A T T A C K E .
ich steh und seh und weh mir wird und geh drauf zu denn nur so wird ein scheiß Schuh draus !
© saraH Bräuer
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hoffe89 · 5 years
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Schulter und Arme Training erfolgreich abgeschlossen 💪 30-45min Training, 5 mal die Woche bezeichne ich als moderates Training. Am Wochenende eventuell ein Spaziergang und mit diesen paar Minuten am Tag kann man verschiedene Krebsarten (z.B. Brustkrebs) Diabetes typ 2 und Bluthochdruck vorbeugen :) . . Shoulder and arms training successfully completed 💪 I call 30-45min training, 5 times a week a moderate training. On the weekend maybe a walk and with these few minutes a day you can prevent various cancers (such as breast cancer) type 2 diabetes and hypertension :) . . . . #blutzucker #machwas #krebshilfe #fitnessfun #gesund #abnehmmotivation #abnehmenohnezuhungern #diabetestype2 #lossweight https://www.instagram.com/p/B45Lr_EomlT/?igshid=rtm8erpgskap
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Mach was im MachWerk ... Atelierplätze sind noch frei. #machwas #atelierwerkstatt #kunstmachen #diy #selbermachen #machwerk #atelierwerkstattmachwerk #freiesmalen #atelierplatz (hier: AtelierWerkstatt MachWerk) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByC_t65orWB/?igshid=1p4egzwca3nku
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freshfreenadi · 5 years
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PACK d-etary begleitet DICH nachhaltig 🌱 mit stoffwechselaktiven Mikronährstoffen 🌱 einem Minimum an Kalorien 🌱 auf dem Weg zum Wohlfühlgewicht 💯Mithilfe von Mangan, Kupfer und einem Vitamin-B-Komplex wird der Energiestoffwechsel in sein natürliches Gleichgewicht gebracht. 💯Magnesium aus der Baobabfrucht sowie Zink aus Buchweizenkeimpulver tragen zur Eiweißsynthese bei 💯Zink aus Buchweizenkeimpulver hat eine Schlüsselfunktion im Kohlenhydrat-, Protein- und Fettstoffwechsel 💯Selen trägt zu einer normalen Schilddrüsenfunktion bei, die wiederum in Zusammenhang mit dem Gewicht steht 👇🏻 https://freshfreenadi.ringana.com/produkt/pack-d-etary/ 👇🏻 change&future🌎wohlfühlgewicht #wohlfühlgewicht #natur #machwas #denknach #deinehaut #ausgewähltenähestoffe #nachhaltig #energiestoffwechsel (hier: Boehm Sports & Fashion) https://www.instagram.com/freshfreenadi/p/Buq_tAonA8V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s3mgw7wbtm2b
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stefan-esser-blog · 6 years
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Kapitän des Kölner Untergrunds.
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Mach was draus! Das vollständige Video findest du auf YouTube auf dem Kanal "Diese Welt ist eine Lüge" #dieweltisteinelüge #wieausaffengötterwerden #waagw #unabellacompania #ubc #dierettung #rettung #menschheit #affen #götter #machwasdraus #machwas #tuwas #tuen #tun #erkennen #verstehen #handeln
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makanakuy · 4 years
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Mi pachamanca de cumpleaños.
La pachamanca est une recette ancestrale. En quechua, pacha signifie ‘‘terre’’ et manca signifie ‘‘marmite’’.
C’est un plat que l’on prépare uniquement pour de grandes occasions comme des anniversaires, des mariages, ou encore des fêtes communales. En effet, sa préparation nécessite énormément de travail, ainsi que de mains d’oeuvre, et de temps.
La plupart du temps, les rôles sont bien définis. 
Les hommes, dès l’aube, se lèvent afin de préparer le four. Pour cela ils creusent un trou dans la terre, pour pouvoir ensuite le faire chauffer avec des pierres bien particulières (elles doivent être capables de supporter des températures extrêmes). Pendant ce temps, les femmes s’occupent de préparer les aliments. 
On retrouve énormément de produits dans la pachamanca. Généralement cela dépend des moyens disponibles au niveau des animaux et de la récolte. Cependant on trouvera quasiment toujours du poulet, du boeuf, du cochon d’inde ou du porc... ainsi que de la oca, de la machwa, et de la papa.  Deux autres produits sont également indispensable: les haricots ainsi que les humitas (pâte de mais).
Une fois le four ainsi que les pierres chauffées, on retire celles ci afin de mettre les pommes de terres au fond. On recouvre ensuite ces dernières avec les pierres chauffées au préalable.  On déposera ensuite les viandes sur les pierres, puis les haricots, puis les humitas.  On recouvrira le tout par de nombreuses herbes aromatiques, puis par une bache qui sera ensuite recouverte de terre. 
Afin que la pachamanca soit bonne, il est important pour famille de la bénir. Pour cela, les deux plus jeunes de la maisons doivent déposer une croix fleurie à son sommet.
La pachamanca cuira pendant environ une heure. Puis tout sera retiré un par un. 
La pachamanca n’a pas une recette en particulier. Chaque famille, communauté, village, a une façon différente de la préparer. J’ai simplement décris ci dessus comment elle était effectué au sein de la communauté de ma famille. De plus bien plus qu’un plat, il s’agit de tout un rituel qui servait à nos ancêtres de se rapprocher de la Pachamama (terre-mère). 
Cependant, je pense que la seule “recette” qui pourrait exister devra être filmée. Mettre des mots sur cette pratique est extrêmement complexe, ce pourquoi je publie une video juste après <3
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afishtrap · 7 years
This paper stems from dissatisfaction and concern at the overall framework within which studies on seafaring and maritime contacts in south Asia have been formulated, especially in the context of ancient Indian History. Academic writing in the Indian subcontinent has largely focused on social and economic history, with religion, mainly Brahmanism or Hinduism, providing legitimacy to the emerging ruling elite, or as an agent of integration by appropriating and absorbing local cults.
Ray, Himanshu Prabha. “Seafaring and Maritime Contacts: An Agenda for Historical Analysis.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 39, No. 4 (1996), pp. 422-431.
Detailed and meticulous recording was, however, undertaken from the sixteenth century onwards with the entry of the Portuguese. One of the problems of these accounts is the terminology adopted, as both the Portuguese and the Dutch "used European terminology to describe Asian craft that, in their eyes, distantly corresponded to the ships with which they were familiar." European records frequently refer to the gurab, the ganj and the kathaya as sailing from ports in India. The pattamar is commonly mentioned along the Malabar and south Indian coasts, while the toni and the vallam were generic terms used to incorporate a varying range of craft along the southern Indian coasts. Another common vessel was the baggala, though this was perhaps a merchant vessel of Arab origin.
Hornell argued for the evolution of a plank-built boat from "primitive" water-craft such as log-boats and log-rafts, based on the traditional classification. This divided water-craft principally by reference to two features: source and type of buoyancy, e.g. floats, rafts and boats; and the principal raw material used, e.g. reed, bark,hide, etc. As popularised by Greenhill, water-craft are generally classified into two categories: shell-built and skeleton-built. In boats where the planking is fastened together (shell-built) the frames are inserted after the hull planking has been assembled; in the carvel (skeleton-built) the frames are preformed and to these the planking is nailed subsequently. Hornell suggested that the skeleton construction was of considerable antiquity and was of Mediterranean origin. Subsequent research and documentation of boat-building techniques indicate that boat-builders in antiquity had built boats as a shell with strengthening frames, rather than the other way round, though there was a brief period of skeleton building by the Celts of north-western Europe in the first to third centuries A.D. The shaping of a vessel by skeleton construction methods is a far more complex process and one that did not develop in Europe till the seventh to eleventh centuries A.D. It is significant that a technique frequently adopted for traditional vessels in the Indian subcontinent at present is the skeleton method of construction. Thus, rather than an evolutionary process, the choice between a boat and a raft is mainly a culturally related one: whether to invest in a low-level technology, often relatively short-life wash-through raft; or in a relatively dry boat which requires greater investment of materials and effort; the use of a higher technology; and is longer lasting.
Along the Cambay section of the west coast, on the other hand, shoal water and the sandy bottom extend far into the sea and there is not a single harbour that could offer shelter to fishing craft. As a result fishing has to be combined with coastal trade and this necessitates the use of large boats. Another characteristic feature is that all Gujarat boats have means for erecting temporary weather-boarding in the waist. Thus in this region the building of kotias and machwas is an important industry,even though nearly all the timber has to be imported from the Malabar coast.
In Lakshadweep, medium-sized vessels of 50 tons capacity are generally built; the inhibiting factors being the topography as also the requirements of inter-island trade. All the islands lie within encircling coral reefs and have a lagoon within the circular reef walls. Most of the lagoons are deeper in the middle section, but become shallow towards the islands; the deciding factor in determining the size of the vessels, obviously, being the depth at the entrance to the lagoons. Even medium-sized vessels have to depend on high tide to enter or leave the lagoon.
An economic factor constraining the size is the meagre produce of the islands. This was not enough to provide cargo for a single large vessel; hence medium-sized odams were jointly owned and sailed by boat-owners from different islands.
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kenyatodaynews · 3 years
Police officer commits suicide at work
Police officer commits suicide at work
Police reports indicate that No 233456 Police Constable David Machwa Mbatia took his own life this afternoon by shooting himself using an AK 47 Riffle Read More…
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sunfuture6 · 6 years
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tunisie-annonces · 7 years
Nouvelle annonce en Tunisie
Fond de commerce restaurant (machwa)pizzaria tres bien equipee Loyer a 1200dt par moi
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basictools · 5 years
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Suche nach deinen Stärken - deine Schwächen kannst du ausgleichen! 🕵️‍♂️💪🔜🥳
#selbstoptimierer #selbstoptimierung #stärken #stärkenstärken #stärkenfinden #neugier #neugierig #interessen #lernen #neuesprobieren #machwas #machwasdraus #machwaswirklichzählt #machen #neueshobby #neueshobbygefunden #besserwerden #schrittfürschritt #schrittfürschrittansziel #ziele #zieleerreichen #selbstständig #basictools #infografik #anleitung #notieren #ichschaffdas (hier: Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJYl2-HZpY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ga020ycncekl
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sunfuture6 · 6 years
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#wohnzimmer #wohnzimmerneu #ofenrein #ofenneu #holzofen #effizienzhaus #plusenergiehaus #netzeroemissions #aktivhaus #gesundesbauen #gesundeswohnen #nachhaltigesbauen #fachwerkhaus #fachwerkhaussanierung #idylle #leben #glück #instamasters #nachhaltigkeit #sutainability #zeroemissions #zerowaste #machwas #ichmaches #ausaltmachneu #sanierung #meineenergiemehrgeld www.eo2.de. http://ift.tt/2omAs2p www.eo2.de
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schreibenohnedenken · 8 years
Alles was dich hält,
trägst du tief in dir, also
Gib niemals auf.
Von nichts kommt nichts.
Gut Ding will Weile haben.
Wann, wenn nicht jetzt,
wer, wenn nicht du?
Denn Morgen geschieht nur,
wenn du heute etwas tust, also:
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tunisie-annonces · 7 years
Nouvelle annonce en Tunisie
a vendre materielle restaux en bon etats : frigider selja kbir _ frigider contoire 1 m 20 _ conjilateur _ friteuze couran _ machwa _ girade __ table inox _
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