#it’s not actually tp fwiw
m0rceauuuuuuuuuuuux · 5 months
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me and the 120 Days of Sodom en papier toilette
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oodlyenough · 3 years
Tysm for answering my q about what Fiona would spend her money on! If you wouldn't mind another- what's Rhys' family like in your mind? I remember you wrote in Anachronism that Vaughn was the one who looked after Rhys after his surgeries. So why do you think his family weren't the ones looking after him?
Sure! Ha, uh, the actual honest answer is pretty simple and nothing really to do with their relationship but rather pure practicality: I assume neither Rhys nor Vaughn are originally from Helios (I don't think it's even been around more than what like... a few years? Since TPS?), so Rhys' family is Elsewhere, which is 100% of the reason why I wrote that line that way. Or, well, maybe 90%, with the other 10% being that the focus of the passage is Vaughn's relationship with (and in this case, some harboured resentment for) Rhys, and Rhys' family doesn't factor into that at equation at all and I did not think about them. So... anticlimatic answer, lol, sorry if you were hoping for some sweet family drama dirt. They just weren't around.
Generally, I don't have particularly advanced headcanons for Rhys' family (or Vaughn's, for that matter). Mostly they don't appear in my stories because... they have no presence in canon and I just can't really be bothered with OCs when I can explore the dynamics between lots of interesting canon characters instead. But fwiw, I tend to assume he grew up in basically the Borderlands equivalent of Planet Suburbia as the spoilt only child of some nice middle-class white people. You know how Gaige's echologs have her come from Eden-5 and there's, like, at minimum at least actual schools and an education system and stuff like science fairs and some kind of rule of law where murder is illegal? Yeah that, basically.
I think Rhys as we meet him in Tales is fairly obviously the kind of person who has never experienced any real strife or hardship before the events of the game, so that's the kind of background I have in mind for him when I write him or make offhand references to his childhood. It's important inasmuch as I think it lends to his bravado and is why he's in some ways better adjusted than characters who grew up on Murder Planet. That contrast between Rhys (and Vaughn)'s life and Sasha and Fiona's is pretty key in the game and it's something I find really interesting and have explored more in other fics too.
In terms of where his parents are now, why they never come up in the story, well... to be honest, it's mostly (again) a matter of practicality, where I don't expect the reader to be especially interested in Rhys' angst over some characters they've never met who have no presence in canon at all. In my head they're back on his home planet and probably haven't seen him in years because interplanetary travel is expensive and difficult (Borderlands 3 do not interact). Sorry to Mr and Mrs Strongfork who are probably not aware their son disappeared for 12 years and also maybe not aware he crashed a space station, idk :P Call your mom Rhys
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
Hi babe! I haven't watched the Punisher yet, but I have just finished Daredevil (still not over the cancellation btw). And I really love the Matt/Karen in it. I was wondering if you could give me some thoughts about that in the Punisher? Going by your blog, it's very shippy on the Kastle front, which I found to be a very interesting dynamic, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to see them together yet?
Heh, they are not actually together in TP. Karen is not in that many episodes of it either (four in S1 and one in S2), so it’s not like there is a ton of them. It’s all subtext and they clearly care about each other a lot and Frank goes to considerable lengths to save her etc, but they’re not canonly confirmed in love until 2x11 of TP, and that is possibly the last episode we have of them (if TP doesn’t get a s3) and ends with them separated anyway. So it’s definitely subtle and slow burn and so forth. And also painful, because apparently I go for that in all my ships. Alas.
Matt doesn’t come up in TP (except for one reference in 2x11) because s1 takes place when Karen thinks he’s dead prior to Daredevil s3. The whole thing is Frank’s story and his various vengeance quests and the people he meets and more on his backstory and etc. I haven’t watched most of s2 and have heard it is decidedly so-so overall, but season 1 is really good and I do recommend it. I get not wanting to immediately jump from one ship to another, but it develops really well and is very feelsy and fleshes out their connection from DD in an organic way and I clearly am very fond of them, so fwiw. But do as you will!
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