whats really happening in the background DONT LET THEM
black white asian mexican indians any race its true LISTEN TO YOUR HEART  ignore what celebs and mass media tells you WE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER other we love each other , yea we sometimes get into fights or arguments in stores but you dont need to see their color theyre just an asshole not everyone in that color is that way jesus tells us to love one another were equal in his eyes ,believe what your taught since your little ,dont listens to the demons working for the devil to separate us DONT LET THEM
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wise words (and to the people misquoting or adding edited pictures of martin luther king jr to fit their agendas I wish you the worst possible out come in life) and to the people falling for it the rev was about peace and love if and any images or quotes comes off any other way against his life mottos ITS A FAKE look up his speeches theyre beautiful and youll know the fake from the truth 
we need a leader among our communities who for us all to be in this together (black,white,asians,mexican,indian,ect) we need someone like martin luther king jr not these leaders(black,white) for hate ,segregation,and violence its against everything right and YOU KNOW IT
delete later just cant take this outright lying and scheming anymore ,praying and praying I just gotta rant sometimes
JUST PRAY YOUR GOVERNORS HAVE A BACKBONE who dont give into the lies and plotting - 
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