#kouji could have stopped with yu but he was like
prism-rush · 6 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 4 Chapter 3
Beyond the Rainbow!! -sparkling acceleration to spring-
Episode 4:  The Reason We Will Give Our All #3
First Previous Chapter
Translators notes: Get buckled for not only the conclusion to Kouji and Yu’s battle in Hollywood, but also some very important Kakeru as well. This is another one of my favorite chapters! (Oh, do I have to explain the whole red string thing again or...?)
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Kouji: Yu, why do you want to challenge me to a prism show battle?
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Yu: Because I don’t like your attitude! 
Kouji: Huh?
Yu: You look at me like you think you know everything. Don’t get all high and mighty because you’re in America now. Once you see the all-knowing all-powerful Zeus’ prism show, I want to see you groveling at my feet!
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Kouji: ...Eheh. Got it. You want to show off your skills so I’ll see how you’ve grown. 
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Kakeru: H... Hold on a sec lil’bro! We can’t even do prism jumps yet! 
Yu: Can it! 
Kouji: I won’t go easy on you. 
Kakeru: That look in Kouji’s eyes... he’s serious!
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Kouji: The song will be... “Over the Sunshine”!
Kakeru: Woah! Looking at Kouji now, you’d have no idea he’s had any break from prism shows at all! His dance moves and his voice quality are the same as always.. wait, even better! 
Yu: H.. Hmph! I expected as much!
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Kouji: Prism Jump! The red string of fate... Summer Love! 
Kakeru: Woaaaah! My hearttttt!
Yu: Ugh...! 
Kouji: I’m just getting warmed up! 
Kakeru: Lil’ bro! He’s gotten whipped back by Kouji’s red string of love!
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Kouji: Yu! How’d you like that? Don’t tell me you’re beaten already?! 
Yu: ....Ugh...
Kakeru: Lil’ bro’s a mess. I can’t look! Stop this already! ....AHH! 
Yu: Kakeru?! You took a hit for me.... 
Kouji: Is this all you’ve got to show for yourselves? Where is your love for prism shows?!
Kakeru: This is... Kouji-san’s whip of love?!
Yu: No... I... I can perform a show better than Over the Rainbow... I 
Kouji: Take this! 
Kakeru: Lil’bro’s all tied up in string! 
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Kouji: Yu! In order to cast off this string, you’re going to have to show me some love power stronger than my own. 
Yu: The power of love....
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Kouji: The path to becoming a prism star is to unlock your own heart! 
Kakeru: Lil’ bro..!! 
Yu: ......HUAAAAAAAH!!! 
Kakeru: Yu burst out of Kouji’s red string of love!
Yu: I... I love my friends at Edel Rose! 
Kakeru: WOOAAH! An unexpected confession! My heart is pounding! 
Yu: They are always there for me no matter what, and fight by my side to reach greater and greater heights! When I am down they cheer me up, and when I’m worried about something they are always ready to talk. Every day is so I can’t smile enough... I... I...
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 OF COURSE!! I should take all that love for them and put it right into writing the greatest songs! I am Zeus! There is nothing I cannot do!! 
Kakeru: Could it be..! 
Yu: Prism Jump! Jewel Spin Zeus! 
Kakeru: He jumped!!?? SO COOL! That was a true leap of the heart! It was so divinely bright I can’t even open my eyes! Wha, Kouji, you too?! 
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Kouji: Yu... See, you can do pretty well for yourself. 
Yu: *catching his breath* Well, now do you know the power of Zeus?
Kakeru: He really did a prism jump.... Wow.... 
Kouji: And Kakeru, how about you? 
Kakeru: I.... 
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Kouji: That look on your face tells me you’ll never be a prism star! 
Kakeru: Huh?! 
Kouji: We’re not finished yet! Prism Jump! STAND BY ME! Infinite Hug! 
Kakeru: W.. Waaaah! Infinite Koujis... are all hugging me...!
Kouji: Kakeru, how does it feel?
Kakeru: I... huah... ah.... 
Kouji: Your heart has grown so cold... 
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I’m just going to have to keep hugging you harder, stronger! 
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It’s so warm... Kouji’s warmth is coming into me... it’s like nothing I have ever felt before... No... wait, I have felt this before. Of course, Edel Rose... 
Kouji: It seems your heart has began to warm up, hasn’t it Kakeru...
Kakeru: My family has always forced me to be competitive. It’s the pressure of being an heir. It’s been nothing but envy and misery...  but somehow I’ve always gotten through it. Lying and being betrayed have been parts of everyday life. There is never a moment of peace in a household like that. 
Yu: Kakeru...
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Kakeru: I joined Edel Rose just to get away from that. And then... I learned for the first time what a warm home is like... Somewhere I can be accepted just like that without having be someone I’m not... It makes me feel so good about myself that... I want everyone to see who I really am! 
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I want to be accepted by everyone! So...
Kouji: Kakeru! Now’s the time!
Kakeru: Prism Jump!  
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A Definite Date! Invitation to First Class special-service-just-for-you!
Yu: Kakeru jumped too?! ... Wait a sec, what kind of a prism jump was that?! 
Kakeru: I’ll always jump in a way which shows the true essence of me! 
Yu: So this is the leap of Kakeru’s heart... I’ve never seen him smile like this before... 
Kouji: The two of you are looking much better now... Eheh. 
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Kakeru. But to think both of us would have our first prism jumps in the USA! Things really are different in the land of the free! 
Yu: .......Hey.
Kakeru: Hm? 
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Yu: I just... wanted to say thank you... It was because you up and brought me to Hollywood, that somehow I... I got back the confidence to write you guys your songs.
Kakeru: Ehehe! It’s because you love us all so much!    
Yu: Y.. YOU! If you go spreading that around I’ll write you such a crappy song! 
Kakeru: No don’t!!
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I just want to be myself! Make my song a jammin’, groovin’, party time song! 
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Yu: ..Excuse me?
Kakeru: I’m going make use of my high spec, luxurious vibes and write lyrics so exciting they’ll make every girl in the world think she might someday get her chance with me!! 
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So I’ll be counting on you to write the perfect song to match, lil’bro! 
Yu: Well I have no idea what you’re talking about but... 
Kakeru: Thanks to Kouji, I understood something. It’s OK for me to be myself. Edel Rose accepted me the way that I am. So, I an going to write lyrics that represent the real me! That’s what I wanted to tell you. 
Yu: Okay, I got it. I’ll write you that perfect song. Just you wait. Even though Kouji was really hard on us, he must have been really worried about us to go that far. 
Kakeru: Huh? 
Yu: When he said he wouldn’t listen, he was really just trying to get us riled up. 
Kakeru: Well... it was a pretty harsh way to teach us a lesson... but..
Yu: That guy. Even though he looks kind, he’s actually pretty sadistic. Well, thank you Kouji.. I’ll definitely show you I can write a song even better than you someday! 
Kakeru: Well!! Since, you’ve got your confidence back, shall we take a little stroll across the 50 states? 
Yu: Whaat?! I don’t have time for that...
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Kakeru: But you haven’t seen the Statue of Liberty or the Grand Canyon yet, right?! They will surely spark your imagination and lead into writing better and better songs! Come on, let’s go! 
Yu: Hey, hold on wait! 
(back at the studio)
Kouji: Those two really turned themselves around. They found the answers they each were looking for and succeeded in prism jumps by their own skill. 
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I guess I can stop worrying about how things are going at Edel Rose... Eheh. 
(back at Edel Rose)
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Shin: Kakeru-san and Yu-kun really went to Hollywood...! 
Leo: So lucky! I wanna go! 
Minato: Hey, could you guys help me put together some snacks? 
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Next chapter.
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 8 commentary (Yu)
So, in my opinion, I think the episodes we’ve seen up until now could be more or less enjoyed to the fullest by newcomers and/or people who haven’t seen Rainbow Live. 
But from here on out, there is a notable change. And I really mean from here on out: Episodes 8 - 12 basically require having seen Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live to be fully understood I think. 
So if you watched this episode and thought wait.... why did they just skip over Yu’s backstory like that!?!
Two words: Rainbow Live. 
Anyway let’s get started.
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I’m surprised the subber knew the correct spelling to ViviC Heart Session. That takes.... research!? ....Wait, it’s in the credits. Still, that’s some non-linear translation. 
Also I kinda wonder when and where ViviC Heart Session came from in canon. Yeah it’s the Pride the Hero ending, but there is a whole story on how they made and performed Dramatic Love for the Christmas concert, but nothing on ViviC Heart Session as far as I know. 
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If you’re wondering why they’re all acting so weird, there have already been not one but TWO different story arcs in the Prism Rush Main Story about Yu ambitiously deciding to write songs and biting off way more than he could chew ahah.... 
They know. 
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So this kinda dates this episode? Sort of? Despite the way it seems in episode 1, clearly the Prism One doesn’t take place right after it was announced ahah. 
The way Yu says this line makes me think it’s probably been a month or so already. 
So maybe it was announced in July-August (episode 1 takes place in “summer”), and happened in September-October, something like that?
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So like literally JUST as I was thinking to myself “wow the subs have really gotten better in this episode....” THIS had to happen... How dare you translate Taiga’s “IT’S A FESTIVAL” as “party time”................
Oh well. Honestly though, aside from this, this episode has the best subs so far, BY FAR. 
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Been wondering for months how they would sub MUGEN HABUUUUUU because I had no idea how I would do it myself ahah.
Although they don’t state it explicitly, it’s pretty clear this episode takes place in Okinawa. Among many other things, I think it’s the only place in Japan with habu. 
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I may or may not have thought way too hard for too long about how Taiga and Kakeru ended up in this boat together. 
I mean I would like to think Taiga chose Kakeru as his partner in good faith that they could work well together. 
I suppose it could have been random pairs, but Shin and Leo also ended up together and that seems not random ahah. Speaking of which...
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When I saw this episode for the first time I saw it as a 3-pack with Leo’s episode coming right before (the theatrical Part 3). So I had just gone though Leo’s episode for the first time and all the baggage that came with it less than 10 minutes earlier. 
So during this scene I was like like
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It actually took me until at least my second or third viewing to catch Kakeru trying to take a selfie with Taiga in the background there and I lost my shit. 
BTW I just want to mention that ViviC Heart Session was made for this episode. Well yes I know it wasn’t literally made for this episode, but it’s always sounded tropical for me and it just could not be more perfect.
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I have been wondering for months what Taiga says here and I’m still not sure. (Not that I think this subtitle is wrong, but I mean I can’t make out the Japanese he uses. I just know folks in the theater laugh about it. Or they could just be laughing at Taiga’s method of escaping from Yu.)
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Me at cheering: “IT’S SHIN. PICK UP.”
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I wonder if like, they all got together and tried to figure out who Yu was least likely to hang up on.
But seriously though
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I said once that Jin was the best voicework in SSS, but Taiga man I dunno. Taiga is up there too. This scream is just so..... BRILLIANT..........
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My reaction here changes from “OMG TAIGA ARE YOU OK” to just laughing hysterically. Sometimes in the same showing. Taiga I’m sorry. 
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My new desktop background.
Seriously this episode is just SO BEAUTIFUL. 
Such a simple plot, but such amazing atmosphere and visuals that really take it SO MUCH FURTHER.
If I stopped to take screenshots of everything I thought looked amazing this post would never end. So just know I’m definitely thinking it. Just goddamn. 
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For a long time I wondered how and why Minato found about about this.
But then I realized it actually makes a lot of sense.
So remember in my last post when I talked about my theory that Minato and Yu probably joined Edel Rose at the same time? Well, when Yu met Leo, basically the first thing he did was brag about knowing Over the Rainbow. So he probably did the same to Minato, and/or Minato just noticed him being way too friendly with Kouji. 
Considering Minato entered Edel Rose FOR KOUJI there is no way he wouldn’t notice that and wonder about it. 
So one day he probably worked up the courage to ask Kouji about it, and.....
Oh boy. 
BTW if you’re thinking huh? Yu’s family was separated? What? 
See: The Ito/Kouji plot in Rainbow Live. (And bring tissues.)
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Just the comparison of how fast he picks up here. Even though the first thing he does is complain to her it’s like.... HALF A SECOND from when he sees it’s Ito to when he answers omg..... 
So I kinda questioned this subtitle here. Because the literal Japanese is just him saying “IT’S LATE!” 
So I always thought he meant it like “Do you know what time it is!?”
But then I thought about it some more. And I remembered the Rose Party 2018 event, where the voice actors played a game where they all decided new aspects of the characters. And one of the things that were tasked with deciding (at the afternoon performance I believe) was what Yu does every night before he goes to bed. And one of the answers was “discusses life problems with Ito”. 
So, maybe Ito does call Yu every night so he had been waiting on a call from her for a while.... 
And if so, in that context this subtitle is spot on. 
You win, Crunchyroll. 
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Cheering audience: “THAT WAY”
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Yu was so impressive Kakeru stopped taking pictures of Taiga for a full minute. 
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But so like. As soon as they started heading up the hill. Like practically from when they called his name, I was like..... Yu’s gonna cry. 
So then it was many long, long seconds of anticipation.....
until finally this.....
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And I was not disappointed. 
Of all the beautiful things in this episode, I think the most beautiful thing may just be Yu’s crying animation here. He’s such a beautiful crier. 
I love this scene so much. It brings me so much joy. Because he’s not crying because he’s hurt or sad. 
He’s crying because he realized he has friends. 
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You know, I didn’t even realize Taiga was hiding behind Kakeru until someone in the stream pointed it out.
Am I an asshole because this is Yu’s episode but most of my favorite moments involve Taiga/Kakeru. 
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OH MY GAWD I have NEVER so desperately wanted to reach through the screen and hug an anime character
Also Leo always cries when anyone else is crying. 
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I spent so much time looking at Kakeru and Minato that I didn’t even realize Taiga too..... They’re BOTH sleeping on top of Minato omg.....
Also I can’t help but laugh that Leo is the big spoon on Shin. But it doesn’t surprise me. If you read Prism Rush stuff, Leo aggressively cuddling Shin in his sleep is nothing new.
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Damn but. Okay so like, another way in which seeing this episode right after Leo’s influenced me is, during Leo’s episode I kept thinking about what PriPara coords were closest to the outfits that the boys were wearing and how I was totally gonna record arcade videos with them. 
And then we get to this and I was like OH MAN I can’t wait until that outfit comes out so I can put it on my character.... then I was like.... WAIT.....
And I realized this is basically the only idol anime I watch currently where I can’t have the clothes and I was like......... ahhhh.... not fair..........
Seriously though it is kind of odd. For me anyhow.
But also because they don’t have to worry about an arcade game for King of Prism, they have a lot more freedom. Like in a show like this, usually all the important coords that season will all uniformly have wings or holograms or otherwise follow some kind of a theme.
But with this it’s like... WHATEVER. Give Yu a huge floaty cross?? SURE WHY NOT!!!! ahah......
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Okay so I know this animation is straight from Rainbow Live. 
But this lightning guitar here, it’s a recolor of Sara’s guitar from PriChan isn’t it?
And if it is, this’s the first/only specifically PriChan (not PriPara) reference I know of in SSS.
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So I guess the Prism System doesn’t score Prism Lives for boys yet, huh....?
So one Prism Live + one jump = this. 
But I suppose you could also argue that although Yu’s show was super personal and meaningful to him, he really didn’t do much for the audience did he? (The in-universe audience I mean, as it did plenty for me haha.) It was a rather street-style show in that aspect when you think about it. 
Oh well, I guess no matter what someone has to be last................................
Ah man anyway this episode.
So when I saw it for the first time, it actually didn’t leave that much of an impression on me. But that’s because it was a bit overshadowed by how EXTREMELY EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGHT I was from Leo’s episode, and then I ended up leaving the theater thinking about the um, surprise that’s gonna happen next week in Alexander’s episode. So this episode kinda fell by the wayside. 
I was actually kinda jealous of how much you guys in the stream were freaking out about it. It really made me wish I had the chance to see it independently without the influence of Leo and Alexander. There are definitely advantages to watching these week-to-week instead of in odd bunches. 
Because the more I watched it, the more I really REALLY liked it, and now I think it’s probably my third favorite character episode after Taiga’s and Leo’s. (Or maybe even second. I keep flip-flopping.)
I was also a bit blindsided by how this episode didn’t really follow the normal formula. Since they skipped over Yu’s backstory, they had time for other things. They had time for, dare I say it... “filler”? By that I mean, time to focus on just the boys being boys. Although it’s something we get a lot of on Prism Rush, I realized it’s something we have been severely lacking in the movies and anime. Another big difference between this series and typical Pretty Series/Aikatsu-type anime (other than not being able to have the coords......) is the lack of filler, and I realized how truly valuable it can be. This episode is just such a jewel. 
So in between last week and this week I picked up a magazine (spoon 2Di vol. 50) with director commentary, and this was the last episode he commented on. 
He said this episode is about Yu going through his “rebellious phase”, which he never had the chance to have when he was younger since his family split up during such an important part of his childhood and he felt he had to be strong for his mom and all that. 
So instead he goes through it with his Edel Rose family.
Probably my favorite thing about Yu is how we’re able to see him gradually grow and change more than any other character I think. 
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Who would have though that little boy we met in Hokkaido would get this far......
So next up is Alexander’s episode and um....
You may have noticed me talking significantly less about that episode that I have about others. And there’s a reason for that. And it’s not because I have nothing to say about it......
The events in Alexander’s episode basically set off a continuity train until the end of the series. IMHO it doesn’t matter what order you watch episodes 2-8 in, but from here on out it’s definitely all connected. 
So basically what I’m trying to get at is.... um.... g..... get emotionally ready for some future cliffhangers. I’m sorry. 
Also, your last chance to properly prepare by watching Rainbow Live.... you won’t be disappointed, I promise....... 
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prism-rush · 5 years
Prism Horror Show (a Prism Rush event summary)
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This event was actually kind of terrifying. 
But before starting I’d like to note that the card stories are completely different from the main story, so I won’t be covering them. The card stories are basically all about Kouji gathering the Edel Rose boys together to tell ghost stories. Each card story is the boy telling a ghost story which can probably be explained easily by non-supernatural things, such as Yu thinking his dumplings disappeared when they were most likely just stuck to the lid of his lunchbox. All except for Kouji, who apparently taught piano to a real ghost…
Now, the main story
It starts off innocently enough with Shin and Leo staring at each other intensely as Shin begs a tearful Leo to not give in. 
It turns out Shin and Leo have not yet finished their summer homework. 
The older boys agree to help them, but meanwhile they also realize Yu is off “taking a break” from homework by playing his guitar. And Taiga has decided to “pass” on homework altogether. So Yu and Taiga haven’t finished either, and also none of them have started their independent study reports. 
Just as Yu wishes he could have caught some bugs so he could do a report on them, Kouji appears with an amazingly coincidental offer for Shin, Leo, Yu, and Taiga. He invites them to star in a TV program about finding a legendary rainbow rhinoceros beetle which is supposed to make you Prism King. Nikkanen and Louis have been invited too. 
Time skip ahead to the boys somewhere in the backwoods of somewhere. The staff decide to give Nikkanen the handy camera to document their journey. Louis immediately attaches himself to Shin, insisting they link arms so they “don’t get separated.” The two marvel at some yellow flowers they find in the woods and wonder what they are called.
 Although it’s a depopulated area, the boys decide to try and find what locals they can to ask about the rainbow beetle. They find out that the locals all know the legend, but have never heard of anyone actually finding it.  
Shin thinks he might have heard an old man warning them not to look for it. 
He tries to ask if he heard correctly, but he’s cut off when he hears a strange sound
It starts to rain.
Suddenly they notice they have somehow become separated from the staff as well. While trying to escape the rain, they find an old, out of place looking western-style mansion with a garden full of dead yellow flowers. At first they hesitate to go inside without permission, but the rain pours harder and Shin becomes concerned when he sees Louis shivering and sneezing. They enter.
It’s dark and there is no electricity. Nikkanen tries to turn on the light on the handy camera, but by the time he figures it out the boys have somehow already become separated.
Nikkanen finds Yu and the two decide to head to the kitchen as Yu thinks it’s the place everyone is most likely to gather. (As Yu says, when Taiga’s hungry, he’s bound to wind up there.) But they make slow progress as Yu cowers behind Nikkanen, gripping on his shirt.
Suddenly the screen distorts and Leo, or rather someone who looks like Leo, wearing a frilly gothic dress appears.
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Meanwhile, Taiga and the actual Leo have wandered off to find a lost cat they can hear mewing. Leo worries about becoming separated from the others, but he’s concerned about the cat and about Taiga as well.
They follow the mewing sound to a large door, but coming from behind that door is a loud scratching sound and a violent banging that doesn’t sound like any ordinary cat. They decide to run before suddenly hearing a scream that sounds like Yu.
Yu and Nikkanen had confronted the frilly dress “Leo” only to find him torturing a screaming “doll” that looks just like Yu in a straight jacket. “Leo” then turns to Yu and Nikkanen, asking if they would be his dolls. Yu and Nikkanen run.
Now Taiga and the real Leo can hear Nikkanen screaming as well. At first they aren’t sure which direction they should head towards, but then they come to the same conclusion Nikkanen and Yu had earlier and head to the kitchen. (As Taiga says, when Yu is hungry, he’s bound to wind up there.)
Suddenly the screen distorts. “Louis” wearing a frilly black gothic dress and a veil appears. “Louis” invites them to follow him. Beside “Louis” is “Kouji”, covered in some kind of mysterious red splotches. “Kouji” tells them they have come at just the right time… and lunges for Taiga.
Taiga dodges and runs for his life with Leo. “Louis” laments that they are getting away, and “Kouji” shrugs and says he doesn’t really want to run but they have no choice.
Leo and Taiga realize that they are being chased and search for a place to hide while asking each other what is going on here. Suddenly Leo runs right into Nikkanen, but only to have Nikkanen shout that he won’t be Leo’s doll and run the other way, dropping the handy camera in the process.
Meanwhile, the real Louis has found himself in a room that somehow has light despite the rest of the mansion being dark. Shin warns Louis not to get lost, so Louis happily takes Shin’s hand. However, he finds Shin’s hand is colder than he expected.
The screen distorts and Shin… or rather “Shin”, changes into a dark robe.
“Shin” sees a bathroom with a shower room inside. He tests it to find it has hot water and invites Louis to take a shower with him. Louis is surprised at this out of character move, asking “Shin” if he really doesn’t want to look for the others anymore. But “Shin” asks Louis why don’t they just relax and warm up before they catch a cold.
Louis is torn. He knows something is not right. But… the idea of showering with Shin…
Leo and Taiga review the footage on the camera to try and find out what’s scared Nikkanen so much. Taiga inches away from Leo as they both watch “Leo’s” actions on the screen. He asks Leo how he could do such things, but Leo becomes upset and insists that it couldn’t have been him because he’s been with Taiga this whole time. Leo finally manages to convince Taiga that it wasn’t him, and it must have been some kind of alternate version of him like the “Louis” and “Kouji” they saw. But speak of the (possibly literal) devil, “Kouji” has caught up to them. “Kouji” lunges for Leo, but Taiga jumps in the way…
Shin has become separated from everyone. He wanders through the mansion calling for Louis before running into Nikkanen. But Nikkanen isn’t acting like himself. He keeps mumbling over and over again about how terrified he is and is barely responding to Shin.
They enter a library where Shin finds a diary that mentions the rainbow rhinoceros beetle. It warns against searching for it, as obsession with the beetle can cause illusions and distortion of personality…?
Suddenly the screen distorts. “Taiga” appears wearing a suit of armor. He starts laughing manically. Shin realizes something is wrong and tries to grab Nikkanen and run.
But the screen distorts again and this time Nikkanen has changed.
“Nikkanen” now has on a mask that Shin remembers seeing in a movie. He says he’s not going to be scared anymore and this is the way to do it. “Nikkkanen” wonders why he didn’t figure it out all along… the key to everything…. is blood….
Yu had kept running until he found a hiding spot to escape from “Leo”. But he wonders if he should search for Nikkanen. Suddenly the door opens and “Nikkanen” appears. Yu calls out to him, but “Nikkanen” does not respond. Seeing the mask and the weapon in his hand, suddenly Yu realizes he’s maybe going to die.
Leo appears and saves Yu by driving away “Nikkanen” with the light from the camera.  Yu yells that he doesn’t want to be a doll, but Leo tells him they don’t have time for that as “Kouji” has caught Taiga. Yu won’t listen and runs from Leo. 
Leo runs after him and both of them run into “Taiga”. Yu is relieved but Leo is confused, remembering that Taiga wasn’t wearing a suit of armor the last time he saw him. Leo tries to warn Yu as “Taiga” starts swinging his sword.
Meanwhile, the real Taiga is tied up in the kitchen. He asks “Kouji” what he’s going to do with him, and “Kouji” tells his kittens it’s time for dinner. Several kittens appear and soft mewing turns to loud howling as they come for Taiga.
Also meanwhile, Shin has outrun “Nikkanen”. He wonders what the heck is going on. He locks himself in a room to hide, but he hears knocking from the other side of the door. Although he’s afraid “Nikkanen” might be on the other side, the thought that it might be one of the other boys causes him to decide to creak it open a little.
As soon as Shin opens the door, the entire room turns red.
He faintly hears and then sees someone before him. It’s Louis. He’s with “Shin” in the shower. Shin hears “Shin” asking Louis if he likes the room red.
Shin becomes distraught as the scene continues and he can only watch as “Shin” starts to reach out and put his hands around Louis’ neck. Louis asks if they will always be together, and “Shin” agrees that they will…
Shin becomes increasingly panicked and shouts out to Louis that it’s not him. But Louis can’t hear him. Shin frantically tries to flee the room to save Louis. He bursts out into the hallway.
But instead, the next thing he knows he’s outside on the veranda.
A window suddenly breaks causing him to almost fall off, but he manages to grab the railing. However, he’s slipping.
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The screen is still tinted red and Shin is gradually lowering with every line.
Shin wonders how things could have possibly turned out this way. They were just trying to get out of the rain. Was searching for the rainbow rhinoceros beetle the cause of all this?
Suddenly “Louis” appears before him.
“Louis” tells Shin he loves him. The “red” him.
Shin asks “Louis” what he means by the “red” him.
“Bye bye”, says “Louis”….
He pushes Shin from the ledge.
As Shin falls, he tries to remember what those yellow flowers from the garden were called…
 Yu asks Shin why he’s suddenly stopped walking. Nikkanen is enthusiastically hurrying everyone along as he films them with the handy camera. Taiga wonders if there really is such a thing as a rainbow rhinoceros beetle. Yu guarantees him that there is, as Taiga in turn wonders what a guarantee from Yu actually means.
Shin turns to Louis and asks what just happened. But Louis just replies that they are all looking for a rainbow rhinoceros beetle together. Since Shin seems confused, Yu offers him Kouji’s special lemon and clover honey sports drink to keep him from heat exhaustion.  
Just as Shin starts to come to his senses, they all hear a strange noise.
Taiga spots the rainbow rhinoceros beetle and is determined to catch it to prove his manliness to Kazuki once and for all. The others marvel at the beetle when all of a sudden, it begins to rain.
So, they quickly scramble to catch the beetle so they can take cover in the nearby western-style mansion.
The screen distorts…
“The end…?”  
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52 notes · View notes
prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars event 3 translation
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Well Then, Let’s Creep the Night in Kyoto
Since this is the third event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the previous ones if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story Road to SSS 2 Main Story
Translator’s notes: Event synopsis: Kakeru has a new crush. But really though, even though Kakeru and Yukinojo headline for this event, it’s actually about a lot of characters. It touches upon Taiga’s relationship with Alexander, Leo’s insecurities, and it even has a long Shin/Louis tangent. If you feel like you have read the Shin/Louis part before, you probably have. I translated it immediately after it came out. (Which is also why the images are differently sized in just that part. I used to have a different method of resizing images...) I don’t remember posting much about the rest of this event when it was going on though, because I was busy or couldn’t figure out how to break it down or whatnot. (At the time, I had no idea things such as Shabadaba and the mysterious golden haired and silver haired boys which appear briefly would be important.....) So now I can finally make it up to you guys. This is what you missed!
(One day, in front of the entrance to Edel Rose...)
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Shin: *yawn* ... For some reason I woke up before my alarm. I guess I’ll go running. 
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...Huh? There’s something in the mailbox. A letter...? This is from Louis--
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Yukinojo: Good morning, Shin. You’re up early this morning. 
Shin: Ah, Yukinojo-san! Good morning. Are you heading out already?
Yukinojo: Yes. I have a family matter to attend to. I’m going to stop by my parents’ house before heading to a performance at a theater in Kyoto. 
Shin: Kyoto!? Wow, that’s great! Take care then! 
Yukinojo: Thank you. Let everyone else know I said goodbye. 
Shin: No problem! (Yukinojo-san is always so busy...) Okay, time to get to running. 
(A few hours later)
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Kazuki: Mornin’! Man I really had a blast with you guys at the Rainbow Hot Springs the other day.
Taiga: Kazuki-san!? Shouldn’t you be on the way to university.... !?
Kazuki: Hey, Taiga. I don’t have any classes until afternoon today. By the way, you guys, have you decided who you’re gonna pair with for the duo tournament?
Kazuki: Huh?
Taiga: (AH! It just slipped out!) 
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Uh, um, I mean… n… not yet…
Kazuki: ??? What’s wrong Taiga? You’re face is like a ripe apple! 
Taiga: ……….. (I want to partner with Kazuk-san, but he’s probably gonna pair with Hiro-san and I don’t have the courage to ask him... What! No! I have plenty of that! That thing! Courage I mean!)
Leo: Um... not yet....
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(I think I would be the happiest if I could get to pair with Yuki-sama, but... I haven’t seen him all morning. Come to think of it I haven’t seen Kakeru-kun either. I’d like to ask Shin as well, but... I haven’t been able to find him. And Taiga-kun... I’m sure he’s got someone else in mind.) ........*sigh*
Taiga: .............*sigh*
Kazuki: Hey hey hey now, what’s with this chorus of sighs. If there’s something on your minds I’m here to listen. So don’t look so glum, OK?
Leo: Kazuki-san....!
Taiga: Got it! Thank you!
Kazuki: Oh yeah I heard Minato’s gonna pair up with Kouji! Kouji told me about it. 
Leo: Huh!? Really!?
Minato: Yup! To think I’m going to be able to perform a show with Kouji... it’s like a dream! When I decided to just gather up my courage and ask him straight, he actually agreed...
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 A flavor mariage with Kouji-san! I’m so excited!
Leo: Wow... wow wow....
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Taiga: .............
Kazuki: Well I think that’s great! I think Kouji and Minato will make a perfect flavor combination! Yu, what about you?
Yu: Me?
Leo: *gasp* (Maybe I could form a duo with Yu...?)
Yu: I’m sure anyone would be grateful to pair with me, but when it all comes down to it I’m just not interested in the street-style! 
Leo: Huuh?
Yu: (There was a brief moment when I felt something with Hiro during the table tennis tournament at Five Star Hotel, but...) This is the age of rock! And I’m a rock song composer! I for live it! I breathe it!
Leo: Oh.... Yuki-sama, Shin-kun... Where are you!
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Shin: Uh... umm... Well I’m right here. And Yukinojo-san is--
Leo: Shin-kun!? Where have you been!
Shin: O-Oh, I randomly woke up early so I went running. Then I got on a role and didn’t want to stop exercising so I came back to get a ball and went to go play some soccer. 
Leo: Oh, I see... I didn’t even notice you come back....
Kazuki: Oh ho! You’re really active this morning, Shin! That’s the spirit!  
Shin: Oh, Kazuki-san! Good morning! 
Kazuki: Yo! Mornin’! By the way, Shin. You were saying something about Yukinojo?
Shin: Oh yeah, that’s right. I saw him this morning. He said he’s going to Kyoto for his family. 
Leo: Kyoto!? Oh yeah, I think he did mention it earlier... He won’t be coming back tonight, then. 
Shin: I guess not? Sorry, Leo. I didn’t think to ask him how long he’d be gone for. 
Leo: No, no it’s not your fault. .....Um, Shin-kun......
Shin: ….Ah! Oh no, it’s already this late? I gotta go!
Leo: Huh?! Go where…
Shin: Sorry, there’s something I have to do! Kazuki-san, everyone, I’m heading out! See you later!!
Kazuki: Alright! Take care!
Leo: He only just got back but he’s gone already… Where is he off to in such a hurry?
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Yu: Probably off to see his girlfriend.
Leo: ….?! S… Shin-kun… has a…. girlfriend?! B… but who…?!
Yu: Hm? Oh no, I was just kidding…
Leo: B… But he’s in senior high school now.
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So, it’s probably only natural that he would…
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Yu: Hey! Leo! Look, I didn’t mean it, OK? You can come back now!
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Taiga: .............
…. U.. UM! K… K-K-Kazuki-san! Do you have…s… s… someone?!
Kazuki: Huh? What do you mean?
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Taiga: I mean… A… Are you… with someone? Do you have a p-p-p-partner?
Kazuki: Partner?! Are you asking…
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I…. I.. No I’m not dating anyone!
Taiga: *THUMP*
Minato: Kougami’s on the floor?!
Yu: ........ (Everyone’s so immature.)
Taiga: .....Ow.....
Minato: Are you OK? Here, let me give you a hand.
Taiga: ......kay... My bad..... (If I don’t get my act together soon I may not even make it into the duo tournament at all. At a time like this, there’s only one place to go.)
(A little earlier, at Tokyo station)
???: Oh ho ho! Well if it isn’t chan-Yuki!
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Yukinojo: Kakeru? What are you doing here? And dressed to the nines... for work?
Kakeru: Yes indeed. I have sudden business to attend to in Kyoto. 
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Heheh. I sure look sharp in a suit, don’t I?
Yukinojo: ...Heheh. Indeed you do. By the way, I’ll be heading to Kyoto too. 
Kakeru: No kidding? What time is your train? If you have some extra time, how about we get some tea?
Yukinojo: Let me see, my ticket is... ah, here it is. 
Kakeru: Lemme see ♪ ......Oh?
Yukinojo: Hm? What’s wrong?
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Kakeru: This... is the exact same train I’m going to be on! And we’re even sitting right next to each other!?
Yukinojo: ....What? You’re right. But I guess....
Yukinojo & Kakeru: I guess it’s possible... / I guess such things can happen!
Kakeru: Ahah. Even our reaction is in sync. But this really is such a huge coincidence! 
Yukinojo: Indeed... it really is.
Kakeru: Well you know, I think everything happens for a reason. So, let’s use this fateful encounter as a chance to enjoy a trip to Kyoto together. 
Yukinojo: Yes. Surely things won’t ever get boring having you along. Sorry this is so sudden, but I’m looking forward to spending time with you. 
Kakeru: That’s my line ♪ Well, how about we start off by going ahead and getting lunchboxes to eat on the train. I’ll give you a special tour of the best eats at Tokyo station!
Yukinojo: That would be wonderful. And I’ll show you where to buy Japanese sweets. 
Kakeru: Yay! ☆ Well then let’s go! But man, it really took a whole chain of coincidences lining up for something like this to happen.
Yukinojo: You’re right. Perhaps all these coincidences had some kind of a purpose-- 
Yukinojo: ..........
Kakeru: .........
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Kakeru: Heheh... I guess I’m hungry. 
Yukinojo: Okay. Let’s hurry to your favorite lunchbox shop.
Kakeru: Roger that! Let’s book it!
(Tokyo Station, lunchbox shop)
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Kakeru: Oh boy! No matter when I come here there’s always people, people, and more people. 
Yukinojo: This place has lunches made with famous local delicacies from all over the country....
Kakeru: I know right? And they are all suuuuper delish!
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Yukinojo: Hmm....
Kakeru: Ah-hah! ☆ Yuki-chan-sensei, such deep concentration! Now, I wonder which one I should get....
(At Edel Rose)
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Minato: Sorry to keep you waiting! Lunch is here. Today I have made original-style, authentic carbonara pasta without heavy cream. Kouji taught me the recipe ♪
Kazuki: ....Woah, this is great! You’ve managed to copy Kouji’s recipe to a T!
Yu: *chew, chew* .....Delicious! Seconds, please!
Taiga: *chew, chew* ...... Mm. Seconds. 
Minato: Step right up. There’s more where that came from.
Leo: Wow wow... it’s so good ♡ (I wonder if Yuki-sama is enjoying his lunch right now too.)
(Tokyo station, lunchbox shop)
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Yukinojo: Hmm....
Kakeru: Yuki-chan, I think it’s about time to make that decision! 
Yukinojo: Yes. Sorry for keeping you. I have narrowed it down to two selections, but the competition is steep...
Kakeru: ....Really?
Yukinojo: Hm?
Kakeru: Ah, it’s just that I’ve narrowed it down to two myself. By the way, the ones I’m considering are the light sushi lunchbox and the hearty beef lunchbox...
Yukinojo: What!? I was considering those exact two...
Kakeru: ...Ahah, I knew it! Something gave me that feeling. So how about we buy both and split them half and half? ♪
Yukinojo: Yes. What a great plan. 
Kakeru: Heyhey, do you think our level of synchronicity increased since that time we did karaoke together?
Yukinojo: It does seem that way. You know, I never noticed it before, but now that I think about it, we have always had somewhat similar taste haven’t we...
Kakeru: Heheh. You’re getting me all riled up ♪
Yukinojo: Riled up?
Kakeru: It’s just so neat discovering we have so many similarities all of a sudden. It’s like we’re two peas in a pod. For example, I think the best spot in Kyoto is Nanzen temple. What about you?
Yukinojo: I agree... gazing upon the canal really soothes my soul...
Kakeru: I know right!! It’s so relaxing... Oh, oh, and what else? You know what I love, that roasted green tea-flavored soft serve--
Yukinojo: Could you possible be referring to the small shop near Nishi Hongan Temple?
Kakeru: Ding ding ding! I knew you’d catch on ☆ That place isn’t even listed in any guidebooks! We really are tied by some kind of fate aren’t we ♪
Yukinojo: Indeed. Just talking about it really makes me want to go get some of that soft serve for old times sake...
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Kakeru: Heyhey, do you also feel like this is the beginning of a new love story?
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Yukinojo: About our love for soft serve? Yeah. I do. 
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Kakeru: .......Well great ☆
Yukinojo: Kakeru?
Kakeru: ....Oh! I think we ought to start heading to the platform, don’t you think?
Yukinojo: Oh? Wow it’s already getting this late. 
(While Yukinojo and Kakeru began their journey to Kyoto, down by the river was...)
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Shin: Hmm… I think it was around here, wasn’t it?
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Louis: Hey.
Shin: Oh! There you are Louis! I’m so glad I was able to find you!
Louis: Eheh. Thanks for coming.
Shin: I was pretty surprised when I woke up and suddenly found a letter…
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Since it said “I’ll be waiting for you where we first met” I figured I ought to come here.
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Louis: You remembered. That makes me happy.
Shin: Louis…? This was really sudden! What happened? Is everything OK?
Louis: I’m fine. I just thought that…
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I wanted to see your face again.
Shin: Really?
Louis: …Am I bothering you?
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Shin: What! Of course not! I was just thinking I wanted to meet up with you too.
Louis: …Really? You… wanted to see me?
Shin: Yeah! I missed you! So as soon as I saw that letter I was really happy!
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Louis: I see… I’m glad. So, shall we go for a walk? The weather is nice.
Shin: Of course! We might as well. Actually I’ve been exercising all morning.
Louis: You have?
Shin: Yeah. I went jogging because I woke up early, and then I even played some soccer!
Louis: I see. You’re so sporty.
Shin: Ehehe. You’re exaggerating. Oh! Look Louis! These flowers are so beautiful!
Louis: Yeah… they really are. …
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…Hey Shin. Do you have a partner for the duo tournament?
Shin: Huh? Um no, not yet… When I think of “street style”, I think about super strong and cool guys like Kazuki-san and Taiga-kun… Oh yeah! And Alexander-kun from Schwarz Rose too! I don’t know if I can handle street style, or even a duo audition….
Louis: Eheh. Shin, you can do it. I know you can.
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Shin: Really? Something about hearing you say that just gave me the confidence to start believing I can.
Louis: …Oh. I think I just saw a fish jump out of the water over there.
Shin: Really? Where where?
Louis: The water surface is shining…. It’s so beautiful. Being able to enjoy this scenery with you, Shin… I can’t think of anything better….
Shin: L… Louis… now you’re really exaggerating…
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(…Huh? What is this feeling?)
Aah! I suddenly remembered!
Louis: …Shin?
Shin: (Before the Prism King Cup… Louis and I… )
(Meanwhile at Edel Rose)
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Leo: Yuki-sama hasn’t returned my text messages.... I wanted to ask him about the duo tournament, but.... I guess he’s just too busy. (Minato-san said he’s going to pair with Kouji-san, and Kakeru-kun is busy with his job... Yu-kun doesn’t seem to be interested, and Shin-kun disappeared off somewhere....)
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I guess maybe I should just give up on the duo tournament...
(Back to the river)
Louis: …Shin? What’s wrong?
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Shin: Yeah… Oh yeah! I think the two of us did a duo show together here one time!
Louis: …Wha.
Shin: Yeah!! But, it was just a dream I had…
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Louis: ……. A dream……. …What kind of a dream was it?
Shin: Hmmm…. You know, it felt so real…. I was just riding my bike down this way. And you were here. And then…
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You took me hand and invited me to do a show with you! It was really fun! But…
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Then I was really… scared.
Louis: …Why?
Shin: Well. I noticed all of a sudden I couldn’t move. And then you… with a sword… right here…
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You…. stabbed me from behind.
Louis: ……!
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Shin: W… Well it was only a dream! I’m sorry, this suddenly got weird.
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Louis: ….. ……..Hey Shin, do you remember anything else?
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Shin: Anything else? Hmm… let me think… Oh! Now that you mention it! I think before you stabbed me, you told me something….?
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Louis: *gasp*
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Shin: You got up real close to me, and then…
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Louis: A… And then?
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Shin: Uhh… I feel like you did… something… But I don’t really remember!
Louis: ……….
Shin: Well, it was such a long time ago. I guess I forgot.
Louis: ……….
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Well if you don’t remember, I guess I just have to make you remember.
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Shin: What?! Um um, Louis?! You’re getting pretty close to me…?!
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Louis: ………
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Shin: Louis? W.. What’s going on…?!
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Louis: ….Nevermind. Just kidding.
Shin: Huh? Huh?? (That scared me for a second…)
Louis: Ahaha. Sorry about that.
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…But what I’m about to say next is serious.
Shin: …Huh?
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Louis: Shin… Let’s be partners in the duo tournament!
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Shin: Wha…. WHAAT?! Me! And you! Together?!
Louis: Sure. You said you don’t have a partner, right?
Shin: Well, um…
Louis: You don’t want to be my partner?
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Shin: N-No no, it’s not that at all! I’d love to enter the tournament with you! But… 
Louis: But?
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Shin: Um, well… I’m just worried that… since we’re from different organizations… do you think we can?
Louis: Well… I don’t know.
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(Meanwhile, at Schwarz Rose)
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Jin: Alexander Yamato. Regarding the street duo tournament that’s going to be held soon... I’ll be having you enter with Louis.
Alexander: HUH!? I came all the way up here just to hear you spew that senseless nonsense? I’ll enter by myself--
Jin: I do not repeat myself. This isn’t a request, it’s an order. 
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Alexander: .....Gah......
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Jin: ...Hmph. It seems you have understood. You are dismissed. 
Alexander: Ugh. 
(At the practice rink)
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Alexander: (Enter the street duo tournament with Louis Kisaragi...)
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Joji: Oh oh oh! If it isn’t the muscle meathead! You’re looking especially terrifying today ☆
Alexader: GR!
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Joji: So scawwy! You could stick a whole deck of cards in between those forehead wrinkles! 
Alexander: Hmph...
Joji: Hey. Hold on. 
(While Yukinojo and Kakeru enthusiastically enjoyed their lunchboxes on the train.)
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Kakeru: Delish! ♪ This sweet and sour beef just melts in your mouth! 
Yukinojo: *chew, chew* Indeed... it’s very tasty! And the wonderful, non-fishy aroma of this this pressed mackerel sushi is like a symphony my nostrils...
Kakeru: You don’t say!? Heyhey, isn’t about time we trade ♪
Yukinojo: Ah, you’re right. 
Kakeru: ....Hey, Yuki-chan.
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Yukinojo: Hm? If it’s about the lunchbox, just give me one more bite...
Kakeru: Ahaha! No I’m not that impatient. 
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I was just wondering what you were thinking... about the duo tournament. 
Yukinojo: Oh, that. Well I... I don’t really feel I’m cut out for the street style...
Kakeru: You’re really not interested at all?
Yukinojo: No, that’s not it. To be honest I am quite interested. But it’s just not an area where I have any expertise, so... it’s difficult to come to any sort of conclusion.
Kakeru: ....I see. But hey! You’re sure into hard rock kinda songs, aren’t you chan-Yuki? If you ask me, I totally think “street Yuki-sama” could be a thing ♪
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Yukinojo: I... I already told you to lay off the “-sama” once before. But now that you have breached the subject, what were you thinking Kakeru? When we were at the hot springs you seemed to show a hint of resistance. 
Kakeru: Woah woah! No fair throwing the same question at me when you haven’t decided yourself, chan-Yuki! But, did it really seem that way?
Yukinojo: It’s also not very fair of you to hide your true intentions. 
Kakeru: *gulp* 
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Oh you.... I can’t take such a straightforward, pure-hearted approach. It’s not allowed.
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Yukinojo: *staaaaare*
Kakeru: C... cut it out already! Okay, I got it! I got it already! I’ll tell you! I was thinking the same thing as you, Yuki-chan. I’m definitely interested, but... Hey! I’m a gentleman after all. The street just isn’t my style y’know ☆
Yukinojo: Oh really? I think “street Kakeru-kun” could be a thing.
Kakeru: Wha... how-so!?
Yukinojo: Well you’re always trying to be cool.
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Kakeru: That didn’t sound like a compliment!?
Yukinojo: No, it was. I find myself in awe at your inquisitive nature and drive to take action. You have really helped us out a lot at Edel Rose. 
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Kakeru: O..Oh.... But hey hey! You just snuck in a Kakeru”-kun” didn’t you!
Yukinojo: ....Mm-hm. This beef lunchbox is quite delicious as well. 
Kakeru: Ah! You changed the subject already! 
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Yukinojo: Kakeru, your phone.
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Kakeru: Grr.... Okay, okay. Take care. ...........Hm.
Yukinojo: A business call?
Kakeru: Ah, yeah. My evening dinner meeting was cancelled all of a sudden. Oh well, it can’t be helped--Oh! Yuki-chan! What are you up to for dinner?
Yukinojo: Hm? After the performance I plan to exchange pleasantries with my family friends, but after that I don’t have any particular plans. 
Kakeru: All right ♪ In that case, come eat with me! 
Yukinojo: Sure, sounds good. I’ll make a reservation at Kawadoko. 
Kakeru: Yaay! I knew I could could on you! Well then, when you’ve finished all your this and that, give me a ring!
Yukinojo: Understood. I’ll go ahead and make that reservation first thing--
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Kakeru: What’s wrong?
Yukinojo: It’s... I.... I can’t find my phone. 
Kakeru: No way! Should I try and call it?
Yukinojo: Yes, sorry to be a bother.
Kakeru: No prob, no prob. ♪ ....Hmm. It doesn’t seem to be around here does it....?
Yukinojo: It seems I must have forgotten it at the dorm. I might forget my head if it wasn’t attached to me....
Kakeru: Don’t sweat it, that’s just another part of your charm. No worries, no worries. For now, I’ll just plan to wait outside the theater this afternoon. Surely I’ll run into you ♪
Yukinojo: That would be fine. Thank you. 
Kakeru: No trouble. Oh yeah, shall I tell the Edel Rose home team that you don’t have your phone?
Yukinojo: No, I have already informed Shin and Yamada-san that I would be in Kyoto at the theater. So it shouldn’t be a problem....  If anything comes up they should be able to contact me there.
Kakeru: Okay! Then I’ll reserve the restaurant tout suite! 
Yukinojo: Kakeru.... 
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Kakeru: What’s this? Did I just melt your heart with my gentlemanly ways?
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Yukinojo: Ah, indeed. Earlier I said you were always trying to be cool. So I think I’ll add trying to be suave as well.
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Kakeru: ...Uh... thank you.
(Back at Edel Rose)
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Leo: *staaaaaare* 
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Wah..... Yuki-sama...... 
(I texted him hours ago and there’s still no response.... There’s no way he couldn’t have seen it.... Yuki-sama.... This can only mean he doesn’t want to pair with me.... The more I think of it, I may be not worthy of being Yuki-sama’s partner anyway.... ) ....*sigh*....
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Leo: Ah.... that sounds like...! 
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Leo: Shin-kun!!!
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Shin: Woaaaaah!!! L-Leo-kun!? What’s going on! You seem so frantic! 
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Leo: Shin-kun! Have you decided your partner for the duo tournament!? 
Shin: EEEK! (W-W-What do I do.... Could it be, did he hear what Louis and I were talking about...)
Leo: Shin-kun? Is something wrong?
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Shin: NO um! Nothing.... 
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Leo: .........  If it’s OK with you, would you enter the duo tournament with me!?
Shin: Huh!? .....Um........ Well I........... 
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(What do I do now. It makes me happy to hear Leo-kun wants to pair with me, but...) Umm, ummm! 
Leo: Please I’m begging you! I’ll work really, really hard!
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Shin: (WOOaaaAAAah!!! What do I do!?)
Leo: Are you still listening..... Shin-kun?
Shin: I AM!! 
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Leo: *sniff* .... Shin-kun, you hate me don’t you.....
Shin: What!? No of course I don’t! (Aaahhhaaaahhhh what do I do! Leo-kun looks so sad! I have to find some way not to mention Louis, and to not hurt his feelings either.. ahh....) 
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O-Oh yeah! Yes! On that day I have to go to... a memorial service! 
Leo: ...A memorial service?
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Oh, I see... In that case there’s no use. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had something like that to do. I’m sorry for troubling you. 
Shin: N-No, it was no trouble! Don’t worry about me! Really! (Well now what do I do!? I just spit out a lie in the spur of the moment... I’m sorry, Leo-kun....! A-And now it’s only a matter of time before he finds out....!?) 
Leo: ....I’m going to keep looking for someone to pair with. Thank you for listening to me. 
Shin: O-Okay! You’re welcome. 
Leo: *gloom*
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Shin: ..... He left. Aaah.... I’ve done something terrible.... *sigh* ... I’m really sorry Leo-kun.... 
(At the dance battle club, Nest of Dragon)
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Taiga: ......I don’t even know if I have the strength to step into the ring here. 
???: I have no choice. Here goes.
Taiga: Huh? It’s you.... Alexander!
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Alexander: Oh? Taiga Kougami....
Taiga: .....Why do you have to show up everywhere I go these days.....
Alexander: Hah. That’s my line. I think it’s a little early for a brat like you to be at a joint like this, no?
Taiga: WHAT!! What did you say!? Who are you calling a brat!?
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 Alexander: ....Heh heh.... The person who is whining like one. ...... Hmph. Hey! How much longer are you going to follow me huh?!
Taiga: Oh shut up! You’re the one who’s following me!
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Hiro: This place is....
Kouji: Hehe. It really seems to have piqued your interest. 
Hiro: Ahah, no way! Kouji, you’re kidding! Hey, Kazuki. I know Kouji could use some preparation for the street duo tournament, but why am I here too? I’m not entering, you know. 
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Kouji: ...You heard him. Kazuki?
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Kazuki: Oh just relax and enjoy it! It’s fun to check out some street battles every so often, isn’t it?
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Hiro: ..........
Kazuki: Hiro, are you alright? You can leave early if you really don’t like it....
Hiro: No, I don’t mind. It’s not that I’m overly bothered, I just... 
Kouji: ....Heh.
Hiro: ...What. 
Kouji: Eheh, nothing. But anyway, this is really a collection of rough-looking fellows, I’d say. Just watching them really makes you feel the pressure.
Kazuki: I know, right? This tense atmosphere really makes you feel like the heat is on! 
Hiro: Hm? ...Hey, guys...... Isn’t that Taiga?
Kouji: It is. And the boy he’s with... it’s Yamato-kun, right?
Alexander: Huuuaaah! 
Taiga: Huaaaaaah! 
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Alexander: Headspin Levitation! 
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Taiga:  Festival! Celebrate! Flowers for a Fortune Boy!
Street Dancer 1: W-What’s with those guys....!
Street Dancer 2: They are battling each other continuously while squashing other opponents at the same time...! This isn’t something you see every day! 
Street Dancer 3: Hah! This is great! Let them have at it until one of them falls!
Taiga: I’m not done yet! 
Alexander: You really think you have a chance against me?
Taiga: Just you wait and see! 
Alexander: (....To think I have to use this much of my strength against him.)
Taiga: (Alexander... is really strong. I want to get stronger!!) Hey! You guys over there! I’ll take all of you on at once!
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Hiro: ....That’s amazing. No regular competitors stand a chance against them....
Kouji: It’s like they are second to none. There are two of them, though. 
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Kazuki: ......... 
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You know, Taiga and Alec make a good combo.
Kouji: Yeah, I think so too. If only they would get along. 
Hiro: True. Right now the source of their energy is their drive to defeat each other.
Taiga: *panting*
Alexander: *panting* ....I think I’ll let you off here, for now.....
Taiga: ....What. You’re just making an excuse to run away. 
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Alexander: I’m showing mercy by giving you an opportunity to run away. Be grateful. 
Taiga: YOU....!! 
Hiro: Okay, okay, settle down you too. I know you’re having fun together and all, but let’s take a break for today. 
Kouji: Yes, yes. I bet you’re starting to get hungry aren’t you. 
Taiga: Wha.... Hiro-san and Kouji-san!? What are you two doing here....
Kazuki: I brought them. You guys were on fire as always! Today’s battle was the best! 
Kouji: You did a good job keeping each other on your toes. Rather than a battle it looked more like a synchronized show. 
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Taiga: Synchronized!?
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Alexander: Show!?
Kazuki: I thought so too! I could feel your passionate emotions clashing against each other very clearly. You guys would make a pretty good combo, y’know?
Taiga: Hey, not you too Kazuki-san!? No way in hell!!!
Kazuki: But you don’t have a duo partner yet, do you?
Taiga: W...Well I don’t but... I... I want to pair with y....
Kazuki: Who?
Taiga: ...A... Anyway! Even if you say so Kazuki-san, the chance of me making a good combination with Alexander is negative 1000%! We belong to different organizations, anyway....
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Alexander: Hmph. For once we agree on something. 
Kazuki Nishina! Don’t make me laugh! ....Pffft. I don’t have time for this. I’m out. 
Kazuki: Hey, wait a sec! Alec! Haha, he’s straight to the point as always. 
Hiro: But we really had a good time watching you two battle, whether you agree on forming a combo or not. 
Taiga: Hiro-san..... thanks.....
Hiro: But of course, I for one would like to see you two form an overwhelmingly powerful duo. But even if you pair with someone from Edel Rose, I’m sure you’ll be able to show us a well coordinated duo show!
Kouji: Yes, yes. Before you know it the time you have spent with someone becomes a powerful bond. Your bond with Yamato-san is a bit different, but I think the two of you have the potential to push each other to your limits.
Taiga: ....A partner.... Hm.....
Kouji: Taiga, you seem really troubled. Well. No matter who you pair with, I think it will open up a new world for you. Don’t you think?
Taiga: A new... world....
Hiro: I agree. Competing as a duo is in itself a new challenge. 
Kouji: Perhaps the true appeal of the duo tournament is the chance to try out a new method of performing. 
Taiga: ....Yeah. Thanks. (I guess you could put it that way...)
Kazuki: I think it would be great if you could find a partner you are comfortable around, without needing to to overthink things.  
Hiro: Oh ho ho! I’m really looking forward to seeing who you end up pairing with, Taiga! 
Kouji: Me too. If we end up in the ring together, please go easy on me!
Kazuki: I have never had an official battle with you, Taiga. But if we ever do, I’m really looking forward to seeing how it’d go!
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Taiga: (.....! Kazuki-san’s looking forward to battling me....!) ........ (Someone I can be comfortable around, huh....)
(Shijo, Kyoto)
Kakeru: Ah, there he is.
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Yuki-chuwan! All finished for the day? ☆
Yukinojo: Ah, Kakeru. You too? I’m glad we could meet up at the same time. ...Well then, we have still got some time before our reservation. Shall we go kill time somewhere?
Kakeru: Ah, about that. There’s somewhere I’d like to go. 
Yukinojo: Oh?
Kakeru: I just heard from someone at the company... What was it called... I’ll look for it on the map. Hold on a sec.... Ah! Yes yes, it’s here! Shabadaba!
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Yukinojo: ...? Sha... ba... daba...?? It has a very... unique... name....
Kakeru: Apparently this is a place where they do street-style prism shows! You know, like that “Nest of Dragon” place Taiga-kyun talks about! 
Yukinojo: Oh really. So there is a place like that in Kyoto too...
Kakeru: And there are some suuuuper tough prism stars there too!
Yukinojo: I see. So we’ll be checking out the competition. You really are interested in being in the duo tournament, aren’t you?
Kakeru: Maybe so. You’re about half right. But let’s not dwell too much on having a reason. We came all the way out to Kyoto after all, so why not check it out?
Yukinojo: Indeed. You have my attention. I’d like to see it as well. 
Kakeru: Alright, “competitor Yuki-chan”. You really are interested the duo tournament too, aren’t you?
Yukinojo: Heheh. You’re about half right. 
(Kyoto, Shabadaba in Ponto town)
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Kakeru: Wooowee! This really is quite the collection of rock-hard street stars, isn’t it? 
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It’s such a sausage festival too. I can’t see any beautiful mademoiselles anywhere. 
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Yukinojo: Well, it is where all the street ruffians gather. By the way, Kakeru. What are we wearing?
Kakeru: I borrowed these from the theater. This hair, make-up, and color contact getup is pretty sweet, isn’t it?
Yukinojo: Yeah. Not bad. 
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....But that wasn’t my concern.....
Kakeru: It’s difficult to blend in wearing casual clothes. Besides, since I came for work I only packed suits. 
Yukinojo: ....Oh yeah. I’d already forgotten that this meeting occurred by chance. 
Kakeru: Exactly. I don’t have the courage to go to a place like this in a three-piece suit. 
Yukinojo: Heheh. I wouldn’t either. Okay. Let’s see if we can find the strongest prism stars. 
Kakeru: Roger that. ☆ Hmm hmm I see. So this is what a place like this is like. Where are those two I’ve heard rumors about... Oh! 
Yukinojo: It looks like there are two people performing a show on center stage.
Kakeru: Hmm... So could it be, those two are...? 
Street Dancer 1: Hey, hey you guys. I haven’t seen you around here before. Ya new?
Kakeru: ...Wow. You could sail across the ocean with that hair. 
Street Dancer 2: Hm? Nah, I think I have seen these guys before... 
Street Dance 3: ....Ah! Aren’t these those guys from that Edel Rose place in Tokyo!
Street Dancer 4: HAH! What are a couple academy-style worms doing in a place like this?
Street Dancer 5: Whatever. You’ll get what’s coming to you either way. 
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Kakeru: ............
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Yukinojo: How did they recognize us.... I thought our disguises were flawless....
Kakeru: I guess there’s just no disguising our aura. I’m a lover, not a fighter though...
Yukinojo: Understood. But that aside, we shouldn’t do anything that could cause trouble for Edel Rose. 
Kakeru: I agree. .... This is gonna take some improv, but follow my lead, OK?
Yukinojo: Improv?
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Kakeru: YES! I’m counting on you, “princess”!
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Yukinojo: .......! 
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Kakeru: Whaaa? What’s an Edel Rose? Never heard of it. Have you, “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: ....Me neither. I have no idea what they’re talking about, “Juu-chan”.
Kakeru: The two of us are nothing but a humble street duo. We heard there were some pretty tough guys here so we came to see for ourselves!
???: Well, good ta have ya here.
Yukinojo & Kakeru: ....!?
???: You guys came to gawk at our shows huh? Do we look funny ta you? Well, this is a good opportunity. How ‘bout we have ourselves a little match? What d’ya say, Yubacchi?
Yubacchi: I see yer point, Hamocchi. These guys think they can just waltz in here like they own da place....
Hamocchi: It’s like they are expecting us ta bow to them like gods that flew down from Kiyomizu Temple....
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Kakeru: (The number of weirdos keeps growing...!) 
Yuki.. *cough* I mean, Y...Yubacchi-san and Hamocchi-san, huh.... 
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“Hana-chan” what do you think....
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Yukinojo: It looks like we’ve got no choice. ...We’ve got to defeat them. 
(And so Yukinojo and Kakeru became caught up in an unexpected battle...)
Hamocchi: Let’s do this, Yubacchi! 
Yubacchi: Right with you, Hamocchi!
Yubacchi & Hamocchi: Last one! Will you be taking that meal to go...!
Audience: They nailed it! O-BANZAI’S finishing jump! No one can win against that! 
Kakeru: Woah, those guys are no small potatoes. Welp, we’re up next. 
Yukinojo: Yes. But since whoever fires up the crowd the most is the winner... We are at a great disadvantage being unknowns. 
Kakeru: You don’t say? But you’re already all fired up, aren’t you “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: Oh, I am, am I? For someone who is a lover, not a fighter, you sure look as though you are looking forward to this, “Juu-chan”.
Street Dancers: What’s with those guys! How can they dance like that right out of the gate!? 
Yubacchi: They’re in total sync... Those guys may be pretty tough after all. 
Hamocchi: Maybe so. But they ain’t nothing compared to us.... huh!?
Kakeru: And here’s the finale! 
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GINZA No. 1 Glamorous Heaven! 
I’m about to put you under my spell! 
Yukinojo: This is it! Like roaring thunder! Kunitachiya Secret Move!
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 Hidden Moonlit Heavenly Lightning!
Audience: Woah...! I’ve never seen a show like this! Juu-chan is so cool! Hana-chan is so beautiful!
Golden-haired boy: ....!
Silver-haired boy: .....!
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Yukinojo: (So this is the street-style...? So this is a duo show....)
Kakeru: (The duo tournament... is really gonna be off the chain....)
Yukinojo & Kakeru: This is so fun!
 Yukinojo: I want to keep performing duo shows for as long as time allows! 
Kakeru: Ahah. When we run out of time, we can always find more. Let me ask you one again, about the duo tournament...
(And so night fell...)
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Yukinojo: We’re home. 
Kakeru: We’re home. ....But aren’t all good little children supposed to be in bed by now?
Yukinojo: Indeed. It’s gotten very late so I imagine nobody’s still up--
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Leo: ....I knew it! Yuki-sama you’re back! And Kakeru! Welcome back! 
Yukinojo: Leo! You were still awake?
Kakeru: ....Leo-kyun, what’s wrong? Why are you still up at this hour?
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Leo: It’s because I wanted to apologize to Yuki-sama....
Yukinojo: Apologize to me? I can’t imagine why...
Leo: I’m sorry for sending you so many texts....! I made you mad, didn’t I....?
Yukinojo: Texts....? 
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I’m sorry. The truth is I forgot to bring my phone. 
Leo: ........Huh? So.... so the reason you never replied to me wasn’t because you were angry...?
Yukinojo: Of course I’m not angry. I’m sorry for worrying you. 
Leo: Oh, oh I see! Phew, that’s a relief....
Kakeru: ....I guess we should have gave you guys a heads up after all. But at least we got that all cleared up ♪
Leo: ...Ahem, Yuki-sama!
Yukinojo: What’s wrong? You look so serious all of a sudden. Did something else happen?
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Leo: About the duo tournament.... Please be my partner! 
Yukinojo: ........What?
Kakeru: Huh.......
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Yukinojo: Leo, about that....
Leo: .........?
Yukinojo: The truth is, I have already agreed to pair with Kakeru.
Leo: Whaaaaaaat!? (Oh nooooooo!!)
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Kakeru: Ah. Well, if you two would rather be together, I wouldn’t want to stand in your way...
Leo: No, no that’s alright! I couldn’t bear to break you two apart if you already promised each other!
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(But... what do I do now....)
(And so, on a bittersweet note, a new partnership was formed.)
(What will become of our stars who haven’t yet found partners...!?)
Continue to Road To SSS 4.
25 notes · View notes
prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars 2 Main Story translation
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Good Afternoon! The Steamy Hot Spring Tag Battle
Since this is the second event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the first one if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story
Translators Notes: You also may want to watch episode 39 of Rainbow Live if you haven’t yet. (Even if you’ve never seen Rainbow Live before. Just watch it anyway trust me ahah.) I LOVE this event. Nothing happens in it. Haha no that’s not true. This event actually sets up the plot for the entire Road to SSS series of events. But before and after that it’s just a bunch of connecting scenes of the boys being boys. And that amazing ending!! It’s classic and even funnier than I remembered it being. This event is the kind of filler I could only dream of being able to see in the anime someday. Oh, and rock/paper (without scissors) is a way of making teams. That wasn’t a typo ahah.
(One morning, at the Edel Rose dorm…)
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Leo: *yawn* Huh… it’s not even 5 am yet…? 
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(This keeps happening again and again lately. At first I was happy to think that maybe I’ve become a morning person.) 
But waking up before my alarm goes off every morning has been making me feel tired during the day… Ohh.. And since I haven’t been sleeping well it’s been drying out my skin. 
(Oh! Now that I think of it, I saw a special in a magazine about skin problems! It was called… Chronic Skin Trouble! Beware the Turning Point…) 
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C-Could it be!? No, No… it can’t be… I’m sure… probably… maybe…. 
O-Okay! Since I’m up anyway, I think I’ll go for a walk.
Yukinojo: Oh…? It looks kind of sickly… 
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But I suppose as its caregiver that’s my own fault…
Leo: Yuki-sama! Good morning. You’re up early.
Yukinojo: Leo. Good morning. You too.
Leo: I just woke up on my own for some reason. I haven’t been sleeping well lately…
Yukinojo: I see… Things have been hectic with the new school year. Maybe you built up some stress without realizing it?
Leo: Now that you mention it… I think you may be right, Yuki-sama. Are you tending to your bonsai tree?
Yukinojo: Yes. However, it’s not going too well. But I guess a bonsai can’t be built in a day…
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Leo: ….? 
(I don’t really know what he’s getting at, but Yuki-sama sure seems unhappy.) 
Don’t worry! I’m sure Mr. Bonsai Tree will come to understand how much you care about him.
Yukinojo: Leo… Heheh, thank you.
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Leo: N-No problem. It was nothing.
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Minato: ~ ♪ Yup, almost time for harvest.
Leo: Minato-san! Good morning!
Minato: Saionji? Good morning. You’ve been waking up early recently.
Leo: Yeah, I have. For some reason I just can’t sleep well… *yawn*
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Minato: If that’s the case then I’ll whip you up some black tea with freshly picked herbs! That will wake you right up.
Leo: Wow, this turned into my lucky morning! Thank you so much!
Minato: I’ll start making breakfast as soon as I’m done watering the garden.
Leo: Yay!
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Kakeru: Hmmm… as usual the price of oil is high…. If the price of materials keeps rising it will drive up the price of commodities… Someone has got to do something before it’s too late….
Leo: (Wow…! Kakeru looks so serious when he’s reading the paper in the morning!)
Kakeru: Hm? What is it, Leo-kyun? If you keep staring at me with those pretty doe eyes of yours, you’re gonna make me blush ♪
Leo: Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare!
Kakeru: It’s no biggie. Would you like a glass, Leo-kyun? It’s veggie juice. They say a morning’s dose of vitamin C is good for your skin…
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Leo: I’ll take it!
Kakeru: …Slow down there. Are you feeling a little sleepy? It looks like you’re starting to get bags under your eyes–
Leo: WAH! D… Don’t look…!
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Taiga: …….
Kakeru: Hm? Was that…
Leo & Kakeru: Taiga-kun!? / The delinquent!
Kakeru: He’s always the one who sleeps in the latest. What’s he doing up so early? I smell something fishy….
Leo: And carrying such a big bag with him… He’s not just going out for a walk, is he….
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Taiga: ….. *glances left and right*
*tip toe, tip toe*
Kakeru: Leo-kyun, what are you doing?
Leo: Ah! (I automatically hid myself like I was doing something sneaky!)
Taiga: ….Okay. I’m not forgetting anything am I?
(At around the same time, in the mountains somewhere)
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Louis: Wow, look! All the green scenery is so beautiful!
Alexander: Yo. Louis Kisaragi. I’m gonna take a nap. So wake me up when we get there. Got it?
Louis: Hey, Alec-kun. What kind of a job do we have today again?
Alexander: Whaa? You forgot?
Louis: Eheh. Just kidding. I’m looking forward to the event today.
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Alexander: ….. As usual I have no idea what’s going on in that head of yours.
Staff: Louis-san, Alec-san, we’ve almost arrived!
Alexander: Zzz….
Louis: Alec-kun, time to wake up. We’re getting close.
Alexander: …O.. Oh yeah… Hm? That mountain….
Louis: …Is that steam rising up?
Staff: Yes! This area is famous for hot springs!
Louis: Hot springs….
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Kouji: Are you two ready?
Kazuki: All set! Hiro, don’t forget anything.
Hiro: Wait a sec, Kazuki. Why are you only telling me that.
Kouji: Ahah. It’s a little exciting to think the three of us are actually going on a road trip.
Kazuki: Haha that’s right. And this time we’re headed to…
Hiro: Ohoho. Well let’s get on the road already. To that oh so familiar place… 
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The Rainbow Hot Springs!
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(Back at Edel Rose)
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Taiga: (The waterfall where Kazuki-san did his training… If I go there, then maybe I too…) 
I don’t have much money on hand. But as long as I can stay on the bus for as long as possible I should be able to get there somehow. 
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And I’ll make up the difference with walking. Determinated walking! 
Kazuki-san! You’ll see! Someday I’ll catch up to you.. and then… I’ll overcome you!!
Leo: Hmm hmm hmm….
Kakeru: Leo, what’s wrong? You keep pacing back and forth.
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Leo: There’s gotta be something going on with Taiga-kun! I just know he’s hiding something!
Shin: Kakeru-san, Leo-kun, good morning! *yawn*…
Yu: *yaaawn* Is breakfast ready yet…?
Kakeru: Shh! Be quiet you two!
Shin & Yu: ???
Leo: Could it be that Taiga-kun… is running away from Edel Rose!?
Kakeru: Running away!?
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Shin: WHAAAT!? Taiga-kun is running away!? Since when did that happen!?
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Yu: *yaaaawn* ..... Who’s running away?
Leo: Anyway, we have to stop him!!
(Concerned with Taiga’s suspicious behavior, the group secretly followed him…)
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Yukinojo: A bus terminal… It seems whatever he’s sought out to do, he won’t be sticking around here…
Shin: But it doesn’t look like he’s getting on a bus to Aomori…
Minato: So he’s not going back home then.
Leo: C-Could it be he doesn’t want to be around us anymore…?
Kakeru: No, I doubt that…
Yu: I’m hungryyyy.
Yukinojo: Oh. It looks like he’s getting on a bus for Hida.
Leo: After him! Quickly!!
*sneaky sneaking*
Yu: Hey. If we get on the same bus as him he’s bound to see us.
Shin: W-We have to think fast or we’re gonna miss it!
Yukinojo: Okay then. Let’s use these old newspapers!
Leo: Mask your face!
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Kakeru: Whatever you say… This is starting to get kinda fun.
(A few minutes later)
Taiga: *snoring*
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Minato: He fell right asleep as soon as he got on the bus. It must have been tough getting up so early for him.
Yu: ….. We’re practically right next to him. How is it he still hasn’t noticed….
Kakeru: Out delinquent has got his cat-like “anti-social shield” blocking out the world around him running at full capacity ♪
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Yu: …..
Shin: B-But anyway, it’s a good thing we were able to get away with this without being noticed.
Leo: I wonder how far he’s really planning on going…
Minato: We’ve really been riding for a good while now…
Kakeru: It’s been maybe about five hours.
Yu: I’m starving you guys.
Shin: Where are we headed to? I’ve never seen this place before…
Taiga: *snore* *sn…* …Ah! (Oh crap! I’m gonna miss my stop!)
Leo: Oh, Taiga’s up! He woke up and it looks like he’s getting off the bus!
Shin: This is…
Leo: Rainbow Hot Springs….?
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Yukinojo: Hot springs! How excellent!!
Leo: I guess Taiga’s just coming for a bath….?
Minato: Secretly in the mountains, by himself…?
Bus driver: Everyone off who’s getting off! Door closing…
Yu: Hey hey hey we have to get off the bus too!
Kakeru: Hold up!
Leo: W… Wait for us!
Yukinojo: Leo, stop pushing me–
Minato: Ah, Tachibana now you’re pushing me–
Shin: AHH no we’re falli–!
Everyone: …Ouch….
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Taiga: ….Oh?
Everyone: ……Oh.
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Taiga: What are you guys doing here!?
Leo: Taiga-kun! How terrible of you to abandon us all without saying a word!!
Taiga: WHA!?
Minato: Kougami! If something is troubling you, just talk and we’ll listen!
Kakeru: And if you’re looking for hot springs, I could recommend a way better place than this dump!
Taiga: ….What are you guys even talking about….
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Shin: Um… well… see we were all worried about you running away from home and…
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Taiga: Huh?
Everyone: (Ah, he said it!)
Taiga: Um, guys. I have no particular reason to run away.
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Kakeru: Called it!  
Yu: So it was all Leo’s misunderstanding?
Leo: B… But! Then what were you doing sneaking out so early in the morning?!
Taiga: Uh. About that…
Leo: About what?
Taiga: Well… the truth is… 
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Everyone: …….?
Kakeru: Oh ho! Taiga-kyun is turning red!
Minato: Just like a bright red apple!
Yukinojo: Do you have a fever?
Leo: W-W-Woah! He’s burning up!
Shin: Ahhh! We need to call a doctor!
Taiga: LAY! OFF!!!
Yu: Look, he’s got plenty of energy. So what’s the deal? You must have some sort of reason for coming this far out into the mountains.
Taiga: Yeah. 
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T…. This is the place where Kazuki did his training for the Prism King Cup….
Leo: Wow! So you heard about this place from Kazuki-san?
Taiga: …No, I just heard a rumor about it… So I decided I would try training here too.
Leo: So that’s it… Ahh! But you gave me such a fright! Sorry we all jumped to conclusions….
Taiga: It’s fine… Don’t sweat it.
Leo: But now we’ve all selfishly tagged along behind you and gotten in your way…
Kakeru: Leo-kyun, calm down. What Taiga really meant was “Thanks so much for worrying about me!” So no worries ♪
Taiga: ….Nobody asked you.
Yukinojo: But if you only had told us you were going to a hot spring, I could have brought my personal toiletries….
Kakeru: Yuki-chan, that’s what you’re upset about?
Minato: Well, well. Since we’re all here anyway, how about we all have a dip?
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Yu: As long as we can get some food already!
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Shin: Wow…! This is… 
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A five star hotel?
Yu: It does say that. The sign does. …Just the sign.
Yukinojo: Five… star… hotel…
Minato: The walls have cracks…
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Taiga: ……
Kakeru: Oh my. It seems “Five Star” is just the name….
Leo: Ahah… But it’s kind of a delightfully mysterious place, isn’t it. This is fun.
(Despite their many concerns and various questions, the boys put away their luggage and headed to the hot springs…)
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Minato: Wow… So Kazuki-san did his training way out here, huh?
Kakeru: Ahah. Check out at the seven kappa statues. They’re really funny-looking!
???: Good afternoon, everyone!
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Shin: Huh? That voice…. !? Hiro-san!!
Kazuki: Woah, how’d you end up all the way out here, Taiga? You sure came a long way!
Taiga: KAZUKI-SAN!!!
Kouji: Look time, no see everyone.
Minato: Kouji-san! You too?
Yu: Whaaa!? What are you guys doing here…
Hiro: We came in when we heard some familiar voices. Eheh. How’s the water?
Kakeru: To think we’d run into all three members of Over the Rainbow in a place like this…
Taiga: Kazuki-san, why are you all here?!
Kazuki: Um. Uh yeah, about that…
Taiga: About what…?
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Kazuki: Well, um, the thing is… Kouji and Hiro said they just really really wanted to see the place where I did my training! Ahahah!
Shin: …….
Yukinojo: …….
Leo: …….
Minato: …….. ?
Yu: …….
Taiga: Something’s off….
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Kakeru: (…They’re hiding something.)
Hiro: Oh come on now. Let’s not harp on the details and just enjoy the bath together! …Ahhh… this place is just like I remember it. It hasn’t changed a bit.
Kouji: But we sure have. Things weren’t quite so relaxing the last time we were here.
Hiro: Ahaha… those old times…
Kazuki: Yeah! And to think that the three of us would find ourselves back here again! And that we’d come all the way here by Kouji’s car!
Everyone: Car?!
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Yu: What?! Since when did you have time to get your license?!
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Kouji: The genius songwriter Kouji Mihama doesn’t need to take a driving test more than once. ♪
Yu: Hmph! I could get a license easy-peasy. I could get one right now if I wanted to.
Minato: Oh… I’m sorry. Could it be the three of you actually came here to spend some quality time alone….?
Hiro: Well, that was the plan. But a hot spring with our beloved underclassmen is even more fun!
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Kouji: That’s right. There’s nothing like getting naked to bring everyone closer together!
Kazuki: We haven’t all gotten together like this since Shin and Taiga’s entrance ceremony. Let’s take this opportunity to have a good time together!
Everyone: All right!
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Minato: Phew… That hot spring sure hit the spot.
Leo: There’s rainbow face lotion! “Make your skin shine in seven colors!” What does that do… !?
*clink, clank, clink, clank*
Yukinojo: Oh…!
*clink, clank, clink, clank*
Taiga: ……
Kakeru: Chan-Yuki, that massage chair is sure making some ominous sounds…!
Yukinojo: Hm? Yeah. But it feels so good. I’ll let you use it next.
Kakeru: Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll pass ☆
Yu: *gulp, gulp* ….Ah! There’s nothin’ like milk after a hot bath!
Kazuki: You bet! Fresh, chilled milk from a glass bottle is the best! Taiga, you want some?
Taiga: Okay! *gulp, gulp*
Kazuki: Hey, slow down! If you chug it all in one go you’ll choke!
Shin: Ah, Yu! Hold on a sec, you have kind of a milk mustache going on….
Yu: S.. Stop it! I can take care of it myself!
Kouji/Hiro: *smiling like idiots*
Shin: There, I got it!
Yu: …..Hey. What are you guys looking at?
Hiro: Huh? Kouji did you see something?
Kouji: Nothing, nothing. How about you?
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Yu: Grrrr…. I can’t stand you guys.
Kazuki: ….Oh, it’s almost time. Where’s the remote control… Ah, here it is.
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Shin: …..A press conference?
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Tanaka (on TV): Tanaka.
Shin: Oh! I remember that guy from the Prism King Cup….!
Hiro: Ah, the announcement is finally starting! His opening statement just now  was so gracious and dignified.
Shin: Huh? (What opening statement… was that it…? But I thought all he said was his name…?)
Tanaka: Tanaka!
Over the Rainbow: WHAT?!
Tanaka: Tanaka….!
Kazuki: A street style….
Tanaka: Tanaka.
Hiro: Duo tournament….
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Tanaka: TA-NA-KA!
Kouji: Is about to be held!
Everyone: WHAAAAAAT?!
Shin: How can you tell?!
Hiro: Everyone here’s going to participate, right?
Kazuki: Picking who your duo partner will be is gonna be really important!
Kouji: I wonder who we’ll all end up with.
Everyone: H… Huh….
Taiga: (A street-style duo tournament….) U.. Um… Kazuki-san… who are you gonna partner with…?
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Kazuki: Me? I… uh… *side glance*
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Hiro: Heheh. This sounds fun.
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Kazuki: ….I haven’t decided yet. There’s still a lot to consider before making that decision.
Taiga: …Oh… I see.
Shin: Hiro-san, you’ll partner with Kouji-san right?
Hiro: Me… No, not me. I’m the definitive idol. So street-style is, well… It’s important for me to keep up my image.
Yu: Hah! If you’re scared of the competition, just say so!
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Hiro: ….!!
Shin: I wonder who I could partner with….
Taiga: Hpmh. Well, whoever I end up pairing with, I’ll be aiming to win.
Yu: Don’t forget about me! When I get under those big lights, you’ll all know… the power of Zeus!
Yukinojo: Street-style, huh… (This is a field I never thought my path would cross through. But this may be a good opportunity to break out of my shell.)
Kakeru: It looks like everyone’s rearing for a fight!
Minato: Oh yeah, what about you Kazuo?
Kakeru: ……. Well, it doesn’t really matter much to me. ♪ Oh! What about you, chan-Leo?
Leo: M-me?
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I’d love to join. But I don’t think anyone would stand a chance at winning with a partner like me…
Kouji: There’s still a lot of time to think things over before the tournament.
Hiro: Yes indeed. It’s not like all of us are forced to participate.
Kazuki: …….
TV: And this concludes the announcement by President Tanaka. Next up is the evening news….
Kazuki: Well, since the announcement is over, shall we go?
Kouji: Ah, that’s right.
Taiga: Kazuki-san, go where…?
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Kazuki: Okay, we’re here!
Taiga: This is… the waterfall where Kazuki-san did his training…!
Taiga: …Yikes! Kazuki-san, you actually trained under this ferocious downpour!?
Kouji: Hm? There’s someone there?
Shin: Alexander-kun!?
Kazuki: Ohhh! Look at him go!
Alexander: Wha? That voice… Pfft. Him again. How dare he just appear out of nowhere whenever he feels like it. Well, whatever. Right now I need to keep total concentration.
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Yukinojo: That primitive roar could nearly part the waterfall…
Yu: What an amazing aura…
Kazuki: Alec will be in the duo tournament for sure… Now I’m really looking forward to it.
Leo: (As I thought… Something like that would probably be impossible for me…)
Taiga: Hmph. He’s got nothin’ on me. I’m not gonna lose to the likes of him!
Hiro: …..
Kakeru: Hiro-san?
Hiro: …Eheh. He’s really something else. That Alec.
Kouji: (Hiro…)
Kazuki: ……
Kakeru: Oh?
Minato: S-Sorry, that was me….
Kouji: Hehe. No need to apologize. That’s our signal it’s time for dinner, isn’t it?
Hiro: Indeed. I think it’s about time we headed back to the hotel.
(And so they returned to find a very colorful meal waiting for them…)
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Minato: These are some ingredients I’ve never seen before. What’s this…?
Kouji: Apparently it’s local vegetable from the mountain. It turns a bright, yellow color during cooking.
Minato: Wow…! So that’s its natural color. And the taste… it’s a bit bitter, but it pairs well with the sweet sauce.
Kouji: You’re right! It would be great to try in a western-style dish with olive oil!
Minato: Wow…! And then you could add garlic and chili peppers to make something like aglio e olio…
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Shin: Wow! It’s practically shining! I’ve never seen rainbow colored cooking before!
Yukinojo. Neither have I. So they call this “rainbow fish” I see.
Kakeru: Oooh! And this egg custard is delish!
Leo: And the welcome sweets were so good!
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Taiga: ….. (Is this sashimi… even edible…?)
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Kazuki: *chew chew* Just like I remembered! The food at this place is amazing!
Taiga: ………… *chomp*
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 It… it IS!
Yu: Ack…. (Rainbow-colored steamed fish paste… !?) *slide*
Kouji: Oh? How odd. I thought I already ate the fish paste.
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Yu: Hey, Kouji! If you don’t learn to clean your plate like me you’ll never grow big and strong!
Kouji: …..Oh, is that how it is. In that case I’ll let you have my serving too.
Kazuki: What great food! I’m stuffed! Oh yeah, this place has table tennis, right?
Hiro: You’re full of energy tonight. Okay then, I’ll take you on. Shall we have a tournament?
Kouji: What are you going to give me when I win?
Hiro: Oh what’s this? The genius songwriter Kouji Mihama thinks he’s already won.
Kouji: But you were thinking the same way weren’t you?
Kazuki: Ahaha. You guys never change. What about all of you? Will you join is too?
Taiga: I’m in!!
Leo: I… I’d like to join.
Yu: I’ve only just finished eating so I’ll hang out here to digest.
Hiro: I guess you just have no confidence in winning, then? If you’re scared of the competition you should just say so.
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Yu: WHA……!
Hiro: Well, the appeal of playing table tennis in yukatas after a bath is better understood by adults, isn’t it? I guess you’re a little young…
Yu: Huh… !? Hmph. Well if you really insist on losing to me that badly, I’ll grant your wish. Just don’t cry about it later.
Hiro: Ehehe, you think you can beat me?
Kouji: Hiro, you’re such a kid.
Kazuki: Look who’s talking.
Minato: I’d like to spend a bit more time researching these recipes.
Kakeru: And I think I’d like to just relax after eating such a big meal. So I’ll see you guys later!
Yukinojo: *chew, chew*
Shin: *chew, chew*
Kouji: Shin and Yukinojo are still eating. I think we’ll be fine with six members for table tennis.
(And so the group relocated to the game room.)
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Kazuki: …Hm? They only have one table for table tennis.
Hiro: What should we do? We could make a bracket and play one-on-one.
Kouji: But if we do that then a lot of us will be sitting around waiting… So how about we play 2 on 2 doubles, and the other two can referee?
Kazuki: I agree. Let’s do that.
Kouji: Okay, I think we’re ready then. I’ll explain the rules just in case… Usually you just lob the ball back and forth to each other. But hot springs table tennis is different…
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Yu: …Oh? (What have I gotten myself into.)  
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Kouji: At the perfect opening, when your very fiber of being screams “NOW!” you must seize the moment to return the ping-pong ball… The bond between you and your partner will be the one thing that decides your fate. 
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Kazuki: That was a “rule”?
Yu: In the end, we’re still just hitting the ball back and forth though aren’t we?
Hiro: I guess so. Well it’s not like this is an official tournament or anything. We might as well play along.
Kouji: Well then. I’ll be everyone’s cheerleader.
Yu: Uh, could you not.
Kazuki: Ah, well then, I think I’ll cheer along with Kouji. Okay, Taiga! Show ‘em what you got!
Taiga: Alright!!
Kouji: Let’s make teams with rock/paper. 3, 2, 1….
Kazuki: Oh ho. These teams sure are interesting…
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Yu: Ugh. Whaaat. I’m stuck with Hiro…. ?
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Hiro: I guess you’re probably not ready to defeat me anyway.
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Leo: And I’m with you, Taiga-kun. Okay! Let’s do this!
Taiga: You’re goin’ down!
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Kouji: Okay, let’s get started. Game on!
Yu: Take this! You bow to the name of Zeus!
Hiro: Ah! Yu, don’t take your eyes off the court!
Yu: I don’t need your help!
Leo: (Okay, next turn I’ll..)
Taiga: Ah!
Leo: Eek!
Yu: Hiro!
Hiro: I got this!
Taiga & Leo: …..!!
Kouji: The Hiro/Yu Team are the winners!
Hiro: Thanks! It was all because of you, Yu! (…Yu might actually be a good partner for the duo tournament.)
Yu: Heheh! Yeah you better be grateful! (Being on a team with Hiro was a lot easier than I thought…?)
Kouji: …Heheh. It seems like the two of you may have discovered something new.
Kazuki: Taiga, Leo, don’t sweat it!
Taiga: …….
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Leo: I’m really sorry, Taiga-kun. I…
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Taiga: It’s not your fault.
(Meanwhile, the boys who chose to remain in the banquet room made an interesting discovery of their own…)
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Shin: Hmm? Kakeru-san, what’s this thing?
Kakeru: Oh hoooh! I have had quite the experience with these ♪
Shin: Huh….!?
Kakeru: And this song lineup is giving me goosebumps!
Shin: Songs…? Could it be this is a karaoke machine?
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Kakeru: YES! How nostalgic. This really is a hot springs hotel vacation.
Minato: Oh, oh. And here are the mics.
Kakeru: Thank you Minatocchi! Well, that settles it. We’re having a karaoke tournament!
Yukinojo: Karaoke tournament?
Kakeru: Yes yes. For this tournament the winner is whoever has the most fun! First up I think I’ll sing a duet with Yuki-chan! ♪ Shall I choose the song?
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Yukinojo: Sure. I’ll leave it to you.
(And so began the impromptu karaoke tournament….)
Yukinojo: Yes, for your love~♪ I’d climb a distant mountain~♪
Kakeru: Yes, for your love~♪ I’d cross the deepest sea~♪
Kakeru & Yukinojo: Now… Fate will bind us… ♪
Shin: Wow… Yukinojo-san and Kakeru-san are really good at this!!
Minato: 100%! They got a perfect score!! Kazuo has a real knack for karaoke.
Kakeru: Ahaha. I spend a lot of time around older men.
Yukinojo: I have had similar experiences. I’ve been exposed to a lot of enka music.
Shin: I want to hear more!! Sing me your favorites!!
Yukinojo: Oh, really? In the case I’ll pick the next one.
Kakeru: Okay♪ We’ll keep on romancing the crowd.
Yukinojo & Kakeru: ~~~~♪
Minato: Their duet is really in sync. It really warms the heart… It’s almost like I can see the ol’ homeland floating before my eyes….
Shin: Minato-san?
Minato: Zzz….
Shin: ….He fell asleep sitting up. (Ah. I think I’ll take a bathroom break…)
(Shin leaves.)
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Shin: What a nice night. I think I’ll go for a walk before I head back.
A duo tournament huh? I wonder who I should enter with.
“Shooting”? In a place like this?
Hm. The last time I tried shooting was…
???: Good evening.
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Shin: Yeah it is such a nice eve–W-WOAH Louis?! What are you doing here?!
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Louis: Hi. I had a Schwarz Rose job nearby.
Shin: Oh, I see! Did you come by yourself?
Louis: No. Well I am alone now, but.
Shin: I see….? (He had a Schwarz Rose job… I wonder if Alexander-kun came to do the same job?)
Louis: Shin, you look really good in your yukata.
Shin: Huh–really? Thank you! You look really nice too, Louis!
Louis: Ehehe. I’m so happy.
Shin: Oh yeah, Louis! Let’s try shooting together!
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Louis: Huh?
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Shin: I’m sure it will be super fun!!
Louis: ….Sure.
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Hehe, I feel like I’m burning up.
Shin: Oh?! What’s wrong? Are you getting sick?!
Louis: The opposite. Having you here with me, I’ve never felt better. Thank you.
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Shin: I don’t really know what you mean but…. You’re welcome?
Louis: Hehe. Well, will you teach me how to shoot?
Shin: Ah! Sure! Let’s go then! (I’m from Edel Rose and Louis is from Schwartz Rose.) 
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(But… If only I could do a duo show with Louis, I think it would be really fun.)
(While everyone else was enjoying the hot spring hotel…)
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Leo: …..*sigh* A street-style tournament huh… And a duo tournament… I can’t enter by myself… (In the table tennis match Taiga-kun and I weren’t in sync at all… and never mind that, it’s a street-style tournament. For someone lacking in manliness like me it would be impossible…) 
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(But what does manliness even mean to me anyway–)
Leo: Huh? Where am I… 
(I was so lost in thought I just kept walking without paying attention to where I was going.)
…I ought to get back before I make everyone worry.
Leo: That voice… Yamato-san? (He’s still here training!? Could it be he’s been here all this time…?) He’s got a firm goal in mind, and he’s working so hard for that goal he believes in… 
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Yamato-san is so masculine and cool. 
I’m nothing compared to him, I… I wouldn’t even be worthy of kissing his feet…. *sniff*
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Alexander: ………..What!? Dammit…..! 
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Leo: Huh?
Leo: Huh? Huh? Did he just fall into the waterfall basin… 
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AH! There’s no time to waste! I have to go and save Yamato-san!!
Leo: *gasp* *panting* Heave….. HO!!!
Alexander: ….Ug……
Leo: Phew… Somehow I got him out. 
Is he still breathing…? Okay, he’s good. But his eyes aren’t open yet. 
Yamato-san! Yamato-san, stay with me! Yamato-san!!
Alexander: …Ugh… W… Where am I….?
Leo: Ah! Yamato-san!! Can you see me!?
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Alexander: Huh….? You’re one of those… Edel Rose…..
Everyone: Leo! / Saionji! / Leo-kun!!! / Chan-Leo!!!
Leo: Everyone! What are you doing out here…?
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Yu: That’s our line.
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Yukinojo: We’re out here looking for you because we were worried sick about you, of course!
Leo: *gasp* Yuki-sama….
Kakeru: We heard from the delinquent that you seemed down after the table tennis tournament.
Leo: From Taiga-kun?
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Taiga: …..Sorry…. about what happened… at the table tennis tournament….
Leo: No, I’m the one who should apologize!
Minato: Well anyway, we’re all just so glad you’re safe.
Shin: We’re so glad!!
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Leo: Everyone…
Kouji: By the way, why are the two of you soaking wet?
Leo: Ah! Oh yeah Yamato-san! It was crazy! He fell from the waterfall and–
Hiro: What?! He did?!
Kazuki: …..Wait. Leo, does that mean you–
Leo: Hm?
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Anyway I’m just glad Yamato-san is OK now!
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Kazuki: (Leo carried Alec through that rough current… by himself?!) 
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Haha! Leo, you’re amazing!
Everyone: (….! Leo really saved Alexander all by himself!! Wow!!)
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Alexander: ….Uuh… that laughing voice….. 
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Leo: No, Yamato-san! You need to get some rest!
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Hiro: …… Hehe. I guess nobody can compare to the true Leo. (Things are sure gonna get interesting in the street-style duo tournament…)
(One morning a few days later)
Everyone: Let’s eat! *chew, chew, chew*
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Kakeru: Oh ho? Chan-Leo you seem to be in high spirits today.
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Leo: Eheh. For the first time in a long time I had a full night’s worth of deep sleep! And thanks to the hot springs, my skin is tight, most, and smooth! ♡ (I got myself all worked up over a lot of things along the way, but...) 
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I am gonna be me, the way I am! That’s the best thing to be!
Taiga: (That jerk Alec… He pushed himself to his absolute limit…) I have to train even more!
Kazuki: Taiga, you’re on fire! I won’t lose either!
Hiro: The duo tournament, huh….
Kouji: Hiro?
Yu: Oh what’s this, are you gonna participate after all? Don’t worry, I’ll let you lose gracefully when the time comes.
Hiro: I’m sure you would. But I’m the definitive idol, so…
Yu: Ugh, that again?
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Hiro: (….If I do participate, it would have to be as the true me.)
Continue to Road to SSS 3 Main Story
18 notes · View notes
prism-rush · 5 years
Prism Rush Main Story Epilogue
The Road to KING
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s Notes: It’s.... DONE!!!!!!! It’s been over a year since I started this project and it’s finally done! I can finally talk about how Louis’ last line about Jin in this chapter HAS BEEN HAUNTING ME FOR WELL OVER A GODDAMN YEAR! It’s interesting to read all this nowadays that we know exactly what happens in the Prism King Cup. Although Prism Rush did come out after Pride the Hero, I think it’s possible this story could have been written before or during its production. 
Oh and yeah I’m not entirely sure who “John” is, and if he’s just Kouji’s roommate or someone from the crowd we see with him in the movie or what. (Nor why they seem to live on the beach.) But I can’t help but wonder if the song he’s writing here is what ends up being Rainbow Crown... 
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Kouji: ..What king of melody should I use here....
John: Huh? Kouji, you’re songwriting again?
Kouji: Yeah. I just need to work on this one thing... 
John: Could it be, yet another rewrite from the director? Good grief... he’s got talent but he’s so fickle it drives everyone nuts. 
Kouji: Eheh. I do agree he can be fickle...  But that’s not the reason this time.
John: What?! So you’re just songwriting for fun? 
Kouji: No, that’s not exactly it either... 
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It’s like there’s a fountain of radiance in my heart that bubbles to the surface... and I just want to take that radiance, turn it into music, and bring it into the world... That’s what I can do for everyone. Or at least I want to think that way.
John: Wonderful! You’re really an artist to the bone! 
Kouji: Ahah. Says you. 
John: It’s not just me! I heard you’re flooded with offers from all sorts of studios! 
Kouji: ......
John: What are you planning to do when you finish this project? Are you going back to Japan?
Kouji: ....I wonder what I’ll do..... I haven’t decided anything yet. But... I think I’ll just believe in the music from my heart... in the radiance... 
John: So you’re just going to go wherever the radiance guides you?
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Kouji: Yep. 
(Back in Japan)
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Hiro: I see... So Kouji’s stopped contacting you... 
Hijiri: Yes. The great Kouji Mihama is causing quite a storm in Hollywood. It seem’s he’s being flooded with offers. 
Shin: Amazing!! That’s our Kouji-san!
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Hiro: .......
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Hijiri: Hiro... I’m sorry for causing you such pain... It’s all my fault.... 
Hiro: No, that’s not it!! Superintendent Himuro! Chin up!
Hijiri: But... in such a time when the Prism King Cup is growing ever closer.... 
Hiro: I’ll be fine!! I’m a prism star, after all! Someone who delivers radiance to everyone at any time!  That’s who I... want to be....
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It’s the hero I have always wanted to become! 
Shin: Hiro-san is... so bright! Wow... So this is the radiance of a star.... 
Hijiri: But... Kouji’s and your song “pride”.... You won’t be able to use that song in the Prism King Cup.
Hiro: ....Ack!
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Shin: I see... Because of Schwartz Rose, Louis got that song so.... 
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Hiro: Hey now, hey now! Stop looking so glum! Smile! 
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Shin: Aahaa! Stop tickling me! 
Hiro: Do you need to be ticked too,  Superintendent Himuro?
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Hijiri: No, I... think I’ll pass. But.. perhaps I have been getting a few more wrinkles in my brow than I need lately.... 
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Hiro: Everything is going to be alright. The bond between Koiji and I will never... never disappear. The bond between the three of us in Over the Rainbow... It still lives inside my heart!! 
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Well, I’m off!
Shin: Hiro-san... I’m so glad to see him so being so positive! 
Hijiri: I’m not so sure about that.... 
Shin: Huh?! 
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Hijiri: The more Hiro is suffering... the more he just tries to hide it by putting on a show for everyone else so they don’t worry... I wonder if he can really be a competitor at the Prism King Cup if he just keeps putting this cheerful mask over his true feelings.... 
Shin: Hiro-san... 
Hijiri: And the same goes for you, Ichijo. 
Shin: Huh?! M... Me?! I’m not hiding anything!! 
Hijiri: Exactly. 
Shin: Huh...? 
Hijiri: Only a certain number of entrants can participate in the Prism King Cup. You won’t be able to participate with all of your friends... 
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Shin: ....Yeah..... 
Hijiri: Even so... You have to give your best possible performance at the Prism King Cup... Can you become a prism star, Shin Ichijo?!
Shin: I.... I.... 
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Hijiri: You don’t have to answer right away. But time is running thin... 
Shin: .... Got it! 
(At Schwartz Rose)
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Jin: Ahahah!!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!! All of you want to be in the Prism King Cup, don’t you?! Then get up! The first one to fall to their knees is OUT! Dance!! 
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Smile until you collapse and then keep on dancing! That’s being a star! AHAHAHAAHAH!!
Louis: ....... 
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I will join the audition as well. 
Jin: Louis? What are you saying.... 
Louis: But everyone is in such pain... They are doing all of that just for a chance to be king... 
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Jin: LOUIS!!! You don’t need to concern yourself with those insects down there! You are... a heavenly work of art!
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Louis: .......
Jin: You don’t need to think about anything. All you need to do is keep smiling and stay by my side...
Louis: .......
Jin: CAN’T YOU SEE.... HIJIRI! The Prism King crown is in my, in Schwartz Rose’s hands!! 
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Louis: ....Why do you have to fight....  
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Even though the prism radiance is all around you.... 
Shin: ............ 
Only a certain number of us can enter the Prism King Cup....
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All of us from Edel Rose can’t all enter together.... That’s the way it is.... Minato-san, Yukinojo-san, Taiga-kun, Kakeru-san, Leo-kun, Yu-kun.... !!  But we’re all in this together!! That’s the way... that’s the way it is but... aaahhh I can’t stand it....
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Shin Ichijo! What are you going to do!! 
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Hiro: It looks like you have something on your mind, eh?
Shin: Huh?! Hiro-san?! And Kazuki-san, what are you doing here.... And how did you know?!
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Kazuki: Um well.... you were talking to yourself pretty loudly... We could hear you....
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Shin: O... Oh! Oops... 
Hiro: Everything will be OK, Shin. Calm down!!
Shin: Huh...?
Kazuki: It’s not all fun and games. You will get frustrated, and you’ll want to cry but...
Hiro: Your friends will always be there. 
Kazuki: They will understand. 
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Hiro: After all... that’s what friends are for!
Shin: That’s what friends... are for! 
Kazuki: No matter who wins the right to enter the tournament, you guys have been through so much together. It will be fine! 
Hiro: Rivals are the best of friends! Trust in the times you have spent together! 
Shin: Hiro-san... Kazuki-san.... OK!! All of a sudden I feel a lot better!
Kazuki: Don’t sweat the small stuff and just aim for the Prism King Cup! You’ll do great!!
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Shin: Huh?! M.. Me?! In the Prism King Cup?! But only a limited number of members can participate.... Oh I see... I guess I do have a chance.... But... Well... No.. Yeah!! It’s hard to even imagine it... 
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But for everyone who’s counting on me... Shin Ichijo! Here I go!
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Kazuki: ...That guy. He’s not even worried about whether he himself will get to be in the tournament or not...  What a guy! He’s really an oddball!  
Hiro: He really is. But I feel like whenever I see his smile it brightens my day. 
Kazuki: Hiro, what are you planning to do? If you can’t use ”pride”... 
Hiro: Even if I can’t I... I’ll still be in the Prism King Cup. 
Kazuki: ....You will...?
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Hiro: And I think this will be the final Prism King Cup for me.... 
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Kazuki: Hiro...!?!?
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Hiro: I’m looking forward to it....! 
To be continued in.... KING OF PRISM PRIDE THE HERO! (The movie.)
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prism-rush · 5 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 7 Chapter 1
Your Dreams and Mine #1
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s Notes: This is... the last episode!! Just three more chapters and the epilogue left after this! The boys wrap up their Japanese New Year with a traditional shrine visit and feast.  Also boys will be boys. I’m posting this a couple weeks into the New Year, but still relevant enough I think. I couldn’t find that poem Yukinojo was referencing, but I didn’t look too hard for it either I guess. (There is a screenshot for if anyone knows it.) Also if you’re planning to ask me a question about that Jin scene, know that I have several questions as well...
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Shin: Our first shrine visit of the new year... Umm... how does it go again?
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Yukinojo: This is a Shinto shrine, so bow twice, clap twice, and bow once. 
Leo: That’s our Yuki-sama! You sure know a lot. 
Taiga: Does praying at a shrine actually do anything...?
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Kakeru: Hey! If you go saying something blasphemous like that you’ll end up stepping in gum with a brand new pair of shoes for sure! 
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 Taiga: Wha?! Where did that even come from... Well, I guess I’ll offer a prayer just in case... 
Minato: Heheh. Your true colors shine through. 
Taiga: S... Shut up!!
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Shin: ................!!
Yu: ....Hey. Shin. 
Shin: *mumbling*
Yu: HEY!! It’s been like 5 minutes already?! Some of us ain’t got all day!
Hijiri: There’s a line of people behind us, so we should be getting on our way... 
Shin: Huh?! Ah, s-sorry! I just had... a lot of things I wanted to wish for... 
Leo: Shin-kun, what did you wish for?
Shin: I wished that I could get better and better at performing prism shows!
Taiga: Well that’s straightforward.
Minato: But I think everyone else here has that same wish too, right?
Kakeru: Well... yeah. 
Leo: Me too! 
Yu: But that can’t be all with all that sweet time you took. 
Shin: Oh yeah and I wished for the safety of the Edel Rose building, I wished none of us would be involved in a traffic accident, I wished for business prosperity... 
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That Superintendent Himuro’s stomachache would get better, that Yamada-san’s toothache would get better, that Yu-kun could have a growth spurt... 
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Yu: Nobody asked you to wish for that!! 
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Hijiri: Oh my... I didn’t realize you were even worried about such things... Sorry for troubling you.... 
Shin: It’s really no problem! But... am I the only one who is going to share their wish....? What did you guys wish for?
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Leo: I wished for my very own six pack! I’m a bit jealous of those... 
Yu: Leo wished to become like Alexander...?! Now that’s one wish that doesn’t need to come true! 
Leo: Yuki-sama, what did you wish for?
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Yukinojo: A small boat... to weather the treacherous seas... With one thread of light... We can still go on....
Shin: Umm umm.... W... What....?
Yukinojo: It’s a traditional verse that means: The road ahead of us may be rough, but please show us the way. 
Leo: Wow! How elegant!!
Taiga: I have no idea what just happened... 
Kakeru: What did you wish for, Minatocchi?
Minato: I wished for big ripe tomatoes in the garden this summer too.
Taiga: Are you a housewife?!
Kakeru: I wished our company sales would reach 200% of last year’s!
Taiga: Too real!! 
Kakeru: You probably wished to surpass Kazuki-san at something, didn’t you Taiga-kyun?
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Taiga: H... How did you know?!
Kakeru: You can’t keep anything from me! What about you, lil’ bro?
Yu: I... didn’t wish for anything. 
Shin: Huh, but why?! It’s our first shrine visit of the year....
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Yu: Why, you ask... because I am the all knowing, all powerful Zeus!! I don’t need any wishes granted for me! 
Taiga: Excuse me...? 
Kakeru: Maybe I should have used my wish to wish lil’ bro would stop living in a dream world.... 
Yu: WHAT?! What did you just say...! 
Minato: Settle down now. No fighting or else there will be no rice cakes in your soup. 
Taiga: How... could you... 
Yu: You can’t... 
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Minato: Well then, last one back to the dorm is a rotten egg! And the winner gets two rice cakes! 
Yu: WHAT! 
Minato: Ready... GO!!
Taiga: This is stupid... 
Minato: If you don’t hurry up everyone else will eat all the sweet chestnuts! 
Taiga: Hey!! No fair!! 
Shin: Wait up, everyone!! 
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Hijiri: Heheh. They look like they’re having so much fun. As long as they keep shining so brightly, surely my wish will come true as well. 
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My wish that the prism radiance will fill everyone’s hearts.... 
(Back at Edel Rose)
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Yu: Minato’s soup really is the best! 
Leo: And lucky you with your two rice cakes, Yu-kun! 
Yu: It’s my prize for winning the race! So they’re all mine! Ack! .... It’s stuck in my throat...! 
Minato: It’s because you’re eating too fast. Here, have some water.
Yu: That was close... 
Shin: All of this New Year’s meal is delicious! 
Minato: It was made from Kouji-san’s original recipe which he passed down to me! In addition to the traditional fare, it also includes some western flavor to spice things up. 
Leo: This roast beef is so good! 
Kakeru: And the seaweed roll as well... 
Minato: But you know, it’s been a long time since we all sat down for a nice meal like this. 
Taiga: Yeah I know. Even during the New Year holiday we were busy with the countdown concert. 
Leo: All the prep and practice made me dizzy... 
Shin: Yeah, but... it was all so fun!! 
Minato: Yes, it was. 
Shin: I was so nervous about singing my solo song. Up until I got on stage that is... 
Kakeru: We all rocked it, didn’t we?
Leo: The audience responded to our calls too!
Taiga: And I think I saw some of them dancing along... 
Shin: It’s all because Yu-kun wrote us such great songs...
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Yu: But the one who really worked the hardest was.... you, Shin. Wasn’t it?
Shin: Huh?
Minato: When we had that blackout due to technical difficulties and nobody knew what to do, you were the one who never gave up.
Shin: Minato-san... 
Yukinojo: It was because you encouraged all of us that we were all able to land a jump together. 
Kakeru: If we have nothing to light our way, we can become the light.... I would have never thought to say something like that. 
Leo: It’s really because of Shin-kun that our concert was a success. 
Minato: Thank you, Ichijo. 
Shin: Y.. You guys... 
Yukinojo: But we don’t have much time to revel in the past. We still have a long road ahead of us. We’ve got to focus on what is on our horizon... 
Shin: Yeah... Our next goal is....! 
(At Schwartz Rose)
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Jin: A new year begins... It feels so divine. Don’t you think so, Louis?
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Louis: ....What are you working on?
Jin: Ah, this is called a “kakizome”. It’s for defining your goals at the beginning of the year using calligraphy. The boiling passion which has been sleeping inside of me will awaken.... NOW!!  
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Flow from my body and into this calligraphy brush!!! HYAAAAAH! 
Louis: That... That says....
Jin: “BEGONE EVIL SPIRIT”!! I am... FILLED WITH RAGE!! Against all who oppose me... HIJIRI! You are the evil spirit!! 
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I will erase you from this world.... Louis! Bring me the purifying salt! Quickly!
Next Chapter.
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prism-rush · 5 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 7 Chapter 3
Your Dreams and Mine #3
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s notes: Minato calls Kakeru “Juuouin” in this one and I can’t remember another time when that has happened. Yeah he usually calls the other Edel Rose boys by their last names, but Kakeru has always been the special one that he calls by his first name... Kazuo! I think there are two interpretations: Either he calls him Juuouin during certain serious discussions. OR... the person who wrote the past few chapters isn’t someone who pays enough attention to how Minato refers to other characters ahaha. I think the latter is more likely actually since there have been several slip-ups lately. But to be fair there were even similar slip ups in the original Pride the Hero script and I’m not exactly innocent myself. (Sometimes I have to insert names into dialogue when there aren’t any in the Japanese, and then two days later I’ll realize I used the wrong one like...shit hahah.) Sorry, anyway...
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Hiro: Kazuki! How many rice cakes do you want?
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Kazuki: Hm... I think today I’ll go for five!
Hiro: FIVE?! You’ve really got to watch your carbs!
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Keeping in shape is an important part of being a prism star, you know. You’ll take three.
Kazuki: Hey, come on now....
Hiro: Here you go! Hiro Hayami’s special New Year’s soup is complete!
Kazuki: Wow! It looks delicious! I’m diggin’ in... Hm?
Hiro: Something seems kinda... off... doesn’t it?
Kazuki: It seems really thin... like it’s missing something... Did you forget the soup stock?
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Hiro: Soup stock?? You need to put... stock in it?
Kazuki: You didn’t put any soup stock in it? Well that’s why it tastes like nothing! Aah.... I miss Kouji’s  special New Year soup.....
Hiro: Well, excuse me! I’ve never made it before.... And besides, your rolled omelettes weren’t even rolled!
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Kazuki: But it tastes the same either way, doesn’t it?
Hiro: I guess we’re both failures at New Year’s cooking....
Kazuki: Kouji’s New Year meal was so luxurious... But well, as long as the two of us still get to spend time together, it still feels like a New Year holiday.
Hiro: You’re right. We won’t have time like this again for a while....
Kazuki: Yeah.... This is probably our last day off before the Prism King Cup.
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Hiro: From now on, you and I are going to be rivals Kazuki.
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Kazuki. Yep. So let’s just enjoy this last day as friends.
Hiro: Yeah!
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Leo: Ahhh... I bought so many nice things... Yu-kun, thanks for carrying everything for me!
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Yu: So... heavy. I think my arms are gonna fall off.
Leo: Aahhh I’m sorry! I’ll help y--
Yu: Oh no you don’t! Whenever I let you carry things, everyone gives me the stink eye because it looks like I’m making a girl carry stuff....
Leo: Tha... that’s awful! I’m obviously a boy!
Yu: But anyway, why did you need to buy so much cloth?
Leo: Well, I wanted it to keep it a secret... but I guess I can tell you.
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I’ve decided... I want to make outfits for the Prism King Cup!
Yu: Outfits for the Prism King Cup.... But we won’t even know who’s gonna be able to compete in it until right before it happens!
Leo: Exactly. That’s why I need to make outfits for everyone!
Yu: What?! Why would go so far....
Leo: Because you are all my important friends... I want to do everything I can for you guys! I know all about what colors you guys look best in, who looks better casual, who looks better formal. Everything!
Yu: Leo....
Leo: Making the best possible clothing for everyone to look their best is exactly what I can do to best contribute to Edel Rose....! Even if I don’t get to be in the Prism King Cup, I still want to do my best for everyone!
Yu: Leo... you’re always saying you wish you could be more manly. But your will is so strong, and that’s where your strength lies.
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I think you’re a pretty cool dude.
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Leo: ....! Thank you so much!
(Kakeru’s room)
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Minato: Coming in!
Kakeru: Hey hey, Minatocchi! You can’t just barge in unannounced!
Minato: Sorry, sorry. I didn’t have a free hand to knock. You’ve been holed up in here for a long time so I brought you a snack.
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Kakeru: Well, that was nice of you. Ooh, rice balls with salty seaweed!
Minato: It’s hard to get in here so I’ll just leave them here. Oops! Sorry, I knocked over a book...
Kakeru: Sorry, I just kinda piled them up wherever....
Minato: “Secrets of Marketing”, ”Show Business That Draws a Crowd” ... Could it be you’re studying for the Prism King Cup?
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Kakeru: Not really.. Uh.. Well... Yeah.... It’s not such a big deal....
Minato: Well I think that’s great...
Kakeru; Huh?
Minato: You’re working hard behind the scenes, building knowledge, and preparing to fight with intellect. You’re going toe-to-toe at an adult level, but nothing is stopping you... With your brain fighting for us we’ll surely succeed.
Kakeru; I...
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Minato: Meanwhile, all I can do to help is just make rice balls...
Kakeru; That’s not true!!
Minato: Huh?
Kakeru: It may be true that I have some things that you don’t. But!
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Minatocchi, you have this warmth and broad-mindedness that I just don’t have... You’re always just so kind to everyone, and... I don’t think it’s that all that easy.
Minato: Juuouin....
Kakeru: In fact, I think it’s because we both have qualities the other is lacking that we are going to be able to accomplish big things. Right?
Minato: ...Yeah, you’re right.
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Kakeru: ....Or something like that!! Just messing around haha!
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Minato: ...Thank you. I think I got what you meant.
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Yukinojo: Taiga, I have a favor to ask...
Taiga: Huh? Tachibana-senpai, what is it?
Yukinojo: Could you take me to Alexander Yamato?
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Taiga: Wha....?! Why....?!
Yukinojo: I think I would like to train with him before the Prism King Cup.
Taiga: That’s crazy....!
Yukinojo: Crazy...? What do you mean?  The Prism King Cup is the tournament to determine the top prism star.  
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I think you have to be willing to take some crazy risks on your life in order to reach that peak.
Taiga: ...Got it. I may have some idea where to find him.
(On the street)
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Taiga: I think he should be around here somewhere... But I guess even he takes a break from practice on New Year’s....
Yukinojo: It seems that way. It’s too bad we couldn’t run into him. Brr... All of a sudden the wind just got quite strong..
Taiga: You’re right. It wasn’t like just this a moment ago... AAHH!!!
Yukinojo: Taiga, what’s wrong?
Taiga: Look closer... over there... He’s so fast you can barely see him but... Alexander is over there doing a head spin at mach speed rotation!
Yukinojo: Wha.. WHAT?!
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Alexander: HAHAHAH! So you finally noticed, huh?
Taiga: So you were creating all that strong wind...!
Yukinojo: By spinning too fast to be seen by the naked eye..!
Alexander: I’m not letting the title of ”King” go to some lazy losers who sit around gobbling down rice cakes on New Year’s!
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Yukinojo: Alexander! I would like to challenge you again...!
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Alexander: Don’t be silly! I would be a waste of my time! HUAAAAAH!
Taiga: Woah!! A tornado?!
Yukinojo: It’s a hurricane! Taiga, take cover!
Taiga: .... It died down...? Alexander is....?!
Yukinojo: He’s gone...
Taiga: How did he...
Yukinojo: ...I guess maybe I underestimated him a little.
Taiga: Yeah. The Prism King Cup is going to be something ridiculous....!
Yukinojo: We have to be fully prepared.
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Taiga: I’m gonna crush him, you’ll see...!
(By the river)
Shin: This was where I first met Louis... and learned about prism shows.
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And now...!
Next Chapter.
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prism-rush · 6 years
Prism Rush Main Story Episode 2 Chapter 3
Beyond the Rainbow!! -sparkling acceleration to spring-
Episode 2: Our Love is DRAMATIC ♥ #3
First Previous Chapter
Translator’s notes: OH boy I have a lot to say about this one please bear with me. The first half of this chapter is nearly identical to the plot of the bonus animated drama which came as a DVD extra for the first movie. They both have Yu (after much difficulty) writing the melody for Dramatic Love and then everyone coming up with the lyrics in the bath, so it’s safe to assume that’s canon haha. They both even have that weird part with Taiga and the apple! Taiga is from Aomori prefecture, which is famous for apples. Apples are also associated with Hiro, and although I don’t think Taiga has anything against Hiro specifically, Hiro does represent the exact kind of flashy, girl pleasing type of Prism Show Taiga can’t stand. There is a joke in there somewhere!! But it’s not quite fleshed out, so maybe that’s why it’s never been brought up again. 
By translating this chapter I was also tricked into translating some of the lyrics to Dramatic Love, which is something I have both always wanted to do but have also always dreaded. I just don’t think I can do the song justice… at all. I didn’t even have to think about it though because I just straight away wrote down the translation that has always been in my head for over two years. And yet!! Still!!! AHHH!!! 
Yu’s line about “red string” references the Japanese idea that soul mates are connected by red string. The significance of him singing that line has to do with the fact that both Ito and Kouji have Prism Jumps using red string. Also, for those of you who may not have known, the Japanese word for string is… “ito.”
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Yukinojo: Yu’s been in that same pose for hours…. is he OK?
Leo: Hello-hello! Is anyone home… huh?! He’s sleeping with his eyes open?!
Taiga: *yawn* Is dinner ready yet?
Yu: Shut up shut up shut up!! If you guys have this much free time, how about you stop standing around and help me?!
Shin: Well, I’m sure we’d all like to, but what exactly is there for us to do?
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Yu: Hmm… let’s see. I know! You guys can write the lyrics! I have already finalized the melody, so I can leave the rest up you!
Yukinojo: What a good idea.
Kakeru: Yeah! That’s not bad at all!
Minato: I agree!
Shin: Oh, this will be neat!
Leo: Can we hear the song?
Yu: I’ll play it on piano… hold on a sec.
(Dramatic Love instrumental plays.)
It goes something like this. 
Kakeru: Wow, you really did it!
Shin: It’s great! But that reminds me, I’m pretty bad at writing stuff.
Minato: What kind of lyrics should we write?
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Leo: Eheh! Ahem. I think we should focus on writing a song that will make girls’ hearts throb!
Kakeru: That’s it, chan-Leo! Nice idea!
Taiga: …I’ll pass, I’m out of here. 
Minato: If you don’t listen, I’m going to get an apple…. 
Shin: What are you talking about?
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Minato: Kougami hates the sound of biting through the skin of an apple. Like… thiiiiiis. 
Taiga: C… CUT IT OUT….! O…okay I’ll help with the stupid song! Uhhh I mean, I’d be delighted to help! Just put down the apple! 
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Minato: Thank you. Good boy. 
Yukinojo: Okay then it’s settled! We’ll all work together to make a heart-pounding love song!
Shin: Yeah! 
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Shin: Ahhh… the water’s nice. Wait a minute, why are we all taking a bath again?
Yukinojo: When one has trouble brainstorming ideas sometimes it’s best to relax for a bit in order to get the creative juices flowing. 
Yu: Is that why you guys are here?! To avoid work?!
Shin: Yu… you’re here with us too… 
Yukinojo: A love song… 
Leo: How should we write the lyrics…. 
Minato: I get ideas so quickly when writing a recipe, but this… 
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Yu: Shin! Do something!
Shin: Umm… I’d like to… but…. 
Yukinojo: How about we each take turns thinking of glowing phrases. 
Kakeru: Oh! Let’s try! 
Leo: Good idea! 
Shin: Let’s do it!
Yu: …..Fine. 
Minato: And you agree too, right Kougami?
Taiga: Yeah yeah, I got it. 
Yukinojo: Okay. Shin, you go first. 
Shin: What! Why me?! …Well…. From the first day I learned about Prism Shows… Just thinking about when I first met Louis, and how he and everything around him looked at that moment…. surrounded by fireflies glittering in rainbow colors… It was so beautiful…. “When I see something beautiful, I want to meet you…”
Kakeru: Ohh! Amazing, amazing! Shin-chawan you’re something all right! 
Yukinojo: I’ll go next. …. “When I am next to you, the scenery shines 100 times brighter!”
Leo: That sounds like just your style, Yuki-sama. That was wonderful! 
Kakeru: My turn! “If there ever comes a day when we are apart… 
Minato: “… You don’t need to worry.” 
Yu: I’ll take it from here. “I’ll travel by our red string to find you.”
Minato: Kougami, we’re all looking at you. 
Taiga: …….. “We’llconnectbytelepathy..”
Kakeru: Taiga-kyun! I didn’t know such lovely words could come out of that mouth! 
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Taiga: S… shut up! 
Leo: Okay, I’ll go. “I hope we can meet with just the two of us in a dream.”
Shin: Wow! That’s great! This is so great! Okay, here I go. “On your smiling face…”
Yu: “I can find all the PRISM of the world!” Now, I’ve got the chorus 
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“You are the wind who takes my breath away. Going….”  Now, everyone together! Ready… go! 
(At Hijiri’s office)
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Hijiri: It looks like everyone’s making great progress on preparing for the Christmas show. 
Shin: Yeah! We all worked together to create lyrics for the song Yu-kun wrote! 
Yu: All I have to do is finish the arrangement. 
Hijiri: I see. Well, let’s work on the other stuff. Shin, could you help me scout a good venue? 
Shin: Okay! 
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Taiga: I’ll start thinking of the dance moves to go with Yu’s song. I don’t want us to be just standing there singing like dorks. 
Leo: Okay, then I’ll work on our outfits. We could have something like matching suits, with different colored corsages… Oooh! I’m getting so excited just thinking about it! 
Shin: You’re going to make us outfits, Leo-kun? I’ll really look forward to seeing them!
Yukinojo: I’ll take care of the atmosphere. You can’t call it a performance if the audience is not engaged. Using elements from kabuki theater, I’ll think of different ways to dress up the visuals so the audience can be truly enthralled. 
Kakeru: Well then, I’ll handle the publicity. I’ll make a PR video of everyone and upload it to the internet. How’s about that? 
Leo: A PR video! That sounds so cool! 
Kakeru: Minatocchi, what are you going to do?
Minato: I… 
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Yu: I won’t be eating or drinking anything until I finish arranging the song. So could you make me dinner for later?
Minato: ….. Of course, of course. I’ll have a nice, hot dinner waiting for you.
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Kakeru: … Minatocchi…? 
(In the dining room/kitchen)
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Minato: Well, the stew is simmering… what to do now?
Kakeru; W-w-woah! The stew is boiling over! 
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Minato: O-oh! Sorry! I… just got distracted! 
Kakeru: Geez, are you OK? Well, can I have a taste…? Hmm… it’s kind of boiled down isn’t it… 
Minato: You’re right. I’ll have to start over again. Everyone’s dinner has gone to waste… 
Kakeru: You seem kind of boiled down yourself, Minatocchi. It’s not like you to fail at cooking something.  
Minato: No, I’m…. 
Kakeru: It’s not good to bottle things up on your own. If you’re willing to talk to me, I’ll listen. 
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Minato: Kazuo… Thank you. The truth is, I have been thinking about what I can do to help. Ichijo is the one who always encourages everyone along, and now everyone is using their skills to do great things. But… what can I do for Edel Rose… 
Kakeru: Minatocchi…. 
Minato: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push this on you. 
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Kakeru: …Well, time’s up! Everyone off the worry train! 
Minato: Huh?!
Kakeru: As they say in the business world, worries should be kept to a minimum! If you have time to worry, you have plenty of time to be put to better use! I heard that on TV.
Minato: But… 
Kakeru: If you spend all your time bottling things up and never even try to take any kind of a first step, you won’t get anywhere. Yeah? 
Minato: ….Yeah. Kazuo you may be right. 
Kakeru. Of course I am! These are the words of future brilliant CEO, so you have to believe them! 
Minato: Even though you always look like you’re just fooling around, you really are serious. 
Kakeru: Huh?
Minato: You’re always watching out for everyone, so you’re sensitive to anything that changes and always worried about us. Kazuo, you are really such a kind person. 
Kakeru; N… not really…! I just told you what happened to be on my mind that’s all…! 
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…Hey wait, I’m not Kazuo! My name is KA-KE-RU! 
Minato: Ehehe. Sorry, sorry. 
Yu: Hey…. 
Minato: Suzuno! You look like a mess! Are you alright? 
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Yu: …The song… is finished!! 
Next Chapter.
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