childotkw · 1 year
So I’m assuming this will be addressed in Fractured Hearts but are Riddles followers aware of how deep the relationship is (besides Barty)? I’m assuming not but I’d be interested to see how many of them react to it besides that little snippet you gave us awhile ago of Bellatrix, Snape, and Lucius. Not just them but others as well seeing how anytime a relationship between them has been mentioned or suggested (at the top of my head I believe those times have been Sirius and Tonks when Hadrian spat back at Dumbledore about Riddle wanting to Fuck him, Riddle telling Lily that Hadrian in his bed looked splendid, Pettigrew mentioning the age difference, and the Lady when she was told they had fucked) it’s met with revulsion one because Riddles a Dark Lord and two because Hadrian is still a minor , the minor thing especially because I think many people disregard there even being a relationship because of the age gap and then are disgusted that it’s even a thing when they find out, also because peoples versions of what the Dark lord looks like varies in who you talk to so the general public might think of Riddle as his Voldemort persona if it ever gets out. I think it’ll be really fun when Hadrian is older in Fractured Hearts and rumors surface at some point of him “Fraternizing with a dark lord” as Riddle put it, when he was younger and it affecting his standing in the French political world. I’d be interested if when people do find out whether they think Hadrian was fucking Tom Riddle the professor (which, yikes favoritism), the Dark Lord, or what he actually looks like or alternatively the secret of them all being the same person and Riddle looking completely different to the first two surfaces. I’m assuming there’s going to be a lot of pity for Hadrian from those who don’t know him about it being a possible grooming situation if people thing it’s Riddle the professor. Also side bar, is Erebus the vampire that nodded to Hadrian in chapter 35 as he was getting ingredients for the doppelgänger spell to save Lily? Take as much time as you need for the chapter I’ll wait a million months if they keep coming out with the quality they have been. Have a good night/day <3
It will be explored!
You're right in that most of them haven't a clue. They might suspect that Voldemort is interested in Hadrian, but they think it's purely a recruitment thing to gain a foothold in France.
The only ones that know are Lucius, Barty, Narcissa and Bellatrix. They've been up close and personal to many of the story's events and have put it together - Barty has outright caught them making out, so he definitely knows what's up.
The general vibe from the Death Eaters not already aware would be either: confusion, jealousy, disgust or acceptance. Confusion because Voldemort's never really had a partner before, jealousy because they want it to be them, disgust because Hadrian's a 'muggleborn' in their eyes and not worthy, or acceptance because they're sycophants and Voldemort can do no wrong so Hadrian as his partner is just something they fold into their world-view.
The revulsion many people have when reacting to Hadrian and Riddle being together is less to do with the age thing (remember, Hadrian is seventeen so in the HP world he's technically an adult, regardless of IRL standards), and more to do with just how morally dubious it seems to an outsider.
There's the power imbalance most immediately find suspicious and think Hadrian's being coerced / blackmailed / forced (which is where the worry about the age gap issue connects into). There's the fact that Voldemort murdered his father and forced Lily and him to be on the run and live in fear. And there's the inherent assumption that Voldemort = evil, Hadrian = good, so therefore they shouldn't be allowed to be together least Hadrian be 'corrupted'.
But you're right in that if their relationship became public in Fractured Hearts, it would absolutely tank Hadrian's reputation in his home country. There'd be whispers that he's a puppet for Voldemort, there'd be a lot of concern over any policies he introduced and if they even somewhat reflected Voldemort's agenda. Corruption allegations would run rampant, and there'd probably be calls for an investigation / inquiry into their past with each other.
A lot of secrets would come to light - not least being the whole Harry Potter thing, which would explode into an even bigger mess for everyone. There'd definitely be a sect of people who would be very worried over Hadrian himself, and what being 'in a relationship' with Riddle while he was seventeen could have done to him, mentally, emotionally and physically. Which Hadrian would hate - the pity, the coddling, the taking away of his agency...it would be a nightmare for him to deal with having such private aspects of his life blasted across the global news and having to deal with everyone's opinion.
Basically, it'd be a total clusterfuck (pardon my language).
And yes, Erebus was the vampire that nodded at Hadrian! He's a sneaky-sneak.
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childotkw · 1 year
Jordan, please don’t say Riddle won’t recognize that Hadrian is compelled to kill him when he tries to I will absolutely DIE if there relationship goes back to square one or if they are just snippy to each other and go there separate ways with tension. I’m not ready for Hadrian to be upset with Riddle :(. But it would be 100% funnier if Riddle does recognize it’s happening and can’t do anything about it. I stg if Dumbledore try’s to insert himself after this and the order members continue to be blind to it I will riot. Does Hadrian even recognize he’s being compelled? I’m assuming it might just change his brain into thinking very negative things about Riddle and resulting in bitter good-byes while Hadrian focuses on his future in international relations in France living with Raina’s family. Keep up the good work, I’ll be patiently waiting in anticipation for the next chapter <3
I can neither confirm nor deny what will happen in the coming chapters, I can only hope that you all trust me to hurt you in the best possible way 😂
All I will say is that the issues caused by this last-minute interference will not all be solved by the end of CS, and the emotional trauma of what happens will linger.
As for Hadrian, I'm still debating how exactly I want the compulsion to come across in his sections - so I can't really answer the second half of your ask just yet because I don't know myself 😅😅 it'll either be, he is in 'full-control' over himself and it's just his perception of Riddle that's twisted; or he completely shuts-down and becomes the equivalent of a non-verbal puppet carrying out his 'orders'. Both are really fucked up, but I am leaning towards one over the other (won't say which though!)
But thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! 💕💕💕
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childotkw · 3 years
Sorry if this has already been asked before but I’m new to your page and was wondering what your comfortable being addressed as like is Jordan okay or do you prefer any nicknames or just no name? Also what are your pronouns? Love your work❤️
I shall answer your questions but first may I just say that I love your icon.
Ahem, anyway, moving on. Welcome to the blog, it's a mess, I'm a mess, we're all a mess, but we have and that's what matters.
I'm cool being called Jordan, or my pseudonym or any of my nicknames (i.e. Jord, Jordz, Jordie). Just so long as it's not Jordyn / Jorden / Jordon / Jordin. My eye will twitch if my name is spelt like that. No offence, of course, to the other Jordy/e/o/ins out there - I just can't handle people using that spelling when addressing me specifically.
And my pronouns are she/her :)
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childotkw · 3 years
The smoking scene with Adalard was the most memorable to me probably because I really liked the atmosphere and I love how you write Adalard and hope he and Hadrian become better acquaintances at some point, the point where Hadrian ripped the venom out of himself after the 1st task to him in the infirmary tent, and of course the scene with Riddle and Hadrian where Hadrian was high, -love your work keep it up <3
I still really love that scene! Especially when we got this beautiful piece of fanart to go with it!
Adalard will have a closer relationship with Hadrian towards the end of CS, and will likely play more of a role in the sequel, once they're out of school and in the international arena together 😉
Thank you for sharing these! I'm loving hearing about this!
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childotkw · 3 years
Dude your spoiling us with the double chapters for cs I don’t even care if they’re an apology for the next chapters being angst, this writing is amazing your the best 😤❤️
I just really really want to get it over with, to be honest 😂😂😭 it's been going on for five years now.
But thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the surprise update! 💕💕
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