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you want requests uh ? UH ??? dadwin where keefe snaps at elwin for one thing or another and freaks out bc hes ruined everything and---
Ahh, thank you for the request! Soft angst is one of my very favorite things to write. I hope you like it!
“I drew you a picture.” Keefe glanced down at the carpet. “I hope you like it.”
Elwin smiled at him warmly. “I'm sure I’ll love it!”
Keefe raised the piece of paper he had been holding.
It was a sketch of Elwin laughing, glasses askew, warmth in his eyes.
It was the way Keefe pictured him.
Elwin pressed a hand to his heart. “Keefe… I love it.”
Keefe offered him a tentative smile. “You do?”
“I do!” Elwin held out a hand. “May I see it?”
He was going to tear it into pieces. He would destroy it. He didn’t like the way Keefe had drawn him. He hated it.
Keefe clutched the piece of paper tighter to himself. “You can’t have it!”
Elwin drew his hand back. “Oh, okay. Well, it’s a very nice drawing.”
And now he hated Keefe because he wouldn’t give him the drawing. There was no way to win. Why had he thought the drawing was a good idea?
Keefe felt his throat closing up. He couldn’t be here while he cried. Elwin would get angry.
He turned and fled to his room, holding onto the drawing like it would fix everything.
Elwin stood outside Keefe’s room and took a deep breath.
He should have known better.
He shouldn’t have asked Keefe to give him the drawing. He messed up again.
He rubbed his eyes and groaned.
This parenting thing was harder than he thought it would be.
He just had to trust himself and Keefe. They would learn together.
Elwin knocked softly on the door. “Keefe? May I come in?”
A sob came from inside.
Elwin was torn. Should he go in and comfort him? Should he leave him alone?
But one thought pushed through all the others.
He couldn’t leave him alone again. He couldn’t abandon him like his parents had.
He started to yank the door open, but slowed, gently turning the knob and stepping inside.
Keefe was curled in a ball on his yellow bed, tears staining his cheeks.
Elwin rushed forward and sat next to him, stroking his hair. “Keefe. I’m here. It’s okay. It’ll all be okay.”
Keefe shook with sobs. 
“Keefe…” Elwin leaned down and wrapped his arms around the boy. “Keefe, I love you.”
A sobbing gasp came from the figure, and Keefe looked up, eyes red.
Elwin gently placed a hand under his chin. “I do, Keefe. I love you. And nothing will ever change that.”
Keefe stared at him for a moment, then laid his head on Elwin’s leg silently.
Elwin kissed his soft blond hair and began to stroke his hair again, anger bubbling in the back of his mind at what Gisela and Cassius had done to him.
His boy was broken, but he was his.
And he would never let them take him back.
send me short fanfic requests and asks about the medieval au!
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