#killer thorn bushes aside i had a great time
eddis-not-eeddis · 2 months
My calves are basically cut to ribbons, and my wrists and neck are also scraped up pretty good, but I gotta get my “belly-crawling through the forest” fix in before the poison ivy comes up.
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nikkigrand · 7 years
Reddit Prompt: Write a horror story where the protagonist doesn’t give a fuck.
They dragged me into a back room illuminated solely by candlelight. They gagged me, stripped me, and then tied me to a wooden table in the center of a chanting congregation. They whipped me a few times, and then this small decrepit old lady with Tweety Bird locks started writing things on my back.
I didn’t mind the gagging, the stripping, or being tied down all that much—it wasn’t all that different from what my boyfriend, Mike, and I did on especially frisky nights—but I kind of minded the writing. I don’t like being written on; especially when I don’t know what it says.
If they were going to write on me, they could have at least done it where I could see. It was pretty inconsiderate if you asked me.
When they were done, they led me—or rather pushed me—along another dark corridor that really started to make me question their ability to pay the light bill. Soon, they shoved me into another dark room and focusing on not tripping became more important than the state of their finances.
Ah, yes, where are my manners? My name’s Ellie. I’m 20 years old, I have a total of four friends, and one of them is my twin sister, Milly. You know how they say that in a set of twins, there’s always one that’s the fuck up? Or the one who’s never quite as good, or amazing, as the other?
That’s Milly.
No, I’m kidding, it’s me. It’s most definitely me.
But I never really minded not aspiring to go to Yale, or Harvard, or some other prissy school like my sister’s always singing about. I’m perfectly fine working at Starbucks to support my bullshit Anthropology degree while she rides out her super expensive law scholarship. Yeah, she’s perfect and everybody loves her; but I think she’s always so uptight. I mean, you should have seen her as a kid. Always trying super hard to be this girl that everyone loves, never taking the time to just smoke a joint and relax.
My parents and teachers always wanted me to be like her. Milly could do no wrong. Ever. Besides, it was easier to blame misfortunes on the crappier twin than the star. Do I resent her for it? Not really. She may be an uppity, pious pain in the ass, but I love my sister.
But, like all siblings, I take great satisfaction in knowing that she fucked up this time and I’m not the one who got us into this mess.
“Oh my god, Ellie!” Milly cried, rushing over to take my face in her grimy hands, “What did they do to you?!”
She looked like hell. Her perfect blonde hair—that she most definitely dyed to please her boyfriend because I am a brunette—was completely disheveled and hastily pulled up into a ponytail. Her pretty blue eyes were bloodshot, and there were bloodstains all across her face and clothes.
She was looking earnestly into my own matching pair, her hands shaking, and I mumbled slowly, “They did some stuff.”
“Stuff?” She echoed, kind of hysterically. “What kind of ‘stuff?!”
“You know, the kind that makes you say ‘ow,’” I answered and Milly shoved me away disgustedly to move to the other side of the dingy room.
“Fuck, Ellie! Can’t you be serious for once in your fucking life?!” Milly viciously raked her hand through her dirty hair, making it look even worse. “We’re going to die!”
Combing my hand through my own bird’s nest for hair, I swept my gaze across the small room while Milly had her own little melt down. There was only one entrance, so that obviously meant there was only one exit, but there was a small window in the corner that looked tampered with. Only, it wasn’t big enough to fit through so I didn’t really devote a lot of time scrutinizing it.
There was a noticeable lack of food or water, or even a toilet—which sucked because I really had to pee—in the room, but there was something even bigger that was missing.
Two bodies. Tony and Jimmy.
“Hey,” I called to my sister, rubbing my sore wrists distractedly. “Where are the guys?”
“Oh, Tony,” Milly moaned miserably, and when I looked back she was cradling her head in her hands. “They took him away, too.”
Well, since she was so distraught, I’m guessing Tony didn’t make it back.
“And Jimmy?”
Milly was silent.
“Milly?” I prompted and she shook her head, raising her hand to pick at her trembling bottom lip in a nervous tick I knew very well.
“He…” She started tremulously, licked her lips, then whispered, “He escaped. Through there.”
I followed the direction her head jerked to, unsurprised to see it was the window. Well, if anyone were going to fit through there, it’d be Jimmy.
“He said—he said he was gonna get help,” Milly shook her head. “He said he’d be back for us, but—but he hasn’t come back! What if—what if…”
Milly trailed off uncertainly and I sighed. See, Tony and Jimmy were Milly’s friends. We came here with them. I didn’t want to come to the creepy old cabin in the woods, and Mike was vehemently against it, but Milly begged me to accompany her. She’d said she didn’t want to be alone with two guys in a cabin; but I secretly knew that that was one of Milly’s greatest fantasies…The freak.
She just wasn’t attracted to Jimmy, who was a really lanky and small for his age guy, but he was Tony’s best friend so she was nice to him.
Then again, Milly was nice to everyone. Me? People tended to avoid the stoner girl in my neighborhood, but I like to think I’m pretty chill. Jimmy thought so too, apparently.
Milly thinks he has a huge crush on me, but I beg to differ. I just think that the poor guy is in love with his best friend’s girl and wants the next best thing. Whatever the case, Milly bribed me with cinnamon rolls—so of course I had to come.
I had to pretend I was single and flirt with the guy, which was pretty mean, but Milly promised me more cinnamon rolls which was also pretty mean. I hope Mike doesn’t find out—he’ll kill me and Jimmy.
If Jimmy isn’t already dead, that is.
The only reason we’re here is because of some urban legend Tony taunted Milly with. He’d called her a goody two-shoes, a girl too afraid to get her hands dirty and do something dangerous. Which, I mean, is true, but Milly doesn’t take well to being challenged or teased.
So, of course, we went to the creepy cabin in the woods.
I wasn’t too surprised that we had encountered a satanic cult living there who wanted to sacrifice us to their pagan god. What else did I expect? Mr. Rodgers? Blue from Blue’s Clues? Betty Crocker?
But I guess Milly and her friends did because they were super surprised—the idiots.
Turning around, I went and tinkered with the lock a bit, finding it flimsy and dated.
“Oh my fuck, Ellie!”
Looking over my shoulder at the sound of Milly’s horrified screech, I rose a brow, “What, Milly?”
“Your back!” She cried. “It’s covered in symbols!”
“Really?” I asked, surprised. Then I remembered that hardcore BDSM orgy in the other room and, well, duh.
“Oh, yeah, I don’t know what they did back there. Could you take a picture?” And remembering that Milly was a stickler for good manners I added, “Please?”
Milly nodded, and she pulled her defunct phone from her bra and took a blurry picture of my back. The poor girl was shaking so bad I wondered how she kept her bladder together.
Zooming in on the symbols etched delicately across the span of my back, I couldn’t help but breathe, “Wow, those are pretty!”
“Pretty?!” Milly screeched incredulously, drawing my attention back to her. “Ellie, those are ancient Satanic symbols meant to open a portal to Hell!”
I narrowed my eyes at her. “Have you been sneaking into my room and reading my books? Bitch.”
Milly grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. “That’s not important right now! Oh my god, this is bad!”
I shrugged. MeeMaw always said that a situation was only shitty if you made it shitty, and I thought those symbols were pretty. It wasn’t like the average person could read them anyway, and I told Milly so.
“MeeMaw was senile!” Milly shouted. “Everyone knew that!”
“Fuck off, Milly! MeeMaw was a badass!”
All things aside, that Tweety Bird cult leader had some artistic talent. I bet if she opened up a tattoo shop in the city she’d make lots of money. Milly didn’t agree, but I ignored her. Milly rarely agreed with me on anything.
I tinkered with the lock a bit until it came undone with a snap and a jangle. My sister rushed to my side and she looked at the lock nervously, as if fearful that the noise was going to make Tweety Bird and the others come running.
When a moment passed and there was no sound of Death rushing towards us, I dared creep open the door. It opened with a horrible creak and we both winced, but when nothing happened, we took off running for an escape.
Well, I was going for a leisurely stroll because I wasn’t particularly athletic, but Milly grabbed my hand and made me run with her.
She wanted to look for Tony, but I think we both knew deep down that Tony was dead. Well, I said it out loud but Milly started sobbing so I kind of took it back. But I guess she could tell I wasn’t being genuine and she started ugly sobbing even uglier.
God, I’m glad I don’t look like that when I cry.
We hadn’t encountered anyone in our mad dash to the nearest exit and beyond, and I thought that was kind of lucky. But then an axe came at us from the left, and I thought that was kind of unlucky.
Milly screamed as an awfully cliché looking man with an axe came barreling out of the woodwork, and I twisted to the side to avoid a particularly vicious hack at my arm.
It was at that moment that I knew I fucked up.
I fell into a rose bush.
Which hurt like hell because I was pretty much naked, but I wasn’t worried about that. I was more worried about the thorn in my ass.
And I’m not talking about the rose bush.
“Milly!” I shouted as my sister fell on her ass and then scrambled away from her would be killer. “Get up and run, you moron!”
As I worked to untangle myself from the stupid nest of thorns—that was the real Satan here, if you asked me. Have you ever gotten a thorn in your hoo-ha?!—Milly ran out into the treeline and left me there.
What a bitch.
And then she came running back with three more guys chasing her. 
Having since untangled myself from the bush, I grabbed Milly’s shaking hand as we backed up against a tree. I could think of better ways to go—cradled in Johnny Depp’s arms as he cursed at the Heavens was one of my Top Five—but I guess this was alright.
MeeMaw used to say that if the Universe always gave us what we wanted, I’d be a little bitch and she wouldn’t have saggy tits. Again, MeeMaw was a fucking badass.
Milly curled into my shoulder with a sob as the men approached and I braced myself for the feeling of being hacked to death, but then shotgun fire rang out.
It was Jimmy and Tony. Go figure.
Both guys shot at the cultists a few times until they were nothing but a bloody mess on the floor. Seemingly safe for a few moments, Milly threw herself at Tony for a tearful makeout session and when Jimmy expected the same, I held my hand up for a high-five.
He looked disappointed that I didn’t want to tongue fuck his throat. But I think he’d be more disappointed at his lack of teeth when Mike got a hold of him if he caught wind of it even being a thought in the guy’s head.
I guess it’s my fault though for leading Jimmy on.
After Milly and Tony reacquainted themselves with each other’s tonsils, Tony urged us to get a move on to avoid the other bat-shit crazies back at the house. They already knew we were gone, so it was only a matter of time before they found us again. Therefore, it was time to go.
Jimmy wanted to go back and finish them off, but Jimmy was fucking crazy and we all looked at him like he was an idiot.
Which he was.
And so we took off running.
We must have run for a few miles, or maybe like thirty meters, until we hit the road and amazingly caught some cell phone reception. Tony wanted to call the local police, but Milly—in a stroke of genius she was known for—suggested we call the city police. She thought the local police were in cahoots with the cult because that’s how these things usually go.
Tony thankfully listened to her, and within a half hour the place was swarming with city police, SWAT, and the FBI. They covered us all with blankets and gave us some hot cocoa in Styrofoam cups as the SWAT team disappeared into the tree line.
Within moments, the pleasant sound of gunfire rang through the night before they came back an hour later.
Despite cuddling up to her ‘hero’ boyfriend, Milly made it a point to sit next to me and hold my hand. After a few moments of comforting silence, I really couldn’t help myself.
“Well, that was eventful,” I said, taking a sip from my hot drink. “Think we’ll be on TV?”
“Oh my god, Ellie,” Milly rolled her eyes. “We could have died!”
“But did you?” I asked.
“Did you die?”
“Well, no, but—“
“Okay, then. Stop your bitchin’.”
My name’s Ellie. I’m 20 years old. I have a twin sister named Milly. I’m a fucking barista at Starbucks with a bullshit degree in Anthropology. I got some cool Satanic tattoos in a cabin in the woods where my sister and I almost died, and I don’t give a fuuuucckkk.
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