thievingtrickster · 2 years
He wasn’t the type to believe in ghosts. Manifestations of the soul, the metaverse.. sure he could believe that, but ghosts? Absurd.. Then again, maybe he should rethink that belief. 
The Eclipse in the sky upon his arrival was the least of his concerns.
His first night of sleep was filled with uneasy rest. Eyes stayed open as the light from the window and the moon light illuminates his room through the blinds, once again bars surrounded him though this prison was larger than the last.
He pats down his pockets,  relief feeling the memento that sat in his pocket. At least there’s that. Restless. Uncomfortable. He sits up, and hopes to clear his head with the help of fresh air.
It’s not like Morgana was here to tell him to get some sleep.
The streets are quiet , and despite the time of night, there’s a few night owls wandering through. Eyes down,head low, a habit that hasn’t been shaken off, and yet it’s proven to be a magnet for running into people in the most uncomfortable ways.
“Oh I’m sorry-”
He begins the apology, and lifts his head.
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Perhaps he truly has seen a ghost, or maybe history was repeating itself.
“Akechi..” A sense of dread at that implication, and yet relief at the face he’s hoped to see again be in another life or by the off chance that maybe just maybe-
“You’re alive?”
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swordofdeath · 2 years
starter - @lokifell​ 
Not needing to use her wooden sword, Unohana just pummeled around five men trying to rob her. They all suffered bruises and fractures for messing with the shinigami around her early arrival. The time where she was supposed not to be seen by humans was stilly a mystery of how the ‘stars’ made them visible to anyone.
One of the thugs approached to her and attempting to stab Unohana but was neutralized by breaking his arm that it won’t be cured easily. They all ran away after, marking revenge.
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“I hope you aren’t one of them.” She had her attention to the other one. She only hoped this one isn’t a member of those local goons...
If this guy is, self-defense is a must and it will be in a brutal way.
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hcneycrxsp · 2 years
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“that looks really hard.” Pandora’s been watching and trying to keep up with his speed of reading whatever book he was reading. It looks COMPLICATED. From what she could read at least she didn’t understand any of it. 
“Are you in school?” Pinkish red hues moves from the book to meet the other, “What kind of book is it? I’ve never seen numbers like these before.” Her brain hurt just looking at them. Sheesh. 
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fellstcr · 2 years
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⚔️ //  in  the  halls  of  onoma  ,  very  quietly  ,      byleth  sings  a  fodlani  hymn  about  the  goddess’      blessing  over  the  fall  harvests.  it  isn’t  sung  especially     confidently  ,  but  a  trained  ear  could  tell  it  was     at  least  sung  well.  her  hands  are  clasped  in  prayer,     as  though  hoping  even  here  ,  this  goddess  might     be  able  to  hear  her.
@lokifell​ / starter call !
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caesarsrule · 2 years
He's got the strangest feeling that this guy's familiar, not in a we've met type of way. Or maybe it was exactly that? Was it the hair? Brown with whispy ends that fell short of touching shoulders, though the style seemed intentional. From the back, if he squinted and wasn't paying close enough attention, the guy bore just the slightest resemblance to someone he knew. Well, the stance wasn't quite right; this one has more of a ramrod sort of poise. Shinji's more of a lanky slouch. He misses it.
It's not much help that he can't see his face, and his curiosity's getting the better of him.
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Do a twirl or something.
He could always speed up and pass by him instead of keeping pace behind him. Ah, but that would be a little off of him. Instead, eyes flicker to the way the stranger pulls something out of his pocket, a phone probably, fiddling with it before putting it away on the other side. Had he been minding his own business, he would have missed the folded piece of paper that fluttered from the stranger's possession, and he takes the opportunity to snap it off the floor before catching up with a quick step.
"Hey. Littering's no good," he joked. "You dropped this." Offering the folded sheet between his fingers, he tilts his hand up a moment before it could be taken. "Huh. That's quite the expression you're wearing. You good?"
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fireflycharge · 2 years
Wherever this strange, unfamiliar city was, Marie was becoming aware of one terrifying thing about it alarmingly quickly: it appeared to be populated primarily by mammals. Mammals! The same mammals that were supposed to be completely extinct, as of an entire 12,000 years ago! The inkling’s head kept spinning more and more as she continued to see these bizarre, bone-filled, disturbingly hairy creatures simply... waltzing about down the street, as if they owned the place. Though, now that she thought about it more, there was a good chance they very well did own this place. After all, she had no clue where she was, nor how she had ended up here.
Still, the idea that mammals still existed in such high numbers somehow despite having been thought to be extinct for so long didn’t sit well with her at all. Neither did the other potential theory- that she had somehow been sent backwards in time for some reason. Yikes. Even the mere thought of such a thing happening was creepy to her, and the inkling couldn’t help but grimace, unable to force herself to look away as more and more humans passed her by on the street. For a moment, she almost felt self-conscious about the fact that she had tentacles.
But even with how uncanny and frankly disgusting these things looked to her, the sinking realization that she was likely going to have to talk to one of them to get out of here was settling onto Marie fast. With a nervous gulp, she mustered up her courage and walked up to the human standing nearest to her, trying to ignore the nagging worry in the back of her mind about whether or not they’d be intelligent enough to understand her anyways. (Didn’t humans have those super tiny skulls that limited the growth of their brain? Seriously, how had they survived for as long as they had, anyways?)
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“Hey. I know you humans aren’t thought of as being terribly bright, but how do I get out of this city?”
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heart3yed · 2 years
@lokifell  / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || morbid sights aren't STRANGE to her, blinking back the encroaching terror of the creatures that stalk in the night. as a youkai, she's seen worse, HEARD worse. vengeful spirits bore hideous thoughts, like nails dragging against chalkboard, like teeth sinking into unprotected, soft flesh. her eyes watch the fluttering of yellow tape across the street, almost like a VULTURE if it weren't for the fact that her belly is truly satiated. even though no one stayed dead for long, the authorities refuse to rest —- like CLOCKWORK.
❝i'm always CURIOUS to know what makes a man go to such LENGTHS,❞ she murmurs, humming over the rim of her mug. lolling skull on one shoulder to rest, she could just barely make out the SPECULATION of the police patrolling for clues. ❝i don't think THEY'RE doing a particularly NOTEWORTHY job though … ❞
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daxned · 2 years
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Finally. It wasn’t that she had difficulties finding the library in Cotes ward, but moreso of the fact she had been distracted with other things. There were So much to see and a lot to take in. The library was no different. The building in on itself was a surprise. She had felt little dizzy upon staring up at such massive building and when she entered and the endless shelves of books were presented, she was overwhelmed. 
She made her way through the hall, toward one of the shelves of books and just stares. Back home, they had a few collections of books themselves. Father always made sure to have them on hand. It wasn’t a wide selection such as this one, but there was enough to get Dam-bi through. He had found that she loved reading when she was much younger. With curious fingers, she grabs hold of a book to bring it down. She runs her hands over the cover and turns it over to read the Title.
What Do Stars Think About. 
“....” She wonders the same thing, really. 
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isolaradiale · 2 years
here to app goro akechi from persona 5 with prior reserve! application can be found on the navigation sidebar titled isola app or simply at /app. thank you!
You'll be staying in TOWNHOUSE 212!
You’ll be able to SUMMON LOKI up to twenty minutes per day. During this time you can use EIHA up to five times.
You'll be given a BB GUN!
Enjoy your stay!
--Mod Lyra
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kleinstar · 2 years
Eiden’s been watching for a while now. He didn’t see the billiards match right from the start but he can see one is prevailing over and has done so for several rounds in row. The challengers are pretty understably discouraged and if that was it alone it would have been fine. However, claiming cheating seems a little unreasonable and frankly seems unlikely to begin with,. The situation’s getting a little too heated. 
Eiden sighs.
It’s a workday for him, he’s promised to help out at the bar for the evening. Even if he wasn’t he might still be there to help out to diffuse the situation but at least now he has a little more authority to deal withit. He clears his throat up and thows his widest smile into the game.
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 “ Hey hey boys! Let’s behave now alright? If there’s a problem I think you want to take it to the owner and see the CCTV if you truly truly want to go through all that effort! “
The group takes a while of talking within each other and then reluctantly wades off to the bar counter, likely to get their cheap participatory drinks. Eiden now turns to the winner of the evening. 
“ Terribly sorry about that. That was a great match! “
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sanctummilitis · 2 years
Quite astonishingly were it the production of performances had continued smoothly in spite of the ascension candies’ influence upon the cast members who utilised them for the parts. Upon hearing the means of saving on the acquisition of impromptu costumes, Lancer had travelled to the theatre in order to aid in maintaining order should the monstrous cast become lost in their temporary nature, pleasantly surprised to behold such defensive measures be unnecessary.
Instead, she had concentrated on assisting wherever may need among the stage crew’s plentiful tasks. With the closure of another performance, she moved to greet the performers’ descent from the stage with bottles of water. While some made reach for the descension candies in order for relief between plays, the young man who had played the part of hunter in the recent story had the Servant’s attention. one need not be trained to recognise those heralding from outside Spirale’s territories, and thus, he made for easy approach once given a moment (though if he were at all weary, he had done remarkably well to hide it).
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"So, what do you make of being on stage with actual monsters who some might consider genuine enemies in their homelands? You seemed to be quite in your element — anyone might guess have trained specially in order to pursue a career in this field”.
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deathsignals · 2 years
The Spirale University was big - perhaps bigger than Gekkoukan High which had inhabited half an whole island. While Sakuya doesn't intend to take any classes at the university, there was some classes there that interested him as a whole. But the thought of registering was somewhat a pain, to the very least.
So he'd opted for the library, which had plenty of books of interests to him. As he picked out a few of his choosing -- his hand and another's reached for the same one
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"... Oh, sorry. You can take it."
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fellstcr · 2 years
⚔️ //  her  body  glowed  a  white-gold  as  her  prayer  circle  sparked  into  being  ,  swirling  slowly  in  front  of  her  lithe  frame.  heightened  by  the  fierce  instincts  of  a  dragon  ,  her  power  surged  and  surrounded  her  companion  with  a  similar  aura.  his  weapon  glowed  with  otherworldly  power  ,  his  fingertips  doused  with  ethereal  fire.
           the  final  beast  that  stood  between  them  and  the  end  of  their  maskerade  trial  was  bloodied  and  bruised.  it  growled and  turned  to  face  them  ,  and  the  weak  point  in  the  center  of  its  forehead  glowed  dimly  as  byleth  focused  on  their  target.
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          “now!” she directed  him  ,  palms  clasped  before  her  chest  as  she  maintened  her  concentration.  let  her  strength  be  his.  “i’ll  cover  you.”
@lokifell​ / monster  massacre  starter  call !
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lacedwithcharm · 2 years
@lokifell​ // starter call!!
☱  : she sees him far below, eating under the great tree that dominates the landscape of this sector. it’s a quaint sight; nearly all who pass beneath its boughs are dwarfed and made to look like ants by comparison. of course, it’s likely one of the safer locations around the island so yukari cannot fault anyone for seeking out the occasional bit of solitude in the shade of this grand and lively living tree.
there’s an inevitable curiosity in her, to see why the boy chooses such a place to eat lunch. she leans out of the gap keeping her suspended in the air far above to call out down below.
‘i hope not to interrupt, but...’ who is she attempting to fool? of course she does intend to bother him. if he looks skyward, he’ll see the face of the interloper peering down at him.
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‘is it pleasant, to recline beneath this overshadowing monstrosity of a tree? or perhaps do you like the relative quiet of this place? or is it just a means to an end? - a meal.’
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dimittere · 2 years
there's enough sense in him not to underestimate the young. RESILIENT, one could call them if they were being generous. a true pain in the ass on the worst of days. ganondorf's bad days outweigh his good, by a rather sizable margin, truth be told. the current weather, all muggy and wet and COLD, does not offer any FAVOURS to his temperament. a single eye cracks open under the dim lights. glasses of lager KLINK and the tender hum of the piano trickles into the ether. if he seems out of place, be it only because he's from a different world entirely and not for LACK of sophistication. while silently keeping watch on his fellow patrons, expecting a knife in the back, he spies one whom the foolish would simply consider an ORDINARY teen. that's a face i SHOULDN'T trust. but upon making eye contact with the young detective, he debates whether he should even bother to speak up. ❝… if looks could kill, i'd DARESAY that this room would be half as full as it currently is. i wonder, how long it may BE before a fight breaks out over a game of darts or billiards.❞
@lokifell liked for a starter.
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cabaretconnoisseur · 2 years
As much as he would have loved to keep walking, something about the way this kid was staring very intently at the brick in his hand spelled a funny little message out for him. Mind your business. The other message was, I’m doing something potentially dangerous, unsupervised. 
Was this another one of those child detectives? Young adult detectives? Why was it that every year that went by, the agents he ended up working with got younger and younger? At least, that was his deduction on why sir ponytail crime scene gloves was in the zone. 
Well. Time to pull him out of it. 
Staying out of skull-crushing range, he cleared his throat. 
“That brick owe you money or something? You’ve got a death grip on it.” 
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