#if you think humanity as a species is intrinsically evil you need better friends
gravesaint · 2 years
you seem unaware that it doesn't mean kill everyone, it means everyone stop having babies.
you seem unaware that you are less than a degree of separation away from eugenics
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leapintothevoid · 5 years
Beautiful and Absurd
“First there was only darkness, (or only light, which is the same thing.) Then emerged beauty, and at last, absurdity.“
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The earliest representation in western culture of the intrinsic lack of meaning in life is the Ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus, who is condemned to push a boulder up a mountain until it gets to the summit, but where, upon reaching the summit, the boulder rolls down the other side, all the way to the bottom. Sisyphus then has to push the boulder back up, and repeat the cycle, ad infinitum. The absurdity is revealed in Sisyphus’s knowing that the boulder he’s grunting and sweating to push uphill will fall back down. Yet being mortal, he is condemned to forever perpetuate that futile cycle.
The main idea of the absurdity of the human condition is that there is  little to no hope of a sensible reconciliation with man’s desire for significance and meaning in a cold, indifferent, dark universe. All that we know, have witnessed, all that we can ever hope, and love and desire, is all contained in a tiny disappearingly small speck in a remote corner of an endlessly vast universe. A universe whose 99% is invisible, nay, incomprehensible to us – dark matter, dark energy (who really knows what that is?), where of the remaining 1 percent that is observable, we are one tiny planet, in one ordinary solar system in one middling galaxy among hundreds of billions. What is the point of the sheer excess of the universe if our lives have any meaning or significance.
And on this tiny, disappearingly small planet, the life of one being counts for how impossibly little? How many people have lived and died before us. How many continue to breathe, dream, hope, despair without the knowing of anyone other than maybe a handful? How many hopes and fears and dreams and dreads rise and fall each moment around the world. And for each those feelings are the very center of the universe, yet how can all of those be simultaneously true? The absurdity lies in the fact that for me, my suffering and happiness are paramount. Yet I know these are evanescent and that beyond me there is no case for their cardinality.
Take the example of my cousins who, according to custom, were prematurely married off to strangers. Many of them held great promise and shone with brilliance when I knew them as my sisters. Yet all but one of those marriages ended up in spectacular disasters, with neither husband nor wife happy. And what of their children, who were then deprived of a happy upbringing conducive to the cultivation of a fully human existence. What fault is it of theirs that they were brought up in such dysfunctional homes. Are they not forever handicapped by the thoughtlessness of previous generations?
Not that those children’s grandparents had nefarious intentions. Far from it. But in the words of Hannah Arendt, these evils were engendered purely from sheer thoughtlessness. What she refers to as the “banality of evil” is manifest day in and day out in the countless tragedies that unfold all around us. From the lament of a mother mourning the betrayal of her newly married son who now has an allegiance to his wife, to the wails of a Honduran or Syrian refugee who has had to witness his parents and siblings murdered by rebels, and has to undertake a treacherous journey across harsh and hostile lands and seas in the faint hope of something  better. Or the tears of one of our animal brethren as they witness the daily holocausts of their kind, all in order to meet the endless appetite of their dominator, gluttonous man. The appalling amount of suffering in the world suggests either the utter lack of order in the universe, or else an order that is hostile to those who can feel or think. How does that make any sense?
We human beings, who in our ability to abstract and imagine have been able to unveil countless secrets of the cosmos, certainly can presume to intuit what is rational and sensible. So it cannot be the case that the universe makes sense and it is only our perception that fails to see it. Rather it is in fact our very perception, which enables us to perceive beauty and order and make sense of things, that illuminates the cruel and ultimately absurd condition of being human.
Hegel’s belief that history made sense was, Camus argues, refuted by the history of the 20th century, with its holocausts and untold millions lost to utter insanity. The last century exposed the bankruptcy of the notions of social utopias, whether it was Nazism – the natural evolution of a master race that would lord over all mankind and establish a perfect and just society; or fascism – that a powerful state organized along nationalist motives could create the ideal conditions for individuals and organizations to thrive; or communism- that the abolition of private property and the creation of an undifferentiated collective, a society of ants, as it were. The history of the 20the century exposed the utter and calamitous failures of all these fantasies, despite our utmost belief in them at the time. Today we have a similar faith in the attainment of a technological utopia, where artificial intelligence and big data and machine learning and algorithms will solve the human riddle and deliver us from the torments of history. I believe that just like the last century exposed the bankruptcy of social utopias, this century will expose the utter bankruptcy of these imagined technological utopias.
Meanwhile we continue as a species to insanely drive towards a mutual annihilation of our own life worlds and all that is beautiful around us. We exalt our own resourcefulness, and turn a dangerously blind eye to history by believing that we- this generation- will be the exception. We will defy history and be the heirs to that technological utopia, where all our stupid whims can be satisfied indefinitely, and none of the incredibly fragile and complex networks of dependencies that support us will degrade or diminish. That we can go on plundering, polluting, and pillaging the earth for our insane reasons, and “everything is gonna be okay”  This is the absurdity. We know what we need to do, yet seem powerless to do it in the face of the forces our thoughtlessness have already set in motion.
Albert Camus’ famous Le Mythe de Sisyphe is a meditation on this very canonical myth, where he concludes that affirming the absurdity of life, defiantly finding meaning in our personal experiences, and countering the absurd with the beautiful is the only philosophically honest answer to the irrefutable absurdity of life.
I for one, subscribe to Camus on this. As you know I am passionate about beauty in all its various forms, whether it’s a beautiful song, a majestic oak tree, a pastel sunset, a glorious Federer backhand, or an intelligent conversation between two friends. These are the things which in my view shine like candles in the cold, dark, universe. And as the old adage goes, ‘tis better to light just one little candle than to stumble in the dark.”
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nemesis-nexus · 5 years
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Full Snow Supermoon 2019
AVE NINHURSAG, Great Mother Earth, provider of sustenance and bringer of all life forms, HEAR US! AVE ENKI, Great Father of the Waters, provider of Wisdom and Protector of Mothers Heart, HEAR US! It’s been a very long time in the coming but as with everything in existence, everything happens when it is ready to occur, the reemergence and restoration of the original Gods and Goddesses has NEVER been as imperative as it is now with everything that is going on in the world! Because of the corruptions, endless wars have been started and maintained even against the better interest of EVERYONE involved on both sides and in the middle! Because of the intentional divisions fabricated by those who fear losing their stranglehold on the human world, many people find themselves being abandoned not only by friends but by their own families! Because of the selfishness and egotism that many self-proclaimed “Religious Leaders” use to keep their “flocks” in line, people are turning away from their Spiritual selves and are becoming so disconnected to the rest of the Multiverse they only know or care to know about instant gratification and getting what they can by whatever means necessary in THIS life because they are convinced that this is the ONLY life they will ever leading, dismissing the reality that we are all Spiritual Beings and that while we will eventually shed this mortal shell, that energy is eternal and will manifest itself in another form down the line!
I am known for saying “what smoke covers, fire destroys” and what it means is that every distraction that is provided that keeps us fighting with each other rather than paying attention to what is actually happening is yet another vehicle that is ushering in our own destruction. This is bad enough but at least with fire you can choose to fan the flame or extinguish it and move on. I am also known for another turn of phrase “the truth is like the Earth buried under the snow” and what that means is that the more “pure” and “innocent” something appears, the less likely people are going to want to disturb it. The problem is that what lies beneath the snow is the source of what is plaguing the human race and until such time as it is uncovered and exposed, it will continue to have the negative influence over the people it has maintained for so long!
“So you want to start a war, in the Age of Icons?”
Yes sir, I most certainly do.
Now before people start getting nervous, let me explain what I mean by that. The kind of war I am talking about involves a “loaded gun” but NOT of the S&W variety, rather this gun is loaded with the information that has been kept from the general population of the world for much too long.
The kind of war I am looking to start is NOT one that brings death but the kind that rekindles LIFE. What I am looking to engage is a War of Words and Spiritual Reawakening. One that is long overdue and absolutely necessary for the survival of the Human race, the Earth and every form of Life in, on, above and below it. A Revolution to reclaim who we are and everything that was stolen away in the name of self-aggrandizement and power over the mortal coil!
They say that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it and when it comes to human history this fact increases exponentially. The truth is that we have all been lied to individually at some point in our lives but as a species, we have been lied to all our lives. We were told that there is only one road, one light, one savior, that his is “the greatest story ever told” but the truth is that is a boldface lie. The reality is that this is a deception people choose to follow because history dictates anyone who strays from that path or outright denies it needs to be destroyed. Oftentimes entire families would be executed and in many cases entire villages were annihilated leaving no trace of the people, culture, Spirituality or anything else. There is only one reason why ANYONE would ever feel the need to act in this extreme - it’s because they are guarding a secret, the likes that would not only cause the collapse of their socially accepted terrorist organization, but the eradication of every bit of their influence the world over.
You see there is more than one way to get a job done and when we are talking MILLENIA long acts of terrorism that include abduction, rape, torture, public humiliation, theft, corruption and murder - just to name a FEW of the charges - it becomes the duty of EVERYONE to stop running and hiding, to stop standing idly by while people are STILL targeted and slaughtered just for existing and take a stand! I am not talking about storming the beaches or even physically attacking a local organization, these are the tactics of those who have for years held the world hostage. Instead what needs to be done is to stop coddling the guilty parties - the ones that make claims that another person is going to THEIR psychosis-created place of cruelty and torture (Hell) just for being gay but out of the other side of their mouths state that the pedophiles THEY created need to be PROTECTED and have gone above and beyond ensuring the children that their well being means NOTHING to them by refusing to cooperate with authorities and instead of excommunicating the heretics CHOOSE to keep them on and HIDE them by moving them from location to location and in some cases even give the ones doing the obstructing PROMOTIONS! Such was the case with Cardinal Law who was moved to the Vatican and given the title of Archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, the sickest thing about that is many in the Vatican saw him as a VICTIM and not as the PERPETRATOR that he was. Imagine that, rewarding what SHOULD be and actually IS (according to their book) bad behavior manifesting in an act of defiance against their own Deity and a direct violation of the unconditional love and trust that the human children are ingrained with since birth!
These are the people who claim that WE are the ones who need to be “saved”! Well in a manner of speaking they’re right, however, the people we need to be saved from are THEM!
“If history is dead and gone, then how did we get here My God?”
We are where we are because history is NOT dead or gone; in fact, like the Earth after a snowfall; the truth that exists within its annals has simply been covered up by those willing to go to extremes to make sure that it stays frozen and inaccessible to everyone “outside of the inner sanctum” who would physically or socially kill (contrary to popular belief, there ARE fates much worse than death) anyone who tries to expose the lies and corruption for what it is and unmask all those who are guilty of betraying not only the human race, but the Ancients who were willing to give us yet another chance to get it right! We are where we are because the fatal flaw in their tactics was using OUR story to create their own! Twisting OUR information to suit their agenda! The names may have been changed to throw people off, but those who know better can see right through the illusion! This is why we are here, to REMIND those who have forgotten and to help guide those who fear retribution, that the way Home exists within all of us and that NONE of us are evil, no good, trash in need of THEIR “salvation”! If anyone needs to be saved it’s them from themselves!
“Bang, shots fired… The pen is mightier than the sword…”
The kind of shots I am referring to will not shed blood, but they will blow so many holes in the story that has been shoved down all our throats as well as our ancestors throats for so long that their book will be reduced to confetti and used to celebrate the demise of their reign of terror! The greatest impact we will have is NOT in retaliating with violence, but with simply speaking the truth, providing the original texts that they warped to suit their needs and showing the world that there is no reason to be afraid! That just because our aggressors stake claims does NOT mean we are OBLIGATED to believe them, let alone uphold them as though that is our station in existence simply because THEY say so! It is time that we told them that we are done playing their game and pandering to their egos as though we were actually beneath them and required them to tell us what any God is thinking or desires! It’s simply amazing how what they claim their “God” wants is ALWAYS right in line with what benefits THEM the most isn’t it? How unforgivably and blasphemously insulting to any Deity to outright say that it’s “His Will” yet for whatever reason THEY are the ONLY ones who ever receive the message as though this Deity will only hold audience with them because the only interest this Deity has is in giving intrinsic rewards to those whose level of vitriol knows no bounds!
It is time we let it be known that unless ANY Deity comes down from on High to issue such proclamations of implied superiority, whether it’s for an individual or group, that we don’t care what they claim! From one human to another the problem with talking is that ANYONE can do it and make claims that they alone are the messenger of the Gods then proceed to issue the most selfish and self-righteous statements ever conceived! Unlike what they want us to believe, our Deity does NOT favor any one person or group over another generally speaking, that how we are viewed is determined by what we do and why we are doing it. For example the Abrahamic Religions have for 2,000+ years implied that we NEED people to dictate to us what’s what as though only those people are connected to the Deity when the truth is we are ALL connected to the Deity and can pose questions that may or may not be answered directly to Him as well as the Grand Council. We do need to remember that if we do not receive direct answers that it does not mean we are being ignored, sometimes silence IS the answer. Sometimes it can be a resounding “No” and sometimes it can mean that they need a ‘minute’ to ponder the inquiry, whatever the reason, pushing the question rather than respecting the answer is NOT how one demonstrates respect to those who have already done so much for us INCLUDING sticking their necks out to protect us in our hour of need! This kind of arrogance can lead to a very undesirable response!
We will never and should never take it upon ourselves to “substitute” our own answers in place of the Deity, that is what the Catholic Church does and we see how well that has worked out, especially for the children! This is what Islamic State does and we see how well that has worked out, again especially for the children! This is what the Zion state does and we see how well that is working out, you can’t say BOO about Israel or Zionism without being accused of being an anti-Semite anymore even if what was said was not only TRUE but was in NO WAY anti-Semitic! IT IS TIME THESE SELF-RIGHTEOUS HYPOCRITES WERE PUT IN THEIR PLACE IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THE SAFTEY AND WELL BEING OF THE CHILDREN AND THE RESTORATION OF SANITY TO THE WORLD!
Tonight is the night of the Full Snow Supermoon and people may be feeling heightened senses of apprehension, tension, agitation, frustration, stress and even depression. This is not so uncommon; however, the world is in a massively chaotic state and these senses are most likely the result of everything that is going on in the world and not just a lunar reaction. During this energy shift which will last until the Vernal Equinox it is absolutely necessary for people to spend at least a few minutes a day meditating. Even meditating a few times a day when the stress levels get to be really up there. We need to do this so that we keep ourselves focused, our internal energies in balance so as to better counter the external stressors that those who thrive on people needing to be “saved” prey upon. There is nothing more infuriating to someone who prides themselves on manipulating and using a person who’s fallen on hard times to benefit their cult than a person who’s fallen on hard times but has enough sense of self to know when someone is attempting to exploit them and lets them know it!
Now is the time to remember our Ancestors and not only what they were forced to endure - how many of them were mocked, tortured and murdered - but ALSO how many of them persevered and fought to survive against all odds despite everything, giving us the sense of self awareness that we need to NEVER AGAIN allow things such as the Burning Times, Crusades, Inquisition, Papal Bulls such as the ‘Right To Discovery’, the Salem “Witch Trials”, the Dakota 38+2, The Red Holocaust, The Nazi Holocaust (which affected a lot more than just the Jews) or ANYTHING that calls for the viciousness and brutality against ANY person or group JUST for existing not because they actually did anything (all ACTUAL criminals should be prosecuted accordingly) EVER happens again! Now is the time to celebrate Life and reconnect to our Spiritual selves, to raise the vibration and lift ourselves and each other out of the abyss they used every method to keep us in so as to break us, to make us forget who we are and where we came from! NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE A STAND, HOLD THE LINE AND LET THEM KNOW:
“So you wanna start a war
In the age of icons
So you wanna be immortal
With a loaded gun
So you wanna start a war, war
So you wanna start a war
Bang, shots fired
Pain is what you desire
The pen is mightier than the sword
Then how did we get here, my God? (My God)
Sail among liars
Blame the deniers
If history is dead and gone
Then how did we get here, my God? (My God)
So you wanna start a war
In the age of icons
So you wanna be immortal
With a loaded gun
So you wanna start a war, war
So you wanna start a war, war
So you wanna start a war
Oh-oh, war
So you wanna start a war
Oh-oh, war
Oh-oh, war
So you wanna start a war
So you wanna start a war
So you wanna start a war (oh-oh)
In the age of icons (oh)
So you wanna be immortal (oh-oh)
With a loaded gun (oh)
So you wanna start a war, war
So you wanna start a war
So you wanna start a war
My God, my God (my God)
If history is dead and gone
Then how did we get here, my God?
My God
-Klergy f/Valerie Broussard (“Start A War”)”
An Spiorad buadhach (The Triumphant Spirit)
Sisters and Brothers, I call to you to rise,
Free your minds and open your eyes!
We were once a proud people and we still are,
Our Family is found both very near and quite far!
No matter our location, no matter how far the distance,
We will unite as one and breathe new life into the resistance!
They stormed our lands, stealing, killing, leaving things in calamity,
But what they failed to destroy was our sense of identity!
They tried to destroy our lives, our stories and our culture,
But all this will be exposed in the confinement of their sepulcher!
They will find when they cross the Great Divide,
That there is NOWHERE to run and NOWHERE to hide!
The Deities whose names and stations they egregiously assaulted,
Will come calling for answers from the dearly departed!
Those who delighted in the terror, pain and anguish they inflicted,
Will find themselves rendered guilty and eternally convicted!
Here on Earth we will rejoice the justice done for and by our Deity,
Watching the world reemerge from the dregs of history!
We will watch as people break their Spiritual chains and stand up tall,
While the ones who bound them continue to fall!
We will watch as the world regains its sanity,
We will see one another and embrace our humanity!
Nothing is perfect and it’s not supposed to be,
But that’s the trade-off if you want your Will to be Free!
The key to maintaining our Freedom is personal responsibility,
And remembering always that we are ONE even though we are MANY!
-HPS Meg “Nemesis Nexus” Prentiss”
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In NINHURSAG'S Nomen Nos Fides! AVE NINHURSAG!
(We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER!
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