thecpdiary · 2 years
Lifting Covid-19 measures
It seems like a while since I’ve written about Covid-19, or perhaps it’s not. I don’t want to come across as jaded, negative, or for people to think, oh here she is again talking about Covid, but it’s handling in the UK is a real issue, whether you read my blogs or not and it’s not going away.
Mental Health
I buy into the philosophy that if a self-help book helps my mental health, then I buy the book. I used to wile away the hours in book stores, back in the day, when my children were small, (whilst they were looking at their own books) looking at self-help books, to see if there was anything that made me feel better about what I was dealing with, around my mental health. In Covid mental health isn’t something to be ignored and if it is, we ignore it at our peril.
My ‘Books’
Years on, and I have shone the spot light on my own mental health and have written two books, based on mental and emotional health, if you want to check out Cerebral Palsy: ‘A Story’ and ‘Spirituality, Healing and Me’ via the link at the end of this blog.
So, now the Covid precautionary measures are being dismantled completely, and whilst it isn’t going away, the UK government are washing their hands off it and us.
The truth never sits comfortably
What I continue to write the truth on my blog, the truth never sits comfortably. And although that is how it goes, it doesn’t mean what I write isn’t the truth. Intuitively, I write the truth and that isn’t sitting comfortably with me either. Getting my thoughts out there lessens my anxiety, so I continue to write.
I can’t speak for other governments; I am not following others’ politics, so all I can do is write about my thoughts and feelings on what is happening around me and in the country I live.
The UK Covid-19 mistakes
In the UK and from the beginning of Covid-19 mistakes have been made. We’re left with vaccines that give protection, but don’t continue to protect. There will be many people who will have reduced protection, unless they choose to take the vaccine again, but how realistic is retaking the vaccine and how many times are you willing to retake the vaccine before enough is enough?
By the end of the month in the UK, all measures including the need to self-isolate are being lifted, which means you can walk around and spread Covid. The UK government are saving themselves but are failing to save us all including the ‘four nations.’
Conquer and Divide
The UK government rule on ‘conquer and divide’ and that is seeping into our communities and into society as a whole, with divisions, rifts, arguments and mean-spirited behaviour being normalised. Having spoken to others who have been subjected to mean behaviour; I have also had my fair share.
That said, it is important to pull back and change so that we can all function in ways that work for each of us. Supporting one another is important for our mental health, for our longevity. It is important to make it happen.
As I write on my blog, many have also taken to social media to tweet about how they feel. What they’re tweeting about, isn’t dissimilar to what I write about. They are troubled that this is what they have. I shall continue to write.
In another attempt for the UK PM to save his political bacon, he has announced that all measures be scrapped by the end of February, including the need to self-isolate if testing positive for Covid.
This has been welcomed by the right wing Conservatives but the Scottish Government has stated this is not supported by any evidence and according to The Times newspaper today (Source: https://epaper.thetimes.co.uk/the-times) it has not been recommended by the government’s own advisers the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, reaffirming the suggestion, it is part of wider moves to try to save the PM’s Premiership.
He also knows that if his party continue with Covid measures, their back-benchers (who have already told them they don’t support the measures) will stop supporting them in getting policies through Parliament.
It is important to know that the PM trying to save his own bacon and putting others in harms way, is abhorrent and unacceptable. Putting millions of people including disadvantaged and high risk people at risk, is a new all-time low, even for the UK government.
I talk more about Covid and mental health in my book Cerebral Palsy: ‘A Story’ so, if you fancy grabbing your copy, check out this link – https://linktr.ee/Ilana_Estelle
For more inspirational blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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