#local menaces who block the hallway <3
neolxzr · 9 months
stares at you with my big sad eyes. ritsuleo. perhaps?
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important brainstorming session (in the middle of the floor)
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veroticker · 4 years
Because I can - Elaine Marie
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You can buy the book on Amazon.
Summary (from Elaine Marie’s Goodreads page)
Jenna is a victim of an attack on her college campus. After barely escaping, she manages to make her way to campus security. With the help of the security guard, the local police are called, but she soon learns no one will help her case, and the police and the college administration dismiss her accusation, leaving her feeling empty.
Tired of the whispers and looks from her classmates and professors, she decides to take charge of the situation. Tired of being a victim, she’s determined to take her life back.
Jenna soon undergoes a dramatic makeover…one that leaves even her best friend unable to recognize her. With her new look and the help of some online self-help videos, she begins her search for her attacker.
In her search, the one thing Jenna didn’t expect to find was the handsome, new student, Nic. As she gets to know him, she learns he isn’t who he claims to be. It’s then Jenna begins to suspect the guy she’s fallen for.
As she closes in on her attacker, she makes a few new discoveries, and she can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. As she races against time, will she be able to uncover the identity of her attacker before he strikes again?
“RUN, RUN FASTER, I tell myself. He can’t catch you if you run. The burning sensation creeping down my throat and the tightening in my lungs intensify each time I put one foot in front of the other. I can’t breathe. Cold, salty beads of sweat trail down my back as if they’re in a race with each other, only to learn no one will win. I can’t remember ever being this frightened. Turning my head slightly, I glance over my shoulder. There’s nothing but darkness consuming me.
It’s as if a spider has entangled me in its web and won’t let go. I feel like I’m losing the battle and there’s no end in sight. The only sounds around me are those of my footsteps pounding down the hallway.
“Because I can,” the menacing husky voice calls out. As the struggle of everything consumes me, I can’t help but think I can’t let him catch me. But even though I’ve made my hasty retreat, I know he’s still out there. He’s running as I am. The only difference between us is he’s the hunter and I’m his prey.
Suddenly I feel long coarse fingers wrap around my throat. My eyes go wide in fear but the space in front of me is empty. This can’t be happening. There’s nothing I can do; my body is in peril as his punishing grasp continues to block precious air from reaching my lungs. I don’t have any fight left in me. Everything begins to darken and my last breath escapes as if it were a bird trapped in a gilded cage. I hold on as long as I possibly can but there’s no use; this is it. My muscles begin to go lax and I think, I should’ve run faster.
I awaken in a panic. My heart beats frantically against my ribcage. The unmistakable wetness of sweat dots almost every surface of my skin. Automatically my hands go to my throat. Nothing. The thunder of blood through my veins is a contradiction to the shortness of breath and sensation of what’s left of my cold dark soul.
My head spins, my mind whirling, causing the confusion in my heart. A few deep breaths are all it take to bring me back to reality. At last, a calm takes over. My eyes flutter shut and a sigh of relief escapes my lips. I’ve done this a thousand times and it never seems to get much easier. I’m not a bad person, I swear.”
(review under the cut)
(audiobook) I wanted to like this book much more than I really did, but because of the narration, I almost gave up on it.
The story follows Jenna, who’s been attacked on her campus, and who now lives in fear. The campus administration has abandoned her, the police too. Her only hope for justice is in her own hands. So she changes. She becomes someone else, running away from her old self. But you can’t outrun your fears.
Despite her trauma, Jenna is a strong character, and I enjoyed that. She fights back. And she wants justice for her ‘sisters’, the other victims of her attacker.
I also liked that there’s a love interest, and he’s an okay character, and he supports and comforts her, but in the end, she’s still the one who fights and wins. Jenna doesn’t need a man to fight in her stand.
If it wasn’t for the narrator, I would have liked this book much better, I’m sure.
Series: Because trilogy #1 (but they can be read as standalone)
Hashtags: #romantic suspens #badass woman #instalove
Triggers: assault and rape on women
Main couple: Jenna & Nic
Hotness: 3/5
Romance: 4/5
+ A woman who’s afraid but still fights back and doesn’t need a man? Count me in
- Instalove or instalust? I don’t know anymore
Stalker mode
You can follow Elaine Marie on her Goodreads page.
You can also follow her on Facebook.
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lyndsaybones · 7 years
In Dreams 15
Chapter 1...Chapter 2…Chapter 3…Chapter 4…Chapter 5 …Chapter 6…Chapter 7…Chapter 8 …Chapter 9...Chapter10… Chapter 11…Chapter 12…Chapter 13...Chapter 14
“I just landed,” he says as he navigates his way out of the jetway.
“Hurry,” she says, her voice echoing.
“I’m coming, I’ll be there in half an hour.”
The terminal is bustling with people, like a churning sea of humanity. He finds he has a little bit of hate for each and every one of them who are slowing his ability to get out of the damned airport and closer to her.
There is a broad thunderhead moving in over the city, cleaving the blue sky in half like a long black curtain drawing. The air smells like impending rain and the heat seems to be dissipating by the minute. He slings his bag over his shoulder and makes his way to the nondescript four door rental car. He steps gingerly as an ache settles into his left leg. He wonders briefly if the healing bones will forever be an amateur forecasting tool.
He eases onto the highway, cars zipping past him at well past the speed limit. He remembers Scully jokingly referring to it as the North Texas Speedway the last time they were in town. He’s glad he remembers things like that now, although he’s not enjoying some of the other things coming back to him as much.
He navigates and finds his way to one of the local hospitals taking in the overflow of bodies and seems to find the morgue by instinct alone. The end of the hallway is guarded by a young man in fatigues with an MP armband. He passes warily and heads for the swinging doors straight ahead. Through the window, he can see her hunched over a microscope, fine tuning the view. Her pale blue scrubs are almost the same color as her eyes. A smile wells up on his face like a bubbling spring. God, he’s missed her.
She looks up and a tiny smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. It fades as quickly as it appeared as she tentatively looks around before waving him in.
He pushes the door open and notes that the room feels significantly cooler than the hallway.
“You okay?” he asks as he walks to her.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” she answers as she grabs a pair of gloves and pulls gently on his sleeve. “It’s back here.” “What is?”
He follows her to the back of the room, hovering behind her as she snaps on her gloves and opens the heavy cold storage door. She peers around the room again, clearly concerned that someone may see what they’re up to.
She secures the door behind them and pulls a small tray off of one of the shelves and holds it up in front of him as she removes a small cloth covering it.
He blinks, trying to reconcile what he’s seeing in front of him.
It’s a hand. But it’s not. Not like he’s ever seen anyway.
It looks like an opaque gelatin mold, even the bones are somewhat transparent. Severed at the wrist, it’s obviously been in a fire but the tissue has not responded in the way he knows burnt flesh ought to.
“What the hell is this?” he asks, leaning in for a better look.
“That’s what I asked,” she says with a huff.
“It looks like a jellyfish,” he remarks, stretching back up to his full height. “I assume this was pulled from the building?” he asks.
“In a manner of speaking,” she says as she covers the hand again and places it back on the shelf. “It was lodged in the abdominal cavity of another body,” she explains.
“How did it get there?”
“It was likely projected,” she says with a shrug. “Whatever it is, someone is looking for it.”
“I had four military police officers in here asking if anything unusual had turned up,” she says.
“Unusual how?” he asks.
“They didn’t elaborate, but I’m pretty sure that fits the bill,” she says, pointing a gloved finger at the shelf.
“Why do you think they’re looking for it?”
“To make it disappear,” she says as she pulls off the gloves and directs him out of the freezer.
“So what have you been able to find out?”
“I wasn’t able to retrieve prints, the tissue is too far gone. But the samples I was able to analyze are...disturbing,” she says.
He follows her to the microscope, trailing a couple of steps behind like a lost puppy.
“This body was exposed to a pathogen, I see signs of a massive infection,” she says as she points at a set of slides on the table.
“Is it anything you’ve seen before?” he asks as he leans down and looks into the microscope.
“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen,” she says in a menacing whisper.
“How the hell would a body with that kind of infection get into that building?”
“I don’t know, but we’ve got to get those samples out of here,” she says.
“Well, let’s go,” he says as he waves a hand at the door.
“It’s not that simple,” she says. “The kid at the other end of the hall has been checking everyone as they leave.”
“What for?”
“‘Preservation of the chain of custody’ is the line we got,” she says incredulously.
“They think federal officers would smuggle out prosecutorial evidence?”
“Well, they’re not wrong, it just has nothing to do with prosecuting the bombing itself,” she says with a mischievous smile.
“Put the slides in your bra,” he says.
Her brow crinkles and she glances down.
“Plenty of cover in there,” he adds with a grin.
She gives him a withering look, which he loves and fears in equal measure, and frankly, deserves at the moment. But it’s true, the bras have become bigger and more utilitarian in recent weeks. Her breasts seem to be following suit. He can’t act like he hasn’t noticed.
Her mouth tightens and her eyes narrow. He can tell she’s actually considering it.
“Go watch the door,” she whispers as she snatches up the slides.
When she emerges from cold storage he is rocking back and forth on his heels expectantly.
“What about the hand?” he asks.
“How much room do think I have in there?” she asks, exasperated.
“No, I wasn’t saying...geez Scully,” he says with a chuckle. “I mean someone is gonna find it, right?”
“Not likely, I just stuffed it back in that body.”
“I guess that’s one way to get it out of here,” he says with a shrug.
She realizes, as they push through the doors, that her heart is pounding furiously. Her gut begins to churn as the doors squeak as they swing back and forth behind them. She wavers a little and his fingertips drift to the small of her back.They draw closer to the young man at the end of the hall who steps at attention in front of the elevator door.
She can’t help it, she can feel the bile rising at the back of her throat and the angry wave of nausea hitting her full force.
“Scully?” Mulder asks quietly.
“I’m gonna be sick,” she whispers with a gulp.
“You alright ma’am?” the young soldier asks.
“She’s not feeling well,” Mulder says as he wraps an arm over her shoulders.
The young man blinks and looks at her with wide eyes. He’s still blocking the elevator door, however.
“Private,” she says, trying to stifle the rising tide. “I don’t have a bag on me, neither does Agent Mulder. Nothing for you to search. Unless you’d like to invest in a new pair of boots, it might be better to just let us by.”
He looks momentarily panicked, but quickly nods and steps aside, slapping the elevator button with the palm of his hand. The doors ping and open almost instantly and she is immensely grateful.
“I hope you feel better, ma’am,” he says meekly.
“Thank you, Private,” she says as Mulder helps shuttle her into the car.
The doors slide shut and she sags against him.
“You okay?” he asks, holding her more firmly.
“I’m dizzy,” she says, closing her eyes and swallowing thickly.
“I thought you were just trying to distract him” he says.
“It wasn’t intentional,” she whispers.
“Well it worked,” he says reassuringly. “When’s the last time you took your meds?”
She closes her eyes, trying to remember when that might have been. There’ve been so many bodies, so much work, she just doesn’t remember.
“I...I dunno,” she sighs.
“Okay, let’s get back to your hotel,” he says as the doors open.
They take a few short steps together and are out of the main doors and in the cool evening air. The gathering storm looks to unleash a torrent at any moment as lightning crackles through the clouds and thunder rumbles and growls overhead.  
She squirms from his embrace and dashes to the edge of the sidewalk so she can unload her stomach in the grass. Somewhere beyond the rawness in her throat and the involuntary heaving, she can feel his hand on her back, and his fingers pulling her hair away from her face.
“It’s okay,” he says, in dulcet, soothing tones. “You’re okay.”
She coughs and spits, angry that she’s almost used to the bitter tang in her mouth and the acrid smell.
Scully dozes in the car all the way to the hotel, which he is grateful for. The rain started pattering on the windshield almost as soon as he pulled out of the parking garage. As they drive, it is only getting heavier. Cars buzz by them at mach speeds, which he wouldn’t usually mind except for how hard it is becoming to see. Blessedly, they make it without incident and now his only concern is her. Get her inside, get her medicine, get her to bed. Nothing else. The evidence, whatever she’s stumbled upon takes a very distant backseat to her well being at the moment.
“C’mon, Scully,” he says as he reaches out and taps her shoulder.
“Hm,” she sighs as she rubs her eyes.
“We’re here,” he says. “Go on in, I’ll park the car,” he tells her.
She nods and hands him her spare room key as she gets out.
He’s soaked by the time he makes it into her room. She emerges from the bathroom, barefoot, but still in her oversized scrubs. She’s got the stack of slides she smuggled out wrapped in toilet paper in her right hand.
“Oh Mulder,” she sighs, shoulders sagging.
He looks down, shifting his weight from one foot to another and feeling the squish in his socks.
“You’d better get out of those before you catch a cold,” she says as she sets the slides on her bedside table.
“Dr. Scully, you ought to know better than most that a person doesn’t catch a cold from being cold,” he says as she crouches down to untie his shoes.
“Whatever, you’re dripping everywhere,” she says as she sits on the edge of the bed.
“Did you take anything yet?” he asks, shucking out of his soaked shoes and socks.
“Zofran with a Benedryl chaser,” she says with a yawn.
He nods as he peels out of his sodden t-shirt and goes to unbutton his jeans. She doesn’t seem to take much notice as she yawns again and lays down.
“I’ll go see about a room once this stuff dries a little.”
“Oh, don’t bother,” she mumbles. “You can just stay here tonight.”
Down to nothing but his jockeys, he knows he ought to feel exposed, but he doesn’t. He sits on the other side of the bed and watches her for a moment.
“You gonna sleep in those?” he asks as he reaches out and tugs on the sleeve of her top.
“Maybe, they’re pretty comfy,” she says.
“They have blood on them,” he remarks.
She rolls to her side, curls into question mark and opens her eyes.
“Why did you do it?” she asks softly.
He could ask what she’s talking about, but he knows. Why did he take the pills, why did he hide it, why didn’t he tell her what the Gunmen had found? He reaches out and smoothes her hair behind her ear.
“Because I’m a coward,” he says. “I’m sorry, Scully. I really am.”
She closes her eyes and nods, curling in more tightly on herself, becoming even smaller.
“I am too,” she says softly.
“God, Scully. For what?”
“For basically kicking you out,” she murmurs.
“I deserved it,” he says softly.
“We’ve got a lot to figure out,” she says, her eyes drifting shut again.
“We do, but it’ll keep,” he says as he leans in and kisses her forehead.
He didn’t expect her to reach for him, but she does, her hand clutching the back of his neck and ruffling through his hair. She opens her eyes again and as quickly as he connects what’s happening, it’s already happening. Her mouth is covering his fiercely and he can’t help but moan. She unfolds like a flower and wraps around him. He can feel the mound of her little belly bumping up against him, the strong muscles of her thigh as she drapes it over his hip and squeezes. He’s never been one to struggle with getting an erection, but this is probably the fastest he’s ever gone from flaccid to rock hard in his adult life. She levers his mouth open with her tongue and her hand is raking gently through his hair as she conducts a thorough investigation of his dental fillings. He grabs a handful of her rounded ass and she jolts against him with a whimper.
She rolls away, breathless and begins working her shirt up over head. Just as quickly, he is grabbing at the thin cotton of her pants and dragging them down her legs. She shifts fully onto her back and props herself up on her elbows. She looks so different, her now ample breasts, encased in a sturdy beige bra, sitting atop the gentle swell beneath. The alarm bells start going off in his head as he kneels between her knees.
“What?” she says, chest heaving.
“Should we be doing this?” he asks nervously.
She seems to become suddenly self-conscious, drawing her legs up and together, closing off.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me,” she murmurs. Her eyes dart around, anywhere but to him.
“Scully, no, no, no,” he says, reaching for her. “I mean is it okay for the baby? Safe, I mean?”
He cups her cheek and her skin feels like rose petal. She looks up and he can see what he’s done, a thousand little transgressions and half a dozen big ones are reflected back at him.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he adds.
He watches her for a long moment, the blush across her chest and cheeks, the pulse thrumming under her jaw.
“Then come here,” she says, just above a whisper.
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swipestream · 6 years
In All Their Looks & Words: The Tomb Of Niankhkhnum And Khnumhotep Part 2
This article consists of prep material that works better if you’ve read the intro and Part 1 of this series.
Investigative Game Prep
I will say, investigation games take a lot more prep than I’m used to. Do some more research into how these types of RPGs are planned and try to work that into your prep. What I can give you here is more of an atmosphere or setting, as well as an outline that could be a short session, or a side adventure B Plot to your normal game. This follows a generic Three Act Structure and should be loose enough to work into your prep. Obviously no plan survives first contact with the players so you will likely need to tweak this as appropriate.
Act 1:
The Esoterrorists (Pelgrane Press) could be an intriguing system to wrap around this story
An up and coming scholar is trying to do some research on ancient sexuality for an upcoming conference and has decided to investigate Nianknkhnum & Khnumhotep. However, he is barred from entering the tomb itself because his boyfriend is currently in prison and he himself has been flagged by a watchdog organization. He reaches out to the PCs to provide some more interesting evidence, or to go to the tomb on his behalf.
Act 2:
Upon reaching the tomb (or upon returning home) the PCs find that the scholar’s work has been challenged by a conservative organization, and his spot has been pulled from the conference. The scholar asks the PCs to look into what happened. It turns out that the scholar has an academic rival who tipped off the hate group and stole the scholar’s conference spot. If investigated, the PCs discover many artifacts in the rivals study that could be traced back to the Saqqara burial plots.
Act 3:
As the date of the conference approaches, the scholar’s boyfriend is released from prison and the two men again call the PCs for help. Desperate, the scholar tells the PCs that he may not have much time in the country left and this conference was his chance to make a name for himself before he has to return home. Later, if the PCs stay with the scholar they are privy to these events, but if not, the rival shows up at the PC’s home and recounts a tale: the scholar and his boyfriend confront the rival either because of, or despite the PC’s advice, but get in over their heads. A small artefact, a plate taken from the tomb and on loan from a museum in Egypt, is damaged in the scuffle. The scholar & his boyfriend double over in pain and shrivel over before crumbling to dust. The rival admits to sabotaging the scholar but has no clue what happened and is in a state of panic. If the PCs go to the conference, or see any promotional material, the two faces of Nianknkhnum & Khnumhotep stare out from a flyer, eerily similar to those of the scholar and his boyfriend.
  YA-Fiction Style Game
Monsterhearts, by Avery Alder, is a great game to tell this story.
Heru & Seth have been an off-again-on-again item for the past four months. Now, as the Halloween Dance approaches, the local art history museum in which the dance is to be held receives a last-minute addition to their Ancient Egypt wing: duplicates of Niankhkhnum & Khnumhotep’s burial engravings. With this addition came a wave of anti-gay protesters and historical “purists” who malign these relics’ inclusion. Now it seems like Heru & Seth’s relationship is rockier than ever before, and as committee members on the Dance Planning Committee, their split may cause the whole production to fall apart. (Catch this third-party skin for Monsterhearts, The Mummy)
Heru – Junior & part time lifeguard who loves sunbathing & eyeliner. Comes from a rich family & likes to go falconing in his spare time.
Seth – Senior & amateur storm-chaser, Seth is a key figure on the school’s rowing team and loves to tell the story of how he rowed a race with a frantic garter snake who had stowed aboard.
Ambrosia Tun – Museum Curator who is a little too excited about Ancient Egypt, and a little “doesn’t quite get it” when it comes to relationships.
Gerred Gere – Evangelist & self proclaimed “historical purist” who’s in town protesting the “gaywashing” of ancient history.
Menace: The Looming Halloween Dance
Stakes: Will the Dance Planning Committee reconvene in time to save the Halloween dance? Will the PCs find dates? Will Heru & Seth get back together or are they better off split up?
Threat: Heru & Seth were the backbone of the Dance Planning Committee.
Craving: Intimacy (Isolate them)
Offerings: Sex (Seclude them & seek promises)
Capacity: Cold Betrayal (Turn their friends against them)
Custom Moves:
When you make plans for a date to the dance, roll with Hot. On a 10+ you have what you need to see the date through. On a 7-9 you’ll
 Isolate them, seclude them & seek promises, turn their friends against them. 
need to ask someone for help lining things up.
When you try to get the planning committee together, tell the MC if you go to Heru or Seth first. They’ll remember your choice later.
Menace: A Charged Exhibit
Stakes: As “moral panic” spreads over a modern reading of ancient relics, will the discussion remain academic? To what lengths will the protesters go to shut down the museum? How does the town see the role of ancient art in modern lives?
Threat: Gere’s right wing protesters rail against a modern view of Nianknkhnum & Khnumhotep as lovers.
Craving: Ownership (Viciously protect coveted things)
Offerings: Inclusion (Show them what they’re missing)
Capacity: Sudden Violence (Outright kill someone they love)
Custom Moves:
When you try to deescalate a bigoted mob, roll with Volatile. On a 10+ choose two from the following list. On a 7-9 choose one.
The media is on your side
You don’t get hurt
The mob disperses
You have some connection to the museum. When you first visit the new exhibit, choose one from the list below and work with the MC to flesh out its inclusion in your game:
A Friendly Face: You know someone who works in the museum who could sneak you in whenever you want
Research Skills: You know your way around the museum’s research systems, providing you with special access to their records
Cultural Ambassador: You spent some time as a neighborhood liaison for the museum & have cultural connections on its behalf
  Dungeon Crawl:
  Dungeon World is my go-to for dungeon crawling fun
For a chance to explore the space during a dungeon crawl or more traditional hack & slash RPG feel. The PCs stumble across a tomb while exploring ancient burial grounds. The debate on the ethics of grave robbing is better left for other folks, and the party ventures inside.
  Agenda: Make the world fantastic. Fill the character’s lives with adventure. Play to find out what happens.
Goals: Establish details, describe. Use what they give you. Ask questions. Leave blanks. Look for interesting facts. Help the players understand the moves. Give each character a chance to shine. Introduce NPCs. Fill out your worksheet.
Dungeon Moves: Change the environment. Point to a looming threat. Introduce a new faction or type of creature. Use a threat from an existing faction or type of creature. Make them backtrack. Present riches at a price. Present a challenge to one of the characters.
When did you realize you were lost in the burial grounds?
Whose tomb were you originally looking for, and what treasures did you hope to find?
What curse did the locals threaten you with to try and keep you out?
Why did you venture forth anyway?
How thick was the layer of dust outside the tomb, and how thick is the dust inside?
A cracked stone door, impossibly old
Shattered remains of a beautiful fresco
A noise, just down that dark stone hallway
The grinding of sand between two stone objects
A large statue of two men holding hands
Darkness, total and complete darkness
A plaque, declaring this tomb to be the burial site for Nianknkhnum & Khnumhotep, royal manicurists of the great pharaoh
A room full of inexplicably labeled containers
An empty burial chamber where two bodies once lay together for eternity
Footsteps in the dust that may be weeks old, or centuries old
Dozens of images of the two men holding or supporting one another in various poses
A cool breeze as if from outside air
A scene where the men enjoy the outdoors together, spearing fish and bird hunting
The sound of competing grave robbers, hopelessly lost but unaware of your presence
The entrance to their offering chamber, where Nianknkhnum & Khnumhotep are shown nose to nose, kissing as their belt buckles touch, joining them at the waist.
A hallway nearly blocked by debris, or the wreckage of a cave in
In some hieroglyphs, their names are joined in a wordplay that could suggest that they are now joined in death as they were in life
Some creature that’s made its life down here
One inscription featuring a musician calling for a song about The Two Divine Lovers
Sand, so much sand…
Custom Moves:
When you enter a new room, roll +Str. On a 10+ you enter unimpeded. On a 7-9 you are winded from clearing debris and must take a moment to breathe & look around you.
When you closely examine the art, roll +Wis. On a hit, you learn a new detail of the lives of these two men. On a 10+ you take +1 forward when acting on this information.
The silence of the grave is complete. Take -1 ongoing when you try to discern reality based on your hearing.
When you open an ancient container, roll +Con as a cloud of arcane dust fills your senses. On a 10+ the dust grants you a vision. On a 7-9 you still receive the vision, but the dust Sickens you.
When you sleep in the tomb, you are visited in your dreams by one of the people from the decorations who will speak with you for a time but will not answer any questions.
 Sand, so much sand… 
When you inadvertently wake a mummy, roll +Cha. On a 10+ you can parley with it and it may even be friendly. On a 7-9 you can choose either to parley or to have it be friendly, but not both.
When you think you’ve found a way out of this room, roll + the amount of dreams you’ve had while in the tomb. On a 10+ you’ve found an exit. On a 7-9 you can see the other side but there’s no way you can reach it. On a 6- the mirage clears and you’re left once again in the darkness.
Well, that’s our show!
As we wrap up here, I’d like to do one small plug for this list of queer/LGBT+ gaming resources I curate over at my site, RiverhouseGames.com. Like I said in the first installment, I don’t quite know how to answer my question of where I want queerness in tabletop to go. That said, reading others’ work, playing queer games, and working through some creative processes has given me some great enrichment in this area.  How about you? I’m only one person and I’m limited to my own experiences. What would you like to see in the future of this series?
In All Their Looks & Words: The Tomb Of Niankhkhnum And Khnumhotep Part 2 published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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