#mammon's ramone
residentialrabbit · 4 months
What are ramon’s horns floppy because he’s still in the process of becoming a mammon, or are they just shaped like that?
Because he's still in the process of becoming a full mammon yes! Idk how they would look fully formed quite yet but they're gonna be BIG.
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obey-moi · 4 months
Angels and demons can live centuries, millennia even. There’s no arguing about that. Even Solomon has lived hundreds on hundreds of years.
Another fact is that both races also have visited the human world (demons more often than angels, if I’m assuming correct).
What I would LOVE to see is what the characters got up to during the decades, what styles they would wear in order to blend into the human world, stuff like that.
(Keep in mind this all comes from a Very American POV of history, which is not to discredit or forget other events around the world. I’ll even cover Belphegor’s whereabouts despite being grounded in the attic for a while. I just want to keep this light-hearted, yeah?)
Like. 50’s gangster/beatnik bs, of course. I’m sure many of us have written plenty of 50’s AU fics. Not much I can say here. I’m sure Asmo adored Mod back then, as well as the little well-known Marilyn Monroe, and was incredibly heartbroken over the deaths of James Dean and Buddy Holly. Satan fell in love with “Catcher in the Rye” and is just behind most riots and protests in general, here and in the future. Belphie gets more and more interested in the developments between America’s and Russia’s space race.
Then the 60’s, Belphie REALLY getting behind the hippie movement, where more teens and young adults became disillusioned with the status quo and stopped working, started living in vans, and taking crazy drugs. That must have been a groovy time for Bels. Not to mention Asmo is probably one of the biggest inciters of the free love movement. Without that 57 brother duo, The Beatles, The Monkeys, all those bands might not have ever existed. Mammon gets super inspired by Oceans 11 and tries to get his brothers in on a heist plan (Lucifer shuts that down QUICK).
And when they hit the 70’s?? Leviathan discovering PONG?? Lucifer going with Diavolo to a fucking discotheque wearing those silken half-open button-downs and flared pants??? (I’M GOING CRAZY. I’M GONNA TURN INTO A BUG. I think I just want to see those two wearing silk shirts with all the sexual tension between them of the covers of gay romance novels). On the other end of the subgenre scale, Satan gets into punk and blasts The Clash and The Ramones on Lucifer’s record player 24/7 in an act of defiance.
Then in the 80’s, Mammon got up to terrible corpo-schemes, going crazy over the stock exchange. And Beel. Ohhhh god Beel is going crazy keeping up with the Fast Food development. He’s running around, going from one fast food joint to another like a strained addict who needs his next McRib fix. Asmo? Oh honey, he is WORKING. He is SERVING. He is becoming a TRENDSETTER, an ICON. The clothes, the hair, the makeup, the colours and prints and fabrics, the whole god damned EVERYTHING. Prince? Madonna? Jane Fonda? Uplifting and inspiring each other (or at least their stylists). Although, if you ever find photos of Asmo in his 80’s era, no you didn’t. (Mammon keeps entire photo albums of all his bro’s in the decades in secret. Claims it’s for blackmail or to sell to fans.) The NES comes out and it all goes downhill for Levi.
I could go into more decades, but I wanna hear from Y’ALL! I wanna read what era events or trends you can see the characters getting into and influencing/being influenced by. Please, share your thoughts!
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always-a-knight · 1 year
As much as I want Ramon involved with Stolas or Stella, I just know he’d be terrified of the Seven Deadly Sins. A powerful demon is one thing, but the physical incarnations of the darkness within all men’s souls are BIG FUCKING NOPE TERRITORY
Overlords? Would rather avoid them, but will stand his ground. Dragons? Do not like fucking with, yet will fuck them up if necessary. THE LORD OF WRATH AND BRUTALITY? FUCK THAT SHIT, HE’S OUT
Random Hellborn: “Oh, I work for Mammon!”
Ramon: “I see. Excuse me for one second...” -Leaves-
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oreiro-natalia · 3 years
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Natalia Oreiro fue la primera invitada de una programa "Los Mammones" de Jey Mammon en el lunes 4 de enero de 2021. La uruguaya habló sobre su infancia, especialmente de cambiar una casa y siempre ser nueva en una escuela. Trató de Paquita de Xuxa y confesó: "Lo gané en Uruguay y también en Argentina pero después Xuxa decidió hacer un parate y yo empecé a trabajar en otro canal. Con el dinero que gané de esos concursos me vine a vivir a Argentina". Natalia Oreiro también habló de su experiencia como artista y admitió que una canción "Que sí, que sí" no se gustaba para nada: "Yo era superrockera, sigo siendo; venía Janis Joplin, los Ramones, y me ponen 'I want to hear you baby' ". La actriz habló de su vínculo con los rusos, su admiración de Gilda y confesó que elegía una vacuna rusa. Durante la programa Facundo Arana saludó a ella. También Natalia Oreiro y el conductor del programa Jey Mammon cantaron juntos unos fragmentos de canciones de ella.
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El ping-pong entre cosas argentinas y uruguayas
Hierba argentina o hierba uruguaya: uruguaya
San Martín o Artigas: Artigas
Buenos Aires o Montevideo: los dos
Playa argentina o uruguaya: los dos
Folclore o candome: los dos
Mate o porongo: mate
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