shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
The Lord and ‘Lady’ of the House
Summary: Shawn has a lot of pressure to get married. One day at a party, he runs into a pretty handmaiden who is struggling to pay her bills. They decide to fake their proposal…
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of abuse/torture, wee hint of angst
"Shawn! This is the Lord of the Manor Essex and his daughter, Lucinda," Shawn's mother proudly stated, introducing him to them.
Lucinda held her hand out for him and he gently grabbed it in his own, kissing the back of it. It was soft and dainty and smelt like a strong fragrance. He pulled his face back quickly, resisting the urge to sneeze.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Mendes," Lord Essex firmly shook his hand, sending him a bright smile.
He side eyed his mom. This was the fourth lady she had brought to him that night and he was fed up. He didn't want to be wed to anyone, he just wanted to live his life. If the right girl were to come along, then he would choose to ask for her hand. But until then, he wished his mother would stop pestering him about finding a wife.
"Shawn's a little shy, but I'm sure he would love to dance with your daughter," his mother stated.
Lucinda giggled and placed a hand over her mouth. Shawn put on his best fake smile and held his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his as he led her out to the dance floor.
"So... this season is coming to an end in a few weeks. Have you chosen a Lady?" Lucinda questioned. She knew full well he hadn't, and she was trying to coax him into asking for her hand. It's what all the Ladies did, and Shawn couldn't stand it.
"No, and I don't think I will," Shawn grimaced as she accidentally stepped on his toes.
"Oops! Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"It's quite alright. I think I'm just going to take a break for a minute." He excused himself from her and walked to the side of the ballroom, being careful to avoid his mom.
"Wait! I think you just need to get to know me better. I could be a perfect Lady," Lucinda chased after Shawn and gripped onto his elbow. The people around them stared at the two.
Shawn sighed. This is how they all were like. He was the most eligible bachelor in all of Toronto which made him the most wanted. He couldn't stand Ladies like Lucinda; the ones who wouldn't take no for an answer.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look Lucinda, you're a very kind young women, but I'm not looking for a wife. And quite frankly, the more that this happens to me, the more I don't think I'll ever want one."
Her face fell before she turned around and stormed off, her feet stomping on the way back to her father.
The people around Shawn sent him sympathetic looks before going back to what they were doing beforehand.
"Shawn! You are about to become the Lord of the Manor! Don't you think you want to have a wife to help you manage?! I'm not going to always be around! And with your father's untimely death, I'm feeling discouraged! I can't continue to raise you for much longer! You need a wife to take care of you," his mother yelled at him on the way home in the carriage.
Shawn stared out the window, ignoring what his mother was telling him. He had had this lecture too much in the past three years. He was only 21; although that was an old age to be unwed at, he still felt too young to be married.
"I love you Shawn, and all I want is for you to be happy. So please, for me, at the next ball, pick a girl and ask for her hand. You've met all of them, now you just have to decide."
Shawn paced the hall outside the ballroom. His mom said he had to leave the ball with a fiancée. He didn't want to cause her any more stress and trouble, so he was going to follow through with her wishes.
"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but is everything okay?"
Shawn jumped and quickly turned around. He came face to face with the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She sent him a shy smile.
"I'm fine, are you okay?"
She furrowed her eyebrows, her lips pursing as she stared at him with a confused look. "What do you mean? Of course, I'm okay."
"Well then why are you out here if you're okay?"
"Why are you out here if you're okay? Unless what you're suggesting is that you're not okay," she tilted her head to the side, examining him. Shawn felt his cheeks turn red under her intense stare.
"I... well then, you must not be okay either or else you wouldn't be out here."
She blinked a few times and then giggled softly to herself, as if she was sharing an inside joke that only she knew. "I'm just the maid... I've never been in there when the party is going on. I simply clean up after the fact. "
Shawn chuckled to help alleviate the awkward tension as his face burned with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I truly thought you belonged in there. But I was a fool to assume. I've met all those ladies millions of times, or at least it feels like millions of times."
She nodded her head. "Well then, I must get back to my duties," she started to turn away from him and he knew that he had to do something. He couldn't just let this woman walk out of his life. She was refreshing. She didn't fall at his feet. She wasn't trying to act like something she wasn't.
"Wait! Be my guest."
"To what?" she laughed nervously.
"To this party of course!"
"I don't belong in there. Plus, if the Lady or Lord of the house were to see me in there—especially without proper attire—I would lose my job. And I really need this job." He could see the desperation in her eyes when she talked about her job. She must've been a peasant; those were the only poor people around.
He stared at her for a few seconds, weighing the options in his head. He could walk into the ballroom with her dressed in her black skirt and white apron and ask her to dance. Or he could go in there alone and choose one of the simpleton ladies to marry him.
She was a gorgeous girl. And she was fantastic company. In fact, Shawn couldn't recall smiling—genuinely smiling—with any of the other Ladies he had met. Maybe he could give this a shot. He just needed to convince the town and his mother that she was a Lady.
"What would you say if I told you I could buy you out of this job."
She shook her head. "Thank you for the kind offer, but it's not that simple. My father," her eyes began to water, and her throat closed up, "he's sick. This is the only thing that helps me pay the doctor. And if I were to accept, and you could pay the Lord and Lady enough to buy me out of this job, what would I do after? How would it benefit me or you?"
Shawn feels the girl a pitiful look. "I... You could come live with me in the Mendes Manor. I'd pay for your father's bills, and you'd never work a day in your life again."
Her mouth dropped open. "You would do that for me? But you don't even know me? You don't even know my name?"
"Is it too late now to ask what it is?"
She chuckled softly. "But there's got to be something in it for you, so what do you want?"
Shawn looked out the window of the manor as he spoke. "It's my third season, not that I care. But my mother... she's grown sad. She wants me to find someone to wed. None of the Ladies have caught my eye. If it's not too much to ask, would you mind being my fiancée? Just for a few months. Just to get my mother off my back. And then you can run away or—or fake your death, I don't know. But I would give you all the money you need to support you and your father and make sure you're taken care of and live comfortably for the rest of your life."
She sucked in a breath of air. "I... yes! If it helps my father, I will do anything! Thank you, really truly thank you!" She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him.
He was shocked at first, too stunned to move, but then he gently wrapped his arms around her waist and breathed in her scent. She smelt of oranges and violets, bringing him back to his childhood when he would spend the summer at his grandparents' house.
"But wait! Everyone in there will know I'm just a maid with the way I'm dressed."
"Don't worry. I've heard the Lady of the house retires early and I have a plan."
"Lady Schreave, may I come in?"
"Of course, dear." She slowly walked into the room, Shawn following behind her.
"Lady Schreave, I have someone here to meet you."
Lady Schreave's face lit up the second she saw Shawn. "Well, if it isn't the talk of the town! What can I do for you, my boy?"
Shawn smiled at Lady Schreave before kissing her hand. "I was wondering if I could pay you enough money to buy this young woman from you. She is quite lovely."
Lady Schreave smirked and glanced between the two. "She is very lovely, isn't she? You don't need to pay me anything, just take care of her and her father for me," her eyes teared up as she pulled the girl into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you very dearly Y/N."
So that is her name, Shawn thought.
"And Shawn, do you wish to wed her?"
"I do," he blushed as Lady Schreave sent him a wink.
She turned back towards Y/N, "Well then, if a proposal is happening tonight, we better get you dressed in something more appropriate, oughtn't we?"
"Don't be nervous. Just smile and don't forget to say 'yes' when I ask for your hand. Now, since your father isn't here, it will be a little untraditional, and we might get asked questions. Say that you are the niece of Lady and Lord Schreave, and you are visiting them from out of town."
Y/N nodded. She was dressed in one of Lady Schreave's old ballgowns. It was cream colored with long sleeves that went down to her wrists and gold flowers painted onto the bodice. She wore white gloves, a symbol of being unwed. She had never felt more beautiful.
"You look magnificent, you ready?"
She sighed and wrapped her arm underneath his. "Lead the way."
He opened the grand doors into the ballroom and all the heads in the room turned towards them. He felt her squeeze his arm as he searched for his mother's face. She stood towards the back of the room with a small smile.
"Mother, meet Lady L/N. She is Lord and Lady Schreave's niece. She is visiting them right now. Since her father is not here, you are the next in line to initiate the proposal."
Shawn watched as his mother's eyes grew wide and her smile grew as well. She had waited for this moment for a long time.
"Of course, dear," she patted his cheek and then turned towards Y/n. "Shawn, if you would remove her left-hand glove and give it to me, please."
Everyone in the ballroom stared at Y/N with envy in their eyes. She was taking the most eligible bachelor away from them and they hated her for it.
Shawn took Y/n's left hand in his and gently pulled the glove off her hand. Her bare skin against his lit a fire inside of him and he gasped at the feeling.
Shawn knew what to do next, he knelt on the ground and reached for his grandmother's ring in his pocket. His mother had given it to him tonight in hopes of his engagement.
"Y/N L/N, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage. I promise to cherish you and love you with my whole being, will you marry me?"
"It would be my pleasure," He gently slid the ring onto her finger before standing up and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. It was seen as taboo to go any farther than a kiss on the cheek before marriage, so that would have to do for now.
He watched her as she looked out the window of the carriage. A single tear falling down her face, kissing her skin. He gripped her hands in his, squeezing them.
"They hate me. I don't know what I did to them, but they do."
She was referring to the Ladies of the town. They hadn't been particularly fond of her because she took the most desirable man in the land.
She had been living comfortably at Shawn's manor with her father for a month now, but the harassment from the town's Ladies hadn't gotten any better. She wanted to fulfill her end of the bargain, but she found it increasingly difficult.
“Don’t worry my dear. We only must pretend for a little while longer. Once we get through the engagement party in a couple of weeks, you are free to leave,” it pained his heart to talk about her leaving, but it was for the best. No one could ever find out that she wasn’t a Lady. If they were too, she would be charged with serious crimes.
She inhaled deeply and turned to face him. “I’m sorry. You really are a great man, but this is very hard. I hate pretending to be something I’m not. I feel like everyone can see through me and it’s only a matter of time before I get caught. I’m sure some of those Ladies are already looking into my lineage. They can tell I’m a fraud!” She started to sob uncontrollably.
“Shh, let it all out,” He stood from his spot and sat down next to her, wrapping her in his arms. “If it’s too much, we can end it all as soon as we get off this carriage. You can march right into that manor and pack your things. I’ll tell my mother you ran away.”
“No! We can’t do that; it’ll be too obvious. I need to stick it through for a few more weeks. I can do it. And we also need to come up with a better cover story. I don’t know much about being a Lady, but I know that none of them, if given the opportunity, would run away from a chance to marry you.”
Shawn wanted to argue, but he knew she was right. If she left right now, a mob would be on her trail. They would chase her down and make her pay for her crimes.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do,” he whispered quietly as he petted her hair. She sighed into his shoulder and gripped tightly onto his shirt as a rain slashed onto the window of the carriage.
It took them longer than expected to reach the Mendes Manor because the wind had been blowing so hard, it had careened their carriage from side to side. When Shawn had held his hand out to help Y/N step down from the carriage and she saw the somberly look in Lady Mendes’s eyes, she knew something had happened.
“Y/N, it’s your father. He passed while you were away. The doctor tried to save him, but he said that the disease had spread too far in his body. I’m very sorry,” she led Y/N into the house as she said this, offering her a shawl to drape around her bare shoulders.
Y/N gladly took it, shivering as the news of her father’s death started to sink in. After the proposal at the ball, Shawn had asked his mother if they could host Y/N’s father as a guest. He told her that her father was a Lord, but since he had become too sick to take care of his manor, they had moved in the with the Schreaves.
Y/N doubted her father would’ve agreed to lying about being a Lord, but he was too sick to protest. During the past few weeks, he mostly slept. Y/N had stayed by his bed side as much as she could, but even she knew that his health had been deteriorating even with their new accommodations.
She slowly made her way up the stairs and to the room her father had been staying in, Shawn following closely behind her. As they entered the dark room, a big flash of lightning illuminated it and the sound of thunder echoed in reply as if to finalize the death of her dad.
He lay motionless in the bed, pale as snow. His lips were slightly parted, and he had never looked more ghostly. She was almost scared of him. He didn’t look like the father that she knew.
She slowly crept forward towards him and latched her hand in his cold one. She felt no warmth. “Daddy?” she whispered quietly. “Daddy, please,” she pleaded. She gripped onto his dead body and cried.
Shawn stood from afar, feeling a little out of place. His mother stood with him. “You should go and comfort her,” she whispered into his ear.
He didn’t know what else to do then to rub her back up and down and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. It seemed to calm her down because she fell asleep on Shawn’s shoulder, and he carried her to her room.
He awoke to the sound of screaming later that night and quickly ran towards the source. It was coming from Y/N’s room. He busted down the door, ready to fight off whoever it was, only to see that she was still asleep. He gently shook her, and she woke, staring straight into his eyes.
He took in a deep breath, because even in her anxious state, she still was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was wearing her night gown and he cleared his throat and looked away.
“You were having a nightmare. I was checking in with you to see if you were okay.”
“I…I was having a dream—more like a nightmare—about my father. His corpse kept yelling out me for lying to everyone. I feel so guilty Shawn. Are we really doing something terrible?”
Shawn shook his head. How could something that felt so right be wrong. He knew from spending the past month with her that she was his person. He knew he was falling in love with her when he shouldn’t have been, but he couldn’t help it. She enraptured him. She was like the forbidden fruit; so desirable but forbidden.
“No darling,” she picked up on the pet name he had used for her. She blamed it on his half-asleep self, but deep down she knew it wasn’t that. He had called her pet names plenty of times when he wasn’t half-asleep. If she was being honest with herself, she couldn’t ignore the butterflies it gave her. But they couldn’t be together. This was never supposed to last long-term.
“We aren’t bad people. We both needed something, and we both benefited from it. I…if you want to leave, I wouldn’t have my feelings hurt,” he spoke so quietly she didn’t know if she heard him.
“I’ll cover for you. Say that your dad’s death and the Ladies had made you crack. You couldn’t take it anymore, so you decided to leave town and head back to your manor. I could secretly send you money to wherever you relocate. Gosh, I just feel so useless.”
“You’re not useless and I’m not leaving. Like I said earlier, I’m sticking this through like we planned.”
“Even after what happened today?” He grimaced as he hesitantly referred to her father’s death.
“Yes,” her voice barely croaked.
“Good, you’re becoming a great friend and I would miss you if you left.” Friend. He had used the one word she never wanted to hear come from him, especially after the day she had had. An awkward silence ensued.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay, but I don’t want to intrude. Have a good night, Y/N.”
“Wait! Please don’t go, I just need some comfort right now. Unless it’s too much of a bother.” A smile played at Shawn’s lips.
“It’s not too much of a bother at all.” He laid down next to her on the bed, far away enough to not touch her. He didn’t necessarily know his boundaries in this situation. He had never been in a women’s room (besides his mother’s) let alone slept next to one.
He heard her soft snores fill the room as he lay there looking up at her ceiling. He finally dozed off with thoughts of her in his mind.
The first ray of sun peeked through her curtains, and she yawned tiredly as she sat up. She felt movement next to her and quickly look to her side to see Shawn. She stared at his sleeping form; he looked so peaceful like he didn’t have a care in the world.
She heard him muttering something before he abruptly sat up. “Oh no! I’ve got to go right now! No one can know that I spent the night in here,” he threw off the sheets from the bed and frantically ran towards the door. “I’ll be back to pick you up for breakfast!” He walked out of the door and into the hall, leaving her alone.
She slowly rose from her bed, pulling the bedding back and placing the pillows on top to make it. She slipped out of her nightgown and pulled a light blue dress up her body. She did her best to cinch it, but she would need the maids help.
Lady Schreave had sent an abundance of dresses to Y/N to wear. And on top of that, Shawn’s mother took her shopping for some more as an engagement gift. Y/N really loved Shawn’s mom. She was kind and treated Y/N like she was her own daughter. She felt extremely guilty lying to her.
“Petra, do you think you could help me cinch this up?”
“Of course, Malady,” she walked into the room, grabbing the strings on the dress, and pulling it as hard as she could to tighten it.
Petra didn’t like Y/N. Much like the rest of the town, she thought Y/N was unworthy to marry Shawn. She didn’t see what made her so special. “Oomph!” Y/N yelped as she felt the fabric pinching her ribs and squeezing her lungs. “Please, that’s enough, I can breathe.” Petra stopped, but not before she pulled it a little tighter. She tied the dress up at the top and left the room without saying another word.
Five minutes later, after she had brushed through her hair and put it in a braid, she heard a knock on her door. “May I come in?” It was Shawn.
“Of course!” She opened the door for him, but quickly evaded her eyes from his. She felt herself blushing, embarrassment coursing through her. She let him enter the room and he sat down in the chair that was by her desk.
“How are you feeling? I’m sure you’re exhausted. Is there anything I can do for you?” He bombarded her with questions as she stood there, too stunned to speak. He hadn’t been into her room until last night and now he was making himself comfortable, as if he belonged there in her room next to her.
She didn’t know what to think of these new feelings she was having. Up until yesterday, this whole thing had been a mission for her. Play the part, get the money, leave when it’s time. But he had been so caring and thoughtful of her this entire time, and it made her heart do things.
“I’ve been better,” she chuckled taking a seat on her bed. “It still doesn’t feel real, you know. I knew that eventually the sickness would kill him, but…,” she blew out a breath of air.
“I felt the same way when my dad died. He was drafted to the war when I was eighteen. And then one day a letter arrived in the mail and the next thing I know; I would never see my dad again. It’s hard at first—really hard.”
“Does it ever get better? Will I always feel this pain in my heart, as if I’m missing a part of me?”
Shawn patted his chest right over his heart. “It gets easier as time passes, but the hole in your heart, it never heals,” he saw her face turn solemn, so he quickly corrected himself. “But I always think of what it’ll be like when I see him again. I believe life after death so I believe that someday, we will be together again.”
“I sure hope you’re right about that.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. “Would it be better if you took breakfast in your room this morning?”
“No, it’s alright, I’ll head down with you.”
Being engaged to the heir of the Mendes Manor meant that Y/N would have to learn to host parties. The first and only party she would ever host, would be for her fake engagement.
The rock that had been placed on her hand a mere month and a half ago felt heavier than ever. With each day, the guilt built on top of her. She felt like she was sinking and the only thing that was saving her was Shawn’s presence in her life.
He had tried to help with the preparations of the party as best he could, but he had never been trained in that sort of thing, as it was the Ladies job, so his parents never saw fit to teach him. “I’m sorry, dear. I wish I could be of more help. You can always consult with my mother, I’m sure she’d love to help.” She shook her head. “This is something that I have to do on my own. If I can’t plan a party, then I am definitely not good enough to be your fiancée. It will only make the townspeople more trepidatious.
“Maybe we should just confess. It’s clearly causing you a lot of stress. I feel horrible about the pain you’ve been through the past few months. I promise I wouldn’t let them hurt you. We were in over our heads when we agreed to this.”
She nodded, but she didn’t want this to end. She had nothing left for herself, if she didn’t have Shawn and his loving mother in her life. She had lost everything…this was her only family. “I couldn’t bring dishonor to your family like that. It’s only one more week, I can do this.” Only one more week to say goodbye. One more week to accept the fact that she would never marry a man like Shawn. One more week to process and move on.
He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. Ever since the night he had spent in her room, he had been more affectionate with her. Holding her hand more out in public. Kissing her hand, her cheek, her head. It was just one more thing that was going to make it harder for her to say goodbye.
The engagement party crept up on Shawn fast and he found himself dreading the day. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Y/N. He had fallen in love with her, and the idea of her leaving brought him to tears. He didn’t know what to do.
They had agreed that she would leave after the engagement party in a carriage that his most trusted friends would be driving, Brian Craigen. Shawn and Brian had met when they were little lads and grew up to be close friends. Brian had agreed to take Y/N to the next town where she would spend the night and then leave on her way to wherever she wished to go. Brian knew it was risky, but he also knew that Y/N staying was even more risky.
“I’ll leave the money in the carriage for you and…we’ll part ways,” Shawn had whispered to her the night before the engagement party.
She nodded in agreement. “Thank you for everything Shawn. It really has been a pleasure getting to know you. I wish you the best of luck with your mother and your future wife.”
He smiled sorrowfully before turning away from her. He secretly wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes before retreating to his room.
Y/N woke early the next day, with a lump in her throat. She knew that today would be the hardest day of her life. Not only was she saying goodbye to the new family she had made, but she was also saying goodbye to the place her father raised her. To the place where she made all her favorite memories of him. And to the person that she never thought she would fall in love with: Shawn.
The red dress she had chosen to wear that night, looked too bright for her to wear in this state. She had cried herself to sleep the night before and she was almost positive that her eyes were puffy and red.
She didn’t see Shawn the entire day. She was too busy running around making sure that everything was going smoothly.
Shawn’s mom had pulled her aside to talk to her for a minute before they entered the party. “Remember dear, they just want to meet the new Lady of the house. It may seem nerve wracking at first but look for Shawn. That’s what I did at my engagement party. I looked towards Shawn’s father, and it made all the nerves go away. That’s how you know he’s the one.
“And in two weeks, when you’re walking down the aisle towards him, don’t stare at anything else. Trust me dear, it will make you too nervous. Oh! I’m so excited!”
Y/N smiled solemnly. “Thank you, Lady Mendes.”
“Please, I think it’s about time you called me mom. You’re about to become my daughter so it seems fitting,” she winked at Y/N who felt like she was going to throw up.
“Alright, I’ll go in there first and then you wait a few minutes and come in after me. Shawn will be waiting at the end of the stairs for you.”
Shawn wiped his sweaty palms on his black suit. It was going to be a very long and hard night for him. He closed his eyes and counted to ten before entering the ballroom inside of his house. Everyone cheered for him as he smiled and waved. He heard ‘congratulations’ from around the room as he walked towards the bottom of the stairs. First his mom would walk down them, and then Y/N.
His mother glided gracefully down the stairs. As she reached for her son, she pulled him into a tight hug and whispered, “She’s nervous too, you know. Don’t worry, everything will be okay.” She sent him a small smile before standing next to him at the bottom of the stairs.
“The Lady Y/N L/N, betrothed to Lord Shawn Peter Raul Mendes of the Mendes Manor.” Shawn gaped at Y/N as she walked down the stairs. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. Her hair was in tight curls, framing her face. Her red dress had cream coverings with a high neck. She was stunning. Except she wasn’t his.
He tried to keep a neutral face as he internally battled with himself to convince her to stay. To really marry him. Not just pretend to court him.
“Hello my dear. Shall we dance.”
And dance is what they did. Until their feet hurt, and the party was ending.
Y/N sighed as they bid farewell to their last guest. She held back tears as she got ready to part ways with Shawn. She didn’t know if she could do it.
“Excuse me for a moment, I have something for you before you leave. And it’s not just money.” Shawn whispered to her. He had written her a song sharing his feelings and he was hoping it would change her mind. But when he came down the stairs to sing it to her, she was already gone.
Y/N had waited for Shawn in the foyer of the Manor for his gift. She tried to hold it together, but a few tears were shed. Until she felt a sharp knife go against her neck and voice whisper in her ear, “You scream and you’re dead.” It was a male voice that she didn’t recognize, but it scared her enough not to act.
They put a bag over her head and escorted her out of the Manor and into a carriage. “You’re going to jail, and once you’re there, they’ll treat you like the rat that you are. How dare you lie to the town! How dare you steal Lord Mendes from my daughter! How dare you think that you are worthy of someone like him!
“Once he finds out that you’re not who you say you are…oh, he’ll have you hung you little bitch!” The man laughed maniacally, and Y/N couldn’t do anything, but sit there in her fear. She knew she would get caught, but Shawn’s captivating eyes had pulled her in, and she had to agree.
She wondered if Shawn would think anything of it. Maybe he thought that she left early. Maybe he thought she was already on her way out of town. Maybe she was just a pawn and the loving glances the two had shared was all fake. Maybe he had sold her out.
Shawn sat down on the couch in the foyer, his head in his hands. Maybe she had only been in it for the money. Maybe she never cared for him. She had been poor before him, so it was a logical explanation. Maybe he just imagined the connection between the two.
“Shawn, I’ve come to pick up your Lady,” Brian whispered into the room.
“You mean she got her own ride?! But that doesn’t make any sense because I gave the gold to you to give to her. Unless you already gave her the goal?!” Shawn started to panic. Something felt wrong about this situation. Deep down he knew Y/N wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.
“What?! I still have the gold. You’re telling me she left without getting paid?!”
Shawn shook his head. That was the only logical explanation he could think of. He looked at the floor and saw a piece of the dress she had worn that night, laying on the floor. He picked it up and examined it.
“She didn’t leave by choice. She was taken….” Shawn stared at Brian, wide eyed. “That means that they know she’s a fake. We must get to the courthouse, now!”
Y/N was escorted to the jail cell and harshly thrown in. The bag was taken off her head and she saw the guards scowling at her. “You whore! You think you can get away with lying?! I think not! You’ll be hung for your crimes!”
“But what about a fair trial?!”
The guard scoffed at her. “A fair trial?! You committed treason and you almost got away with it! There is no trial, you’ll be hung in the morning. Tonight, you’ll receive a punishment tonight. You’ll be fed after your punishment. Do you understand?” The man’s harsh gaze caused Y/N to suck in a deep breath.
“Good. Now put your hands behind your head.” She did as she was told. He walked into her jail cell and cuffed her.
Shawn felt like the carriage ride to the courthouse couldn’t have gone any slower. He was anxious. He knew that the punishment for treason was death, but he also knew they liked to torture their prisoners before then.
As soon as they arrived, he jumped out of the carriage and burst through the courthouse doors. “Where is she?!”
The jailer stared up from the book he was reading and eyed Shawn up and down. “Do you wish to see her punishment, Sir?”
Shawn shook his head ferociously. “Then I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.”
“No! She’s innocent, sir! I promise! I was the one that came up with the idea for her to pretend to be a Lady. This was all a stupid plan to get my mother and the whole town off my ass, but it became something bigger. So please, if you’re going to punish anyone, punish me.”
“I can’t do that. I have a man paying us very well for us to get the job done. So, unless you can top what he’s paying, she’s guilty.”
Shawn’s heart stopped. Who would want to do such a thing to beautiful, sweet Y/N? He almost threw up at the thought. “I’ll double whatever the amount is, just please!”
“Lord Mendes,” Shawn turned around to be met with Lucinda and her father. And then it all clicked. They were the ones who had taken Y/N captive
“You bastards!” He spat at them, before turning away. “Give me the damn key to her jail cell, now!”
The jailer looked behind Shawn towards Lord Essex. “Sir?”
“Don’t give him the key. I promise I can pay more money than him.”
Shawn shook his head. And then he heard screaming coming from the basement of the courthouse. He ran as fast as he could for the door to the cells, trying not to get caught by one of the guards. All he knew was that Y/N was in trouble and he wasn’t going to let her suffer.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!”
He heard more screaming followed by a “Shut up girl!” and a cracking sound. He shuddered at the thought of what they could be doing to her.
“You have no right to do this!” He shouted through the jail. “I…bought her from Lady Schreave so technically, you’re damaging my property. I won’t stand for it! I could have you arrested for doing this!”
Suddenly, the sounds of screaming stopped and there was only crying. He had finally reached the end of the hall where Y/N was lying in her cell. Blood dripping from a cut in her head, her eye was covered in a black and blue bruise that was starting to swell, and it looked like her arm had a long cut down it. Her beautiful dress was a torn mess.
The guards stood idly by. One holding a knife in their hand that was dripping with blood, the other holding a whip. Shawn couldn’t look at Y/N. The image of her made him want to kill someone!
“How dare you! How dare you harm an innocent woman! How dare you disrespect my property! I’m going to kill you for it!”
Shawn lunged at one of the guards, grabbing the wrist that held the knife in it. The two men fought (more like pushed and pulled against each other’s wrists) trying to regain dominance. The other guard stood there, too stunned to speak.
Y/N was in a daze from all the pain she had endured, but when she finally came to her senses, she spoke up. “Shawn don’t!” She croaked out.
He immediately stopped, hearing her sweet voice pulling him from the darkness that he had been submerged into. A tear fell from her cheek as he bent down next to her. Both guards retreated from the cell, seemingly scared of Shawn. This gave Y/N and Shawn a chance to have a private moment.
“Are you okay dear? I was so worried when you weren’t in the parlor. I thought you had left early, but then I found a piece of your dress on the floor and—,” he started to hyperventilate, recalling all the events that led to this moment. A sob wracked through his body.
“I’m so sorry. I should be the one comforting you,” he cried some more, and Y/N brushed a few of his tears away.
“I’m okay, I promise. Thank you for coming after me. I was so worried that no one would stop them. I…I know I lied to everyone so I’m not completely innocent, but I didn’t think I deserved death.”
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I had no idea that people were after you. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this whole situation. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“But it’s not,” she whispered. He pulled away from her and furrowed his eyebrows. “Nothing will ever be okay if I don’t get to see your smile every day.”
He leaned in quickly and brushed his lips against hers, not caring what anyone thought. The Lord with the Common Lady. He had never felt more comfort or belonging in his life.
“I love you. I’m not ready to give you up any time soon. I’ve practically been courting you for a month and a half. Our wedding’s schedule in three weeks’ time. If you still want to go through with it after everything, I would love to be wed to you.”
Y/N was too stunned to speak. She had thought her feelings were one-sided. She hugged him tightly but cringed when she felt the bruises on her arms being crushed. She pulled back just as quickly. “Nothing would make me happier.”
A/N: I really thought this was going places, but I hated the ending. Anyways, like and comment feedback, thanks. Love you all!
Taglist: @mendesblurb @truthfulteenager
If you would like to be added to my taglist, message me
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ohmytm · 5 years
I think you’re the one who needs oxygen | Raul Mendes
A/N: Yep, i’ve fallen into the trap. My timeline is filled with the triplet concept and i love it so i had to join the bandwagon. I’m sorry, my medical knowledge is very limited (non-existent unless you count Grey’s Anatomy) so please excuse how wrong this will be. Other than that, enjoy the fluffiness!!
Warning: slight mention of a car accident
The familiar sound of the ambulance sirens fill Raul’s ears, adrenaline pumping through his veins already. He’s only got an hour left on shift and then he gets to go home to you for the first time in a couple of days. Just the thought brings a smile to his face.
You left for a work event four days ago and even though you got home last night, with Raul’s working schedule you still haven’t seen each other. You decided to go straight to his place when you landed and he can’t wait for his apartment to feel like home again.
His ears prick up whilst he finishes his paperwork and the paramedics list off the patient’s information. He hears them say she’s a 20 year old female who’d been involved in a minor car crash. Nothing too serious, but she was complaining of breathing problems at the scene. She was on her way to the grocery store when a car sped through a red light and went into the side of her. From what he can gather, the other person didn’t come off as well.
He looks up and his heart stops beating.
He drops the pen and pushes past the other people to get to you. His supervisor watches him as he grabs your hand.
“Doctor Mendes, do you know this patient?”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Raul whispers, not taking his eyes off you.
The older woman sighs, “you’re done for today. Go and get changed.”
“No, i’m not leaving her, I-“
He meets her eyes sheepishly.
“She needs a scan to check everything’s okay but she’s fine. You’d only be waiting out here anyway. Go.”
You open your eyes to find your sleeping boyfriend with his head on your lap, your hand resting in his. You move your arm slightly and he jolts awake,
“Hey baby.” He whispers, stroking your hand with his thumb, “How are you feeling? Are you still struggling to breath? Do you need anymore oxygen because i can go and get some, it’s only down-“
“Raul.” You smile, “i think you’re the one who needs oxygen.”
He chuckles.
“Baby, you’re really pale.” You realise, resting your hand on his cheek, “Do you feel okay?”
“I was scared.” He mutters, “That feeling when i saw you being wheeled in was the worst thing ever.”
“But i’m fine.”
He looks at you, still concerned.
“Baby, you’re a doctor. You know i’m fine!”
The expression still sits on his face.
“Would you be worried if you didn’t know me?” You ask, a smile on your face.
“But i do know you.” He replies.
“Not the answer to my question. Would you?”
“No.” He states, looking down.
“Exactly. I love you, but you know i’m okay. I’m sorry this is how we had to see each other again.”
“No, don’t apologise. It wasn’t your fault. Speaking of that, who’s was it? I need to burn off some of this stress. Thinking a human punching bag might be a little more exciting.”
“Raul!” You smack his chest, knowing he was only half joking. “When can i go home?” You question quietly.
“They need to bring in the papers and then we can. Go back to sleep until then honey, i’ll wake you when they get here.”
“Thank you.” You smile.
He waits until you fall asleep again and starts turning over your arms, checking for bruises and cuts. You told him there weren’t any but he wanted to be sure.
Yes, Raul’s a doctor. But he’ll never stop worrying about you, even when he knows you’re okay.
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aaronhotchnerlover · 5 years
scary encounter
Warnings: may include sensitive content reguarding possible!kidnapping
author’s note: this is my first time writing a full on imagine so like don’t be too harsh lol
It was currently 9:30 PM when your boss finally let you go home. With a sigh you gathered your belongs to start your walk back home. Your car has broken down forcing you to walk home for the past week. Peter and Raul were currently helping Shawn at the studio, and with the studio being in downtown Raul couldn’t pick you up on time. You had promised him, you would ask your friends for a ride but you were too shy to ask. Your heart fluttered when you checked your phone and saw a message from your boyfriend Raul.
From Raul ❤️: hey baby, you on your way home?
To Raul ❤️: hiii babe! I just left the office! I’ll text you when I get home!
About 10 minutes have passed and you were about half way home. Your feet were killing you from the heels you had to walk in. Hearing some rattiling you check behind you and see two men behind you, with a jacket on and their hoods covering their face. The faster you walked, the faster they walked too. Being paranoid you had decided to turn away from your house, not wanting them to know where you live.
You heard them whispering to each other, and speeding up. You took off your heels and ran. You knew you should’ve called the police but your anxiety had spiked and you needed to hear Raul’s voice.
“Y/N? What’s up honey? I’m a little busy right now.”
“Raul.” You panted, out of breath from running. “These two guys are following me, I don’t know what to do!”
“What?! Baby listen to me, go to the nearst cafe and stay there, I’m going to leave the studio now and I’ll come get you ok? I need to you to stay calm baby nothing is going to happen to you, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Ok I see a cafe down the street! I’ll send you my location!” With that you hung up the phone abruptly.
Running into “Vivian’s Cafe” you slammed open the door, making the cafe’s customers look at you strangely. With shaky legs you make your way to an empty seat and send your location to Raul. You see you had a couple of missed calls and texts asking if you were ok and why you had hung up quickly.
About 15 minutes later, you numbly stared at the door waiting for your boyfriend to walk through.
“Baby! Fuck are you ok? Where are those guys? Have you called the police?” Raul asked questions at a rapid speed.
You stared at him wide-eye still shocked from tonight’s events. Tearing up, you looked away to avoid Raul from seeing you cry.
“Baby no, don’t cry honey I’m here! I’m sorry for taking so long to get hear, I’m here now you’re safe.” Raul pulled you into a hug kissing your forehead and wiping your tears away.
“It was so scary!” You sobbed “I heard them whispering about a car being ready at the end of the block to take me. I didn’t know what to do!”
Raul shushed you, not wanting you to fall into an anxiety attack. He gently led you to his car, where you saw Shawn and Peter in the backseat.
“Are you ok? We’re here for you Y/N” Shawn and Peter said at the same time.
You muttered a quiet “thank you.” And settled into the passenger seat. The ride home passed by pretty quickly. You made it to the apartment you and Raul shared. You quickly made your way inside and went inside the bathroom.
You quickly showered, suddenly feeling disgusted at the thought of what could’ve happened to you. As you made your way to the bedroom you heard the triplets muttering. Without listening to what they were saying you walked into your bedroom and changed to Raul’s shirt and some leggings.
5 minutes later, Raul walked in with a solemn look on his face. He got dressed for bed and got in next to you. Knowing you’re still in shock, he simply pulled you into his arms and kissed your cheeks as silent tears flowed. You knew, tomorrow would be a long day seeing as you had to report this incident to the police. But right now you were relieved you were in Raul’s arms safe and sound.
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pink-peony-princess · 3 years
Hi guys. Just wanted to say thanks for all the love on my work in the last 24 hours! My notifications have been going crazy. For my newer followers (and a reminder for my OGs) my requests are open. I'd love it if you would request via asks or DMs. I write for doctor!Shawn, werewolf!Shawn, the MendesTriplets! and non-au!Shawn.
The next imagine- a MendesTriplets! Raul! werewolf! au will be up in the next few days. In the meantime I'll re-blog some of my personal favorites I've written which you may not have seen 💖
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
What would you say if I started writing non-au Shawn imagines/blurbs?
Requests open- please send in requests! I find prompts are so good to get you in the mood- at least initially while you get your head around things!Of course werewolf!Shawn, doctor! Shawn and MendesTriplets! will still be posted and requests are open💖
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Just finished the next piece (Raul) (my first MendesTriplets! piece ahhh!) It'll be up for your reading pleasure tomorrow 💖
PS. Please please please send in ideas. As I've said before, I always have new ones, but I want to write what you want to read!💖
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
The next piece (MedesTriplets!-Raul) will be up either tonight or tomorrow- probably tomorrow as I'm not well 😒
On a brighter note I'm actually so excited to write these new MendesTriplets! ideas...like I think they'll turn out so cute!
As usual feel free to send in any ideas for doctor!Shawn, werewolf!Shawn or Mendes Triplets! via asks or DMs.
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pink-peony-princess · 3 years
Please, request, request, request 🙂 I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love working with your ideas 💖 Doctor!Shawn, Werewolf!Shawn, non-au!Shawn, MendesTriplets!
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
The next piece will be up either tomorrow or the next day (probably the latter) (probably another doctor! Shawn) and then a MendesTriplets- Peter piece which was kindly requested.
The next part of Deliverance will be out in a week or so as it takes me longer because I really want to try and build a world.
Also working on another series called Begin Again (working title) which I hope to have the first part of finished soon 💖
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Just had the best idea(s) for a MendesTriplets series and a One-Shot! There's so much cuteness floating around in my brain right now💖🚹🚹🚹💖
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
The first MendesTriplets! piece will be going up either tomorrow or the day after along with the next part of Deliverance!💖
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
The next doctor!Shawn piece will be up later tonight... Be warned it's another long one... The Peter! MendesTriplets! piece will be up tomorrow 💖😘
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Please send requests... They can be doctor!Shawn (maybe something that has happened to you) werewolf!Shawn or MendesTriplets! (one or all, doctor, werewolf or 'normal')💚
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Currently also working on the first MendesTriplets! Raul piece which should be up tomorrow and the next doctor!Shawn piece.
Please send in requests via asks/DMs. I always have new ideas, but if you have any you'd like to share I'd love to hear them.
Requests open for: doctor!Shawn, werewolf!Shawn! or one/all MendesTriplets! (Werewolf, doctor, or non-au)
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
The next piece will be up tomorrow, I'm also mid-way through the next part of Deliverance AND several other pieces including MendesTriplets! pieces 💚
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
Will be posting another doctor!Shawn tomorrow and hopefully the first of many MendesTriplets! Raul! AU in the coming days, PLUS I'm working on the next chapter of Deliverance... Busy, busy, busy!💙
Let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like, I'm open to any ideas for any of the Triplets, werewolf or not, doctor or not, or standard doctor!/ werewolf! Shawn...
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