Hi so i wanted to say few things just to get it out of my system.(im new to tumblr dont kno how this works whtvr)
i hate it when people put steve in this bubble of perfection. And i dont mean people who make heart eyes and claim steve is the perfect human being. The people whom im talking about is the ones who demand and expect steve to be that way, when he clearly never claimed he is perfect. When i put myself in steve's shoes, i realize how goddamn frustrating it'd be. People would be waiting for him to make a mistake so that they can prove he is this horrible human being(or at least a flawed person, which is such a high standard) people are allowed to have flaws and make mistakes bc it's in human nature and in steve's case i never see people realize it's like he has to be perfect bc hey he's captain america. I feel this way strongly specially in avengers 2012 when tony says steve is gonna do smt wrong and it's gonna blow up in his face AND he's gonna be there when it happens. Like tony WANTS steve to make a mistake so that he can watch and enjoy it(why? Bc of his unsolved daddy issues). It applies to the fandom too. Tony attacks bucky but hey, it's justified bc, tony creates ultron BUT!!! it!s again justified bc reasons(traumatized, ptsd,cares about his friends etc.). Wanda did such and such and such but it's ok to make mistakes. Tony shot sam but his friend was injured. Especially when you point these to t*ny st*rk stans theyr like: can't you just accept that some characters can be flawed make mistakes and move on!!!
But when it comes to steve and what happened in siberia people r like:HoW dARe STEvE MAke a miStAKe ??!! HE iS a HyPOcriTe, a tWo FaCEd BaSTard! HE DESERVES DEATHHHHH!
thank u for coming to my ted talk jkskdjdj i always wanted to say that.
First of all, welcome to tumblr! It's nice to see new Steve fans coming in :D I think you're gonna get the hang of it soon!
And yeah, I've made and reblogged many posts about this topic in the past. For some reason, people put Steve on a really high pedestal and he's not allowed to make mistakes because he's either a) perfect, and that means a mary sue, or b) the devil incarnate that is the root of all issues and the MCU. You can't have it both ways, guys.
The thing that upsets me the most is that yes, Steve made a mistake in Civil War by not telling Tony, but he not only regrets it, he also tries to own up to it, and apologises to Tony, which is something Tony has never done ever. And even then, people dunk on his apology letter for being badly written or not considerate or something.
It's just this incredibly high standard that he has to constantly live up to, and the moment he steps out of line, the fandom is ready to crucify him. It is very, very annoying. Thankfully, this side of the fandom has died out a lot, I think it experienced a high when Civil War came out. And then again with Endgame, and that hate is still around, but what can we do? Make good posts about Steve, since that's all we have left...
On that topic! In my opinion, it would be interesting to me if we were to translate this trend into the MCU (in fanfiction form, of course! Don't know if you read that sort of thing, but bear with me). That means: what if the people in the MCU act and treat Steve like the stans do? How many of them view him as perfect Captain America without looking at Steve Rogers? And how long can he go on like that, trying to live up to that title, and not fail or disappoint anyone? Steve is a character that has very often had a dichotomy between himself and his superhero persona, as can be seen in the comics. There were times he gave up the mantle, even going as far as claiming that: "It is time for Captain America to die, so that Steve Rogers can live."
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I would love to see more stories explore just how much pressure is put on him, and how he still endures it and doesn't give up. Additionally, we could have other characters realise what's going on, notice how hard he's pushing himself, talk about it, and support him when they find out just how unhappy he is, how out of sync he is with, well, being Steve.
If there was one thing missing in the MCU, it was more stress put on the distinction between Steve and Cap. I would have loved to see more of that, in canon or otherwise.
Anyway. I've been rambling for a while now and I hope you liked my idea, because in my opinion taking this bad faith reading and turning into something nice and thoughtful is the best way to combat these sorts of opinions ;)
Once again, welcome to tumblr, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your stay here :D
(PS: you can check out the #pro steve rogers for more positivity!)
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why are you so right?😭
Thanks. I don't know, just staying with canon and making my on opinion, I guess
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