#it might be race related too or bc im from my bio dads side and he ike beat her and did unsavoury things to my siblings that
shireisasleep · 7 months
guys the vibe was thrown all the way the fuck off
tw for abusive parents (it doesnt seem abusive but she IS emotionally manipulative
i really hope this works
ok so i got pissed off at my mom bc shes being a bitch to me for no reason and i told her to leave me alone and i didnt wanna go on a walk with her so she was like wah ewweh weh cancel ur shit and i tell her "girliepop i cant cancel my shit u old fucking hag i got banned' "U GOT BANNED?!?!?#>?$!>?>!#$!?>#$!" 'yeah i said i was bisexual, then got banned, and got banned again cause i said i got banned, cause i was bisexual' "you have to be more careful with what you say online!!" "oh so were bisexual now?" 'girl why do you CARE youre not even homophobic' i told her to die in a fire cause shes manipulating me into being straight AGAIN methinks "waah waahh ur so ungrateful ur so mean u treat me like shit wah wahh i cant wait for u to go to ur sister and play the victim" 'ur playing the victim rn...' "DONT TALK BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" '..fuck off.' and then she fucked off
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urdnotcadash · 5 years
Dragon Age Questions
i was tagged by @nordxz thank you so much!
i think this is a lot of rambling but i hopeit makes sense. feel free to ask if you have any questions about my ocs.
01) Favourite game of the series?
That’s a really tough question, honestly, because i love them all for separate reasons. I play Inquisition the most, but i love origin and 2′s story... so tough question.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
I played Skyrim for like 2 years (whenever i felt like playing) & finally got too bored to play. so i searched through my brother's games and found Inquisition. it took a while for me to finish it (bc i played on his console too). thennn i played the games backward. Inquisition, 2, and Origins. 
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve played through completely 2- 5 times each. but I’ve started countless games each in every game and just didn’t finish them
04) Favourite race to play as?
Dwarf! Especially in Inquisition. 
05) Favourite class?
Rogue! Wielding a bow is my go to. 
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
Honestly, it depends!  Likeee mage play through= mage rights, but any other class just depends on how i want to play or the background i gave the character. i’ve yet to side with the templars in Dragon Age 2 though. lol.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
Again, it depends. but i almost always have Alistair in origins, Varric in 2. my go tos are: 
dao: Alistair, Wynne, Zevran/ Leliana
da2: Varric, Bethany/ Anders and/or Carver/Aveline, Isabela
dai: Cassandra, Dorian, Iron Bull
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
i’ve done a lot of work on all of them. I’d say Roxy & Gavin Hawke(&Aidan Amell and Odette Surana bc their stories are related) and August Trevelyan. i don’t write a lot about any of my ocs but i’ve made full timelines and family members for all of them. i still intend to put bios out, but the only one i have finished right now is Stella. I’ll try and start those while im at my moms. c:
09) Favourite romance?
i really appreciate all of them, but i have a few favorites. 
Zevran, Isabela, Iron Bull- which i know they have one thing in common and it’s being known for being extremely sexualized. maybe im a sucker for falling hard and being able to open up to someone. but i really adore their stories and i just want to hug them, ok.
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
I have the books and haven’t read them, yet. it’s on my long list!
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
I’m really looking forward to The Masked Empire tbh. 
12) Favourite DLCs?
The Descent, defiitely! but i haven’t played through them all yet, just all of dai and some of daos. 
13) Things that annoy you.
Representation, probably. yes they have lgbt people but i personally haven’t been able to connect to any of them EXCEPT Lace Harding & she’s not even a full romance! lol. 
theres nothing else that comes to mind or i feel comfortable talking about. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
They’re really all interchangeable. i need to make a few more characters if i want complete timelines though. for example:
Odette Surana & Aidan Amell, Gavin & Roxy Hawke, Augustine Trevelyan/Sunshine Cadash/ Austa Adaar can make one timeline. Except Odette couldn’t survive without Aidan whereas Aidan wouldn’t be the same without Odette. 
& Stella Tabris, Roxy & Gavin, Sunshine/ August/ Austa could also work. 
hell i’ve even thought about combining them all somehow lol. 
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
(all mabari unless specified otherwise) 
Stella Tabris: Goose & Cricket(found after Blight)
Odette: Ser Barksy Aidan: Barkspawn
Roxy: Sweetums Gavin: Mighty
August: Yellow (named by Clem), Flower (a cat also named by Clem), horse: Pretty Boy
Sunshine: Rose (might be renamed tho) and her Battle Nug: Nugget
Austa: Precious (Josie’s mabari), 
18) Have you installed any mods?
Two for Origins, one to skip the fade in the circle and another for an all romance mod- i think. 
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Aidan did far more than Odette, Aidan wanted out of the circle. Odette wanted to take Irving’s place- she wanted to make the circle better. 
Stella wanted the hell away from the life her dad imagined for her, she was scared but excited. She didn’t like how it happened, nor the responsibility that was placed on her shoulders.. but she knew she just wanted MORE. 
20) Hawke’s personality?
Roxy: Purple Gavin: Blue
The twins really help one another, yes they can survive without the other but they wouldn’t be the same. Roxy keeps Gavn from being so serious and Gavin reminds her to me more... sensitive.. even if it doesn’t always work. 
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
lmaoo noo, im so lazy about armor. as long as they look good i don’t reallt care. 
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
August, would have done more for her daughter’s father.. she would have been on watch the night he was taken. Losing her best friend was very hard for her. 
Sunshine, once upon a time, wished to leave when her sister did... but after the Inquisition, she was thankful for it. For the people, she’s met, and the skills she developed during that time. 
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Sort of? i have them work around the canon...sorta.
Odette only survives because of Aidan (two heros isn’t canon so), because if Aidan didn’t exist she wouldn’t have even told Alistair about the dark ritual and wouldn’t have let him go to the final battle. Thus sacrificing herself. 
Roxy and Gavin: Twin Hawke AU where all the siblings survive. Roxy and Gavin fight the Ogre, saving one of the twins. Carver becomes a Warden and Bethany joins the circle. 
Austa’s parent’s escaped the Qun, but they escape with two of their own biological children Oz and Austa.  & Valo Kas actually started from the remains of an old Tal Vashoth community and have since built to a large merc company her brother and father run. 
&August had her daughter Clementine at her childhood home and left her there to be raised- bc her parent’s used her status to have that privilege.
The Cadash Carta works a little differently. Instead of one person at the head: it’s a council, like orzammar, and several families run their expanded carta family. The children can inherit their parent’s position in the council unless they don’t have kids or are voted off. So since Sunshine’s father is part of the council meaning her younger brother, Wesley, is being trained for their father’s position. Zelde (oldest sister ), left before she could even be considered and Sunshine was trained to be an assassin from a young age.. so she also wasn’t being considered. 
so i guess they all do... oops. 
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
not really. probably should bc they all look really similar imo. I do have different oc aesthetic boards that give you an idea though!
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
im a weak bitch who decides they all somehow get out.........  but Stroud. poor guy. 
26) Favourite mount?
the war nug! <3 i love them. 
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