#just imagine some adult (tidying) up their apartment and lifting a broken chair up and all these kids just SCATTER
grim-faux · 1 year
ok real i have been reading your little nightmares series and your worldbuilding is SO GOOD i want to eat it
i always hated when ppl interpret mono and six as like fully literate mature beings because no!!! they are babies!!!!! and not just that they are babies who are also feral!!!!! so very obviously i have immediately latched onto your works like a rabid animal
i love your take on things like groups, how languages work, and how the essential collapse of society means that there really is no standard... anything, anymore- so kids have to get crafty when interacting with their environment and communicating between individuals.
im more combining this internally with the absolute mentally ill traumatized mess analysis of another creator and the fact that the two can co-exist is so exciting honestly
especially mono and his speek! its a very interesting type of narration and is a cute little tag to say "hey this is mono's thoughts in real time", and i imagine you would make a similar speek system for six, possibly as a contrasting style???
i also appreciate that you incorporated said feral nature of mono while ALSO just. making him a child??? a child with trauma up to the ears with a limited grasp on most societal constructs, yes, but a child with child-like thoughts, questions and behaviors. humans aren't solitary animals lmao
sorry im brainrotting ajfnJDJSNFME but i really do love your feral mono!!! i want to give him little kith on the forehead.
Lol, thank you kind anon. I always appreciate comments like this from the void, because the whole speek concept is something I’ve enjoyed working with, though I recognize it may turn off other readers. And I do enjoy all the different iterations of the kids, and how creators perceive this world.
It’s been such a fun and intriguing process to take familiar things from our world, or from the context of children, and twist it into how the children in LN might utilize such things such as playtime or games, or the ‘social’ constructs they might formulate without proper guides/mentors. It’s been like writing a nature documentary using an oblivious narrator, but everything the children do makes sense in the context and limitations of their situation. This is both humorous and tragic.
The children, especially Mono, take the world as they see it. The best survivors are those that can learn on the fly, and remember obscure details – such as fuses or how keys work, or can read simple maps. Because the kids have no real language, they’re more visual based and learn through recognizing patterns – a lot of their headspace is dedicated to recognizing repeating details in their environment, and the quirks of other creatures.
There have been a few loose examples of the differences between Six and Mono’s speek comprehensions, and how they interpret each other. Going off the original Titan comics and the first games, Six’s internal thinking is a little more sophisticated than Mono’s – only because she’s not Duo linguistic. Mono makes up language and if he likes the sound of something a child has for a ‘thing’, he will latch onto it. But Six is somewhat more closed off, and though her internal language is more sophisticated, she really does not know how to speek it or vocalize.
I did a whole write up on the anatomical aspect of how children go mute due to their hostile environment, and their vocal and muscles in their speech department become vestigial due to lack of nourishment – nutrients for muscle and wound healing, etc, is prioritized to healing. So it becomes physically impossible for some children to speek at some point.
It has been so much fun to work on this, to expand on the loose bits fed to us by Tarsier and their amazing world. Getting a comment out of the blue means a lot, since as you can tell, I love to think about this world and analyze it, and get feedback on how others perceive it.
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