#it's just often not very splashy and it doesn't magically fix everything
xiyao-feels · 1 year
Also I think because LXC can't actually fix JGY's situation, people don't always realize how often he does help JGY? But we do actually see it a lot! Even aside from repeatedly saving his life from NMJ trying to kill him on the spot, there's:
- the teacups scene
- bringing news of the possibilities at Langya (and offering to talk to NMJ if needed)
- intervening politely when Jin Zixun is yelling abuse at him at the Phone is Mountain Hunt
- helping expand the grounds at the Phoenix Mountain Hunt, and even recruiting LWJ to help them out
- giving him the cloth after Zixun throws wine at him
- even teaching him the Song of Clarity!
And honestly I'm probably forgetting some other things too. And like—again setting aside the defending his life from NMJ part, most of these are fairly subtle or small? But that's just the kind of help LXC can give! He can't fix JGY's situation; it's just not in his power. But that doesn't mean there's never any help he can give. And I think it's worth noting that the help is graciously given and graciously accepted; even when LXC urges him to go change his clothes after Zixun throws wine on him, and JGY has to point out that he can't, he's not offended or reactive or anything of the sort; he simply says that he can't leave, even as he accepts the handkerchief without any problems and uses it to clean his robes.
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