#jfc you guys why didn't you talk to anybody
majaloveschris · 2 years
Real talk I think Chris is over this shit and that’s why he’s blocking people on Twitter and tbh I don’t blame him people have been unrelenting about this. I know he’s a fully grown man and made his choice to do this but I do kinda feel bad bc I don’t think anyone expected the severe backlash this would cause. Poor guy looked like someone was holding a gun to his head in those New York pictures, like speed walking and deadass dragging her through the park to get it over with. I don’t know why they would do this, but even if it was real (which I don’t believe) just let this man live jfc
Agree! Even if it was a genuine relationship, why should he allow haters or those who drag him down to follow him? Okay, so he is famous and needs to take more than a regular person, but that doesn't mean he needs to let people walk over him all the time. I still think it's PR, but even if it were real, he doesn't deserve this. It's his life, and if somebody doesn't agree with his choice, that's understandable, but leaving disgusting comments won't make a difference. I understand if some people don't like the age gap in relationships; I really do, but even if they were together, they aren't committing a crime; they are both legal adults. And if you keep leaving hateful and disgusting comments, don't be surprised if you get blocked. And it's probably his team, not him.
And when somebody says they didn't do anything wrong and that they got blocked for no reason at all, I'd like to know if they posted, shared, or messaged something outrageous because I doubt he (or his team) would block anybody just for fun.
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vriskacircus · 2 years
Jane Terezi Dirk Vriska failfriendship part 2 because I cant sleep until I share my vision aka how these guys all interact with one another:
Terezi - Jane: literally the reason this whole clusterfuck happened in the first place they played ace attorney together or something and eventually their respective besties tagged along because they couldn't bug the pages and because Vriska and Dirk are Vriska and Dirk things quickly escalated. This friendship is almost functional hooray!
Jane - Vriska: This Just In: Local Former Heiress Has A Sexuality Crisis Over Feelings Of Hatred Towards Teenage Alien Goddess -> she sees all the shitty things about vriska and thinks "Yeah i can fix her. By antagonizing her and beating her up/getting beaten up by her. Also she's hot. I didn't say that." Vriska is just like "You were an heiress to a super powerful company? You hold the power of life itself in your hands? You have a cool nice dad? And you fell for Jake English??? God you suck."
Jane - Dirk: see my post obsessing about their friendship but also Jane is newly terrified of herself and her capacity for evil post-trickster mode and crockertier while Dirk is like 'been there currently still doing that' so they feed into each others' misery lol. Eventually Jane talks to Dirk about her hatelove for Vriska and its a heartwarming bonding moment or something.
Vriska - Dirk: she is like a shitty shoulder devil to him "cmon dirk youre strong you could be a hero and do such great things if you weren't a pussy who's all weird about yourself (haha this guy is such good entertainment and I'm definitely helping him uh huh yep)" and he's like 'yeah I deserve this eternal torment im going to go out of my way to spend time with her.' She gets him to lighten up but exactly the wrong ways at exactly the wrong times and it just makes everything worse. Also they too fight each other to the death sometimes just for shits and giggles.
Terezi - Vriska: Classic scourge sisters playing tug of war with the red string of fate. Terezi is pretending that she doesn't know how badly all this is going to end, "I have faith in my friends. I have faith in my moirail. They're all just having a little high stakes violent fun while i cheer from the sidelines and occasionally join in when it's not a duel to the death kind of day. It's fine." It is not fine.
Terezi - Dirk: Mutual respect over cool shades and having fought in the final battle together. They like to poke at each others' issues. Watching the spades blossom between Jane and Vriska is simultaneously concerning and amusing to them both.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I'm saying this with my whole chest... I already know this has been done but this is my version
Twst hot takes: who'd they be irl school setting
Riddle is the teachers pet and snitches on everyone. Definitely an emily, was a bitch in hs and now works as a nurse/doctor now, "they say it all the time though... I thought it meant friend or something"
Trey either adopts you as one of his kids or is the senior thats has a freshmen s/o
Cater is a wannabe regina george, hops on trends, will cancle everything and anything, switches aesthetic often, sends SS on snapchat, "you wouldn't know who they are.. they're soo under ground" it's the fucking Beatles, "oh that on tiktok song", "don't wanna talk abt it 😥"
Ace post shit like "females these days😐... follow me on soundcloud", Will peak in highschool, thinks he exudes black air force energy but has dirty white van energy, "when 69 gets outta jail he's gonna get killed no cap 🤓", "cardi b isn't black either 🤓", wears burger King crowns, "dababy", "this song be bussin bussin for real sheesh"
Deuce is a teen drama bad boy that is just misunderstood, "nobody understands me", was bullied, left, came back and is the leader of a gang now, ironically he wants to either go into the army or become a police officer
Leona acts like he's from the streets but is from a gated community and dad is the mayor, thinks everyone hates him but is really popular, likes to use his status as mayors son to threaten ppl
Ruggie leeches of leona, the 'ol begging ass plate, always eating
Jack is the asshole dude bro, means well, 100% signing up for the military, used to be the no fun friend
Azul "if you didn't like me at my worst and can have me at my best", "what he cheated on me with vs me", "#gatekeep #gaslight #girlboss"
Jade is the fake friend, blackmails ppl, everyone thinks he'll threaten to blow up the school
Floyd is the kid that know matter how many complaints the school gets the teachers can't do anything
Jamil unpopular twin, wird kid that wears hoodies in 80+ degree weather, emo phase, forced to help kalim, gets his license and everyone switches up
Kalim the popular twin, "if you're homeless just buy a house", doesn't study cuz he was partying and copies off of jamil, doesn't know he's the favorite
Vil does part time modeling and make sure you know abt it, "take me back 😩", got popular on tiktok for doing nothing, will become a family blogger
Rook is the "where's my hug at?" Guy, saves everyone photos, "rookhunt took a screenshot of your story"
Epel is the homophobic gay kid, thinks he's the 'alpha male', responds to ppl calling him with "cry abt it", two faced
Idia is a neckbeard borderline incle, tier 3 pokimane sub, bought gamer girl bath water, down bad, "females only play the Sims and minecraft while I play dark souls and csgo", nice guy switch up
Ortho wants to be like his big brother but he doesn't know how deep it goes
Malleus will double text you and will do "am I annoying you 🥺" when you don't respond in 5 sec, "i don't fuck with anybody at school", I'm 14 and this deep, "mix your three most recent emojis"
Lilia is both the "seinor with a freshmen s/o and where's my hug at guy"
Silver is a pot head (don't @ me)
Sebek would be the homophobic and racist kid but is biracial and comes out as gay later on
Mc would be roger from American dad rando twsted guy: "if I walk through this door it's gonna be you?" Mc: "*wearing school uniform*There is a 99% chance that yes it will be me" rando twst guy: "ok *opens the door to see Mc in the concealer office looking over a file* Mc: "are you my 2 o'clock? please have a seat"
Grim is the schools unofficial mascot
Crowley the new principle that acts like he's been there for years
Crewel has sex with his students
Trein is the teacher your parents be like "he's still teaching?" He also wants to retire but the and makes it known he wants to
Ashton is either the gym teacher that means well or is the teacher that's married but is fucking another teacher/students
Sam graduated 5 yrs ago but has nothing better to do and hangs around school, if you have the money he'll buy it for you, "hey kid you wanna buys some drugs?"
Cheka is a sticky iPad kid, "my mom let's me eat those" when you have hot chips, cheka: "yeah my mama and daddy be fighting naked sometimes" twst guy: "okay where your parents at?, "my mom said I can play on your computer", "you got games on your phone?"
Chen'ya is the kid that skips school to hangout with friends at a different school, "they go to a different school"
Neige also modles but is more successful at it and has the brunette and blonde friendship but in reverse with vil
Farena is roger doofenshmirtz situation with leona, "why do these new aged kids stay in their rooms all day?", "i wanst the favorite! You were"
Not gonna lie..... a lot of this I didn't understand (JFC HELP I'M BECOMING MUCH MORE OF A BOOMER WITH EACH PASSING DAY)
also.... pls..... I-I wanna be Trey's freshman gf koljgkjgflk
thank you for sharing!
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Everyone I know hasn't changed one bit and are still assholes. Then they wonder why I stick to talking to people from my college years more. Those were more mellow.
Only one or two bitches I don't talk to tho. One was cos she was calling me a slut when she was sleeping with a married man with kids. I'm "whatever" on a lot of shit but sleeping with a MARRIED man is the trashiest lowest of the low and I will judge the fuck out of you for it if you do it.
The other girl I stopped talking to had willingly looked for guys younger than her and on one, she hooked up with a sixteen year old when she was 31 and by that time I was done with her. I've met people that fucked up cos they didn't know, but then there's people that know and look for it. And she intentionally looked for it, like the other girl that liked married dudes.
So I'm setting things up for a couple of people in a few days (not today cos today is a video call with a bunch of other people from my shittiest younger life years. I wasn't the one that came up with that idea, but an old friend has been going through some shit and just wants everyone together this year at least for a call while we drink. Idk how that'll work cos of different time zones tho 😕)
I was originally planning on getting drunk with a handful of people I know over here, lol. Except for the two bitches I mentioned cos I still can't stand their guts. There was a third in their little group who was too irrelevant but damn she was a the biggest twat I had the misfortune of knowing. She criticized a woman that took some behavioral studies classes with me. The woman in question was getting abused by her husband and the bitch said, "Who would want a doctor that can't help herself? Is she going to tell someone abused to get help when she looks like a banged up raccoon?" I really hated her guts then and the feeling was mutual when she had her shitty friends calling me a slut for who I dated for a couple of months. Personally I think they were jealous I even got anybody. Guys thought that bitch had a "horse face" and a bad attitude so she couldn't find herself a boyfriend, much less someone to fuck her.
Meh. I'm surprised she's still alive tbh. She was terrible. Everyone else in college was awesome however. Just those two (cos their horse-faced ringleader got kicked out of the university after I was in for a year and a half and the other two stayed 😑).
I really fucking hate reunions. There's people I don't even want to know about after so long. Shitty people. And I had to find about those bitches back from my early twenties 😂. I'm "force laughing" cos if I don't I'd find them to rub their failures all over their faces.
The one I did completely stop talking to in my teen years was this super judgemental girl that we used to call "Jack Off". Her name was Jackie and she was a Narcissistic cunt that always started something with everyone. She told me I looked like a BDSM prostitute and told one of my friends that her boobs looked unnatural (and said friend was very insecure about her boobs and this bitch kinda made it worse by always saying something mean about how her shirts fit). She called herself a "friend" of ours but she just hung out without invitation and whined the whole time. She wanted to hook up with this really pretty blond boy that worked at a Cafe close to the train station, but he hated her too, lmfaooooo. Omg the petty teen years were hilarious. She was then trying to "take" my spot in my friends group cos I was a "high end hooker" when I was only with one guy but she slept with a bunch of college guys as well as military guys. She must have been mad cos the pretty blond boy told her to give him my number instead of hers. Hahahapfffft. Jfc I still crack up. Told everyone ready for the call tonight that I don't want Jack Off, she'd just make my New year's Eve suck. 😂😂😂
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