#im a liiil rough
The Fallen
Timothy Drake-Wayne. Wayne Enterprise's current co-ceo, tech genius and somehow Red Robin. Also currently sprawled across his mess of a bed, half asleep with a half finished coffee cup loosely held in one hand.
Guess he’d just have to add “Professional disaster in life” to his list of oh-so great achievements.
He could have become a doctor, Alfred would've said.
But it was too late now. It was to be left in the past, he’d become too old and-
Knock, knock, said the door.
“Master Timothy.”
He snuggled deeper into his blankets and gave of a noise of acknowledgment to give away his presence.
“I’m sure your blankets wouldn't despise you if you left for having breakfast.”
He groaned. “Maybe you're sure, but I'm not.” He mumbled bitterly, not one to dare speak against their family's only string of sanity.
He rolled his blanket over him and reluctantly slugged to the door in his best work style. Pretty impressive if you asked him.
Alfred opened the door having already guessed what he'd decided to do, he supposed. Alfred's lips twitched, trying not to break into a smile, he suspected.
Tim grinned. “Anything I can do for you, dearest Alfred?”
Alfred tilted his head downwards to look him in the eye, now no longer hiding a small smile. “Maybe wake up Miss Marinette as a favor to me, Master Timothy.”
Oh. Oh. Oho.
What exciting news.
“Anything for you Alfred.” Alfred's smile now turned into a sharp smirk.
“Even not skipping your breakfast?”
He averted his eyes. “I think beans snores are getting louder. I'd better wake her up soon.”
Tim didn't let Alfred speak another word, instead, rolling forward, forcing Alfred to take a step back.
And then he heard the snores. The one of a kind, Marinette only snores. And he jusy knew the door near him led to Marinette's. He grinned, maybe a bit more manically than he should've but never mind that now.
He pushed against her door and rolled his way in.
He took a deep breath.
No response. He should've known.
“Adrien Agreste is waiting for you outside.”
She stirred. Aha! He had her all figured out, didn't he?
“He's in Paris, you coffee addict.” Her speech was slurred by sleep, and she showed no more signs of waking.
He rolled his eyes. “Look who's speaking.”
No response. Typical.
“I’m going to jump on you and make sure you feel all the weight of this ‘coffee addict’.”
“You can't do that wrapped in blankets.” She growled, snuggling into her blankets as if that would make him go away.
He didn't say anything. No, he couldn't say anything. Not when he was angling himself in the right direction for him to fall on her without messing his comfortable position.
Marinette wheezed.
“Get.” She gasped. “Off.”
“What was that?” He asked like the innocent bastard he was, “You sound a little put of breath there, beanie.”
“You're not even that heavy.”
He pressed down harder. “What was that?”
“Why, you little-”
“I’m trying to sleep, you babies- oh. Oh. Oho.” They turned slowly to look at a smiling-too-much-right-now Jason.
And it wasn't surprising when the both of them were in sync as they said:
“Oh fuck.”
Jason's grin only widened at the declaration as he took a leap towards the two pour souls.
Now it was both him and beanie gasping for air. Not as fun to be on the receiving side.
“Jason, if I die, I will come back to haunt you.” Beanie grumbled, although it was barely comprehensible.
Jason pressed his weight on us harder. “Another thing crossed off my bucket list then, little pixie.”
“Jay, please spare me, you've already tried killing me enough times!” He was barely comprehensible too but it didn't matter. Not if we wanted to get out of this alive.
What was next? Someone else coming in and doing the same thing and the cycle never ending?
“I come to the mansion for one peaceful day and you ruin it first thing in the morn- oh.” He jinxed it. Oh boy. He jinxed it, didn't he? Why else would Dick show up right on sync with his thoughts?
“Oh. Oho.”
‘Twas too late.
Now it was three of them wheezing and coughing and gasping for air.
“Did you have to make three back flips as you came?” Jason asked for them both, being the only one with the energy to speak now.
“I'm a bat!” If he had to guess, Dick was grinning too much. “Of course I did!”
“What's with all this ruck-oh. Oh. Oho.”
“Please not again.” Nette pleaded weakly.
-2 minutes of instant karma later-
“This is all Tim’s fault.”
At this point he can't even guess who said it, but weak noises of agreements filled the room.
“It is,” He took another deep breath, “not my fault that-” Another hard breath, “-that all of you decided to stack up on us.”
“Well,” said Stephanie from the top (the lucky bat), “You're the only one agreeing to that here.”
“You can't blame me,” he snapped as best as he could with the limited breath, “For eight other people joining the stack. That's all on yourselves!”
The others above him- if he remembered correctly, Jason first, then Dick, Titus, Damian, Duke, Aunt Kate (Don't ask), Cass and Steph at the the top, all gave their own noisy protests.
“What's with all the screaming-?” Bruce's gruff voice came. “Oh.”
“Bruce, please, for once, don't.”
“Maybe if we call him dad, he won't- OOF.” There went the rest of Stephanie's sentence. It'll be the only thing that'll be missed.
Marinette, poor Marinette, groaned from under. “All of you will wake up tomorrow with the worst morning and I'll make sure you do.”
And they did. All of them did. If the screams that erupted the next morning were anything to go by, of course.
Happy New Year-
Jskdjdkskdkskskdksk, I may have vanished for a while *cough*months*cough* and will probably go vanishing for a little more while *cough*more months *cough*, but! For! Good! Reason!
Or maybe not but let's no go there-
This school year be kinda important academic wise so I be dedicating more time for that.
Ehe. Have this lil thing as a bye bye gift for now-
Wish y'all a better 2021 ٩(๑^w^๑)۶
Toodles (´∀`)♡
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