#its because its almsot 2am
emberunderscore · 2 months
Icarus gets the fuckig hug (so i can sleep peacefully)
"Do you want a hug?"
The question caught them off guard. They weren't expecting that. They weren't really expecting any of this conversation to go the way it has. They weren't expecting Rae to even be there today.
They knew the answer, of course. They couldn't remember the last time they'd been hugged. But the thoughts ate away at their mind, telling them that they didn't deserve a hug. Especially not from Rae, and yet here he was. Telling them he missed them, he loves them. Offering that hug. That human contact. Something so simple, so basic yet something they craved so deeply.
"y- yeah... please"
They took a hesitant step towards Rae and he closed the rest of the distance. He wrapped his arms around them and they melted into his embrace. They didn't know what to do with their hands, so they remained awkwardly standing there as their brother held them. He was crying. They were trying so hard not to.
They missed him, too.
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rredbirdii · 3 years
some of my winged dsmp!quackity hcs + doodles
its 1am again and i ahve 2 english assighnments that i need to do buit this is more important
[the names are all dsmp!characters, and not their actual ccs :] ]
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-the wings he has are kinda inspired by yellow warblers and yellow canaries [cus duck wise its only chicks that have "yellow" wings]
-they're tattoos that turn into actual wings, so usually he doesn't wear them and they don't show at all [so that's why not many ppl know he has wings
-the tattoo looks like something painted on, and its really pretty, with golds and yellows all blended into his skin
-super intricate and delicate looking but at the bottom of the tattoo it looked like someone had smudged the paint and made it dull and drabby
-only a few people actaully know he has wings [eg, schlatt, charlie]
-charlie accidentally walked in on quackity one night by complete accident tho lmao[5-7]
-mans just accidenatlly gooped up shit and so charlie went to quackity to ttell him and so charlie went in while quackity was loooking at his wings
-plus charlie kinda knew trhat quackity "flew" onto the restuarant that charlie was in
-quackity showed schaltt first at the start of their manburg era [when they were together?? kinda?? or at least engaged or smth??] since they were president n vice president and quackity trusted schlatt [oooouh bboy that was a mistake]
-schallt kinda grabbed them and like inspected them a bit?? he just was super rough with them which caused a few to break and [obviosuly] hurt quackity and then schlatt was like this shits disgusting
-this caused quackity to hide them away and pretend he didn't have them at all
-quackity was okay at flying but then after a long time of hiding it away and keeping it a secret he was a lil rusty [not to mention he hadn't properly waited for his feathers to regrow either]
-alos schlatt had really fucked them up so even if his primaries had regrown back they wouldn't be the same anymore
-karl and sapnap had seen his tattoo but quackity didn't tell them they were wings, so they had just assumed that it was just a cool tattoo or something [quackity was going to tell them after he had built las nevadas but then,,, y,,yk what happened,,]
-they asked about the bottom part of it and quackit just said schlatt had done something to it and then they didn't pry too much
-he doesn't hate his wings but after what schlatt had done he was super cautious and stayed on the safe side by leaving them in their tattoo form
-in addiiton the night after techno had scarred his face, he was super fucking pissed and he had stress plucked a bunch of his feathers out in rage, but then after the anger had left him, he was left with a pile of feathers and a pair of sore wings
-after that he stopped taking care of his wings and just ignored them
-he cant rlly fly anymore due to lack of practice and slightly broken wings[due to the miscare by schlatt and the ripping out done by himself] but he can kinda glide[but tbh running would be quicker than him flying thouhg]
-its a bit of a pain tho and plus he has to get clothes that have back openings and its just overall a bit of a nuisance for him
-he sometimes cradles his wings and pretends that theyre sapnap and karl [4]
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