#Shawnmendesfanfiction shawnmendesimagines
shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
City Of Love
City of Love (Personal Assistant AU—Reversed Roles)
A/N: So, in this imagine, Shawn is Y/n’s personal assistant and Y/N is the popstar. Andrew is still her manager, but Brian is a girl, and his name is Brianna. Haha, hope you like it
Summary: Shawn is Y/N’s assistant and he’s head over heels for her. Does she feel the same for him?
Warnings: Swear Words
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            There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Shawn was in love with the Y/N L/N. It was a known fact. The team knew, the fans knew it, hell even Y/N herself knew it. And it wasn’t like he tried to hide it either. Not in the loving glances he sent to her. Not in the long hugs he pulled her into at the end of her shows. Not in the soft kisses he planted on her forehead when she was feeling extra stressed. He was completely transparent.
            Y/N on the other hand was a different story. No one could really tell with her how she felt for him. And she did it on purpose. She couldn’t date her personal assistant. It would be too messy. Plus, he was her best friend. She couldn’t ruin that friendship for a relationship that might not even last.
So, when Shawn would give her those glances, she would roll her eyes at him and act oblivious. When he would pull her into those bear hugs, she would pat his back in a friendly way. And when he would kiss her on the forehead, she would brush it off as a kind act.
She was chastised by her friends, her team, and her family. “You can’t keep letting him wander around you like a lovesick puppy. Just put poor Shawn out of his misery. You have to tell him that you don’t feel that way about him.”
But she did feel that way about him. She just couldn’t. And she knew it was wrong to lead him on like she was, but she couldn’t do anything. She wanted him in her life. She wanted him in any way that she could get. And if that was just as a best friend/personal assistant then that was how it would have to be. And it wasn’t like he had ever told her about his true feelings for her. He had never actually said the words “I love you in more than a platonic way.” So, until that happened, she was perfectly fine with the way their relationship was.
Shawn was mesmerized with the way she sung to the crowd so passionately. It honestly put him in a daze. “You’re so whipped,” Brianna laughed.
“Shut up,” he blushed. “If only I knew she felt the same. Does your best friend really have to be the most confusing women on this planet?”             “I ask myself the same question every day. I’m not even sure how she feels about you. She hasn’t ever come out and explicitly said she likes or dislikes you. It’s almost like she doesn’t know if she should like you or not. She’s undecided. It’s weird and so unlike her. You know her probably better than me. You spend more time with her. She’s never indecisive. She always seems to know what she wants. It’s only when it comes to you that she doesn’t. I can’t tell if it’s a good or a bad thing.”
Shawn sighed. “Somedays I wonder if she even wants me here. And then others, it’s like I’m the only person that exists to her.”
Y/N finished her last song and came running off the stage. Shawn pulled her into one of his famous hugs while she patted his back. “You were amazing! Not that I don’t think every show is fantastic, but I think this one is your best one yet!”
“You say that every night,” she chuckled.
“Cause it’s true! It gets better every time you preform.”
She pulled away from the hug. “You’re only saying that because I am your boss.”
And there she went ruining a sweet moment. She always had to bring up her job around him and frankly it hurt his feelings. She was more than just his boss to him. She was his confidant, the person who knew him better than anyone else, the person who helped him through his anxiety.
She didn’t seem to notice the shift in his demeanor as Andrew patted her on the shoulder congratulating her. Brianna sent him a sympathetic smile and rubbed his arm.
This small gesture caught Y/N’s attention from the corner of her eye. She felt a small pang of jealously go through her, but it faded quickly when Shawn turned back to her and sent her one of his signature smiles.
After showering and getting back on the tour bus, Y/N headed for the back of the bus towards her room. They were going to Paris the next day, the city of love. It had always been on Y/N’s bucket list to go there, but they had skipped it her last tour. To say she was excited was an understatement. She had even convinced Andrew to give them three extra days after her show in Paris for her and the team to explore. Andrew obliged even though everyone knew that he secretly wanted to explore France just as much as the rest of them.
“Knock, knock,” Shawn said outside her door.
“Come in.” She was laying on her bed reading a book in her sweatpants and one of Shawn’s old band t-shirts. And that was another thing that confused Shawn. She and Shawn would often sleep in the same bed together because they both enjoyed the comfort. Occasionally Shawn would lend her his shirts (which he thought she looked adorable in), and she would willingly accept. Which probably wasn’t an odd thing for best friends to do, but she rarely gave them back which pulled on Shawn’s heartstrings, making him think that maybe he had a chance.
She glanced up at him and felt her heart stop. He was shirtless, which wasn’t a new thing for her. But damn did he look fine tonight. His hair was a tousled mess, and it was so extremely attractive to her. She tried to hide her infatuation by glancing back down at her book, but she couldn’t focus on the words.
“Are you going to stay the night in here,” She asked him to try to seem nonchalant.
“Obviously! We still have that season of the bachelorette to finish! I’m so excited to see who she’s going to choose.”
Y/N shook her head at him. “And to think that three months ago you thought this show was obnoxious.” She thought it was sweet that he wanted to watch something with her.
“Hey, once it gets started it’s actually kind of entertaining. But at first glance it doesn’t seem that way.”
“Just quit lurking in my doorway, it’s rude. Get in this bed right now!”
She didn’t have to tell him twice. He was under her covers in the blink of an eye.
“So, Mr. Mendes, what’s on the schedule for tomorrow,” she questioned while she turned on the T.V. and hit play on the episode.
“You’ve got an online interview at 10:00 am and then you’ve got soundcheck at noon. The meet and greets at 4:30 and you’re show starts at 7:30 tomorrow. A little later than usual, but we’re not getting to Paris until like 11:00 am so…late show it is.”
She sighed laying her head on his bare chest and placing her book on her nightstand. “How would I ever do it without you? You’re the best. Thanks Shawn.”
Shawn hummed a your welcome and felt his heart rate increase. He hoped she wouldn’t be able to hear it thudding against his chest.
“Y/N, honey. It’s time to wake up,” a soft voice filled the room, shaking her from her sleep. She sat up, her hair a mess, and her eyes half closed. Shawn let out a little chuckle. She was adorable.
“Sorry to wake you, but you’ve got that interview in an hour and I didn’t know how long you wanted to take to get ready.”
“You’re good Mr. Mendes! Thanks for always keeping me on schedule.” At this point she had stood from the bed and was walking towards him. She placed a kiss on his cheek as she walked towards the shower.
The second the door closed to the bathroom, Shawn went to the living quarters of the bus. “I saw that, you know,” a sly voice said from the corner of the room. Shawn turned to see Brianna.
“Saw what?” He could feel himself blushing.
“You walk out of her room. Her kissing your cheek. The basics.”
“Well, she kisses my cheek a lot, it’s nothing new. And we sleep in the same bed a lot. It’s honestly become rarer for us to not sleep in the same bed.”
A pregnant pause went through the room as they heard the shower in the background.
“I was thinking of ways to get her to confess her feelings to you. Or at least drop a hint of something. It’s getting so obnoxious seeing you follow her around like a puppy.”
“I’m listening.”
“In high school, she really liked this boy. But no one knew because she never acted like she did. Well anyways, one day we were playing spin the bottle and I was chosen to kiss him. She was insanely jealous and hardly talked to me the next couple days. I finally confronted her about it, and she told me she had a massive crush on him.
“I thought she was so mad at me. But she had distanced herself from me because apparently, she couldn’t get the image of me and him kissing out of her head. If she reacts the same way with you, it means she really likes you.”
Shawn hesitated. “Look, you’re an amazing girl, but I just don’t want to kiss anyone besides Y/N.”
Brianna laughed. “I have a boy that I’m talking to. I know the feeling. We don’t have to kiss, but we should make it seem like we’re flirting or something. Maybe you could hug me like you always hug her. Maybe a few forehead kisses, some holding hands, and voila, if she has feelings for you, all will be revealed. If she doesn’t, then she’ll probably try to encourage our relationship or something.”             “It doesn’t hurt trying.”
They both turned their heads as they heard the door to Y/N’s room opening as she stepped out. A light blue blouse adorned her beautiful figure and complimented her eyes. Her hair lay in soft curls framing her face and Shawn couldn’t help but be breathless for a few seconds.
“Sorry, am I interrupting something?” Y/N asked as she stared between the two. Brianna had moved closer to Shawn to make it seem like they were having a more than friendly conversation before she walked in.
“Nope, not at all. Need help getting ready?” Brianna quickly asked to draw the attention away from Shawn who had his mouth slightly open as he stared at Y/N.
“Oh my gosh Shawn, you’re hilarious,” Brianna had said while they ate lunch at the stadium where Y/N would be performing later that night.
Y/N looked across the way at Brianna and sent her a questioning glance. She hadn’t thought Shawn’s joke was funny enough to warrant a reaction like that. But that most likely meant that Brianna was flirting with Shawn. Which was a new thing.
A very new thing. Y/N wondered when her friend had developed this flirty relationship with her assistant. Before today, Brianna would always roll her eyes at Shawn’s cheesy jokes. Now she was sending googly eyes at him.
A pang of jealousy coursed through her. But she didn’t have much time to dwell on it before Andrew was walking over to the trio to tell them that Y/N’s sound check was supposed to be starting in ten minutes.
“Shawn, why didn’t you tell me sound check got moved to thirty minutes earlier?”
Shawn stared cheekily at Brianna. At this point, they had let the whole team in on their plot and everyone was working hard to play it off. They all wanted Y/N’s feelings to be revealed once and for all.
“I guess I just got distracted, sorry,” he sent a wink to Brianna that didn’t go unnoticed by Y/N.
She scoffed. “Well try to not to get distracted again. You are working right now, not trying to get a date for tonight.” She stood from the table and walked away calmly.
Shawn pointed his thumb after her and looked to Brianna. “She seems more pissed that I wasn’t doing my job than about our flirting.”
“Just give it a few more days. She’ll eventually crack. Either by threatening to fire you or telling you she loves you.”
Shawn’s eyes grew twice in size. “She wouldn’t actually fire me though. I’m basically as close to her as you are.”
“No, she’ll definitely fire you. But then she’ll rehire you once she’s calmed down a bit. You know how she is.”
That he did know. She was the most kind-hearted person he knew. She would do anything for anyone. But she was a very feisty women who wasn’t afraid to fight for what she believed in. And to top it all off, she had a mean sense of humor. And sometimes that could make her a little scary.
Shawn remembered the first time he ever met her. He thought she was going to fire him on the spot. He had bumped into her when she had been walking out of the recording studio and he had been walking in. It was his first day on the job and he had brought hot chocolate as a kind gesture.
The scorching hot chocolate had spilled all over her clothes. After looking down to assess the damage (her white shirt would probably have to be thrown in the trash) she glanced back up at Shawn. “Watch where you’re going,” she had scoffed.
Shawn felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I am so, so, so sorry. I will pay for a new shirt. Please forgive me.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, reading his name tag. “So, you’re my new assistant. Looks like you’re off to a rough start. The shirt is 150 dollars. Cough it up,” she held out her hand, as if she was waiting for cash to be placed in it.
Shawn scrambled to get his wallet from his back pocket when he heard Y/N laughing. It was a melodic noise, but it surprised him. She hadn’t sounded angry. He dared a look at her.
“I’m sorry but the look on your face was priceless. Don’t worry about it, this shirt was only like 20 bucks and it’s a few years old. It might’ve been time to donate it anyway.”
Shawn was shocked. Her sudden change in demeanor threw him off guard.
“I’m Y/N by the way. And sorry if I scared you about that, but I have an awful sense of humor. Sometimes it’s just funny to be serious and play into the diva stereotype. I hope I can prove to you that I’m not actually like that. Forgive me?”
He stared at her for a few seconds as she held out her hand to him. “…I already knew who you were,” he chuckled. “You’re like my favorite celebrity so it’s really a huge honor to be working for you. And I’m the one that needs to be forgiven.” He reached out and shook her hand.
“Don’t worry, I forgave you the second I saw that smile. You should look into modeling.” And with that she brushed past him and walked into the bathroom no doubt to try and clean off the spill on her shirt.
When Y/N ran off the stage after her performance that night, she was disappointed to not see Shawn standing right by the stage where he usually was. Instead, she heard sounds of laughter and rounded the corner to find Brianna and Shawn sitting on a couch and watching a show together.
“No way she said no! I totally thought he was the end all be all!”
Y/N was confused. She didn’t remember Shawn and Brianna ever being this close of friends. He had his arm around her shoulders and a blanket rested over their legs. Her head was on his shoulder.
Y/N was upset. Not only because she was jealous, but because her two best friends had somehow gotten close to each other overnight without her knowing. And to top it all off, they hadn’t even told her that their relationship was changing. It would’ve been a nice warning for Y/N before she got her heart broken.
Andrew observed Y/N’s reaction quietly from behind her. A smug smile played at his lips. Y/N stood there for only a few seconds, but he could tell she was not happy with the two’s proximity. She turned to walk back to the dressing room.
“Hey when they get out of their googly eye love land will you have both of them come to my dressing room. Looks like they forgot to include me in our after-show celebration,” she forced a smile onto her face that didn’t go unnoticed by Andrew.
As Y/N walked away, Brianna slid out from under Shawn’s arm and shudder. “Ew. That was weird.”
“Yea, seriously. Notice anything Andrew?” The two looked up at him.
“She just seems upset. I’m assuming you guys heard what she said to me?”
They both nodded. “Tell her we’ll meet her on the bus.”
Andrew sighed. “Are you kids sure this is a good idea? How long are we going to let this go on for?”
“Just until she does something about it.”
“Alright then. “
Y/N walked onto the bus a half an hour later. After hearing that her two best friends had bailed on their tradition of celebrating after a show, she had broken down in the dressing room.
The show hadn’t gone as well as she had hoped. She had missed a few notes and being the perfectionist that she was, it really upset her. She craved one of Shawn’s hugs. He always noticed when she was feeling down about her performance. But instead, he was off swooning her best friend.
She dried her eyes and walked onto the bus, hoping they weren’t still red from crying. Brianna and Shawn were on the couch cuddling and asleep! Shawn had his arm wrapped around her middle and they looked so peaceful. It was hard to find a time where Shawn looked so relaxed. She didn’t even think he was that laid back with her.
And then it hit her. If they were both going to make the other person happy, she should quit being a jealous and selfish friend and let them do what they want. She wouldn’t try to force them into being around her if they didn’t want to be.
She felt a stinging sensation in her eyes, and she knew she was about to cry again. She lost her chance with Shawn and there was nothing she could do about it. She walked to her room, turning off the light and instantly falling asleep. She even forgot that the last episode of the Bachelorette was on that night!
For their first day in Paris, Shawn had found a small Parisian café to eat breakfast in. He knew Y/N was somewhat fluent in French and she wanted to get the full experience. It originally was only going to be the two of them going to the café, but he decided that Brianna needed to come so they could keep up their act.
“Knock, knock,” Shawn said opening her door. He had a terrible night’s sleep. His insomnia flared up (she usually helped with that), and he was exhausted. He and Brianna had faked being asleep on the tour bus couch, but she hadn’t even spared them a thought. She had just walked to her room.
“Hey, you look tired.” She herself didn’t look to awake either. Her eyes were a little bloodshot, but makeup did a good job covering up the bags under her eyes. Her hair was flawless like always and she wore a white sundress. She was breathtaking.
“Yeah, I didn’t sleep too good last night.”
“Me either. I was planning on watching the last episode of The Bachelorette with my best friends, but y’all already watched it without me,” she chuckled to play it off as a joke, but he could hear the sadness seeping through her voice.
He scratched the back of his neck guiltily. Truth be told he didn’t really want to watch The Bachelorette without her, but Brianna convinced him it was a good idea. “Yea, sorry about that. I was just too excited to see who she chose. But I’ll watch it with you tonight if you’d like.”
“Yea, that sounds nice.”
There was an awkward lull in their conversation until Brianna popped up next to Shawn. Her hair was in perfect curls. Her makeup was flawless. And she was wearing a blue dress that complimented her eyes and red hair.
“You guys ready to go?”
Y/N tried to hide her surprise at the question. She assumed Shawn had invited her which was fine. She just had to act like it didn’t bother her. Shawn looked at Y/N shyly, trying to silently apologize.
“Yea, let’s go,” Y/N said brushing past Shawn and walking to the front of the bus.
The café had only a few people in it when they arrived. “Bonjour!” Y/N said to the waitresses. They smiled at her, and she held a light conversation with them in French before they were seated. Shawn would never stop being impressed at the many talents she had.
Shawn and Brianna chose to sit across from each other leaving Y/N to sit by herself. She felt like the third wheel on a date. Funny how it was supposed to be just her and Shawn, but she’s the one who feels like the third wheel, not Brianna.
Y/N was quieter than usual which didn’t go unnoticed by her two best friends. But instead of bringing it up, they decided to let her fester in her emotions. She would eventually say something, they concluded.
But that went on for the entire day. They went sight-seeing in Paris with the rest of the team, and Y/N tried to avoid being around the two. She went to hang out with Connor, her photographer, who sent Shawn an evil eye. He looked after Y/N like his little sister. While he agreed that Y/N needed to fess up, he didn’t like the way she as being manipulated into doing it.
“Just ignore him,” Brianna whispered.
“Yea, ok.” That didn’t stop Shawn from feeling like a piece of shit for treating Y/N like this.
That night, Y/N got ready for bed hoping that Shawn would eventually come into her room to watch The Bachelorette, but that never happened.
The next day went almost the same as the first. But by the last day, Shawn and Brianna were getting sick of pretending to like each other.
“You know what, scrap that dumb plan I made up a few days ago. Clearly, it’s not working and it’s just making her more and more upset. Which is not something we need. I never wanted to hurt her feelings and I’m sure you didn’t either. Take her to the Eiffel Tower tonight. Just you two. No one else.”
“…I’m guessing you’re going to say I should confess my love to her like in all those cliché love stories,” he chuckled. “Well, it’s better than your first plan.”
“Hey, you agreed to that!”
“Yea, yea. More like I got pressured into it.”
Brianna crossed her arms as Y/N walked out of her room. She was wearing a brown cardigan over a light blue dressed. She stared between the two before walking towards the small kitchen and pulling out some cereal and a bowl.
Brianna tilted her head towards Y/N, insinuating that Shawn should talk to her. She walked away and Shawn went to the kitchen.
“Hey, what if I took you out for dinner tonight?”
“Well actually I just wanted to stay in and rest.”
“Yea, but you can do that all day tomorrow when we’re heading to the next city.”
“Yea, but my bed is so warm and cozy, and I just want to lay down in it.”
“Nope, you’re coming with me. I’ve barely spent any time with you this whole trip.”
Shawn grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her towards the exit of the bus. She pulled back with a force just as strong.
“No! If you wanted to spend time with me, you and Brianna would stop making me feel like a third wheel. I don’t want to even be around you guys because you leave me out. It’s not fun!”
“Brianna isn’t coming. It’ll just be me and you.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows at him. “Uh huh. And Brianna is ok with this?”
“Yea, why wouldn’t she be?”
“Just seems like you two have to do everything together since we got to Paris.”
Shawn turned away to hide his smile. Maybe their first plan had worked a little. Y/N definitely did seem a little jealous.
“Well, I promise she’s not coming. Let me take you to dinner and we can go see the top of the Eiffel Tower. It’ll be fun. Please,” he used his puppy dog eyes on her. The ones he knew she couldn’t resist.
“Fine,” she rolled her eyes, but was secretly excited for their little outing.
            “Notre Dame was so pretty. I think it’s been my favorite place so far.”
            “Yea Notre Dame was cool. I just wished that I got to spend more time with you,” Shawn said as he took a bite out of his food.
Y/N scoffed. “If you wanted to spend more time with me, you would’ve spent less time flirting with Brianna.”
“Hey! It’s not like you weren’t flirting up a storm with Connor!” That wasn’t an entirely false statement. Y/N had tried to make Shawn jealous, but she didn’t think it had worked.
“Please Shawn,” she waved her hand at him, “he’s like a brother to me. You know that.”
“Ok and you’re like a sister to me! Brianna…” he paused. He didn’t know why he had said that. In a round-a-bout type of way, he was trying to insinuate to her that his relationship with her was like her relationship with Connor. They acted like siblings but would flirt. Connor knew Y/N was off limits though because Shawn had already staked a claim.
“Brianna what?” She was red in the face from arguing with him.
“She’s like a friend to me. I mean I don’t really know her that well. I spend more time with you than with her.”
“It sure didn’t seem like it this week. You know what though, I think we need to leave. Let’s just leave this argument in the past and have a good time tonight. You ready to go?”
Shawn nodded his head and placed a bill down on the table. Y/N tried to beat him to it but he said, “Nuh uh. I’m paying for this.”
            The air was cold at the top of the Eiffel Tower and Y/N shivered in her dress as they stared out at the city lights. It was a beautiful sight, but Shawn couldn’t tear his eyes away from Y/N’s figure. She looked so free and happy. Something he hadn’t seen on her the entire week. He knew he was to blame for that. It was now or never that he told her his feelings.
“Here, you look cold,” he draped his jacket around her shoulders.
“Look Y/N, the real reason I took you up here tonight is because I have to tell you something. It’s kind of a big deal. It’s a secret I’ve been keeping from you since I first met you,” he grabbed her hand and she glanced at him.
“I know Shawn. I know that you used to love me, but now your feelings have shifted, and you want to figure out whatever it is that you have with Brianna. I’m not offended or hurt or anything. And if talking to mean is your way to find closure, I’m here for you. And if you want my advice,” she paused and looked back out at the city, “I would resolve the fight you two were in before we left.”
Shawn stared at her dumbstruck. She was letting him go so easily. No fight. Nothing. That surely meant that she didn’t love him.And she already knew that he loved her. It wasn’t like he hadn’t made it obvious, but he just thought she didn’t know.
Shawn didn’t say anything for a few seconds and Y/N tried to stop the tears from coming to her eyes. She had once again lost something to her best friend and she once again, couldn’t be mad at her for it.
“You know, I always pictured myself up here with a man I had fallen head over heels with,” she took a deep breath. It was now or never. She had nothing to lose. “I guess I just didn’t realize that he would’ve fallen for my best friend instead.” Shawn’s mouth opened in shock. “I was such an idiot. I thought that by hiding my feelings and waiting for you to confess first to me I would have it confirmed that you loved me back. I wouldn’t have to make that leap of faith. But I waited too long, and I lost my chance.” She looked into his eyes, into the very depths of his soul.
And at the top of the City of Love, she whispered, “I love you, Shawn. As more than a friend. More than you’ll ever know. And I am so, so sorry that I was a coward about all of this. I cost us a beautiful relationship. But I want you and Brianna to be happy. It’ll give me peace of mind knowing that I didn’t screw everything up.”
And with that, she pulled her hand away from Shawn’s and turned to walk away. Shawn went after her. “Where are you going?! We’re at the most perfect spot in the city! You can’t just drop that on me and walk away!”
She turned around. “Please Shawn, I can’t have you doing this. Don’t get my hopes up. I’m tired and I want to go back to the bus.”
“Y/N wait—”
“Please! I can’t do this tonight!”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her around to face him. He didn’t waste another moment before capturing her lips in his. She wrapped her hands around his neck and tugged on his hair. She finally pulled back, slightly pushing him away.
“I love you ok. If you just would’ve let me talk, I would’ve gotten to that point. This whole week me and Brianna have been trying to make you jealous,” he chuckled at her appalled face. “We just wanted you to break first and confess to me. We realized we had taken it too far when you distanced yourself from us. Me and Brianna were arguing because she was trying to pressure me into telling you my feelings tonight. I promise she is just a friend. Nothing more.”
There was a long pause and Shawn watched something shift in Y/N’s eyes. “You are such an idiot! You know what, you’re fired!” She stared at him with crossed arms, a red face, and angry eyes.
Shawn couldn’t tell if she was being serious or if she was joking.
“You’ve pushed me too far this time. That was so dumb of you! I don’t care if you say you love me, you wouldn’t have done that if you did! I expect your things to be packed up. You’re leaving at the next city!”
Shawn scrunched his eyes at her, and she turned away, starting to walk down the steps of the Eiffel Tower.
By the time they had made it to the bus (which was in walking distance), Y/N hadn’t spoken a word to Shawn. Even though he had begged and begged for forgiveness.
When they got on the bus, Brianna waited for them on one of the couches. “So…I’m guessing by Y/N’s face it didn’t go too well,” she said to Shawn.
“NO! He’s fired! And how dare you do that to me!”
Brianna made eye contact with Shawn and her eyes widened when she realized that Y/N wasn’t joking.
“Woah Y/N, think about this for a second. Shawn is your best friend.”
“Yea and you guys are such idiots to think that I would actually fire you!” She turned around laughing at Shawn.
He rolled his eyes. “I guess we kind of deserved that. But I hate your sense of humor.”
“Oh, shut up! You love it like you love me!”
“Hmmm, I don’t know about that. We were having a sweet moment and you had to ruin it.”
“Maybe just be transparent next time and I won’t have to use my ‘mean humor’ on you.” She threw her (his) jacket at him with a smile on her face and walked towards her room.
“You better go be with your girl,” Brianna sent him a wink and he rolled his eyes at her.
“Thanks for everything!”
“Don’t mention it. It is the city of love, it was bound to happen.”
A/N: lol what is this garbage. I loved the plot but executed it so badly. Thanks for reading anyways. Feedback is appreciated.
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buck-nialled · 4 years
A Kick in the Balls (1) - S. Mendes Imagine
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Throughout the years that you and Shawn have been together, and even before then, had he only seen you lose your composure a minimal amount of times. He remembers the night that you had spilled coffee all over your Chemistry notes, a class which you had struggled with all year and had a final on the following day. Shawn sat across from you and watched your face fall almost seconds after the dark roast drowned your lifeline to getting a passing grade in the class. Luckily, Shawn’s remained dry and his handwriting was legible enough for you to get a high C the next day. Another time, he barreled to your crouched figure in your bedroom, sobbing like a mother mourning over her favorite child. After crying into Shawn’s chest until your eyes were sore and throbbing, you managed to murmur out the death of your family pet. Even when your tears dried, and your lip halted its trembling, Shawn kept holding you. You were more shocked than saddened after being stood up by Kole Newman until Shawn bustled into the diner and swept you off your feet.
But the state of you he had stumbled upon, Friday night in your living room, he was not prepared for.
Your fingers were tremulous as you furiously tapped the keypad on your phone screen. You kept bouncing your leg up and down so much Shawn was afraid it might fall off by the end of the night.
“Hey, honey…you okay?” You hold a finger up to him, using your other hand to bring the phone off to your ear. The finger comes down and is used as another activity to occupy your racing thoughts. The thumbnail rests between your teeth as the rings continue throughout the phone. On the second ring, even quicker than the last call did your sister’s voicemail interrupt the call. You only sigh in agitation and hang up, tossing the phone aside. Your arms came up to shield your face as you shook your head.
“Alright…what happened?” Shawn tries questioning again, taking a seat beside you on the couch.  Your eyes shifted and you bit your lip as your eyes glossed over, a telltale sign that the dam of tears was about to combust.
“I-I’m the worst sister ever.” You begin, looking towards Shawn. “Y/S/N was supposed to go on a date tonight with this boy in her grade. I’ve met him a couple of times and he seemed like bad news but Y/S/N likes him a lot. I didn’t think they’d even get past friends but when she told me they were going out tonight…I just…I lost it.” You shrugged, now bringing your bouncing leg up to your chest, along with the other. “I tried telling her he was no good for her, that he’s just going to hurt her…but she didn’t listen and just bolted. I don’t know where she went and now I’m scared. I tried texting her and calling, leaving messages. I was about to leave and go look for her but then you came.” You turn to look at Shawn, a few tears now cascading down your cheeks. Shawn reaches up and wipes them away almost immediately, shaking his head while he does so.
“You’re not a bad sister. I’m sure you had a reason for blowing up as you did. What’s the guy’s name?” “Taylor Newman.” You answer with a sniff. Shawn’s eyebrows furrow at that name.
“Kole Newman…yeah. It’s his little brother.” You confirm lips a straight line. “But…that’s no excuse to disapprove of him. I mean, maybe he is a good kid and I’m just holding grudges. But when I first met him, something seemed off before he even introduced himself.” Shawn nods. “I don’t know anymore but I need to go find her before my parents get home or else, they’re going to kill me.” You stand up from the couch and slide a pair of sandals on, preparing to walk out the door. But Shawn’s large hand holding your shoulder puts your steps to a halt.
“No, stop. You’re distressed. I’ll go look for her. If she walked, she couldn’t have gone that far. You stay put and if your parents come home and ask, say she’s with Aaliyah at our house doing girl stuff or whatever.”
“Y/N, I got this. Promise. And if I find this kid he’ll walk away with a mean pummeling after talking to me.”
“Give him a kick in the balls for me?” Shawn nods, laying a small kiss on your hair, before rushing out of the door.
Fifteen minutes into Shawn’s walk, he stops beside a familiar diner and cannot help but let the corners of his mouth tilt upwards. He remembers the exact path he ran from his own house to retrieve your heartbroken self from the leather booth in the corner of the diner. His brown eyes gaze longingly into the window, seeing all of the patrons eating their fries and drinking their milkshakes in a jovial manner. His eyes still, though, as they come across a familiar face, alone and with a concerned face as her pupils scanned the room around her from the chair. Shawn released a large breath and felt his eyes soften. Without further hesitation, he sprints around to the other side of the building and pushes himself through the revolving door. An older waitress waddles up to Y/S/N, with a hint of a smile as Shawn watches from a distance. Despite her kind face, the woman’s pitiful tone of voice heavily outweighed the cheerful emotion she attempted to convey.
“Sweetie, are you—”
“Please, please don’t make me give up the table! I swear he’s almost here.” The desperate tone of voice Y/S/N began pleading withdrew the attention of a few customers seated nearby. Even by the door, Shawn could see her cheeks grow dark as Y/S/N begged to not leave. Shawn also took notice of the patrons around him, now whispering about how sad it was that the young girl was stood up, but also what an embarrassment it was to have dinner alone. It made a fit of fiery anger begin brewing deep within Shawn and could be seen in the continuous clenching of his jaw, and narrowing of his eyes, now a few shades darker than a few moments ago.
“Oh, no dear! You are fine to stay for a few more hours…I was just wondering if you needed anything. You have not ordered since you’ve sat down.” The woman replies, eyeing the young girl with worry. All that sat before her was a glass of water, still full to the brim.
“No, that’s fine. I’ll wait until he gets here, it should only be a few—”
“I’m here! I’m here! So sorry I am late!” Shawn’s legs briskly carry him over to the table, the same eyes that were on Y/S/N a few moments ago now rested on his frantic figure, who took a seat in front of a silent, wide-eyed Y/S/N.
“Oh, this is your…”
“Date, yep! Sure am! Traffic was a nightmare but I knew I couldn’t leave her just sitting here. Now, I’ll take the two glasses of the finest non-alcoholic drink your establishment carries.” Shawn answers with a smile to the woman, scribbling down Shawn’s odd order on her notepad.
“Coming right up.” The lady pivots and waddles her way back behind the kitchen’s doors.
“What are you doing here? Wait—don’t even answer that. Y/N sent you here to find me, didn’t she?”
“No…” Y/S/N lifted her brows. “She told me what happened, and I decided to come to find you myself.” Shawn corrects smugly, placing a hand on his chest.
“Unbelievable.” She mutters with a roll of her eyes as she fishes her phone out of her jean’s pocket and looks at the time, trying to ignore all of her sister’s unanswered messages. It reminds Shawn to pull out his phone and inform you that your sister was alive and well. Y/S/N continues, “I told her I’d be fine. Taylor’s just running a little late.” Shawn hums upon sending the message to you, before stuffing his phone back into his pocket.
“Really? And exactly how long have you been waiting before I found you?” Shawn bites his lip and raises his brows. Y/S/N’s eyes don’t dare to meet with his as she continues to fiddle with her phone.
“Doesn’t matter.” She mutters. But Shawn’s interrogative expression does not falter and she sighs, speaking even quieter. “An hour and a half.” Shawn could almost feel his eyes stretch from how wide he had opened them. Y/S/N finally glanced up to meet his eyes and scoffed at him. “Don’t give me that look. I’m telling you, he’s going to show up. And when he does, you’re going to feel like the stupid one.”
“Alright, we’ll wait. But until then…” His hand reaches over the table and snatches the phone away from Y/S/N’s grip.
“Dude, what the hell?”
“I’m going to show you how one of these should go,” Shawn says, motioning a finger between the two of them. “Rule one: don’t have your phone out.” He stuffs it away into the other pocket of his pants.
“Oh, goody…can't wait.” Your sister sighs as two chocolate milkshakes are sat on the table.
not finished reading? no worries, my masterlist is always here for you!
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shawnmendes-imagine · 4 years
Three Empty Words
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You confront Shawn after you find out he’s been cheating
I walk through central park in the snow, holding hands with Shawn. I hear him talking but I’m not listening. My mind is somewhere else.
Shawn stops talking and notices my silence. “Y/n, babe you alright?”
I look down at my boots and all that’s going through my mind right now is him with that girl, him holding that girl,him kissing that girl. He told me he was busy in the studio, so I had made plans with the girls last night to go out. Never had I thought that I’d see Shawn kissing some girl, let alone lie to me.
I went home instantly after, too sad to cry. I woke up to a text from Shawn that read, “Good morning beautiful :) Snow date today??”
So here I am, too heart broken to confront the guy that I love as to why he cheated on me.
Shawn gently shakes me, “babe what’s wrong?? please tell me, i love you.”
I snapped.
He’s taken aback from my outburst and has the nerve to look confused, “W-what do you mean?”
“Save it Shawn, if you loved me, you wouldn’t have been all over her and kissing her last night” I look away, fighting my tears.
He tries to come closer but I yell, “No, don’t come near me again”
“Y/n! Wait, I can explain, please jus-“
“Shut it, you lost the right to explain yourself as soon as you lied to me and decided to cheat on me.” I start to walk away, ignoring his plead to come back and listen to him.
I turn back to say one last thing, “Oh and Shawn, next time you say ‘I love you’ to a girl, make sure they aren’t three empty words”
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Small bump
A/n: This was so much fun to write, we love a dad Shawn lol 
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Shawn’s P.O.V
I dig in my coat pocket for my keys, trying my best to hold my body up  ignoring the exhaustion that wraps around me like a blanket. I grunt as the keys fall to the floor I debate leaving them there and just curling up right here on the floor. Y/n comes to mind, the only thing giving me the strength to bend down and pick up these damn keys. I fiddeld with the lock taking a sigh of relief as the door opens and the smell of home fills my nose. I kick off my boots and shake off the snow from my coat. I walk further in, making my way into the kitchen. Theres a note on the table I recognize y/n’s hand writing immediately
Welcome home baby foods in the microwave for you! (:
I smile to myself, she's not even in the room right now and she already made my night a million times better. All I can think about right now is laying in bed next to her and my baby girl. I make my way down the hall and up the stairs. I reach our door, flicking off the hallway light. I laugh to myself knowing she left it on to make herself feel better. 
I carefully open and close the door behind me, making sure not to wake y/n. I walk closer to the bed to get a better view of her. I will never understand how such a tiny person can take up so much space on a bed this big. She lays sprawled out, in nothing but a pair of panties and a crop top that use to be big on her. Her hair spills all over the pillows, her mouth wide open with a bit of drool running down her face. Her swollen belly takes up most of her, she is absolutely beautiful. I kneel beside her and run my fingers through her hair. My heart breaks at the sight of the dark circles that lay under her eyes. She is completely exhausted, she has every right to be considering all the things that are happening to her body. She has been having a hard time getting comfortable but tonight she's getting the sleep she deserves.
I begin to hum to myself just watching her sleep until I notice something from the corner of my eye. Her stomach begins to move, I try my best not to disturb her, but its something Ive never seen up close before, my baby is moving right in front of my eyes. I stop humming and the movements stop. I try lightly singing and the movement starts again. 
“What are you doing up so late little one?” I move lower till I'm in front of y/n’s stomach. 
“You've been keeping mommy up lately try to settle down so mommy can rest.” My baby girl still twists and turns in y/n’s belly. I feel a lump in my throat as I witness the tiny life moving right in front of me 
“My God you are so beautiful, do you know that, do you know how beautiful you are? I bet you're going to have your mommy eyes. I hope you get her nose too, you don't want to be stuck with mine.” I sigh in content 
“My sweet girl you have no idea how excited your mommy and daddy are to meet you. You're not even here yet and I already love you more than anything in this entire world. It won't be long before we meet but if you want to come a little early thats okay too. I need you to know something, okay?” I place my hand on y/n’s belly.
“Daddy isn't always going to be here because of his job. But I promise you everything I do will be for you. I promise you I will love you, I will listen to you, I will always be here for you. Out of all the things I have done, out of all the things I will ever do in my life, you are my biggest accomplishment. Daddy loves you so much.” I gasp as I feel a kick against my hand 
“Be careful we don't want to wake mommy remember?”
“Too late.” I snap my head up and lock eyes with a tired y/n 
“Hey, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you.” Y/n brings a hand up to her face thats when I notice a tear sliding down her cheek.
“Love whats wrong, are you in pain?” she grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers.
“No I heard the things you were saying to our daughter. Baby you've shown me how much you love me, by the way you treat her. You are going to be an amazing daddy and I'm just so thankful that I get to start a family with you.” She places her hand on my cheek and I lean into her touch 
“I love you both so much y/n.”
“we love you too baby.” I lean in and press a kiss to her lips y/n jumps as the baby kicks her again.
“I think someone wants a kiss.” y/n giggles 
I lean down and press a kiss to her tummy. I crawled into bed with my girls the world wrapped in my arms.
The End. 
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mendes-musings · 6 years
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So... just a little something inspired by this guy going out and living the typical 20 year old life👌🏼
Warnings: smut
Want You.
Shawn had been on a short promo tour and hasn’t seen his girl in just over a week. He missed her so much his chest hurt. He wanted to race to her apartment as soon as he got home, but it was a friends birthday and they had to go out to celebrate.
The flight home from LAX had been delayed so he didn’t have time to see Y/N. They had to organize to meet at the club instead.
When he got to the club he found his boys first. They all pushed shots of Cuervo into his hands, urging him to catch up. Shawn took every shot glass, downing one after the other, till the small table was littered with empty glasses. The liquor burned his throat and he felt the heat reach his stomach and his head started spinning not long after.
The music sounded muffled and his body felt relaxed. Shawn’s eyes scanned the crowd for his girl, god he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. A few buddies came over and started up a conversation, his eyes still darting around the venue trying to find her till he felt a set of hands wrap around him and run up his chest. He melted at the contact, closing his eyes at the feel of her fingers as he laced his in hers. He pulled her left hand and spun around to face her.
“Y/N,” he breathed, leaning down and pressing his lips against her ear, “fuck, I missed you baby.”
He pulls back a little and aligns his head with hers before placing his hands on her cheeks and kissing her hard on the mouth. She moans against his lips. “I missed you too. So much.”
Shawn’s mouth pulls up at one corner into the smirk that drives her wild. He can tell she’s drunk and the lust in her eyes speaks volumes.
The club is so dark but she takes his large hand in hers and drags him to follow her. They snake through people and walk down a hallway.
“I want you,” she tells him simply.
Y/N pushed open a door Shawn hadn't realized they were standing in front of and she leads him inside. He looks around as two girls stand at the sink chatting and fixing their hair – it took him a minute to realize it was the girls bathroom.
The girls looked over at him awkwardly, it was so dimly lit he was sure they wouldn’t recognize him. They didn't say a word; they then grabbed their purses off of the bench and walked past him out the door. Y/N checked the stalls and then took his hand.
"Come here," she called, standing in the door of one of the stalls.
He smirks and walks over to her without even thinking, and she grabs him by the belt and drags him into the stall, closing the door and locking it behind her.
“Baby?” he asks, his voice lower than usual. “What are you doing?”
The cubicle was dark and there was very little space for his giant frame, but it meant he was pressed up right against her. It was perfect.
Her fingers climbs up his chest to his neck and she lightly drags her nails down over his bare skin, knowing it drives him fucking crazy.
Shawn leans up against the cool tiles, swearing profanities at the feel of her nails, and lets the temperature soak into his heated skin. He watches Y/N intently as she lifts the hem of her dress, slips her thumbs into the elastic of her panties, and tugs them down her tanned legs.
He swallows thickly at the sight before him. His brain screaming at him to take her in my arms, but he just can’t seem to move. He continues to watch as her fingers inch closer to his belt buckle, pulling the leather and loosening it to make way for her fingers to undo the zip and buttons.
She raises one hand and the backs of her fingers graze over Shawn’s cheek before she cups his face and pulls him down to look at her. "Shawn, I need you right now."
In the same instant, her other hand dives into his boxers, and her small fingers wrap around his cock, freeing it from the confines of his jeans. A rush of excitement and pure passion courses through him like a tidal wave.
“Jesus fucking Christ babe.” He groans at the contact, closing his eyes and clenching his jaw, sucking in a hard breathe.
Shawn’s hands greedily reach down behind her and follow the curve of her ass. He hikes her dress up over her round hips, pushing his jeans down a little with his free hand, and he lifts her up against his waist. He can feel her wetness pressing against him, and it spurs him on so damn much he can barely see straight.
"So fucking wet," he mouths against her chest as his cock throbs painfully against her center, begging to enter her fully.
Her long legs are wrapped around his hips and he turns around and crashes her back hard up against the tiled wall, and she moans at the impact. "I wanna fuck you so hard right now, baby," Shawn growls into the swell of her breast.
Y/N arches into him, her head dropping backwards as a sigh escapes her lips. “Oh God, Shawn, please.” She’s a begging mess and he reaches down between them, takes his cock in his hand and glides it over her slick folds before just barely pushing the tip in.
"Oh fuck! Please," she moans shakily. Her nails dig into the flesh of his shoulder blades as she clings to him. Her breath is coming in fast pants now, sounding like a song in his head.
Shawn lifts his face to look at her, and presses his forehead against hers, their eyes having their own secret conversation. He tilts his hips up and pushes into her hard in one swift motion. She gasps loudly in response, and her nails rip into his skin. Shawn studies the expression on her face as he fills her: the tiny wrinkles by her eyes as she winces, the way she clenches her teeth together, and the exact way her lips mouth his name over and over. Perfection.
His chest presses against hers so hard their beating hearts feel like they are exactly in sync. The feel of her tightness wrapped perfectly around him makes his head spin.
Shawn collides his mouth against Y/N’s, swallowing her groans of pleasure as his tongue dances over hers like it has done some many times before. The pressure of their fervent kissing so firm that he feels his lips swelling in an instant, the stinging pain bringing forth new arousal.
She angles her hips up slightly to meet his thrusts with as much impact as she can take. His hips pounding against hers, every motion pushing her harder and harder against the tiles. Shawn was certain she'd have bruises over her tanned skin tomorrow. But all he cared about was losing himself in her warmth in this very moment.
One of her hands dips down between them, and he follows its path with his gaze. When she reaches her destination, he moans muffled profanities into her bare shoulder. “Fuck baby! So fucking hot.”
Her fingers begin circling over that sweet spot where he longed for his tongue to be. Shawn’s hips pick up the pace, matching the rhythm of her nimble fingers as he looks down between them and watches how his cock enters her. The visual stimulation stokes the fire slowly raging on the inside, dying to break free and he doesn’t know if he can hold on much longer.
Shawn wraps one arm firmly around her waist and holds her tightly as he shoves into her, making sure there is no resistance. He looks up at Y/N’s face and sees her mouth open as she gasps his name over and over again. He swears he’s never seen a sight more beautiful than moments like these. He knew she was close – he could feel it too - she clamps down around him as her fingers work faster.
He hears the door open and the voices of girls in the bathroom, so he covers her mouth with his hand; her hot breath tickling his palm. She‘s so fucking close, her hips began to buck against him erratically, and he bites down on his lip, trying to suppress his own urges till she is satisfied. Shawn thrusts up over and over, harder and faster till he pushes her over the edge, stifling her moans with his palm as she shatters in his arms. He bites down on her shoulder to muffle his own cries of release as he comes hard inside her.
“Oh fuck!” he whimpers.
His knees go weak with exhaustion as he leans against her, clinging to her. He kisses her softly, every inch of skin that he can reach - his silent apologies for being so rough. But Shawn couldn't help it; he wanted her so badly and he greedily took whatever he wanted.
Shawn set Y/N down on her feet, giving her a moment to clean up, then takes her in his lap as he sat them down on the closed toilet. They don’t exchange words, just gentle kisses and a warm embrace. He lays his head against her chest and listens to the beating of her heart - music to his ears.
When her breathing becomes normal, he lifts his face to hers, his eyes are soft and he smoothes her messy hair. "I love you, baby," he whispers against her flushed cheek before kissing her swollen lips.
"Me too. I missed you so much. Don't ever leave me again, okay?"
He grins like an idiot, he adored being reminded how much his girl misses him. "I won't, I promise."
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gretavankleep37 · 5 years
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Why does Shawn look like a young Simon Cowell in this photo??? It must be the chest hair but like.... yeah 😂
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1-800-sassy-mendes · 7 years
Baby Girl
Summary: You have a baby girl after 2 boys.
a/n: HERES ANOTHER DAD!SHAWN. btw, I found out how to permalink on this mobile browser with flash player so I just updated and fixed any errors in my masterlist (if there is any, please dont be shy to tell me!! I do not bite) on desktop websites, my recent work is also updated and will be updated. make sure to check that masterlist out yo. and also give me thoughts, constructive criticism, maybe just plain criticism, fact check, correct me?? idk 
One nice spring day, a baby girl was born to you and Shawn after previously having two boys. The whole world was excited and happy to hear of her arrival, the second biggest thing that year. 
The symptoms showed unexpectedly and you instantly knew what was going on–another baby was on the way. After two baby boys, you and Shawn were seriously hoping for baby girl. With the two boys, you had an easy pregnancy–they did not give you any trouble. But baby girl gave you a lot of trouble and pain. She had very strong legs while she was in the womb specially when she heard her daddy’s voice. You can already tell she’s gonna be daddy’s girl.
On the day that Shawn found out that it was gonna be a girl, you didn’t know if he was gonna scream because of happiness or cry his eyes out. He did start to joke about buying a gun in America because of his new baby girl and of the loose gun laws there. Your two boys were very excited that they were gonna get a new playmate, other than that they didn’t really understand anything considering that they were only three and five years old. 
To top the hard pregnancy, your 14-hour labor iced the top of the cake for you and Shawn. This third baby was the last one–no more. She came out with a cry and almost a head full of hair, it explained why you got heart burns often. She had brown curly hair that matched Shawn’s and the boys’. She was nothing but perfect. 
Three pairs of pretty much the same color brown eyes stared at the tiny bundle, that was sleeping in the crib, while you slept after all her checks and you nursing. You were exhausted. 
“Baby’s tiny!” The now second child, Emerson Flynn, said very loudly which made the baby squirm a little bit. He meant that the baby is tiny. Unlike his older brother, Emerson was like the typical three year old with his speech. He did not have the advanced speaking skills that Caden has. 
“Shh, Emerson. The baby is sleeping,” The oldest, Cadence Emmanuel, told Emerson very loudly. 
“Boys, you can’t be too loud. Your mommy and your sister is sleeping,“ Shawn whispered, the three boys did not take their glance off the baby girl at all. 
“What’s her name, daddy?” Caden asked, still staring at the baby. 
Shawn smiled, remembering a question and answer a few years back. “We named her Skylar. We don’t know her middle name yet.” Shawn never baby talked to the kids, he read somewhere that kids shouldn’t be baby talked–they needed to know what actual words sounded like and you’re the ones they talked to a lot.
“Kyla?” Emerson blurted out, causing the baby to squirm a lot more. Emerson couldn’t pronounce Skylar and Shawn actually liked that nickname and repeated it to himself. 
Shawn, Caden, and Emerson watched every single one of her movement. Shawn noticed that she was about to wake up, scared that Kyla was gonna cry and you will have to nurse her. She didn’t cry when she woke up, she stretched instead. She finally opened her eyes and Shawn’s heart was fluttering–this is the first time they have ever seen her eyes even if her eyecolor won’t show up until a few days after. Caden and Emerson were silent, not even a word. She looked directly at the three guys staring at her, and gave them what seems like a smile.
For the third time in his life, his world just completely stopped. There was nothing else except for his two sons, his sleeping wife, and his baby girl. Just from looking down at that few hour old baby girl, those three pairs of brown eyes and heads of curls knew that they loved her so much that she will probably rule the house. They also will drag anyone who hurts her through hell. Well, Shawn thought that. The two other boys will think the same later on.
Like a Harriet, rules the home. Shawn thought. Skylar Harriet Mendes. 
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Shawn Mendes’ Fanfiction #1, by Julia Aguiar
Context: Shawn and Georgia have been together for quite a while now. They’ve known each other forever, having growing up next door to one another. They became best friends when they were 5 and lovers at 17. It came to a point that they didn’t really know how life was without the other one by their side.
It was a rainy day, and that was just one more reason to be impressed by the hundreds of fans that gathered around outside our hotel. They were restless. Have been there since we arrived from the show last night, a little over 2 a.m., and were still waiting. It amazed me. All the trouble they went into only for a chance of getting to see Shawn. Maybe, if they were lucky, getting also an autograph and maybe a selfie. Is was insane. But totally understandable. I believe if I wasn’t lucky enough to call this amazing guy my boyfriend, I would be doing the exact same thing.
And that is why we couldn’t blame them. All they wanted was a moment with Shawn. It was more than normal. It just wasn’t the best thing for him, at the time.
Shawn had been dealing with his anxiety problems for a while now, and that is why I decided to take some time off and join him on tour. My heart broke every time he called me telling he had a panic attack before a gig, or while reading some comments online, or even when just trying to get into a car surrounded by screaming fans. Which happened to be exactly what we were attempting to do.
“There are so many of them” He murmured, loud enough that I was the only one able to listen, being seated on the same loveseat with him on the hotel lobby, just waiting for the security team to give us the clear to move to the car.
“I know, Baby.” I replied, just as low, while playing with a strain of his hair. I loved doing that, and fortunately, the position we were at, with me sitting with my legs on top of his and my arm around his neck, allowed me to do so with a level of comfort that our highs usually didn’t. “But everything is going to be ok. I promise. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“Promise?” He asked, making me stare deep into those ocean wide brown eyes. Eyes that held so much kindness. So much good, that it always made me hurt to even think those eyes could be witnessing any type of pain.
“I promise, Shawn.”
And with that said, he kissed me, as if to seal the promise. It was nice and sweet and held a lot of meaning, but didn’t last very long, as one of Shawn’s securitys came to tell us that they were ready to go.
Shawn waited for me to get up and then did it himself right after. Not even a second was passed and his hand was already in mine, holding so tight that it even hurt a little, but it was a really small price to pay in exchange of any comfort I could provide him.
As we came closer to the hotel doors, the screams of his fans became even louder, but when we crossed them, they became close to unbearable. It was so loud and disorienting that, for a glimpse of a second, I didn’t know what to do, even having gone through this situation multiple times before. It was always like this. Always acary.
But that moment of uncertainty passed, and them I knew exactly what to do, because if all that fuss was being overwhelming to me, I couldn’t begin to comprehend how it was like for Shawn.
“Come on, Baby. I’m right here with you.” I was able to get it out through the mess of scream surrounding us and started to pull him towards the car.
Pushes came from all sides, even as the bodyguards tried to restrain the wild crowd. There were six securities accompanying us, but it just didn't seem enough.
After what felt like a marathon wide journey, we finally made it to the car. One of the bodyguards opened the door for us and I immediately pushed Shawn inside. He settled on the opposite corner of the seat while I got in and tried to close the door. After a few seconds of struggle, with the help of the body guard outside, the door was closed.
“We’ll take a few minutes to leave.” Our driver said. “They are pretty excited today.”
And then, I heard his breathing. I looked at Shawn. At my mountain of a man, who at that moment was clinging to his chest and breathing so fast that he could be confused with someone who spent the last hour running.
“Oh, Baby.” I couldn’t help it. That was the first thing that came out of my lips, but I immediately shut it down. Shawn hated to be pitied. “Come on, put your head between your knees.” With only a glance at me, he did. I moved closer to him as I watched that wide body curl until it became small. I started rubbing his back, with strong, firm circles, just as his therapist told me to do. “You’re okay, Baby. Everything is okay.”
We stayed like this for minutes to come. So many that the car started moving, and he was still down, holding his legs while I whispered soothing words to him. Only when I couldn’t listen to even the memory of all those screams, his breathing started to calm down. It almost wasn’t noticeable at first, but as the minutes went by, I could feel the tension leaving his body with the palm of my hand, still connected to his back.
He only straitened up when his breathing was completely normal. He didn’t say a word. All he did was put both his hands around my face and kiss me. Gentle, at first. Then hard and messy and needy. Like he didn’t have any other choice but to kiss me in that very moment.
When our lips finally parted, with both of us gasping for air, he held me inside his firm embrace. Our foreheads touching.  His breath tickling my cheeks. He said:
“I’m so grateful to have you with me.”
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fullynialls · 7 years
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Shawn Mendes Imagines || wattys2017 - Pregnancy Series || #2 telling him (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/toZXYGEBlE This is a book full of imagines of our favorite canadian boy. Read and enjoy xx Requests are always open!!!
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
Day 1–Fake Dating (25 Days of Ficmas)
A/N: Day 1!! So happy to kick off this series. Hope you like it. Summary: Reader invites Shawn to a work Christmas party as her fake boyfriend
Warnings: None
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“Knock, knock. I’m just making the rounds and passing out the Christmas party invitations! This year is a Christmas ball! How exciting is that?!” Jenna paused when she realized Y/N wasn’t listening. “How’s it going?” 
“Meh. I can come up with a big piece of evidence that proves this guy is innocent. It’s just so frustrating!” 
“Hey, maybe you need a break. It’s snowing outside. Go be out there for a minute, clear your thoughts.” Jenna, the secretary of the law firm, but also Y/N’s best friend suggested. 
Y/N lifted her head from her computer screen to see that it was indeed snowing. Big, fluffy, snow globe flakes. The one’s that made her feel like she was in a Hallmark movie. 
“But I have to get this done. It’s really important.”
“Y/N…go outside. Or I will unplug your computer and you will lose all your work. You know I will not hesitate to do it,” she gave Y/N a stern look as she put the invitation on her desk. She knew Jenna was right. She always followed through with her word. 
“Okay, fine. I’m going.” Y/N stood from her desk, stretched a little, and walked out of her office. 
When she got outside, she took a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet. There is something so beautiful about sound when it snows. It dampens the world and makes it seem like you are the only one in it. It’s so…peaceful. 
Y/N took a few deep breaths before she saw Camilla stepping out of her car, a coffee in hand. Her short pink dress, skin-colored nylons, black high heels, and white fur coat completing the prissy look. 
“Good morning, Y/N,” she sent her the bitchiest smile she could muster before going inside. 
Y/N and Camilla were competing to become the new owner of the law firm once the boss retired. Camilla had a super wealthy fiancé and the owner of the company valued someone like that. He knew the company would be well off financially. Along with having a sugar daddy, Camilla would be married soon. And the owner saw it as Camilla having her life put together. 
Whereas Y/N did not have a boyfriend. Nor had she kissed anyone in 6 months. It’s not that she hadn’t gone on dates, they were all just dull people whom she had little in common with. 
She felt her back pocket vibrating and looked down to see the familiar face of her long-time best friend, Shawn. 
“Hello. Long time no call.”
“Yea sorry about that. But you’ve been getting my texts, right? Tour is super busy right now.”
“Yea I’ve seen your texts. You look like you’re having a blast. How’s Alessia doing?”
“She’s great. She’s really getting the hang of it.”
“I need to come out and see you guys again soon.”
“That would be nice, but actually I’m coming home next week to be with my family for Christmas and I was wondering if you wanted to hang.”
“Hmm. I don’t know. You’re kind of the worst. You leave me alone for months at a time and expect me to survive without you,” Y/N said sarcastically. 
“Sorry about that. Forgive me?”
And then a wonderful idea popped into Y/N’s head. “I will only if you do me a really big favor.”
“Which is…” 
“Pretend to be my boyfriend at my Christmas work party.”
There was silence on the other end as Shawn felt his heart flutter when she said the words ‘my boyfriend.’ Even if it was fake, he was willing to help the girl he loved. 
“Of course. When is it?” 
“Next Saturday night.” She bit her fingernails nervously as she waited for his response.
“Are you biting your fingernails? You need to quit that habit.” She blushed. He knew her in a way that no one else did. He knew she was nervous and knew she would be biting her nails. “But sure, I will go with you. What’s the theme?” 
Of course Shawn had heard of these infamous Christmas parties and their elaborate themes every year. He had also heard about her annoying co-worker that tried to one-up Y/N in everything she did. 
“It’s a Christmas Ball. Which reminds me, I have literally nothing to wear to this. I’ll have to go shopping tonight—” 
“Wait! Don’t!” 
Y/N paused. 
“I’m flying in this Sunday. We’re going to show up that bitchy co-worker of yours. I’m taking you to Armani and we’re getting a matching suit and gown. She’s not going to know what hit her.”
Y/N let out a soft chuckle. “This is why I love you, Shawn.” 
He smiled sadly on the other end of the line. Not the way I love you though. He thought. He’ll never know the double meaning to my words. She thought. 
Monday cam slowly as Y/N anticipated the day that she finally got to see Shawn. He showed up to her house in his black Range Rover and opened the passenger door for her. “Milady.” 
She giggled. “What was that for?” 
“Just got to get in the boyfriend mood,” He sent her a cheeky smile as he walked around to the driver’s side of the car. 
“You are such a cheese ball, you know that?” 
He gently shoved her arm as they pulled into the parking lot of the Armani store. 
He grabbed her hand and led her to the dress section of the store. “Hello Mr. Mendes. It is a pleasure to have you and the lady in our store today. And what might I do for you?”
“We need a ball gown. One fit for a princess. And if you can, try to find something green. It really suits her eyes.”
“I will do my best,” the attendant said, eyeing Y/N up and down to gauge her measurements and dress fit. 
“Sorry was that too forward. I should’ve let you choose the color,” Shawn whispered as the attendant walked into the backrooms. 
Y/N laughed. “No, I’m glad you said something. I literally have nowhere to start so that was very helpful. And I didn’t know green looked good on me.”
“Yea, you look really beautiful in it. It brings out the blush in your cheeks.” Shawn turned his head away to look at the tuxedo section, but it really was to avoid seeing her reaction. He was worried it would not be wanted he wanted. 
The attendant came back a few minutes later with a beautiful dark green ballgown with short off the shoulder sleeves and silky material. There was a slit for her right leg and the attendant also held a pair of nude heels. 
“Try these on. I think they will suit you well. And once we get you all fitted, we can get to work on Mr. Mendes’s matching tuxedo.”
Y/N quickly changed and walked out to show the two her dress. Shawn’s jaw dropped open and he stared at Y/N’s beautiful figure. He wanted to kiss her right then and there, but he couldn’t. 
“This is the one. I can feel it. There is no need to try on more dresses. Thank you, this is amazing!” she thanked the attendant. 
After finding Shawn a tuxedo, they walked to the front of the store to pay. Y/N went to pay for her dress when Shawn slapped her hand out of the way and passed the cashier his card.
“You two are cute together,” the cashier said, and Y/N looked over at Shawn who was grinning from ear to ear. 
“Thank you!” 
When they reached the car, Y/N addressed Shawn about this, “Why did you let her think we were a couple,” Y/N chuckled. 
“Gotta play into the act, right?” He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. 
​The night of the Christmas party, Shawn walked to her front door, a bouquet of poinsettias in his hands. He knocked gently, rocking back and forth nervously on the balls of his feet. He didn’t know how tonight was going to go. He wanted to play the part, but he also didn’t want Y/N to become suspicious of his true feelings. 
​Inside the house, Jenna was helping Y/N put her shoes on when there was a knock at the door. “You stay here, I’m going to go get it,” Jenna said. 
​Y/N laughed. “Jenna, you know it’s just fake. It’s not a real date or anything like that.”
“Cut the crap, I know you have feelings for him. And if my gut is right, he feels the same for you.”
Y/N smiled softly as Jenna left the room and when to the top of the staircase. She saw Shawn standing at the bottom, beaming up at her. The walk down the stairs felt so long as he waited for her to be in his arms. 
He passed her the bouquet and grabbed her waist. “You ready to go?” 
“Wait! You guys can’t leave yet! I need pictures!” 
“Jenna, this isn’t a school dance! Plus, don’t you need to be driving over to pick up Ben.”
“Yea, yea. Whatever. If he really loves me, he can wait. I need to document this for when you two get married,” she said snapping a few photos. Y/N rolled her eyes and Shawn chuckled. 
“I mean she’s not wrong though. We’re fake dating, who knows what’s next? A fake engagement, a fake wedding. These photos could be of use someday,” Shawn said jokingly while Y/N choked on her spit. The fact that Shawn even thought about getting married to her—even if it was a fake wedding—sent her heart soaring. 
“Here, let me take those flowers from you. You guys got to get going if you want to be on time.” Jenna grabbed Y/N’s flowers and shooed them out the door. 
The party was exactly like it was every year. It was held at a hotel in the ballroom with a wide staircase leading the way down to the floor. Usually you could just walk in, but this year, since it was themed as a Christmas ball, they were announcing the guests at the top of the steps. 
When Y/N and Shawn reached the announcer, Shawn held his arm out and Y/N wrapped her arm around it. Shawn whispered something in the announcer’s ear, and he nodded. 
“The beautiful and elegant Y/N, and her boyfriend, Shawn Mendes.” 
Y/N bashfully stared down at the people as they looked up at her and Shawn. He was a celebrity after all. She saw Camilla gripping her glass of champagne a little too hard. Camilla was dressed nicely, but Y/N was stunning. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in the room. 
The entire night, Shawn stayed by her side, making polite conversation with her coworkers. She saw Camilla pass them quite a few times looking enviously at her. 
Y/N’s boss came over to the two as the party was beginning to wind down. “Hello Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you Shawn,” he held out his hand for Shawn to shake, which he did. “I didn’t know you two were dating. There’s been no tabloids or media on it.”
“Well, I like to keep my life pretty private. Especially when it involves Y/N. We’ve been dating for 8 months and before that we were best friends. She doesn’t want to be in the limelight,and I don’t want to pressure her.”
“Makes perfect sense. Well as much as I would love to talk to you, I need to speak with Y/N privately.” 
He pulled Y/N aside and Shawn sent her a little thumbs up. They retreated into the hallway, and he spoke softly to her. 
“Y/N, you’ve been with the company four years now and I think you are a fabulous employee. You’ve won more cases than anyone at this law firm. And I know you and Camilla have had a little rivalry going on for the past few years, but I was always going to choose you. So, will you take over my spot once I retire at the end of the year? It’s all yours on January first.”
Y/N’s face lit up and she hugged him. But quickly pulled away when she realized how inappropriate that may seem. He chuckled joyfully. “I’m assuming that means yes?”
“Of course!”
“Perfect! I will see you in my office bright and early Monday morning to sign over the legal papers and things like that.” 
“Thank you so much!”
“Of course, my dear, you deserve it.”
As she walked out of the hallway, she saw Jenna send her a hug smile and come running over towards her, embracing her. “I’m so proud of you! But I have even better news! Camilla and her fiancé broke off their engagement because he caught her cheating on him!”
“No freaking way! I have to go talk to him right now!”
Y/N searched the ball room for him and saw him standing by the drink table. But what he was doing horrified her. 
As Y/N retreated into the hallway with her boss, Shawn couldn’t have felt prouder. She was getting her dream job and she would finally have more flexibility to come visit him. 
He turned around and was faced with Camilla. Shawn scrunched his eyebrows in confusion then let his face relax. 
“Hi, I’m Camilla.”
“I know.”
Camilla’s face lit up. “So, you’ve heard of me. Probably from Y/N. Her and I are good friends.”
Shawn pursed his lips and slowly nodded his head. “That’s not what I’ve heard from her, but I mean if you think you are, that’s great! She’s amazing!” He knew she was trying to get closer to him because he was rich and famous. Y/N had told him about her gold-digging ways. 
“So, what have you heard about me? Because I haven’t really heard a lot about you from her.”
“Yea well she doesn’t really want a public relationship.”
“You could do so much better than her. You deserve someone who isn’t afraid to be in the spotlight and won’t mind a paparazzi here and there.” 
Shawn was trying to hide his anger as he clenched his jaw. He had to keep reminding himself that it was a public place and not only that, but he didn’t want to damage Y/N’s reputation. 
“I really enjoy Y/N’s company and if she doesn’t want people nosing their way into her private life, I respect that. It’s really hard to act happy all the time when you’re having every little move analyzed by the media.”
“Hmm, well I wonder what the media will think about this…” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into her and pressing her lips to his. Shawn pulled her arms off him just as Jenna came storming over and slapped him across the face. 
He grabbed his cheek and gasped in pain. “What the hell was that for!?”
“You douchebag! What the hell do you think you’re doing kissing this dumb bitch?!”
“I didn’t kiss her! She came onto me!”
“You better go explain that to Y/N.” She gestured to the door where he saw the backside of Y/N slipping out the door. 
“Shit,” Shawn whispered. 
He ran after Y/N, faster than he had ever run in his whole life. He caught a flash of her green dress turning the corner and started to yell her name. “Y/N! Y/N stop! Let me explain!” he grabbed her arm, and she turned around furiously. 
“Explain what?! That the second I walk out of that room you start making out with that bitch?!” Her eyes flooded with tears and her voice softened. “I…. I thought I knew what kind of person you were. But I guess the fame has really changed you, huh?”
That felt like a slap in the face. Harder than Jenna’s physical slap. “No babe,” the nickname accidentally slipped out. “You don’t understand. I… she came on to me. The second you walked out of the room she started telling all of these lies about how you two are best friends and how I deserve better than you. Which is completely wrong, I don’t deserve you. She must’ve seen you come out of the hallway and knew that you got the job. She was probably just trying to get one last moment of revenge. But you have to believe me okay. Please, honey.” His voice cracked and Y/N let out a sob. 
“What did you mean by that?”
“By what?” He questioned wiping a tear off her face. 
“You said that Camilla told you that you deserved better than me. Then you said that’s completely wrong. So, are you trying to say you don’t deserve me? Because I’m not all that great. I mean, take Alessia for example. She’s pretty, you both play music, and she’s so obviously into you.” 
Shawn chuckled. “You don’t get it do you. No one deserves you. You are the sun on a winter day, love. The earth revolves around you. And you want to know what? For a second there I forgot we were fake dating and I felt so bad that you thought I would cheat on you. But gosh, I don’t want this to be fake. Because I love you. And I’ve loved you as long as I’ve known you.”
More tears fell down Y/N’s face and Shawn tentatively wiped them away. “Shh. Now I’ve gone and ruined our friendship, haven’t I?”
He felt her bury her head into his chest and grasp onto his biceps. “You haven’t ruined anything. I love you too.”
“Well, in that case, would you care if I kissed you? I would really love to get the taste of her off my mouth and only taste you from now on.”
“That sounds like a plan.” And their lips interlocked in a passionate, long-awaited kiss.
When they finally pulled away, Shawn placed his forehead on hers. “So, Alessia’s into me aye? Are you jealous?”
A/N: Hope you liked Day 1 of Ficmas. Tune in tomorrow for Day 2. If you would like to be added to my taglist please PM me.
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
Realizations: Doubts Part 2
Summary: Reader is tasked with the job of being Shawn’s attorney for his lawsuit in a plagiarism case.
Warnings: Swearing, cheating, angst
Part 1
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Two years had passed since the dreadful fight between Y/N and Shawn. After he walked out of the door, he also walked out of Y/N’s life.
Two days after the breakup there was a knock on her door. Brian stood on her porch holding a box full of her stuff that she had left at Shawn’s. He looked sheepish (but anyone would if they were sent with this task).
Brian and Y/N had met through Shawn, but they instantly clicked and became close friends. Y/N and Shawn always made sure to keep Brian out of their arguments so that he wouldn’t have to pick a side, but now that they were broken up, it seems that Shawn didn’t care about following this rule anymore. However, Brian was Shawn’s friend first so Y/N wasn’t going to fight over him.
“Woah, you look like shit,” Brian chuckled to lighten the mood, but Y/N shot him a death stare.
“Yea well that’s what happens when you break up with someone who you thought would be your end all be all. But thanks for the compliment. Is this the stuff that I left at his house?”
Y/N felt a pang of sadness jolt through her. She knew she should probably grab all of Shawn’s hoodies to return to him while Brian was here.
“Yea. He said that it hurt too much to look at.”
Y/N sighted. “Let me go grab his stuff while you’re here. I don’t want to have bring it over myself either.”
“No, don’t! He ummm he said that he didn’t want his stuff back.”
Y/N was confused, but nodded her head taking the box that Brian held out.
“I’m gonna miss you Bri.”
Brian smiled sadly at her. “Hey, it’s not the end of our friendship. I just don’t think we should talk for a few months, you know. Just til you both have some time to heal.”
Y/N nodded and Brian pulled her in for a hug. “You know he never wanted it to end this way. You can still fix this,” he whispered.
“I…he was right. I wasn’t spending as much time as I should with him. I got too busy. Maybe will find each other again someday, but for now, we both need to focus on our stuff.”
“You know he said the same thing.”
Y/N chuckled. “Guess that’s one of the things we can agree on then. Tell him I wish the best for him.”
“Of course.”
Y/N sat in her office pouring over a case when her phone rang. She quickly picked it up. “Hello this is Y/N L/N from L/N Law Firms. What can I do for you?”
“Umm hi. It’s been a while. This is Andrew.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “I’m sorry. Andrew who?”
“Oh! Sorry! This is Andrew Gertler. I’m Shawn’s manager.”
Y/N felt a pang of guilt run through her. She and Andrew hadn’t been particularly close, but Shawn had seen him as a brotherly figure and he was very fond of him.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! How are you?!”
“I’m doing ok. And actually that’s why I called you. I have a huge favor to ask and you can decline, but I would really appreciate if you didn’t.”
“Alright. What can I help you with?”
“Well, you probably won’t want to take this case, but we recently decided that Shawn should do a duet with this new upcoming artist. She agreed to it, but after the duet, she released new music. But it wasn’t hers. She stole Shawn’s music. But now it’s gotten into legal matters and…well Shaw was wondering if you would be the attorney for his case. He said that you are the best and he knows that he has a good chance at winning with you.”
Y/N silently sighed. If she took the case, the press would go haywire. She could see the headlines forming in her head.
Shawn Mendes’ ex-girlfriend Y/N L/N is his attorney for his court case. Are they together again? And should she be allowed to be the leading attorney in the trial?
“Look, I know it’s risky with your law firm and the media and everything, but if you win this trail think about all the good publicity it would bring to you. And we should win because all the evidence shows that Shawn is in the right. So what do you say?”
“I need time to think about it. How long until you need to know by?”
“Umm by tomorrow morning. The trial is supposed to take place in six months in LA.”
“Alright. I’ll call you when I’ve decided. Sound good?”
“Perfect. Thank you so much Y/N. I know it’s a huge favor, but Shawn wanted to ask you first before anyone else.”
“I…don’t know how to feel about that, but thanks and I’ll get back to you. Bye.”
Y/N hung up her phone and rubbed her temples. It had a been a stressful two years setting up her own law firm and managing it by herself.
She had been in lots of student debt and had just barely paid it all off. If she accepted this proposal, she would make lots of money. More than she had seen in her whole career since it was a high profile case.
Regardless, she didn’t want the paparazzi all over her again. It had taken a while after breaking up with Shawn to get rid of the paparazzi and the people that wanted to work for her only because she knew Shawn.
It had even been hard for her to move on from Shawn, because most of the men she went on dates with were nuts using her to get to Shawn. Needless to say, breaking up with him and caused her more grief than she thought it would. Her life became more difficult and she struggled to navigate it.
She heard a knock at her door and then it opened. In walked her boyfriend Grant. He was one of the only good things that had happened in her life. He wasn’t with her for the fame or to get a connection to Hollywood.
“What’s up babe?” He went behind her chair and rubbed her shoulders. He placed a kiss on her head.
“I’m just got asked to do a case and I’m not sure if I should accept. It’s going to be tricky and it’s going to cause some stress.”
“Well if there’s anything I know about you, it’s that you can do it.”
“Yea. Maybe I should just take it. It’s going to pay really good.”
“Well then go for it.”
She nodded. “You know what, you’re right. I’m gonna call them up really fast and accept. Just give me a minute and I’ll be out to the car.”
He nodded his head as she picked up her phone redialing Andrew. “Y/N, hey.”
“I’ll do it. When do you want to meet up to discuss everything?”
“I know it’s soon, but could you meet on Sunday. I’ll get you a first class flight to LA by tomorrow morning so you can get settled in. Does that work for you?”
“Sounds great!”
“Oh and Y/N, I know that you and Shawn broke up two years ago, but there might be some old feelings involved. I just ask that you keep it professional.”
Y/N sighed. “Andrew, I don’t know how Shawn feels. I haven’t spoken to him since that night. Regardless though, what I do know is how I feel. And I have a boyfriend who I’m very serious about. So I can assure you that there will be no feelings involved on my part.”
Andre nodded his head on his side of the phone even though Y/N couldn’t see it. “Well…I can’t say the same for Shawn. Look, let’s just say that he still is hung up on you. The break up really ruined him. Just go easy on him and…don’t tell him you have a boyfriend. I don’t want him stressed more than he already is.”
Y/N grimaced. She knew that Shawn hadn’t had a girlfriend since her. Or hadn’t made one public at least. She had a slight suspicion that it might’ve been because he wasn’t over her, but she wasn’t that conceded.
“Andrew if he asks me if I have a boyfriend, I’m going to tell him. I don’t want him thinking I’m single and trying to pursue me.”
“I understand. Just don’t bring it up. I’m sure he won’t either. I’ve told him to keep it professional.”
“Ok. I get it. Umm get me a flight for 10:00 am tomorrow. Or at least as close as you can to that. Thanks Andrew.”
“Yep. See you soon.”
The next day, Y/N was on a flight across the country to help her ex-boyfriend win a lawsuit. The whole thing was comical.
Andrew picked her up at the airport and took her to a restaurant where she would be meeting up with Shawn and some other people from his team. To say she was nervous was an understatement.
When they arrived, the host led them to a private room that had been reserved for them. Shawn was already there and the minute he saw her, he stood from the his chair, breathless.
All his old emotions came rushing back and he didn’t know if he should hug her or kiss her. He chose the former because he didn’t want to make it awkward.
He embraced her in his long arms, inhaling her scent. “Y/N! Thank you so much for agreeing to help me! I know you’re going to win this for me.”
“Yeah, anything for you.” She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for feeling so comfortable in his arms.
Lunch was a long and grueling meal full of Shawn trying to catch up with Y/N while she tried to do her job. Needless to say, Y/N was happy to be leaving back to her law firm the next day.
“I’ll keep in contact with you guys and we’ll meet up once every few weeks to the trial. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect,” Shawn said with a large smile on his face.
Shawn held the door open for her as they walked out of the restaurant and grabbed her elbow, pulling her aside. “I know you’re here for business, but I…it’s just been so long and I want to catch up. Me and some of the other people on my team are going to the beach tonight. Do you wanna maybe come?”
Y/N didn’t know what to say to him. As much as she missed him, she didn’t want a relationship with him. She was happy with her boyfriend. If Shawn and her were going to be anything to each other, it was going to be friends at the most. But Y/N knew he wanted more than that.
“I didn’t pack a swimsuit. Have fun though!” Y/N went to turn away to call an Uber, but Shawn grabbed her hand again.
“Well let me take you to get one then. My treat since you’re doing me a huge favor.”
“Well you are paying me for it, so it’s not really a favor,” she chuckled.
His face flushed red. “Well you should still let me buy you a bathing suit. Please,” his eyes did the familiar begging face that she remembered him doing when they were dating. He knew that during their relationship, she couldn’t resist his begging face.
“Fine. But I owe you one. I’ll buy you dinner or something at the beach.”
Shawn shook his head. “Just let me do this one thing for you.”
Shawn told his team that he was going to take Y/N shopping and now they were at The Grove in a swim wear shop. Y/N had no idea what she was looking for, but she knew that it was a really expensive store so her plan was to go for the cheapest thing.
“I know what you’re thinking, but it doesn’t matter the price, promise. Get whatever you want.”
Y/N just nodded secretly wondering how he still knew what she was thinking by simply glancing at her.
After looking around the store for a while, Y/N settled a on a red high waisted bikini. It wasn’t too expensive and she knew it would look good on her. She pulled it off the rack and showed it to Shawn.
“Are you sure that you want to buy this? I still feel really bad,” Y/N smiled sheepishly at him.
“Of course! Plus, you’ll look great in it,” and he sent her a wink.
Another pang of guilt shot through her along with butterflies that appeared in her stomach. She realized that she probably shouldn’t have been out with Shawn without other people around, but she wasn’t thinking rationally. Her mind was taken back to when they were in a relationship and her old feelings that had been dormant had started to return.
When she returned to her law firm on Monday, her boyfriend confronted her when they went for a lunch date.
“So you say you’re on a business trip, but really you go and hangout with you’re ex, he buys you a swimming suit at the mall and then takes you to the beach?!”
Y/N sighed. She wasn’t allowed to tell her boyfriend who her clients were due to the law and all, but he should’ve at least trusted her to know that she wouldn’t cheat on him like he was accusing her of.
“Grant, it’s not like that! He’s my client ok! He’s in a lawsuit with another celebrity. His manger asked me to be his attorney because he knows me and knows I’ll do a good job.
“Shawn invited me to go to the beach with his friends, but since it was a business trip, I wasn’t expecting to go to the beach. I didn’t have a swimsuit so Shawn offered to buy me one. I wasn’t trying to sneak around behind your back.”
Grant sighed. “I’m sorry for assuming, but it’s hard knowing that he’s your ex. I mean have you seen the man,” he scoffed to himself, “of course you have. He’s built like Hercules. I…I just feel like I can’t compete.”
He sat down in the chair across from Y/N and put his head in his hands.
“But I’m with you, not him. He’s my ex-boyfriend. You are my current boyfriend. I’m sorry that the paps made it look like something it wasn’t, but you just have to trust me ok? They’re probably be lots more photos of me and him coming in the future, but I promise that I love you, not him.”
Y/N’s life became extremely hectic in the months leading up to the trial. She flew out to LA at least once every two weeks. However, she made sure that she scheduled things for after her meetings so Shawn couldn’t try to drag her along with him wherever he went.
In fact, she was so good at avoiding spending time with him outside of their business meet ups that Andrew even pulled her aside to talk about it.
“So why have you been avoiding Shawn?”
Y/N scoffed. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore. We hardly even have a friendship. To me he’s just my client. Plus, I don’t really want to be in the public eye.”
“That’s understandable, but he was going though a depressive phase and since you came back into his life, it’s the happiest I’ve seen him. You should at least try to be friends with him. I mean come on, the man even bought a bathing suit for you. He clearly misses you,” he folded his arms across his chest.
“I feel bad, I really do. But again, I need to keep this professional. My boyfriend didn’t like it the last time I hung out with Shawn. And I don’t want to risk our relationship for a friendship with a client,” she turned her back on him and walked away.
The week before the lawsuit case, Y/N went to finalize her plans with Shawn and his team.
“So the facts that we mainly need to focus on that will be the foundation of our argument is that she had access to this song and you gave her a copy. It’s simple. We should win this,” Y/N said more to herself than anyone else. To be honest, she was feeling really nervous with a high profile case such as this.
“I know you’ll do great Y/N.”
After the meeting the team went to get drinks and Y/N retreated to her hotel. She heard a knock on the door and hurried to answer it. Shawn stood on the other side.
“Hey…I feel like I’ve hardly talked to you since this whole thing started. Just wanted to see how you’re doing.”
“What do you mean? We’ve talked lots.”
Shawn chuckled and pushed his way into the room, closing the e door and sitting on the couch. “You know what I mean. We’ve only talked about business. But I want to know what you’ve been up to these past two years.”
Y/N sat on the opposite side of the couch from Shawn. The TV light illuminated his face and she smiled softly to herself. He was really handsome.
“Well, I started my own law firm, but you know that. And yea, I’ve been really invested in being a good lawyer.”
Shawn nodded his head. “I should’ve never left the house that night. But gosh babe! You don’t even know how bad I was hurting! I just wanted to be with you! But looking back I realize where I went wrong.”
Y/N shifted uncomfortably on the couch. They were entering into dangerous territory and she didn’t like it.
“I just feel like you deserve to know that I was going to propose,” he chuckled to himself as Y/N gasped, feeling the air being knocked out of her lungs.
“I had it all planned out. It was going to happen two days after we broke up. I have still have the ring. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it. I kept telling myself that one day we would cross paths again.”
Y/N was too stunned to speak so Shawn continued staring into the depths of her beautiful eyes. “I haven’t been with anyone seriously since you. But I still feel like you should know that Camilla,” the girl that Shawn was suing,”well me and her had a fling. It was only for the time that I was working with her. It meant nothing though. I know we weren’t together, but it still felt so wrong. It felt like I betrayed you.”
Y/N still didn’t speak. Her old feelings for him boiling over. She started to cry. She was hit with the realization that she was still in love with him and wanted nothing more than to be with him, but she had a boyfriend.
“Oh shit babe! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry! Did I overwhelm you?!” He scooted closer to her and wiped her tears off her cheeks.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. If you feel the same I need you to tell me because I can’t keep living like this. I need to know. I need to move on with my life.”
Y/N shook her head. “I was so horrible to you. I just let you leave. I…I was so selfish. I’m so sorry that I did that to you.”
She looked up and Shawn was inches away from her face. His breath was mixing with hers and the next thing she knew was Shawn’s lips on hers.
He tasted just like she remembered, but she quickly pushed him off of her. He liked at her confused, eyebrows furrowed.
“Did I read the situation wrong?”
“Shawn I have a boyfriend,” she whispered into the stale night air.
Shawn inhaled and quickly pulled back from her. She missed the warmth of his touch.
“So…wow okay. Umm this is really awkward. I’m so sorry. I really thought that you hadn’t moved on from me,” he sighed. “And here I was pouring my heart out to the girl that I love. Telling her I felt guilty for kissing a girl who wasn’t her when she’s been in a serious relationship.”
“Shawn,” she reached for him, but he pulled away.
“I think I’m going to go. Have a nice night,” he stood up from the couch and watching asked out on her once again.
Y/N and Shawn hardly talked in the days leading up to the trial. Even after the jury had decided that Camilla had in fact plagiarized his music, they only shared a soft ‘congratulations.’
Y/N left promptly after the trial was over back to her hometown. She knew that she needed to break up with her boyfriend even if Shawn and her didn’t end up together. She realized she was in love with him.
But when she went to Grant’s house, she saw him making out with another girl on his couch.
“What the hell is going on here?!”
Grant shot up pulling away from the girl. “Shit! Babe you weren’t supposed to be back for another day!”
“Well you weren’t supposed to be kissing another girl so I guess we both are surprised! Goodbye Grant, have a nice life!” She slammed the door shut and took a breath of relief.
Even though she was sad that Grant hadn’t been faithful to her, she knew that her heart never belonged to him in the first place.
“Hey Shawn, it’s Y/N. I know you’re in your hotel room and you probably don’t want to talk to me, but I…I broke up with my boyfriend.
“And I’m not saying that just because I’m using use as my safety net. When you kissed me that night, all the feelings and emotions came rushing back. I want to try and make this work if you’re willing to.”
She waited for a few minutes. Nothing. And then finally the door opened and a shirtless, puff eyed, but smiling Shawn came out into the hotel hallway.
“You really mean that? Cause if you do, I’m ready to pick up where we left off. I’m ready to be engaged. And I’m sorry if that’s too forward but—“
He felt a pair of lips press onto him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Marrying you is all I’ve ever wanted. We’re going to make this work. I’ll move my law firm to LA. Hell I’ll even quit if I have to. I just want to be with you.”
Shawn smiled at her as he heard the words fall from her lips. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Let’s get married.”
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to write a part two. I’ve had no motivation. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. I know it’s really sucky, but oh well. Please give me feedback and tell me if there are any mistakes. Thanks!
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shawnmendesbuddy · 1 year
Day 10–Cookie Monster (25 Days of Ficmas)
A/N: I know it’s late but I’m sick and my brother was in the hospital all las week. He’s good now but it was stressful
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Y/N and Shawn hadn’t known each other until six months ago. Y/N used to live in the United States and attended university there for a few years, but she longed for a change. So,when she found a good study abroad program in Canada, she didn’t waste a second to book a flight. 
So now, here she was in the beautiful city of Toronto and attend Seneca College. She found a coffee shop a few blocks away from her campus and got a job there. The boss was an old women named Dinah who had lived in Toronto her whole life. She adored Y/N and quickly took her under her wing. 
Sunday dinners at Dinah’s house became a weekly ritual. Dinah was a widow and thought of Y/N as her grandchild. So, it was no wonder that Dinah wanted what was best for Y/N.
“You’re 23 and you haven’t had a boyfriend since you were 21!”
“Dinah,” Y/N’s cheeks flushed, “It’s not like that. I’ve dated people, but nothing serious has happened.”
“You know, I got married to Phil when I was 18. We were having kids by 19. I don’t know what is up with you kids these days, waiting forever to get married.”
“Well, I just haven’t found the right guy.”
A mischievous smile lit up Dinah’s face. “You know the baked goods we sell at the shop?” Y/N nodded her head. “There’s an adorable boy who owns a bakery that we get them from. He’s around your age. I think he’s 24. He’s quite an ambitious man and I think you would like him.”
“Dinah! Quit trying to set me up with people.”
“Pfft. Darling, if he ain’t the one for you, I don’t know who is. The boy is drop dead gorgeous if I do say so myself. Cause Phil was really something to look at.”
“I haven’t even met him. How could you know that he is the one for me?”
“Just a gut feeling. He always gives you this puppy dog look when he drops off our delivery.”
“Oh really?” She raised her eyebrows at Dinah. “Why have I never seen or met him then.”
“You’re not the manager, are you? He drops them off at my office usually during rush hour. If you were a good employee, which I know you are, you would be busy serving those costumers. But I’ll tell you what. When he comes by with his delivery tomorrow, I’ll have you take it from him.”
Y/N rolled her eyes but agreed to it anyways. Dinah always ended up being right so there was no point in arguing with her. 
The next morning, Y/N spent a little extra time doing her hair and makeup so she could impress this boy of Dinah’s. And when Dinah pushed her towards the back of the coffee shop when the boy had arrived, Y/N was not disappointed. 
He had chocolate curly brown hair, beautiful eyes, and a shy smile. Not to mention he was ripped. His biceps strained underneath his white t-shirt. He pulled up in a motorcycle with a basket on the front carrying boxes for their delivery. 
And when he saw Y/N a light blush tinted his cheeks. “Where’s Dinah? Not that I mind seeing you here,” he winked at her. 
She felt her face heat up. “Umm, she wanted me to grab the packages today. It’s nice to put a face to all the sweets that get delivered around here.”
He laughed and held out his hand to her. “I’m Shawn by the way. You’re Y/N, right? Dinah talks about you a lot to me. Always saying things like ‘You should ask that girl out on a date,’ and ‘Isn’t my Y/N so beautiful?’”
Y/N blew air out her nose in a tiny laugh. “Yep. She’s mentioned you a few times before too. She’s trying to set us up or something.”
“Seems like it. Are you upset by that?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to be straight up: I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been ogling at you ever since you started working here. And if that didn’t completely freak you out, would you be willing to go on a date with me?” He stared at the ground and internally kicked himself for being so awkward. 
“Sure. Why not? You’re cute by the way.” And she pressed a kiss to his flushed cheek. 
Y/N and Shawn hit it off immediately. But don’t get me wrong, they had their fair share of fights. Mostly because the other person was jealous of someone. 
Their first fight happened when Shawn was dropping off their delivery and he noticed Y/N wasn’t there to greet him. So, he decided to use the employee entrance (something he had become accustomed to since he started dating Y/N) and saw Y/N leaning over the counter and chatting it up with a tall blonde. She laughed flirtatiously and played with her hair.  
He felt his jaw clench and he saw red. He marched right over to Y/N and the boy and pulled her back to Dinah’s office. Dinah passed them on the way, a quizzical look on her face as she went to go take over for Y/N. “Don’t be too long.”
“What the hell was that back there?!”
“What? Why are you yelling at me?” 
He could sense the hurt in her voice, so he quickly changed his tone. “I’m sorry dove, but why were you and that guy all over each other?”
“Oh. You mean Ian. The blonde dude?” Shawn nodded his head and Y/N laughed at him. “I guess I should’ve introduced you guys. He’s my roommate’s brother.”
“And how does that make it any better?”
“He’s gay. I thought you could maybe tell from the way he was dressed.”
“Oh,” Shawn’s eyebrows raised in surprise and then he chuckled and grabbed Y/N’s hand. “I’m sorry babe. I…that was an overreaction.”
“Yea. Definitely. But I forgive you.”
“You know, when you’re jealous you get all grouchy and mean like the cookie monster.”
“A cookie monster huh? I guess that fits me. I do bake a lot of cookies.”
The second time Y/N got jealous. Her shift had ended early because Dinah was being generous and had hired another employee. So, Y/N decided to walk to Shawn’s bakery. As she entered the shop, she saw a beautiful brunette girl with brown eyes. She looked to be around 20. 
“Shawn! What’s taking so long?” She heard the girl whine. Whoever she was, she knew Shawn well. It made a weird feeling tumble around in Y/N’s stomach. 
“I’ll be right there doll.”
Doll! That name was only reserved for Y/N. Y/N went to stand behind the girl in line, letting the girl’s height hide her from Shawn’s view when he came out from the kitchen. 
“Ok, here’s your pie you’ve been wanting all week. Don’t eat it all in one night.”
She leaned over the counter and kissed Shawn’s cheek and Shawn didn’t do anything about it. As the girl started to leave the shop, Shawn spotted Y/N who stared angrily at him. 
Shawn noticed his mistake and his cheeks flushed. “Aaliyah, come back!” He called to the girl who was walking out the door. 
She turned around confused. “There’s someone you should meet. This is Y/N, the girl I’ve been telling you about.”
“Oh my gosh! I’ve heard so much about you! You’re even more pretty in person. Wow! Mom’s going to be so jealous when I tell her I met you!” The girl pulled Y/N into a hug and took her by surprise. Aaliyah pulled away and smiled. “I’m Shawn’s sister by the way.”
Y/N nodded her head, pulled her lips into a thin line, and closed her eyes. “I got that after you said your mom was going to be jealous. It’s nice to meet you now that I know you’re not giving my boyfriend a kiss on the cheek because you’re dating him or something.” 
Aaliyah chuckled. “Yeah. You must’ve been so confused.”
Shawn rubbed the back of his neck. “All of this is my bad. If I would’ve introduced you to my family sooner none of this would’ve happened. Sorry babe.”
“It’s alright. I know I’ve been busy with college and you with this place, so I get it. I do wish that I would’ve seen a picture though.”
“You guys should come over tonight. I got this pie because I’m in charge of dessert for our family dinner. It’s just me and our parents.”
“You up for that honey?” Shawn questioned. Y/N nodded her head. 
“Yeah, tonight should work.”
“Perfect. See you guys there.” She left the shop for real this time and Shawn had a smirk on his face. 
“Now who’s the cookie monster.”
Taglist: @mendesblurb @truthfulteenager @pamelagramm
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shawnmendesbuddy · 1 year
Day 8–All I Want for Christmas (25 Days of Ficmas)
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A/N: I used the song ‘All I Want for Christmas’ and said that Shawn wrote it. So, all the credit to Mariah Carey. 
Shawn stared at Y/N as the winter sunlight poured in through the window and onto her body. He couldn’t help but admire her. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. And the skin of her bare shoulder was so soft as he rubbed it up and down, pressing a kiss to it. 
He whispered a soft ‘I love you’ to her before unwrapping his arm from her waist and standing from the bed. He yawned and stretched before walking to the bathroom. He wasn’t supposed to go into the studio today. It was the day before Christmas Eve, and he had to finish a song he had been writing for Y/N. He was going to give it to her as a Christmas present, and he was almost finished, he just had to perfect the chorus. 
He walked out of the bathroom, slipping on a simple white shirt and a green cardigan over it. He looked back and Y/N and smiled, still enamored by her beauty even after a year with her. Even when she was sleeping, soft snores leaving her lips. 
Shawn had woken up Tarzan who now was slowing sitting up in the bed and preparing to jump off onto the floor. Shawn sped walked over to him and petted his head. “You need to stay right here Tarzan. It’s five in the morning. Mommy won’t be happy if you wake her up right now.” He placed a kiss on the dog’s head and started to retreat from the room. 
“Shawn,” he heard a soft, tired voice whisper. Shit. He had woken her up. 
“Yea baby,” Shawn walked to her side of the bed and kneeled down. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead as she yawned. 
“Where are you going?” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and rubbed Tarzan’s head. 
“I’m going into the studio baby. I know I said I was done until the New Year, but I just got some inspiration. I’ll only be a few hours, I promise.”
“Ok, good luck baby,” she whispered, already falling back to sleep. 
He kissed her head one more time before leaving for the studio.
“Teddy! I just can’t perfect this!” He yanked on his hair and stood from his chair. 
“Sit back down! We’re almost there, I can feel it. You’re on the edge of a breakthrough. Just sing through it one more time and maybe the lyrics will come to you.”
Shawn nodded picking up his guitar. When he finished strumming the last chord, he had a smile on his face. “I’ve got it.Santa, won’t you bring me the one I really need? Won’t you please bring my baby to me?” He sung holding out the e in me. 
“Booyah! Nice job Shawn! She’ll love it.”
Shawn stood up hugging Teddy and wishing her a merry Christmas. “I owe you one for coming in today.”
“Just make me the godmother to your children and it’ll all be repaid.”
Shawn laughed unlocking his car and getting into it. He started to heat it up when Y/N called him. It was 8:30 which meant she must’ve just gotten done with the gym. 
“Are you done with the studio yet?”
“Just finished up. Why?”
“Could you possibly bring me home a peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks?”
Shawn’s face lifted into a smile. “Anything for you baby. I’ll be home in 20 minutes.”
Shawn hung up the phone and Y/N smiled to herself. That was all the time she needed to finish wrapping his presents andpull the muffins out of the oven for him. 
Shawn grinned as he heard Christmas music coming from their kitchen and the smell of chocolate chip muffins filled his nose. “Hmm, I love you baby.” He said as he walked into the kitchen, placing down her hot chocolate, and stealing a muffin from the tray. He pinched her bum, kissing the side of her head before heading over to pet Tarzan. 
“Shawn, can I take you out to eat tonight. You’ve been working hard in the studio, and I just want to celebrate you.”
“That sounds good.” He couldn’t have asked for a better girlfriend. He couldn’t wait to make her his wife someday soon. He patted his coat pocket and felt the velvet box inside. 
Christmas morning had finally arrived and to say Shawn was nervous was an understatement. They cooked pancakes together and FaceTime both their parents. And finally, it was time to open presents. 
Y/N had given Shawn a new guitar—which cost her three months’ worth of savings—to which Shawn was thrilled with. He was worried about the cost, but she told him that it wasn’t a big deal. 
When Shawn nervously tuned the new guitar, she had given him and began to strum the first chord of his song, he felt his palms shake. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…”
Y/N couldn’t stop smiling the entire time he serenaded her. When he had finally finished, he got down on one knee and Y/N gasped. “Baby, all I want for Christmas is you for the rest of my life. I love waking up with you and going to bed with you and I would love it even more if you were my wife. I would love to wake up to Mrs. Mendes instead of Miss L/N. It has a better ring to it anyway. I told myself I wasn’t going to ramble, but here I am. Will you marry me?”
Her eyes glossed over with tears as she leaned forward to kiss him with all her might. He smiled into the kiss placing the ring on her finger and wrapping her up in a hug. “Yes, yes! I love, I love you, I love you! I can’t believe you wrote a song for me. Are you ever going to publish it?”
“Nope, it was just for you.” And he sent her a small wink. “Merry Christmas darling.”
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shawnmendesbuddy · 1 year
Day 6–I Hate You (25 Days of Ficmas)
Summary: Y/N and Shawn are rivals
A/N: This is so bad lol
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Y/N and Shawn had grown up as neighbors their whole lives. Their parents were best friends which meant that Shawn and Y/N spent almost every Sunday of their lives eating dinner together.
At first it started out as a friendship. But as Shawn and Y/N started to get older, it turned into a rivalry. Shawn and Y/N were very close in age, and they were always in the same class in school. It became very apparent that both Y/N and Shawn were academically gifted and that caused them to be enemies.
Since the first grade, they competed over who would be the teacher’s favorite, who got a higher score on their test, who had more friends (although both seemed to always have overlapping friend groups), who got better grades, and in high school, who took harder classes, and who would be the valedictorian. They both ended up being the valedictorian that year seeing that their weighted GPAs were tied.
They also competed over romance. Who had the hotter date to the dance, who had dated more people, who had kissed more people, who had been on more dates. It got so bad that people quit dating both of them all together because they thought they were being used to help boost Y/N or Shawn in their competition.
Y/N had eventually found a boyfriend her senior year of high school. And despite Shawn trying to sabotage it so Y/N wouldn’t be ahead of him, it was a wonderful relationship. His name was Ethan. He was attractive and smart. Not as smart as Shawn, but he wasn’t stupid. He had blonde hair and a nice smile. He treated Y/N like a queen. And even though Y/N hated Shawn, Ethan tried his best to get along with him. He knew that Shawn wasn’t going out of Y/N’s life anytime soon, so he had to find a way to work around him.
Ethan had a special talent for getting under Shawn’s skin. He hated how nice he was to everyone and made Y/N feel like the most special girl in the world. And secretly, he was jealous of how close the two were. Even though him and Y/N were in a rivalry, they both knew the other better than anyone else. And even though they acted like they hated each other, they really were just scared of the feelings they had developed for the other.
One day, Shawn got so fed up with hearing Y/N brag about her and Ethan’s relationship that he approached her at her locker. She pulled her books out and Shawn closed her locker, leaning against it and smiling at her. “I asked a Brianna Peters out today.” Brianna Peters was the cheer captain at their school. She was insanely pretty, and every guy wanted her.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. He seemed so smug about it. “That sucks.”
“Well, I mean she definitely said no.”
“Actually, she said yes.” Y/N’s mouth dropped open in surprise. There was no way she had told him yes. Despite her surprise, she had to act nonchalant.
“Well sucks for her then.” She started to walk away but Shawn pulled her back into him by her wrist and pressed his lips to hers. She immediately shoved away but couldn’t deny that she felt a tiny spark shoot through her. “What the hell Shawn?!”
He pointed his finger to something behind her and she saw Ethan staring at the two of them, a sad look on his face. He started to turn away from the pair and walk quickly down halls. She turned back to see Shawn with a smirk on his face. “You son of a bitch!” She shoved him and ran after Ethan.
“Ethan! Ethan!” He finally turned around and she almost bumped into him. He had tears in his eyes, and he wiped them away with his hand.
“I…I think we should break up. I don’t even know what to say.”
“No, no. Please don’t do this. I love you,” she choked on a sob. “You know how he is. He loves to ruin my life. He saw you behind me and is trying to ruin our relationship. Please…you saw how fast I pulled away.”
“Y/N,” he sighed. “I really tried to get over whatever is going on between you two, but I really can’t do it anymore. You need to figure out how you feel about him. You may think you love me, but I see the way you look at each other. You don’t hate on another. Good luck,” and just like that, he turned and walked away.
That Sunday night at dinner, Y/N excused herself and asked to speak with Shawn privately. They walked into a hallway where no one could hear them, and Y/N slapped Shawn’s chest. “Are you happy?! Ethan and I broke up. I…I hope it was worth it. I didn’t think you would take it this far but screw you! Never talk to me again.” She walked away from him, and he vowed to himself to never hurt her like that again. He also agreed to her wish and didn’t talk to her unless it was absolutely necessary.
 And then they both went to college. And came back home for Christmas break unbeknownst to the other.
Y/N was disappointed to see that her parents hadn’t hung up Christmas lights and she saw that the Mendes’ also hadn’t hung up their lights. The day after she got home, she spent putting up Christmas lights. And that night, she was pissed to see that the Mendes’ had also put-up lights and they were better than hers. She couldn’t let Shawn’s parents have a better display then her.
So, the next day, she bought blow-up Christmas figures to put on her front lawn. And while she was inflating them, she heard an awful sound. Shawn’s voice. “Trying to beat my Christmas display aye?”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh joy, you’re home for the holidays too. Well, my display will be better than yours. Just you wait.”
Y/N and Shawn’s Christmas display rivalry went on for another week. Until one day when Y/N was putting plastic reindeers on her roof she slipped and fell. But instead of falling into the snow, Shawn was right beneath her to catch her. He wrapped her in his arms and cradled her head against his chest. She started to cry and buried her head into his chest.
"Shh, you’re safe. Y/N I’m so sorry. And not just for making you try to compete with me over this dumb Christmas light display, but for everything. Our whole rivalry. I knew I messed up when Ethan broke up with you, but it was too far gone at that point. Please forgive me. Holy shit, I almost lost you,” at this point he was also crying.
She hugged him and they both cried as he set her down and hugged each other. “This whole rivalry was so stupid. I don’t hate you, Shawn. I never have.”
“I don’t hate you either. And about the whole Ethan thing, I couldn’t stand the girl I was in love with dating another guy.”
“You were in love with me?”
“Still am. And I’m so glad I caught you.”
“I love you too.” And they interlocked lips in a passionate kiss.
As they pulled away, they swore they would never let their rivalry get past a friendly banter again.
A/N: The ending is awful, but it’s late and I really don’t see this getting any better. It had so much potential, but I have too much writer’s block. Haha. Feedback is very appreciated. Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @pamelagramm @mendesblurb
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
The Lord and ‘Lady’ of the House
Summary: Shawn has a lot of pressure to get married. One day at a party, he runs into a pretty handmaiden who is struggling to pay her bills. They decide to fake their proposal…
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of abuse/torture, wee hint of angst
"Shawn! This is the Lord of the Manor Essex and his daughter, Lucinda," Shawn's mother proudly stated, introducing him to them.
Lucinda held her hand out for him and he gently grabbed it in his own, kissing the back of it. It was soft and dainty and smelt like a strong fragrance. He pulled his face back quickly, resisting the urge to sneeze.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Mendes," Lord Essex firmly shook his hand, sending him a bright smile.
He side eyed his mom. This was the fourth lady she had brought to him that night and he was fed up. He didn't want to be wed to anyone, he just wanted to live his life. If the right girl were to come along, then he would choose to ask for her hand. But until then, he wished his mother would stop pestering him about finding a wife.
"Shawn's a little shy, but I'm sure he would love to dance with your daughter," his mother stated.
Lucinda giggled and placed a hand over her mouth. Shawn put on his best fake smile and held his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his as he led her out to the dance floor.
"So... this season is coming to an end in a few weeks. Have you chosen a Lady?" Lucinda questioned. She knew full well he hadn't, and she was trying to coax him into asking for her hand. It's what all the Ladies did, and Shawn couldn't stand it.
"No, and I don't think I will," Shawn grimaced as she accidentally stepped on his toes.
"Oops! Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"It's quite alright. I think I'm just going to take a break for a minute." He excused himself from her and walked to the side of the ballroom, being careful to avoid his mom.
"Wait! I think you just need to get to know me better. I could be a perfect Lady," Lucinda chased after Shawn and gripped onto his elbow. The people around them stared at the two.
Shawn sighed. This is how they all were like. He was the most eligible bachelor in all of Toronto which made him the most wanted. He couldn't stand Ladies like Lucinda; the ones who wouldn't take no for an answer.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look Lucinda, you're a very kind young women, but I'm not looking for a wife. And quite frankly, the more that this happens to me, the more I don't think I'll ever want one."
Her face fell before she turned around and stormed off, her feet stomping on the way back to her father.
The people around Shawn sent him sympathetic looks before going back to what they were doing beforehand.
"Shawn! You are about to become the Lord of the Manor! Don't you think you want to have a wife to help you manage?! I'm not going to always be around! And with your father's untimely death, I'm feeling discouraged! I can't continue to raise you for much longer! You need a wife to take care of you," his mother yelled at him on the way home in the carriage.
Shawn stared out the window, ignoring what his mother was telling him. He had had this lecture too much in the past three years. He was only 21; although that was an old age to be unwed at, he still felt too young to be married.
"I love you Shawn, and all I want is for you to be happy. So please, for me, at the next ball, pick a girl and ask for her hand. You've met all of them, now you just have to decide."
Shawn paced the hall outside the ballroom. His mom said he had to leave the ball with a fiancée. He didn't want to cause her any more stress and trouble, so he was going to follow through with her wishes.
"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but is everything okay?"
Shawn jumped and quickly turned around. He came face to face with the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She sent him a shy smile.
"I'm fine, are you okay?"
She furrowed her eyebrows, her lips pursing as she stared at him with a confused look. "What do you mean? Of course, I'm okay."
"Well then why are you out here if you're okay?"
"Why are you out here if you're okay? Unless what you're suggesting is that you're not okay," she tilted her head to the side, examining him. Shawn felt his cheeks turn red under her intense stare.
"I... well then, you must not be okay either or else you wouldn't be out here."
She blinked a few times and then giggled softly to herself, as if she was sharing an inside joke that only she knew. "I'm just the maid... I've never been in there when the party is going on. I simply clean up after the fact. "
Shawn chuckled to help alleviate the awkward tension as his face burned with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I truly thought you belonged in there. But I was a fool to assume. I've met all those ladies millions of times, or at least it feels like millions of times."
She nodded her head. "Well then, I must get back to my duties," she started to turn away from him and he knew that he had to do something. He couldn't just let this woman walk out of his life. She was refreshing. She didn't fall at his feet. She wasn't trying to act like something she wasn't.
"Wait! Be my guest."
"To what?" she laughed nervously.
"To this party of course!"
"I don't belong in there. Plus, if the Lady or Lord of the house were to see me in there—especially without proper attire—I would lose my job. And I really need this job." He could see the desperation in her eyes when she talked about her job. She must've been a peasant; those were the only poor people around.
He stared at her for a few seconds, weighing the options in his head. He could walk into the ballroom with her dressed in her black skirt and white apron and ask her to dance. Or he could go in there alone and choose one of the simpleton ladies to marry him.
She was a gorgeous girl. And she was fantastic company. In fact, Shawn couldn't recall smiling—genuinely smiling—with any of the other Ladies he had met. Maybe he could give this a shot. He just needed to convince the town and his mother that she was a Lady.
"What would you say if I told you I could buy you out of this job."
She shook her head. "Thank you for the kind offer, but it's not that simple. My father," her eyes began to water, and her throat closed up, "he's sick. This is the only thing that helps me pay the doctor. And if I were to accept, and you could pay the Lord and Lady enough to buy me out of this job, what would I do after? How would it benefit me or you?"
Shawn feels the girl a pitiful look. "I... You could come live with me in the Mendes Manor. I'd pay for your father's bills, and you'd never work a day in your life again."
Her mouth dropped open. "You would do that for me? But you don't even know me? You don't even know my name?"
"Is it too late now to ask what it is?"
She chuckled softly. "But there's got to be something in it for you, so what do you want?"
Shawn looked out the window of the manor as he spoke. "It's my third season, not that I care. But my mother... she's grown sad. She wants me to find someone to wed. None of the Ladies have caught my eye. If it's not too much to ask, would you mind being my fiancée? Just for a few months. Just to get my mother off my back. And then you can run away or—or fake your death, I don't know. But I would give you all the money you need to support you and your father and make sure you're taken care of and live comfortably for the rest of your life."
She sucked in a breath of air. "I... yes! If it helps my father, I will do anything! Thank you, really truly thank you!" She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him.
He was shocked at first, too stunned to move, but then he gently wrapped his arms around her waist and breathed in her scent. She smelt of oranges and violets, bringing him back to his childhood when he would spend the summer at his grandparents' house.
"But wait! Everyone in there will know I'm just a maid with the way I'm dressed."
"Don't worry. I've heard the Lady of the house retires early and I have a plan."
"Lady Schreave, may I come in?"
"Of course, dear." She slowly walked into the room, Shawn following behind her.
"Lady Schreave, I have someone here to meet you."
Lady Schreave's face lit up the second she saw Shawn. "Well, if it isn't the talk of the town! What can I do for you, my boy?"
Shawn smiled at Lady Schreave before kissing her hand. "I was wondering if I could pay you enough money to buy this young woman from you. She is quite lovely."
Lady Schreave smirked and glanced between the two. "She is very lovely, isn't she? You don't need to pay me anything, just take care of her and her father for me," her eyes teared up as she pulled the girl into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you very dearly Y/N."
So that is her name, Shawn thought.
"And Shawn, do you wish to wed her?"
"I do," he blushed as Lady Schreave sent him a wink.
She turned back towards Y/N, "Well then, if a proposal is happening tonight, we better get you dressed in something more appropriate, oughtn't we?"
"Don't be nervous. Just smile and don't forget to say 'yes' when I ask for your hand. Now, since your father isn't here, it will be a little untraditional, and we might get asked questions. Say that you are the niece of Lady and Lord Schreave, and you are visiting them from out of town."
Y/N nodded. She was dressed in one of Lady Schreave's old ballgowns. It was cream colored with long sleeves that went down to her wrists and gold flowers painted onto the bodice. She wore white gloves, a symbol of being unwed. She had never felt more beautiful.
"You look magnificent, you ready?"
She sighed and wrapped her arm underneath his. "Lead the way."
He opened the grand doors into the ballroom and all the heads in the room turned towards them. He felt her squeeze his arm as he searched for his mother's face. She stood towards the back of the room with a small smile.
"Mother, meet Lady L/N. She is Lord and Lady Schreave's niece. She is visiting them right now. Since her father is not here, you are the next in line to initiate the proposal."
Shawn watched as his mother's eyes grew wide and her smile grew as well. She had waited for this moment for a long time.
"Of course, dear," she patted his cheek and then turned towards Y/n. "Shawn, if you would remove her left-hand glove and give it to me, please."
Everyone in the ballroom stared at Y/N with envy in their eyes. She was taking the most eligible bachelor away from them and they hated her for it.
Shawn took Y/n's left hand in his and gently pulled the glove off her hand. Her bare skin against his lit a fire inside of him and he gasped at the feeling.
Shawn knew what to do next, he knelt on the ground and reached for his grandmother's ring in his pocket. His mother had given it to him tonight in hopes of his engagement.
"Y/N L/N, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage. I promise to cherish you and love you with my whole being, will you marry me?"
"It would be my pleasure," He gently slid the ring onto her finger before standing up and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. It was seen as taboo to go any farther than a kiss on the cheek before marriage, so that would have to do for now.
He watched her as she looked out the window of the carriage. A single tear falling down her face, kissing her skin. He gripped her hands in his, squeezing them.
"They hate me. I don't know what I did to them, but they do."
She was referring to the Ladies of the town. They hadn't been particularly fond of her because she took the most desirable man in the land.
She had been living comfortably at Shawn's manor with her father for a month now, but the harassment from the town's Ladies hadn't gotten any better. She wanted to fulfill her end of the bargain, but she found it increasingly difficult.
“Don’t worry my dear. We only must pretend for a little while longer. Once we get through the engagement party in a couple of weeks, you are free to leave,” it pained his heart to talk about her leaving, but it was for the best. No one could ever find out that she wasn’t a Lady. If they were too, she would be charged with serious crimes.
She inhaled deeply and turned to face him. “I’m sorry. You really are a great man, but this is very hard. I hate pretending to be something I’m not. I feel like everyone can see through me and it’s only a matter of time before I get caught. I’m sure some of those Ladies are already looking into my lineage. They can tell I’m a fraud!” She started to sob uncontrollably.
“Shh, let it all out,” He stood from his spot and sat down next to her, wrapping her in his arms. “If it’s too much, we can end it all as soon as we get off this carriage. You can march right into that manor and pack your things. I’ll tell my mother you ran away.”
“No! We can’t do that; it’ll be too obvious. I need to stick it through for a few more weeks. I can do it. And we also need to come up with a better cover story. I don’t know much about being a Lady, but I know that none of them, if given the opportunity, would run away from a chance to marry you.”
Shawn wanted to argue, but he knew she was right. If she left right now, a mob would be on her trail. They would chase her down and make her pay for her crimes.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do,” he whispered quietly as he petted her hair. She sighed into his shoulder and gripped tightly onto his shirt as a rain slashed onto the window of the carriage.
It took them longer than expected to reach the Mendes Manor because the wind had been blowing so hard, it had careened their carriage from side to side. When Shawn had held his hand out to help Y/N step down from the carriage and she saw the somberly look in Lady Mendes’s eyes, she knew something had happened.
“Y/N, it’s your father. He passed while you were away. The doctor tried to save him, but he said that the disease had spread too far in his body. I’m very sorry,” she led Y/N into the house as she said this, offering her a shawl to drape around her bare shoulders.
Y/N gladly took it, shivering as the news of her father’s death started to sink in. After the proposal at the ball, Shawn had asked his mother if they could host Y/N’s father as a guest. He told her that her father was a Lord, but since he had become too sick to take care of his manor, they had moved in the with the Schreaves.
Y/N doubted her father would’ve agreed to lying about being a Lord, but he was too sick to protest. During the past few weeks, he mostly slept. Y/N had stayed by his bed side as much as she could, but even she knew that his health had been deteriorating even with their new accommodations.
She slowly made her way up the stairs and to the room her father had been staying in, Shawn following closely behind her. As they entered the dark room, a big flash of lightning illuminated it and the sound of thunder echoed in reply as if to finalize the death of her dad.
He lay motionless in the bed, pale as snow. His lips were slightly parted, and he had never looked more ghostly. She was almost scared of him. He didn’t look like the father that she knew.
She slowly crept forward towards him and latched her hand in his cold one. She felt no warmth. “Daddy?” she whispered quietly. “Daddy, please,” she pleaded. She gripped onto his dead body and cried.
Shawn stood from afar, feeling a little out of place. His mother stood with him. “You should go and comfort her,” she whispered into his ear.
He didn’t know what else to do then to rub her back up and down and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. It seemed to calm her down because she fell asleep on Shawn’s shoulder, and he carried her to her room.
He awoke to the sound of screaming later that night and quickly ran towards the source. It was coming from Y/N’s room. He busted down the door, ready to fight off whoever it was, only to see that she was still asleep. He gently shook her, and she woke, staring straight into his eyes.
He took in a deep breath, because even in her anxious state, she still was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was wearing her night gown and he cleared his throat and looked away.
“You were having a nightmare. I was checking in with you to see if you were okay.”
“I…I was having a dream—more like a nightmare—about my father. His corpse kept yelling out me for lying to everyone. I feel so guilty Shawn. Are we really doing something terrible?”
Shawn shook his head. How could something that felt so right be wrong. He knew from spending the past month with her that she was his person. He knew he was falling in love with her when he shouldn’t have been, but he couldn’t help it. She enraptured him. She was like the forbidden fruit; so desirable but forbidden.
“No darling,” she picked up on the pet name he had used for her. She blamed it on his half-asleep self, but deep down she knew it wasn’t that. He had called her pet names plenty of times when he wasn’t half-asleep. If she was being honest with herself, she couldn’t ignore the butterflies it gave her. But they couldn’t be together. This was never supposed to last long-term.
“We aren’t bad people. We both needed something, and we both benefited from it. I…if you want to leave, I wouldn’t have my feelings hurt,” he spoke so quietly she didn’t know if she heard him.
“I’ll cover for you. Say that your dad’s death and the Ladies had made you crack. You couldn’t take it anymore, so you decided to leave town and head back to your manor. I could secretly send you money to wherever you relocate. Gosh, I just feel so useless.”
“You’re not useless and I’m not leaving. Like I said earlier, I’m sticking this through like we planned.”
“Even after what happened today?” He grimaced as he hesitantly referred to her father’s death.
“Yes,” her voice barely croaked.
“Good, you’re becoming a great friend and I would miss you if you left.” Friend. He had used the one word she never wanted to hear come from him, especially after the day she had had. An awkward silence ensued.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay, but I don’t want to intrude. Have a good night, Y/N.”
“Wait! Please don’t go, I just need some comfort right now. Unless it’s too much of a bother.” A smile played at Shawn’s lips.
“It’s not too much of a bother at all.” He laid down next to her on the bed, far away enough to not touch her. He didn’t necessarily know his boundaries in this situation. He had never been in a women’s room (besides his mother’s) let alone slept next to one.
He heard her soft snores fill the room as he lay there looking up at her ceiling. He finally dozed off with thoughts of her in his mind.
The first ray of sun peeked through her curtains, and she yawned tiredly as she sat up. She felt movement next to her and quickly look to her side to see Shawn. She stared at his sleeping form; he looked so peaceful like he didn’t have a care in the world.
She heard him muttering something before he abruptly sat up. “Oh no! I’ve got to go right now! No one can know that I spent the night in here,” he threw off the sheets from the bed and frantically ran towards the door. “I’ll be back to pick you up for breakfast!” He walked out of the door and into the hall, leaving her alone.
She slowly rose from her bed, pulling the bedding back and placing the pillows on top to make it. She slipped out of her nightgown and pulled a light blue dress up her body. She did her best to cinch it, but she would need the maids help.
Lady Schreave had sent an abundance of dresses to Y/N to wear. And on top of that, Shawn’s mother took her shopping for some more as an engagement gift. Y/N really loved Shawn’s mom. She was kind and treated Y/N like she was her own daughter. She felt extremely guilty lying to her.
“Petra, do you think you could help me cinch this up?”
“Of course, Malady,” she walked into the room, grabbing the strings on the dress, and pulling it as hard as she could to tighten it.
Petra didn’t like Y/N. Much like the rest of the town, she thought Y/N was unworthy to marry Shawn. She didn’t see what made her so special. “Oomph!” Y/N yelped as she felt the fabric pinching her ribs and squeezing her lungs. “Please, that’s enough, I can breathe.” Petra stopped, but not before she pulled it a little tighter. She tied the dress up at the top and left the room without saying another word.
Five minutes later, after she had brushed through her hair and put it in a braid, she heard a knock on her door. “May I come in?” It was Shawn.
“Of course!” She opened the door for him, but quickly evaded her eyes from his. She felt herself blushing, embarrassment coursing through her. She let him enter the room and he sat down in the chair that was by her desk.
“How are you feeling? I’m sure you’re exhausted. Is there anything I can do for you?” He bombarded her with questions as she stood there, too stunned to speak. He hadn’t been into her room until last night and now he was making himself comfortable, as if he belonged there in her room next to her.
She didn’t know what to think of these new feelings she was having. Up until yesterday, this whole thing had been a mission for her. Play the part, get the money, leave when it’s time. But he had been so caring and thoughtful of her this entire time, and it made her heart do things.
“I’ve been better,” she chuckled taking a seat on her bed. “It still doesn’t feel real, you know. I knew that eventually the sickness would kill him, but…,” she blew out a breath of air.
“I felt the same way when my dad died. He was drafted to the war when I was eighteen. And then one day a letter arrived in the mail and the next thing I know; I would never see my dad again. It’s hard at first—really hard.”
“Does it ever get better? Will I always feel this pain in my heart, as if I’m missing a part of me?”
Shawn patted his chest right over his heart. “It gets easier as time passes, but the hole in your heart, it never heals,” he saw her face turn solemn, so he quickly corrected himself. “But I always think of what it’ll be like when I see him again. I believe life after death so I believe that someday, we will be together again.”
“I sure hope you’re right about that.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. “Would it be better if you took breakfast in your room this morning?”
“No, it’s alright, I’ll head down with you.”
Being engaged to the heir of the Mendes Manor meant that Y/N would have to learn to host parties. The first and only party she would ever host, would be for her fake engagement.
The rock that had been placed on her hand a mere month and a half ago felt heavier than ever. With each day, the guilt built on top of her. She felt like she was sinking and the only thing that was saving her was Shawn’s presence in her life.
He had tried to help with the preparations of the party as best he could, but he had never been trained in that sort of thing, as it was the Ladies job, so his parents never saw fit to teach him. “I’m sorry, dear. I wish I could be of more help. You can always consult with my mother, I’m sure she’d love to help.” She shook her head. “This is something that I have to do on my own. If I can’t plan a party, then I am definitely not good enough to be your fiancée. It will only make the townspeople more trepidatious.
“Maybe we should just confess. It’s clearly causing you a lot of stress. I feel horrible about the pain you’ve been through the past few months. I promise I wouldn’t let them hurt you. We were in over our heads when we agreed to this.”
She nodded, but she didn’t want this to end. She had nothing left for herself, if she didn’t have Shawn and his loving mother in her life. She had lost everything…this was her only family. “I couldn’t bring dishonor to your family like that. It’s only one more week, I can do this.” Only one more week to say goodbye. One more week to accept the fact that she would never marry a man like Shawn. One more week to process and move on.
He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. Ever since the night he had spent in her room, he had been more affectionate with her. Holding her hand more out in public. Kissing her hand, her cheek, her head. It was just one more thing that was going to make it harder for her to say goodbye.
The engagement party crept up on Shawn fast and he found himself dreading the day. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Y/N. He had fallen in love with her, and the idea of her leaving brought him to tears. He didn’t know what to do.
They had agreed that she would leave after the engagement party in a carriage that his most trusted friends would be driving, Brian Craigen. Shawn and Brian had met when they were little lads and grew up to be close friends. Brian had agreed to take Y/N to the next town where she would spend the night and then leave on her way to wherever she wished to go. Brian knew it was risky, but he also knew that Y/N staying was even more risky.
“I’ll leave the money in the carriage for you and…we’ll part ways,” Shawn had whispered to her the night before the engagement party.
She nodded in agreement. “Thank you for everything Shawn. It really has been a pleasure getting to know you. I wish you the best of luck with your mother and your future wife.”
He smiled sorrowfully before turning away from her. He secretly wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes before retreating to his room.
Y/N woke early the next day, with a lump in her throat. She knew that today would be the hardest day of her life. Not only was she saying goodbye to the new family she had made, but she was also saying goodbye to the place her father raised her. To the place where she made all her favorite memories of him. And to the person that she never thought she would fall in love with: Shawn.
The red dress she had chosen to wear that night, looked too bright for her to wear in this state. She had cried herself to sleep the night before and she was almost positive that her eyes were puffy and red.
She didn’t see Shawn the entire day. She was too busy running around making sure that everything was going smoothly.
Shawn’s mom had pulled her aside to talk to her for a minute before they entered the party. “Remember dear, they just want to meet the new Lady of the house. It may seem nerve wracking at first but look for Shawn. That’s what I did at my engagement party. I looked towards Shawn’s father, and it made all the nerves go away. That’s how you know he’s the one.
“And in two weeks, when you’re walking down the aisle towards him, don’t stare at anything else. Trust me dear, it will make you too nervous. Oh! I’m so excited!”
Y/N smiled solemnly. “Thank you, Lady Mendes.”
“Please, I think it’s about time you called me mom. You’re about to become my daughter so it seems fitting,” she winked at Y/N who felt like she was going to throw up.
“Alright, I’ll go in there first and then you wait a few minutes and come in after me. Shawn will be waiting at the end of the stairs for you.”
Shawn wiped his sweaty palms on his black suit. It was going to be a very long and hard night for him. He closed his eyes and counted to ten before entering the ballroom inside of his house. Everyone cheered for him as he smiled and waved. He heard ‘congratulations’ from around the room as he walked towards the bottom of the stairs. First his mom would walk down them, and then Y/N.
His mother glided gracefully down the stairs. As she reached for her son, she pulled him into a tight hug and whispered, “She’s nervous too, you know. Don’t worry, everything will be okay.” She sent him a small smile before standing next to him at the bottom of the stairs.
“The Lady Y/N L/N, betrothed to Lord Shawn Peter Raul Mendes of the Mendes Manor.” Shawn gaped at Y/N as she walked down the stairs. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. Her hair was in tight curls, framing her face. Her red dress had cream coverings with a high neck. She was stunning. Except she wasn’t his.
He tried to keep a neutral face as he internally battled with himself to convince her to stay. To really marry him. Not just pretend to court him.
“Hello my dear. Shall we dance.”
And dance is what they did. Until their feet hurt, and the party was ending.
Y/N sighed as they bid farewell to their last guest. She held back tears as she got ready to part ways with Shawn. She didn’t know if she could do it.
“Excuse me for a moment, I have something for you before you leave. And it’s not just money.” Shawn whispered to her. He had written her a song sharing his feelings and he was hoping it would change her mind. But when he came down the stairs to sing it to her, she was already gone.
Y/N had waited for Shawn in the foyer of the Manor for his gift. She tried to hold it together, but a few tears were shed. Until she felt a sharp knife go against her neck and voice whisper in her ear, “You scream and you’re dead.” It was a male voice that she didn’t recognize, but it scared her enough not to act.
They put a bag over her head and escorted her out of the Manor and into a carriage. “You’re going to jail, and once you’re there, they’ll treat you like the rat that you are. How dare you lie to the town! How dare you steal Lord Mendes from my daughter! How dare you think that you are worthy of someone like him!
“Once he finds out that you’re not who you say you are…oh, he’ll have you hung you little bitch!” The man laughed maniacally, and Y/N couldn’t do anything, but sit there in her fear. She knew she would get caught, but Shawn’s captivating eyes had pulled her in, and she had to agree.
She wondered if Shawn would think anything of it. Maybe he thought that she left early. Maybe he thought she was already on her way out of town. Maybe she was just a pawn and the loving glances the two had shared was all fake. Maybe he had sold her out.
Shawn sat down on the couch in the foyer, his head in his hands. Maybe she had only been in it for the money. Maybe she never cared for him. She had been poor before him, so it was a logical explanation. Maybe he just imagined the connection between the two.
“Shawn, I’ve come to pick up your Lady,” Brian whispered into the room.
“You mean she got her own ride?! But that doesn’t make any sense because I gave the gold to you to give to her. Unless you already gave her the goal?!” Shawn started to panic. Something felt wrong about this situation. Deep down he knew Y/N wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.
“What?! I still have the gold. You’re telling me she left without getting paid?!”
Shawn shook his head. That was the only logical explanation he could think of. He looked at the floor and saw a piece of the dress she had worn that night, laying on the floor. He picked it up and examined it.
“She didn’t leave by choice. She was taken….” Shawn stared at Brian, wide eyed. “That means that they know she’s a fake. We must get to the courthouse, now!”
Y/N was escorted to the jail cell and harshly thrown in. The bag was taken off her head and she saw the guards scowling at her. “You whore! You think you can get away with lying?! I think not! You’ll be hung for your crimes!”
“But what about a fair trial?!”
The guard scoffed at her. “A fair trial?! You committed treason and you almost got away with it! There is no trial, you’ll be hung in the morning. Tonight, you’ll receive a punishment tonight. You’ll be fed after your punishment. Do you understand?” The man’s harsh gaze caused Y/N to suck in a deep breath.
“Good. Now put your hands behind your head.” She did as she was told. He walked into her jail cell and cuffed her.
Shawn felt like the carriage ride to the courthouse couldn’t have gone any slower. He was anxious. He knew that the punishment for treason was death, but he also knew they liked to torture their prisoners before then.
As soon as they arrived, he jumped out of the carriage and burst through the courthouse doors. “Where is she?!”
The jailer stared up from the book he was reading and eyed Shawn up and down. “Do you wish to see her punishment, Sir?”
Shawn shook his head ferociously. “Then I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.”
“No! She’s innocent, sir! I promise! I was the one that came up with the idea for her to pretend to be a Lady. This was all a stupid plan to get my mother and the whole town off my ass, but it became something bigger. So please, if you’re going to punish anyone, punish me.”
“I can’t do that. I have a man paying us very well for us to get the job done. So, unless you can top what he’s paying, she’s guilty.”
Shawn’s heart stopped. Who would want to do such a thing to beautiful, sweet Y/N? He almost threw up at the thought. “I’ll double whatever the amount is, just please!”
“Lord Mendes,” Shawn turned around to be met with Lucinda and her father. And then it all clicked. They were the ones who had taken Y/N captive
“You bastards!” He spat at them, before turning away. “Give me the damn key to her jail cell, now!”
The jailer looked behind Shawn towards Lord Essex. “Sir?”
“Don’t give him the key. I promise I can pay more money than him.”
Shawn shook his head. And then he heard screaming coming from the basement of the courthouse. He ran as fast as he could for the door to the cells, trying not to get caught by one of the guards. All he knew was that Y/N was in trouble and he wasn’t going to let her suffer.
“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!”
He heard more screaming followed by a “Shut up girl!” and a cracking sound. He shuddered at the thought of what they could be doing to her.
“You have no right to do this!” He shouted through the jail. “I…bought her from Lady Schreave so technically, you’re damaging my property. I won’t stand for it! I could have you arrested for doing this!”
Suddenly, the sounds of screaming stopped and there was only crying. He had finally reached the end of the hall where Y/N was lying in her cell. Blood dripping from a cut in her head, her eye was covered in a black and blue bruise that was starting to swell, and it looked like her arm had a long cut down it. Her beautiful dress was a torn mess.
The guards stood idly by. One holding a knife in their hand that was dripping with blood, the other holding a whip. Shawn couldn’t look at Y/N. The image of her made him want to kill someone!
“How dare you! How dare you harm an innocent woman! How dare you disrespect my property! I’m going to kill you for it!”
Shawn lunged at one of the guards, grabbing the wrist that held the knife in it. The two men fought (more like pushed and pulled against each other’s wrists) trying to regain dominance. The other guard stood there, too stunned to speak.
Y/N was in a daze from all the pain she had endured, but when she finally came to her senses, she spoke up. “Shawn don’t!” She croaked out.
He immediately stopped, hearing her sweet voice pulling him from the darkness that he had been submerged into. A tear fell from her cheek as he bent down next to her. Both guards retreated from the cell, seemingly scared of Shawn. This gave Y/N and Shawn a chance to have a private moment.
“Are you okay dear? I was so worried when you weren’t in the parlor. I thought you had left early, but then I found a piece of your dress on the floor and—,” he started to hyperventilate, recalling all the events that led to this moment. A sob wracked through his body.
“I’m so sorry. I should be the one comforting you,” he cried some more, and Y/N brushed a few of his tears away.
“I’m okay, I promise. Thank you for coming after me. I was so worried that no one would stop them. I…I know I lied to everyone so I’m not completely innocent, but I didn’t think I deserved death.”
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I had no idea that people were after you. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this whole situation. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“But it’s not,” she whispered. He pulled away from her and furrowed his eyebrows. “Nothing will ever be okay if I don’t get to see your smile every day.”
He leaned in quickly and brushed his lips against hers, not caring what anyone thought. The Lord with the Common Lady. He had never felt more comfort or belonging in his life.
“I love you. I’m not ready to give you up any time soon. I’ve practically been courting you for a month and a half. Our wedding’s schedule in three weeks’ time. If you still want to go through with it after everything, I would love to be wed to you.”
Y/N was too stunned to speak. She had thought her feelings were one-sided. She hugged him tightly but cringed when she felt the bruises on her arms being crushed. She pulled back just as quickly. “Nothing would make me happier.”
A/N: I really thought this was going places, but I hated the ending. Anyways, like and comment feedback, thanks. Love you all!
Taglist: @mendesblurb @truthfulteenager
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shawnmendesbuddy · 2 years
Snowed In (Day 7 of 12 Days of Christmas Series)
Summary: Y/N and Shawn get into a fight and are stuck with each other. Shawn asks Y/N something that will change their life.
Warnings: Angst, swearing
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Day 7
🌨Snowed In
Drew: Hey Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, and I would love to get back in touch. I have some things I need to say to you. ;)
Shawn watched as Y/N’s phone blew up on his nightstand. They had been cuddling in his bed for the past hour, watching Home Alone. Y/N had said she had to go to the bathroom and left her phone on his nightstand. The light and sound coming from it was annoying him, so he picked up her phone to turn it to silent mode, until he saw the person who was texting her.
The name didn’t ring any bells. She hadn’t mentioned a friend named Drew. His eyes scanned over the text that Drew sent to her. He clenched his jaw. Who was this guy and why did he want to meet up with his girlfriend?
He heard the bathroom door opening and was hastily trying to set her phone back down on his nightstand. He didn’t want to be caught snooping, but it was too late. “Why do you have my phone?” Y/N stared at him suspiciously, one eyebrow raised, before walking towards the bed.
“I…it was blowing up with texts, so I was trying to turn it onto silent mode,” he quickly blubbered out. It wasn’t a lie, so he didn’t necessarily feel guilty about it.
“Okay, should we get back to watching the movie?” Shawn nodded his head and lifted the blanket for Y/N to crawl under. Insecurity started to seep into his bones. He knew Y/N was a gorgeous woman, the most beautiful one he had ever seen. And he knew she was desirable, but what if Drew was some amazing guy that she liked better than Shawn? Then what? Would he have to watch her leave him for another man?
Y/N kept texting someone on her phone with a small smile on her face, and Shawn couldn’t help but think that it was this Drew guy. He shook it off, not wanting to come off as the jealous boyfriend, and turned his head back to the screen.
But after twenty minutes of that, Shawn paused the movie and looked right at his girlfriend. “Who are you texting?”
Her face paled, “No one.” Truthfully, Y/N had already taken care of her business with Drew. She sent him a simple text telling him she had already got a boyfriend and she was not interested in getting back together with him. He was a past boyfriend of hers that she could never seem to get over until Shawn.
The real person she was texting was Karen to ask her if Shawn would like the Christmas present, she bought him. Karen responded with a bunch of things, but she also asked Y/N what she thought she should get him for Christmas. Y/N was giving Karen some suggestions when Shawn had asked her the dreadful question.
Shawn sent her a look. “Really, no one? Cause I can clearly see your thumbs typing away on your screen.”
Y/N sighed, “You don’t have to be so nosy, don’t worry about it.”
But that only alerted Shawn more. How could he not worry about her texting another guy? “Umm, I’m worried because I saw that a guy named Drew was texting you earlier.”
Y/N’s eyes went wide as she stared at Shawn. “Were you snooping on my phone?!” The utter disbelief in her voice caused Shawn to shrink. He hadn’t been “snooping” per se, more like he saw who was texting her and was curious.
“I wasn’t snooping. I…who is he?”
Y/N shook her head at him and stood from the bed. “Un-freaking-believable! Wow! I…I thought I could trust you! I thought you trusted me!” He could feel the anger radiating off her and it scared him. Y/N and him had not gotten into a fight yet and he was worried this would be their first. He was even more worried that she might break up with him because of it. He knew how important trust was to her in a relationship. It was just as important to him to, but he wasn’t trying to look at her texts, it just sort of happened.
“No, baby, please,” Y/N had run out of the room and was now by Shawn’s front door. He had chased after her and was blocking her from leaving. “I promise, it isn’t what you think it is. I wasn’t trying to dig around, I promise. I trust you with my life Y/N.”
“Do you?! Because if you did, you wouldn’t have questioned me about who I was texting1 Now please, move out of the way.”
Shawn stood his ground; a pleading look in his eyes. “Baby, it’s snowing. At least stay the night.”
She shook her head at him. “To hell with the storm, I just can’t be around you right now. If you love me, you will let me leave.”
Shawn’s heart broke. He battled with the idea of letting his upset girlfriend drive alone on the icy roads by herself, or if he shouldn’t let her leave and risk losing his relationship with her. “Just…please…drive safe. And text me when you get back to your place.” He sent her one last longing look as she walked out of his apartment. He fell apart on the floor, sliding down against the door.
Y/N drove slowly down the icy roads, regretting her decision to leave Shawn’s house. What if she was overreacting? What if he really did have a logical explanation for being so protective over her. She felt a few tears slide down her cheek as she pulled into her driveway.
She shot a quick to Karen (she was too mad at Shawn to send one to him).
Y/N: Hey Karen! Shawn’s not replying to my text. Do you think you could call or text him and tell him I got home safe? Thanks!
She had lied to Karen about Shawn, but what else was she going to do? Tell her boyfriend’s mom that they were fighting?
And then she started thinking. Shawn would never betray her trust like that. He loved her; he probably wasn’t trying to snoop around on her phone. And let’s be honest, if she saw his phone blowing up with texts and there was a girl texting him, she would be worried. Especially if afterwards, he continued to text on his phone for the next twenty minutes.
She felt herself starting to cry and she quickly picked up her phone, calling her mom. “Hey, honey. Is everything okay?”
“No, I think that I ruined the best thing I ever had.”
It had been an hour since Y/N had left his house and Shawn had grown anxious. He decided to drive to her house to see if she had made it there okay. He was hoping she had made it back, but if she hadn’t, he hoped to see her car on the side of the road so he could help her. Shawn’s windshield wipers wiped vigorously across the window. He was worried. Y/N hadn’t texted him back and he felt horrible about the way she left his house. He hadn’t even told her he loved her. He drove as fast as he could in the given conditions to her, calling his mom in a panic.
“Mom, I need help! Y/N left my house, and she hasn’t texted me since! What if something happened to her?! Mom I couldn’t live with myself if she got hurt because of something stupid that I did!”
“Shh, Shawn calm down. Y/N texted me and said she was fine. She said you weren’t responding to her texts, what happened?”
“I…really messed up. We got into a fight because, well, someone named Drew was texting her and I got worried. She kept texting someone and was being super secretive about it. I wasn’t trying to come off as possessive, believe me, but-”
“Shawn, I think that if Drew was a big deal in her life, she would’ve told you about him. As for who she was texting all night, it was me. We were discussing things to get you for Christmas. She probably was being evasive because she didn’t want you to find out.”
He felt his heart drop. He was such an idiot. He had reached Y/N’s house by now, and there was at least a foot of snow on her driveway. He didn’t dare pull his car in, opting to leave it on the street.
“I got to go, I’m at her house right now. But gosh, I feel like such an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot because of what you did, but you are an idiot for driving to her house in the middle of a blizzard! I’m not going to lecture you about it right now, but you know better than that! Now I love you, go get your girl back.”
He knocked on her door a solid few times before he heard the light padding of her feet. He had never felt more relieved when he saw her on the other side of the door frame. She seemed to have felt the same way because as soon as she saw Shawn, she pulled him into a tight hug.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have left like that! I can’t believe you’re here! Holy cow! Why did you come?! That’s so dangerous, you idiot!”
Shawn chuckled a little and inhaled her scent. “I’m here to explain everything. I felt horrible about the way I let you just walk out of there. I love you and I need to tell you a few things.”
“Then by all means, let’s get you out of the freezing cold.” She pulled him inside and sat him down on her couch, sitting a good distance away from him, which to be frankly honest, hurt Shawn’s feelings.
“I…your phone was blowing up when you went to the bathroom, so I went to turn it off. But then I saw a text from a guy named Drew and it seemed flirtatious and it freaked me out. Because I’m insecure, I’m stupid, and I’m so worried about losing you that I drove you away.”
“You didn’t drive me away. And Drew is just a friend. We used to have something, but now I have you. And by the way, you are like infinitely better than him in every department. He was kind of an airhead. Plus, I thought about the situation, and I probably would’ve freaked out the same way.”
Shawn chuckled. “Well, I hope that means you can forgive me.”
“Shawn, of course I can. But I think you might have to stay the night because there is no way I am letting you back on those roads. I can’t believe you risked driving to my house!” She hit him on the chest, and he grabbed her hand, kissing her knuckles.
“Well, I’ve been wanting to ask you something and I think if you say no, it’s going to be a really long night.” He awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
“Well, that’s alright, as long as you’re safe, I don’t care how awkward the night gets.”
His face heated up and he couldn’t make eye contact with her. “I’ve been thinking…and well…I mean, you have so many clothes at my place, like half your closet,” she chuckled and kissed him on the cheek, “And you also have like…your toothbrush, your shampoo, your hair stuff, and like basically everything that you have here, over there. So maybe, and this is only if you want to, no pressure at all, would you like to move in with me?” He tightly closed his eyes as he said the words.
There was a beat of silence…two…three. “Shawn, this could be a really big step in our relationship. I…wow! Okay, just give me a second to process that.”
He held her hands in his as he watched her face inherit a giant grin all for him. “Yes! Okay, we could definitely do that!” And then she started laughing really hard—like hard, loud, barking laughs—and Shawn joined in. They couldn’t help it. Twenty minutes ago, they had been in a huge fight, but now, they felt closer than ever to each other.
She hugged Shawn tightly and he kissed the top of her head. “So…since we’re going to be stuck here for a while, what do you say we start packing?”
Shawn’s eyes lit up as she smiled up at him. “There’s nothing more in the world that I would want to do with you.”
A/N: I thought I would add some angst to this one since they all have been super fluffy. I really enjoyed writing this and I think it is the longest one so far. Please leave feedback for me and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, message me about them! Thanks, I love you guys so much!
Taglist: @mendesblurb
Message me if you want to be added to my taglist, thanks.
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