#little moon (muse: vereesa windrunner)
bow-women · 4 years
@wyrdmachinations // Lady Moon
Vereesa gnawed at her cheek as she surveyed the open pack atop the foot of her bed, hands braced on her hips. Surely, she had everything, right? Clothes, canteen, extra feathers and glue for fletching arrows, patches of leather and thread to mend armor... why did it feel like she was forgetting something? She glanced out the window of her room, the sky purple as the last rays of sun sunk below the horizon. She took a deep breath.
Tomorrow, Minn’da and Sylvanas would ride with her to Silvermoon. Tomorrow, Vereesa would join her sisters in their family legacy. Tomorrow, she started Farstrider training.
But for tonight, all Vereesa felt was anxiety, despite having trained for this her whole life. Worries plagued her mind, leading to her packing, then repacking her bag three times in between bouts of pacing her room. She would be fine, right? She was a Windrunner. Windrunners were naturally Farstriders. She would be fine.
Vereesa let out a shaky breath as she wrung her hands. “Oh, but what if I’m not?” she muttered. A wave of nausea rose in the pit of her stomach at the idea of washing out and she felt the sting of unshed tears in her eyes. She wiped her hand across her face and tried to count her breaths to calm down.
“It’s okay... it’s okay,” Vereesa repeated to herself over and over until a knock sounded at her door. Her gaze shot toward it with a sniffle before she walked over, wiping her eyes once more for good measure.
“Lady Moon,” Vereesa said with surprise, her eyes widening and ears perking up at the sight of her sister in the doorway. She paused for a moment before rushing forward and hugging Sylvanas.
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bow-women · 4 years
(Thank you @lady-proudmoore​ for tagging me. Okay so I am a massive nerd about Tarot, so lemme just... go off on this, my personal commentary is italicized, original quiz is here)
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The Lovers
Your lover’s back does not look quite the same this morning. No one else would notice the difference, if there even is a difference, but you could swear they have more vertebrae than usual. Something in the breathing, as you stare at them in the morning light. The light in the kitchen is just as warm as it always is, the coffee just as hot, but you cannot meet your lover’s eyes. They kiss you on the forehead, go off to work, shake their keys on the way out as they always do. Did they eat anything this morning? Did they speak? Of course they did. You’re probably losing your mind. You would call your friends to ask, if you had any friends left. You don’t, of course, haven’t for months. You only need each other. You only need them. You haven’t spoken to anyone in months. You count the notches on their back. You watch them breathe. You pray they don’t turn around.
Card Six, Love and Intense Affection, Relationships, Choices
Element: Air
As an Identifier, this represents you are.. well... a lover. It speaks of loving easily, but also of loving wisely. There is a choice that’s made to kindle a relationship, and The Lovers make such decisions with an understanding of whether or not their unity can last. Being an air card, it is concerned with speech and communication.
For Vereesa, I feel this is incredibly apt, and honestly would be the card I would choose as her signifier. She defines herself via her relationships and her choices are heavily influenced by those relationships. It is incredibly (arguably impossible) for her to back out from the relationships she has chosen. She also puts weight in people’s words, in how their actions communicate to others, and these are the things she uses to judge others’ character.
Other cards I would consider for Vereesa: The Chariot (7), Wheel of Fortune (10)
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The Hermit
It’s a skill, to look inside yourself, one you have mastered. The endless corridors and shifting thoughts are mapped to very carefully. This all takes time, of course. And those twisting hallways are so very difficult to map. It would be so easy to get lost. You know this space so well. Wouldn’t it be a lovely place to stay? So well-known and comforting. Why go back? How nice, how easy, to dissolve, to hide from the rest of the world and all the people in it. Why bother, when you are so good at looking inside yourself. Like enlightenment, the self. Retreating this far inwards is like retreating just as far out, into the vast ether. So comforting. The thing that was you looks at the thing that was the old woman. There is no you anymore. Goodbye.
Card Nine, Solitude and Isolation, Enlightenment, Wisdom
Element: Earth
As an Identifier, The Hermit embodies ‘know thyself’. It speaks of an honest understanding to not only one’s strengths and limitations, but one’s place in the world as a whole. There is a stubbornness to knowing so much about oneself, however, that leads to a lessened capacity for change. Being an earth card, it is grounded in the moment but lacking in flexibility.
For Shandris, this fits to an extent, especially when she’s faced with tough decisions. She has a very good understanding of her place in the world and what roles she may have to fulfill in the future, but she also lacks the ability to allow herself to change. She’s not entirely hopeless, there is still the potential for her to grow, but because of how she feels she must act, she has a high chance of getting stuck in the mud.
Other cards I would consider for Shandris: Strength (8),Temperance (14)
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What would you do to ensure justice? You know full well I don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates, dearest. What would you do to those that hurt you? If I dropped them in your lap, what would you do? What kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? You are right to do so. You are right to want to do so. Ignore the screaming, dearest, you are the hand of justice now, and they hurt you. Do not look too closely at their faces, dearest. You are within your rights. You spell out your own rights, now. Are you happy about it? Are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? Does your anger hurt less now?
Card Eleven, The Rule of Law, Fairness, Balance
Element: Air
As an Identifier, Justice speaks of a strong adherence to a moral compass. Where that moral compass points, however, can be in any direction. Regardless of the rules subscribed, one’s self governance is strict. As another air card, it is also concerned with communication, though in this case it is concerned with communicating the rules and expectations, instead of love and affection.
For Anya, this is a bit of a stretch, but I could see it working if we needed an identifier to relate her to Sylvanas or to Quel’thalas. Her loyalty is unwavering. Once she is pledged, it will never falter, even beyond death. She does have a belief in fairness, but it is a fairness governed by ‘might is right’.
Other cards I would consider (favor) for Anya: Death (13), The Tower (16)
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bow-women · 4 years
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Vereesa: “Gone With The Wind”
Tagged by: @lady-proudmoore​
Tagging: I mean... you’re welcome to steal it, lol
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bow-women · 4 years
Can your muse fight god?
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Tagged by: @shadowsblades​ and  @lady-proudmoore​
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bow-women · 4 years
Vereesa can choose one person to bring back to life, including Rhonin, Sylvanas, Lirath and her parents. Who is it going to be and why? And who would be her second choice after Rhonin?
Unsolicited Meta Asks // Always Accepting
And who would be her second choice after Rhonin...
I mean, Nonny, you’re entirely correct in your assumption that Rhonin would be her first pick of people to bring back. He was everything to her, and while she would try to explain the choice away as also being about her sons deserving to have their father back, she... doesn’t have the best track record of actually thinking about her sons when making such an important decision as something like that. But, let’s say Rhonin isn’t an option, or she gets a second choice. She would choose Lirath for a couple of reasons. Firstly, her parents wouldn’t really occur to her as options. They both lived long, full lives, and while she was close to her father, I don’t think she was close enough to want him back in her life. There would... also be that pesky conversation... about getting married to a human... and have twin half-elves... (I don’t think she ever got the chance to introduce Rhonin to either of her parents). Secondly, I don’t think Vereesa fully views Sylvanas as ‘dead’. Yes, her sister died in defense of Quel’thalas, but then she was brought back. A twisted, vile, mortifying shell of herself, but nonetheless, Sylvanas already has her second chance on life. And with how Sylvanas reacted to Vereesa talking about Rhonin in War Crimes, Vereesa believes there’s still a part of her sister in there, still something of Lady Moon that could be revived and/or redeemed. And what better way to influence that than with Lirath. He was always the baby brother of the sisters, always the brightest light of the Windrunner clan. And not only that, but Vereesa has always wanted her family back and together again. Maybe Lirath could be the catalyst to fixing things between Alleria and Sylvanas (which she only slightly understands she was responsible for fucking up in the first place). Maybe he could help her convince their sisters to at least talk to each other, before pulling out their bows and shadow/void tentacles.
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bow-women · 4 years
"Minn'da." Trepidation grinds the toe of his boot into the floor, rounds his innocent eyes, and depresses his russet eyebrows over eyes that can barely meet Vereesa's, chased away by the anguish on her features, "When is Father coming back?"
Vereesa’s ears twitched as she raised her head at Giramar’s voice, hastily sniffling and wiping her eyes dry. She forced the best smile she could manage, settling her bluish-silver gaze on her boys, Galadin standing just behind his brother with the same look of tentative avoidance. She swallowed past the raw lump in her throat. They look so like their father... 
The question might as well have ripped her heart from her chest. 
It had been a few days since she had returned from Duskwallow Marsh. From Theramore. Vereesa didn’t know how to answer their questions about Rhonin when she had returned home. She had barely the emotional fortitude to answer them with a feeble excuse before she had locked herself in her once shared room, burrowing into blankets and pillows that still carried her husband’s scent. Hinterland pine, ancient tomes and the electric citrus of his lingering arcane. She had cried herself to sleep alone that night for the first time since her minn’da had died.
What had the Windrunners done, what had Vereesa done, for fate to incur such a wrath upon her that she seemed destined to be haunted by loss? Had her family not been torn asunder enough? Hadn’t the orcs, setting fire to the great trees of Eversong and reaving through Windrunner Village, taken enough from her with Lirath and Ann’da? Hadn’t the trolls, merciless against the Quel’dorei rangers, taken enough when Minn’da was found, riddled with handaxes? Hadn’t the Dark Portal, gateway to the endless beyond, taken enough when Alleria disappeared through it forever? Hadn’t the Butcher, tainted and twisted into an unrecognizable fiend of death, taken enough when he not only murdered but warped Sylvanas into the terrible Banshee Queen? Had it not been enough suffering for her too-young heart?
Evidently not.
What Vereesa wouldn’t give to have family by her side now. But besides her nephew and her sons, she had none left. She was the figurehead, the matriarch, now. And it would do no good for her to crumble when her family needed her most.
Vereesa inhaled deeply as she looked at her two sons, holding out her arms. “Come here, dalah’dorei,” she muttered, fighting back the quiver that threatened to overtake her voice in wracking sobs. She held them both in each arm, her hands coming to rest over the back of russet-colored manes, ruffling their hair even as her arms trembled. She took a deep breath as her gaze fell on the family portrait set atop the mantle.
It was a lovely picture, commissioned before Arator had embarked to Outland in search of his parents. The lanky half-elf, just filling into adulthood, stood to the right of frame, smiling broadly in a way that never ceased to remind her of his uncle. Vereesa herself was left of frame, sly smirk curling the corner of her mouth upward, looking so different, so youthful, compared to the exhausted visage she greeted in the mirror each morning. Giramar and Galadin stood in between them, the former’s smile proudly displaying the gap where his baby fang had fallen out while the latter grinned mischievously, tiny arms crossed in a bold pose. And in the center of the portrait stood Rhonin, red hair slightly tousled, eyes partially closed in laughter, with an arm wrapped around Vereesa and Arator’s shoulders.
Her eyes watered as she stared back at her husband’s face. Squeezing her sons, Vereesa blinked back her tears and strengthened her resolve as she looked down at the two hesitant half-elves gazing up at her. She took a deep breath.
“...Father isn’t coming back.”
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bow-women · 4 years
Okay, so... y’all... it’s been seven hours since I came across this newfound understanding of one Vereesa Windrunner... and I am still shooketh.
So, in Day of the Dragon, Vereesa is said to be “a year out of her apprenticeship with the rangers.” Now, I can’t find any information on what stage of training ‘apprenticeship’ really means, but I’d like to think this is something of a squire-like position that newly inducted Farstriders go through to insure they are trained properly and to identify any specializations that would prove useful to them in the future. Either way, if I view Farstrider training as incredibly stringent, this would still be no more than ten years after Vereesa joined the rangers (Though it’s important to note that Vereesa was a part of the rangers as an initiate rank during the Second War six years prior, so training must last at least that long). And we can assume she joined the rangers as soon as she was of age to do so - we’ll say that was at 20 instead of 18 just to make some round numbers to work with.
Day of the Dragon is set in year 10 after the Dark Portal, according to unofficial timeline on Wowpedia. (Vereesa is 31)
The Sunwell falls in year 20 (Vereesa is 41)
Night of the Dragon occurs in year 26 - the twins are alive but it’s hard to be sure of age (Vereesa is 47)
Tides of War occurs in year 29 - Theramore is destroyed (Vereesa is 50)
Purge of Dalaran occurs in year 30 (Vereesa is 51)
Three Sisters comic occurs in year 33 (Vereesa is 54)
Battle for Azeroth timeline is still up in the air, but judging by how other expansions have been spaced, it probably wraps up in Year 34.
Making Vereesa Windrunner...
Fifty-five years old.
SHE IS BARELY AN ADULT!!!! Like, okay, elves physically age at the same rate as humans, but elven society doesn’t view an elf under a hundred as a full blown adult, not really. But here Vereesa is! Half that age! With twins! Running a military!
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bow-women · 4 years
Vereesa x Jaina
strangers (0 of 5)
I don’t know you personally or at all. I would not recognize you on the street. I do not know your name. i would not recognize if you were brought up in conversation. you have no importance in my life.
acquaintances (2 of 9)
i know your name. I recognize your face. i think i understand your personality on a surface level. i’d like to get to know you more. i think we could be good friends. we have a lot of similar interests. people say we’re a lot alike. we don’t ask one another for favors often. i would not be able to tell someone if you have allergies.
friends (8 of 11)
we get along well. we have fun together. i like hanging out with you. you’re someone i can send memes to. i feel comfortable around you. i know some of your interests. i’m a little more open with you than other people. i keep some secrets to myself. sometimes i’m not sure what i can open up to you about. i usually buy you something minor for holidays. i like when we can go out and do something together.
best friends (10 of 13)
i could tell you anything. i call you if there’s a problem. we probably text too much. we have a great time together. we’ve got through some bad times. i can be myself around you. we have inside jokes for days. i send you songs that remind me of us. we have a lot of memories together. i can open up to you. i worry when you’re in a bad situation. i’d kick someone’s booty for you. i take insults against you personally.
crushes (2 of 13)
you make my heart race. i can’t stop thinking about you. i worry i text back too quickly. every touch is a sign. sometimes i wonder what kind of person is your type. i send you songs that remind me of you. i keep dropping hints about how i feel. you make me emotional. i want to tell you how i feel. i like when you let me stay over. i think i’d be happy so long as you’re happy. seeing you with other people makes me jealous. i can’t tell if this is a date or we’re just hanging out solo.
sister/brotherly (7 of 15)
you drive me crazy. we’re on the same level. you take over all my hobbies. you nag me too much. i’d die for you. we jinx a lot. we have inside games. we play too many pranks. sometimes our fights can get a little intense. i feel relaxed around you. i can be myself around you. we take care of each other. you steal my food right from my plate. i steal your food straight from your plate. if one of us is sick, we both are.
dating & early love (0 of 13)
you make me happy. we have everything in common. you are always on my mind. i can’t get enough of you. we sleep on top of each other, not next to each other. we buy everything in pairs. talking about you is like word vomit. people seem a little annoyed at how in love we are. our relationship should have books written about it. we’re always making memories. i can’t wait to do all our ‘firsts’ together. sometimes i get cold feet. i hope we’ll be together forever.
mature love (5 of 18)
you take all the blankets. you ate the last of MY snack. we get into tiffs but work it out. i can be honest with you. you know everything about me. we can be a little naggy towards each other. i feel safe around you. you are always on my mind. everything i do is for us. ‘we’ seems to suit us best. people say we fight like a married couple. we are married. we have children together. we reminisce while making memories. i’d die for you. i can’t imagine my life without you. i love you for your flaws. i’ll love you forever.
toxic love (1 of 15)
(optional, contains abuse mentions)
i’ll do anything you tell me to do. it doesn’t matter so long as you’re happy. i don’t care so long as it makes me happy. i’m only in this relationship to get something. you only want to be with me to get something. i can’t trust you. i don’t feel comfortable around you. talking to you feels like walking on egg shells. i never know what is okay. you apologize with gifts. i apologize with gifts. you say i’m everything to you. i don’t talk to anyone else anymore. we get into physical fights. the cops have been called before.
exes (2 of 12)
i miss what we had. we used to be good friends. my memories feel tainted now. i think about texting you a lot. i wonder how you’ve been. i don’t like the idea of you getting with other people. i’m already seeing other people. we have a child together. we’re legally separated. we broke up. my family wants us to get back together. i put you on blast with all my friends.
enemies (0 of 11)
i hate you. you make my skin crawl. you are my antonym. seeing you makes my blood boil. i know you’re no good. you thwart my every move. i know your trying to hurt me. i know you’re talking shit about me. i’ve never felt this way about anyone else. i could kill you. i will kill you.
result: Best Friends (37 Total)
So from Vereesa’s perspective, Jaina started out as a work friend, an acquaintance through Rhonin, but it didn’t take too long for them to hit it off. I think they were able to bond over a mutual responsibility that they didn’t necessarily ask for, but rose to the occasion to manage. I also think Vereesa was drawn toward Jaina’s general optimism and hope. While she herself is more of a realist/pessimist, I think a part of her wishes she could believe in there being a brighter side to things.
Of course, after Theramore is when their relationship strengthens into a life-long bond. They both lost so much in such a startling way. Who else was there to turn to? Jaina had Kalec, but Vereesa was left relatively alone. I think Jaina felt a bit of guilt that Rhonin saved her instead of himself, and would have pushed herself to provide as much support to Vereesa as she could, probably more than she should have. Vereesa didn’t stop to question if her friend was giving too much, but she did develop a sort of feeling of ‘I owe you so much’ that could turn toxic.
That is not to say Vereesa was never the one being cried on. There were times that she spent nights holding Jaina, letting her friend cry, talk or even scream it out. But with Jaina also having Kalec to talk to, I can’t imagine Jaina would let herself take advantage of that support very often.
There is a... small potential for more of a relationship between them, but the thought hasn’t crossed Vereesa’s mind. While she feels Jaina is a supportive pillar to her, just like Rhonin used to be, it doesn’t cross fully into romantic territory. Jaina is the friendly aunt to her children, the friend with a shoulder she can cry on, the sister that doesn’t look down on her age or naivety, and the woman who could actually understand her anger and rage toward those who have wronged her.
Vereesa laments about how she wasn’t there for Jaina like Jaina was for her. She worries about her friend, hopes that she is healing and doing better. And she will still cut a bitch who does Jaina wrong.
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bow-women · 4 years
repost, don’t reblog !
full name. Ranger General Vereesa Windrunner
nicknames.  Little Moon, Vee, ‘Reesa, Minn’da
height. 6′1″ (185cm)
age. 60s
zodiac. Capricorn
languages. Thalassian, Common, Thalassian Sign
hair colour. Silver
eye colour. Silver
skin tone.  Light
body type. Average, dancer’s build
dominant hand. Right.
posture. loose, casual
tattoos. --
most noticeable features. Her silver eyes, untainted by fel.
place of birth.  Windrunner Spire, Eversong Woods
hometown.  Windrunner Spire/Village, Eversong Woods
birth weight / height.  –
first words. Da.
siblings.  Alleria Windrunner, Sylvanas Windrunner, Lirath Windrunner
parents. Verath Windrunner, Lireesa Windrunner
parental involvement. Verath had some involvement, especially when she was very young, but her mother was almost always distant, short of a handful of times spent teaching her Ranger specific skills. She developed closer relationships with her older sisters than with her mother.
occupation.  Ranger General of the Silver Covenant
current residence. Dalaran
close friends. Jaina Proudmoore, Rhonin Redhair, Falstad Dragonreaver, Halduron Brightwing
relationship status. Widowed
financial status.  High class - living in Dalaran, especially with the connections she retains because of Rhonin leads to neither her nor her sons left wanting
driver’s license. –
criminal record. None... well, besides being ‘banished’ from Quel’thalas
sexual orientation.  Bisexual (male preference)
romantic orientation. Biromantic (male preference)
preferred emotional role. submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure
preferred sexual role.  submissive |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed
libido. Average
love language. Vereesa gives love in the form of Quality Time, especially with how busy she is. If she truly cares for someone, she carves out time in her schedule to just be with them, even if it’s just an hour a week to talk over tea. The twins receive this treatment the most. She responds best to Acts of Service and Quality Time. If someone can entertain her children, or even just sit with her in the few quiet hours she gets in her week, she’s eternally grateful. She struggles with accepting words of affirmation.
relationship tendencies. She doesn’t respond well to blatant flirting or desire from others. At best, she will politely turn someone away, at worst, the altercation will end in broken fingers. Vereesa tends to fulfill whatever role the relationship calls for, be that the more emotionally dominant partner, or emotionally submissive. She has no nervousness in stating her feelings or desires and she expects her partners to be just as open with theirs. She can’t stand games or needing to pick her partner’s brain to figure out what is wrong - she’s dealt with that far too much with her family.
character’s theme song. Radioactive by Madilyn Bailey
hobbies to pass the time. Dancing and singing - she used to do this a lot with Lirath, but I imagine she sings all the time with her sons.
mental illnesses. Depression
physical illnesses. -
left or right brained . Right
fears. Losing her sons
self confidence level. Relatively low. Vereesa has a massive case of impostor syndrome. She feels that out of all of her siblings, she is the least qualified to lead, but she ended up leading the Silver Covenant when the Quel’dorei dissenters were banished from Quel’thalas just because of her name.
vulnerabilities. Her sons, massively. She would do anything for them, including outright betrayal of any and all codes she adheres to. Psychologically, also her impostor syndrome.
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bow-women · 4 years
@lightsblade // Lady Liadrin x
IT  TAKES  EVERY  FINELY  WOVEN  THREAD  OF  SELF  CONTROL  TO  ALLOW  VEREESA  TO  SPEAK .   clenched  jaw  strains  to  contain  the  snarl  that  wants  so  desperately  to  curl  lips  now  pulled  in  a  tight  line .   elongated  ears  that  jut straight  back ,  stiff  and  taut ,  twitch  in  vexation  that  thinly  veils  the  rage  burning  just  underneath  it .   is  all  this  pointless  dribble  supposed  to  justify  what  she’s  done ?   is  it  meant  to  make  her  feel  sorry  for  her ?   to  pity  her ,  to  believe  she  had  no  choice  but  to  commit  such  atrocities  against  her  own  already  suffering  people ?   the  suggestion  of  such  only  stokes  the  flames  of  her  fury   —   the  audacity  of  this  traitorous  bitch !   if  she’s  allowed  to  keep  spewing  her  filth ,  the  paladin  can’t  promise  that  faithful  dedication  to  her  principles  won’t  momentarily  lapse  for  the  chance  to  make  the  youngest  windrunner  suffer .
❝     SPARE  ME ,  YOU  INSUFFERABLE  SNAKE ,     ❞       frail  patience  snaps ,  previously  splayed  fingers  curl  into  fists ,  tight  and  quaking .   a  lesser  woman  would  throw  one ,  but  by  the  light  is  she  not  tempted  to  stoop  to  such .       ❝    your  excuses  mean  nothing  to  me .   there  is  no  justification  for  taking  up  arms  against  your  own  people .   were  it  up  to  me ,  you  would  be  rotting  away  the  rest  of  your  miserable  years  in  silvermoon’s  prison .    ❞
She could have gone on,
continued her tirade about her reasoning during the Purge, but her mouth snaps shut as the paladin cuts her off. Words aimed with such vitriol, Vereesa is surprised they’re the only thing to come from Liadrin. Her ears twitch in fury, eyes narrowed in rage. Her people? The Sin’dorei were no more here people than the orcs they had chosen to ally with. To follow blindly.
“The Sin’dorei ceased being my people when they allowed themselves to be so blinded!” Vereesa shouted. “There is nothing left of what my family fought and died to protect!” At least Sylvanas had tried to rise against Garrosh, to ensure justice was dealt to the bloodthirsty monster. “You all bow to the whims of the power-hungry, and turn the other cheek when the suffering falls on anyone but your own.”
Vereesa stood just a bit taller, displaying a degree of haughtiness that could only remind others of her sister. “How the Light still answers to you is beyond me.”
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bow-women · 4 years
”People who don’t fear death are the ones who crave it.”
Vereesa’s ears twitched at the Sin’dorei’s words, inhaling sharply in surprise. She turned her silver gaze to the rogue, eyes slightly narrowed. She hadn’t heard the spy approach.
She didn’t answer immediately, instead looking back to where the twins sat on either side of the young prince as Anduin read them a story. Galadin’s head was starting to bob slightly as sleep threatened to claim him, whereas Giramar followed along, a spark of interest in his blue eyes. As much as the sight warmed her weary heart, Vereesa could not bring herself to smile.
It had been almost two years since Theramore, but Vereesa felt like it was only yesterday when her life had been shattered to pieces by the mana bomb. Her home in Dalaran still housed the ghost of Rhonin. Books left untouched on his desk. Robes still hanging in his side of their wardrobe. The citrus-adjacent scent of his magic, albeit more faded over time. Vereesa hated it.
She was grateful for the opportunity to take the twins to Stormwind, to get away from haunting memories that plagued her home. Here, in the Royal Library, she could almost convince herself that things were getting better. Her sons were recovering, even if she herself could not say the same. They would be okay. That was all that mattered.
“Perhaps,” Vereesa said softly. She knew it to be true for herself. It was part of why she threw herself into battle in Pandaria with such ardor. Finally, she understood why Alleria had gone through the Dark Portal, left her and Sylvanas and Arator alone. Away from her sons, Vereesa only knew two emotions; rage and despair.
She turned her steely gaze back to Valeera, expression hard. “But you sound like you’re simply repeating something you heard. I’m not interested in listening to you spout about something you know nothing about.”
( @holyforged )
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bow-women · 4 years
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bow-women · 4 years
Vereesa Windrunner
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / <-it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
✖ disorganized / organized / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Tagged by: @lady-proudmoore​
Tagging: Ah, if you haven’t got tagged by someone else, feel free to swipe it :P
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bow-women · 4 years
What is your primary feeling in longing?
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In longing, you feel hope. You're on a long road, you know this. Your desire is strong, big in your chest but you don't feel weighed down. You've had your hardships, but you know what you truly seek is, or could be, not far from your grasp. Not to say you don't feel the burning in your heart for something more, but theres still a spark in you, a voice that says, "don't give up, what if?" You can be patient. You know you must be. Your yearning is felt like a campfire in rain, the circumstances say the flame should be out, but yet it burns, as long as god willing or sheer effort keeps it alive. You feel the pull in your gut that makes your throat tighten with the ache of your heart but you softly smile, it's just a reminder of your love. You aren't afraid of your feelings in the way that would make you push them away because you're familiar with them and you know the payoff would be well worth the grief. You're doing great my darling, you will find your love if you have not already. Tagged by: @ceruleanelf​ and @lady-proudmoore​
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bow-women · 4 years
Hydra: Does your muse have a reoccurring problem?
Mythical Creatures // Accepting
Vereesa frequently disassociates, especially after Theramore. It was a developing problem before that, but with Rhonin’s help, she usually kept it under control. With his death added to the pile of losses she’s endured, I imagine both Jaina and Arator encountered her zoning out dozens of times. I think it’s even happened once in front of Alleria. 
That said, it happens much more frequently than she lets on, as in multiple times a day. The world just grows hazy, she doesn’t feel like her body or her armor or her home is even hers. Everything feels like a dream she can never quite wake up from. She’s memorized a handful of scripted sentences that she uses to get away from others when she’s in the thick of it, and usually finds a place to hide until it becomes more manageable again.
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bow-women · 4 years
Shandris Feathermoon
╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful |delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate |reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
Vereesa Windrunner
╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful |delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate |reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
Anya Eversong
╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful |delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate |reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
Snagged from both @windrunnerrs and @arkhanadorei
Steal if you so desire.
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