#its rlly interesting to see the part before you enter to office
moosh2727 · 20 days
Jet's office in Sonic Riders
I had so much fun using a floating camera to explore (sorry for any clipping issues)
Behind his office
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The office
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Jet's board
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The map on the right side of the room
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The marking on the carpet
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ruizpizzaria · 8 months
link to part 1 : https://www.tumblr.com/ruizpizzaria/731120968635940864/digital-circus-theories-thoughts-o-part-1
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Kinger might've been scared of gangle breaking her face because it reminds him of someone abstracting / getting deformed / reaching their breaking point
if Kinger has been in the digital circus the longest he has encountered the most abstractions hence why he's so paranoid and gets frightened by gangle too (?)
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Kinger wife?? Queener?? did she have a connection to him in some way
She's the only one to have a consistent avatar design I wonder why?
I'm 99% confident all the crossed out character doors are for those who got abstracted
Maybe her death or abstraction was most impactful on Kinger fueling his paranoia
ive also seen people point out how the flooring of the digital cirucus looks like a chess board soo coincidence????????/
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Both Kinger and Queener ( you cant convince me otherwise it wouldnt be ) are both regal characters and there are notable castle walls within the tent
Pomni resembles a jester which could also tie into this royal theme
theres also a dragon queen / gloink queen but that might have been a one off thing
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The exit maze labyrinth thing is an office but why?
I feel like making an exit or escape look like an office is ironic seeing how work and generally office work is seen as very enslaving or repressing
youd think an exit or freedom would be something like blue skies
in general the internet or virtual realities are seen as forms of escapisms from reality ( an escape from work school etc etc ) but here its basically switched and I find that rlly interesting
I already said this in my pt 1 theory post but the office might resemble the company building for C&A
The painting in the back of this shot almost looks like the ones from the hallway jax, pomni and ragatha were walking through making this the only asset caine reuses from the digital circus maybe?
( edit : i said formerly it mightve been bc it the office had a tie to the game but also i mean no duh caine made it ; but then again if thinking this is a direct replica of an office that exists in the narrative reality outside of the digital circus then tied to the game company yes )
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Most likely the computer Pomni used to enter the digital world
could it be she was a worker or beta tester for this company? and maybe everyone else was too
we also see the headset she used here
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in the previous photo/scene it looks as though Pomni recognizes the computer in the distance and at the beginning pomni is aware she is wearing a head set ; this begs the question : how much can be remembered before entering the digital circus? what can be remembered and what is forgotten?
It's made clear general information like their identities are forgotten
Ive noticed that the longer they stay the more they forget about themselves and ease up to their character roles -> Pomni is the least concerned with being a jester while someone like Kinger who's been there the longest refers to himself as royalty and plays into his character
foreshadowing when jax says to kinger "since when are you an expert on the digital world" hinting that they might be devs or beta testers for the game
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actualbird · 2 years
Many things confuse me about alcohol and drinking culture but by far the weirdest thing for me is how beer is somehow seen as both tasting like shit and the best choice for your first alcoholic drink. Almost everyone I have ever met will go on and on about how beer tastes horrible and everything else tastes so much better and then go by the way if you wanna try drinking start with beer and I just go hUH??????
I think soju's starting to take over beer as the best choice for a first alcholic drink though which honestly is for the best. I don't hear nearly as many complaints about the taste of soju.
Aaaaa I'm really tempted to watch the cn server cards. I've heard so many good things about them and will gladly watch someone else watch them but for some reason I can't bring myself to just watch them myself. Vyn's dynamic with his dad sounds so interesting though! I'm glad it doesn't seem unsalvageable since from what I know of his backstory it really didn't seem like his father had bad intentions. Maybe I'll watch it if I get Vyn's RRG card...
From the post I read about wine and its scams apparently the label is really easy to fake so all Marius would have to do is successfully fool Vyn into actually believing him. Still easier said than done but I can absolutely see him try.
eyyo, milkyway :DDD
irt beer and soju:
man mannNNN SAME FRIGGING HAT!!! i mean, maybe i see the logic here? first alcoholic drink SHOULD taste like shit, maybe. so that ur expectations r down waaaaay low from the beginning HAHA
SOJUUUUUUUU!!! SOJU MY BELOVED!!!! oh im v glad soju is taking over, i rlly love soju tho it only got popular over here like around 2017 i think. but ever since then, yep! v popular! my fave soju flavor is the peach one but even with the flavors, i cant drink soju On Its Own cuz the alcohol taste is still strong (as it does pack a respectable amount of alcohol content) but it's nowhere near the bad taste of beer. beer tastes bad, soju tastes like clean and crisp <3
a clean crisp taste i compliment by taking soju and mixing it with equal parts sprite and yakult. it may sound odd for some, but trust me. this works. it's AWESOME
irt cn server cards and vyn and his father:
the cards from the cn server are VERY GOOD but i totally understand if u maybe wanna wait until they come out on the global server!!! like, the global server's timeline has already been noted to be uhhhh worryingly sped up (i talked about it in several asks before but i cant find the links huhu) so we supposedly wont have to wait as long for certain events. bbuuut vyn's bday is fixed tho, it's not moving KJBKJS
YEA YEA the vibes i get between vyn and his father r rlly like "mistakes were made, things couldve been better" but not on purpose. which, personally, is a kind of relationship and history that i find very very interesting since like, when relationships go into this gray area between hate and love, it's harder to navigate. but theres also waaaayyy more space for stories to tell.
i REALLY WANT VYN'S RRG CARD!!! or, well, when the JP dub comes out, i'll watch it since my gacha luck is shit. but the vyn rrg card, ive been told, is filled with VYN LORE. so i need to KNOW.
(also i want the vyn rrg card bc of that card's second evolution. i wanna be able to toss probably-drunk!vyn at an opponent in a debate)
and lastly irt marius fuckin with vyn:
Marius, before entering Vyn's office, removes a d20 die from his pocket. On a nearby desk, Marius does a flat roll with the die as he mutters "deception" to himself.
He rolls a Natural 20.
Marius grins, now full of placebo effect confidence, as he pockets the die once more and kicks the door to Vyn's office open. "HEY, DOC, I'VE GOT THIS GREEEEAAAATT GIFT FOR YOUUUUUU!"
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zuxnon · 5 years
CEO SVT | Seungkwan - Incompatible
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authors note: i know everyone who knows me already KNOWS this BuuuuTTTT i wanna warn yall,,, absolutely a whole ass 0% percent proofreading went into this and since it took me so long to write it i dont know if its coherent,... does it make sense FHGSDUJKA ill find out at some point but yknow~ nshfksghk i am SORRY its also rlly short rip
summary: anyone would’ve said you were incompatible, even seungkwan himself. but he was interesting, he was real, he was sassy and entertaining, and he was drop dead gorgeous. therefore, you didn’t care what any of them had to say. you would pursue him until you got bored of doing so. that was just who you were.  
boo seungkwan hated the elevator ride down from his apartment every morning. not because he was tired, because it was six in the morning and he wanted to sleep in. not because he hated the elevator- nothing that simple. it was his luck. his horrible, damned awful luck. it was never good- for some goddamned reason every morning, that horrible downstairs neighbor took it upon herself to wake whenever he did, leave whenever he did, and confront him about his day or night, telling him she heard him up at 3am getting a glass of water and he should learn to walk quieter. he made the mistake of bringing a girl home once, when he was insanely drunk and horny, and god had he heard it from her that next morning. it wasn't as if she was silent either. it definitely wasn't as if she hadn't had her fair share of rather loud one night stands- but arguing with her was of no use and he found it a hassle to talk to her in the first place, so he rarely complained.
he tried putting earbuds in one morning, tried to block her out, but she plucked one from his ear and turned him to face her. he tried ignoring her, but no matter where he turned she would always follow, standing right in his face and talking louder so he couldn't possibly pretend she wasn't screaming in his ear. when he got home late from helping seokmin clean up the aftermath of the party, he knew he'd be getting an earful in the morning. why did she have to be such a damn light sleeper?
sure enough, he had the same thought when the elevator stopped at her floor on the way down. and sure enough, when the elevator doors opened, she was the only one waiting. her eyes were shielded by sunglasses, a mask covering her mouth and nose, a bright, sunflower colored windbreaker and black yoga pants clothing her body. the jacket was zipped all the way up and the hood was hiding her dyed red hair. she usually looked like this in the mornings, sometmes prettier, sometimes less pretty, but usually well hidden. at least, until she stepped in the elevator. as soon as she stepped foot in the elevator, she pulled the mask down. the hood was tugged off her head and the sunglasses pushed upwards to rest on her hair. her arms crossed over her chest- she looked like she was ready for a showdown.
seungkwan didn't waste time pretending, he immediately let his head roll back, dropping against the wall of the elevator and groaned in exasperation. she felt her heart beat faster, nerves and frustration rushing through her. it was his fault, anyways. why did he act so angry? why didn't he just like her in the first place?
"why were you out so late last night?" she barked, puffing her chest out and pointing her nose up as she went to stand beside him. from an outside perspective it would've looked almost comical, the way she stood as if a pole had pierced all the way up through her, contrasting the way he leaned against the wall like he wanted to sink back into it. the difference between the long, fashionable dark blue coat and dark jeans and burnt orange sweater he wore and the workout clothes she wore. the way both of them refused to look at each other, bodies facing straight ahead but they stood so close that if she swayed even slightly to the side her shoulder would brush against his arm.
"it's none of your business."
she scowled, her arms visibly tightening. "it's automatically my business when your carelessness is interrupting my sleep. if i don't sleep well, my skin doesn't glow like it should. i gain weight. i get dark circles and red eyes. i can't afford to lose sleep every time you stay out getting drunk somewhere." she grumbled, leaning slightly sideways to elbow him in the side.
he shot her a glare from the corner of his eyes, trying to squeeze himself tighter into the corner, further away from her. alas, it didn't work. thankfully, though, they were nearing the bottom floor by then.
"invest in some earplugs." he hissed, carefully maneuvering himself further away from her, closer to the doors. "then you won't hear me."
he could practically hear the wheels in her head turning, the steam coming out of her ears as she dropped her arms, both fists clenched at her sides and her lips parted in furious thought.
"why should i have to-" she was cut off by the ding of the elevator, the squeak of the doors opening and seungkwan's footsteps as he hurriedly escaped before she could explode.
for about half of the day, work was particularly slow. your angry manager shouting at everyone who came near as you looked through offers for your next show or movie- whatever you thought she could play best. a victim in a horror film. a low-budget rom-com missing a plot. a romance/mystery show. there was even offer for you to be in a thriller film with a warning of multiple graphic sex scenes. they were crazy if they thought you'd accept that. you hardly liked scary films anyways. your 'no' pile was stacking up, your 'yes' pile was nonexistent and your maybe pile was thin. only the mystery and a superhero movie. as much as you would love to see yourself playing a superhero, as proud as you would be, you didn't know if you could handle the strain it would put on your body. sure, you would consider it, though. there were far too many offers to go through, you were starting to get tired of it. you were sore from sitting in the uncomfortable chair in that stuffy office all day,  hungry from not eating lunch, you had three different papercuts on your hands from flipping through so many envelopes.
you were so, so close to giving up, fingers twitching with a desire to throw the whole pile and storm out. maybe you would have, had the sky-blue of the pretty letter next in your hands not caught your attention. a name that sounded vaguely familiar. boo broadcasting. (forgive me i cant name things for shit) you thumbed at the corners for a few moments, trying to think of where you'd heard it before, why it seemed more familiar than just the company. trying to find the bell the name had rung in your mind.  after a few moments, instead of giving in and ignoring the question in your mind, you decided to pull out your phone and look it up. to your surprise, your most pleasant surprise, the first face you see is that of your upstairs neighbor.
'CEO of Boo Broadcasting, Boo Seungkwan seen leaving unknown woman's apartment late at night.' it read, with a blurry, dark picture of the the boy, with his recently dyed blue hair and his trademark long, dark coats, slipping out of an apartment you didn't recognize. curiously, you decided to click it, setting the letter down in your lap as you quickly scrolled to the bottom. you didn't bother reading the article, only the comments. oftentimes, those were more accurate than the dramatic, disgusting articles written by slimy, slithering liars. she had seen too many kind people be taken down by the words they shamelessly spoke.
'the woman in the picture is his mother. she was in the pictures for his graduation.' 'that's his mom, how can you post such blatant lies? really shameless' that was all she needed to see. the comparison pictures in the first comment proved it to her. good. less competition, right?
she let her phone fall back in her lap, one hand grabbing the envelope and tearing the side open to pull the letter out and read it. a variety show with various a-list celebrities- and a special guest. the handsome ceo of the company broadcasting the show as none other than the host.
somewhat of a roleplay show, it seems, where you'll be surprised with the theme of each episode you film, pick a role from a hat and act it as well as you can. you should be filming for just over a month. it sounded perfect- like exactly something you'd enjoy working on. sounded like a perfect chance to hopefully seduce your upstairs neighbor at the same time as you worked. entertaining in more than one way. so, with a smile on your face, you brought it to your manager.
lots of nagging and purposeless early morning elevator rides later, your awakening at 5 in the morning had a real reason- not that you didn't consider nagging your upstairs neighbor a real reason. if you didn't, you likely wouldn't be in the elevator at 5 every morning just to talk to him.  to your surprise, he wasn't dressed up when you entered the elevator- didn't groan or bother to even look at you. he kept his eyes closed, head back as he leaned against the elevator wall. you walked over beside him in silence, stood for a few sweet seconds wordlessly before you tilted your head slightly to the side, posture slouched as your eyes trailed over to his makeup-less face. there were a few small blemishes, his skin was a tiny bit more red than you would expect, but he looked... pretty. beautiful maybe, without makeup on. you lolled your head and stared up at the ceiling instead.
"you were quiet last night... what got into you? didn't wake me up once."
he sent you a quick glance from the corner of his eye, but didn't  say anything in response. his eyes didn't even linger on you-  they quickly turned back to the elevator ceiling and closed, his body relaxing against the wall.
you pouted to yourself, bit your lip for a moment before turning to face him again.
"where are you going today?"
this time he completely ignored you, didnt even give you a look. that was fine, you could think of something else to attract his attention if need be. it took you a few seconds to think, a few sweet seconds that he enjoyed like nothing else that morning, but soon enough (or, rather, too soon,) you were granted with an idea. a genius idea, for more than one reason. the main being that if he said yes, you wouldn't have to wait for your manager to drive down here and get you in an hour.
"can i ride with you?" you asked, grinning to yourself in pride at your own genius. should he choose not to allow you, it would be a fault of his own. what harm did you ever do to him anyways?
"you already are," came a low, deep voiced grumble from the corner of the elevator. "you do every morning."
bouncing happily on the balls of your heels, you move over to stand in front of him and look up towards him, arms crossed over your chest casually. "no, i mean in your car. can you drive me? we're going to the same place and i can't drive." you explain, and instantly, as soon as the word 'car' slips out of your mouth his head snaps down, eyes scanning yours as if to see if you were kidding. you weren't. that didn't take him long to realize.
"what do you mean, 'we're going to the same place'?" he asked, looking surprised- maybe even afraid. of course, he had no reason to be afraid, he was the CEO of not only the company broadcasting  company, but the company which was literally producing the show. if he very well wanted to, he could absolutely get you kicked off the show. so you knew you had to be on your best behavior. the elevator bell dinged a few times, signaling that you would soon be coming to a stop in the lobby. he slipped around you to stand by the door, you turning on your heels to follow him, stand shoulder to shoulder against him, both staring at the silver doors.
"we're filming together." you state matter-of-factly, smiling in triumph as you fought to hide the smugness in your tone. of course, you knew there was a 50-50 chance that he'd tell the producers that like hell would he work with you, but still this was closer to him than you'd been before. the door slid open, and for once he waited for you to get out first. he seemed a bit sulky when you turned to glance at him, watch him walk out after you, but he followed anyways, soon stepping ahead to lead, you assumed, you to his car, as he occasionally glanced to make sure you were following.
"they didn't tell me any of the people i'd be filming with, it was supposed to be a surprise i guess so i wouldn't go into it with a bias." he shot a glare at you from the corner of his pretty brown eyes, and you smiled in return. "glad i got a warning."
it was hard to stifle the giggle pulling at your lips at his grumbled words, quite obviously not intended for you to hear but you heard anyways. he was adorable. whether he hated you or not, he was so cute, you loved talking to him. and, if it came down to it, listening to him insult you. he was funny. quirky. adorable, and rather entertaining. you liked how he spoke his mind.
"so can i ride with you, sir?" you asked, practically bouncing happily as he led you into the private parking garage, unlocked his car (clicked twice, ensuring all doors would be unlocked, you noticed) and turned to glance at you. he sighed.
"don't call me that... get in."
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