#maria heeheehee
princessmacedon · 3 months
It's a little like playing fate, the mockingbird supposes as they find her amongst the crowds of the medical tents, fingers catching at the wisps of a sleeve. In some part a great fortune, in others merely Yuri keeping out an eye for blazing red, they'd avoided her upon the battlefield until her untimely exit from it.
They doubt Maria is one to pry with questions as to their presence here, but they take caution all the same. It is one thing to be an unfamiliar presence to strangers, easily brushed off when the monastery's numbers only continue to grow; it is another to be caught by someone well familiar with them instead. Yuri does not wish to lie to Maria. Not if they do not have to.
But that is not the purpose of their seeking her out, so they banish those thoughts away. Today is to repay a debt from the mock battle a year ago, the treat she'd offered them. A small, secret smile curls upon their lips. “—got a moment? I have something for you.” Their other hand, which had been tucked behind a back, shakes a paper box of cookies in her direction, grinning now. “I bought these back at the marketplace, but I don't think I can finish them myself. Care to lend a hand?”
Then it is Maria's turn to hear her name spoken as a greeting, and there is no mistaking the voice that calls out to her.
"Yuri!" She's beaming before she even turns around, eyes flitting about to take the measure of their wounds. A cleric's instinct, maybe; they seem like they've been tended to, but their clothes still bear the evidence of some sort of fight -- or a lot of them, judging by the situation on the field -- and for a moment, the little princess can't help but be a bit envious. So other people got to see them fight? Aw, and she was sure they were so graceful, too!
But he doesn't mention it, and if Yuri wants to be found, then he'll be found. The implication of a secret is one that she lets go without a fuss, because frankly, it just isn't important. The things about Yuri that truly matter, she'll learn through sharing time, or asking them herself... or making a cake that's just so tasty they can't help but admit it!
What does matter-- what is well and truly important-- is the fact that when the dust settled, they came and found her, cookie box in hand.
"Wow...! Really? Really really?" Hands clasp together beneath her chin, crimson tresses swaying this way - that way - this way in a merry mimicry of the shake. And to share between friends, too! (Which was for her perhaps the greater prize; had they known?)
And oh, she is beaming, brightly as she can. "I'd love to! And I know just the drink to go with them, heeheehee. Hold on!"
Turning on her heels, the little cleric pauses, then peeks at him from over her shoulder. Despite the affectionate narrow of her eyes, there is an undeniable mischief glittering in their depths, gentle though it may become when she wears it.
"But be careful, Yuri!" She giggles; her index finger touches her lips, a warmth radiating from its epicenter until it tucks joy into its dimpled corners. "Or I'll figure out your favorite cookie, too!"
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melonteee · 8 months
Gonna add to sanji's harem pudding,viola,the mermaids and gin lmao he charmed alot of characters (bonus most of them are men 🤭)
black maria's girls as well I think also count, they liked him a lot heeheehee
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lycianlynx · 1 year
[ Garden ] - Outside of the dance hall, explore the miniature gardens the Elementals created for you, populated with all sorts of strange (and carnivorous) plants you’ve never seen before
"Chad!" She hurries to him the moment she sees him, her heels a-clickity-clatter against the floor. So much of the stage that's been set for them is like a dream, or perhaps a fairytale. It's something wondrous, splendorous, fantastical -- and she is so happy they are here, too.
"How are you enjoying the ball so far? It's never been like this before!" The princess draws to a stop, gracefully sliding into a place by their side, her hand held up for them to see. The mark of air stares back up at them, a verdant, if faint green. "Hee hee... Doesn't it kind of match your outfit, too?" A toothy grin flashed his way. "I like it! It pops, heeheehee.
"Did you hear? They say if you hold hands with someone, it makes flowers bloom on your necklace...! Do you want to try? --oh! Or we could go to the garden, too!" Closer, she leans closer, her other hand darting perpendicular to her mouth as she whispers. "There's mushrooms there -- ones so big that you can bounce on them! Want to go look?"
"...! Maria!"
Head on a swivel — Chad recognises the rhythm of Maria's gait easily, even in heels, and both relief and dismay simultaneously coil in his gut (because Saints preserve, they're both tiny and stuck here in this stupid playpen) — But the latter falls away like the shell of a seed, seeing how her eyes glitter and how her joy blooms.
A pause. The stars hang overhead, earthly but strange music reverbrating through the air, grass and flowers on the wind... It is nice here, isn't it? The atmosphere's great, except for the spirits hovering over them like eager children. Brown eyes dart upwards, self-consciously, — He already feels exposed enough without his cloak — Before her presence next to him firmly pushes theirs out of his mind. Huh. Her heels make her just a bit taller, now. The thumb of his left hand runs over the mark on the palm of his right.
"I'd be worried if it was like this every time." It's only sort of a joke. "I was kinda lost on what to do, so I haven't... Done, all that much, yet."
Her next quip makes them splutter — Their face goes rosy, again, remembering the conversational hole they'd dug themself into. She — She called them cute, that time, and they are not cute, but she thought they were, then — The memory just makes their face flare up that much worse. Damn, they really should've brought their cloak —
But there's laughter bubbling up alongside it all, and the boy can't quite keep it at bay. With an exaggerated groan, Chad covers their face with their hands, before shifting one so the palm faces outwards to show her their own mark, only half-covered by their halfgloves, the other gradually sliding down their face, revealing a sheepish smile.
"Mine's orange. Matches your dress. I... I guess we're popping together, yeah?" The boy pops the 'p' a bit harder than he needs to, his smile starting to shift into a grin, lopsided and snickering, steadily reaching his eyes more and more as she speaks, making them shine.
Seriously, when's the next time gonna be that they get to use mushrooms as trampolines? Fuck it, he might as well.
"I think... I think that sounds fun. Both the flowers and the garden, I mean. I..."
Slowly, his hand reaches for hers, the one not engaged in stage-whispering, fingers loosely grasping hers — Her hand warm, even through the fabric of his gloves. It's no handshake, not yet. "I was wandering around a lot, earlier, and I think I saw some pretty big mushrooms over there," Chad gestures towards an archway, leading away from the ballroom, "How does that sound?"
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grimstalkr · 1 year
As she stands outside Tharja's door, Maria cannot help but fret with the gifts in her arms. Truth be told, she still isn't fully certain she knows what Tharja likes, but at the very least she can say that she's tried! (And that she showed up with homemade cookies, if all else fails!) Setting the flowers into place with one last gentle touch, she nods to herself in satisfaction and drops her knuckles against the wood.
"Tharja?" Tum-ta-tum. "It's Maria! I have something for you!"
When the door creaks open, a grin blossoms on her face as she holds out a modest bouquet: a simple thing bereft of ostentatious colors, filled instead with deep purples and soft whites.
"Hee hee..." Brows upturn as she giggles sheepishly. "Um, I'm not sure if it'll be any use to you, but I remembered that you used the flowers from the party for your hexes! Because they soaked up the happy energy at the party, right?" At least, that was how she'd understood it. "So I started telling stories to the ones I'm growing in the greenhouse every day -- now they're definitely happy! The happiest, heeheehee.
"...But I wasn't sure that would work either, so I made you some cookies, too. Just in case! Happy birthday, Tharja!"
Tharja was certainly surprised to see Maria at her door. She was even more surprised to see the flowers and cookies being offered for her birthday. Tharja felt a warmth blooming on her face as she listened to Maria speak. She'd inspired her to speak to her flowers to help them grow? Tharja's habits were rubbing off on others and something about that was equal parts mortifying and touching.
"That's exactly what I used the flowers for, yes... These will be perfect as well for more hexes. The colors... They're perfect too." Tharja mumbled, opening her door a bit more. It took her a moment before she smiled at Maria. Her awkward energy felt a little more at ease as the girl spoke with her.
"They're perfect, Maria. Thank you. I can't eat all of these by myself." She said, glancing at the cookies. "Hm... In the next few days if you'd like... I'll be going to the greenhouse. We can... Snack and chat with the flowers. A girl's... Day."
Tharja was terribly awkward. It was like every word was a struggle. She simply hoped Maria would understand her attempt at friendship.
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goldoanheart · 1 year
🐉 "Wow!" Maria's hands join beneath her chin, the perfect seat to a face and expression overflowing with awe. "Wow! Heeheehee! I never thought I'd see a dragon here!" She fair near bounces as she peeks at him, unaware that it's her friend and professor. "Are you hungry? Do you want some fish? Oh! Or maybe some cheese?"
send a dragon for april fools! (still accepting)
Oh dear, Maria doesn't know it's him :( While he is happy to see her, he hates that she doesn't know that he is Kurthnaga. Curse whatever student gave him that stupid potion.
He pats her head gently with his clawed hand, ruffling up her short red hair in the process.
How exactly is he supposed to answer her questions anyway? Mrrrp. Roar.
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amitieos · 1 year
“Lincie!” Still rather full of energy, this one, in spite of (or perhaps because of) recent escapades. Having left the side of a friend-to-be only then to fly to the side of a friend well cherished, the spring of her step buoys her so much as to send her skipping to Elincia’s side. This time— heeheehee— she’s devised a clever little trick, giggling as she takes the other girl’s hand.
“Lincie, are you my secret gift-giver?” At this point, she holds no expectations of being right, and only slides the pouch of cookies she’d hidden in her sleeve down into Elincia’s palm. “Well, even if you aren’t, I have a treat for you!”
It would be nice if it was Lincie, though. The dragon plush, the scarf that suited wintry flights, the friendship bracelets — it would make so much sense! Being called “lady” must have thrown her even more than she realized; being called Mimsy would have been far too much of a giveaway! …if it really was Elincia, that was. She really was no good at this, hee hee.
"Ah Mimsy, I was about to come looking for you. I may have some treats for you as well," Elincia allows Maria into her arms for a warm, genial hug. It's wonderful to see the young princess again. Her eyes take note of the adorable plushie carried in her arms. "Oh that's delightful! We should share some cookies and chocolates with your new friend too!"
"I can't claim to be the person to give you such a lovely gift however," lifting a tin of chocolates, she offers them to Maria and takes a cookie from her. "Oh, these are delicious! If you need some help finding who did gift you something so wonderful, I'd be happy to help."
"I think I ought to thank them for the cookie too!"
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nagaficat · 1 year
"Miss Deirdre!"
With none of the restraint she's shown everyone else, Maria throws herself at her friend, laughing brightly as her arms circle around the woman's waist. Only after she has made sure to give her an affectionate squeeze and the best hug possible does the girl pull back, beaming up at her with a wide and toothy grin.
"Miss Deirdre, we're together again!" Again, she laughs, bobbing to one side and then the other. "Don't worry -- I'll make sure to look after you, hee hee!" It's only mostly in jest, and the way she scrunches up her face and sticks out her tongue (playfully!) makes it known; she has learned to accept the affection and protection Deirdre offers so warmly and freely to all, but the part of her that yearns to do what small part she can to protect the protectors sings clearly in her heart.
"But I'm so glad you're here! I thought I knew a lot of people, but there's so many new friends I haven't made yet, heeheehee. What about you, Miss Deirdre?"
Deirdre wraps her own arms tightly around the princess. She loves her dearly and that is precisely why she is not thrilled to learn that she will be joining the mission. She wants to see Maria safe and sound but, if she must be included in the danger ahead, at least she will be where Deirdre can properly look after her.
"If you will be looking after me," Deirdre teases right back, "then you must know that I will be looking after you too!"
She runs a hand over Maria's hair and tucks it behind her ear. "I am well acquainted with several of our team members. Lord Ares is the son of my first husband's dearest friend and like a son to me and Prince Chrom is lovely and kind. Sir Forsyth and Sir Sirius are knights brave and true. Professor Cecilia and I are co-teachers and Lady Micaiah is one of our most talented students. I know you will love them all just as much as I do! But yes, I too look forward to making new friends."
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fatesarisen · 2 years
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“  i  sense  a  chaotic  presence  .  ”
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amygdalagame · 3 years
Usually Amy is the type of girl I go for, but I'm feeling such an odd draw to Maria. How did you do this? HOW!?
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that’s why i include lots of save files ;)
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princessmacedon · 5 months
Maria von Medon, a noble specializing in Faith magic and a student of the Blue Lions. This unit values connecting with others. Try recruiting her again when you've formed more bonds? (RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: have at least three B supports.)
GENDER. female AGE. 15 -> 17 HEIGHT. 5'2" BIRTHDATE. April 5th CREST / HOLY BLOOD. n/a CLASS. Blue Lions student AFFILIATION. Macedon, and later the United Kingdom of Archanea BIOGRAPHY. The youngest princess of the former Kingdom of Macedon, now part of the Archanean Alliance. She holds great curiosity toward the world and all its sights, but most importantly, she loves to meet and befriend others. Came to Fódlan to improve her preexisting skills, learn new ones, and become overall more capable; secretly, she hoped to find her brother again as well.
Year 594 - Princess Maria of Macedon is born, the youngest of three.
Year 598 - King Osmond of Macedon is assassinated, and Michalis succeeds the throne.
Year 600 - Michalis asks Maria to become a hostage to Dohlr; Maria, wanting to protect the people of Macedon and make her brother happy, complies.
Year 604 - Maria is freed from Castle Deil by Prince Marth of Altea and his army, thereafter joining him alongside Minerva in the War of Shadows. Following Michalis' defeat, she watches over him in Macedon's aery until he recovers.
Year 607 - Maria is kidnapped by Gharnef while studying magic in Khadein. Later the following year, Prince Marth and his army defeat Medeus and free the captured clerics, Maria among them. She and Minerva stay with Lena at her convent, caring for orphans.
Year 609 - Maria resumes her studies and departs for Fódlan.
INTERESTS. learning new things, exploring, spending time with others LIKES. spending time with loved ones & making friends; making things (like sweet little treats!) (...AKA baking, sewing, embroidering, etc); wyverns, pegasi, and the sky; reading stories and poetry; flowers. DISLIKES. being helpless or a burden on others; eating alone; pitch darkness; so-called 'humor' that relies on tearing people down; arguments, especially those of her siblings. CLOSE ALLIES. Michalis, Minerva, Marth, Tiki ; Soren, Yuri, Chad, Roy (dropped but not forgotten) STATUS. the last princess of Macedon, but one of its first daughters to see a united Archanea
LIKES. ( saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sauté, sweet bun trio, garreg mach meat pie, pheasant roast with berry sauce, peach sorbet, vegetable stir-fry, derdriu-style fried pheasant ) -- the simple act of sharing a meal with Maria is guaranteed to raise your friendship with her, but these dishes give the biggest boosts
DISLIKES. ( cabbage and herring stew ) -- there's no penalty for making her eat this (and other markedly bitter foods), but the friendship gain is comically low
"Oh! This one's really yummy, hee hee. Want to try a bite?"
"...Huh? Oh, no, don't worry! This time I'll beat the bitterness for sure, hee hee."
"Ooh-- wah-- hot, hot, hot! Hee hee... I'm-- still not so good with-- ooh, with spicy food. But it's so good...!"
"Isn't it yummy, Brother? If you like it, I'll try to learn how to make it. Let's have a picnic later!"
"What do you think, Sister? Yummy, right? Hee hee! Maybe we should take the recipe back to Miss Lena one day!"
"Well, I-- hee hee-- I mean-- heeheehee-- I think it was a perfectly tasty pizza!"
"Do you have any room for dessert, Ser? I made some thumbprint cookies yesterday! With elderberry jam, heeheehee."
FAVORITE TEAS. sweet-apple tea, albinean berry blend, crescent-moon tea, chamomile
CONVERSATION TOPICS. a dinner invitation. a place you'd like to visit. a word of advice. books you've read recently. cats. children at the market. cooking mishaps. exploring the monastery. favorite sweets. first crushes. gardening mishaps. gifts you'd like to receive. heart-racing memories. likable allies. monastery mysteries. our first meeting. overcoming weaknesses. shareable snacks. someone you look up to. tell me about yourself. thanks for everything. the view from the bridge. things that bother you. working together. how you're doing lately.
"I'm here! And I brought some desserts with me, too!"
"Hee hee, thank you for the invitation. I'm so happy to spend time with you like this!"
"Oh! I guess we both got here early, huh? Hee hee! I was just so excited!"
"Mmm... This is one of my favorites! I'm so glad you like it too!"
"Oh! This tea... hee hee, thank you. I'll make sure to enjoy it with all my heart!"
"Oh! What? What is it?"
"[gasp] Do I have crumbs on my face?"
"Is there something on your mind? You can tell me, if you want."
"Hee hee!"
"A pretty blue sky..."
"Mm! Tasty!"
"I wonder if (he/she/they)'d like this flavor, too..."
"♫Hm hm hm!♫"
"Oh! And then? What happened next!"
"It's warm..."
"Hee hee, I had lots of fun today! Let's do this again sometime -- I'll make your favorites! That's a promise!"
(1) "What are your favorite teas? Your favorite snacks? ...Am I going to bring you some? Hee hee! That's a secret!" ANSWER: Chat, Laugh
(2) "When I was reeeaally little, I used to ask my brother and sister to play with me. I'd make them tea, and... heeheehee! Well, I've gotten a lot better at it since then!" ANSWER: Laugh, Sip Tea
(3) "My brother and sister are my favorite people in the whole wide world, but they can be so silly sometimes! But you know what? I'm going to be even more stubborn than both of them, hee hee." ANSWER: Commend, Sip Tea
(4) "I haven't seen a whole lot of the world so far, but I think it must be very pretty." ANSWER: Nod, Disagree, Chat
(5) "There's something really happy about sharing food together, don't you think?" ANSWER: Nod, Sip Tea
(6) "I've always believed that there are lots of different ways to be strong, and to protect someone. Still... Sometimes it would be nice to be strong like my siblings are." ANSWER: Sigh, Nod, Chat
LIKED GIFT: Floral Adornment, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads, Armored Bear Stuffy, Watering Can, Tea Leaves, Stylish Hair Clip, Legends of Chivalry, Ancient Coin, any flowers DISLIKED GIFT: Training Weight, Hunting Dagger, Ceremonial Sword
"Hmm... Hee hee! Thank you for thinking of me."
"Hee hee, thank you! I'm really happy!"
"Wow...! Is this for me? Really? Oh, I love it! Thank you so much!"
TIMEWORN JOURNAL: A well-kept if obviously aged journal, its entries date back many years and are addressed not to itself, but to a person. There are many crude but lovingly rendered drawings within. It probably belongs to someone who's been looking for someone for a very long time. LOCATION: Courtyard
UNFINISHED HANDKERCHIEF: A lovely square of fabric decorated with what seems to be the beginnings of an embroidery project. Looks like... (apple trees/wisteria/sunflowers)? It probably belongs to someone who likes making gifts for others. LOCATION: Blue Lions Classroom
FOREIGN PENDANT: A subtle-yet-elegant pendant of foreign make. Its quality suggests a high degree of nobility; there is a small emblem of a wyvern on the back of it. It probably belongs to someone sentimental. LOCATION: Cathedral
"Oh! This is mine -- I've been looking for it everywhere! Thank you so much!"
"Hmm... This isn't mine, but maybe... have you asked (name)?" *has an increased chance of suggesting the right person the higher her support rank with the item's owner.
"The songs of Fódlan are so different from Archanea. It's really neat!"
"Hm hm hm...♫ Hee hee! Isn't singing fun?"
"It looks so yummy! Do you want to share this together when we're done?"
"Are you nervous? Hee hee, don't worry! I used to help out a lot with cooking at the convent -- I'll help you out!"
"Aah, wait, wait! Not the-- ...hee hee... hahaha! Well, that's okay, too! We'll figure something out."
"...Mmm... How do I..."
CRITIQUE: "I see... I should look at it like that, and... Oh! I think I'm starting to get it!" CONSOLE: "Hee hee... thank you. I'll try even harder next time!"
"I always do my best!"
"I'm getting better, step by step!"
"I did it! Do you think my siblings would be proud of me?" PRAISE: "...! Hee hee... Thank you. That means so much to me."
"Horses have such cute, soft noses! Maybe I should ask if I can feed Helena an apple later..."
"There's a right place for everything -- we just have to find it!"
"Now it's my turn to touch the sky... Hee hee, come on! It's such a pretty day -- let's go!"
"Hmm... alright! I'll study more, and try even harder next time!
"Yay! I did it! Just one more step toward being strong like my siblings!"
"I have to try even harder..."
"I'll get there eventually!"
"I'm just following the example they set!"
"Hee hee... Maybe one day, I'll catch up to them! Do you think they'll be surprised?"
"Next time, I'll protect them, too."
"Did you know? In Archanea, you have to use staves and tomes to use magic, but in Fódlan you don't need any of that! I don't know if I can bring that kind of magic back home, but if I can help even without a staff, then it's worth a try, isn't it? Trying to keep up with both of them gets a little tough sometimes, though!"
"My home, Macedon, was known for its wyvern knights -- and my brother and sister were the strongest of all of them! I chose to be a cleric to protect them like they protect me, but... hee hee! Thanks to them, I love the sky."
"Axes are so different from magic. Their strengths and weaknesses, their range, the types of foes they're better against... I won't ever be as good with axes as my big brother and sister, but that's okay, isn't it? I'm not them -- I'm their little sister! And I'll always be there to support them!"
"Woah... This is new... and exciting! Heeheehee."
"I learned a new trick! Do you want to see?"
(1) "There's still so much I can learn!"
(2) "I'll do my best!"
(3) "I've never considered this before... but I guess I'll start now!"
"Ow! I should take care of myself... I can still learn from watching everyone else."
(Edelgard specific) "Ouch...! I already knew you were strong, but you really showed me again! Hee hee... take care of yourself, okay?"
"...O goddess of this land, please welcome them..."
(After Sabbam Vitatham, super real & canon event) "... ... ... O Naga... I..."
"I'm here with you!"
"I'm okay!"
"I've got to be careful..."
"I still have lots of catching up to do!"
"One, two, three!"
"It's my turn to protect them!"
"I won't lose!"
"Here I come!"
"Everyone -- together!"
"Let's put an end to this!"
"O goddess..."
"I'm a princess of Macedon, too!"
"...I hope that you're at peace."
"Just one more step..."
"I'm so happy you're alright!"
"Wow...! You were amazing!"
(Michalis/Minerva exclusive) "Hee hee... You're just as cool as I remember, (Brother/Sister)!"
"Thank you! I'm feeling better already!"
"I won't let you down!"
"Since you believe in me, I'll work even harder!"
"Ow! No, I can't...! I won't make them cry again...!"
"Michalis... Minerva... I... Just one more time... Togeth...er..."
I'm really cheerful when I'm with people, but sometimes I worry that makes other people not hear me out at all. Sometimes my siblings just brush me off!
>Start acting differently and maybe they'll change their mind. >Show them through your actions. They'll realize eventually. (correct?) >Stop being small
SOURCE: shadoll -- super fun meme! thank you!! <3
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #184 & 185
Thur Aug 22 2019 [12:35 AM] Wack'd: We still haven't resolved why kidnappers kidnapped Agatha who kidnapped Franklin so we're probably back to that in [12:35 AM] Wack'd: FANTASTIC FOUR VOL 1 #184 [12:35 AM] Bocaj: I hope someone kidnaps the kidnapper's kidnapper [12:35 AM] maxwellelvis: I'd like to at least see the covers for these, but I guess we're too far in now. [12:36 AM] Wack'd: You can just...go to Marvel Wiki and punch in issue numbers? [12:36 AM] Wack'd: There's a reason I don't post covers often [12:36 AM] maxwellelvis: yeah [12:36 AM] Wack'd: So Reed has had...a very long day [12:37 AM] Wack'd: And for once in his life lets his family take care of him and get him into bed [12:37 AM] Wack'd: Mostly because he was literally passing out, but still [12:37 AM] maxwellelvis: And probably because he no longer has the physical ability to resist their efforts to get him to take a break [12:37 AM] Wack'd: Also true [12:40 AM] Wack'd: So Ben calls to check in with Alicia ( 🎵 checking in with Alicia / Alicia what's uuuuup 🎶) [12:40 AM] Wack'd: And Alicia, on Sue's orders, doesn't mention what's happened to Franklin to stop him from doing something reckless and stupid [12:41 AM] Wack'd: All the ruckus knocked AUNTIE offline (hey! someone remembered!) and Thundra and Greer are like "actually, fuck this" and leave Ben to clean up the damaaaaay wait a second [12:41 AM] Wack'd: WE FORGOT ABOUT THE HEAT-GENERATING ROBOT [12:41 AM] Wack'd: Gotta circle back to that at some point, probably [12:41 AM] Wack'd: But not right now [12:42 AM] Wack'd: hrrrrrrg
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[12:43 AM] Wack'd: Johnny is also leaving, having decided he's not going to harrass Frankie [12:43 AM] Wack'd: Instead, he's gonna get hit by a laser, I guess
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[12:44 AM] maxwellelvis: Also, Johnny's dialogue here? CRIMSON BANNER RIGHT THERE [12:44 AM] Wack'd: I have no idea what that means [12:44 AM] maxwellelvis: Red flag [12:45 AM] Wack'd: Oh yeah [12:45 AM] Wack'd: I mean [12:45 AM] maxwellelvis: I mean more so than usual, y'see. [12:45 AM] Wack'd: He's deciding not to harass her until she confesses her deepest traumas and decides to date him again? [12:45 AM] Wack'd: Seems like kind of the opposite [12:45 AM] Wack'd: A green...something [12:46 AM] Bocaj: green street sign [12:46 AM] maxwellelvis: The way he's been acting since finding out she's got a phobia of fire has been... [12:46 AM] maxwellelvis: very much not how you treat that sort of thing, even for the 70's [12:47 AM] Wack'd: hahahahahahahahaahahah this is so fucking stupid i love it
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[12:49 AM] Wack'd: So Reed, Sue, and Ben head off to rescue Franklin and Agatha, with Ben shooting off a flare to see if Johnny will notice anything's up [12:49 AM] Wack'd: (He won't) [12:50 AM] Wack'd: And shortly thereafter the Fantasticar is shot by another one of those lasers, which transport them to an even bigger, spookier haunted house than Whisper Hill [12:50 AM] Wack'd: "It's darker than Doctor Doom's soul in here," quips Reed [12:50 AM] Bocaj: Weirdly poetic for him [12:51 AM] Wack'd: They find Johnny, completely out of it, hanging from a banister by his shirt [12:52 AM] Wack'd: And then there is this asshole
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[12:52 AM] Wack'd: The Eliminator is here to dispose of any evidence that Agatha Harkness ever lived [12:52 AM] Wack'd: And that includes living evidence [12:52 AM] Wack'd: Fight fight fight [12:53 AM] maxwellelvis: TECHNOMAGES! See! Maria was right! They ARE real! [12:54 AM] Wack'd: Sue is like "okay, fuck this, I'm gonna force field this doofus" [12:54 AM] Wack'd: And then she is atomized [12:54 AM] Wack'd: Len Wein sure likes to set Sue up to do something cool and then have her unceremoniously disposed of [12:55 AM] Wack'd: OH OKAY NEVER MIND [12:55 AM] Wack'd: She only pretended to be atomized so that the Eliminator wouldn't suspect anything if a hit didn't land [12:55 AM] Wack'd: Using invisibility [12:56 AM] Bocaj: As I would say "I can't believe Sue Storm is dead forever and now the book will be about <x inane thing> from now on" [12:56 AM] Wack'd: And then she saves Reed and Ben from getting got, and uses the force fields to block their life signs so Eliminator thinks they're dead [12:56 AM] Bocaj: I guess force fields can do that [12:56 AM] Wack'd: Yep [12:56 AM] Wack'd: Johnny then follows his sister's lead and pretends to blow himself up on a suicide run [12:57 AM] Wack'd: The Eliminator, having eliminated the last of the witnesses to Agatha's existence, congratulates himself on a job well done and starts to self-destruct [12:57 AM] Wack'd: And then the Four all pop to their feet and tell him they're fine. Just to mock him in his dying moments [12:57 AM] Wack'd: And then he explodes [12:57 AM] Bocaj: ... wow [12:58 AM] Bocaj: thats [12:58 AM] Bocaj: wow [12:58 AM] Wack'd: Weirdly cruel actually [12:58 AM] maxwellelvis: That's like something the Seventh Doctor would do [12:58 AM] Wack'd: But he did just try to murder them and may or may not have murdered their prepubescent child and family friend [12:58 AM] Wack'd: So he earned it, honestly [12:59 AM] Wack'd: Anyway [12:59 AM] Wack'd: With that done with they're more determined than ever to find out if Franklin and Agatha are still alive [12:59 AM] Wack'd: (I mean spoilers, they are, but they don't know that) [01:00 AM] Bocaj: Like I said, Agatha is sometimes a ghost and it doesn't mean anything. Vitality is just something that does or doesn't happen [01:00 AM] Wack'd: Maybe she's a lich and she cloned her own body so she could wear it like a suit sometimes [01:00 AM] Wack'd: Who's to say [01:01 AM] Bocaj: Who's to say indeed
Thur Aug 22 2019 [01:02 AM] Wack'd: I dig the hell out of this Gaspar guy's lettering
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[01:02 AM] Wack'd: Man I wish hand-lettering was still a thing in comics [01:02 AM] Wack'd: I miss it [01:02 AM] Wack'd: Like there's not necessarily any merit to doing it for dialogue bubbles but for stuff like this it's invaluable [01:03 AM] maxwellelvis: It feels like he just got back from seeing Dr. Strangelove or something for the writer and illustrator credits. [01:03 AM] Wack'd: I got more of a Batman TAS vibe personally [01:03 AM] maxwellelvis: That too [01:03 AM] Wack'd: With the low center of gravity on the Es [01:03 AM] Wack'd: And the big round Os [01:04 AM] maxwellelvis: I just had Strangelove on my mind is all [01:04 AM] Wack'd: It's good lettering [01:04 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, last issue, I forgot to mention because it was on a two-page spread that was rendered [01:04 AM] Wack'd: Really small for some reason [01:04 AM] Wack'd: But they found a metallic egg in the woods outside the big gothic mansion [01:04 AM] Wack'd: And have now determined it's probably where Eliminator came from [01:05 AM] Wack'd: So Reed's doing his workaholic best to figure out something about it to save Franklin and Agatha [01:06 AM] Wack'd: Reed manages to pinpoint the metal to somewhere in the Colorado Rockies [01:07 AM] Wack'd: Also, waaaaaay back in #39 the team lost their powers so Reed's hauled his old extendo-arms from out of the basement to cover for his lack of stretching [01:07 AM] Wack'd: This requires him to wear his 60s uniform for some reason
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[01:07 AM] maxwellelvis: They were probably built into the suit. [01:08 AM] Wack'd: And then Sue and Johnny also get into their 60s uniforms because Len Wein seems determined to rehash literally every ounce of the Kirby years for moral support [01:08 AM] maxwellelvis: *literally every ounce of the Kirby years Roy Thomas hasn't already [01:08 AM] Wack'd: Generally when Thomas or even Conway brought back stuff from the past it was to put a new spin on it. Wein seems to just do it because he likes it [01:10 AM] Wack'd: JOHNNY HAS MADE MODIFICATIONS TO THE POGO PLANE [01:10 AM] Wack'd: THIS CAN ONLY GO WELL [01:10 AM] Wack'd: Remember the last time Johnny was allowed to so much as touch this thing he and Medusa got stranded in the Himilayas [01:11 AM] Wack'd: So they land in the Rockys [01:11 AM] Wack'd: And Johnny has built--I shit you not--a hot-rod-in-a-box [01:12 AM] Bocaj: huh [01:12 AM] maxwellelvis: Like, like you throw it on the ground and BOMB! there's a hot rod? [01:13 AM] Wack'd: Some assembly required but the implication is that Johnny has done this in like five minutes
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[01:13 AM] Wack'd: And so the Four go exploring in the whopping one tiny town they found in the Rockies in hopes this is anything [01:14 AM] Wack'd: Reed has Ben do his old Ninja Turtle shtick because Len Wein is nostalgic so no one notices them [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Everything about this man screams "trustworthy"
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[01:15 AM] Bocaj: That’s impressive facial hair [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Not just a twirly mustache but a beard you can also twirl in two directions [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Also his name is SCRATCH [01:16 AM] Wack'd: You know, like THE DEVIL??? [01:16 AM] Wack'd: The Four find nothing odd about this at all [01:16 AM] KarkatTheDalek: Truly, I have never known a more trustworthy name [01:16 AM] maxwellelvis: "Nick Scratch" [01:16 AM] maxwellelvis: That's not even TRYING [01:17 AM] Wack'd: The Four wander around this tiny town aimlessly for a bit and then give up [01:18 AM] Wack'd: But Agatha sees this from her window and realizes she has to do something, even if it means alerting her captors [01:18 AM] Wack'd: So she raises A GAINT WALL OF FLAMES around--oh right, also this town is named NEW SALEM [01:18 AM] Wack'd: You dinguses [01:18 AM] Bocaj: oh [01:18 AM] Bocaj: New Salem comes back up again for the Scarlet Witch Vision maxi series [01:19 AM] Bocaj: The one where Vision dry humps a mystical pregnancy into Wanda [01:19 AM] Wack'd: Was it ever really time for deception at all? Signs point to "no"
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[01:20 AM] Wack'd: "YOU!", Sue yells, like this was a surprise or something
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[01:21 AM] Wack'd: Anyway this asshole summons a bunch of gargoyles to fight the Four [01:21 AM] Wack'd: Fight fight fight [01:21 AM] Bocaj: I’m sick of fighting silly fights! [01:21 AM] Bocaj: heeheehee [01:21 AM] Wack'd: "No one had yet considered that I could hit people hard with things"
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[01:22 AM] Bocaj: A force field with momentum is a blunt object and trauma [01:22 AM] Wack'd: Anyway they best all the gargoyles so Nick Scratch unleashes his most terrifying plan yet [01:23 AM] Wack'd: "Why're you hitting yourself, why're you hitting yourself, why're you hitting yourself"
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[01:23 AM] Wack'd: Also this is a thing that happens
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[01:25 AM] maxwellelvis: I wonder if, when these two were kids, and Franklin Storm had to tell young Sue to stop hitting her brother, if he ever imagined that ^ would happen? [01:26 AM] Wack'd: I think if his powers of foresight were that good he wouldn't have gone to prison and then died tragically [01:26 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, they're defeated, darkest hour, yada yada yada let's get on with it
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princessmacedon · 3 months
Erk has no reason to leave the field, but he runs anyway, towards the med tents after a short time has passed. (Perhaps he was simply bored of picking at grass, he would never tell anyone the true reason.)
Searching for a shock of short red hair, he finds her and calls out, "... Ma... Maria...!" That was her name right? The one that her companions had uttered upon last breaths?
"..." He falters, once he has surely caught her attention, twirling a purple curl around his finger. He was unsure of what to say. Crudely, he mimes the action of casting fire with his free hand, as if he were trying to speak without saying a single word, "You. Er... it was an impressive fight. I hope you weren't too burned from my early attacks."
It isn’t long once she’s been treated at the med tent until Maria is up and moving again, gathering boxes of juice into pockets and arms and dispensing them just as quickly, only to repeat the cycle all over again. Yet as she makes her way over to gather another armful, something stops her in her tracks: the sound of her name, to be exact, though not spoken with much surety. Glancing over her shoulder at first, then turning around in full—
“Oh! You’re…” … … … No, she doesn’t think she ever heard his teammates call his name, but recognition sparkles in the eyes nonetheless; Maria laughs a little bit from behind her hand. “Hee hee… sorry, I don’t think I caught your name out there. But I remember you!”
The little cleric waits patiently, the corners of her mouth quirked upward. The mage seems to fidget, words tangled in the lock of violet spun upon his finger, until he begins to gesture. Something like… magic?
“Oh!” She exclaims again, then shakes her head, now-unkempt curtains of crimson swishing with the motion. “No, I’m fine! So you don’t have to worry, okay?” The smile widens, spreads across her face with a reassuring brightness. Besides, she had done much the same in the past to— to… someone, she thinks, the first time she had taken to Gronder Field.
Brushing past the holes in her memory, she holds up an arm, free hand landing on her wholly unimpressive bicep. Beneath the singed-away gaps in her sleeve, there are already bandages laid in place. “See? Hee hee!”
Her arm lowers again, but only in a partial measure, fingers braced against one corner of her mouth as her voice softens. Though, mindful of their new acquaintance, she does not lean in as she would for so many of her friends. “Actually… Well, I still wish I could have protected Scáthach, but still! You were really impressive, too!” Her hand departs her face, but in its place her lips warmly curl, set beneath sparkling eyes.
“I’ve started learning fire magic, too!” She mimics his gesture from earlier, alike but not quite the same. “So… keep it a secret, but I was actually admiring your magic earlier, heeheehee. You’re really good!”
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princessmacedon · 26 days
[ Sweet Bun Trio ] - A selection of traditional Faerghus pastries, all small enough to be eaten in one delicious bite! The first bun is filled with sweet cream and topped with icing and a candied cherry. The second is a sweet roll filled with almonds, pecans, and dried cranberries and glazed with honey. The third is a bun sliced in half, filled with almond paste and whipped cream, dusted with powdered sugar on top.
"Lady Maria!," Lachesis calls. "It is truly so wonderful to see you here. Being here with you tonight warms my heart so."
Yes, her time with Maria was not the longest, but it was gentle, encouraging, and soothing. It reminded her that not all was bad. That she could see the light in the dark. Maria's presence was akin to a gentle embrace.
"Would you do me the honor of sharing this desert with me? I would love to discuss so many things with you, after all.."
"Oh, Miss Lachesis!" As Maria turns, it is with a beaming grin already worn, though it shines brighter still as she takes in the sight of her one-time opponent. It is never something she thinks in reference to someone's martial strength, but truly, the ballroom suits her so much better. Though she is beginning to think the lioness carries a somber sort of weight within her in constancy, the light cascading over the hall daubs it in gentler, warmer colors.
"I'm so happy to see you," she smiles, a hand reaching to steady the the plate, "and I'd love to split these with you! The honor might even be mine, heeheehee."
So great is her grin that it encroaches upon her eyes, narrowing them in delight ere she turns them upon their surroundings in search of a place for them to sit together. "There-- over there!" She steers them toward a nearby table, eager to settle and share this treat, this conversation, this burgeoning happiness called friendship.
"Do you like one more than the other? Oh! Or do you want to split them into halves?" Though one already has been, mind, but Maria still holds a hand to her mouth and giggles. "I'll cut the buns if you tell me what's on your mind?"
(Plainly, it is not a true prerequisite, her fingers already hovering over the silverware and only waiting for permission; what is most important is only that it begins, that perhaps the light in Miss Lachesis' eyes will grow brighter, warmer, more vivid still.)
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princessmacedon · 5 months
“ Ah! Lady Maria! It does me well to see you again, ”  Kent beams as he addresses the young redhead.  “ I actually have a present prepared for you for the Winter Festival, if you would be so willing to accept it. ”
A large wrapped box passes from his hands to hers. Upon unwrapping it, it would be revealed to be a huge set of various thread and ribbons all of different colors, full enough to complete the rainbow and then some.
“ Seeing as you seemed so pleased to do embroidery work multiple times in the past, I thought it a hobby of yours, so I wished to help procure you some supplies for it. I am sure you have a great many things you might wish to give or some fine work you would like to practice. I shall hope this shall suffice to give you the opportunity for either case then. ”
“Hello, Ser!” And she beams back as she replies in kind, eyes narrowed at him in happiness as she accepts the box without a second thought — truly without a second thought, for it is the beat after his words that her eyes drop down, blinking with a sort of awe as she realizes what it is.
Oh, but it is the excited sort — the sort that draws her eyes clear and round, that crinkles at their corners and shimmers at its center, that glitters with anticipation — all the ‘really truly’s and the ‘what could it possibly be’s!— and her mouth drops into a little ‘o’ before clacking shut, bared with pearly whites and laughter. Hoisting the box up higher, the little princess lays her cheek against its top, hugging the gift with affection.
“Wow…! Heehee… Thank you, Ser — I love it!” A statement honest and true for the simple fact of who gifted it, or that it exists at all.
Of course, she is delighted when she opens it, eyes all moon-roundness and new inspirations bright as the sun. Fingertips glide over spools of thread and colors beyond counting (or, well, countable but no less plentiful and delightful for it), and when she smiles yet again, there is a tautness to the corners of her mouth— appreciative… if also touched.
“Thank you…! I’m really, really happy, hee hee… Happy Winter Festival to you too, Ser!” At that, she presses a finger against her lips, a secret to cleave her grin in twain. “Something is a little late… so you’ll just have to look forward to it, okay? Heeheehee!”
(Some few days later she will stop by his office between classes, a package delivered with a smile and wave; if he is to open it, he will find a modest collection of tea blends with cards accompanying each tin — most notably, there is a blend from Macedon (complete with a happily-chattered story about wyverns and the sky) and another most carefully picked…)
(And, neatly folded in the corner, a white handkerchief trimmed with warm and sunny gold, the boughs of an apple tree embroidered into its southern corners.)
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princessmacedon · 2 months
He'd let the date slip past without realizing it, the previous year. She's probably finished that tin of candies by now– did she ever find out who had sent it? Either way, an identical package is left at her doorstep this time too, accompanied by a diminutive guardian to last even after the sweets have been consumed. Carved from wood by a hand still learning and more goofy than fierce in its mien, the wyvern is likely the true gift of the items delivered to the young princess of Macedon. Diligently seated atop a folded note as if to also play the role of messenger between sender and recipient.
"Happy birthday again, Princess. I never thanked you for the recipes you gave me back then, but I appreciated them very much. May fortune bless you this year as well."
This time, she opens the door, and finds the present she was waiting for. Oh, it was never a guarantee, and Maria would never dream of holding it against her mysterious gift-giver if he-- ah, they, whoever they are!-- did not make another appearance... but there is no denying the light dawning in her eyes when she spies, for the second time, a blue-bound box.
Wrapped by a yellow ribbon just the same as the year before last, Maria understands at once that the sender is just the same as well. Though the candies had long since been enjoyed, the tin now plays the part of another one of the princess's little treasure boxes; any such tin from this parcel will share the same fate, like as not.
But before that, she must take the gift inside, one hand curling protectively around the wood-carved figure with equal parts awe and admiration. Had it been made by hand? And the expression... hee hee! For someone who knows the reputation of Macedon and its fearsome wyvern riders, perhaps it falls a bit short of intimidating... but that is what she likes most of all. This way she can remember every day just what sort of expression she would like to draw to her siblings' faces!
Crawling atop her bed, she pulls box and dragon both into her lap, the note plucked instead. She brings it up, tilts her wrist, blinks once, blinks again...
"...hee hee!" And holds her presents to her tummy as she flops onto her back, giggling at the note overhead. "I got it right!" The little princess laughs, wiggling her hand around triumphantly. "I got it right, so we're friends now, okay? Heeheehee!"
(Not that Kris is there to object, but she hopes he wouldn't, anyway.)
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princessmacedon · 3 months
The first thing Lachesis wants to do after the battle is over is find her new friend and ensure her well-being. She rushes over to the med tent, almost stumbling over her own feet in a hurry to see the young girl’s face once more.  It is not acceptable to let this promise go to waste! But she is more fatigued than she expected; a weary composition barely makes it through. And there. The princess still has no name, but she does have the sensation that this girl has graced her heart with - the irrevocable warmth and tenderness which she must return in full.
“I hope you are well,” Lachesis starts with, upon approaching. Memories of ending the battle with the crush of her blade surface like a butterfly’s wing closing.
And she draws yet closer. “My name is Lachesis…of Nordion. I am very much pleased to meet you. Your grace has touched my soul to the center.  I would very much desire that we could become acquainted.”
“May I ask your name?” Her eyes narrow with veneration.
The bandages upon her arm are freshly coiled, courtesy of one of the medics at hand who had not battered themself upon the field. It always feels a bit ticklish to be the one accepting the care rather than giving it, but Maria watches with docile interest as the work is done, absorbing the techniques, the unspoken considerations, the way it feels on the receiving end, as well as how she might take all of this unto herself and better her own abilities.
No sooner has she rolled her ruined sleeve back down than does she realize someone is approaching her direction. Head turns slightly, slowly, then in full all at once as those golden locks and noble, yet gentle bearing refract recognition in her eyes.
"Miss--!" Hands are pulled to her chin by surprise, only to be lowered and gently offered as the other approaches. A name, at last! And what a pretty name it is; she takes care to turn it gently over the moon waxing within her smile. "Miss Lachesis! Hee hee... I'm so happy to meet you, too!"
Though together, palms spread, hopeful that the Nordion might place her own within them. So sincere is her greeting, her praise, that even Maria's oft-sunny disposition softens with a pleased touch of pink to her cheeks. And there, the lovely lady accepts her wordless request so kindly. Maria's thumbs fold over the back of Lachesis' hand, eyes closing for a second as she offers her warmth in the way she feels best suits them in this moment -- oh, perhaps she is not supposed to be busy healing others just yet, but when has she ever been able to resist?
"I'm really very honored, Miss Lachesis," Maria half hums as her faith flows from her heart to another's. The act of touching another has never been necessary to heal, but she favors it even so, that gentle, unspoken comfort. To convey her every earnest effort, to tether them to this world, in this moment, and give them what warmth she may... (And, well, she is much to blame for most of it, this time!)
Lashes flutter open with the upward lift of her head, and beneath that soft-cornered narrow, her eyes are a-glimmer with the reflection of something golden, someone wonderful.
"My name is Maria!" Lips part again into a crescent smile. "Of Macedon! And... I saw it, you know?" A bit of mischief sparkles in the depths of rosy eyes -- only just a bit, she swears! "--your kindness, Miss Lachesis. The respect and consideration you held for all of us! And your elegance, too! Hee hee... You're really, truly amazing."
Head of crimson tips to the side, her expression knocked askew with a light and silly sort of affection. "I'd like that very much! After the battle is over, I want to hear about your Nordion, and tell you about my home, too! I could make tea and cookies... heeheehee! Is that okay, Miss?"
At last, she relinquishes her grip, if only because there is work to be done before the victors return to the battlefield. Yet there is an exuberance in her gaze, a joy radiating as she looks to the future -- alike to, perhaps, a butterfly's wings opening again.
"May we please... be friends?"
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