#me listening to my own lynch brothers playlist: oh this hurts so bad. who made this????
squash1 · 1 month
thinking about the lynch’s false mirrors.
declan as a mirror to niall. a son made in his father’s image.
ronan as a mirror to niall. a father choosing to model a son after himself, after his brother.
matthew as a mirror to his brothers, to his father. ronan manifesting a kinder, softer mirror of declan’s face in a brother that would be better than either of them, for both of them.
ronan having to look at declan after niall’s death, seeing his father’s face, not just in the mirror, but in a brother that is not his father, not his idol.
declan having to look at ronan after niall’s death, seeing his father’s face, not just in the mirror, but in a brother all too like his father, dangerous and horrible and lovely.
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