#kholusia fog
finalrespite · 6 months
I once played the now-defunct (well, officially) City of Heroes, and one thing I found neat was how some maps would have a permanent change in the narrative, but the game would still give you a way to revisit the old versions. For instance, when it went F2P the devs added a fresh new intro section that completely destroyed the original old starting map. One of the last things they did was take a section of city that had been Silent Hilled, and finally lifted the fog (it wasn't a good thing). But you could still go to the old maps for achievements through a time-space nexus called Ouroboros.
This is all to say that I kinda wish that our XIV devs would at some point consider making alternate versions of existing maps and maybe have old and new coexist as distinctly different instances, maybe just able to switch between at aetherytes (just use the Echo as an excuse, whatever lol). If it would be a way to convey progress of story, particularly if it means the rehabilitation of places that I otherwise feel dubious about the way the game exists now (see: The Lochs, Doma in Yanxia, Gatetown in Kholusia and Eulmore, Garlemald)
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candlelethe · 4 years
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So dark
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therovingstar · 3 years
Prompt #5: Starlight
For the January 2021 @seaswolchallenge. 1288w, Ardbert x WoL (if you squint). Of course she would manage to remind him of home in a way that, for once, did not hurt. Takes place post-5.3, in a timeline in which Ardbert chose a second chance at life and followed the Scions back to the Source.
“I hope it will suffice.”
He almost forgets she’s there, until the warm rasp of her voice cuts through the percussion of his heart pounding in his ears. He blinks, and half expects the vision before him to collapse like the illusion it is, but…
No, it remains. By way of her magic, most like, a glittering manifestation of her aether creating the tapestry of stars above them. It rotates slowly, thousands of them seemingly stitched into the ink-black canvas of the sky, close enough to touch.
“I didn’t think you still used those cards,” he breathes. “Or that...star-shooting thing.”
“A planisphere,” she reminds him, with a smile he can hear in her tone, even if he has not looked down to see it. “And yes, I still use it. I am a healer, after all, first and foremost.” Now he hears her stretch, the soft rustle of cloth and her intake of breath as she angles her arms upward. “I suppose what I am healing right now is that pout on your face.”
That makes Ardbert finally look down, just in time to see the beginnings of her smile, her own gaze locked where his was previously. “I was not pouting,” he halfheartedly argues, feeling the temptation to gently jab her with his elbow.
“But you were disappointed,” Odzaya insists, and that he cannot deny. Why else had he come all the way out here in the middle of bloody nowhere, guided only by the promise of a kind stranger. “A spectacle guaranteed to bring tears to your eyes!” she had said, before traipsing off in clothing he thinks may have been Gridanian in origin. Or not; he is still so new here, after all. But her down-to-earth manner had been oddly charming, and the notebook she gave him a good distraction from another moment in which survivor’s guilt had struck and the point of his continued existence had once again been called into question.
So he had accepted the “sightseeing log,” as she had called it. Flipped through it while dodging young lost adventurers all looking so much – too much – like himself, like Lamitt and Renda and Nyelbert and Branden–
And one particular entry had caught his eye, about a place in Thanalan, far from the lights of the city, where the sky seemed so clear as to be like a window offering a glimpse into the cosmos. And because he was still so new to it all – to Eorzea, to the Source, to supposed life as a Scion – he had jumped at the chance to be away from it all, if only for a while. To see the stars – for no matter where you went, they never changed, did they? – and regain some perspective.
Of course she would still manage to find him.
“Stargazing was a bit of a hobby of mine, way back when,” he says instead of verbally confirming her statement. “In Kholusia, so close to the sea, the sky was often foggy, so clear nights could be rather rare, depending. When they came, I would climb to the roof of our house and gaze at the stars practically all night. Try to count them, and pick out shapes.” He smiles slightly. “They don’t look too different here.”
“Different shapes, perhaps,” Odzaya comments. “It took me some time to learn the ones they look for here.”
“I forget that you’re not originally from this continent. Othard, was it? In the east?”
“Mm,” she confirms. “In my homeland, we have different constellations, with different gods attached to them.”
“Then…” Ardbert again looks up at the tapestry she created, glowing with the lights of a million lightning bugs. Almost reflexively when it appeared, he looked for the constellations of the First, and then, feeling that telltale homesickness, switched his focus to those shared by the Eorzeans. Again, he was no expert, but learning them had served as another small hobby, another distraction. One that had paid off as he found them: the Arrow, the Balance, the Spire and the Spear. And yet they seemed slightly...altered? As if imagined by a different mind, viewed from a different perspective. “Is this that sky, then?” he asks. “The one you see?”
“There are similarities, mind,” she says, lightly shrugging her shoulders. She does not deny his claim. “Surprising ones. Here, the watcher of the stars is Nymeia, the goddess of fate. In my culture, it is the Dusk Mother Nhaama, goddess of the night. Just the same, Eorzea has Azeyma, goddess of balance and of the sun. For us, it is –”
“Azim the Dawn Father,” he answers. Odzaya cuts herself off in surprise, and finally, Ardbert looks down the scant inches separating them to see her eyes predictably widened in surprise. The sight makes his smile widen in turn. “Urianger’s been going on about it for days. The similarities between them all. Azeyma, and your Azim, and…” The one they used to be. The one they came from. “Azem,” he finishes, more soberly.
Then he smirks, for once refusing to allow the memories and melancholy to take root. “I wonder if you count among them, too. Odzaya.”
Her snort is loud and affronted enough to make him laugh. He calls her “princess,” but he finds his favorite moments with her are when she acts like the exact opposite of one. “I do not,” she says definitively. He hums, amused.
“I wonder. ‘Shepherd to the stars,’ or so that Emet-Selch called us.” He gestures upward and follows with his gaze, where the heavens still spin lazily, just for them. “You’re shepherding these easily enough. Mayhaps because it was your calling in our other life, too.” Our. For whatever reason, he doesn’t feel the connection quite as keenly to this Azem, this woman who had shined brighter than the sun, only to burn herself out for the sake of her doomed world. For the last century, he had been a shade, for gods’ sake, unnoticed and useless to all he had come across. The exact opposite of what she had apparently been.
But Odzaya, she fit. A single bright beam that had penetrated his purgatory, and brought him back to life.
And she has done it again. Here he was, lost in a muddied dark, alone, the sky barren of all but fog, trying in vain to find the light promised by a kind soul. And when he found none, she brought it to him, easy as anything.
Just as then, so as now.
“I can change it, you know,” Odzaya says. She shifts slightly, her eyes once more on her aether. “The shape of them. I remember the stars of the First well enough; they brought me comfort, too, on nights when I needed a reminder that my world still existed, that yours could still be saved. I could try to replicate them.” She smiles lightly. “You could show me your shapes.”
Ardbert considers; twould certainly be nice to see, if only momentarily, the sky of his youth, feel a similar wind blowing through his hair as he dreamed of other places.
Instead, he shifts himself – settling more into his skin, it feels like – and shakes his head. “Mayhaps another time,” he says casually. When he looks down, she is watching him, subtle skepticism and concern warring for supremacy on her pretty face. He thinks he could do something to assure her, poke his finger to the single scale patch interrupting the wide line of her nose, the way the Scions do when she tries to outdo all her daily little miracles.
He doesn’t. Not yet. Instead, he merely looks back up at her latest, and starts memorizing. “I like yours,” he declares. “Quite a bit, I think.”
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fheythfully · 4 years
an idea is like a virus [SHB AU]
What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate.
She does not mean to sulk, of course, but--she thought they’d miss her more. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, realizing that the time she spent worried about their sudden collapses and departure of souls had not been met by equal concern on their end. [an Inception-inspired AU]
[My Inception inspired AU is here! First thing I’ve written in a year so I am a little rusty. Click the read more or read on AO3.]
She does not mean to sulk, of course, but--she thought they’d miss her more. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, realizing that the time she spent worried about their sudden collapses and departure of souls had not been met by equal concern on their end. When the Crystal Exarch led her to the audience chambers of this world’s Crystal Tower and let her know of this world’s perils, she had been ready to bear the burden. She had set out for the sands of Ahm Araeng in search of Alisaie only to be met by ungodly heat, more unbearable even than the deserts of Thanalan on summer’s midday, and a quick greeting by the girl before her figure disappeared into the wilds and an assurance that she had it under control. At first it had been pleasant, although surprising, to suddenly find herself with an excess of time on her hands before the next amaro transport would be by to take her away in search of Alphinaud. She wandered the stalls of Mord Souq, tasting the strange delicacies of the local tribe and taking in the sights of the crystallized emptiness to the south. She did not get a chance to bid farewell to Alisaie before her departure, though the girl’s friend, a kindly hyur woman, let her know she’d pass on the message.  Alisaie has been busy, she told herself as the rolling sea of browns and golds blurred below her in the ascent of the amaro bearing her away. It only makes sense that she would have duties she cannot be pulled away from, especially in a hard place like this.
Kholusia looks enough like Vylbrand that it makes her queasy to see the state it’s in, especially once she spots windmills in the distance looking so much like her parents’ farm. The relief she feels upon seeing Alphinaud is nearly physical in its intensity, her soft spot for the boy she’s watched grow into a confident young man leading her to embrace him in sisterly affection. His body tenses under her touch and he pats her on the back, a touch awkwardly, before drawing away and laying out his master plan on how to infiltrate Eulmore. He talks with his hands, eyes on the glittering city in the distance, and soon enough the realization dawns upon her: he’s grown without her presence even further into his own. There is an assertiveness in him that had not been there before and a near dismissiveness she’s sure he does not mean, but it burrows under her skin anyway, leaving her feeling out of place at his side in a way that she has not in years.
Encountering Thancred and his young charge, the quiet girl named Minfilia, is uncomfortable to say the least. She knows he’s been here the longest of all the Scions, five years spent on his own adjusting to a new world and new dangers and politics that seems even harder to navigate than Ishgard’s had been. But the man has seemed to grow colder in his age, more abrupt rather than cunning and frustrated with everything--Minfilia defying him to find her, especially, and everything to do with the girl in general. She tells him he is being too harsh one night after he spends a good half a bell berating his silent charge over a misstep in battle she’d done, and Thancred levels her with a look she had not expected to see since Lahabrea’s possession.
“Don’t presume to know what it’s like for us, when you’ve only arrived now that our battles are nearly done.”
She does not speak to him much after that, for what could she say to dispute the truth of his words? The First seems to indeed be on its way to recovery due to no small part of what the Scions have been working towards all this time in her absence. She fights their battles, assures their victories; it is a relationship similar to the one she’d had with the group at the time of Ifrit, Titan and Garuda: she is their sword, and they wield her thus.
Staring up at the ever blinding skies, she misses Tataru. She misses Aymeric who had a cup of tea and a chat ready for her even amidst his busy work rebuilding Ishgard. She misses Lyse and the spars they’d have, the blonde boldly stating she needed time off to stretch her limbs. She had forgotten what it felt like to be an accessory and not part of the team.
The whimsical, near frightening colours and inhabitants of Il Mheg are not enough to thaw her relations with Urianger, who remains as unreachable as ever. Under the towering ancient boughs of Rak’tika she watches Y’Shtola hesitate to bid farewell to the family even she has now found for herself, lingering with one last gaze over Slitherbough as they depart. The other woman is politely friendly but the chasm suddenly between them yawns wide, and she watches Y’Shtola get smaller and smaller on the other side. She watches all the Scions disappear into the horizon away from her and feels small herself, an outsider to this group of people who’d found themselves perilously lost in a world not their own and built themselves a new life to survive.
Beside her, the Ascian wearing the body of the late Garlean emperor  tsks  . “So much for friendship,  hero .” The two of them sit apart from the rest of their group, a fire burning low between them, and she tells herself the suspicious glances cast their way are for his sudden appearance at her side. “So what happens when you kill all the Wardens, then? Will you be set aside like a rusty blade?”
She ignores him and pokes a stick into the dying embers of the pit. Emet-Selch laughs at her silence, gaze so heavy on her she can feel it burning a brand into her skin.
They return to Ahm Araeng and she speaks to the last remnants of her Minfilia. The sullen, quiet girl bearing her name and visage does not reappear at her side when she emerges. Urianger, when she finds the rest of the Scions, shakes his head when she asks about Thancred.
The less that is said about Ahm Araeng and the Warden there, the better.
She listens silently when Y’Shtola and Urianger pull her aside and tell her what she already feels within: the light is consuming her alive. She has become the Warden of the First Reflection.
There is nothing to be done to save her. Nothing in the books of the Crystarium, in the abyss of Allagan research spanning the depths of the Tower, and even the Exarch shakes his head, lips downturned, when he is consulted.
At last, she is a dead woman walking.
She thinks that, all things considered, it has been a long time coming.
The Light within her blurs together all senses and experiences, even memories; she remembers walking for what she knows is the last time through the Crystarium, entirely alone as she makes ready to depart. Bereft of weapons and gear she has the sensation of having flown somewhere, or perhaps she walked, but somehow she has found herself underwater in a city the likes of which she has never seen before. Or maybe it’s not entirely true; she thinks she’s dreamt of it before, or perhaps is dreaming now, walking streets as silent as a graveyard as she seeks out Emet-Selch and his offer of a dignified death.
Is she still breathing? Is she still living? She is not worthy of it. She feels the Light within her churning and hungry, straining against the threads of her soul and mortal shell holding it back. It’s only a matter of time before they snap and in a moment of sudden clarity she is overwhelmingly glad that the Scions are not present to see their vaunted Warrior of Light turn into a monster.
Blearily, she spots a figure before her. Unlike the others it does not move out of her way, but instead stands tall and stubborn in her path until she has no choice but to force her limbs around it. She hears a sigh, and then harsh fingers grip at her shoulder.
It is so unexpected and sudden that it grounds her. The corona of light that has been dimming her vision flares and she blinks, having no choice but to face the figure insisting on her attention. 
“Really?” It speaks, a woman’s voice, drawling and mocking and in Common and not the strange language she’s been unable to make out from the other inhabitants. “This is how you’re going to die? Walking to certain death like a martyr, happy to let a villain take your life into his hands? You disappoint me, hero.”
She’s lost for words, no small part due to being directly addressed in such a manner in what feels like a very, very long time--since she had come to the First, perhaps. It clears the fog up in her brain somewhat, some flickering semblance of self sluggishly batting away at the Light cocooning her thoughts.
The tongue in her mouth feels heavy, marble-like. “I have no other choice.”
The figure’s hand, still gripping her skin as if she is not burning its flesh on contact, tightens. “No choice? Don’t make yourself even more pathetic than you already are.”
On habit alone she tilts her chin and purses her lips. Stubborn to the end, apparently. “So what, you have some better ideas on how to not die and consume all of the First? I’m all ears.”
The mouth under the hood smiles in a way she knows it does not mean it. “You really think he won’t destroy this Shard after your timely death? Is this all it took for you to lose your brain?” A laugh, somehow familiar, and she bristles further. The city around her sharpens in its clarity and her chest expands in a deep, angry breath ready to let the stranger have it--and then another hand comes down upon the stranger’s, prying it away.
Emet-Selch stands before them, grasping the stranger’s arm. “That’s enough out of you,” he directs at her hooded companion. There is a certain flatness to his tone, a bite in his words she has not heard even directed at her. In response the figure shakes her arm free and moves to entwine her fingers with his, smiling mockingly, until the man slaps her fingers away in disgust. “Leave us be. You have no place here.”
The woman lets out a dismissive laugh. “I have no place to be here? Steps away from where you murdered me, and where you are about to do so again? Your humour has me turning in my grave, Hades.”
She’s submerged in the heavy silence that descends. Enough time for a single breath, and then the woman turns towards her again. Pale hands reach up to draw back her hood--and something within her screams that the action is wrong, she should not be witness to any of this--and then to remove the delicate white mask that sits perched across her nose and cheeks. She throws it aside on the ground and stomps it for good measure, until motes of aether rise up as the mask simply dissolves on the paved street.
“Astra,” Emet-Selch says, barely constrained fury shaking his voice. “Get out.”
The woman’s lips turn into a pretty pout. “You can make me leave any time you want, Hades. You’re just not wanting it hard enough.” To her she sends a conspiratorial smile, as if they are old friends sharing a secret. “That’s always been the case with dear Hades, you know. Forever wanting things but never knowing how to go about getting them the right way.”
A streetlight down the road goes out. She suddenly realizes she does not even know the name of this place, hidden deep on the ocean floor. She wets her lips. The sense of wrongness inside of her grows. “Who are you?”
Astra raises an eyebrow at her, eyes wide. “We look so much alike, and still that is the question you ask? You just keep finding new ways to disappoint me.” To Emet-Selch, she shakes her head. “You broke her so thoroughly, dear. I’m very hurt.”
Somehow, she is still breathing. Still living. The Light within her writhes, but she wants to know more: the city standing tall and desolate around her, this man named Emet-Selch-and-also-Hades, and the woman Astra before her, with such pale hair and eyes yet still undoubtedly  her . 
“Why do you look like me?” The hints of a demand enter her tone. “What is this place?”
“You finally start asking the right questions!” The lights around them all begin flickering, but Astra’s excitement is palpable as she claps her hands together and grins at her, all teeth. “I’ll help you out with another one: how did you get here?” At her confused silence, her grin stretches until she can see the canines peeking out, like a mummer’s mask at a horror show. “Try to remember, now. How did you get here, to the bottom of the ocean, to this gloriously dead city of Amaurot?”
She opens her mouth to answer, to say she flew to the coast of--somewhere, or took a boat, or-- “I don’t know,” she says instead. “I don’t--I don’t remember.” She frowns. “How can I not remember? Is it the Light?”
A cold hand settles on her cheek, curiously soft and at odds with everything the woman has been so far. Pale eyes swim with pity as they stare into hers. “Sweetling, the only Light within you is the blessing you’ve been carrying all this time.”
With a furious sound the ground beneath them cracks. A cacophony of noise follows as around them the buildings begin to cave into themselves; trees erupt with their roots torn wild from their carefully curated placements and somewhere beyond her sight, she hears the unmistakable sound of rushing water flooding the bubble of air surrounding the city.
She’d nearly forgotten Emet-Selch’s presence. With a hiss he tears the woman away from her, clutching her wrist in his hand with strength that will leave her with far more than bruises. “You damned woman,” he seethes and his form begins to shift, as if he’s been hiding a monster of his own beneath his human shell this entire time. “If only you would stay out of my way--”
Her wrist must be broken, but Astra only laughs. The city around them continues its rapid collapse. “As if it’s my fault you can't bring yourself to kill me,” she says, and with barely a flicker of her other hand, drives a knife of aether straight into his heart. “Fascinating, considering you had no such qualms the first time.”
Ella watches the life leave the Ascian’s eyes, and has a moment to wander if it had been the way Lahabrea had fallen, too; did you not need to sunder the soul, to ensure an Ascian did not merely jump into another inhabitable body? But no--Emet-Selch sags to the ground and Astra uses a toe to poke his body with a sigh.
She turns her eyes towards Ella, the knife of concentrated aether still sparking with magic in the palm of one hand. “He remembered me very horribly, I’ll have you know. I didn’t have one unkind bone in my body. Not to mention this manner of speech. How self-obsessed can one man get, to make his once-lover sound so much like him?” She tuts and shakes her head. “Guilt does such funny things to memories we hold dear.”
She approaches closer. The strange city of Amaurot around them has fallen, a tremendous wave of water coalescing behind the woman’s form.
It will be upon them in seconds.
“It’s time to wake up,” Astra says. She’s close enough that the Warrior can count the very faint freckles upon her nose, as if this strange duplicate of hers had even that tiny detail down. “You’ll be very confused, and very alone, and the void between worlds will be a frightening place indeed. But rest assured that your friends are waiting for you on the other side, and that this has been nothing more than a very real, and very bad nightmare.”
The touch of aether is hot and electric against her neck. Astra’s smile is trembling. “Make sure you kill him for good for me, will you?”
There is no chance to reply. The knife cuts her open.
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gekijouaika · 3 years
carry me slowly, my sunlight
Fandom: FFXIV Characters: Crystal Exarch, Fusao Naeuri (original WoL), others mentioned Originally written: October 2019 Word Count: 1058 Other notes: spoilers for the level 79 quests of Shadowbringers
The skies above Kholusia burned in their ever shifting hues of gold and molten yellows – it was almost difficult to believe the selfsame colours had tainted the vistas of Lakeland for the many centuries he had dwelled there until a scant few weeks ago. Staring up into them now merely compounded the headache swelling behind the Crystal Exarch's eyes, making it all too easy to blame his current predicament on the Twelve forsaken light above.
Ah, but for as much as he could blame the light for, this was not one of them.
Back pressed to his chosen hideaway (far from ideal, a boulder yet a stones throw away from Amity) he allowed his eyes to close, head feeling all too heavy as his chin dipped towards his chest. Just a moment... a moment of respite... it wouldn't do to miss the finale of over a century's making...
It was the first cool whisper of healing aether that stirred him, still lost in a haze of sleep and memories fogged by the ever unforgiving march of time – looking up to a figure, a familiar face.
“The future is where my destiny waits...”
And it was with a final jolt he came to the present – a confused set of eyes attached to an auri woman regarding him as she carefully withdrew her hand, “... if you spoke sense more often, I would worry some kind of delirium had set in.”
That her usual barbed tongue seemed undaunted by the momentary lapse was some relief, the Exarch leaning back against the boulder as Fusao remained on her knees before him, “Forgive me, my friend,” and he noticed her face scrunch slightly to be called such, “... I needed but a moment. To be so far from the tower, and exerting myself... it drains me.” His lips quirked, though it was a particularly wan smile, “Your efforts were appreciated, though wasted.”
The woman let out a soft huff, moving to lean her lance against the boulder before sitting at his side, “Don't get any ideas – Kira and everyone have the building matters well in hand, Mrs Chai was worried for your absence. Last thing I need is her, Kira and Lyna at my ear for letting you expire out in the wastes.”
He chuckled out another quiet, “forgive me” before the pair lapsed into an almost companionable silence. Despite his hood, it was easy to observe her profile – hard eyes, grown harder in her short time in Norvrandt, watched the shifting skies. It took him back... far, far past the mists – back to a young man, sat at a campfire abuzz with chatter and revelry. They'd made their first steps into an ancient mystery, all thanks to a pair of brave and all too strong adventurers. One sat at his side, too happy to talk his ear off about their work and her play. The other...
The other sat at the opposite side of the campfire, chin propped on one hand. While the angle suggested her attentions were on the Ironworks engineers and their constant bickering, he could feel the weight of that gaze on himself and his companion.
Even then...
“Tell me...” Her head shifted at his voice, rolling against stone to regard him, “What will you do, when this is all over?”
If she was surprised by the question, it didn't show. She tilted her head back once more and let out a slow sigh, “... rest a while, I should think. Lest you forget, my honeymoon phase was rather rudely cut short.”
“So I've been told–”
“And what of you?”
There was a scant beat, shock only mercifully covered by his hood. Fusao was looking at him devoid of her usual scorn (a scorn he could hardly blame her for, guilt settling low in his gut every time he'd seen the redness in Kira's eyes) and waiting patiently for his answer. An answer he wanted nothing more to give, to move past these polite fictions and simply address both women without pretences.
But this was not the time for that. And should his plans play to fruition, there never would be time for that.
It was for the best.
It was...
“Keeping your counsel again, hm?”
“I... I told you once, there are things I can ill afford to lose, yes?”
A soft hum was his only response, the only incentive to press on before logic dictated it was better to stop. Before he said too much.
“Rather than things, I spoke... I spoke of people. I don't think I need to ask you if you understand my feelings on that matter... of how much I would give to be at their side, to experience this realm not in turmoil but as someone free to explore... sea, skies, land... oh, nothing would make me happier...”
Fusao was quiet, letting him wear himself to a halt – before she was climbing to her feet with the scrape of sabatons on gravel, offering him a hand, “I suppose that all hinges on us getting up that mountain then, doesn't it?”
The Exarch looked at her hand in bewilderment once more, pink eyes rolling before she offered it with more insistence, “I already told you not to get the wrong idea, didn't I? If I go back without you, I'll only get an earful for leaving you to the vultures. You're white as a sheet.”
Unable to hide the smile tugging at his lips, he did take her hand and allow the deceptively strong Dragoon to pull him to his feet, “Quite. Thank you.”
Retrieving her lance, she looked back towards Amity – the hardness in her eyes abated, “... you might have the right idea, though. A journey without strife... would be nice.”
“I'm sure you'd rather be taking someone else than this weary old man, though.”
For the first time, she looked at him with a sharp grin, “How astute for an old coot.”
Chuckling, he righted himself, once more the ever enigmatic Exarch and began the walk back to Amity, “Let us see we all get our wishes then, shall we?”
Lagging somewhat behind, Fusao watched his back grow smaller and thought of such a familiar image silhouetted by a pair of closing doors.
“... you're still a terrible liar.”
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gegenji · 4 years
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(Metarutaru Koradrix) Out in Lakeland, it'd be a cloudy, but otherwise fine day... As fine a day in Lakeland can be anyway. Koratt would be smiling as he brought his direwolf, Gidgett, some Zonure meat from the nearby field, smiling brightly. "Here you go girl, bit of a snack after a hard day's work, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Koratt would likely hear Chachan before he saw him, much like before - though under different context. The clop of hooves, the irate snorting of a temperamental stallion, and the quiet (hopefully calming) words being repeated by the aforementioned horse's rider - stammered out in a clumsy approximation of the fae tongue. Trying to both soothe the fiery beast and keep an eye out for his Dwarven friend at the same time was quite the task.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He would hear the hoof and snorts, though not the quiet words as the horse sort of drowned out his words with its snorting. He smiles brightly upon seeing who was on the Horse... and honestly was amazed to even see a horse! They haven't been seen in Norvandt for who knows how long! Wide-eyed for a moment, he shook it off and pat Gidgett once she finished with her food, which she did in short order, before moving over to the Horse. "Chachanji!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) The Lalafell's ears perked at the familiar voice and Chachanji looked up from his near-constant patting of Aen Reion's mane. "Ah, Koratt! There ya are!" he chirped, pulling on the reins with some more urgent quiet reassurances in fae. "Finally got Gria 'n 'em ta let me leave Il Mheg, so I figgered I'd swing by fer tha' get-t'gether we talked 'bout durin' tha' whole... um... sin eater hunt thin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hah! That's amazing that you've earned the Fae's favor! I'll be honest I get a fair bit terrified every time I go there! Only reason I haven't been turned into a leafman, or worse, was because the Nu Mou vouch for me when I visit. Scary place to be!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, it ain't all bad. Ya jus' hafta watch out fer th' pranks. 'n th' tricks. 'n th' kinda random whims. Other'n tha', 's fine..." Chachan offered, though the little list of fae problems made it seem not quite as appealing. Which he seemed to notice, give his awkward smile and dismissive wave. "A-a'course, helpin' deal wit their pro'lems tends ta help a lot... w-whether it be a Pixie 'r a Nu Mou."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "I can imagine." He nods, "You're braver than most not to have run away from the Pixies, and good on you for it too." Gidgett would sort of lift her head and sniff Chachanji curiously. "Gidgett, down girl." This prompts the wolf to relent, sort of lying on the floor. "Don't mind Gidgett, she's a curious sort, really."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion gives the direwolf a withering glare as she drew nearer, giving a bit of a warning snort before Chachan hurriedly pulled lightly on the reins and murmured some more quick words to the horse. "W-well, 's more they wouldn't -let- me, ta be fair," he admitted bashfully once Reion was calmed down again. "There was always a bit of'a fog hangin' 'round 'n it always got extra bad at certain spots. Prolly close ta th' ways outta th' place. Goin' in always kinda ended up wit me back where I-- (Chachanji Gegenji) entered, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Yeah, that's pixie magic for sure." He nods, then looks to the horse, and couldn't help but have a look of amazement at the sight of it. "I gotta ask, what is this fella's name? Amazing little critter you got there." He waves to the horse, but doesn't try to pet it. He's never seen one before after all, and wouldn't know how to not get bit by one!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Using the word 'critter' go Koratt a glare from the horse itself - did it understand what the Dwarf was saying? Whatever the reason for the look, Chachanji gave the stallion another hurried pat before answering. "A-ah, thi' is Aen Reion. 'm still tryin' ta get 'im ta... well... play nice. 'e's a bit of a stubborn butt," he explained, giving the horse a bit of a pouty glare. "'s much better'n when th' Pixies first introduced 'im ta me. Was part'a th' requirements fer lettin' me leave - ta tame (Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion. I-I ain't really sure if'n it was jus' fer laughs 'r they act'lly didn't think I'd be able ta do it but... here we is."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Aah... Sorry for insulting ya, Aen Reion, yeah?" He'd apologize to the horse with a chuckle, before looking to Chachanji. "I'll be honest, that's incredible. I've only heard of horses in stories, like the one of Lord Tolthewil and the Knights of the old Elf Kingdom. Never thought I'd actually -see- one in person! Blessed or Cursed by those pixies, who knows, but you're definitely something else." He would say to Chachanji, his tone and look is clearly one of awe, and a bit of admiration, even!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Reion snorted again, but it seemed less... irate, if one could discern the differences between such sounds. "W-well, 'pparently Reion 'ere's been runnin' 'round fer a while. Made a bit of'a name fer 'imself." A proud little whinny from the stallion, though his rider had a bit less of a positive reaction to the praise sent his way. A brief fluster and shake of his head before commenting: "'m-m not all tha' great... 'm-m jus' glad I managed ta do it so I could finally get home."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hey, you helped me take down a Sin Eater, so you're A-OK in my book! And I don't blame ya for being happy to be outta there. Hmm, Theres a few spots you could take a break at now that you're outta that ol' mess of a place. You can definitely use it after all that!" He looks around. There's Clearmelt to the north of us, as well as the town of Sullen to the South. Oh! Also the Crystarium itself, though I'm not sure how much you're in a mood to travel after all that."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I act'lly stopped at Clearmelt on th' way 'ere!" Chachan stated with a smile that quickly took on an embarrassed look. "I-I thought -it- was Ostell, act'lly, so I was askin' 'round fer ya fer a bit. Did end up stayin' ta wash up fer a bit... 's been a while since 've had a nice hot soak, y'know?" (Chachanji Gegenji) "'n 'm act'lly headin' t'wards th' Crystarium," he added, looking over to the imposing landmark in the distance. "Gria thin's goin' there might help me figger out a way home. Since there's a big ol' crystal tower like tha' one near me home. Well, kinda near. Near 'nuff."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ahh, gonna have a chat with the Exarch, is that right? Well, if anyone can help you get where you need to go, it's definitely him. Fella's done more for the people than we can ever hope to repay. Hope you don't mind if I tag along!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I mean, I wouldn't mind th' company. Not f'miliar wit thi' place 'r th' Crystarium. So havin' someone 'long who does would be much 'ppreciated."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "No problem! Place is pretty big, so I'll help ya around the place!" He pats Gidgett a few times, which prompts her to get up with a light stretch. "Ready then you are, Chachanji!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, ya meant right now?" Chachan interjected with a bit of surprise. "I mean, 'm good ta go if'n ya are... jus' thought we were gonna meet up fer somethin' ta eat 'n drink." A thoughtful pause. "Though, I 'spose th' Crystarium'd have places fer tha' too, huh?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Mhm! Clearmelt and Crystarium would be the best spots for that, but you've already been to the first one, hah!" Metarutaru Koradrix laughs.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, fair 'nuff, then..." he relented. "I guess we're off tha' way, then. I'll... uh... try'n keep Aen Reion 'ere from goin' too fast. 'e... can really get goin' when 'e wants ta."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Don't let Aen here show ya up, Gidgett! Show 'em you're not slouch either!" Gidgett lets out a few barks, as she seemed ready to run!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Reion snorted at that, getting an alarmed look from Chachanji. "A-ah... d-dun get 'im riled up...!" was all he managed before the horse was off like a shot. In a matter of seconds, the stallion was already out of the outpost and down the hill. The Lalafell hadn't been kidding that the horse was fast.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He looked a fair bit surprised at just how fast it is! But it only prompts Gidgett to really give it her all, chasing after the horse with with vigor!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion's apparent fame wasn't without merit, it seemed. Even with Gidgett giving it her all, the fae stallion was pulling further and further ahead. At least until the flailing rider finally managed to grab hold of the reins and FORCE the horse to slow down some, which Reion was none too happy about. There was a lot of snorting and flailing of Reion's head as Koratt finally caught up. But they managed to stay apace, at least, for the remainder of the trip to the Crystarium.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Upon arriving at the gate, Koratt would explain that He is entering the Crystarium with a friend seeking a place to say, making sure to mention Chachanji is from Kholusia. This would set the guard at ease some and would allow them in, provided Gidgett and Aen are stabled as soon as they reach the Crystarium. (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Okay! We're in, a bit more and we'll be in the city."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan was plenty willing to let Koratt do the talking, since he was also busy trying to calm Aen Reion's temper at being denied a full-on race between him and Gidgett. His ears wiggled at the mention of that Kholusia place, but didn't ask questions. What DID look like would be a problem, was the idea of Reion submitting himself to being stabled.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "You definitely weren't kidding about how fast that thing is! Hopefully I enjoyed the run some! and well, hoping it doesn't get too mad about being in a stable, but Rules are rules you know?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-I tried ta warn ya," Chachan lamented, continuing to try and calm the stallion. "A-and stablin' 'im might be... a pro'lem, yeah. Ev'n at Clearmelt 'e refused ta be tied up. H-had ta let 'im jus' run free on th' promise 'e'd come back when I called fer 'im."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well... I suppose that is an option you can do.... They ain't gonna let 'em roam around the city freely, too risky to the citizens there."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Well, yeah, tha's fair," Chachan agreed, slowly dismounting off of Aen Reion. He murmured a few words to the horse in fae. There was a snort from the horse, then the Lalafell added a few more curt words before the horse nodded. Chachan nodded in turn, then let go of the reins. And with that, Reion was off like a shot back down the road - apparently to get the run in that he had been so cruelly denied.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt couldn't help but snicker a bit. "Yep. Definitely something else." He shook his head with a smile. "C'mon Chachanji, let's head in the city. I think you'll like it. Who knows? Might even give a familiar feeling being back in one."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan turned back to the Dwarf and nodded. "It'll be nice, ta be sure. Feels like 's been moons since 've been in a normal town..." That last bit was punctuated with a bit of a sigh.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He smiles brightly upon arriving. "Chachanji, Welcome, to the Crystarium! Last bastion of Norvandt, Beacon of Hope, Center of Civilization, all that silliness!" He snickers. "But seriously, welcome!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-it def'nitely looks pretty impressive!" Chachan admitted, his eyes glued to the Crystal Tower itself. He'd seen the other one in Mor Dhona, but always from a distance. He had to wonder if that one felt just as... imposing... as this one did up close.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, first thing's first. let's get ya attuned to this place. If you ever get lost, you can always use this place as a safe haven to return to, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, first thing's first. let's get ya attuned to this place. If you ever get lost, you can always use this place as a safe haven to return to, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Once that's outta the way, we'll get something to eat!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, ta th' aetheryte? Y-yeah, tha' might be a good idea." He pauses and blinks. "Should I'a done th' same in Ostall?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, Ostall's probably not that important... Unless you're one to enjoy hot springs then maybe, hah! But you can always head back to that later. C'mon!" He would beckon Chachanji to follow him, a bit of pep in his step!
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, comin'!"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Can't help but smile every time I come here. No matter how much of a mess it was out there in Norvandt, this place... I dunno, would just always put me at ease. Everyone here's so eager to help one another. It's like a home away from home..." A content sigh escaped him as he spoke, but shook his head, no need for him to be getting all sentimental.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan pattered quickly after the Dwarf, looking at him as he commented on the Crystarium itself. The idea of everyone helping one another brought a smile to the Lalafell's face, which stayed there as he moved over to the aetheryte itself. Reaching out and closing his eyes, he began the attuning process. Once he had, though, his expression changes slightly - as if he had noticed noticing. Eyes still shut, his brows raised before furrowing.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He looks to Chachanji with a smile... though his expression confused him. "Something the matter? You can attune to the aetheryte yeah? I know there's a few rare cases of folk being unable to, but I'm sure you're not one of them, right?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "N-no no, I can attune ta it jus' fine," Chachan stated, though he kept his eyes shut. "'s jus'... I thin' I can feel a link ta one'a th' aetherytes near me home... 's faint... -real- faint, but..." He lowered his arm and opened his eyes to look at Koratt. "I... I might be able ta teleport near home from 'ere!" A bright smile. "I couldn't feel anythin' from th' aetheryte from Il Mheg, mebbe thi' one is jus' close 'nuff?" A pause, then a glance at the Tower. "Or mebbe because'a tha'...?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Wouldn't be shocked if it's on account of the Tower. It is very magical like that. This tower kinda came outta nowhere when it did, and it was around for a long time. Before me, My Pa, or even Grandpappy I think. When it did something about it just drew folks together from all over. Humes, Mystel, Drahn, Ronso, Elves, Galdjent... even Vhis and Dwarves, which usually aren't ones for traveling. Something about that tower, and the Crystal Exarch who resides in it, is mysterious... powerful, even."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan followed Koratt towards the Tower as he talked, looking up at it - even more impressive even just a few hundred yalms closer like this. He gave the Dwarf a look of confusion at the strange names for the various races, but quickly assumed it was just the culture for this part of Hydaelyn and didn't interject. "Well, it IS plenty powerful-lookin'," he admitted. "'n kinda pretty. Wonder if'n th' one near me home looks thi' neat up close..."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Near your home?... You mean there's more than one of these?" He would look up, wide-eyed. It surely didn't sound like there could be, but the way things have been since the Flood, and the more recent events with Night returning, who knows at this point! "If there's another... Hmm..." He ponders it for a bit, but shakes his head. That probably wouldn't be like he thinks it is. Nonetheless. "Hey, I did promise you food n' drink. So c'mon! My treat."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh! Right! Almost f'rgot wit Reion bein' all grumpy 'n findin' out I might be able ta jus'... -teleport- home from 'ere!" Chachan chirped, looking to Koratt. "I'll... um... hafta warn ya. I... ah... tend ta eat a lot. 'specially if'n thi' teleport is gonna be anythin' like when I came back from Yanxia. Real long teleports like tha' really take it outta ya, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) The heck is a Yanxia, he would wonder, but there's questions that can be answered as they eat. He nods and smiles, calling Chachanji over to follow to the Musica Universalis Markets. (Metarutaru Koradrix) "The place is always bustling! Regardless of how many turns of the sun or moon cycle, you'll see people moving about here!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, Ul'dah's like tha' all th' time," Chachan offered with a smile. "Ya get used ta it." A pause. "... though, I 'spose I'll hafta get RE-used ta it after all thi'." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Still not quite used ta ev'rythin' not bein' all super colorful like in Il Mheg."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "I'll need to visit all these places you're talking about. Yanxia, Ul'Dah, never heard of any of those places before! Wonder if you live as far away a land as the Exarch does?" He would wonder a bit. "Sounds like places he would know about. Anyhow! Take a seat and I'll get some orders in."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, mebbe!" Chachan offered with a cheerful shrug. "They're all neat places 'n worth visitin', I figger." A nod and then he goes hunting for a nice place to sit.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) As Chachanji went to get a seat, he walks over to Glynard. Chachanji may see Koratt smiling brightly, laughing some with the man as he placed his order, nodding to him as they spoke. Once the order is placed, he smiles and walks back over to the table Chachanji chose, and took a seat himself. "Okay! Order's placed. Expect some good eats real soon!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I hope so!" Chachan stated with a nod as Koratt sat down. "Th' fae food is... akay, but it's mostly a lotta fruit 'n mushrooms, y'know? 'n I always felt bad after I... ah... got back ta normal size since 'm always starvin' somethin' fierce after it." A bit of a frown crosses his features as he thinks on it. "Always end up havin' ta help restock th' food stores afterward 'cuz I ate most'a it."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well! I told 'em you're from pretty far away, like Exarch far, So it oughta be some real good stuff. maybe something you're familiar with!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "We'll see! Honestly, jus' havin' some good meats 'n popotoes 'n stuff'd be best." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Somethin' hearty, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Then you're in for a treat!" He smiles brightly. There would be quite a few plates on the table! A sweet shellfish stew in tomato broth, along with a blood tomato salad with a dark vinegar topping, a big plate of peppered popotoes to be shared as well. For himself, Koratt got a nice big mug of ale, while for Chachanji, the drink he got was apparently something the Exarch appreciated. (Metarutaru Koradrix) (also, Matcha tea!)
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan went wide-eyed at the spread, mostly focusing on the stew and popotoes more than the greens - but that was probably to be expected considering living on a fae diet for a couple moons. He made a bit of a face at the tea - tea was always his brother's favorite, not his - but tried to mask it as best he could. Though, the success of that would be mired a little by his request to the waiter before they returned: "Ah, could I also get a glass'a Cham--" A pause. "Um... some fruit juice 'n-- (Chachanji Gegenji) --sweetwater if'n ya have it?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) The waiter nods and leaves to get the request. "Aaaah, not a fan of the stuff? My apologies. Probably should've asked you first!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, 's fine, 's fine!" Chachan stated as he started filling a plate with stew and popotoes. "Tea is all well'n good but... 've always been a fan'a juice, ev'n after spendin' all tha' time wit th' fae."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Fair enough! Personally a bit of alcohol helps me through the day, always!" He laughs a bit before taking a swig of ale, and snagging himself some popotoes and some of the salad first, wasting no time in digging in. "Dom't be affphraid to chow dhown, yheh?" He would say with his mouth kinda full as he ate happily.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I dun really drink alcohol much, meself," he admitted bashfully as he began tucking in as well, the food on his plate disappearing at a frightening rate into the little Lalafell. He honestly seemed to be on pace to down the entire spread himself without too much difficulty, though he did make sure Koratt got all he wanted too. "Only had a drink'r two while at home."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, I feel a lad or lass would appreciate a fella who ain't a drunk, so good on ya! Also don't be afraid to ask for more! Eat til' you're stuffed!" He laughs heartily before resuming his meal, the waiter bringing the drink Chachanji requested.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Most of the food had already "mysteriously" disappeared by the time the waiter had returned, so Chachan sheepishly asked for a refill on everything else even as he nodded in thanks for his change of drink. Once they were away preparing more, he looked back to Koratt with a timid sip of his beverage. "A-ah, I 'unno if'n it's worth all tha' much praise. I jus' get... um... more talky 'n stuff when drunk." And more huggy, but he wasn't about to openly admit that. "So... i-it jus' seems safer ta do (Chachanji Gegenji) stuff like tha' at home rather'n when 'm out 'n about."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ah, fair 'nough, fair 'nough. So! How're ya enjoying the Crystarium? I know we haven't shown much, but hey!" He laughs a bit, happily eating his fill and relaxing some... but not too much, lest he lean back and fall off the barstool like last time.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "'s nice!" Chachan admitted immediately, looking about. "Nice ta be 'mongst other, non-fae peoples. And in a proper city 'n stuff, one not made outta lil' homes in hillsides or giant mushrooms."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Very different from Il Mheg for sure! Glad you're enjoying your time here! Was a bit worried you'd be too overwhelmed, shy sort you seem to be from earlier." He couldn't help but giggle. "But in all seriousness! Glad you're enjoying yourself, Chachanji."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-I ain't THA' shy!" he insisted with a pout and a fluster, followed by a slightly sulking sip of his drink. "'n-n 's more like comin' back ta somethin' f'miliar after bein' on a vacation fer a while, y'know? A vacation full'a pranks 'n monster-huntin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Okay okay! Not thaaat shy, hehe! And monster hunting sounds like a fun vacation to me! Not so much the fairy pranks though. Could do with alot less of those." He shook his head, before finishing his mug, having had a few swigs here and there as they were speaking. "But hey! It's good to hear, and who knows? Maybe the Exarch can help you find a way back? He's a nice guy, always has time to hear what folks have to say. With any luck he can help get you home safe n' sound!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I dun really like fightin', though," he admitted with a sigh, rubbing at the back of his neck and looking back down towards the Aetheryte plaza. "'n hopefully I'll be able ta teleport proper-like back home... but I 'spose it can't hurt seein' if'n I can't talk ta this Exarch guy ya keep mentionin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ya should, really. but here I am being all pushy!" He shook his head. "I see, then maybe the Crystalline Mean is more your style? It's a center area within the Crystarium. Crafters from all over Norvandt gather there to trade, buy, sell, and learn from one another. From Smiths, to Carpenters, Weavers to Alchemists. Anything you need would probably be there!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan nods. "Tha' sounds nicer, yeah. 'm a smith by trade, act'lly. Armor mostly, but I also make tools 'n do repairs 'n stuff," he clarifies. "Act'lly managed ta make a lil smithy in a lil cave in Il Mheg. Most'a th' Pixies didn't like it - they dun like smoke 'n metal 'n stuff." (Chachanji Gegenji) "... Though tha' was nice ta get 'way from them fer a bit now 'n then."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "You're bold or bonkers doing that. More gutsy than me I'll tell you that! Well, I'd enjoy the time here while you can, yeah? Dunno when you'll leave but you claim it's super far away. Who know when you'll be back, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) He smiles. "Enjoy yourself here while you -are- here, after all!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "W-well, I needed a place ta do me work... plus th' Nu Mou helped set it up. Lil' mushroom house 'n ev'rythin'," he explained further. "'s-sides, th' Pixies figgered out pretty quick tha' they could keep me outta it by makin' me too big ta fit inta th' cave... or get me out doin' th' same..." A sigh and a scratching at the cheek. "S-so, 's kinda nice ta be away from all tha'. 'course, Gria could be floatin' 'round somewheres nearby wit'out me knowin' so I gotta watch what 'm sayin'..." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Dun want them decidin' ta do tha' while 'm in th' city 'ere..." (Chachanji Gegenji) "While home might be super far 'way, I DO wanna be able ta come back 'ere. 'n ev'n go back ta Il Mheg ta visit now'n then..." One couldn't tell if the latter was because he actually liked being there, or if was part of some promise made as part of being allowed to leave.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Mmh, I see I see...." He ponders this and nods, a smile appearing on his face. "Well, if you do come back to this side of the world, do let me know! Always enjoy company of a friend, which frankly one can never have too many, yeah!" Metarutaru Koradrix smiles at you. (Metarutaru Koradrix) He would pay for the food and drink which... admittedly was more than he expected. a good bit more really... but! He said he's paying it and damn it he's keeping his word.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A'course!" he responded immediately. "'m always up fer meetin' up 'n hangin' out wit friends, so ya know I'll try'n find ya if'n 'm in th' area." A pause. "Um. Is there any good way ta reach ya? Linkpearl'r somethin'? They dun seem ta have range 'nuff ta reach back home, but 'm sure if'n 'm 'round 'ere I should be able ta reach ya by one."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hmmm...." He ponders.... "Best I can think is simply asking! The folks at Clan Nutsy know me well enough, and If you go to them they can give a good idea as to where I'm at. They have a chapter in the city here so it's safe, no running about aimlessly. Heck, they may be able to contact me themselves afterwards so I can come on by!" (Metarutaru Koradrix) He realizes he might not know what the heck Clan Nutsy is. "They're a group of monster hunters, keeping the bad beasties in check for the good of the people. I'm a part of them!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Clan Nutsy?" Chachan echoes. "Guess I'll hafta go see them 'long wit thi' Crystal-Mean place 'n tha' Exarch guy a'fore I go, huh?" (Chachanji Gegenji) "... 's turnin' inta quite th' list'a thin's I gotta do a'fore I try teleportin' home, isn't it?" A chuckle.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Heh!... Sorry for givin' ya all that... Just there's so much to look at around here in the Crystarium! The great Library at the Cabinet of Curiosity, the Hortorium which has all sorts of plants gathered and saved from all around the world, the Temenos Rookery which houses all the creatures used for travel, and combat as well, it's a grand city!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Well, I 'spose 's fair," Chachan admitted. "Comin' ta a new place like thi', it'd be kinduva shame ta jus' jump fer home rather'n look 'round some. I mean... 've been gone fer a bit as is..." He scratches at his floofy mass of hair. "I 'spose takin' a couple bells more ta look 'round 'ere a'fore leavin' can't hurt." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Tha' or jus' thin's ta visit th' next time 'm back 'round. Depends how much teleportin' back wears me out."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Enjoy your time here, then head on home with tales of this land, Norvandt! Maybe folks will believe you, maybe they won't! But hey. You've been to the place yourself, you know it exists." He nods lightly." And who knows? Maybe someday the opposite will occur, and I'll be able to see your land. This 'Ool'Dah' and 'Koo-gah-neigh' places you've mentioned. I bet they're like nothing I've ever witnessed before." A bit of wonderment was in his tone, and almost a bit of longing. There's more to the - (Metarutaru Koradrix) world that the Flood of Light hasn't destroyed? Places that may be just as fantastical as he's heard of in stories before the Flood... It gives him an look of hope to him that may no doubt seem odd to Chachanji, considering.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan mostly just misinterpreted it as being curious to see other parts of the world - he got that, having left Doma to see Eorzea. As such, he gives an energetic nod. "A'course! If'n yer in th' area, def'nitely call me up! I can show ya 'round Ul'dah 'n me proper smithy 'n stuff! Kugane 'n Yanxia might be a bit of a trip on top'a all tha' but... 's def'nitely worth seein', I thin'!"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt smiles brightly at that. "I'm going to hold you to that, Chachanji." He nods lightly. A bit of a sad sigh comes out of him though, as he listened to something from his own linkpearl. "Shame I can't stick around much longer, though. Seems Clan Nutsy needs my help taking down another beastie, over in Amh Araeng." He shook his head. "I'm sorry I gotta leave like this. But as long as you stay in the city, you'll be safe, for sure. Explore the city as you like or head on home and keep it in - (Metarutaru Koradrix) mind on your next trip, yeah? I uh, heh, look forward to seeing ya again when you do, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan canted his head. Amh Araeng? A whole other area he hadn't heard of yet, along with that Kholusia place. Definitely was a lot left to see on this side of Hydaelyn, to be sure! Still, at the apology, Chachan shook his head with a smile. "Hey, beatin' up those thin's keeps folks safe, ain't nothin' ta be sorry 'bout," he stated. "'n ya bet I'll try'n reach out ta ya th' next time 'm 'round these parts."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt nods lightly with a smile, hopping down and... Admittedly not really as good around folks as his demeanor and chatter would imply, just figure to shake Chachanji's hand with a nod. "Don't be a stranger, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan hopped off his own stool to return the shake. "A-ah, a'course. Ya too! 'n be careful wit tha' beast in Ahn Mereg or whatev'r tha' place is called."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He snickers a bit at how Chachan said it, and nods! "You bet! It'll be a cinch! I'll see ya soon, Chachanji!" And with that, he waves to him and starts jogging down towards the entrance to the Crystarium, to pick up Gidgett and begin his trek to his next hunt!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan waved as Koratt darted off, seguing into scratching at his cheek once the Dwarf was gone. Well, what was next then? Visiting Clan Nutsy? The Crystalline Mean? Or perhaps that Exarch fellow? He had quite the surprise itinerary now before he tried teleporting home, and he wasn't sure where to start.
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