#jackles if you give me this I’ll forgive the crimes
torturedpoetdean · 1 year
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impalaimagining · 6 years
His Girls
Pairing: Jensen x sick!Reader x Danneel
Word Count: 575
Warnings: very lightly/briefly mentioned implied smut 
A/N: Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing because she asked for some Jensen pick-me-up and I figured I’d sweeten the deal with her favorite girl ;)
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“She’s sick.” Danneel looked up at Jensen worriedly. “Like, really sick.” 
“How bad?” Jensen’s eyebrows pulled together.
“Double ear infection. She can barely hear me when I talk to her. I’ve woken the kids up twice just trying to get her to hear me.” Danneel sighed, shaking her head. “I have to head to the brewery. Can you take care of her for a little while?”
“Why don’t you stay with her? You’re better at that whole sick thing.” Jensen shuddered slightly. 
“Don’t tell her I told you this.” Danneel tried to hide her smile. “She’s been asking for you in her sleep.”
“What?” Jensen raised his brows. “Really?”
Danneel nodded. “She misses you.”
“Alright, you go. I’ll stay here with Y/N.” Jensen kissed Danneel quickly and sent her on her way. He heard you let out a little groan from the bedroom, so Jensen trekked up the steps and opened the door slowly. “Hey, babe.” He smiled, but you didn’t see him. Your eyes were closed, you were buried in a mountain of blankets, and you had no idea he’d even come into the room.
Jensen walked to the bed carefully and put his hand on your leg. You jumped and spun around, glaring at him as your stomach and back cramped. “I hate you.” You whined, clutching at your stomach. 
“What? What happened? Are you okay?” Jensen lifted his hand off of you quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“You didn’t hurt me.” You deadpanned. “Life hurt me.”
Jensen chuckled. “Life did not hurt you.”
“Life threw a double ear infection at me, and then decided to remind me that I didn’t give my uterus a baby this month.” You rolled your eyes. “Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Oh, that’s my fault?” He couldn’t hide his smile. “Forgive me.”
“You’re the one who had to be away filming all month long.” You reminded him. “You weren’t even home to try to stop my uterus from killing me this month.”
“Stop saying uterus.” Jensen laughed. “You need anything?” You shook your head. “Then slide over.” He tapped your butt lightly and you wiggled away from him, huffing and frowning. Jensen climbed into the bed and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you back to him. You don’t know how he did it, but he rolled you over and pulled you onto his chest. Jensen’s hand rubbed up and down your back gently. “You sure I can’t do anything else?”
You hummed and shook your head. “This is fine.” You wedged one leg between his and nuzzled your head against his chest.
“Good.” Jensen kissed the top of your head. “I’ve missed you.” He whispered.
You smiled as your eyes closed. “I’ve missed you too.” Your eyes popped open quickly. “Wait! I heard that! I heard you say that!” You smacked his chest and sat up. Dumb decision. Your stomach muscles pulled into a cramp again and you bit your lip, holding back a pained noise.
“Lay down. The babies are napping and JJ is with Gen and the kids at the park. We’ve got some time before either of us needs to be an adult again.” Jensen teased, bringing you back to his chest. “Just let me take care of you.”
You closed your eyes tightly and nodded. “Thank you.”
Jensen ran his hand over your hair and rubbed your scalp lightly. “Gotta take care of my girls.”
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