#if you don't know the box boy universe (bbu) is a common setting in pet whump works
cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
Cepheus (me) on whumpblr
In my tumblr intro I say I'm into whump, so here is some of what you're getting into
If you don't like whump, please block the tags "whump", and "whump prompts" on my blog
I often forget to tag reblogs, but my whump posts are mostly tagged
If I ever forget of tagging any, please warn me
Content warnings are usually in the post too, before the read more
Not always tho
What kind of whump I'm into
Pet whump
Recovery whump
Fantasy whump
Winged whumpee
Hero whumpee
Some more I'm forgetting here
Sometimes BBU (box boy universe)
What kind of whump I'm not into
Team whump
Nature whump
T/g whump
Team whump
Body horror
There's nothing wrong with them they are just not my personal taste :)
I may make some exeptions tho
My favorite whump blogs
These are some of my favorite content creators in the whump community: mostly because their taste/writing aligns with my personal likes
@emmettland (he/him)
@whumpsday (he/they)
@livelaughwhump (they/them)
@echo-goes-mmm (he/it)
My whump tags
Whump prompts
Whump writing
Whump art
(Different trigger/content warnings depending of the post)
Whump community
(Some specific whump tropes depending of the post)
+ whenever tags/trigger warnings/content warnings were in the original post in case of reblogs
I also tag my self reblogs with the proper tw/cws
If you don't know what whump is and just got here, here are two posts explaining what is is: One from @/befuddled-calico-whump and other by me
Not everybody likes whump, but there is nothing wrong with liking it either: we are always trying to be inclusive and aware of any triggers a person might have to avoid anyone getting unconfortable; You don't have to check it out if you don't want to, but if you feel like taking a look into the community, feel free to start, and be well come! ❤
No transphobia, sexism, racism nor ableism, as well as any harmful behavior is allowed in the whump community and no prejudice towards people will be tolerated; take care of yourself and be mindful to others🔅
(No transphobia, sexism, racism nor ableism, as well as any harmful behavior is allowed in the whump community and no prejudice towards people will be tolerated; take care of yourself and be mindful to others 🔆)
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