#just herbs lipstick mini set
trykiyashop · 7 months
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thisislizheather · 5 years
March Magic
Forgive the lateness of this post, but March was a busy month so LET’S TALK ABOUT IT.
So after leaving Ipsy last year (for various reasons), I’ve missed receiving a little package every month full of makeup samples. I was all set to try Birchbox, but they wouldn’t accept a Canadian billing address so that didn’t work out. Instead I opted to give PLAY! By Sephora a chance. I was a member for three months before cancelling last week. My reason for ending it was mainly because I barely got any lipsticks or highlighters or anything FUN. I don’t know if it’s because they know that I’m in my mid-thirties or because they just have an influx of specific products, but a bitch doesn’t need twenty sample size cleansers. Not this bitch, anyway. Also, sending out a foundation sample (no matter the luxuriousness of the brand) makes ZERO sense because finding the right shade makes all the difference in the world for foundations. Also, I barely wear foundation. So I ended it. Also, am I the only one who hates getting tiny perfume samples? I feel like I have so many that I feel bad about throwing out, so I just keep them in the washroom and then use them instead of air-freshener if someone (or myself) stinks up the room (#lizadvice).
I was briefly intrigued by Frank & Oak’s clothing subscription box but decided after an hour of research that it’s probably too expensive for what you’re getting, even if the clothes are gorgeous.
Of course it was upsetting to hear that Luke Perry passed away. He was definitely one of the first men that I loved on television (god, I remember every single detail of that 90210 when his wife Rebecca Gayheart was killed). Such a good actor. So wildly attractive. And man, he was one of the best parts of Riverdale. I hate thinking about that show without him.
I absolutely love spring peas, so I made this Lemon-Basil Orzotto and it was really good.
I tried this charcoal that’s supposed to clean your makeup sponge and it was kind of annoying to use. It just takes too long to get a good lathering, and my foaming hand soap does the job much better and quicker.
I’ve only used it once so far, but I think I’m really into this Bliss Jelly Glow Peel Exfoliator that I got at Target for $10. No irritation at all and my face felt crazy smooth afterward.
I have a mini version of Sunday Riley’s Lactic Acid and it’s kind of really good, too. Only a million dollars more expensive than other good facial products! Sweet! Also, you’d think having “acid” in the name would frighten people away but I guess not. Obviously never going to buy the full size because it’s not magical or anything, but happy to have tried it.
Ate at this Mexican place Pulqueria in Chinatown that was pretty good. The location is pretty cool (very NYC out of a movie) and the inside is gorgeous. The food? Pretty decent! All in all, nothing to write home about but definitely worth remembering if you’re in the neighborhood.
Got some ice cream at Taiyaki and it was the definition of plain-as-a-dick. Nothing special here.
Finally ate at Lilia in Brooklyn! Honestly, it was really great and I can’t wait to go back. I made Nathan get the spicy lamb fettuccine so that I could try it and I got the mafaldini with pink peppercorns. His was fantastic, but mine was only so-so (it was way too al dente) - I think I just ordered badly because everything else we had was incredible. They had this herbed focaccia with ramp butter special that blew our faces off. I’ve never heard of a bread special before and it’s a brilliant idea, more restaurants should do this, people go nuts for fancy bread (myself included). The cauliflower appetizer (with spicy soppressata, sicilian pesto & majoram) was amazing and the dessert soft-serve swirl was wild. I already know what I’m ordering next time: the sheeps milk cheese filled agnolotti with saffron, dried tomato & honey. The service was of course great, and the space itself is gorgeous. No idea it used to be an auto-repair shop. Is the pasta better at L’Artusi? I’ll have to order the agnolotti before I answer that question. One must be well informed before making such declarations.
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On my birthday, I took advantage of a free-facial offered from Smith & Brit in the city and it was beyond lovely. Claire (the owner) is such a fantastic woman who really knows what she’s doing and she made it such a wonderful experience.
I also took advantage of the free birthday brow arch they offer at all Benefit locations and whoa. I almost exclusively thread my eyebrows every few months, so I was excited to have them waxed for a change. I have pretty sensitive forehead skin, so I did have tiny bumps around my eyebrows for a few days afterward, but it still was worth it. They do an “eyebrow map” of how your eyebrows would best look and then wax them accordingly. And then they follow that with filling them in with Benefit products. I usually use a combination of Colourpop’s brow pencil and Milani’s waxier eyebrow pencil, but when she used the Benefit eyebrow gel wand, I was floored at how much fuller they looked. Really considering buying the mini and seeing if I can achieve that same look. Look how full!
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Above Photo: Excuse the horrifying closeness of the above photo
I tried both 2019 birthday gifts from Sephora and Ulta, and talked about both of them here.
I watched all of Shrill in one evening and I can’t imagine not watching it that way. It’s perfect. I can’t stop playing this song on repeat, WHY IS IT ONLY ONE MINUTE? Other thoughts: I had no idea that the morning-after pill doesn’t work for women over 175 pounds, that’s insane!? The mother/daughter storyline is so well done it hurts. ALL of the outfits on pretty much every single woman are so fucking lovely. I rewatched that one part with the woman in red walking and buying flowers over and over it just made me so happy, I can’t describe why. And the pool party episode? I may have sobbed through some of it, and not in a sad way but in a cathartic way. It just made me feel so many things at once. Mostly about how sometimes you feel invisible if you’re self conscious or self-loathing about your body, and you feel like you don’t matter unless you fit into this idea of what you think people expect you to look like and how if you don’t fit into that, then you’re essentially a worthless piece of garbage, so you treat yourself that way on a daily basis. And how this type of thinking can last you a lifetime because it’s all you’ve allowed yourself to believe for years and years. There are so many ways that a person can feel inadequate or less than, and it’s so internally normalized because you truly believe that you’re not good enough and you never will be. It’s a depressing way to live and so many women especially live this way, myself included obviously. So that whole episode really just felt like a fucking dream of a reality. I really hope there will be more episodes of the series, I’ve never related to a television show more in my life.
I tried the watermelon makeup wipes from Sephora and even though they smell amazing, they don’t take off all of your makeup. Pass. The Avon one is still my all-time favourite.
I tried the cleansing pads from First Aid Beauty and they’re tingly, fun and great. Perfect alternative for when you don’t feel like washing your face. I don’t know if that’s their intent, but that’s how I’m using them.
Nathan’s second album came out on iTunes! Buy it! Love it! Or not! Do you!
I’ve been having trouble sleeping and one thing that has helped? Taking a hot shower before bed. Is this such common knowledge that I’m a moron? Maybe. In any case, very happy to have learned this.
Started and finished watching the final season of Broad City and it was really, really good. I always forget how good this show is. I wish it existed when I was a teenager.
Practically in LUST with Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel Seasoning. I’m so late to this party, but at least I finally got there. I’ve only even tried it on top of some buttered bread and I was floored at how good it is.
Can’t stop rewatching all the old Ready or Not episodes on YouTube. Also, Degrassi Junior High.
You know how sometimes you have irrationally dumb opinions on things you know nothing about? That was me with dry shampoo. I didn’t really understand it. Also, I thought it was exclusively for white women, I don’t know why? Obviously I tried some (this Amika one) and I mean… it’s kind of spectacular. I maybe shouldn’t have discovered it because I might never wash my hair again.
I visited the Everlane store in Soho (because apparently YouTube ads really do work on me) and even though it’s beautifully minimalist, it’s way too overpriced.
Tried the pizza at Lions & Tigers & Squares Detroit Pizza and it was really good. They don’t offer single slices, but it’s the perfect place to go with someone to split one. So in love with Detroit style lately. (Also, can I accept world-wide-credit for the massive amounts of pepperoni pieces you’re seeing on pizzas these days?! I’ve been ordering triple-pepperoni-well-done pizzas for DECADES and I’ve been harshly judged endlessly because of it and LOOK AT WHERE WE ARE NOW! Full credit.)
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Above Photo: Pepperoni pizza from Lions & Tigers & Squares, NYC
The penultimate episode of this season of This Is Us was wildly good. There was so much relatable couple stuff, it’s so hard to even get into if you didn’t see the episode/don’t care about the show, but if you did? Email me. I could talk about it for an hour, it was so well done. It’s essentially about the give and take in a relationship and about how it’s rarely equal, and man… so, so well done. Loved every minute.
Remember how I tried and liked Bumble & Bumble’s Thickening Spray? Well, I still do but definitely don’t spray it on your roots, it works much better if you use it sparsely on the rest of your hair when damp. Maybe that’s already obvious but I’m very new to using any hair products, so forgive my stupidity.
SO excited for Jenny Slate’s new book.
I went to Beacon’s Closet for the first time and whoa. I didn’t find anything I loved, but it’s definitely one of those places you should stop in every once in awhile to see what’s there. The space is a little overwhelming, but the things that I’ve seen people get from there are gorgeous and so inexpensive.
I tried to find my colour in the Fenty collection of concealers and nothing matched, but it’s not a huge deal since I’m happy with the NARS one I’ve been using. And speaking of concealers, Colourpop just released their own and they were kind of good?? Again, I still prefer the NARS one, but the Colourpop one is actually kind of good, especially for being $6.
Finally ate at Raclette and I don’t think I’ll be returning. There are basic rules for making a good grilled cheese. I mean, I’m no scientist but you should be able to hold up the sandwich. And that just didn’t happen here. I had to use a knife and fork, which is… sad. Astoria Bier & Cheese understands these rules and still remains the best place to go if you’re in the mood for one.
I accidentally tried smoked salmon for the first time and it was really good, who the hell knew? Apparently everyone but me. I’ve never ordered it because I really only fake-like cooked salmon, so why the hell would I like it uncooked or *shudder* smoked? Also, it looks so gross! I should’ve known better though because it’s almost always true that if something looks gross, it probably tastes amazing. That’s a thing, yeah?
I tried samples (because I own a million fucking samples of every cream on planet earth) of Kiehl’s avocado eye cream and passssssss. It left my under eyes crazy red and zombie-like, so never again.
Bought a new white living room carpet from Carpet Factory Outlet on the Upper East Side and it was so cheap and great, have to keep this place in mind.
Absolutely hate this Tarte mascara, it stays on your lashes for days after you think you’ve washed it off and I don’t know why anyone would want that.
Since I’ll forever love Trader Joe’s, we tried the new broccoli and kale pizza crust and it’s even better than the cauliflower crust that we love. This one also doesn’t burn as easily in the oven as the cauliflower one, so I think this is the new favourite.
There’s a new flavour of banana pudding at Magnolia Bakery: chocolate hazelnut. It was sold out when I tried to get it, but I did get a sample and yikes. Obviously it’s the greatest.
Ate at Al Di La in Brooklyn and it was not fantastic. Their version of “gnocchi” was confusing and 1000% too spinachy. The tagliatelle al ragu (below) was obviously good, but, like, it’s so hard to fuck that up.
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Above Photo: Tagliatelle Al Ragu at Al Di La, Brookyn, New York
Found this lovely-as-hell store in Park Slope, Habit. Literally everything felt and looked beautiful. In love with this one specific brand they had.
Went to a Mortified show with Harmeet who was visiting me, and it was good! We only stayed for the first half because honestly my feet hurt and we were standing and I think we both just decided, “Yeah, we get it… we’re good” and then went to Ample Hills Creamery around the corner. Love it when friends decide to leave an event early together for something more fun, not enough people do this.
FINALLY made it to Daily Provisions. Maple cruller? Heavenly. Everything-bagel-flavoured croissant injected with cream cheese? Delightful. Danny Meyer continues to do no wrong. Favourite breakfast place in Union Square.
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Above Photo: Maple Cruller from Daily Provisions, Union Square, New York City
Still very much in love with this song, and as I was listening to it one day I started reading the comments as I was listening and this one YouTube comment… my god. So sweet. Maybe parts of it are definitely corny or too much or something, but my god, in the moment, I loved it:
“I heard this song when I woke up un-groggy for the first time after an abortion. It was the first time I heard it. And riding in the car beside my Mom, who had been pro-choice her entire life until the moment she was staring that decision right in the face, both of us were silent the entire song. Through every lyric, it was as if Sara had written a eulogy of my life. Everything we had been through, everything I had suffered. Everything I had seen. Every time I had to grow up sooner than I should have. Everything I had to push to the back of my mind so I didn’t lose myself completely. Everything surfaced through these lyrics. This will just be another comment lost among this thread. But if someone happens to read it - if someone who NEEDS to see this comment see’s it - know that things will always be better. TIME HEALS ALL. Even if it seems as though no one would care if you were gone. Even if it seems as though you have no purpose in this world. YOU MATTER. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you have made. It doesn’t matter how many times you have sworn to God “you’d change” if he just forgave you for this one mistake. Hell. Even if you don’t believe in God. If you don’t know what to believe, if you’re lost, if you don’t know what to do - just keep going. Keep doing. Keep moving in any direction that is away from the heartache and pain that keeps you tied down. Let go of the past. Let go of the fear and hurt your heart endures on a daily basis. Just keep living. Keep going. Forgive. Never forget. Learn from your mistakes. Better yourself. Live for you. Find your happiness. Love unconditionally. Live.” — Shelby Grimm
Went to Momofuku Noodle Bar for the second time and it was so much better than the first time. I also ordered better. The chilled spicy noodles with sichuan sausage, thai basil & cashews (shown below) were incredible and I tried some of the broth of the spicy beef ramen that Harmeet ordered and holy shit, it was good. I’m still too… not into the idea of ramen, but that broth was fucking nuts. ALSO, their dessert special (caramelized white chocolate pie with hazelnut and puffed rice was F-U-C-K-I-N-G memorable (also below). Christ.
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Above Photo: Chilled Spicy Noodles from Momofuku Noodle Bar, NYC
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Above Photo: Caramelized White Chocolate Pie from Momofuku Noodle Bar, NYC
A few months ago I got dinner at Pil Pil on the Upper East Side and since it was good, I stopped in there for lunch recently and it’s probably the best lunch I’ve had in that area for sure. There’s a $4 happy hour sangria special and their lamb sliders are incredible. The fries are maybe my favourite restaurant fries in the city, they’re so crispy and drizzled with this spicy aioli and they also have a chocolate-hazelnut dessert cake that is unbelievable. I know it sounds like I love everything everywhere, but I swear I don’t.
There is a place in NYC where you can rent out really nice digital cameras for 24 hours FOR FREE and no one knows about it (the only hiccup is that you need to have state-issued ID). Sony Square is a “public space committed to showcasing innovations in products, music, movies and gaming” - which essentially means that every few weeks they change up their aesthetic to showcase new Sony products, but the camera-rental service is an always-available option. Insanely cool thing to offer.
Found amazingly soft and comfortable leggings (cheap too!) at Aerie (thank you Marla!) that I will exclusively buy from now on. (No more trash Aritzia leggings that disintegrate every three months!) Bought some of their workout pants too that have pockets (!) that were incredibly soft, too.
I saw the movie Us and really liked it. Mostly because yeah, it’s a good movie. But also because IT’S AN ORIGINAL MOVIE. I’m so sick of remakes and superhero movies that I love it when movies like this get made. I know it’s classified as a horror movie, but it’s not really, in my opinion. Plus I love when you finish watching a movie and you want to come home immediately and research as much about it as possible. It’s good, go see it!
Harmeet and I went to Manhatta for lunch (because apparently I have a Danny Meyer obsession) and it exceeded all expectations. First of all, it’s not crazy expensive despite the fact that it’s in the fucking sky (60th floor). We got the mushroom soup, the scotch snails with pork sausage in garlic butter and the French onion burger and everything was amazing. Service was perfect. Views are insane. Perfect place to take someone who’s visiting, especially for lunch. Will definitely go back.
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Above Photo: View from Manhatta, NYC
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Above Photo: Harmeet! In all her beauty!
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Above Photo: French Onion Burger from Manhatta, NYC
Lastly, I watched the Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO. I also watched all the episodes of Surviving R. Kelly. I watched both of these within a few days and I don’t recommend anyone viewing all of these things in such a short amount of time unless you want to cry endlessly and (irrationally? Or understandably?) loathe an entire gender for a few days. And look, if you know anything about me, you know what a huge fan I am of Michael Jackson. From his music to the connection of meeting Nathan, I’ve forever loved this man in the way that all of his fans love him. For years I would think (and sometimes, ugh, say) “I don’t know that man personally. I don’t want to know about his personal life. I can’t judge him if I don’t know him.” And I’d say these things as a way of deflecting from the fact that I didn’t want those beautiful songs tarnished in my mind, as dumb as that sounds. And in an extremely similar way, I acted the same with R. Kelly. I didn’t WANT to take “When A Woman Loves” off of my iPod for years because I didn’t want to believe someone who could sing so beautifully could be some kind of monster, which makes zero sense but seems like a rational thought to people who still don’t believe these victims. The way that we worship these artists/abusers, without actually knowing anything about them (or sometimes knowing complete details of their abuse), wanting them to continue to achieve success no matter what the cost, is so unhealthy and odd and is part of a larger culture that is already designed to idolize anyone with status or more money than us. I didn’t want to watch Neverland. I knew it’d be bad. I only took down my Woody Allen poster in my childhood bedroom last year (to be fair, I don’t live there, but this should’ve happened years ago). I rarely spoke up in favor of these men, but I did stay silent when they were discussed because that was easier to do and basically what most everyone else was doing and made it feel acceptable, which is awful. I feel horrible that it took this many years for victims to be believed and it makes me sick that I’m apart of the group of people who made it impossible for victims to be heard. As hard as these things were to watch, I think they’re wildly important to see.
This one part from Surviving R. Kelly sums up one of the problems so well.
“Our society tends to compartmentalize the things we don’t want to look at, and magnifies and glorifies the things that we do. For example, if an individual is providing something to the society as music, cinema, politics - we’re more likely to compartmentalize the negative behavior and minimize it, as a way of accepting what they’re contributing.”
Jesus, a lot happened in March. Excited for April! Some upcoming things that you can expect in next month’s post: I’m going to start taking collagen (I’ve heard it helps hair growth), a family trip to Niagara Falls, a Best of Astoria post & thoughts on the new Twilight Zone. Hello, April!
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dawnasiler · 4 years
Editor’s Picks: 21 of the Best Skincare, Hair and Makeup Gifts for Teens and Tweens
Finding the perfect presents for the teen and tween girls in your life is always a challenge. What can you give them that will elicit smiles, not eye rolls?!
Beauty gifts are usually a good bet—especially when they come from the brands Gen Z loves, like Glossier, Fenty and ColourPop.
Ahead, find this year's best gift ideas for teenagers (and soon-to-be teenagers), including sunscreen, hair tools, lip gloss and more. 
Beauty Gifts for Teens and Tweens
Mario Badescu Spritz. Mist. Glow. Set
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Mario Badescu Spritz. Mist. Glow. Set
Mario Badescu Spritz. Mist. Glow. Set contains three full-sized bottles of the most popular face mist brand among teens. All are aloe-based, with either cucumber and green tea (for brightening), herbs and rosewater (for hydrating) or chamomile and lavender (for soothing).
Kitsch Velvet Scrunchies
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Kitsch Velvet Scrunchies
Kitsch Velvet Scrunchies are a set of five '90s-inspired scrunchies to wear in your hair or on your wrist. (Yes, in case you haven't heard, scrunchies are back in a big way!) 
Fenty Glossy Posse Mini Gloss Bomb Set
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Fenty Glossy Posse Mini Gloss Bomb Set
Fenty Glossy Posse Mini Gloss Bomb Set has five mini lip glosses to try in an array of shimmery shades. The light pink one is the bestseller, FU$$Y; the other four are brand new and include a fuchsia, opal, brown and red-orange.
Glossier The Skincare Edit
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Glossier The Skincare Edit
Glossier The Skincare Edit offers an Instagram-ready skincare routine in mini sizes. There's a cleanser, serum, moisturizer, face oil, two lip balms and a stretchy headband with the brand's logo. Any teen or tween would be thrilled to get this one!
OUAI Glow Your Own OUAI
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OUAI Glow Your Own OUAI
OUAI Glow Your Own OUAI is a set of two double-duty products that can be used on hair and skin. One is a scalp and body scrub, and the other is a hair and body oil, and both are infused with the brand's Melrose Place scent.
ColourPop Truly Madly Deeply Shadow Palette
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ColourPop Truly Madly Deeply Shadow Palette
ColourPop Truly Madly Deeply Shadow Palette is a palette filled with 16 of the brand's bestselling eyeshadows. The shades include mauve, peach and pink pressed powders, as well as metallic pressed glitters.
Saturday Skin Eye Candy
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Saturday Skin Eye Candy
Saturday Skin Eye Candy is not just for the eye area. Along with an eye cream, this four-piece skincare set contains a peel-off exfoliating gel, a brightening serum, and a whipped moisturizer.
Bed Head Curlipops 1” Tourmaline Ceramic Styling Iron
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Bed Head Curlipops 1" Tourmaline Ceramic Styling Iron
Bed Head Curlipops 1" Tourmaline Ceramic Styling Iron has hundreds of four-star reviews for a reason. This affordable, clamp-free styling iron comes with a heat-protective glove and creates long-lasting loose waves.
Skinnydip Extra Makeup Bag
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Skinnydip Extra Makeup Bag
Skinnydip Extra Makeup Bag is a translucent pink pouch for toting around beauty essentials. Anyone who identifies as "extra" (the adjective) will love it!
Florence By Mills Swimming Under the Eyes Gel Pads
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Florence By Mills Swimming Under the Eyes Gel Pads
Florence By Mills Swimming Under the Eyes Gel Pads are from a new clean beauty line created by 15-year-old Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. Shaped like whales, these under-eye patches are infused with niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and coconut extract.
Amika Not So Basics Travel Set
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Amika Not So Basics Travel Set
Amika Not So Basics Travel Set has four travel-ready haircare products for all hair types. This kit contains a nourishing hair mask, a detangler, a dry shampoo and a texturizing spray. Plus, how pretty is this packaging?!
Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Holiday Try It Kit
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Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Holiday Try It Kit
Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Holiday Try It Kit is a five-piece set from makeup mogul Kylie Jenner. It includes a lip liner, lipstick, liquid lipstick, blush and eyeshadow duo, all in soft pink and nude shades.
REN Clean Screen Mineral SPF 30 Mattifying Face Sunscreen
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REN Clean Screen Mineral SPF 30 Mattifying Face Sunscreen
REN Clean Screen Mineral SPF 30 Mattifying Face Sunscreen is a highly protective and super lightweight sunscreen with a matte finish—ideal for teenage skin. And SPF is the most important skincare product for them to get in the habit of using!
Briogeo Healthy Hair Game Kit
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Briogeo Healthy Hair Game Kit
Briogeo Healthy Hair Game Kit features a full-sized hair mask, along with three mini haircare products: shampoo, a leave-in conditioner spray, and heat-protective styling cream. Everything is silicone-free and sulfate-free.
Tarte Party Time Trio Color Collection
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Tarte Party Time Trio Color Collection
Tarte Party Time Trio Color Collection is a three-product set that's perfect for makeup newbies. There's a full-sized mascara, a mini peachy-pink powder blush, and a matching mini lip gloss.
Peace Out Jet Set
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Peace Out Jet Set
Peace Out Jet Set may be designed for jet-lagged skin, but anyone could use this kit to target various skin issues. Included are a pair of patches for puffy eyes, 10 healing dots for acne, a pore strip and a blackhead strip.
Lime Crime Unicorn Hair Mist Set
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Lime Crime Unicorn Hair Mist Set
Lime Crime Unicorn Hair Mist Set is a set of two full-sized hair sprays for achieving temporary "unicorn hair" effects. That means either pink hair (from the Rainbow Mist), pearly shimmer (from the Star Mist), or both!
INC.redible Gen Yellow Jelly Lip Balm + Nail Polish Duo
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INC.redible Gen Yellow Jelly Lip Balm + Nail Polish Duo
INC.redible Gen Yellow Jelly Lip Balm + Nail Polish Duo is a lip and nail duo in Gen Z yellow (it's the new Millennial pink!). The nail polish is a 10-free formula, while the lip balm adjusts to skin pH to create a custom pink tint.
Glow Recipe Slice of Glow Set
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Glow Recipe Slice of Glow Set
Glow Recipe Slice of Glow Set is a brightening and hydrating duo for all skin types. It includes a lightweight moisturizer, along with an AHA-based sleeping mask that can be worn overnight or as a 10-minute wash-off mask.
Verb Ghost Wash & Go
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Verb Ghost Wash & Go
Verb Ghost Wash & Go features a full-sized tinted dry shampoo (which had a 2,000-person waitlist before it launched!). There are two colour options: Light Tones and Dark Tones. Each kit also has a travel-sized shampoo and conditioner.
Nudestix Mini Nudies 3-Piece Kit
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Nudestix Mini Nudies 3-Piece Kit
Nudestix Mini Nudies 3-Piece Kit has three chubby colour sticks to mix and match on the lips, cheeks and lids. One is a golden bronze, one is a soft peach, and one is a sun-kissed coral bronze created by celebrity makeup artist Mary Phillips.
Shop Editor’s Picks
Which beauty gifts for teens and tweens are on your list?
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Editor’s Picks: 21 of the Best Skincare, Hair and Makeup Gifts for Teens and Tweens syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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Mother's Day Beauty Gift Guide
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Mother's Day is almost here and it's time to find the perfect gift! While you should take every day to show your mom how much you love her, it's nice to have a special day just for her. Flowers are lovely, but what about the beauty lover moms out there? What should you get for them? Never fear! I've compiled a list of Mother's Day beauty gifts that are sure to please!
Mother's Day Beauty Gift Guide
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  (disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you use them, I earn a small commission. I only post about products and brands that I believe in. All opinions are 100% my own.) You don’t have to use my links, but I thank you and appreciate it if you do. Origins 24-Hour Anti-Aging  
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A limited edition Mother's Day gift set that contains: Plantscription SPF 25 Power anti-aging cream, net wt. 1.7 oz./50 ml (full-size) Potent anti-aging cream helps visibly improve lines & wrinkles & protect from UV rays. Plantscription Youth-renewing power night cream, net wt. 1 oz./30 ml Overnight hydrator helps visibly improve lines & wrinkles & revive youthful bounce. Plantscription Anti-aging cleanser, 1.7 fl. oz./50 ml Gentle foaming cleanser helps purify & leave skin looking youthful. Plantscription Anti-aging treatment lotion, 1 fl. oz./30 ml Moisture rich anti-ager helps hydrate, smooth & restore youthful radiance. Origins 24-hour Anti-Aging - $63.00 (free shipping on orders $50.00 or more) Origins Day & Night Refreshers  
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A limited edition Mother's Day gift set that contains: High-Potency Night-A-Mins Mineral-enriched renewal cream (full-size) GinZing Refreshing eye cream to brighten & depuff Clear Improvement Active charcoal mask to clear pores (full-size) GinZing Energy-boosting moisturizer   Origins Day & Night Refreshers Set - $48.00 Origins Energizing Essentials  
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A limited edition Mother's Day gift set that contains: GinZing Energy-boosting moisturizer (full-size)GinZing Refreshing eye cream to brighten & depuff Eye-mazing multitasker instantly hydrates, energizes, reduces dark circles & brighten Clear Improvement Active charcoal mask to clear pores (full-size) United State Balancing tonic   Origins Energizing Essentials Set - $48.00 Benefit Cosmetics Cheek Parade Bronzer & Blush Palette  
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A limited edition set that includes: GALifornia golden pink blush Hoola lite matte bronzer Hoola matte bronzer Dandelion brightening finishing powder Rockateur rose gold cheek Powder Mini powder brush Benefit Cheek Parade Palette - $58.00 Bare Minerals Your Perfect Picks Eye & Lip Case  
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A customizable set that allows you to choose 1 lipstick, lip liner, or lipgloss in any color 1 mascara or ink eyeliner 1 single eyeshadow, quad, or eyeliner in any color All Perfect Picks come with a makeup bag and two free brushes. Bare Minerals Your Perfect Picks Eye & Lip Case - $45.00 USD Bare Minerals Your Perfect Picks Face Case  
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A customizable set that allows you to choose: 1 foundation in any shade 1 primer 1 all over face product All Perfect Picks come with a makeup bag and two free brushes. Bare Minerals Your Perfect Picks Face Case - $65.00 Kiehls Nature Powered Mask Set
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  Set of three trial sized masks that includes: Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Mask Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Mask Cilantro & Orange Extract Pollutant Defending Mask Kiehls Nature Powered Mask Set - $42.00 Kiehl's Butterstick Lip Treatment Duo
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  A set of two shades of Butterstick Lip Treatments that includes Butterstick Lip Treatment Untinted SPF 25 (.14oz): Anti-oxidant rich including Lemon Butter, combined with broad spectrum SPF 25 sunscreen; our lip treatment provides year-round protection for lips. Butterstick Lip Treatment Simply Rose SPF 25 (.14oz): Supremely hydrating and smoothing balm with a nourishing blend of oils and butters with a buildable hint of tint. 100% of Kiehl's net profits up to $25,000 from the sale of this set will benefit Bright Pink for breast health education programs. Kiehl's Butterstick Lip Treatment Duo - $39.00 Kiehl's Calendula Collection
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  A set of cleanser, toner, and mask from the Calendula Collection that includes: Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Wash (2.5oz): Gently lift away impurities with a richly foaming gel formula. Softens and soothes with Calendula and Glycerin. Calendula Herbal-Extract Toner (4.2oz): Soothe & improve skin with an effective, alcohol-free toner. With whole Calendula petals and pure extracts. Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Mask (.95oz): Replenish and revitalize skin with cooling hydration. Soothes skin with the power of Calendula Extract and Aloe. Kiehl's Calendula Collection - $40.00 Clarins Beauty Stash: Lips and Lash Loves
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  A set that includes: Be Long Mascara, 01 Intense Black (Full-Size) Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector, 01 Rose Shimmer, 02 Candy Shimmer, 06 Rosewood Shimmer (3 Travel-Sizes) Lips and Lash Loves - $39.00 Clarins Double Serum Early Line & Wrinkle Experts
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  A set that includes: Double Serum (full-size) Multi-Active Day All Skin Types (travel size) Multi-Active Night All Skin Types (travel size) Special Mother's Day Deal: Choose a 4 piece gift set on all orders $75.00 and up. Clarins Double Serum Early Line & Wrinkle Experts - $94.00 Clarins Double Serum Anti-Aging Experts
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  A set that includes: Double Serum (full-size) Extra Firming Day All Skin Types (travel size) Extra Firming Night All Skin Types (travel size) Special Mother's Day Deal: Choose a 4 piece gift set on all orders $75.00 and up. Clarins Double Serum Anti-Aging Experts - $94.00 Clarins Daily Detox Normal to Dry Skin
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  A set that includes: Cleansing Milk with Alpine herbs, Moringa, Anti-Pollution, Normal or Dry Skin (full-size) Toning Lotion with Camomile, Normal or Dry Skin (full-size) One-Step Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser (travel size) Special Mother's Day Deal: Choose a 4 piece gift set on all orders $75.00 and up. Clarins Daily Detox Normal to Dry Skin - $60.00 Clarins Daily Detox Combination to Oily Skin
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  A set that includes: Cleansing Milk with Gentian, Moringa, Anti-Pollution, Combination or Oily Skin (full-size) Toning Lotion with Iris, Combination or Oily Skin (full-size) One Step Gentle Exfoliating Cleanse (travel size) Special Mother's Day Deal: Choose a 4 piece gift set on all orders $75.00 and up. Daily Detox Combination to Oily Skin - $60.00 Estee Lauder Pleasures 3 Piece Set
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A set of Estee Lauder's popular Pleasures fragrance that includes: EAU DE PARFUM SPRAY BODY LOTION BATH AND SHOWER GEL Limited edition set with special gift packaging Estee Lauder Pleasures 3 Piece set - $88.00 Philosophy I Think You Are Wonderful - Fresh Cream Gift Set
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A special Mother's Day Collection of the popular Fresh Cream fragrance that includes: shampoo, shower gel & bubble bath (8 oz) body lotion (8 oz) I think You Are Wonderful set - $26.00 Philosophy The Beauty Of Grace - Amazing Grace Gift Set
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A gift set of the best-selling Amazing Grace fragrance that includes: shampoo, bath & shower gel (8 oz) whipped body crème 10 ml. rollerball 2 oz. eau de parfum Amazing Grace Gift Set - $74.00 Philosophy Reflections of Grace Mother's Day Set - Pure Grace
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A set of the popular Pure Grace fragrance that includes: pure grace shampoo, bath & shower gel (8 oz) eau de toilette 2 oz body lotion (8 oz) Reflections of Grace Gift Set - $57.00 I hope you enjoyed this Mother's Day Beauty Gift Guide. Mom is sure to love any of these wonderful sets! Was this post helpful? If so, be sure to pin it to refer to later! Will you be getting any of these gift sets? What other beauty related gifts do you recommend? Leave a comment and let me know! Please like and share! And don’t forget to subscribe by email so you never miss a post! These all help so much with the growth of this blog and would be so appreciated! Thank you! Click to Post
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aaronsniderus · 7 years
The 2017 Gift Guide for Fashion and Beauty Lovers on Your List
The holiday season is an exciting time of year – with sparkling, twinkling, gilded everything – and this year’s fashion and beauty finds are no exception. If you have a fashionista or makeup aficionado on your list, it may seem a bit intimidating to find the perfect gift that they’ll truly appreciate and don’t already own.
From cozy accessories to easy skincare, you can make a five-star impression by giving a gift that’s in style and on point. Whether you’re shopping in-store or online, we’ve got 12 gift ideas for the fashion and beauty lovers on your list.
Wrapped in Warmth
Cejon Color Block Cape
Image: Cejon’s Color Black Cape $29
Whether for wearing layers on a 20-degree day or keeping their arms covered in a chilly restaurant or movie theater, women of every age appreciate having a chic wrap in their wardrobe. Cejon’s Color Block Cape features neutral colorblocking and fringe, which is both classic and on-trend. Pockets trimmed in faux leather are a luxe detail that won’t go unnoticed. An added bonus is that it’s one-size-fits-most so you don’t have to worry about selecting the right size and the garment is machine washable for easy care.
A New Day Black Stripe Scarf
Image: Striped faux fur scarf $16
From scarves to brooches to faux fur collars, fashion-forward folks know that a simple coat can be transformed with the right accessories. This striped faux fur scarf from A New Day takes a classic neck wrap and turns it on its head by featuring non-traditional colors. The unexpected combination of black, magenta and green can add an edgy look to a leather jacket when worn straight down, or elevate a basic wool coat by crossing one side through the other for a chic upgrade.
Spotlight a Sparkling Spirit
Amrita Singh Majestic Necklace
Image: The Majestic Necklace $30
The holidays call for a little extra sparkle. Help her dress up a simple turtleneck or fill in the neckline of her favorite work suit with this beautiful necklace from Amrita Singh. The Majestic Necklace is 16.25 inches in length with a two-inch extender so she can adjust it for comfort.
While available in several colors, the peach resin stones and Austrian crystals combined with the gold-tone brass chain simply glows on any skin tone. Added bonus: If she enjoys wearing something sparkly throughout the year (hello, floral maxi dress!), this necklace is truly season-less.
 Express Cubic Zirconia Oval Drop Earrings
Image: Cubic Zirconia Oval Drop Earrings $17.94
You may see stars or you may see flowers. No matter what you see when you look at these earrings, it’s clear they were meant to be dramatic. These Cubic Zirconia Oval Drop Earrings from Express feature sparkling stones in a silver-tone brass setting that is both nickel-free and lead-free. At 2.5 inches in length, these earrings, paired with the perfect holiday dress, are sure to attract compliments.
Delight with a Gift Bag
Steve Madden Earl Small Backpack
Image: Earl Small Backpack $52.80
Velvet and snakeskin have always been fall staples, but this year, they seem to be taking center stage in clothing and accessories. This perfectly sized Earl Small Backpack from Steve Madden combines both in this luxurious, hands-free style. Featuring silver-tone hardware and two flap pockets on the exterior, and one zip pocket and two slip pockets on the interior, this backpack is both fashionable and functional. Even the lining showcases sketches of the designer’s ideas for accessories!
Dooney & Bourke Tiverton Plaid Zip Zip Satchel Handbag
Image: Tiverton Plaid Zip Zip Satchel Handbag $228
If a traditional handbag is more their style, this Tiverton Plaid Zip Zip Satchel Handbag from Dooney & Bourke, provides a classic silhouette with the option to use the double handles or the adjustable/removal strap for two different looks. Available in several colors to fit any wardrobe, all are paired with 100% leather trim in a warm saddle color.
Any of the options would be a classy accessory to any basic winter coat, but if you’re not sure which one to choose, the grey plaid screams iconic elegance! This easy-to-clean bag features a red interior, front-wall zip and slip pockets, two back-wall slip pockets, a key hook and feet on the bottom to protect the surface.
Ignite a Candlelit Glow
OLEHENRIKSEN12 Days of OLE Glow™ Skincare Advent Calendar
Image: 12 Days of OLE Glow Skincare Advent Calendar $55
Popular Danish brand, OLEHENRIKSEN, brings the 12 Days of OLE Glow™ Skincare Advent Calendar, that features 12 numbered panels that are a modern ode to the holiday stamps of the early 1900s in Denmark. Inside each panel is a selection of skincare minis that address skin dullness, uneven texture, oiliness and dryness, and that are suitable for a variety of skin types.
From moisturizing cream to eye gel and more, this gift set lets users try multiple products to see which ones they like best, without committing to a full size. Bonus: The decorative box can be reused to store jewelry or even as a fun coffee table candy dish!
Kiehl’s Disney x Kiehl’s Hydration Essentials
Image: Disney x Kiehl’s Hydration Essentials $29
Nourish skin and nourish others with this gift set from Kiehl’s. The Disney x Kiehl’s Hydration Essentials includes a five-piece selection of fan favorites designed to solve for skin dryness. From facial cleanser to hand salve to lip balm and more, this limited edition kit features Disney’s iconic Mickey Mouse on a reusable box. This gift gives twice, because each purchase of this kit helps secure 212 meals for Feeding America®.
Gift a Whiff of Wonder
Sfumato Fragrances Flight of Fragrances
Image: Flight of Fragrances $15
The Zing blog’s hometown may be famous for cars and music, but Detroit’s earning a reputation for new and innovative products. One example is Sfumato Fragrances, the brainchild of husband and wife Kevin and Jane, who create scents from trees, flowers, herbs and spices. The Italian word “sfumato” means “turned to smoke or vapor,” which evokes what happens to a fragrance when it leaves the bottle.
Their Flight of Fragrances includes a 1mL vial of each of their signature scents: Epiphany, Gravitas, Siren Song and Survival Instinct, all of which have their own distinct notes. Depending on your budget, this flight can be purchased alone or can be upgraded to include a gift card for the recipient to use for a full-size version of their favorite sample!
Carolina Herrera Three-Piece Good Girl Gift Set
Image: Three-Piece Good Girl Gift Set $120
Carolina Herrera is one of the world’s most well known designers, and her fragrance line is a great way to own a piece of her couture offerings. This Three-Piece Good Girl Gift Set features sweet and fresh notes of jasmine and tonka, and includes eau de parfum spray, body lotion and a travel spray. Aside from the scent, the eye-catching high-heel shaped bottle is the perfect vanity tray accessory, especially for shoe lovers.
Make Her Face Light Up
Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit
Image: Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit $40
Products that create glowing skin are not just reserved for celebrities, as highlighter for face, eyes and body are becoming part of many people’s daily makeup routines. The Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit features a set of four metallic powder highlighters in holiday shades of Marshmallow, Gumdrop, Butterscotch and Starburst.
Your recipient can go from day to night with this kit as it has a buildable metallic luster finish and can be applied wet or dry without the unfavorable glitter residue often associated with highlighters.
Huda Beauty Contour & Strobe Lip Set
Image: Beauty Contour & Strobe Lip Set $25
There’s a reason why Huda Kattan is Instagram’s top beauty influencer, as she tends to know what women will like before it becomes mainstream. Her contoured pout has drawn in devotees from around the globe who want to have fuller lips without the use of injections.
Enter her Beauty Contour & Strobe Lip Set, which includes a full-size Lip Contour, mini Liquid Matte Lipstick and mini Lip Strobe, which can be used individually or together. Available in five color combinations, each shade is presented in a limited edition lip-shaped tin for a sweet gifting presentation.
While there are plenty of options and special gift sets for every taste and style, we hope this gift guide will help make the fashion and beauty world a little more navigable, so you can shop with confidence.
Where will you be shopping for fashion and beauty items this holiday season? Let us know your go-to locations and gifts in the comments below!
The post The 2017 Gift Guide for Fashion and Beauty Lovers on Your List appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/gift-guide-fashion-beauty-lovers-list
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trykiyashop · 6 months
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mikebrackett · 7 years
The 2017 Gift Guide for Fashion and Beauty Lovers on Your List
The holiday season is an exciting time of year – with sparkling, twinkling, gilded everything – and this year’s fashion and beauty finds are no exception. If you have a fashionista or makeup aficionado on your list, it may seem a bit intimidating to find the perfect gift that they’ll truly appreciate and don’t already own.
From cozy accessories to easy skincare, you can make a five-star impression by giving a gift that’s in style and on point. Whether you’re shopping in-store or online, we’ve got 12 gift ideas for the fashion and beauty lovers on your list.
Wrapped in Warmth
Cejon Color Block Cape
Image: Cejon’s Color Black Cape $29
Whether for wearing layers on a 20-degree day or keeping their arms covered in a chilly restaurant or movie theater, women of every age appreciate having a chic wrap in their wardrobe. Cejon’s Color Block Cape features neutral colorblocking and fringe, which is both classic and on-trend. Pockets trimmed in faux leather are a luxe detail that won’t go unnoticed. An added bonus is that it’s one-size-fits-most so you don’t have to worry about selecting the right size and the garment is machine washable for easy care.
A New Day Black Stripe Scarf
Image: Striped faux fur scarf $16
From scarves to brooches to faux fur collars, fashion-forward folks know that a simple coat can be transformed with the right accessories. This striped faux fur scarf from A New Day takes a classic neck wrap and turns it on its head by featuring non-traditional colors. The unexpected combination of black, magenta and green can add an edgy look to a leather jacket when worn straight down, or elevate a basic wool coat by crossing one side through the other for a chic upgrade.
Spotlight a Sparkling Spirit
Amrita Singh Majestic Necklace
Image: The Majestic Necklace $30
The holidays call for a little extra sparkle. Help her dress up a simple turtleneck or fill in the neckline of her favorite work suit with this beautiful necklace from Amrita Singh. The Majestic Necklace is 16.25 inches in length with a two-inch extender so she can adjust it for comfort.
While available in several colors, the peach resin stones and Austrian crystals combined with the gold-tone brass chain simply glows on any skin tone. Added bonus: If she enjoys wearing something sparkly throughout the year (hello, floral maxi dress!), this necklace is truly season-less.
 Express Cubic Zirconia Oval Drop Earrings
Image: Cubic Zirconia Oval Drop Earrings $17.94
You may see stars or you may see flowers. No matter what you see when you look at these earrings, it’s clear they were meant to be dramatic. These Cubic Zirconia Oval Drop Earrings from Express feature sparkling stones in a silver-tone brass setting that is both nickel-free and lead-free. At 2.5 inches in length, these earrings, paired with the perfect holiday dress, are sure to attract compliments.
Delight with a Gift Bag
Steve Madden Earl Small Backpack
Image: Earl Small Backpack $52.80
Velvet and snakeskin have always been fall staples, but this year, they seem to be taking center stage in clothing and accessories. This perfectly sized Earl Small Backpack from Steve Madden combines both in this luxurious, hands-free style. Featuring silver-tone hardware and two flap pockets on the exterior, and one zip pocket and two slip pockets on the interior, this backpack is both fashionable and functional. Even the lining showcases sketches of the designer’s ideas for accessories!
Dooney & Bourke Tiverton Plaid Zip Zip Satchel Handbag
Image: Tiverton Plaid Zip Zip Satchel Handbag $228
If a traditional handbag is more their style, this Tiverton Plaid Zip Zip Satchel Handbag from Dooney & Bourke, provides a classic silhouette with the option to use the double handles or the adjustable/removal strap for two different looks. Available in several colors to fit any wardrobe, all are paired with 100% leather trim in a warm saddle color.
Any of the options would be a classy accessory to any basic winter coat, but if you’re not sure which one to choose, the grey plaid screams iconic elegance! This easy-to-clean bag features a red interior, front-wall zip and slip pockets, two back-wall slip pockets, a key hook and feet on the bottom to protect the surface.
Ignite a Candlelit Glow
OLEHENRIKSEN12 Days of OLE Glow™ Skincare Advent Calendar
Image: 12 Days of OLE Glow Skincare Advent Calendar $55
Popular Danish brand, OLEHENRIKSEN, brings the 12 Days of OLE Glow™ Skincare Advent Calendar, that features 12 numbered panels that are a modern ode to the holiday stamps of the early 1900s in Denmark. Inside each panel is a selection of skincare minis that address skin dullness, uneven texture, oiliness and dryness, and that are suitable for a variety of skin types.
From moisturizing cream to eye gel and more, this gift set lets users try multiple products to see which ones they like best, without committing to a full size. Bonus: The decorative box can be reused to store jewelry or even as a fun coffee table candy dish!
Kiehl’s Disney x Kiehl’s Hydration Essentials
Image: Disney x Kiehl’s Hydration Essentials $29
Nourish skin and nourish others with this gift set from Kiehl’s. The Disney x Kiehl’s Hydration Essentials includes a five-piece selection of fan favorites designed to solve for skin dryness. From facial cleanser to hand salve to lip balm and more, this limited edition kit features Disney’s iconic Mickey Mouse on a reusable box. This gift gives twice, because each purchase of this kit helps secure 212 meals for Feeding America®.
Gift a Whiff of Wonder
Sfumato Fragrances Flight of Fragrances
Image: Flight of Fragrances $15
The Zing blog’s hometown may be famous for cars and music, but Detroit’s earning a reputation for new and innovative products. One example is Sfumato Fragrances, the brainchild of husband and wife Kevin and Jane, who create scents from trees, flowers, herbs and spices. The Italian word “sfumato” means “turned to smoke or vapor,” which evokes what happens to a fragrance when it leaves the bottle.
Their Flight of Fragrances includes a 1mL vial of each of their signature scents: Epiphany, Gravitas, Siren Song and Survival Instinct, all of which have their own distinct notes. Depending on your budget, this flight can be purchased alone or can be upgraded to include a gift card for the recipient to use for a full-size version of their favorite sample!
Carolina Herrera Three-Piece Good Girl Gift Set
Image: Three-Piece Good Girl Gift Set $120
Carolina Herrera is one of the world’s most well known designers, and her fragrance line is a great way to own a piece of her couture offerings. This Three-Piece Good Girl Gift Set features sweet and fresh notes of jasmine and tonka, and includes eau de parfum spray, body lotion and a travel spray. Aside from the scent, the eye-catching high-heel shaped bottle is the perfect vanity tray accessory, especially for shoe lovers.
Make Her Face Light Up
Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit
Image: Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit $40
Products that create glowing skin are not just reserved for celebrities, as highlighter for face, eyes and body are becoming part of many people’s daily makeup routines. The Anastasia Beverly Hills Sugar Glow Kit features a set of four metallic powder highlighters in holiday shades of Marshmallow, Gumdrop, Butterscotch and Starburst.
Your recipient can go from day to night with this kit as it has a buildable metallic luster finish and can be applied wet or dry without the unfavorable glitter residue often associated with highlighters.
Huda Beauty Contour & Strobe Lip Set
Image: Beauty Contour & Strobe Lip Set $25
There’s a reason why Huda Kattan is Instagram’s top beauty influencer, as she tends to know what women will like before it becomes mainstream. Her contoured pout has drawn in devotees from around the globe who want to have fuller lips without the use of injections.
Enter her Beauty Contour & Strobe Lip Set, which includes a full-size Lip Contour, mini Liquid Matte Lipstick and mini Lip Strobe, which can be used individually or together. Available in five color combinations, each shade is presented in a limited edition lip-shaped tin for a sweet gifting presentation.
While there are plenty of options and special gift sets for every taste and style, we hope this gift guide will help make the fashion and beauty world a little more navigable, so you can shop with confidence.
Where will you be shopping for fashion and beauty items this holiday season? Let us know your go-to locations and gifts in the comments below!
The post The 2017 Gift Guide for Fashion and Beauty Lovers on Your List appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/gift-guide-fashion-beauty-lovers-list
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writingsandworship · 7 years
Hello Hello!! I hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday and if not, cheer up! It is Easter week and I am just so excited to spend this week reflecting on the crucifixion and resurrection,
Today, I wanted to share my first impressions of some recently purchased beauty products! I did a small little haul at Ulta the other day and grabbed some newer products and some old ones that everyone raves about that I have never tried. So fair warning…I am a little late to the game on some of these products!
I have only been using these for a few days/weeks so this is just my first impression but I wanted to share my thoughts on my recent mini haul! Here we go!
Essence Pure Nude Highlighter 
This is one of the things that I am late to the game on, whoops! But I finally hopped on the Essence train because I had been hearing such amazing things about their products. I also knew that their products are dupes for high priced counterparts. I’ve heard that this Pure Nude Highlighter dupes for a MAC highlighter and some others. So far, I love this. It is a perfect everyday highlighter. It isn’t too overpowering or holographic at all-in fact, it is extremely natural on my pale skin. The price was less than $5 at my local Ulta and I am so glad I picked this up.
Essence Make Me Brow // Eyebrow gel 
Once again, I knew that this was said to be a dupe for many high end brow gels such as the Benefit Ka Brow and Gimme Brow. My brows had been getting a little crazy lately and I really wanted to try a gel to hold them in place for long days. At just under $3, I knew I had to pick it up and try. I bough the 03 Soft Browny shade. I will say, it’s a pretty light brown. My store only had this color so I thought I would at least try it. I would prefer a darker color however. I’m still learning how to use a brow gel/mascara…so it has been interesting. But the more I work with it, the more I love this product! I wish my Ulta sold even more Essence products.
Maybelline Creamy Matte Lip Color // 670 Ravishing Rose 
I am always up for buying a new lip color! I have very few matte lipsticks so I wanted to pick one of Maybelline’s matte colors up. This was a bit of a different color for me, it is a mix of pink and purple and very light! I think it’ll look great for spring though. So far the matte formula is just as great at Maybelline’s other lipsticks. It isn’t too drying on the lips and still feels creamy while still being matte.
BH Carli Bybel Eye-shadow and Highlighter palette
Hello shimmer!!! This palette was only $14.50…I couldn’t say no! I have no idea who Carli Bybel is…I have never watched any of her videos but boy did she and BH Cosmetics put out a great palette. This palette includes 14 eye-shadows with a mix of shimmer and matte and 4 highlighters. I will say, the highlighter colors are very dark. I can probably only pull off maybe 2-3 of the 4. But the others would make great eye-shadow colors! The colors are beautiful nudes with a few plum shades mixed in as well. This palette is SO SOFT and buttery. I was amazed at the feel of them considering the low price. I am overall loving this affordable palette!
Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herb, and Rose Water
Darn those sales they get you with at the checkout….
This was a last minute purchase as I paid because I could get it for only $3.50. They said that this is perfect for re-hydrating, priming, and setting makeup. You can also use it throughout the day. I am out of my setting spray as well, so I added it to my haul. I love this spray so far! I know nothing about this brand, but so far, I am very impressed. It is gentle on the skin and works with all skin types. I have loved using it so far! Have you ever tried this brand? Let me know what you though of it! 
Well that is my mini haul!! Stay tuned for some great Easter posts the rest of the week.
Have you tried these products? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!! XO
Mini Ulta Haul // First Impression Hello Hello!! I hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday and if not, cheer up! It is Easter week and I am just so excited to spend this week reflecting on the crucifixion and resurrection,
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trykiyashop · 7 months
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