#junebug is defs like an older sister waaaaa ;A; <3
jvten · 10 months
vi and the puppets (part 1: junebug)
so i'm doing a little miniseries of oneshots of my OC vi with the MFN muppets and it's SO CUTE OMG here's the first one that i have! enjoy!
warnings: none, just PURE FLUFF AND ADORABLENESS WAAA, also the muppets aren't straight up crazy here, they're sane lol
characters: vi (3 years old here), junebug, lilianna
read part 2 here!
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One of the muppets that little Vi was extremely partial to was Junebug, the wild and often eccentric muppet with even wilder green hair, but of course the muppet had a wonderful soft side. The two liked to spend time outside in the park, feeding the dogs, playing in the playground and looking at insects together. It was because of Junebug that Vi had developed such a curiosity for the world.
A sunny morning in the Neighborhood found Junebug and little Vi in the playground, Lilianna with them tending to a few flowers. The two were looking at Lilianna’s handiwork in awe, with Vi being extra careful not to get soil on the clothes that she was matching with Junebug. While Lilianna was working, Junebug hummed to herself.
“Ba-ba-ba-ba,” she hummed.
“Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba,” Vi said, copying her.
“Awww!” Junebug couldn’t help but beam, lifting the little girl into her lap and hugging her. Vi giggled, and the two continued humming to themselves. When Lilianna moved away to the next garden bed, the other two stared at the flowers. “Wow, Lilianna!” Junebug exclaimed, grinning up at the other muppet. “These are all so pretty!”
“Aw, thank you!” smiled Lilianna, then looked at Vi who was gazing at the flowers intently. “Looks like our little princess thinks the same thing!”
Vi looked up at the both of them and nodded. “Mhm!” she said, then pointed to some yellow flowers. “What are these ones?”
“Those are dandelions, dear.”
“Oohh. And these ones?” She pointed to some red ones.
“Oh, I know this one! Uhh… poppies!” said Junebug.
“That’s right!” said Lilianna.
“Oohh, poppies. And this one?” The three-year-old pointed to a group of small purple flowers.
“Those are one of my favourites. They’re violets!” Lilianna smiled again, moving back to the other garden bed she had been working on.
“Oh.” Vi nodded, although it took her a moment until she let out a little gasp. “Hey, that’s my name!” A big grin formed on her small face.
Junebug laughed, hugging her again and waving her little hands around. “That’s right, Vi! That’s your name!” Then, something on the leaf of one of the flowers caught her attention. “Oh, look! It’s a bug!” she exclaimed.
Vi’s eyes grew wide with wonder. “Oohh! Is that a Junebug?” she asked, pointing to the little crawly thing on the leaf.
The green and yellow muppet giggled. “No, Vi, that’s a caterpillar! Maybe there’s an insect called Junebug somewhere. That would be cool!” Junebug moved the two of them closer to the garden bed, to inspect the caterpillar. “Did you know that caterpillars don’t always look like they are now?”
“What do you mean?” Vi looked up at her.
“When a caterpillar reaches a certain time in its life, it makes itself a little home called a cocoon, or some would say a chrysalis, and it keeps itself all warm and snug inside. And then, when it’s ready, it comes out, but it’s not a caterpillar anymore! It turns into a beautiful butterfly!”
Absolutely in awe, Vi gasped, looking from Junebug to the caterpillar on the leaf. “Wow…!”
Junebug giggled again. “You know, Vi, someday I think you’ll be a butterfly!”
“Really?” Vi asked, and the muppet nodded. “How does a butterfly fly?”
“I’ll show you!” Junebug said, and the two got up and ran around the playground, flapping their outstretched arms as if they were wings and pretending to be butterflies, with almost no cares in the world.
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