#me? picking an exerpt from the part that hasn’t been edited yet?
sexynetra · 10 months
Hiiii! Hope everything is great with you! Is it too pretentious to ask for a little SSS? 🤭
Not pretentious at all!! I lost track of the days of the week 😅
I’m still slowly but surely (more slowly than surely) plugging away at this chapter so I promise there will be content coming sometime 😭
anyways for now here’s… six-ish sentences? Marcia’s sentence fragments are the bane of my existence for these 6 sentence Sundays tbh
Eyes still closed, Anetra spoke up after a moment. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m not staring. Your eyes are closed anyways. Shut up,” Marcia sputtered out and Anetra laughed warmly.
“I can feel your eyes burning holes in me. It’s fine, I think it’s cute.”
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