#mahoyaku translation
flowerinyourcare · 5 months
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rutile's 4th anniversary 4koma ft. snow - "headscarf"! ty to sheep and mio for tl assistance!!
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agirlattea · 27 days
The True Meaning of Iron in the Blood of the Fallen: 
Part 3: 
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(Location: Central Kingdom, Magic Manor, Common Room, Night Time)
Faust: So you’re already familiar with it, Sage. Shino also seems to have done a great job preparing. 
At that time, the Valcy had spread its roots underneath the entire city, and was on the verge of annihilating it. 
The person who stopped that was the Bernard Family’s head. 
Mitile: Then, was he a wizard? 
Shino: No, he was a human. 
Mitile and Akira: What?! 
Akira: Is it possible for humans to hunt monsters…? 
Shino: Who knows. But that’s what the book says, anyways. 
Arthur: The history books I have studied say the same. 
I’d thought perhaps he had aquired the help of a Wizard or used some other means to gain an advantage, but there are no records of such events. 
Faust: Not all history is recorded accurately: especially during times of chaos. 
Humans cannot wield magic. Even if they chant words that appeal to the spirits, they will not respond. 
In the end those words are just spells. Facing fierce magical beasts alone is beyond human capacity. 
Akira: I see… has the story changed over time, then? 
Shino: It’s a pretty common legend anyways. Actually it looks like he didn’t actually defeat the beast, just sealed it away. 
This is what they used to cast it.
Shino traced the pages of the book in his hands. 
In the page, there was a picture of a large object shaped like spread wings on a single solemn alter. 
Mitile: is this where the Valcy is sealed?
Shino: Yeah. This is “The Medal of Sincerity”. The jewel in the middle is where the Vlacy is sealed. 
It has a complicated structure with several layers of barriers and seals to stop it from breaking. 
Apparently the duty of gaurding it has been passed down through generations of Bernard Family Heads. 
Shino spoke quietly, like a child talking about their heroes. 
He looked up at Faust, still standing behind him, with eyes full of anticipation. 
Shino: Hey, Faust. If I ask that guy, do you think I can see the real thing? 
Faust: That guy…? You mean the boy you caught earlier? 
Mitile: The person who stole Murr’s wallet…? 
I wouldn’t go out of my way to meet someone who does bad things like that. 
Shino: I don’t think so. 
Mitile: Why?
Shino: In order to survive, there are times when you can’t keep pretending. I was the same way. 
Mitile was stunned speechless. 
Shino’s back was straight and his eyes were clear. The pride of having survived all alone was reflected in his stance. 
Shino: My dirty past won’t ever change, but I’m not the same person I was back then. 
I want to see how impressive the medals handed down through the Bernard family are. 
Someday, I want one that’s even cooler than all of them. 
Mitile: Shino, I… 
Shino: If you’re going to apologize, I won’t listen. You and I just have different ways of living. 
Though his words sounded like they were pushing others away, they were clear, as if he was making a joke. 
The air surrounding the two boys relaxed. The image of a boy in torn clothes standing among them came to mind. 
Akira and Arthur: About that boy… ah. 
Akira: I apologize for speaking over you. You were going to say something?
Arthur: Yes… he seemed quite concerned about the incidents in that city. 
Faust: The serial attacks? Didn’t he mention that several incidents happened in quick succession? 
Arthur: Yes. Somehow though… from the way he spoke, I think he might know something more about those incidents. 
Shino: …? Does that mean he’s involved? 
Arthur: It is not that I wish to doubt him, but he was the one who warned us not to stay in the city for fear of more casualties. 
As a member of an esteemed family, it is possible he said this out of concern for the public good, but… as the victim in the situation, his phrasing struck me as odd. 
Akira: That’s right… 
Mitile: …In the first place, why is someone like him living like that? 
If he was born to a family like that, shouldn’t he have a mansion and be admired by everyone…? 
Shylock: It isn’t particularly uncommon for noble families to fall. 
Just as there is no flower that does not wither, so too does glory never last. 
Murr: Shylock is eloquent as always! 
Akira: Shylock! And Murr too. 
Shino: You guys sure like appearing out of nowhere. 
Shylock: Fufu, I enjoy spending my time as I please. 
Rather, it seems this is the perfect place to enjoy dessert after dinner. 
Would you like some tea to go along with your sweets? 
Murr: I want a drink! I’ve been upside down for so long I’m starting to get thirsty! 
Shylock: have you tried turning around and pointing your head towards the ceiling? It’s likely because of the blood rushing to your head. 
And Murr, you are the one offering the tea. We came here to apologize for the commotion the other day. 
Murr: That’s right! Let’s have fun giving it out and have fun drinking it too! 
Murr waved his finger and the tea poured out into several cups. 
Faust: You’re not just here to apologize, Shylock. You were worried about the boy too, weren’t you? 
Shylock: My, perceptive aren’t you? 
The Bennet family is one family whose status slowly declined but… in that boy’s case, it seems something more dramatic has occurred. 
When Shylock raised his hand up, a delicate, colorful plate appeared. 
On top of it, colorful sablés appeared, overlapping with one another. He placed it on the table and sat down on the sofa. 
Shylock: When life changes, people usually adjust in stages. 
But… that boy didn’t seem used to his lifestyle at all. 
People rarely lose everything overnight. 
Murr: Also, we heard your story! The monster House Bernard sealed was the Valcy, right? 
That’s an extremely high-level monster, you know. You’d need a ton of spirit* to fight off something like that! 
Shino: Spirit? 
Faust: The key is a strong will. You’ll need it in most situations.
Arthur and Mitile: Spirit…
Akira: Wow, it suddenly became a matter of willpower. 
Faust: It makes sense. If one firmly believes that they are a servant of justice who must not give in to evil… 
By utilizing the correct strategies and affirming his will, he manipulated both his body and his mind to confront and overcome the Valcy. 
Shino: Cool. Faust, say that one more time, I wanna try too. 
Faust: You never listen seriously. I’m serious: if you fall prey to a Valcy without the right convictions, you’ll lose both your mind and your body. 
When that happens, you’ll become a blood-feeding monster, just like it. 
Akira: Ah…
My voice raises in horror at his words.
Murr, who was lounging in the air beside me, raised his index finger, and poked my temple. 
Murr: Valcy are famous for luring humans out with sweet scents and mysterious sounds before pouncing and sucking their blood. 
When that happens, the Valcy’s poison enters the body and the human is overcome with the urge to drink blood. 
Akira: People… drink other’s blood? 
Murr: Yep! It’s only a matter of time before the  extremely abnormal drives the victim mad. 
When that happens, the Valcy calls the victim back to its cocoon and sucks all their blood. That’s how it grows. 
Mitile: It keeps getting creepier and creepier… 
Shino: What a freaky story, it must’ve been some monster. 
Arthur: Even if it is a magical beast, the idea of attacking people and changing their very being… 
Akira: (To have your blood feasted on and even be cursed to become just like the monster that attacked you… the Valcy really are like the legendary Vampires of my world…) 
Shylock: After securing some history books, it became clear that is exactly the reason why the achievements of the Bernard Family’s former head are so glorious. 
For a legendary creature like the Valcy… to remain sealed to this day is no small feat. 
Murr: But no sealing technique can last forever. Maybe the secret passed down through the family heads is the key to maintaining it? 
Shino: A secret technique… like what? 
Murr: I dunno! But there are a lot of weird things about that town: The Valcy, the street attacks, and the wallet got fuller too! 
Everyone: …What?
Murr: When I got my wallet back from the boy, there was a little more inside! 
I wonder if his funds got mixed with mine when it dropped on the road? 
Akira: That’s terrible… we should go find him and give it back. 
Shylock: This must be causing him some trouble. 
Shino: That’s fine with me, I wanted to go back and get lemon pie anyways. 
Let’s ask him to show us his medals too, if you’re curious maybe you can even check on the seal while where there.
Arthur: I’d also like to accompany everyone. 
I’d love to hear more about him of course, but I’d also like to ask about the incidents. 
Murr: Yay~! We’re all going out again! 
Mitile: U-um… is it alright if I go too? 
Shino: Why? Do you also want lemon pie? 
Mitile: Well, there’s that too but… if his situation is like everyone says it is, like Shino’s was, then he may not be such a bad person right? 
I judged him too fast without knowing anything, but… if there’s something I can do to help him, then I’d like to do that! 
Shino: …Is that so? Then you come too. 
Mitile: Thank you! 
Arthur: Master Sage, I look forward to working with you! 
Akira: I am as well! It’s better to go as soon as we can so… 
Faust: Wait. 
Shino: What? 
Faust: If you’re planning on visiting that town and the boy’s mansion, you’ll need to prepare. 
Can you give me some time? 
Translator’s note: 
*気概 translates to will or fighting spirit, not to be confused with the magical spirits that allow wizards to cast magic. 
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forsettaomeiuvat · 1 year
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Lennox Birthday 2023 4koma
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yellowymellon · 1 year
🎂Owen's birthday card story : the ritual of starlight and words of blessings.🎉
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Note: it's my first time translating so if it doesn't sound so fluent in English pls excuse me ( ;∀;) - Also I'll edit it tomorrow so it matches better while reading the story 👍 --------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 1:
Akira: hello Owen, is it okay if we talk for a bit?
That day, i visited Owen's room.
After several tries, he finally opened the door
Owen: You're so persistant. What is it.
Akira: soon it'll be your birthday, i thought that i should invite you to hold the starlight and words of blessings ceremony.
Owen: ah, that wierd ritual that the twins said was ancient.
Akira : yes, it is a ritual inherited between the sage and the sage's wizards. We've been doing it on birthdays because it's a convenient day to gather blessings easily.
Akira: Things like getting fortune or enhancing magical powers, many good things seem to happen after holding the ritual, I'd like for Owen to...
Owen: alright.
Akira: huh...is it really okay!?
Owen: why are you surprised when you're the one who invited me.
Akira : sorry, to be honest i was ready to be rejected...
Owen: it's because some good things will happen to me.
Owen: or are you surprised because you're doubtful? You've been letting the other wizards go along with such an obscure thing?
Akira: no! Many good things happened to the others. I'm sure they'll happen to Owen as well.
Owen: you've said it.
the red and golden eyes came closer, and I wasn't able to say anything more.
Owen: if your words right now are just to make me spend some time with you on a meaningless ritual...
Owen: in that case, you know what'll happen right?
Chapter 2:
Afterwards, i collected three wizards to give the needed blessings for the ritual.
Mithra: you know what, I'm going to kill Bradley after all. I don't feel refreshed after i was stopped.
White: now now, don't fight again. For what reason do you think I'm here with you instead of being with snow.
Akira: you two were really going all out just now. Good thing snow and white got between you.
And now we are keeping watch on the separated two.
White and Mithra knew Owen for a long time so i decided to choose them from the northern side.
Cain: but I'm glad that Owen agreed to preform the ritual, it was so likely for him to be the last obstacle.
The third wizard was Cain, even though they're fated opponents, Cain wants to be friends with Owen.
Akira : even then, I'm happy that Owen agreed and is willing.
White: not honest as usual is he. Well, he has always been fickle and a bully.
Akira : I'm also thankful for all of you who gathered today. Let's all think about words that'll make Owen happy.
Cain:.... that's the plan but, if he receives blessings will he be happy?
Akira: huh?
Cain: things like fear and malice, i don't really get it. Well, here, what he likes, the words that make him happy, got the feeling of, gloomy and damp ones?
Mithra: that's right. That person isn't worthy of praise. Even if you say good things, he'll just make a wierd face.
White: basically, instead of blessings should we bad mouth him blessingly?
Cain: hey that's really challenging, i can't even imagine it...
Mithra: are you sure? It's really easy. For example...
The moment Mithra Opened his mouth, white covered my ears.
Akira: huh?
Mithra said something to which Cain reacted so impactfully. white then removed his hands.
Cain: that's absolutely not okay!?
White: truly! It's was a wise choice to cover the sage's ears.
Cain: that was indeed cruel, or is it more graphic to say the least...it feels like it'll appear in my dreams.
Akira: ehh?? What did you say Mithra?
Mithra: you wanna hear it again? Can't be helped..
Cain: wah! Hey! Sir sage don't listen!
White: Mithra dear, stop!
Once again, White covered my ears.
And that's how with great difficulty, we thought of a blessfull bad mouthing that would make Owen happy.
Chapter 3:
The day of the ceremony arrived. Owen and i visited the forest of dreams. It seems like the chances of the ritual succeeding is higher if we visit a place that has a connection to the wizard where we can see the starry sky.
Owen: humph. Weird clothes.
Akira: these are special clothes prepared by snow and white. It also looks good on you and suits the forest vibes!
Akira : then, shall we start the ritual? Owen, could you close your eyes?
Owen: .............
Owen didn't close his eyes. Feeling himself being conveyed through, i put my hand over his chest and lower my eyelids.
Akira: the first one is from white.
Akira: [you may be ill-natured, nasty and the worst, but i don't hate you.]
Akira : the next is mithra's....
Akira: [you're truly ill-natured, nasty and the worst aren't you. Well, you always seem bright and like you're having fun, that kind of carefreeness makes me envious. ]
Akira: and now Cain's...
Akira:[you're ill-natured, nasty and the worst. But i think you have a side worth respecting. I'll keep on doting on you as the wizards of the sage. Have a good day with sir sage.]
Akira : lastly, this is mine.
Akira: it feels like I'm slowly understanding what you like and what you hate day by day. In hopes of your continuous joy at the magic house, let many good things happen to you.
After finishing all i had to say, i felt warmth flowing from my chest. It seems like it has reached Owen through my hand.
Akira : with this, the ritual has ended....well, how was it?
When i Opened my eyes, i was faced with a displeased Owen.
Owen: one way or another, it feels somehow like i was told things that pissed me off.
Akira: and here we were trying to find words that make you happy....
Akira:(i gave up though....)
Owen: ha? And then?
Owen raised both his eyebrows and his voice sharply.
Owen: on top of that, nothing happened. It seems like you lied after all. As compensation, you won't complain no matter what happens to you.
His lips curled maliciously as he got closer and closer.
Thinking this is the right time, i held a package in front of his face.
Owen: what's this?
Akira: it's chocolate! Made especially for you.
Akira: with the help if everyone, we added lots of sugar...I'm sure the flavor will be to your liking.
Akira: see, good things happened, Owen!
Owen takes the package without his earlier malice.
And then he crushes it.
Akira: ah..!
Owen: you're looking down on me aren't you. are you trying to trick me with such thing?
Akira : that isn't what I meant....!
I stopped talking shortly after, because i felt something drop on my head.
When i looked up, i saw a bag stuck in a tree, it seems like its insides fell.
Owen: it's the lost belongings of an idiotic traveler.
Akira: lost belongings....
I heard on snowy nights, the snow piles up on trees. When that happens, the toxin of the forest fades, and hurried travelers might drop their belongings.
Owen: <<cure memini>>
Owen brought the bag to himself using magic, he opened the bag and smiled.
Owen: he~h.
Akira: what's insid- mhph!
The contents of the bag were shoved into my mouth, what spread in my mouth was ...
Akira: sweet!....are these sweets? Caramel?No,fudge?
Owen: i don't know the name. But those who cross the northern country usually tend to have really sweet things as nutrition.
Owen: i used to trick the lost wanderers and steal theirs.
Saying that, Owen ate from the fudge.those different colored eyes tilted into a crescent shape as if they're smiling.
Is this a coincidence...? But if that's not the case maybe the ritual was a success?
Owen: fufu. Between this candy and your chocolate, which do you think is sweeter?
Akira: .... I think the chocolate won't lose. Please try it as well.
Holding both of them to the stars to compare, Owen puts the chocolate in his mouth.
I wasn't able to see his expression that was hidden by the shadow of his hand.
But from the gaps of his hair, i saw his nicely shaped lips slightly arc.
Posting it now for those who can't cope like me
Pls don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything wrong with the translation 💙💜
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bamboo-bees · 1 year
Lumiere of Bonds Lit in the Dim Night
I’ve been so bored with nothing to do, so I figured why not jump aboard the translation train? I’m pretty much a newborn baby when it comes to translating, as I am still learning the language. That said, thank you and I hope you enjoy~
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⋆⁺₊⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter 1⋆⁺₊⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆
One day when a cool breeze was blowing. 
Upon receiving the request, we visited a small village in the central country. 
Shino: “This is the last piece of rubble blocking the road. I’ll lift it up.”
Heathcliff: “All right. Lepse Vive Lupusnos”
Shino: “Matztzah Sudipas”
When Heathcliff and Shino cast their spells there is a heavy sound, and fallen trees and earth and sand are gradually pushed to the side of the road. 
The roof tiles that were blocking the way were removed, and we can finally get through the road. 
Akira: “Shino, Heath. Thank you for your hard work.”
Heathcliff: “Master Sage.”
Shino: “It doesn’t really matter to me. More than that Sage, this is just a chore no matter how you look at it.”
Shino: “I heard this was an important mission, so I came here with a lot of energy…”
Heathcliff: “It’s not a chore. When you came here, the Master Sage explained the details of the request.” 
Heathcliff: “It’s reconstruction work for a village damaged by the influence of <The Great Disaster>.”
Shino: “Was it? Anyway, a flashy one like subjugating monsters would have been good.”
Shino: “And I don’t like that Oz stands out. Look at that.”
Shino bends his mouth and sends a glance. 
Ahead of him was Oz, who was helping with some work in the distance. 
Oz: “Vox Nox”
As soon as Oz casts his spell, rubble floats in the air, and the flattened houses begin to regain their shape. 
And then the pile of tiles disappeared, and a house was completed in a beautiful state as if nothing had happened. 
Akira: “It’s like time is rewinding……It’s as amazing as ever.”
Shino: “Well, thanks to him, it seems like it’ll be over soon.”
Heathcliff: “I’m sure there’s more to help with other than the reconstruction.”
Akira: “Yes. I’ve also received a request to prepare for the amulet ceremony that’s held every year in this village.”
Akira; “I’ve asked Chloe, Shylock, and Cain to restore the costumes for the ceremony, but……” 
Heathcliff: “Some people in black are coming this way. Huh, those clothes…..”
The three people walking towards me, waving their hands, had changed into unfamiliar clothes before I knew it. 
Cain: “Good work, you three! How are you doing?”
Akira: “Thank you for your hard work. Things are going well here.”
Shino: “Those clothes are cool. Looks strong.”
Shylock: “It’s an amulet ritual costume. The less damaged costumes were repaired and made by the villagers.”
Shylock: “I want us to have fun too.”
Chloe: “Even though it’s such a cool costume, it’s a shame that most of it got burned under the influence of <The Great Disaster>.”
Chloe: “Oz-sama is repairing the village so fast, we have to hurry up and get ready!”
With a booming voice, Chloe spins around as if to show off his majestic costume once again. 
I’m sure it’s a big job to repair the costumes of all the villagers. 
Well, with these talented people, it won’t take them long to get ready. 
Shino: “By the way, what did you mean by ceremonial ritual?”
Heathcliff: “You really haven’t heard much of what the Master Sage has to say….”
Cain: “It’s a ritual to keep monsters away. A long time ago, at this time of year, this village was attacked every year by hordes of monsters!”
Cain: “So the villagers thought of a countermeasure. That is to light a big bonfire and light lanterns all over the village.”
Heathcliff: “By enveloping the entire village in flames they succeeded in driving the monsters back, isn’t that right?”
Akira: “Since then, every year, they decorate the lanterns with fire so that the monsters don’t come.”
Akira: “This year there was damage and the progress of the ceremony was delayed…..”
Chloe: “So, the villagers who felt uneasy gave us a request.”
Heathcliff: “Besides, the ritual isn’t too formal, right?”
Cain: “Yeah. Put on special clothes and make-up, gather around the bonfire, and spend the night like a festival.”
Cain: “I’ve heard that it’s a very fun traditional event with great food, singing and dancing!”
Shino: “Hmm……But does it really make sense?”
Shino: “In fact, even if the ritual is delayed, I don’t feel the presence of monsters around here.”
Shylock: “Well, who knows. However, there are many beasts and monsters who are not good with fire and light.”
Shylock: “Besides, the light can ease the fears and anxieties that lurk in people’s hearts.”
Shylock: “In that sense, it is an important ritual that serves as a stronghold for the villagers.”
As we were talking, Faust and Nero, who were working in another place, came towards us. 
Faust: “Sage, can I have a minute?”
Akira: “Faust, Nero. What’s wrong?”
Faust: “The villagers asked me to do something. While the village is being restored, could you take a look at the abandoned altar in the back of the village?”
Akira: “Altar…..?”
Nero: “Yeah. It looks like a mansion where a wizard used to live. There’s no one there now, but there’s a number of people in the village who say they’ve seen a shadow.”
Nero: “Some people said they heard an eerie squealing noise, and that there might be a ghost or some kind of monster living there.”
Heathcliff: “G, ghosts!?”
In contrast to Heathcliff, who turned pale at the two’s talk, Shino’s eyes lit up. 
Shino: “Let’s go now. It doesn’t matter if it’s a ghost or a monster.”
Shino: “It seems like a much easier task to accomplish than preparing for restoration or rituals.”
Nero: “We don’t know if there’s even any real danger. There’s been no harm done, so it’s probably just a stray dog living there.”
Shino: “Still, it’s much more competitive than cleaning up rubble. Let’s go quickly.”
Faust: “…Well, I suppose so. We’re wizards of the east, so I’ll take a quick look.”
Faust: “Just as Nero said, I don’t feel any strange presences. Sage, is that okay?”
Akira: “Yes. Just in case, since it’s an additional request, please allow me to accompany you.”
Akira: “Ah…. but if that happens, Oz might be the only one helping with the reconstruction…..”
I look back to say a word to Oz in the distance. 
Akira: “Oz! It’s okay to leave it for a while…”
Oz: “Vox Nox”
Oz was alone and silently repairing the village. 
Occasionally, the surrounding villagers would cheer. 
Villagers: “Oh, wow…..!”
Villagers: “Roof tiles that didn’t move even with the help of ten people look like dead leaves….”.
Akira: (A, as expected…..)
Cain: “I’ll tell Oz. He’ll be fine on his own, I’m better at talking to the villagers anyway.”
Shylock: “As for repairing the clothes, there are also fast and skilled tailors here.”
Chloe: “Yeah, we’ll finish it perfectly! So, leave it to us!”
Guided by Faust, we proceed deeper into the village. 
The popularity gradually faded away, and a silence enveloped the area. 
This area is also littered with rubble, giving it a more ominous atmosphere. 
Akira: (Not only the people, but also the number of houses is also getting less and less…..)
As I was looking around, Faust suddenly stopped. 
Faust: “Over there.”
What Faust was pointing at was a tall, old Western-style building nearly buried in overgrown vegetation. 
Shino: “It's a rag shop.”
Heathcliff: “Oh yeah. I mean, there’s a pretty good atmosphere…..”
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kimikokuro22 · 1 year
[Someday, In My Favorite Story]
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CARD STORY [In a Bustling and Noisy Place]
Chapter 1
Akira: Hm? What's that sound?
When i entered the forest to look for Shino, i heard an unfamiliar sound. I followed where the repeated sound came from.
Shino: Oh, it's you Sage.
Akira: Good afternoon! ….Is that bow and arrows? It's rare seeing you using it.
Shino: Yes. It's been a while since i touched this thing.
Shino: Don't you remember? This bow is a gift from Boris when we went to the Jura Forest.
Jura Forest is the place Shino and the others went to before. Boris is the name of a young man who took care of them there.
Shino: Leaving that aside, you came all the way here because you need something from me, right?
Akira: Actually, i want to ask you something. This is a book called [Book of Memories] i got from Murr the other day…
Shino: [Book of Memories]...? Never heard them.
Akira: It's a magic tool from Murr's storage room. When you open it, it'll draw a picture of the scenery before you.
Akira: I've been given the permission to put anything i want in it, so i want to keep a record of memorable sceneries with everyone.
Akira: If there's a place you want to go again one more time, would you take me there?
Shino: Interesting. I already chose where i wanted to go.
Shino holds up his bow and arrows with a grin on his face. I also nodded and smiled.
Akira: Jura Forest it is!
Chapter 2
Akira: I'm glad we arrived safely. It's reassuring to have you here, Shino.
Shino: Of course. Well, the protective charm Fauts gave us also played a part in keeping us safe.
Akira: That's true. We should thank him when we get home.
Shino: But, don't you think he's being too overprotective? If i go with you, there's no way i would let the Sage face danger.
Akira: Ahaha. Shino is really reliable after all.
Shino once defeated the legendary beast, Bdellaglossa in this forest.
His splendid action even moved the hearts of the people who were not accepting wizards at first.
Boris: Is that you, Shino? Thanks for the letter, i came to pick you up.
Shino: Boris. Long time no see.
Akira: Good afternoon, Mr. Boris. Thank you for welcoming us.
Boris: Ah, you brought those bow and arrows. I'm honored.
Boris: But i'm sorry for requesting this the moment you arrived. We need to borrow Shino's power. Will you lend us your help?
Akira: I wonder what's wrong…?
There are other hunters in the place he guided us to. While exchanging light greetings, i noticed their tense faces.
Boris: A beast who usually stayed deep in the forest suddenly came to the human village. We wish to bring it back to his den. 
Boris: It's a wild one. Be careful.
Shino: Got it.
Shino replied light-heartedly. But his shining red eyes tell me that he's treating this situation seriously.
Shino: Sage, don't leave my side.
Akira: Y-yes!
Hunter: There! The beast shows up!
Boris: Okay! Let's go!
The hunters run towards the beast. But there is one person who did not move from his place.
Akira: Shino? What's wrong?
Shino: Sshh.
Shino held his breath and followed the beast movement with his eyes.
Hunter: Over there! Release your arrows!
The cornered beast roared and ran back into the deep forest.
When i thought we're safe, the beast let out a loud shriek and charged to one of the hunter.
Akira: Mr. Boris! Watch out!
Chapter 3
Mr. Boris's face stiffened the moment he saw the beast charged at him.
At that moment, i felt a gust of wind blowing. A single arrow grazed the beast's eye and pierced a tree trunk.
With its path blocked, the beast thumped in confusion.
Shino: Now! Get it!
Hunter: kh… Yeah!
With his hand still gripping his bow, Shino shouted. With that voice as a signal, everyone started to move and the beast was caught in no time.
Akira: Shino…. you're amazing.
Boris: Shino, you're really amazing! Thanks to you, we can finally catch the beast!
After safely returning the beast to its home, Mr. Boris held a congratulatory feast.
With a bonfire in the middle, everyone lightly clicked their wooden glass.
Boris: Your archery skills are exceptional, but why didn't you use magic?
Shino: Bow and arrows are enough for a beast like that.
Shino: Besides, i think you guys will move easier if i don't use magic.
Boris: ….No one here will speak ill of you anymore. You're the hero who defeated Bdellaglossa after all.
Hunter: Yeah, we're very grateful to you all. When i heard Shino and the others were coming, i went ahead to hunt our prized prey.
Hunter: It's grilled with special seasoning. Please have a taste. You too, Master Sage.
Akira: Thank you.
Akira: It's delicious!
Shino: Yeah, it's good! I want to bring this back to Heath.
Seeing our reaction, the hunters light-heartedly laughed.
Akira: Their reaction is completely different from before….. I'm sure Mr. Boris told everyone about Shino's and the others' achievements.
Akira: That wizards are not a scary existence….
With the feast getting livelier, Shino and i gazed at their merry faces from a distance.
Akira: Shino, you're really amazing earlier. But i'm also surprised. I thought you would charge forward and lead them.
Shino: I'm not one of the locals. Just lending them my hand a little is more appropriate.
Shino: Besides, i'm more used to moving alone.
Shino: I always spent the night alone in Sherwood Forest and it's very quiet….
Shino suddenly stopped his words. The sound of strings being plucked fills the silence.
Following that sound, one of the hunters continued playing an instrument. Everyone went silent and listened to that sound. Shino continues his word while gazing at the spectacle.
Shino: My surroundings have become noisier now. There are those who came to hunt, those who cook, and those who play an instrument…
Shino: I don't think nights like this are bad. There are people who would praise me for my hard work here.
Akira: Shino…
Shino: ….Okay. Let's stop our conversation.
Shino: You came here to get a drawing for the [Book of Memories], didn't you?
Akira: Ah, you're right!
Akira: Since a lot happened, why don't we also put the hunters in our drawing?
Shino: Not bad. Let's do our best to draw this noisy night.
Shino: Come here.
Shino brings out his broom and helps me get on. We gaze at Jura Forest from the sky. The sun is about to set in the faraway mountain.
Surrounded by the flickering bonfire and leaves lit up by the setting sun, the back of the laughing hunters are very warm and beautiful.
Akira: It's a very beautiful sight…. Thank you, Shino.
Shino: Heheh. You're very welcome, Master Sage.
CARD EPISODE [Where Your Interest Lies]
Akira: Shino, do you have any favorite legends or stories? Perhaps a book that leaves a lasting impression on you….
Shino: A book of clock blueprints.
Akira: Eh? A blueprint?
Shino: Yeah. It's not a story but Heath showed me one when we were little.
Akira: It's surprising. To think Shino is also interested in things like that. 
Shino: No, i'm not.
Akira: You're not?!
Shino: Yeah. I don't understand any of it.
Shino: However, when we look at those blueprints, Heath looked like he was having so much fun. His voice sounded much more cheerful than usual.
Shino: As i listened to his story, i thought it would be nice if he could be this confident all the time.
Akira: Ahaha, as expected you would think like that. I understand, because Heath is really excited every time he speaks about his interest.
Shino: Right? That's why i told him, "You sure speak a lot today."
Akira: Heath must have thought he's being teased….
Akira: Umm, How did Heath respond?
Shino: He apologized and said, "Sorry for speaking so much".
Shino: I quickly cut his words and asked, "Why are you apologizing for having fun?!"
Shino: He answered, "I want you to know the things i loved." and laughed. I kinda feel embarrassed after hearing that.
Homescreen Voiceline
"This is my story. That's why, i won't let anyone tell me what to do. Sage, i will show you an one of a kind scenery. Look forward to it."
3rd Anniversary Voiceline
"Today is a celebration, i'll give you my sugar as a treat. It's a bit sharp but it's cool, right?.... Even if it have a weird shape, you still look so happy receiving it. I like that about you."
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faith-conquest · 1 year
waiting for mitile to somehow go berserk,,
(i have yet to read about ten of the new events but still-)
Plenty of times, both in the Main story and the events, we find hints that in a near future he's gonna destroy everything in a way or another, such as the prophecy made by Snow & White (saying one among the wizards will turn against them and that Figaro is close to death) or Bradley's opinion about the so called "southern shortie" (he has the potential to grow stronger and might become a good bandit if only he was willing to).
The most obvious clue is the magic spell he's forced to use: "Ortonik Sealsispilce", which is difficult to pronounce and almost sounds like a tougue-twister.
Figaro refused to let Mitile change the words of his own spell although he has a hard time learning how to say it fluently, guess that's because it is meant to put him at a disadvantage if he ever tries to rebel or even turns evil.
Also his training is more focused on potion making/healing magic and not fighting, to refrain him from developing in-battle skills.
Well, this might be an interesting thing to see, i wonder if he might get manipulated into hating Figaro (who he admires so much) for all his lies Even though Mitile is more likely to go crazy because of external causes (curses of hypnosis) rather than just anger for whatever reason (like the "true"/past Figaro).
If this ever happens and Mitile ends up attacking his brother, how would Mithra, the one supposed to protect both of them, react?
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Mahoyaku Translation: Lennox R [Beginning of a Heated Battle] Card Episode
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His Reason for Sleeping Early
Akira: What’s the best fried food in the whole damn world? ♪ Chicken, chicken, fried chicken~♪ 
Lennox: Good evening, Master Sage.
Akira: Lennox! …Did you hear all that?
Lennox: Yeah. It sounded like a fun song. Are you having fried chicken for dinner tonight?
Akira: Ahaha. It’s not like that, I was hungry and ended up singing about food… I’m heading to the dining hall, would you like to come with me?
Lennox: Sorry. I was thinking of going back to my room to rest.
Akira: Oh, isn’t it still quite early? Are you not feeling well?
Lennox: No… I haven’t slept for a few days. I’ve been looking after a sheep that’s been ill for the past few days. I figured I should sleep while I can now that he's feeling better.
Akira: I see… I’m glad the sheep’s recovering, but I’m sure you must be really tired from pulling all-nighters.
Lennox: Haha, it’s not a problem for me. I’m used to being on night watch.
Akira: (That’s a former soldier for you, he’s tough… But it must’ve been hard to stay up all night and worry.) Get lots of rest tonight. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.
Lennox: Thank you. …By the way, Master Sage. I’ll be waking up at the usual time tomorrow, so would you like to join me for breakfast? 
Akira: Yes, I’d love to!
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mirikitakato · 1 month
[Translation] Skits of "Our magical party wiz you" and the staged reading ""A Mixer After the Mission"
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Good day, everyone! I have translated the skits and the staged reading from the “Our magical party wiz you!” (Mahoawa) event on January 28-29th, 2024. It took me a while, and this is not the full translation for the 2-hour show. There are also Q&A activities involving seiyuus and some additional skits with characters. However, I translated all the skits featuring CaiOwe and the 20-minute main skit "A Mixer After the Mission" written by the devil Tsushimi Bunta!
Please feel free to share the link to the translation or screencap it to react.
Characters: Oz, Arthur, Mithra, Rutile, Cain, Owen, Snow
(The Day’s skit)
Owen: Hey, are you kidding me?
Mithra: That's my line.
Cain: Hey there, you two. Let's not start off on such a tense note, alright? What's going on?
Mithra: The thing I just had for lunch is called Napolitan pasta. This guy has more bacon in his bowl than mine, not fair at all.
Cain: More bacon? How nice!
Owen: That's not nice, comparing to that pudding he has. Mithra's pudding is bigger than mine.
Mithra: Obviously, because I eat faster than you.
Owen: You were just eating everything randomly, weren't you? Ah, I feel sorry for that pudding, being eaten by someone like you.
Mithra: So you're not giving up? How unsightly.
Owen: Hah? You want to die?
Mithra: Just what I want.
Owen: Cuore Memini–
Mithra: Athrim—
Cain: Wait, hold on!! Let's not start a fight out of nowhere! You'll wreck the place.
Rutile: Ah, how about this? Since we're in a theater, why not have a competition fitting this place?
Mithra: A competition fitting this place?
Rutile: Let's have the spirits of this land as judges. Since they love singing and art, we could have a poetry competition. What do you think, dear spirits? (The audience applauds)
Rutile: Thank you.
Mithra: Well, okay. I'm the strongest at writing poems.
Owen: I won't go along with your ridiculousness. Such a stupid game.
Mithra: Oh? Is it because you don’t have confidence?
Owen: Aren't you just led by the nose?
Cain: Please don't start a new round of quarrels, guys. Owen, if you're not interested…
Owen: Fine, I'll participate. With Mithra's brain, my victory is assured.
Sir Knight, let's start quickly *kick*
Cain: Ouch! Why did you suddenly kick me?!
The theme is “Winter”. Owen, you first!
Owen: Eh? Me?
Cain: 321, GO!
Owen: The…the winter sun…on top of the sky…turns into…a frozen white jade…
Rutile: Wow, what a beautiful imagery!
Owen: On the snow field…there's…a fluffy dog…but his fur sheds…and vanishes with the wind…
Cain: Ahhh, he was so fluffy, though.
Mithra: That's it? Well, no surprise that you're at this level
Rutile: But the first part was great! I couldn't have come up with “frozen sun”!
Cain: I also love fluffy dogs, they’re like winter. When you see your dog getting shaggy, you know winter's here. It's a shame his fur fell out.
Owen: Oh, you like that? Then why don't I turn you into a big hairless dog and throw you into an extremely cold place where it snows all the time?
Cain: Why do you come up with words to insult me so easily?!
Cain: Next theme is “Northern Wizards”. 321, GO!
Mithra: On the snow field…there is a fluffy dog.
Owen: Wait, don't copy me.
Cain: It’s even the same dog.
Mithra: Standing there is a creature more majestic than a dog, a huge crocodile... and the strongest and most fearsome, me...
Mithra: Hmmm, sounds weird. Rutile, you are up.
Rutile: Huh!? Uh...if you step on the shadow...
Owen: Hey hey, it'd be cheating to ask others for help, wouldn't it? Rutile, don't say more.
Rutile: I'm...I'm sorry. I can't resist answering when someone asks me...
Mithra: Huh? Is there a rule against asking others?
Cain: Well...no, there isn't. Sorry, I forgot to set rules. But I trust the spirits (audience) will judge fairly. Let's hear Rutile's first.
Rutile: Yes! Owen's expression was particularly poetic, and Mithra was great at involving others.
Cain: I see. Both had unique elements in their poems. What do the spirits think?
(The audience applauds)
Cain: I see. Congratulations, Owen and Mithra, you share the victory!
Rutile: Congratulations!
Mithra: Winning was too easy. Poetry seems like child's play.
Owen: You just won without a fight. Let's start over.
Cain: The spirits seem pleased, making the atmosphere livelier and more energetic here.
Owen: That means…
Mithra: Then...
Owen/Mithra: *fighting each other* Cuore Memini/Arthim!
(The Night’s skit)
Snow: You're back too. Just walking around, not bothering anyone and not killing anyone?
Owen: You think I'm Mithra? I don't do those things. *sound of chewing*
Cain: What are you eating?
Owen: Dango from a nearby stall. It's right over there, by the red gate.
Snow: You're right, it smells sweet and delicious.
Cain: I noticed it too when I passed by earlier today. But I was so full that I couldn't eat anymore, so I didn't buy any.
Owen: Because you had too much Napolitan pasta, didn’t you? What a glutton, ordering such a large portion.
Cain: I couldn't help it! It was so delicious. After that, I walked around the streets with Rutile for a long time and started feeling hungry again.
Hey, give me one.
Owen: The song of hot dango.
Cain: What?
Owen: If you want one, sing. This is a payback for making me do weird things during the day.
Cain: Are you still holding a grudge over that...? Eh…Impromptu singing? I've never done that without a drink...
Snow: How about this? They also sell hot drinks near the red gate. It's slightly sweet and tastes a bit like wine, but it's actually non-alcoholic.
Cain: Thanks. Ohhh, it smells good. Now this can set the mood I need...
Owen: Cuore Morito
Cain: Ugh!?
Snow: Owen!? What did you--
Cain: ....He he he...there...is a pile of hot dango...~
Snow: Cain!?
Cain: Dango dango~~ Taran taran tan tan~
Owen: He's started drunken dancing and singing now. How clumsy and amusing.
Snow: Dear! Did you cast a spell on Cain? That kid took just a sip and he's already drunk.
Cain: Ha, ha ha...Let's take off our clothes to dance and sing, everyone...
Owen: Do it, do it~
Snow: Wah!!! Wait--! Noscomnia!
Cain: What just happened?
Owen: What, we were just getting to the good part.
Snow: Phew, that was close. Are you okay, dear? You were only dancing and singing, don’t worry.
Cain: I can’t remember…..But then that means I fulfilled Owen’s request?
Owen: Well, you could say that. Here, I'll give you a dango, catch it. *throw it away*
Cain: Ah! Hey, don’t just toss dango around like that!
The staged reading "A Mixer After the Mission" written by Tsushimi Bunta
Arthur: Look, Lord Oz, there are fireworks lighting up the sunset sky.
Oz: Indeed.
Rutile: It seems people are setting off fireworks to celebrate the resolution of the recent event. How beautiful.
Cain: Strange occurrences took place at Granvelle Castle. Although very dangerous and tricky, fortunately, we managed to solve them successfully.
Snow: That's right, the people on the street are also very happy. Beautiful music is coming from the square, it feels delightful.
Oz: Indeed.
Snow: Ah, dear Oz, the young wizards are all very happy now. You should sometimes respond to them with something more enthusiastic, like "Wow! That's fantastic!"
Arthur: Just watching the fireworks with Lord Oz makes me happy enough. And is this music the same as the one played during the inauguration ceremony?
Cain: Yes, the sound of fireworks, the music from that day, and the laughter of the people. Just hearing them makes me feel like I've been transported back to the day of the inauguration ceremony.
Arthur: The sages and their wizards gathered on the terrace of Granville Castle and waved many times to the people.
Rutile: After that, a lot of things really happened. Time has really flown by since then. Being able to become so close to Lord Arthur, Uncle Mithra, and others is like a dream.
Speaking of which, where are Uncle Mithra and Mr. Owen?
Cain: Hmm? Oh, I don't see them either. Weird, they were with us just a moment ago.
Snow: Maybe they went to confirm "The Legendary Wind Passage"?
Arthur: What is "The Legendary Wind Passage"?
Snow: The land in this area is blessed by the wind spirit, thus strong winds blow sometimes. The most famous one is a passage where there are always violent storms. It is said that only the strongest wizard can pass through this legendary passage.
Arthur: So it’s the strongest passage?
Snow: Exactly, the strongest passage, literally as the words imply.
Cain: I'm pretty sure those two are competing to see who can fly through that passage faster.
Rutile: I am very confident in my broom-flying skills and would like to participate too...
Mithra: Arhtim
Arthur: They're back. Welcome back, Mr. Mithra, Mr. Owen.
Mithra: We're back.
Owen: Ugh, that was the worst.
Mithra: Oz, it is said that only the strongest wizard can pass through the wind passage - the strongest path, and I have conquered it. In other words, I'm the strongest. Your strongest throne has been taken away by me. How about that? Don't you want to say something?
Oz: Wow, that's fantastic.
Mithra: Huh?
Oz: Wow, that's fantastic.
Mithra: What's that?
Oz: Wow, that's—
Mithra: Shut up, you're noisy.
Arthur: Lord Oz, your level of agreement is truly superb.
Speaking of celebration, it seems that Lord Oz, Mr. Mithra, and Mr. Owen have never participated in a mixer.
Oz: Mixer?
Arthur: A mixer is to celebrate an encounter. If possible, how about holding one now? I feel a bit regretful not being able to join the social gathering with Lord Oz and others.
I also want to plan a mixer for 22 people including the Sage.
But now that we are here, how about practicing this bonding event in advance?
Mithra: Interesting, I want to join this thing called a mixer or something
Arthur: Thank you, Mr. Mithra.
How about Lord Oz?
Oz: Yes.
Arthur: Thank you so much!
How about Owen?
Owen: I won't. It's boring.
Cain: Don't say that.
If we sit face to face in a social gathering, we can understand each other better and maybe become closer.
Owen: When did I say I want to get along with you?
Cain: I want to get along well with you.
Owen: I don't want to. As if I would go.
Cain: Uhmm okay, that's good then! I actually don't want to get along with you either, but I have to do this because my lord is here. Lucky for me that you refused me first.
Owen: Oh? So you actually don't want to get along with me?
Cain: Yeah, why should I want to get along with you? You took my eyeball.
Owen: Ha ha, what a pitiful Sir Knight.
Owen: Then I will reluctantly join this mixer. Let's get close to each other, shall we?
Cain: Is that so?! Thank you, Owen!
Owen: Huh?
Cain: That's good for you, Arthur.
Owen: What does this mean?
Cain: Everyone, let's join in the fun!
Owen: Hey? Hey!
Arthur: I see!
Speaking of which, the Sage told me once…in mixer, people are supposed to have some special events.
Rutile: Special events?
Mithra: No matter what those are, it’s not a problem for me
Arthur: I don't know the specific details. Let's try to find out.
Rutile: I think I have an idea! (Rutile starts singing)
Rutile: Why do you want to drink? Why do you want to drink? Because you want to drink, so you drink!
(T/n: He is singing a parody of なんで持ってんの, a japanese drinking song)
Arthur: *confused voice* W-what song is that?
Rutile: This is the kind of song everyone sings at the beginning of a mixer.
Cain: Somehow, it feels like I’ve heard it somewhere before.
Rutile: Really? I created this song, though.
Cain: Really? But it sounds a bit familiar… Anyway, since we have songs, there should also be dances, right? Like dancing in pairs at a ball.
Arthur: That sounds appropriate! Perfect for social occasions to celebrate new encounters.
Owen: So how about this?
Owen: We play a game where one person acts as the king and the rest are retainers who follow the king's orders.
Cain: This game might not be suitable for this event, right?
Owen: …it isn’t?
Cain: It could make the atmosphere tense. It doesn’t seem like a social game.
Rutile: Although it sounds fun, I don’t think it's suitable for social gatherings.
Owen:…Hmmm, whatever.
Arthur: So, what dishes do you think should be served at the party?
Rutile: Dishes, huh? If there’s a grand feast at the mixer, the atmosphere will be livelier.
Cain: You must be hungry, Rutile. How about roasting a whole pig or something?
Arthur: Sounds like the mixer will be quite lively.
Rutile: It does sound that way! A roasted whole pig would be nice at a mixer.
Owen: Hey, how about this?
Mixing a hot sauce puff into a plate of sweet puffs filled with thick cream.
Cain: Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea.
Owen: Why?
Cain: Well, it's just not feasible. People who eat the hot sauce puff would be in for a bad time. This is meant to be a rare opportunity to meet new friends, and doing this would definitely make the atmosphere tense.
Owen: …Wouldn’t that make everything surprisingly lively though?
Cain: No, absolutely not. This would make it difficult to warm up the atmosphere. Think about it carefully— putting hot sauce in the puff for people to eat. It's going to be very tense, I'm telling you.
Rutile: I would certainly feel nervous…
Owen: Hmmm, whatever.
Snow: Ah, now I remember!
Rutile: What is it, Lord Snow?
Snow: Dear Sage mentioned a "first impression" game that seems to be held at the mixer.
Rutile: A game of first impressions?
Snow: Yes, for example, a question like "Who looks the gentlest here, or the richest person," and then you point to someone intuitively.
Snow: I hope everyone points to me when being asked "Who is the cutest person here?"
Oz: He just blurts out his wish.
Mithra: I definitely don't think you're the cutest person. If you asked who the scariest person is, I'd probably point to you.
Snow: I'm not scary. I'm obviously very cute.
Rutile: Very cute, indeed. But since we’ve met before, it might be difficult to judge as if it were the first time.
Snow: No worries. If it's just for a short time, I can erase your memory!
Mithra: Hah?
Owen: Erase memory?
Snow: Noscomnia.
Snow: Great, now we can play the first impression game!
Snow: Okay, after preparing, let’s point out who the cutest person here is.
Arthur: What just happened?
Mithra: What kind of terrifying magic was just used?
Owen: Step any closer, and I'll kill you.
Owen: Cuore-- Mithra: Arthi-- Oz: Voz--
Snow: Wait, wait, don't be so excited yet
Mithra: What do you mean?
Owen: Who are you?
Oz: Voz–
Snow: I said wait! Now everyone is playing the First Impression game.
Rutile: First Impression game?
Snow: Yes, it is to determine who the cutest person here is in the first impression.
Cain: Hold on a minute, I don't remember anything, not even you or myself.
Snow: Well, don't worry about that.
Cain: Don't worry?!
Snow: Yeah, don't stress about it, it's no big deal.
Cain: Is it really okay?
…Well, I suppose it is!
Rutile: Great, I don’t remember anything either, so I feel relieved to hear you say that.
Mithra: What's going on? That boy's complete lack of any sense of crisis is making me irrationally angry. My stomach seems to be hurting too.
Rutile: Oops, brother over there, do you have a stomachache?
Drink some hot potion to soothe your stomach, it'll help. I'll warm it up for you now.
Ah, but... T/n: Usually Rutile calls Mithra "Oji-san," but he's addressing Mithra as "Onii-san" now.
Mithra: What's the matter?
Rutile: This potion is very bitter. Brother, can you handle it? Will it be difficult for you?
Mithra: Not a problem. If need be, I can even eat grass.
Rutile: Ha ha, you're quite the wild one.
My first impression of you, brother, is that you're a very wild person.
Mithra: Ah, thank you.
My first impression of you is that of a careless person.
Snow: Look like someone knows how to play the game already!
Arthur: Hm? If you look closely, you two have the same eye color.
Cain: Ah, you are talking about me?
Owen: Me?
Rutile: That's right. Maybe you guys are brothers?
Ah, I feel like I have a brother too.
Cain: Do I have a brother?
*look at Owen* Can I call you big bro then?
Owen: What a joke. First of all, how could I have a brother with such weak magic power?
Besides, just from the appearance point of view, my hair color is similar to that guy’s.
Arthur: Are you talking about me?
Owen: Your magic power is pretty strong. Maybe we really are brothers.
Arthur: …Big Brother!
Owen: What's wrong~
Oz: Wrong…!
Arthur: Ah. Oz: That’s definitely wrong, although I don’t know why. Arthur: You over there… Oz: …Are you talking to me?
Arthur: …Sir, you have been silent until now.
Can you say a little more? That way we can get to know your personality better. Maybe the cutest person here is you.
Oz: I have nothing to say to you.
Arthur: Why?
Oz: *Silence* Because I have nothing to say.
Arthur: But why?
Oz: *Longer silence* Because I don't have anything to say so I won't say—
Arthur: Why—!
Snow: So, you guys have nothing to say. Okay, I get it! Let's begin! When I ask who the cutest person here is, everyone points to me.
Mithra: Isn't this cheating?
Snow: Humph! Forget it, let's not ask you; let's ask the spirits of this land.
(Snow asked who is the cutest, who is the noblest, who is the sexiest, and who is liked by animals. The audience responded with Snow, Arthur, Mithra, and Owen. After that, Snow returns memories to everyone.)
Arthur: Where are we?
Owen: Feels like there's a gap in my memory...
Cain: And I feel like I just had a strange dream...
Snow: Ha ha, the first impression game was so much fun!
Oz: I don't remember anything...
Cain: I want to join in too.
Snow: But you already participated.
Cain: Eh? I did? My memory's a bit fuzzy.
Owen: Too bad for you, then.
Snow, did you cast some strange magic on us?
Arthur: I feel like Owen and I were brothers...
Oz: Wrong.
Snow: Ha ha! That was so fun!
Mithra: So, what about the mixer to celebrate our encounter? Is this the end?
Arthur: No, it's not over yet. It's been a while since we last met.
Let’s reminisce about the events from when we first met until now.
Mithra: Are we talking about my heroic deeds?
Arthur: Mithra, Owen, Lord Oz, Cain, Rutile, Lord Snow, and our other esteemed comrades. And let's not forget the heroic deeds of our dear Sir Sage.
Cain: From the Ancient Birds and Beasts to the Resurrected City of the Dead. Three monsters attacking Granville Castle. And the perilous adventures in the Western Kingdom.
Rutile: Too many to recount. Let's share our stories tonight as we delve into the memories we share with the Sage.
Owen: There might be some pages I'd rather forget completely though.
Arthur: Even so, these are the nostalgic scenes that shape who we are. No matter how embarrassing or heartbreaking they may be, let's hold them dear in our hearts. Like precious friends, let's cherish those dark pages with tenderness.
Oz: That’s just like you, who is good at loving others.
Arthur: It's thanks to you, Lord Oz, and the watchful eyes of everyone else, that I'm able to do this. Now, everyone! Let's prepare some warm black tea and sweets. Get ready for our trip down memory lane, with the sound of fireworks and the music we love, while listening to everyone's laughter.
--- END ---
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honyakuninakunaru · 3 months
To The Tune Of The Music Box ~A Moment Of Rest For Mithra~ // Mithra SSR Card Story
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(Manor hallway) Mithra: "<Arthim>"
Akira: "Wh-Whoa?!"
Mithra: "Oh, hello, Master Sage."
Akira: "Hi, and welcome back. Where were you just now?"
Mithra: "The North. I had a craving for some beast meat but was left rather disappointed. I was looking for something nice and chewy but found nothing that satisfied me."
Akira: "I'm sorry to hear that…? But now that you're back, I've got something to ask you."
Mithra: "Let's hear it."
Akira: "So, since your birthday's coming up, I want to invite you to "The Music Box Of Serenity"! It's this tiny box Rustica lent me. It connects to another dimension that's supposed to help wizards relax and ease their mind."
Mithra: "Serenity, you say… I feel like Bradley told me about something with a similar name…"
Akira: "Well, what do you think? I think it's the perfect place to spend your birthday and unwind."
Rutile: "Ah, there you are!"
Akira: "Hey, Rutile, what's the matter?"
Rutile: "Mitile and I are about to head over to the South together with Dr Figaro and Mister Leno! Just thought I'd let you know. There's been a spike in the deer population at the foot of the mountains, so we ought to check it out."
Mithra: "Mmm… Deer… Lucky you."
Rutile & Akira: "Huh?"
Mithra: "I'm going with you."
Akira: "…Are you going there to help?"
Mithra: "Yes. I'll capture a few large ones and have Nero prepare them for me."
Rutile: "I remember you like deer saute, don't you? We'll be feasting tonight! I suppose that is one way to help, though. I'll go and inform Dr Figa–"
Mithra: "There won't be a need for that. I can take us there right away."
Rutile: "Wah!"
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
Grabbing ahold of Rutile by the hood of his coat, Mithra calls forth a door. In a hurry, I yell after them.
Akira: "B-Be careful out there! I'll tell Figaro and the others!"
Rutile: "Thank you, Master Sage! See you later!"
Mithra: "Will ten be enough…?"
Mumbling to himself, Mithra crosses the threshold with Rutile in tow and disappears through the door.
Akira: ("Never change, Mithra…")
(Manor Courtyard)
Akira: "Dinner was great last night. To be honest, I feel like I've eaten enough for a month ahead… (Still, yesterday was as busy as ever, and I couldn't properly invite Mithra. I'll make sure to do that if I see him today…)"
(Rumbling & crashing)
Akira: "…What the…?!"
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
All of a sudden, a heap of bricks flies over my head, scattering everywhere. Having deflected them, Mithra descends in front of me, his red locks swaying with the wind. He casually turns around and looks back at me.
Mithra: "Don't you have anything better to do than idle around here? You almost got yourself squashed."
Akira: "S-Sorry, I saw the wall crumbling down and kind of… froze in place."
Mithra: "You have Oz to blame for that."
Akira: "Huh? Why?"
Mithra: "I bumped into him in the hallway just now and got the itch to attack him… But right as I was about to strike, he drove me through the wall. What an absolute barbarian."
Akira: "I don't want to say this, but you kind of had it coming--"
Mithra: "Care to repeat that?"
Akira: "Nope, never mind! Thank you for saving me just now. …Ah, M-Mithra! Your arm's bleeding!"
Mithra: "…Ah. One of the bricks must've grazed me."
Akira: "Quick, we have to stop it! Here, use my jacket to wrap the wound…"
Mithra: "That won't be necessary. "
Akira: "…The stains are slowly disappearing…! Is the wound properly closed, too?"
Mithra: "Of course. When will you finally understand that we're not as fragile as you humans?"
Akira: "Ahaha, sorry, I can't help it."
Mithra: "Honestly, the nerve of that guy. The way he flicked me as if I'm a pesky flea or something… One day, I'm going to defeat him for sure, and then I'll be the strongest wizard in the world."
Behind Mithra's usually languid gaze rages a feverish fire. In this moment, he has the air of both a wild beast ready to go berserk and a passionate young man.
Akira: "(He's fantastic with words as always…) You know, I quite like that."
Mithra: "Like what?"
Akira: "Your unwavering will to become the strongest in the world and never giving up no matter what. Of course, I would appreciate it if you didn't get into fights with the others, but…"
Mithra: "Wouldn't that be the opposite of what you just described? I wouldn't be me if I gave up on settling my score with Oz."
Akira: "Yep, that's what makes you, you, and is charming in its own way…"
I found Mithra a bit intimidating the first time we met, but now, I can't look away from him.
As I was trying to figure out the best way to describe Mithra in my head, I call out to him.
Akira: "Mithra, shall we use the "Music Box Of Serenity"? Consider it my unique way of celebrating your birthday!"
(Mithra's room)
It's Mithra's birthday today.
We've changed into the special outfits Chloe prepared for us, looking spick and span.
Akira: "Thank you so much for trusting me on this, Mithra!"
Mithra: "Well… It's better than spending the day idling around, I guess. Is this the so-called "Music Box Of Serenity"?"
Akira: "Yep! Are you all set for the teleportation?"
I place the tiny box on top of the table and close my eyes. I recall all of the unique characteristics that make Mithra who he is that I got to re-experience these past few days.
Akira: "…Take us somewhere fitted for Mithra, who's strong and always true to himself."
The box's lid flicks open, and the little doll of Mithra in the centre begins to spin round and round.
Music comes flowing in from somewhere, and soon, light fills the room…
(Inside the music box)
When we come to, the first thing we hear is a funky yet fickle and somewhat charming melody.
Mithra: "This does feel… oddly relaxing. And the music's quite nice, too."
Akira: "That's the purpose of this dimension. It composes a melody that's supposed to ease the visitor's mind, and, apparently, this is how it perceives you! I think it fits you perfectly. I've also prepared a few extra things…"
Mithra: "Alright, let's see it."
Mithra gives me a half-hearted nod and makes his way to where I was pointing.
Atop a table bathed in warm sunlight streaming through leaves, lays a feast made up of Mithra's favourite dishes, such as charcoal and deer saute.
Mithra: "Wow, you've really outdone yourself."
Akira: "What I respect about you is that you're always true to yourself and what you want. With that image of you in mind, I prepared this hoping that you'll spend the day doing what you do best. And first on the list is, of course, enjoying a hearty feast."
Mithra: "You're absolutely right. Nothing gets done on an empty stomach, after all. I'll gladly eat my way through this. Should I leave you a bite or two?"
Akira: "…What did you just say?"
Mithra: "Here, you can have some charcoal. It smells and looks delicious, doesn't it?"
Akira: "T-Thank you… It's okay though, you can have all of i-- Mmph?!"
Mithra stuffs a big piece of charcoal in my mouth while munching on a piece of his own.
Mithra: "Well?"
Akira: "…It's… good? Is this because we're inside the music box? …Oh, right. There's a super fluffy bed over there, so let me know whenever you want to lie down. If there's anything I can do for you in general, just say the word!"
Mithra: "…"
Akira: "What?"
Mithra: "…You're surprisingly gutsy. I can't tell if you're just being cheeky, but… You're the first person to willingly approach and chat with me so casually. You're even going out of your way to do things for me."
Akira: "(Is he…actually praising me…?)"
Mithra: "And I wouldn't know what to do if you were to die, so… keep it up. Whatever it is that you're doing."
After saying that, Mithra takes my hand in his. All of the charcoal is long gone.
Mithra: "By the way, can I attack anything in here?"
Akira: "W-Why would you want to do that?!"
Mithra: "I've stuffed myself full, so now I've got to stretch a little. Is there anything you don't mind me breaking? What about that big tree over there?"
Akira: "I-I would rather you didn't do that! Rustica let me borrow this, after all…"
An irrepressible flame flickers somewhere deep behind Mithra's eyes as he stares me down.
Mithra: "You said you'd do anything I asked, remember?"
Seeing me break out in cold sweat, Mithra slightly relaxes his gaze.
He appears in a good mood, which tells me the celebration is a success.
Mithra: "Do your best to support me with everything you've got, Master Sage."
The Party's Finale // Card Training Episode
(Hallway) (Rumbling & crashing)
Akira: "W-What is it now?!"
Mithra: "There you are."
Akira: "Mithra…! What's so urgent that you have to tear my wall down?!"
Mithra: "Destroying a wall is easier than summoning the Door of Space. Anyway, come to my room already. I want to sleep now that the dance party's finally over."
Akira: "You mean the one we threw for your birthday yesterday? It was really fun, but I recall it broke off around nighttime…"
Mithra: "Well, the twins had other plans. They forced me to stay up with them, and they just kept going and going. At one point, I couldn't take it anymore and ended up blowing up the venue."
Akira: "I see… I'm surprised you stayed up that long, even if by force."
Mithra: "There was a lot of food left, and some of the dances included attacking and firing at each other as well, so it wasn't that boring."
Akira: "(How did I manage to sleep through all of that… I sure hope the lounge is intact…)"
Mithra: "Can't they behave and stay in that damn painting during the night at least? Their infliction is too forgiving. Soon enough, I was full and tired of watching those two prance around and randomly firing at Bradley and Owen… So now, I need you to hold my hand and put me to sleep. Come on, let's go."
––––––––––– Home Voiceline
Mithra: "…Is there anything I want? Not really. If I want something I can take it by force and make it mine. …But since you're asking… I remember you telling me about those 'lullabies' from your world that put people to sleep. Sing one for me. At least on my birthday I want to have a good rest."
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nonotranslates · 9 months
Faust Birthday 2023 SSR - [Invited by a Dazzling Blessing] - Card Story (ft. Eastern Wizards, Akira), Episode, Home Screen Voice, Birthday Trait
Faust being a pampered cutie, the story.
Thank you @/labobirdcage for the raws!
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====== Card Story: Chapter 1 - To the Carnival of Misting Petals with You ~ The Invitation for Faust ~ ======
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*Door knocking sounds*
Akira: Good evening.
Heathcliff: Master Sage, we've been waiting for you.
Shino: You're late. Everyone's all here already.
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Faust: Sage?
A somewhat surprised look appeared on Faust's face as I arrived at the room.
Faust: Apologies for greeting you like this in my pyjamas. But, wasn’t today supposed to be a gathering for just the Eastern Wizards?
Nero: Now, now, don’t sweat it. Our Sage here came to celebrate yer birthday, ya see.
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Faust: ……Birthday? Come to think of it, tomorrow is……
Heathcliff: We lent Master Sage a hand so that they could offer you their best wishes for your birthday. 
Shino: We kept a real close eye on ya to make sure you could get all your celebrations without feeling bad ‘bout taking ‘em. 
Akira: Sorry, Faust. As your birthday gift, I really hope that you could accept this from me. 
Faust: ……This doesn’t seem like a regular letter. I can sense some traces of magic from the envelope. 
Akira: It’s an invitation to a special place called the "Carnival of Misting Petals”.
Akira: It’s something Shylock took over from an old acquaintance of his. When you write your name on this invitation and chant your spell, a special door will open. 
Akira: Previously when Shylock invited me over, I had tons of fun there, so please do let me be your escort as your birthday present. 
Faust: So it’s a carnival that’s by invitation only? For gifting something as valuable as this to me, thank you. 
Faust: However…… A place like that, surely the kids would enjoy it more than a shut-in like me. Perhaps you two should take the invitation and……
Shino: Stop whining and just go, man. This is the Sage’s present for you. 
Faust: But……
The Eastern Wizards and I gazed collectively at Faust, our eyes full of anticipation. 
Faust: ……I get it. I’ll take you up on your generosity. 
Akira: Yay, thank you so much!
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====== Card Story: Chapter 2 - To the Carnival of Misting Petals with You ~ The Invitation for Faust ~ ======
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The next day, I went to Faust's room at night.
Faust: So all I need to do is write my name on this invitation?
Akira: Yup. And then when you chant your spell, the door to the carnival should open up. 
I placed the door to the carnival that I brought over onto his table. 
Its size is tiny, about the height of a photo frame. Yet this object is precisely the entrance to the carnival grounds. 
Faust wrote his name on the invitation, and softly uttered his spell. 
*writing sounds*
Faust: Satillquinart Mulcreed.
*Sound of magic happening*
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The invitation becomes imbued with a faint light. Then, the door to the carnival grounds opened with a creak. 
The room was covered with a mist, a sweet scent wafting in the air. 
*Scene turns to white and location changes*
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Faust: This is……
When the mist subsided, we found ourselves standing amidst the opulent decor of a casino. At the sight of this impressive scene, a gasp escaped Faust’s mouth.
Faust: So this is the Carnival of Misting Petals, huh. It sure is one dazzlingly gorgeous place.  ……They even changed my clothes before I noticed.
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Akira: You look really good in it! The guests of this carnival will have their outfits changed into something suitable whenever they’re brought here. 
Faust: I see…… Though it’s somewhat flashy, it’s certainly a fitting attire for a venue where adults hangout. 
Faust: Speaking of, you mentioned that you’ll be my escort, but are you really familiar with places like this? 
Akira: Ah…… No, um, not really…… 
Faust: Is that so……
Faust didn’t speak any further after muttering those few words. In just those few short moments, the conversation turned into an awkward silence. 
Akira: (D-Did I disappoint him? I’ve got to buck up, and be a proper escort that’ll help him have lots of fun……!)
Akira: Faust, shall we play any one of those games together? This is the casino room, so there’s lots of games laid out here. 
Faust: No……
Akira: (An instant rejection……!)
Faust: No, I mean, that wasn’t the right way to put it. I wasn’t clear with my words.
Faust: ……It’s embarrassing to say, but the truth is, I’m a little nervous.
Akira: ……Nervous? You are?
Faust: I don’t often get the chance to come to places like this, so I don’t really know what I should be doing. 
Faust: I don’t have much experience playing these games either, so it’d be difficult for me to help you enjoy these well……
Faust averted his gaze away from me as he mumbled in a low voice in embarrassment. 
Akira: ……pftt, ahaha! 
Faust: Hey, don’t laugh. I did say that day that I’m not cut out for places like this, didn’t I? 
Akira: That’s not it. We’re here to celebrate your birthday today after all, so all you should have needed to think about was enjoying yourself, really. 
Akira: For you to be worrying over me, should I say I was surprised, or perhaps happy……? 
Akira: Thank you, Faust. 
Faust: ……Hmph. That’s not something to be thanked over.
====== Card Story: Chapter 3 - To the Carnival of Misting Petals with You ~ The Invitation for Faust ~ ======
Akira: In that case, let’s go to a different location. 
Akira: There’s many other wonderful places in this carnival too. I’d really love to take you there. 
*Sound of opening a door*
We went through another door within the casino, and followed the passageway behind it. 
*Scene turns to black and location changes*
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Upon exiting the path, we found ourselves in a beautiful garden terrace filled with blooming flowers. 
Faust: What a quiet and beautiful spot. I certainly feel more at ease at a place like this instead. 
Akira: I’m glad this is to your liking. The food is all laid out here, it seems you’re free to take all the food and drinks here as you like. 
Akira: Today is your day of celebration, so please feel free to eat whatever you want. 
Faust: My, how sumptuous. There’s no end to the assortment of snacks and desserts, and the tea smells exquisite too. 
*Sound of pottery clanging*
While saying that, Faust lifted a plate of desserts and held it out towards me.
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Faust: Isn’t this your favourite dessert? Previously when we were out for desserts, it seemed like you liked it. 
Akira: Eh, you’re giving it to me? 
Faust: With how much food there is here, surely I can’t be eating them by myself? It’d be great if you could help out with it too.  
Akira: Faust…… Thank you. In that case, I’ll take you up on it, let’s eat together. 
Something suddenly crossed my mind when I nodded to accept his invitation. 
Akira: Whether it’s before or after arriving here, you’re always thinking about me and the Eastern Wizards, and not yourself, isn’t it? 
Akira: Even with these desserts, you’re actually thinking of bringing them back as souvenirs for everyone too, right……? 
Faust: …..Well. Because there’s so much of it that even if the two of us eat to our limits, we still wouldn’t be able to finish it all. 
Akira: ……I think that’s very like you, and part of what makes you wonderful. 
Akira: But, I’d be happy if you could be a little more selfish at least for today, and just enjoy the day while thinking about yourself and not anyone else. 
Akira: ……That’s what the Eastern Wizards said. Lennox and Figaro who joined our discussion on the celebration said the same thing too. 
Faust: ……I see. Understood. Would you fulfil this selfish request of mine then? 
Akira: Sure. If it’s within my strength! 
Faust: In that case….. As you can see, there are lots of flowers blooming here.
Faust: Can you pick a flower from here that you think would make for a good gift, and gift it to me?
Akira: ……Eh. 
Faust: It’s a cute selfish request, right? 
Upon seeing my surprised expression, Faust let out a chuckle as if having successfully played a prank.
Akira: …..Okay, leave it to me. I’ll give my all in choosing one for you! 
(Time passes)
*Sound of flowers rustling and footsteps*
Akira: S-Sorry. I did try to choose it seriously, but somehow I ended up with this many of them…… 
I got tempted by the different flower here, and before I knew it, I’ve already picked so many that they’re barely spilling from my arms. 
With the sheer amount of flowers, you could hardly even call it a bouquet anymore. Even so, Faust carefully accepted the flowers from me with both of his hands, despite a dash of awkwardness and embarrassment in his movements.
Faust: Every one of them is beautiful. It’s like I’m standing in the middle of a flowerbed, there’s such a wonderful scent from it.
When Faust brought his nose closer to the bouquet, something snowy white started fluttering from above. 
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Akira: Ah…… 
Faust: What’s going on? Petals are falling from the ceiling…… 
At the Carnival of Misting Petals, petals will begin to fall once the guest is satisfied to their heart’s content. It is the sign for us to return. Before long, our surroundings were enveloped in a mist. 
*Scene fades to white and location changes*
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Faust: ……It seems we have returned. 
The door leading to the carnival has shut. However, the flowers I picked and the invitation remain safe and intact in Faust’s hands. 
Akira: (Even though I brought Faust out saying I’ll be his escort, I wonder if I managed to entertain him well……) 
Akira: Um, Faust. Did you have fun today……? 
Faust: Yeah. Thank you for the wonderful gift. 
Faust: Since this is the gift that the Sage specially picked for me, I’m thinking of showing it to the others afterwards.
His eyes, usually cool and composed, are now that of a warm smile. That soul of his that is always caring about someone, I wonder if it got the respite it deserves, even if it’s just a little?
Akira: Faust, thank you for taking out some time today for me. 
Akira: Once again, a very Happy Birthday to you!
====== Card Episode: Of The Same Mind ======
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Akira: Faust, thank you so much for going along with me on your birthday. I really had lots of fun there. 
Faust: If anyone’s to be saying thanks here, it should be me though…… Oh well. Same goes for me, you have my thanks too. 
Akira: The other wizards celebrated your birthday with you too, right? What did they do for you? 
Faust: After I celebrated it with you, the Eastern Wizards came all the way to my room and delivered their presents and best wishes. 
Faust: Of course, I accepted every one of them with gratitude…… As thanks, they pestered me to tell them all about it. 
Akira: Tell them all about what? 
Faust: About what the “Carnival of Misting Petals” is like, how I spent my time with you there, and so forth. 
Faust: While I was answering them as they asked about this and that, Lennox and Figaro also joined in…… 
Akira: Everyone was gathering in your room? How merry……! 
Faust: Yeah. Thanks to that, the room became awfully cramped. 
Faust: I was wondering what they wanted, but it turns out, they just came to ask about the same things that the Eastern wizards did. Looks like everyone is plenty curious about this “Carnival of Misting Petals”. 
Akira: (……I think rather than the carnival itself, everyone was probably just interested in knowing whether you had fun or not.)
Faust: It’s not like I have any need to hide the truth, so I just told them as it is. 
Faust: Thanks to the Sage escorting me, I got to enjoy a really great time there. 
Akira: Though hearing you saying it in such a straightforward manner makes me happy, somehow, I feel kind of embarrassed…… 
Akira: But….. Thank you for allowing me to be your escort. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it!
====== Home Screen Voice ======
Faust: To me, a birthday was nothing more than yet another day that goes by. The longer you live, the fuzzier the meaning of the day you were born slowly becomes. However…… Lately, I think I feel a little bit differently about it now. Though I still can’t say whether that’s something good or bad.
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====== Birthday Card Special Trait - [Crowea] ======
To the you who walks forward while bearing memories from a distant past, may you have blessings so aplenty that they could spill from your arms at any moment. May the soul that is always caring about someone at all times gets the respite it deserves.
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Note: btw i think I ought to clarify something because i saw a few posts in eng about how the trait is from the fated pairs, but tbh it's supposed to be from akira. Every trait so far references the card story and most importantly the pronouns and language tone is what akira uses for the wizards (e.g. the trait for shino uses 'kimi', which is how akira addreses shino, while heathcliff calls shino 'omae'). like even literally all the exact words in the trait up here were from akira's thoughts and speeches during the story
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flowerinyourcare · 5 months
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mithra's 4th anniversary 4koma ft. snow and white - "monster attack"! ty to @/butchmithra on twt for the raws and translation!! (i only typeset it)
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agirlattea · 2 months
The True Meaning of Iron in the Blood of the Fallen:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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forsettaomeiuvat · 1 year
Card Translation - A Toast with Everyone
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Card Story: With You at the Flower Mist Theme Park ~Invitation for Lennox~
Part 1
Akira: Ah, you're here. Are you on a walk, Lennox?
Lennox: Master Sage. Yes, the weather's nice so I figured I'd walk around a bit. Do you need me for something?
Akira: I do. Tomorrow's your birthday, so I actually have somewhere I'd like to take you...
I've heard the Southern wizards will be hosting a party for you at night, so until then, would you mind accompanying me?
Lennox: Of course not. I'd love to join you.
Akira: That's great! Take this, then. It's an invite for tomorrow.
Lennox: The design is wonderful. Are you the one who decorated it?
Akira: Yeah! I tried arranging it to fit your style. It's an invite to "The Flower Mist Theme Park".
Lennox: So it's the place Mitile was invited to. If I recall, it's an unusual place created by Shylock's old friend.
Akira: That's right. You can't enter without an invite, so it's kind of a secret, special place.
I'll do my best to make it enjoyable for you, so please let me escort you as your birthday present!
Lennox: You'll escort me?
That sounds good, I'm looking forward to it.
Part 2
On Lennox's birthday, I visited his room.
Lennox: First, I write my name on the invitation, right?
Akira: Yes. After that, cast your spell, and the door leading to the theme park will open up.
Lennox: Got it. ...<<Forsettao • Meiuvat>>
*door creaking*
Both the invite and the door started glowing at the same time. A fog-like substance spread through the open door, drifting a sweet scent into the room.
After the fog cleared, the scenery had completely changed.
Lennox: ...Is this a casino room?
It's a classy, beautiful place. I'm not really used to dazzling places like this, but it's strangely calming.
Akira: I figured somewhere like this would be new to you. But the clothes suit you well, you look very nice.
Lennox: Clothes...? I didn't even notice. When did...
Akira: The people invited to the theme park are supposed to be given clothes that suit the area perfectly.
Lennox: Is that so. ...Hm? Did you also get dressed up?
Akira: Oh yeah, your sheep is dressed up too...! Its glasses chain matches yours.
Lennox looked happy and pet the sheep matching him.
Lennox: It's nice to have us both dressed up.
Akira: It is. Do you want something to drink, Lennox? There's a bar in this casino, so if you want...
As I said that, several glasses and bottles of alcohol suddenly appeared from nowhere, and slowly circled around Lennox.
Akira: (There's some glasses and bottles of juice circling me, too...)
Lennox: ...Could this be an expression of hospitality?
Akira: I think so. I guess you pick out a glass and drink you want from here.
Lennox: Drinking at this time of day...
Akira: Ah, it's okay if you don't want to. We only just got here, maybe you could start with juice for now?
Lennox: No. You took the time to invite me somewhere like this for my birthday, so I think I can cut loose a bit.
Let's see... I'll have this one, in this glass.
Lennox points, and the bottle he chose bows elegantly to pour into the glass. It gives a strong impression of Southern Country's nature.
We take our glasses, and gently tap them together.
Akira: Cheers.
Lennox: Cheers.
Lennox: ...It's nice.
Akira: That's good! I asked Figaro and Shylock about the type of drinks you seem to like, and prepared a bunch of them in advance.
Lennox: You prepared these for me? Knowing that makes me want to have a taste of every drink here.
Akira: I'm glad to hear it, but won't you definitely end up drunk if you do that...?
Lennox: Haha, I suppose. Shall we play a game before that happens, then?
Part 3
While sipping his drink, Lennox reached out to the cards.
Akira: Do you have a card game you want to play?
Lennox: Yes. It's a simple game where you place the cards face-down, and match ones with the same design.
I've played a game like that with Mitile and the others before...
As he explained, Lennox lined up the cards. The game sounded similar to Concentration from my world.
Akira: I've also played a game like that in my world.
Lennox: In that case, I suppose we won't need to practice. Let's start right away.
Akira: Should we bet something, since we're at a casino...?
Lennox: If you're not opposed to it, we may as well.
We'll bet... let's see...
For as long as we're here, the winner can pick one thing - anything - they want to do to the loser, or something like that?
Akira: Huh?
(I wouldn't usually expect Lennox to say something like that... Is he a bit drunk...?)
Got it. I accept!
Akira: Yes...! I won, somehow!
The game was heated, but I snatched victory at the last second. Lennox applauded me.
Lennox: I tried to persevere too, but fell one step behind. You're good at games, Master Sage.
Akira: Ahaha. Half of it was just intuition and luck.
Lennox: Those are also a type of power. It's your win.
Now then, please don't hold back, and tell me what you want to do.
Upon being promoted, I unintentionally started pondering it.
Akira: (What should I do here... Being told I can do anything is troubling...)
(It'd be nice to express my gratitude to him, since it's his birthday, and I kind of want to surprise him too...)
Uuhm, wellll... Could you bend down a bit for me?
Lennox: ...Like this?
Like I asked, Lennox bent his large body. I placed my hand on his lowered head, and nervously pet him.
Lennox: ...
Akira: Um, do you dislike this?
This is mostly because of my everyday feelings of appreciation for you, but I also wanted to take the chance to do something surprising...
Lennox: No, I don't dislike it at all. It's just... been a long time since someone's pet my head.
It's a ticklish feeling, like I've gone back to being a child... It feels strange.
Lennox laughed bashfully, and my chest grew warm with relief.
Akira: Ah, that's right! I have something I want to give you.
When I took his present out of my bag and held it out, Lennox's eyes widened in surprise, and he took it with both hands.
Lennox: This is...
Akira: The coffee you told me about before was so delicious that I wanted you to drink some of my recently-discovered favourite too.
Once again, Lennox, happy birthday.
Lennox gently narrowed his eyes.
Lennox: Thank you. I'm very happy that you're sharing your favourite with me.
At that moment, flower petals began fluttering about in the air.
Lennox: Flower petals...? Where did they...
Once the people invited have their hearts satisfied, the exit will open. To signify it, flowers started raining down.
And a white fog gradually spread out.
*door creaking*
Before we could react, we were standing in Lennox's room.
*knock knock*
Rutile: Mr Leno, happy birthday!
Mitile: The party's all ready!
Figaro: Hey, welcome back. I called them to come right after I sensed that you two returned.
Akira: Wow, your timing was perfect!
Lennox: Thanks, you three.
Mitile: Wait, this smell... Mr Leno, could it be that you were day drinking?
Lennox: I was. It was fitting for the atmosphere of the place we went to, so I ended up going along with it without thinking.
Figaro: Huuuh, that's unusual.
Rutile: But enjoying a drink at a wonderful place for your birthday sounds very adult!
Lennox: It does. Though...
Master Sage ended up treating me like a child.
Rutile • Mitile: Huh?
Figaro: What do you mean? Give us all the details.
Akira: Uuum...
(Does he mean when I pet his head...?)
Their curious gazes gathered around Lennox. He glanced over to me, and smiled mischievously.
Lennox: It's a secret.
Card Episode: Present Packed with Affection
Akira: The birthday party the Southern wizards prepared for you was lots of fun!
Lennox: It was. Everyone sang old songs, cut the cake while arguing about the size of the pieces...
It was such a relaxing, enjoyable night that I ended up losing track of time.
Akira: I know the three of them gave you a present, but what was it exactly?
Lennox: It was an ointment that heals wounds that you apply by hand.
It should be in my pocket right... Ah, here it is.
They collected the ingredients, and made it themselves.
Akira: They made it themselves? That's amazing...! The herbs smell nice, they're refreshing and relaxing.
Lennox: It's especially useful for me, since I use my hands over magic.
Additionally, I heard from Mitile that, as they were worrying over the ingredients, Lord Faust came and gave them advice.
Since I take care of my sheep every day, they only chose ingredients that aren't poisonous to animals even when eaten.
Akira: So your present is filled with the care of lots of different people, huh.
Lennox: Right. I'll use it carefully, little by little.
Home Screen Line:
These wonderful birthday celebrations are more than I deserve - thank you. I want to treasure today's memories close to my heart forever. ...That sounds like an exaggeration? No, I truly am that happy.
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akashiserizawa · 2 months
mahoyaku is one of the best stories ive ever read and it is also the hardest sell possible. yes the fantasy isekai gacha game changed my life. yes the gameplay is a grindfest. yes the best translation of the main story is only accessible via wayback machine. yes you have to consult a spreadsheet to find the majority of translations after that. yes it is all worth it i promise
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bamboo-bees · 1 year
Lumiere of Bonds Lit in the Dim Night
Thank you for your patience!! I’ve been doing some traveling c:
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⋆⁺₊⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter 4⋆⁺₊⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Oz’s hair and cloak flutter in the wind. But the crimson eyes staring at the black dog never wavered. 
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Oz: “Perhaps….it's something that manifested from someone’s thoughts.” 
Oz: “A doll or a figurine?…….There are signs that protective magic was cast.”
Oz: “It probably gained substance under the influence of the <Great Disaster>. 
Shino: “….Well, I guess.”
The Eastern wizards nodded in agreement. When we heard the villagers' story, everyone must have had the same thought. 
The black dog's true identity is a stuffed animal that was cherished by the wizard's son while he was still alive. 
I explain what we heard from the villager earlier to the wizards who don’t know what’s going on. 
Chloe: “I see…..so his son is….
Heathcliff: “….The stuffed animal was said to be made by a wizard. I’m sure he’s the one who cast the protective spell as well.”
Nero: “I guess he let his son have it as a protective charm.”
Cain: “He must have left it behind at home with the furniture when he left…..” 
Shylock: “It’s a stuffed toy he made for his son, I’m sure he must have some emotional attachment to it.”
 Faust: “Memories aren’t only for saving people. Sometimes they can hurt us badly too .” 
Oz: “……….”
An abandoned ruin where time has stopped. 
I imagine a stuffed dog left behind in the dark, without a hand to hold it. 
It was a very lonely scene. 
Akira: “………”
Everyone’s eyes naturally gravitate to the black dog. 
Looking at it sitting at Heathcliff’s side, Shino opened his mouth. 
Shino: “You were abandoned.”
Heathcliff: “Hey, you can’t talk that way.”
It was Heathcliff who immediately responded to Shino’s words. 
Shino: “And this guy probably mistook Heath for his dead son.”
Shino: “There’s no place for him here. It would be better to eradicate him now.”
Heathcliff: “Right now……”
Shino: “Hey. Did you really change your mind in such a short time? It’s different being next to Heath in the first place.”
Shino: “And, you’re not even his master.”
Heathcliff: “You’re right, but….! Even so, that doesn’t mean that you have to talk like that in front of him! You should think about this guy's feelings a little more.”
Shino: “I’m saying this because I’m thinking.”
Heathcliff: “…Oh, is that so. I guess I didn’t know that Shino was actually so heartless.” 
Heathcliff: “Come on, come on. Let’s go over there.”
Shino: “Ah, hey……!”
Heathcliff took the dog and walked away as quickly as he could. 
Shino: “….Hmph. Heath’s so obstinate.”
Shino also turned away and walked briskly in the opposite direction. 
Akira: “Huh, both of you….!”
Faust: “Good grief……well, don’t worry about it too much. They’re always fighting like this.” 
Nero: “Right. We’ll just see how it goes for the time being…...”
Chloe: “But I’m still worried…..I’m going to follow Heath for a bit!”
Shylock: “Well then, let me come with you.”
Cain: “I’m going to go check on Shino. Let’s go, Master Sage!”
Akira: “Yes!”
Nero: “Huh? Wait a minute….”
Faust: “………..”
Oz: “………..”
Nero: “………..”
Nero: (Awkward…..)
Akira: “Shino!”
When we called out to him, Shino stopped and turned his head. 
Akira: “Why don’t we go back to everyone for a moment? Chloe and Shylock are calling Heath back too.”
Shino: “……….”
Cain: “I’m sure there must be a reason why you said what you did earlier.”
Cain: “I know you’re not the kind of guy to speak negatively about the things Heath likes without thinking.” 
Hearing Cain’s words, Shino slowly turned his head away. Then spoke in a quiet voice. 
Shino: “It's because that guy….that dog doesn’t want to look any more pathetic.”
Shino spins around and looks back at us. Contrary to what he just said, his red eyes were very powerful. 
Shino: “He now believes that Heath is his master, and is determined to protect him. But….”
Shino: “Enough about that person already, poor guy. He was born to protect his master, but he couldn’t.”
Shino: “His beloved master is nowhere to be found.”
Cain & Akira: “……..”
Shino: “That’s not all. In the end, he was even abandoned by the one who made him.”
Shino: “What if that guy realizes the truth?”
Akira: “Ah…..”
Shino’s words open my eyes to the reality of the situation. 
Shino: “I'm sure that’ll be more painful to him than dying. He would curse his powerlessness for not being able to protect even himself.” 
Shino: “That’s why it’s better to eradicate him before that happens.” 
Shino said that while looking us straight in the eyes. 
It’s the same look he had when he was staring at the black dog. His red eyes are shining like a blade without hesitation.  
Akira: “Shino…” 
Just like that black dog, Shino has someone named Heathcliff that he has to protect. 
That’s probably why Shino was able to see the black dog's way of being, because he was superimposing himself on it. 
The single-minded devotion to his master, and the pain of not being able to fulfill it, are painfully clear to Shino. 
Akira: (So that’s why Shino wants to erase the black dog…..)
So as to not let the longing for his master be overwhelmed by great sorrow. 
Cain: “……..”
Cain was looking straight at Shino in the same way. 
Cain: “I have a master named Arthur myself, so I know what you mean Shino.” 
Cain: “And I know how it feels when you can’t fulfill your role.”
Cain: “….I lost my position as head of the Order and was unable to fulfill that noble duty until the end.” 
Shino: “…….”
Cain: “I know it’s my fault. But, it was so frustrating that I can’t put it into words.”
Cain: “I thought I was the one who would lead the people who protect the king and country.”
Gently, Cain touched the large sword he carried on his waist. 
Cain: “And now, as Arthur’s knight, I have a role to play in protecting him. If I couldn’t do that…..”
Cain: “I could never forgive myself.”
Cain kept his eyes trained on Shino while he uttered such powerful words. After taking a pause for breath, his expression softens. 
Cain: “That’s why I understand your feelings and words so painfully well when you speak of that black dog.” 
After giving Shino a sad look, I put my hand on his shoulder as if to speak to him. 
Cain: “But even if it’s a lie, for him, it’s a miracle to be reunited with his master.”  
Cain: “When that time comes, how about taking care of it together?” 
Shino: “………”  
Shino’s eyes flickered slightly. 
Akira: “If you tell him how you feel Shino, Heath will surely understand.”
Akira: “However, just like Shino, that child is also someone who adores Heath and wishes to protect him.” 
Akira: “I don’t think he’ll be able to leave Heath alone, even if he’s mistaken….. ”
Shino pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded. His strong-willed, large red eyes turned straight toward us. 
Shino: “……until the night of the ceremony is over.”
Chloe: “Heath, are you okay?”
Shylock: “May we join you?”
Heathcliff: “Chloe, Shylock….”
Heathcliff: “I'm sorry for worrying you both….I just lost my temper because of what Shino said.”
Heathcliff: “I’m still a kid myself……”
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