#in valinor i mean lolol i doubt thered be much traction in M.E
sakasakiii · 3 years
Oh wait! Now I’m really curious - who are Curvo and Kano’s wives/spouses? Do you have headcanons for the other textual ghost spouses in the house of Finwë as well? I really love your art and your headcanons so I would be very curious to know!
hellloooo!!! thank you so much for the kind words, firstly! i'm so so honoured to receive such feedback from you eeee and not to sound like a creep your tags are always so sweet 🥺💓🥺 and likewise, I just adore your fics!! i've started reading A Guide To Raising Elflings in my free time and AAARGHHH i've literally been HOOKED this past week!! (very slowly, but a chapter a day keeps the dark lord away as i like to say heheh- i cant wait to catch up once TRSB is over!)
now to answer the question! i haven't had much time to do proper proper art recently, but I do have some headcanons lined up about ghost spouses! here are some doodles of my versions of Curvo's wife:
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I thought it'd be nice if she had some correlation to Celebrimbor's Quenya name, so I made her a silversmith; additionally, I also like irony of names so adding 'anna' to her name was... well. 😌 in contrast to Maglor's wife, I like to think she followed Curufin to M.E and subsequently stayed by his side faithfully until her eventual death in the Dagor Bragollach, before he was forced to relocate to Nargothrond!
Most of my stuff on Maglor's wife are in this post and this other post with her hypothetical kids !! Apologies that I haven't had much time recently to expand... but! Your mention of other 'ghost spouses' made me think about Amarie, and from there I kind of went down a rabbit hole 🤔 I have some hazy ideas about - not to say Valar worship - but elves and servitude to the Valar in Valinor, so I ended up combining some of those ideas that I might expand on in the future...
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so in tradition, here's a sketch page of these three spouses i have thought of so far!!!
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thank you so much again for the lovely ask!!! I had so much fun going wild with these headcanons (plus it's a surprisingly good way of stress relieving?!), so I am very grateful you sent in this ask! I hope you have a lovely rest of your week-- I'm very much looking forward to reading more of your writing!! 🥰🥰
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