#it was easy to abandon her social media personality when she *literally* did have access
jupitersrising · 17 days
This is literally Brooklynn's song.
Lyrics under the cut.
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ofromans · 4 years
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『 finn cole. twenty-two. cismale. he/him. 』 oh heavens, is that ROMAN COSTA from SYCAMORE WAY i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -CONNIVING & -UNBRIDLED. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool UNEMPLOYED and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +STAUNCH & +ASTUTE. i hope i see them around again! 『 jean. 22. est. she/her. 』
hi squad , hope you’re all having a solid day <3 , i’m jean & this is my brand spankin’ new baby boy roman . i’m throwing a few random tidbits and things below but will be writing up a full blown bio once i have some more time to rly dive in . come thru & let’s party ? PLOT ?
tw : addiction !
he’s the son of STEFANO ( his intro here ) , rock star & basically best bud . he has two half-siblings now ( both just babies ) that his almost new mom left @ their doorstep for his dad to raise ( and he likes to think he helps out a bit too ). 
his biological mother left him and his old man when he was born , not knowing her at all ( and yes , resentful for it ). his dad’s recent fiance ( ex - fiance ) also left the family behind for whatever reason without a trace so yes - you guessed it , roman has mommy issues / abandonment issues galore :-)
growing up as the son to a famous musician had its perks ( the money of COURSE & heading on tour with the coolest dude ever , the social media fame , people treating you differently ) , but it also had some downsides ( the money , the fame ( paps are the Worst !!! ) , and people treating you differently ). funny how those are so similar . although stefano did / does his best as a dad to keep things as normal as possible - it’s somewhat out of his control . roman felt some pressure to act a certain way ( especially if the paparazzi was around - picture a lil kid with cameras flashing in his eyes ok ) , on social media as that came with a built-in following , and he never truly knew who to trust as they got close to him ( a) because of the mommy issues probably, afraid of close relationships & b) are they in it for him or for the money / fame / etc ? )
growing up in the world’s greatest city ( new york ), meant that he had access to everything at his fingertips . and he loved it . a bit of an adrenaline junkie , he loved the excitement , craved the flashing lights when he left & never once had a dull moment . ( except for when he slept in until ... noon , sometimes ). new york perhaps did make him grow up a bit quicker than most though , and roman found himself mixing with some of the wrong crowds / some of the older crowds while he was just shy of a teen . at this point , the alcohol & drugs didn’t seem major as he was still able to keep his average grades up & be the great son / brother he was expected to be  - but during college ( he stayed in nyc and went to nyu ) began his downfall of reliance and commitment to drugs . he became more than just the life of the party , and instead , unhealthy + dangerous  - to himself and those around him . you see , his father and family moved down to his soon to be absent mother’s hometown - mapleview , and roman obviously chose to stay in school , to stay in his home - new york . who would want to move to a place in the middle of nowhere that has the name maple in it ? and with his dad’s fiance who he was never all too found of ? anyway . hitting rock bottom felt repetitive & with his father away ,  it was all too easy to hide the regretful mornings & flunking grades . UNTIL a wild night turned into one with roman thrown into jail with one phone call . after his court ordered rehab & probation ( still on probation tbh ) , roman and his father decided that it’d be best if he moved down to mapleview for a bit after all . ( i wouldn’t say he’s the happiest & it’s p clear that he’s on outsider .... but he’s making the best of it ! plus it seems he came back at the perfect time - now his father being the sole caretaker of the babies . ) he’s been here now for about 6-7 months .
personality wise , i’d say he’s a bit harsh , definitely aware of who he is & a bit cocky . he’s extremely sarcastic / snarky ( i like to think a bit like tony stark tbh ) & doesn’t take all too much seriously . on the bright side , he is loyal to a fault and would do absolutely anything for his half-siblings & especially his father . probably the first to throw a punch in a fight that he knows he’ll lose . he’s intelligent ( though he didn’t get the musical skills that his father has ) , and is able to read people pretty well . he’s blunt , but hardly means to be rude ( even tho it may come off as such ) . roman’s curious by nature & will ask questions that may come off as judgmental ... basically know what he says ≠ what he means , but will still just laugh it off without apology if they’re offended . he’s also ... fun , courageous ! and willing to do anything to get the adrenaline his body craves . 
some headcanons ! loves : thunderstorms , rolled cigarettes , morning sun , good cell service , new sneakers , 90s grunge & euro-dance music , new york sports , going live on instagram , sunglasses , fast cars . // hates : his bad eyesight , shy people , littering , the smell of gasoline , long lines , flip-flops , skiing , cracking knuckles , singing shows , man-buns .  
wanted :
the next-door neighbor ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
the drug dealer ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
good influence ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
the previous boss ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
when roman first got to mapleview , this person hired him graciously . unfortunately , due to whatever circumstances , also had to fire him just a few short months later .
the friends with benefits ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
can have multiple of these tbh , with mommy issues , i assume he’s a bit all over the place in this department .
the enabler ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
this person would be somewhat of a bad influence on roman , especially since he’s still on probation . maybe wanting to take him out to bars / clubs / for a drink . or just doing things that aren’t on the ~legal side of the world .
the enemy ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
can have multiple , of course !
the childhood friend  ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
if anyone is from nyc :~)
the challenger ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
someone else with a sharp mouth, who refuses to accept any of his shit. catch them arguing or fighting every time they’re in a room together. it’s always been that way.
the match ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
tinder plot !
the baby-sitter  ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
the person that helps watch the twins when dad / roman are unable to .
the user  ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
someone that’s using him for something , whether that be to get closer to his father / his studio , for the money / fame , literally anything .
the heartache  ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
a relationship where the fell hard & fast and of course it went south fast .
the adventure sidekick  ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
gimmie those 3am adventures !
the secret  ( TAKEN BY OPEN )
for whatever reason , the two have to keep their relationship / them hanging out a secret .
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blankspaces · 6 years
On Playing a Bad Girl, Feminism and I Did Something Bad 
I’m going to let you in on a secret. It’s a secret thousand of women know. It’s a secret some women learn as young girls and then forget and rediscover when they get older. It’s a secret that Taylor Swift only discovered recently. That’s ok though, it takes some people a lifetime to learn it. 
The truth is every woman is born with the power to threaten social order. But society makes us all play the good girl game to keep us in line. It’s a clever game that makes you the jailor, enforcer, and jail all at once. It’s game that demands constant self-debasement, that you throw yourself at the feet of society’s gatekeepers, that you apologize all the time for everything, that you never have any fun ever, that you live by a very narrow set of rules and expectations for proper behaviour, that you trample other women in your path towards winning, that you beg for approval which will never be given anyway. The game is a lie - as are words like ‘bitch’ or ‘slut’ - a trap designed to keep you small and locked away. It’s not a fun game to play, just ask Hilary Clinton or the old Taylor Swift. 
But here’s the secret. No one else is playing by the rules, so why should you?  The only people fucked over by this game are girls that never try to escape it because they don’t realize that there is no winning so they try to stay nice forever. For years and years, Taylor played this game and she was good at it. She was young and cute and non-threatening all the way up to the Speak Now era, where she really started to lay into certain subjects that started to make people uncomfortable (Dear John anyone?). So they changed the game on her, made it harder. And it worked, what did she do in response to all the slut-shaming of 2012-13? Not date anyone publically for a while. She continued playing by their rules and it worked for her. But she got too powerful again, and so the cycle began again, just with a different set of parameters. Now it’s being a bad feminist, ignorant of race relations and failing to tell anyone her political standings. But here’s the thing, you can escape it anytime you want. I Did Something Bad is a coming of terms with this secret. 
No matter how you slice it, this song is deliberately coded as feminist. It lets us know from the very first notes with the skipping distorted violins that we’re in for a disruption to the normal order. Taylor effectively mirrors the turning of tables she sings about on Blank Space, just on a much grander scale. When she says “I never trust a narcissist, but they love me”, she isn’t talking about a specific person, just like “now all he thinks about it, is me” can just as easily be applied to the media’s relentless obsession with her. Of course, she’s all they think about. But she’s the one in control here, she’s the one painting her lips crimson red, she’s the one playing them like a violin and making it look easy.
She tells us that “If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing”, effectively disavowing herself of responsibility for the actions of others. Wasn’t this the strongest point of her testimony during the trial, the refusal to take the blame for the actions of another? In case you need the reminder, she stated, “I am not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is any way my fault because it isn’t.” and added, “I’m being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are a product of his decisions. Not mine.” It was something she was careful to reiterate to TIME, “My advice is that you do not blame yourself and do not accept the blame that others will try to place on you”. 
 Part of the good girl game insists that you take the fall for the actions of others - if you were sexually assaulted, had you been drinking? what were you wearing? were you flirting at all? why did/didn’t you do x y or z immediately after? as always the onus is on you as the victim of sexual assault. Once you realize you’re not in charge of the world or the people in it and that you don’t owe people anything - not your opinions, not your political leanings, not access to your life then that’s a game changer. It’s the fire. And when you feel the flames on your skin, trust me, it’ll feel good. 
She wonders, “Why’s it feel so good?” because she’s just learning the contours of how to abandon this game, discovering how good it feels to step out of the box. The song musically mimics her journey, the ascending “why’s it feel so good” and the descending “And I’d do it over and over again” and “it just felt so good, good” the extended, drawn-out pleasure of the way she says “if I could”. 
Here’s the second thing, it literally does not matter if you’ve never done a single ‘bad’ thing in your life. It’s irrelevant. “They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one”. You don’t actually have to be a ‘bad’ girl. You don’t have to be a liar, you don’t have to leave all the men in your life behind in a ditch. It doesn’t matter if we’re all witches. You can start a whole new game then. 
So what’s it going to be? Are you going to be the puppet master or the victim? Are you going to go willingly feeling the flames on your skin, knowing it doesn’t matter anyway, or are you going to go dragging your feet and screaming about the injustice? Is it going to be death or rebirth? You decide. Light me up. 
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