#merrick x hesh
yooo-lets-go · 1 year
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Keegan, the man, the legend
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
it IS funny to me that we collectively decided keegan is THE meanest, most fuckable, most viscera-soaked dirt-caked bitch in cod ghosts. and while i do agree, keegs is absolutely not the main character of his own game (it's hesh, with silent player character logan and keegan's boss merrick as secondary protags) and even fucking tvtopes roasts keegan's ass for having zero ascertainable personality:
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keegan exists because the devs realized they couldn't show the first-person player character assassinating people from the shadows, but they could still serve us some good fucking food by handing a knife and night vision goggles to the scrunkliest freak on the recon team.
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 1 month
Ghost boys w/ a chubby s/o:
A/N: to the anon who wanted fluff and cuddling, this is fluff but it is also nsfw so I will eventually make a pure fluff cuddle piece!
Warnings: ❗️NSFW BELOW THE CUT❗️
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My man don’t discriminate.
“They’re called love handles for a reason babe!”
He’s the sweetest, he will praise you up and down and will kiss you all over.
God forbid you ever talk down on yourself, this man is ready to defend you from yourself with his entire being.
He loveessss to cuddle with you, he loves the warmth you give off and he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and squeeze your belly gently.
He has the softest touches, and he would literally break jaws if anyone ever spoke negatively about your body.
Best bf™️
His favorite place to finish during the nasty is on your belly, and he’ll rub it around afterwards with his cock.
He’s similar to his brother, he loves the warmth you give off and he loves to give you little squeezes as he walks by you in the kitchen.
Again, he loves to cuddle with you.
He’ll lay in between your legs and wrap his arms around your torso, kissing and nuzzling into your neck.
He’s the master of making you feel self confident, he’s your #1 hype man.
He lives for gripping your thighs as he has your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks you.
Loved and worshiped is an understatement.
This man loves your curves, and he particularly loves the way you look in form fitting clothing.
He WILL slap your ass while you’re doing any activity.
Yoga? Cooking? Bending over to pick something up? All free game for him.
If you’re ever insecure about the way you look he’ll grab you by your hips and pull you against him, whispering in your ear about how gorgeous you look and tilting your chin up so you can look at yourself In the mirror as he whispers praises to you.
This man will hold you against the wall as he fucks you, shushing your cries every time you whine about being too heavy for him.
Kick loves your curves, he thinks you look like a goddess.
No, like a literal goddess. He thinks you look like a renaissance oil painting.
Kick is very good at photography, and when you mentioned how you had never had any photos taken because you felt too insecure for it, he jumped at the opportunity.
He took gorgeous photos for you, and some ventured into some…suggestive, territory.
He made sure you knew you were gorgeous and held you close to him as he kept one arm wrapped around your waist and the other on the back of your head.
He loves to sit up against a wall as you ride him, both hands gripping your waist as you bounce on his cock with your tits in his face (tits man all the way).
This man is a chubby chaser through and through.
He has a few stretch marks of his own since he’s a big and tall dude, so he knows how you might feel about your own and he does his best to make you feel loved.
He loves to kiss you everywhere and loves to make you sit on his lap.
“But what if I crush y-“ “shut up.”
He’s actually a very good cook, and he always gently encourages you to eat when you’re feeling guilty about your weight because he wants to make sure you aren’t neglecting your body’s needs.
He will fuck you while you’re both laying on your sides, slowly pumping in and out as he growls in your ear.
You always worry your larger hips was what prevented you from doing that position, but it turns out you were just with the wrong men.
“Can’t ride without the right equipment sweetheart..”
Taglist: @blacktacmopsi @keegansshark @forsworned @milkteaarttime
Hope ya’ll enjoyed :) inbox is open!
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luboy7rt · 3 months
How I Think Team GHOSTS Characters Might Hug (GN- Headcanons)
(Please remember, these are only my headcanons of how I think these characters would hug) (Mostly platonic, can be seen as romantic)
Elias Walker 
- Elias has a dad hug, his arms would tightly wrap around your sides and he would lean back so you could put all your weight onto him.
- Safest man to hug, he wouldn't judge if you cling onto him or half-ass the hug.
- Elias's hugs are firm, and he would gently rub the back of your head, back, or neck during a hug.
- One of his forearms would be on your back while his other arm is firmly hooked under your shoulder so his hand could rest on the back of it.
- Elias would gently squeeze when hugging you, like he would to his two sons, he would hug your head gently and if you are close he would kiss the top of your head.
- He would gently knead between your shoulder blades as he would ask about your day, and if you wanted silence? That would be just fine with Elias.
- If you express you want the hug to be a certain way, he would be willing to hug you how you want to be hugged. 
- Elias is quite warm and wouldn't mind sharing the warmth
- He would chuckle if you ask for a hug and open his arms for you.
- He's an amazing comfort person, always willing to listen and give good advice, and he would hug you while doing it, offering physical comfort and soft words.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker 
- Hesh's hugs are quite firm, and tight, quite like his father. Hesh has gotten used to the way Elias has treated him through his whole life and has subconsciously adapted to have Elias’s traits. 
- Hesh would rub your back as you both hug, like a weighted blanket he would practically squeeze you very tightly.
- If You two don't know each other well, he would give a firm side hug, it wouldn't be awkward but it wouldn't be that comfortable either, he would be polite about it though.
- Hesh would wrap his arms around your waist or shoulders, and pull you close to his side or chest and hug you tightly, patting the back of your head or shoulders a handful of times.
- Hesh would squeeze you a few times before letting go of the hug.
- Hesh would accidentally dig his chin into your head or shoulder, trying to find the perfect spot to half bury his face into it.
- He is also quite warm like his father, willing to share it if you ask, he would tease you but would give in and give you a side hug and pull you into his side.
- He would tell a few jokes during the hug, just to hear your laughter, will snort or snicker at all his own jokes.
Logan Walker 
- Logan is a bit of an awkward hugger, he isn't the best at it, but tries to mimic the way Hesh hugs people. 
- Logan's hugs are quite tight, gently rubbing the back of your head or neck gently as he closes his eyes to simply relax into the hug.
-  If you don't know each other well, you will get an awkward side hug, he would shuffle his feet a bit to avoid stepping on yours as he leaned in for a split second before letting go and patting your shoulder.
- Logan would let out a quiet sigh of content if you both have a close relationship, he would rest his jaw on the top of your head or shoulder as he would simply relax for the first time in a long time.
- Logan tends to mimic the way Hesh hugs people, over the years Logan had only really hugged Hesh and Elias, so he picked up the way they both hug.
- Logan's hold is tight and protective, his hold makes people feel quite safe, and he might accidentally squeeze too hard.
- He isn't the type of guy to make the first move, he would wait until you go up to him, if you hug him first, he wouldn't fight it, he would simply return the hug.
- Logan would gently pick at your sleeve, rubbing the fabric between his fingers.
- He likes to hug you from behind, especially when you don't notice him at first, he'd dig his chin into your shoulder and chuckle quietly if he scares you.
- Unlike his father and brother, he is actually quite cold, he usually has to lean into Hesh's side for warmth whenever he got to cold. If you are warm, the hugs will be fine, but if you are cold? You both are practically shivering together in a hug.
Keegan Russ 
- Keegan gives a decent firm hug, he wouldn't give them out often, but he would hold the back of your neck and hold you close so your head would be buried into his shoulder or resting on top of it.
- He wouldn't utter a word during the hug, he just pulls in close for a quick bit then pulls away.
- He would hide his face into the top of your head or bury his face into the side of your neck during the hug.
- If you don't know each other well, he sets a bit annoyed with hugs, will push you away.
- He would also hug you from behind if he just wants a hug. Where he would rest his elbows on the top of your shoulders and hold his own wrist and boredly stand there. If you question him, no you don't, he would flick your forehead and walk off and not give you an answer.
- Always quick hugs, he doesn't hug anyone for long.
- Semi-Aggressive shoulder pats once the hug is over, then he would just walk off like nothing even happened.
- He isn't cold or hot, he has a good warm temperature, he's practically perfect to hug.
- He is a bear hugger, tight hugs, he wouldn't give you much of a choice on the hug.
- Merrick expresses his emotions through physical touch, he isn't one to speak his mind on something he likes.
- He pats you alot. Shoulder pats, head pats, backpats.
- If you aren't that close, he would give you a side hug, patting your shoulder as he would give a quick hug before walking off.
- If you are close, his hugs suddenly get tighter and closer, gently holding the back of your head or your back to allow himself to embrace you close.
- His feet would be planted on either side of yours as held you, letting out a sigh of content.
- After missions he would go in for a handshake then pull you into a hug then pull away after a bit.. and just walk off to go take a sleep.
- He is to hot, his temperature is abnormally hot, you will be sweating if you hug him to long.
- Kick would wrap his arms around your torso, or rest his hands on your hips as he would mutter out a few incoherent tried words as he would lean his cheek to rest on top of your head or shoulder.. he would hold your hand while hugging you.
- Kick would grab your hand and put It behind your own back so he could leave his hand on your back but also be able to hold your hand.
- His gloved thumb would gently rub over your knuckles as he would try to relax into the hug.
- A good hugger, as he would slump a bit of his weight onto you
- He would pat your hand before letting go.
- He is quite cold, and if he ever removes his gloves, he would startle you with how cold he is, he would appreciate if you warmed him up.
Riley (yes, the dog) 
- Good boy, would lay by your feet when You are sat around him or would stand between your feet looking out for any threat.
- If You allow it, he would jump on you for a hug, he would bark and huff for pets when not working.
- He usually is right by Hesh's side on missions but when back at HQ, Riley will run around the base looking for you so you two could cuddle or maybe he's using you for free pets and attention, who knows.
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mrshesh · 10 months
hi! do you have any general hcs for the cod:ghosts boys?
general headcanons - call of duty: ghost's
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overview: general headcanons of the call of duty: ghost's boys!
pairing: none!
genre: fluff, pure tomfoolery
a/n: hi anon! i'm thrilled i finally got a request for these boys. i love them so much, it's getting a bit unhealthy. you're truly the best for requesting them! i hope you love it!
x logan walker
He sucks at puzzles. He’s smart and tactical, but puzzles are on another level of difficulty for him. 
He likes doodling a lot. If he has a pen and a surface to draw on, he will sketch a small smiley or a caterpillar. It has become such a habit that he doesn’t even think about it when he does it. It got so bad that once, Keegan called him out on it mid-doodle, leaving Logan embarrassed for a week. 
He loves the ocean, but beaches annoy him. He hates sand. (I firmly believe his hate for them is from Hesh throwing sand in his face as children.)
He has a picture of him and Hesh as kids in his wallet. He feels calmer when he looks at it, getting into the habit of peeking at it when stressed. 
He’s an avid Deftones enjoyer. He loves Beware and Diamond Eyes. 
He likes caramel-scented things, but he doesn’t like the taste of it. 
He has some insane dirt on Elias, and, of course, Hesh knows all of it. 
For some odd reason, he’s phenomenal at parallel parking. 
x david "hesh" walker
He loves movies. He can watch any genre! Horror? Great! Action? Love. Romance? Cute! Comedy? Perfect! He loves it all. Shows, however? Nope. 
He takes pride in his nails being clipped and filed at all times. He was a nailbiter in his teens, so he cares about his nails more than he should today. 
He can’t cook to save his life. 
Eminem is his go-to artist. He loves and respects many artists, but Eminem will always be at the top of his list. He loves Stan. 
He’s respectful in general.
He’s extremely secure and confident, yet he’s still pretty nervous when he talks to girls. 
He loves long car rides. Driving around in his car while listening to his favorite songs brings out a unique joy in him. 
He, unlike Logan, loves beaches! (He wasn’t the one who got sand thrown on him, so he’s thriving.) 
He hates coriander. 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
Unlike his son, Elias is great at puzzles! He’s disappointed Logan didn’t inherit that quality. He mourns it every day. 
He loves pickles. (Same.)
He manipulated himself into liking beer many years ago. 
People call him DILF all the time. It has happened too many times to count. He finds it funny, while Hesh and Logan are horrified every time. 
He doesn’t know how to put on chapstick. He puts it between his lips and swipes it back and forth, not on his lips. 
He got so much action when he was a teenager/young adult. He tells Logan and Hesh to “live a little” so they can experience that life, too. 
He doesn’t listen to music often, but when he does, he listens to either Korn or Chris Isaak. 
He adores Riley, sometimes stealing him from Hesh without warning. 
x keegan russ
He secretly enjoys ASMR. It helps him unwind and de-stress, but not sleep, surprisingly.
He’s excellent at the game Mafia. 
He has made way too many people giggle excitedly because of his voice. He finds it amusing but disturbing at the same time. He knows it’s attractive, but that many people? He has even made Elias giggle like a schoolgirl because of his vocal folds. 
Keegan strikes me as a Slipknot fan. He finds Killpop and Vermillion to be sexy. 
He loves grocery shopping. 
He talks to himself a lot. He’s antisocial and quiet around others, but when Keegan’s alone, he keeps having full-on conversations with himself. Merrick caught him doing it once - he never brought it up again. 
He enjoys lasagna a bit too much. 
He had a motorcycle phase as a young adult. It got so bad he learned how to do a wheelie on them, but his love for them has died down in the many years he’s been alive. 
He thinks wine is gross. 
x thomas merrick
He cannot stand bananas. Everything about them makes him gag. 
He gets such a rise out of being a bitch. He’s already annoying by default but strives to be even more insufferable for the fuck of it.
He, Alex, and Keegan smoke while being sentimental together at least once a month. (It’s always with Keegan and Alex - Elias, David, and Logan get left out.) 
He listens to underground metal like Sold Soul, and he thinks it makes him superior to everyone else. (And he gatekeeps it.)
He’s immune to pretty much all physical pain except for waxing. It’s enough to make him cry. 
He loved trains as a child.
His comfort song is Toxicity by System Of A Down. 
His appetite is insane. This man can eat a horse and still be hungry by the end of it. 
His calves are huge for some reason. 
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lovefromlaura · 15 days
Get every Hesh Walker fan here and you could make a groupchat
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writingwarden · 7 months
Hiiiiiii!! Logan's been taking over my brain alot lately.
I was thinking what if reader is the one to save him from Rorke?
[A/N]- YEP. Took this one and R A N across the field with it. Enjoy!
Logan Walker x Reader
Cracks in the Glass
TW- being stabbed, torture, physically fighting to blow off steam, blood, minor and Major character death (not Reader or Walker brothers), Canon typical violence, revenge, verbal fighting, let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count- 6.5k
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Sand and blood cake onto any uncovered skin it can reach. A series of explosions rouses you from your sleep, pain blooming from your lower abdomen. From the ground where you lay flat on your stomach, gear digging uncomfortably into your skin, you raise your head enough to see through blurred eyes three figures. Two sitting against a rock and one walking towards where they sat.
Where were you?
Oh fuck right, Rorke. Checkmate. Hesh and Logan!
Slowly and painfully you force your limbs to move, crawling to the figures who were sitting down. A coughing fit wrecks through your body, blood splattering the sand beneath you. What the fuck? Dragging your body up onto its knees, arms barely holding the weight. A slow glance down reveals a deep stab wound, the knife still embedded in your body, right above the hip bone. Muscle and skin shredded from the serrated blade Rorke had plunged into you in the struggle that had occurred after he shot Hesh and tried to go after Logan.
Blood congealed with the sand, hardening into a crude sludge around the blade, at least you wouldn’t bleed out as fast. Another yell rings out from in front of you.
“Cobra!” Hesh’s voice reaches your ears. Looking up, Hesh was trying to sit up further against the rock, the gunshot wound preventing him from running to you or Logan. The third figure was getting closer. The closer they got, the more pronounced their limp was. Was that… fuck!
Pointing past Hesh to where Logan lay sprawled on the sand, “Hesh look!” you call out. Hesh looks over just in time to see Rorke knock the knife out of Logan’s hand, his boot pinning the other man’s arm into the sand. Hesh makes a frantic scurry to get Rorke off of Logan, but Rorke kicks him away.
More explosions shake the ground. You can see Rorke’s mouth moving, see him getting in Logan’s face. Another surge of adrenaline courses through your veins. With the last of your energy, you pull the knife from your stomach. Arms shaking and vision blurring once again, you throw the knife, Logan's name escaping your mouth. There was just enough force in the throw to graze Rorke’s arm, he stops talking and whips his head around to stare directly into your eyes. You swear there was amusement written across his features as he stands and begins shuffling towards you.
“Well would you look at that! The snake still has fangs!” He stands over you, “You may be as promising one day as Logan.” The sing-song tone when he says Logan's name makes your blood run cold. You wish you had a gun or anything to wound the monster in front of you. But you wouldn’t get the chance, a heavy kick to your stomach has you falling back down, screams ripping from your throat. Laughter from above you as your vision clouds with black spots. You knew you were going to pass out.
Words were being spoken to you but they were hard to make out over the pounding in your head. “...ever again, Cobra.” Another kick and your consciousness fades away, the sounds of Hesh screaming for his brother the last thing you hear.
– — —-
You were met with a screaming match as you entered the war room.
It has been a week since Logan was taken and you and Hesh had been rescued from the beach. This was the first time out of the medical wing since then. They had been forced to lock both of you in a private hospital room with guards posted outside of the door. You had fought the nurses as they tried to help you, your mind having not been in the right state. All you knew was that your Logan had been taken by the very man that was supposed to have died on that train. They had been forced to sedate you before they could help fix the various injuries you had acquired in your adrenaline fueled revenge.
The nurse told you the extent of your injuries after you had calmed down. The grand total was two broken ribs, the stab wound, and a concussion. She had said how lucky you were to have only gotten those injuries multiple times, but you sure as hell didn’t feel lucky.
Coming back into the land of the living you had been surprised to see Hesh in the same room. What was even more of a surprise was that you had both been handcuffed to your beds! Soon you learned they had to do almost the same thing to contain him. Except this time Merrick had to tackle him back onto the stretcher, while you only required being held down.
Man, had Merrick and Keegan ripped you both a new one. For your reckless actions to your fighting the nurses. Every conversation since had everyone either walking on eggshells or ready to tear each other apart.
He had tried to leave right after that but had been stopped by the two soldiers that had been tasked with being your “guards”. All they did was stand in front of the door and occasionally helped the nurses.
Hesh was the more defiant of you two. He wouldn’t settle, the only thought on his mind was once again Rorke and rescuing his brother. Finding Rorke, Killing Rorke, Burning Rorke’s body after dumping an entire magazine into the body, never letting Logan out of either of your sights. He was restless. They eventually had to cuff him again to the bed to stop him from aggravating his gunshot wound further, you were behaving enough that they didn’t feel you needed to join him in his “imprisonment”.
“It’s bullshit, Cobra.” He kept saying. Loathing the fact they weren’t letting either of you out, “We should be out there looking for him!” or “We’ll get him back.” Words spit with venom and promise. The terms bull-headed and impulsive were thrown back at him several times.
Your own anger had been barely contained. You shoved it into a glass box, not hiding it or burying it, but putting it on display. Crystal clear glass revealing the hatred inside of it like an art museum would display a delicate artefact. You knew that one of you had to appear level headed or they would never let you out to search for him. They would deem you both unstable and unfit for any further duty. And you couldn’t have that; Not yet. After you had rescued Logan and ensured his safety, they could all go to hell for any matter. But only after you healed and Logan was safe with you and Hesh.
And reality was that neither of you were in any shape to fight. While medical technology had improved drastically, there was only so much they could do for a stab wound and gunshot. And Merrick had told you they were doing their best to find him with the extremely limited information they had. The federation had been scattered in the wind after the last attack. Information had become even less reliable than before.
Hesh had picked the locks on his handcuffs if the bent paper clip and missing man were anything to go off of when you woke up from your nap.
Which was what brought you limping to the doorway of the war room.
“We need to be out there and looking for him!” Hesh was standing, a crutch supporting him, in front of Merrick, who looked ready to explode.
Merrick clenched his fist where it sat against the table full of maps and files. The radio in the middle of the table, quiet but full of chatter. Location markers and notes had been scribbled all over. Keegan sat at the table, typing furiously at the tablet in his hands. They both looked like you felt.
Looking around the rest of the room you saw that Kick was nowhere to be found. But that was not uncommon, he really liked his solitude. He was probably on the other side of the base.
Looking back over at Keegan, you found him staring at you. Shooting a questioning look at him, hoping to get some answer out of him. His response is an exasperated look and a shrug of the shoulders. Well, that’s always a good sign, You thought frustratedly.
The arguing continued as you walked further into the room, finally standing opposite of the two who remained going back and forth and had yet to notice you. Keegan clears his throat pointedly and they look over, meeting your gaze. Taking advantage of the moment you began, “Care to explain?” You already knew what Hesh was trying to accomplish and you knew exactly what Merrick was trying to reason. You know that both sides had their points, guess it's time to be the mediator. But you knew Hesh was always stubborn, usually to the point that it always ended with a punch being thrown. Which it might. From where you stand, that is what it looks like.
Hesh has a pleading look in his eye as he turns to you, “Cobra you gotta help, we need to be out there! Looking for him!”
Looking from him to Merrick, you motion for him to say his part, “What do you got?”
Merrick sighs loudly; clearly annoyed, “We have a possible lead on one of the Federation colonels who might know where Rorke is hiding. But we don’t know for sure and we can’t just rush in half-cocked!” He shoots a glaring look at Hesh. “We need more time.”
Hesh throws his free hand up, “We don’t have more time to waste!” He opens his mouth to say more when Merrick holds in hand up in a way that told you there would be no room for arguing anymore.
“We have people on the ground, searching,” he says slowly but firmly, like he is trying to drive to point in with a hammer (and you two are the nails), “You two are in no condition to be back in the field.” Hesh moves like he is about to interrupt but Merrick fixes him with a stare. You can see a decision being made behind his eyes. “With your injuries, if we do find him before you are healed you could pose a hindrance to the operation and very well get Logan killed and let Rorke get away. Again.”
Silence overtakes the room. A deathly silence, one only used when mourning the dead or for prayer before the final strike. The radio had faded into nothing behind the previously reigned in rage that was suffocating you. Cracks were forming in the glass, that feral and primal anger rearing its ugly head, bashing it into the material holding it captive.
You know he’s right, this is the rational and secure way to do things. But if you were any more of a suicidal person, you’d be bashing his skull into the edge of the table. Small tremors shake your body where you stand and your fists clench. He was right and you were still acting irrationally. So why did you itch to bury one of your knives into his throat?
In the corner of your eye you see Keegan moving slowly, the tablet on the table and his hand ready to grab the gun from his hip. You needed to defuse this before Hesh gets you both thrown into jail, if the way his shoulders were tensing and his fist was clenching were anything to go off of.
“Hesh… Merrick’s right.” The look Hesh shot in your direction, you could have sworn you had just personally stabbed him. Ignoring the look of betrayal you take a shaky breath in, “We need to be fully functional for any of this to go right. Rorke will get his, but do you think Logan would want us to be killed trying to find him because we wouldn’t listen to orders?” A low blow to bring up Logan in that way again, but hey, when they go low, you grab a shovel and dig a hole in hell.
A moment passes, Hesh now looks like he wants to hit you instead. Let him feel angry at me. You think to yourself, you two could deal with this later. Hell, maybe even brawl to settle it out like old times. The air remains tense but Keegan sits back down, just as carefully as he had stood.
You stare ahead at Merrick as Hesh shoulders forcefully past you and out of the room. You take the shove with grace, not bothering to look back or follow him. You knew exactly where he would be going anyways. Let him have time to cool down before you approach him again.
You stand there staring ahead as Merrick sits down in the chair next to him. He rubs both hands over his face before addressing you, “Need something, Cobra?”
You hesitate before speaking, trying to find the right questions. “What do we have so far?” is what you settle on. Keegan slides the tablet over to you. The screen shows a list of names and locations. Federation higher ups and high value targets that should be in disarray now. You place the tablet on the table and begin to look over the maps. A talent of yours that made you a great interrogator was your empathy. “If I was a homicidal, revenge led Ghost killer, where would I brainwash the youngest kid of my ex brother-in-arms?” You wonder out loud, missing the weird glance the two men shared. “Somewhere remote,” you think about the habits and patterns Rorke showed, “Somewhere sedimental. I’d want it to bring back memories of betrayal.”
– — —-
The knife split the man's throat open like a hot knife through butter. He had finally given you Rorke's exact location and a pure feral feeling was coursing through your blood. Finally after two months of your Logan being gone, did you have a location.
After being cleared for light work (aka being back in the killing field) after the fight, you had set your heart and soul on gathering information and taking out several high ranking Federation soldiers. Each had crack eventually under your carefully sharpened knives. Interrogation had been a skill that had come naturally to you. It was an art, one that you had perfected quickly.
It was the skill that had landed you a spot on Ghost Team. Elias had chosen you along with the brothers. He cited your skills and bond you had from a childhood growing up with the brothers as his reason for bringing you along. He claimed you kept them levelled and that the damn near telepathic bond you had with Logan made you valuable on Ops. Which was true; your parents had been close friends of Elias, which made you best friends with the Walker boys by default.
Hesh was the most outgoing of the trio. Always talking to new people and preferring to hang out at the more crowded skate parks. He’d drag you and Logan everywhere and who were you two to deny him? He was a guardian to you until you had physically outgrown him by becoming a full two inches taller than him. Something he still had yet to “forgive” you for.
But it was Logan that you had really clicked with. The boy was of very few words; a selective mute. But that did not hinder your ability to communicate, a mix of sign language and your own secret nonverbal language. Which mainly consisted of micro expressions and body language. You two could hold an entire conversation with just your eyes. It had always confused the hell out of the rest of your squads.
And so what if you had come to have feelings for the youngest Walker? It feels as natural as an ocean wave crashing onto a sandy beach. You had planned on never telling him, or hell, maybe you would have in due time. But now that he had been taken before you could confess, you were damned sure that the moment he was safe and healing was the moment you’d tell him. You would get to tell him, damn it all, even if you had to drag his ass back into the land of the living with your bare hands.
A hand on your shoulder pulled you back into the present. “Cobra, we need to get going.” Hesh said quietly. Suddenly aware that you had been staring holes into the dead body you shrug his hand off your shoulder and turn on your heel. You two still haven’t talked, instead opting to push yourselves further into training, into becoming stronger. He threw himself and sometimes Riley into working out. Often you would find him running the track in the middle of the night. Some nights you’d join him. Others you’d slink off into the range. Forcing yourself to become better with both gun and knife. The conversation had yet to be had and it was eroding at the years of being a perfect pair- trio. There were three of you and you’d be dead before you’d let that change.
Shaking those thoughts from your head, you look up to see the rest of the team waiting for you by the doors of the old house you had dragged the Federation soldier into.
Looking to where Merrick stood, his stance told you he expected you to say something. “So I was right. You know for such a violent brainwashed bastard he sure is sedimental.”
You had been right in your guess. He would hold Logan at the old jungle compound where the Federation had broken Rorke and twisted him into their own personal ghost hunter. But that place had been raided and every one of the enemy personnel had either been killed or thrown into prison. As far as anyone knew, it was abandoned. It was too little of a possible reward to venture that far into the jungle. Oh what fools you were to hope otherwise.
A groan and nod were Merrick’s answer. I was really hoping you weren't.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “I mean, they torched the place after. I can’t imagine much of it still stands. Son of a bitch.”
“Yeah…” You let the implications of everything you had just learned sink in. Eyes meet with Hesh’s, no words are spoken but an agreement is made. That barely closed glass box of rage continues to crack. Just got to hold it together, just a little while longer. One foot in front of the other, Cobra.
– — —
The foliage is thick as you creep closer to your designated position. The sounds of the forest and chatter of Federation soldiers deafened by the leafy canopies above your heads. Keegan leads the way, revenge and relief are now so close at hand. But you have to start the plan before anything else can happen. Two months of searching, you can Not fuck this up, Logan’s life depends on it. Depends on You and Hesh to keep your cool long enough to complete your tasks and locate the pit he would no doubt be in.
Keegan holds his hand up, telling you to halt. Flexing your fingers where they lay on your rifle, ready to fire at a moment's notice. The moment passes before he’s motioning to keep moving.
As you resume your walk, Hesh slides up next to you, footsteps falling in time with your own. “We still in agreement on what happens when we find him?” His voice is low, still as tense as it had been since the beach.
You glance up at Keegan, who you know is listening, before you respond just as quietly. “I get first blows while you secure Logan. Then you get the killing blow while Keegan keeps overwatch. I haven't forgotten, David.” The words come out harsher than they were meant to but again, that's how most of the words from your mouth had sounded recently.
Hesh doesn't respond, usually his first name gets a rise out of him. A true testament to how he's feeling right now. Silence takes over again as your group keeps marching on.
The next few minutes are a blur as Ghost team and Marines descend on the compound. Body after body falls as you push in. Sinking into your mind further and further as bullets zip past you. One even grazing your ear but it only serves to piss you off more. That glass box has burst open, red rage flowing out, drowning anything in its path.
You'd imagine Hesh is feeling the same, watching him sink a knife into a federation soldier as your group rounds a corner.
Finally you come to it, the courtyard with a single hole dug in the earth. Logan was in it. Your shoulder aches from the recoil of your rifle, fingers numb. But it doesn't matter.
Your team makes quick work of the enemies that attempt to stop you. Clearing the surrounding areas, your Marines holding position in each entrance. Looking up to the exposed second floor you see Keegan’s team.
Your radio crackles as Keegan’s voice comes through, “Eyes on Logan, proceed with caution. Rorke's got a gun to his head.”
Your eyes lock with Hesh's. Then you're moving, rushing forward to the hole, fingers on the trigger. Skidding to a stop above it, the sight inside damn near breaks you right there.
Logan on his back, caked in blood, dirt, and who knows what else as Rorke stands with his foot planted on his chest, pistol pointing at Logan's head. The sick motherfucker has a smile on his face, his eyes trained on you and Hesh.
A low growl comes from the man next to you. “It's over Rorke! No escape from here, you son of a bitch.” Hesh calls down. Part of you thinks he's about to abandon the entire plan for dumping all of his ammunition into Rorke. But he doesn't.
“You know,” the monster below you begins to drawl, like this was a normal conversation, “I didn't expect you to make it; the snake, sure. But you,” He points a finger at Hesh, “I expected you to die just like your da-”
A shot rings out, then another as Rorke's hands cease to be connected to his body; Keegan and his partner’s bullets hitting their marks. That was the cue for you two to get on with it.
Jumping into the pit you plant your feet firmly into Rorke's chest, rolling forward off of him as he hits the ground. Turning around you lunge forward on top of Rorke. Rearing your fist back then bringing it down onto his face. Over and over; blow after blow lands on the man who made your life hell. The monster who killed the man that saved you after ODIN, the monster that took and tortured your Logan.
His attempts to fight back are futile, the full front of your rage holding him there. His face becomes unrecognisable by the time Hesh grabs your shoulder. The signal to switch with him. One last punch and you're standing up, swaying on your feet.
Hesh takes your place as you rush over to Logan. Your hands frantically search over his body, cataloguing the visible injuries. Bruises mottle the skin not covered in blood or dirt. His name and promises to help him fall like prayers from your lips.
Finally you place your hands on either side of his face, willing him to look at you. His eyes are swollen and cloudy, no doubt from whatever they drugged him with. It was strange, the way his face was almost completely untouched. But you don't get much time to dwell on it as sharp movements in your peripheral.
Logan’s blood covered hands shoot quickly to your face. Panic in his suddenly clear eyes, the word “Go!” and “Run.” were being silently screamed at you. His mouth moves but only raspy gibberish comes out. You grab his hands as they hold your head, fingers tangling in your hair forcing you to stay looking at him. “Logan! Logan it’s us! We’ve got you, he’s dead. He’s dead!” You are sure that he couldn’t hear you as hysteria begins to creep in.
But the recognition was undeniable, just for a split second before they're rolling back into his head. His body begins convulsing violently as his hands slip from yours. Screams for a medic, for somebody, rip from your throat. One of the medics lands on their knees next to you but you can't move your limbs. All you can do is stare as the seizure happens.
Then hands are pulling you away from him. You fight against them before another pair is wrapping under your arms and pulling more. Someone is screaming your name but it sounds miles away. The only input reaching your mind is the sight of Logan, being surrounded by medics as you are taken further away from where he lies.
The glass box was gone, only shards and small puddles remain. Your mind clears enough to realise that it’s Hesh whose arms are wrapped around your torso, holding you back. Turning around in his grip you shove your entire being to his in a constrictor like hug.
Blood spatters cover every bit of armour and skin he has, the Ghost paint smeared with red. His eyes are wide, feral as he watches the scene now behind you.
Rorke's battered corpse lying behind, riddled with bullet holes from Hesh dumping his entire mag into him was all you could focus on.
Keegan stands over it, looking at his ex brother in arms, eyes blank. Merrick jumps down next to him and delivers a swift kick to the corpse.
– — —
Life continues as normal on base. The only shifts in the routine now were four Ghosts, taking their turns watching over their youngest in the hospital bed he lays.
In the beginning, it was you and Hesh refusing to leave Logan's bedside. Only leaving in shifts to deal with the bare minimum of your duties and body's needs. Eating and sleeping next to him. The hospital staff had dragged in another chair when it was clear neither of you would be leaving.
It was once again Merrick that forced you both away to deal with yourselves. The other three Ghosts had made a deal that there would always be one of them watching over him if you or Hesh couldn't.
And they stayed true to that promise. A knock drags you out of your thoughts. Keegan stands in the doorway, “Come on, it's my turn.” He enters further into the room, a knowing look in his eyes as he takes in your hand holding onto Logan's.
“You did good, kid. He's here and he's not going anywhere till he's better.” His words were meant to sooth but tears sting your eyes. It seems like since you've gotten back that you just can't stop crying.
Reluctantly you let go of Logan's hand and stand up, but your feet don't move. Not until Keegan places his hand on your arm with a promise to get you if anything happens. Then you're walking out the door and down the hallway.
It’s late, nearing midnight as you approach the smaller gym rooms knowing exactly who’s in there at this hour. Ignoring the Private Session sign on the door you enter quietly. Hesh is on the other side, fists slamming into the sandbag. The only greeting you get is a falter in his punches before he's back at it.
Looking over to the benches you see Riley curled up underneath. The dog huffs a greeting as you walk over and sit down. Hands sliding across his fur.
This has been both of your normal nights since Logan was taken and you just couldn't let it go even though he was home safe. The routine is comforting though your body aches from pushing past your limits.
It started with Hesh showing up at your door during the night, dressed in his gym clothes with Riley at his heels. No words were spoken as you invited him in and changed into your own gym attire. The cold air countering the heated anger as you ran around the city.
Then it was that someone had pissed you off enough that you had dragged your body to the gym, intent to hit and throw things until you felt better. But that plan had been ruined by Hesh, who was already there, doing just that.
That's when the first screaming match had happened. And the screaming led to blows being exchanged. The feeling of beating on each other was cathartic.
So it became the routine, if one couldn't sleep then they were to drag the other (who likely wasn't sleeping) from their rooms then either run or spar. No one has stopped this so far, only looked at you with a knowing (disappointed?) look and move on.
The thudding stops and a loud sigh comes from across the room. Looking up just as he crosses the room and slumps on the bench next to you. Exhaustion visibly pulls at him the same way it does on you.
“Feel up for it.” He motions to the mats in the middle of the room. You take note that his hands are bare and bleeding as you shake your head. Instead opting to slide down on the floor and lay flat looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah that's fair. We can do floor time.”
He slides down onto the ground and lays his head next to yours, body laying the other way. Such as most nights, no words are shared. At least for the first hour.
Then he's speaking, “Did I tell you the time he managed to steal one of the neighbours dogs and no one noticed for hours?” You did this often, recounting stories of Logan. Funny, sad, plain boring; it didn't matter. He loved to tell the more calm ones while you opted to spill the hijinks the pair of you committed.
“I don't think I remember that one.” You did but you liked to humour him. He launches into the story, talking with his hands in the air, you laugh and make comments.
“You should have seen the proud look dad had while Logan apologised. I swear the lady's head was gonna explode, she was so red!” he laughs through the words.
You look up at him, “Yeah, that tracks. You and your dad were always enabling our bullshit.”
He lets out a slow sigh and lets the buzz of the overhead lights and occasional footsteps fill the space. You were content to let them do so but there was eating at your thoughts.
“I love him.” You had told him before in a fit. He had barely understood you the first time you said it, had been borderline hysterical, expecting him to hate you. “I know” he had said. Called you right stupid for not saying it sooner.
His hand appears in the air above your face and you're too tired to care as he brings it down and palms your entire face, like something straight out of Alien. He shakes your head back and forth before he lets go. “I know, you know you're going to have to tell him eventually, right?”
It was your turn to sigh, “I know, dude. I know.”
– — —
It’s one of those nights where you and Hesh are on watch at the same time. It was rare but it does happen. Logan has been in a medically induced coma for a month now. It's Hesh's turn to go get you both dinner, so you get to take up watch over Logan.
(The eldest brother opted to leave Riley with you. The dog takes up his usual post at the door, ever the guardian.)
Grabbing his hand, something that had become a habit. You start recounting the day's events, another thing you both had taken up. Talking to the sleeping man, telling him the base gossip and telling him how the day went, how Riley and the team are, everything you could think of you talked about.
“Then he made them run laps. He's shaping up nicely for that Captain role he's heading for.” You laugh, explaining how Hesh oversaw today's training. “He gets that promotion and we're set to get away with so much shit, Lo.”
He made no movements, the only sound to respond was the steady beat of the vitals monitor. You let loose a breath and place your head down on the bed next to his hand. “Wake up soon, please.” You plead into dead air, “He needs you. I need you.”
Time passes slowly, Hesh taking his sweet time getting that food. Must be Chilli Night in the mess. That always caused the place to be packed. Your mind wanders all over the place, what was it that one sergeant had said? When was Merrick going to send you back into the field, you were already on borrowed time. A thousand things plague your thoughts; it was beginning to give you a migraine.
The hand in yours twitches. You sit up so fast your back twinges. Ignoring that you stare down at your hand, did you imagine that? “Logan?” You murmur, looking up at his sleeping form and you gasp. His eyes were fluttering open. Standing up you lean over him hopefully, “Logan? You with me?”
Your heart starts racing as those same eyes open and land on you. Reaching up to hold his face but you're interrupted by a harsh grip on your arm. “Lo?” You ask shakily, staring at the place he has in his grasp.
“R-run!” The word was urgent, the beeping of the heart monitor became louder, quicker. Fear shines brightly through his eyes as they dart around the room, underlined with confusion.
You grip over his hand, “No no no, Logan you're safe! We're home!” His fingers dig into your skin as he starts shaking. With fear that he is going to start having another seizure you turn your head around to call for help. But you're met with the frozen forms of Hesh and Merrick standing in the doorway.
Quickly you call to him, “Get help!” Your voice was high, panic beginning to creep in. The trays fall out of his hands as he steps back out and starts shouting for help. Merrick starts for the bedside but you wave him off, not wanting to overwhelm the already panicking man.
Directing your attention back to Logan you can almost see the dots beginning to connect as he stares past you, to where Hesh just stood. You should for Hesh, yelling his voice as loud as you can.
The tall man comes running full tilt back to the room, almost skidding past the door. “Logan!” He shouts and you have to stop yourself because it was the same scared scream from the beach. He sprints over to the bed, grabbing Logan's other hand, trying to soothe the man into the present.
Logan's mouth is moving, repeating “Not real” as he flickers his eyes from you to Hesh.
You both start speaking at the same time, trying to tell him it is real, that this is real. Someone else enters the room. But you don't look away from Logan as his grip on your arm begins to loosen. Slowly and suspiciously (?) he starts to lay back into the bed.
It's only when he's retracted his arm away fully and is now sitting reclined in the bed that you breathe a full breath. Nurses flutter around you checking his vitals and tweaking his pain meds. Your eyes never leave his except to look over at Hesh, who sits there determined to not leave unless absolutely necessary.
Eventually the buzz dies down, Merrick having stepped out to make a few calls. Either way, you were glad for the privacy. Neither of you had let go of his hands, afraid that it would be a dream.
His fingers entwined with yours had those emotions stirring violently in your chest.
Hesh had been catching him up to speed on everything, thankfully omitting the violent way the two of you coped. You had just been nodding along and speaking up occasionally to add in if Hesh forgot something.
Logan, he just sat there, taking everything in. He had been quiet since the nurses left, not asking questions or only speaking in clipped words. Your eyes flit down to his throat, a ring of rope burn now healed.
His eyes catch yours, a small smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. Oh, how you missed that smile.
Hesh clears his throat, catching your attention. He waits for you both to look at him before speaking, “I dropped our dinner. I'm going to run to the corner store and grab us something.” He stands from his chair and walks over, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezes. A whisper of “Tell him.” and then Hesh is gone, Riley at his heels.
Turning back to Logan, you place your head against your hands. You needed to tell him, the confession trapped behind your teeth. You look back up at him and let go of his hands reluctantly, doubt tugging at the forefront of your mind. You had just gotten him back, what if you lose him now? There would be no way to cope with that, but he would be alive to hate you and you were fine with that.
“I-” You start, “I love you, Logan.” The words themselves are not strangers to you. They were said so regularly throughout your life, so the look you got from him was no surprise.
He drums his fingers against the hospital bed and hums, “Love you too.”
A stressed sigh leaves your mouth and you find yourself staring into his eyes again. “No Lo, I love you.” The words emphasised, “I'm sorry for not telling you before and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same but I was going to be damned before I let you leave before telling you.” The confession is quick as you look away from him.
An amused huff answers you and then a hand was grabbing your face again. This time is so much more gentle. Nothing like the harsh grip that had come to plague your dreams. Letting him pull you to look at his face. There's fondness in place of the rejection you had feared.
He pulls you closer and you let him. Your face now hovering over his. And then his lips are on yours. And then you're melting against him, careful not to put weight on his injuries.
In that moment there's nothing else in the world. No war, no cold hospital room, just two scar riddled childhood friends who were becoming something more.
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aoioozora · 3 days
Merrick feels like the type of guy who is big and scary but is actually quite a softie. If he had to comfort someone, he'd definitely do so mostly through acts of service and giving little tidbits of advice and wisdom to keep things in perspective
Let me explain,
He knows you're a hardy woman, he's never seen you cry and it seemed like nothing could ever make you cry given how naturally volatile women's mood swings could get sometimes. But you seemed just fine, handled every loss, failure, and tragedy with alarming-- almost abnormal-- stoicism. You'd not even wince at your period cramps either. You'd bottle up and keep a level head on your shoulders because that's what a good soldier would do: not get run with their feelings.
But that didn't mean your pot of brewing emotions never overflowed.
Merrick stumbles upon you hidden in an obscure corner on the base nearby some dumpsters, sobbing to yourself silently, leaned against the wall and all curled up in a ball.
"Wh-What are you doing here?" he blurts, nearly dropping the cigarette that is between his fingers. He couldn't imagine such a respectable young woman sitting on the ground in this dingy place.
You flinch; his surprise only increases because he's never seen you flinch, not even at the threat of being struck by an enemy. When you raise your head and you're all glossy-eyed, snot-nosed, and sobbing, his surprise continues to increase. He hasn't seen you look so vulnerable either.
"You're crying," he states, eyes wide. This was like seeing a cow jump over the moon to him.
"I'm not crying," you insist, swiping away the tears and your snot with a handkerchief, trying to keep your voice from cracking.
Merrick ain't stupid or blind, but he doesn't argue with you. He stands there awkwardly for a moment, taking in the rare sight and shifting on his feet as he exhales out the smoke, thinking of what to do. He takes a tentative step towards you.
"This place is too smelly to cry, don't you think?" he begins, flicking his chin towards the dumpsters not too far from both of you, filling the air with the stench of rotting food.
You sniff, not answering him.
"Get up," he commands, offering a hand, "I know a better place."
You look up at him, and when he sees how the tears have stained your flushed cheeks, he almost feels a twinge of pity for you. He feels a surge of protectiveness for his fellow teammate, near ready to beat up and confront anyone or anything that made you sink to this pitiable state. You take his hand and he pulls you up to your feet. Seeing that your eyes are averted and your head bowed-- an obvious sign of not wanting to be seen looking so disheveled in public-- he takes off his baseball hat and puts it on your head.
"C'mon, follow me."
You dust yourself and adjust the hat on your head, pulling it low over your face as you jog to catch up with his stride. He eventually leads you to his car and motions you to get in.
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"You'll see," he says as he gets in the seat with a grunt. "Seatbelt," he orders as soon as he straps his on and starts the car.
You obey. He drives for a while in utter silence, blowing his cigarette smoke out of the open window. Your sniffles accentuate the hum of the engine, but he's focused on the road. He soon stops at a drive-thru and orders two burgers, a 10 piece chicken nuggets, two drinks, and two cheesecake slices.
"Here, hold these for me," he pushes the takeout to you after paying for it and resumes driving.
What on earth is he even planning anyway? You can't stop yourself from wondering as you watch the evening sunlight filtering through the trees. When you look properly, you see that he is taking you up a hill.
"Are we going for a picnic?" you ask.
He doesn't answer.
You sit back, sighing. If he's going to be vague, then so be it.
After a few minutes of silence, he says, "Close your eyes."
Having built enough trust in him from working by his side, you immediately do so. The next few seconds pass and the car slows down to a halt. Even through your closed eyelids, faint light filtered through, and you could tell that you were in a bright spot.
"Open your eyes and look out the window."
You obey. Right before you was the stunning landscape of the sunset-bathed valley with its beams of golden light filtering through the puffy white clouds. The valley and distant hills is lush with verdure, the birds flit about and chirp as they play, and the sky is painted a soft gradient of orange, pink, and purple. The sight looks like a painting and it takes your breath away as you stare at every last detail.
The corner of Merrick's lip quirks upwards slightly, pleased by your reaction. He turns the car around so that the trunk is facing the gorgeous scenery.
"Come, get the takeout," he instructs, getting out of the car and extinguishing the cigarette on the soil. Shaking it off once, he pockets it to throw away later. You follow him out and watch him sit on the trunk, which you also do.
"So we are having a picnic," you say, smiling a bit as you kept the takeout in between you and him.
"Yeah, so eat up." he digs his large hand into the paper bag and fishes out the burger and already starts to eat it.
Both of you eat in silence for a few moments until Merrick asks, "So, tell me why you were crying. I've never seen you cry about anything."
You shrug. "Just... stuff," you say, voice trailing off at the end as you nibble the burger.
"Bad enough to make you want to hide in a dumpster?" He takes a long sip of his drink.
"You don't wanna talk about it?"
Your lips twist slightly. Being caught crying was embarrassing enough, and being asked to open up was even worse. "Honestly, no." you admit, despite feeling a tug in your heart telling you to vent to him.
He gives you one long look and then turns back to the scenery. "It won't do you any good to keep it to yourself, you know."
You are silent, feeling the tug grow stronger. Of course you know it, but it is just second nature to you to bottle it up. He knows it too. He's just like you.
"We're all a team," he continues, "Remember that nobody fights alone, and neither do you."
You nod silently, taking another nibble of your burger.
He looks at you again, a flicker of worry in his eyes. "Today was the first time I saw you cry and... I don't think I like it," he admits, suddenly feeling a little awkward for opening himself up, but he stifles that awkwardness just for your sake, "I don't like seeing you cry."
Those words were enough to break you down again. A sob escapes your lips, and Merrick feels an even stronger twinge. He pulls away your half-eaten burger, wraps it up in the paper, and keeps it aside, also pushing away the takeout bag behind him.
He sits closer to you. "Talk to me," he says gently, as a father would to his child.
At those words, you pour out your heart to him and he listens to you as you sob and weep. He rubs your back gently to encourage and support you. You talked of a problem that seemed so large, overwhelming, and insurmountable, and he shared his thoughts with you. At a pause in the discussion, he directs you to look at the landscape.
"You see those mountains over there?" he asks, motioning to the shadowed peaks against the gentle saffron tinted sky.
"Yeah," you croak.
"When you're right in front of them, they're massive. But when you're sitting here miles away, they seem so small," he paused, "Any problem that you have now that seems so big will eventually appear small and tiny as you go farther away, as more time passes.
"What hurts like a bitch now will just be like a mosquito bite in future," he continues, rubbing your back. "And even if it does hurt like a bitch later on," he pauses, shaking his head slightly, "just go to fuckin' therapy."
It gets a snort out of you, and he blinks in surprise at your reaction. He meant it to be serious and didn't expect you'd laugh, but that didn't mean he didn't like to see it. He moves his arm to wrap around your shoulder, which he gives a soft, gentle shake.
"That's more like it," he smiles, and it involuntarily makes you smile too. "You'll be alright. You're not alone, okay? You got me, and I'll always be there if you need me," he assures you.
You nod, wiping the last of your tears on your sleeve as you sniffled. He continues to hold you by his side until you calm down. Both of you watch the colours of the sky turn from saffron to pink to purple and finally to deep blue, and see the stars start to twinkle softly over the glittering cities of the valley. You never felt more comforted and at peace.
"Thank you," you tell Merrick, leaning your head against his shoulder.
"Anytime," he answers softly, ruffling your hair, making you smile contentedly. "Oh, also," he leans in to whisper, "Don't tell anyone I've given you special treatment."
You giggle, "Only if you don't tell anyone you saw me cry."
"Deal," he chuckles, shaking his head.
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ai-luni · 1 year
David “Hesh” Walker x Fem!Reader 
HELLO! It’s a blue moon and I return with a fic to cope with my random obsessions! Part 2
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Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: Blatant misogynistic comments and touches, canon typical violence, suggestive sexual content (which honestly might be illegal given the setting of the scene whoops), and of course bad writing. I’M NOT A WRITER! No Y/N
A/N: I’m in a massive COD Ghosts phase and there are barely any fics for my boy Hesh. So I had to fix that. This basically just follows the plot of the campaign. I got lazy and haven’t finished writing sin city but I want to write a part two so hang tight :)
Reader’s nickname is Virago
June 7th - No Man’s Land
It was a rescue mission when you met the Walker’s boys. You had heard about them a couple times, Elias wasn’t shy about sharing his once very domestic life with you. But now there was little time to think about it. In fact you thought about the dog more than you did the boys that day. But this mission wasn’t like your usual, Ajax wasn’t gonna last forever. 
“Alright, we don’t have a lot of time. You can stick with us but you do what I say - when I say it. Understood?” Merrick said to the boys. You joined Keegan’s side before heading out.
“Got some stragglers on the road. Could be trouble.” The lot of you looking over a road through tall grass. 
“Keegan, Virago. Post up and keep us covered. You Walker boys are with me.” Merrick ordered and immediately you went off to find a position. Gun fire reigned loose and in a flurry of adrenaline and muscle memory, you found yourself at the gates of greenway park “Fireball Charlie” - what once was a baseball stadium - in under a couple minutes. 
“They’re moving him, we should go now.” The state you found Ajax in was enough to make your blood boil. You hadn’t served with him as long as the rest of the ghosts but you knew him well enough and you’d always fight for your team no matter what. 
“They’re moving Ajax, so our windows closing fast. We’ll hit him at home plate and work our way up from there.” Further orders given by Merrick once acquiring a vehicle. You sat in the back aside Merrick and Hesh. One hell of a ride, you often questioned if Keegan even had a civilian licence. 
“Weapons free!” Once more the hell fire began and you ran through another gate. The German Shepherd who stared at you with wide adoring eyes only moments before leapt through the missing windscreen onto a federation soldier. 
“Holy shit.” A comment of fear and intimidation and excitement all swirled together at the sheer ruthlessness of that dog. It was the first thing Hesh heard you say all mission.
“Yeah.” You turned to see Hesh by your side. You figured he was the dog’s handler. He seemed proud, he should be. 
“Ajax is through this atrium! Move! Move! Move! Hurry before more guys get in.” Merrick took cover behind a barrack, “Virago, get ahead as far as you can, weapon hold. We’ll keep you covered, keep us posted.” 
Jumping into action, you took yourself along the edge of the open aired arcade to a flight of stairs. The fastest steps your tactical gear would allow you to take without winding yourself. Gun held close to your chest with light steps avoiding fire. You could hear the team, slowly but surely following in your steps. 
Through a roofed arcade and another flight of stairs you made it to a closed set of double doors, chatter coming from the other side. 
“This should be where they were holding Ajax, one flight of stairs, shouldn’t be a difficult run.” You notified them while waiting beside the door hinges ready to take cover or fire. 
“Almost at target, let’s mop up!” Merrick’s yelling could almost reach you over the gunshots. You took out a couple soldiers out over the railing, covering the boys as they made their way up the stairs. 
Logan pulled out the remote sniper, the moment you heard a fire, Merrick sent the go signal. 
“Twelve o’clock! Twelve o’clock!”
“Runner on the left!”
“Clear right!”
“Clear left!”
“Room Secure!”
Once cleared, you passed the soldier left on the ground. Poor guy got Keegan yelling at him by the balls. You knew he’d take this harder than anyone else, he and Ajax were close. 
“Where is he? Where did you take him!”
Careful and ready for fire, you tread through the blown out room. Logan by your side as you halt before a steep slope. There was an obvious trail from that slope through the stand and down another tunnel entrance. You turn to your team noticing the other walker boy pulling his dog away from the soldier for Keegan to finish off. You beckon him over.
“Bring the dog, there’s a trail.” You turned to the youngest Walker boy, “I’m going down, use the remote sniper to cover me. Follow under merricks instruction.” 
He gave you a curt nod before you were off. 
“Riley’s got a scent!.” The team followed suit. Riley leading the lot of you to an almost closed  garage door. Multiple pairs of feet seen pacing inside.
“We don’t have time for this. Gas masks on.” 
Again through another tunnel, a conference room, another tunnel. This place was starting to piss you off, reminding you why you never really liked baseball in the first place. You’d later refer to it as the nightmare labyrinth. 
Eventually you found Ajax, Riley sniffing him out first, Keegan on his knees by his side second. 
“How is he?” Not an ounce of effort was made to hide the fear in your voice. 
“It’s bad.” Keegan was cradling the man as he coughed. 
“Son of a bitch.” In a quick but necessary moment of solidarity, you placed a comforting hand to Merrick’s shoulder. “Hang in there Ajax, Hang in.” 
“Rorke. It was Rorke. He’s targeting…” Ajax let out a cough from deep in his chest. Keegan held him tighter in shallow breaths. “Look… the wall.” 
“Come on, hang in there Ajax.” 
“He’s gone.” The room fell silent, you took to distraction. You look for the wall and your eyes grow in momentary panic at what you found.
“Merrick, he was right.” Your voice barely showed any sign of grief you were trying to swallow. No time to think. You stood by Hesh. He held out a flare for you to see, his free hand consolidating you with a gentle pat to the shoulder. 
“Get him ready to move.” Merrick ordered, Ajax’s body already hoisted over Keegan’s shoulder. Then by your side.
“It’s a kill list.” You told him. 
“Rorke’s targeting ghosts.” He resolved. Hesh’s eyes widened as he looked over the photos of you lot on the wall, his eyes drifting to one of a girl in tactical gear only realising once meeting your glassy gaze that it was you. You were smaller than the others sure but half your face was covered by a cloth, the other grease paint and your voice had been so gravelly and focused.
“Who the hell is Rorke?” He asked after clearing his throat, clearing his mind. Merrick had already collected Ajax’s mask and was heading out of the room for evac. You patted Hesh’s arm as a signal to move it. 
“No time to explain.”
Everything was one fight to another. You’d only truly catch a break in your third helicopter of the day.
“Alright, get us outta here!” Keegan yelled, clearly as over it was you were. 
“Hey, we’re not going anywhere” The eldest walker boy stood from his seat, he was frustrated, looking to pay it out on someone and Keegan was in his line of fire. You interjected with an assertive hand to his vest. 
“Hey, calm down.” Your cloth was pulled down to your neck now. Eyes wide as they met his. For a moment it actually worked, like you had covered the space in a blanket of silence to give him a moment to breathe. He glanced at the hand on his chest then met your eyes again. You were almost smiling. If he wasn’t panicking over losing his father, he probably would’ve smiled back. 
“Hey! We just saved your asses!” Merrick shoved the Walker boy to the wall, one arm holding his tactical vest fueled by his impatience and a hot head. 
“We didn’t need your help!” The boy fought back. By this time you had retreated to the front of the helicopter, hands held up in mock defeat towards your commanding officer with an amused smirk. He shook his head, hung in the slightest tint of embarrassment or nostalgia. Boys will always be boys.
Merrick will always be a testament of that. He was the same now as he was and will continue to be.
“The hell you didn’t!” Merrick had shoved the Walker boy down next to his brother on the bench. 
“Stow it! All of you!” Finally your commanding officer decided to step in.
“We have to go back! Our dads down there and we’re not leaving without him!” 
“That’s real admirable of you, but your father’s not there anymore.” He sat them down, really laying the act on thick. You remembered the bastard being dramatic but not this theatrical. He pulled the mask off. 
“Dad, this whole time? You were one of them, you’re a ghost.” 
“Try the Ghost! That’s your commanding officer.” Merrick was in a mood. He joined you where you stood next to Keegan. You welcomed him by holding a palm out as if asking him to calm down.
“Cool it. Stretch your legs.” You spoke softly, mockingly at him. Fake concern. He returned with a sarcastic smile. There was never a right time to push his buttons - especially not when he got in a mood… and he had many moods - but that never stopped you from having your fun every now and then. 
You waited for a moment, you could faintly hear your commander welcoming his sons to the Ghost squad. It warmed your heart, though you would never admit outloud. 
Elias had become like a father to you over your time being a ghost, the respect you worked hard to earn from the man radiated from him when addressing his children with unconditional love. 
You weren’t surprised seeing his sons often labelled as ‘natural born leaders’, they had the best of the best taking them through life from the very beginning. They held your respect for that alone. 
A genuine smile grew on your face as the eldest turned to caught your eye. He finally did return the smile. You found it sweet how his feet became restless in the moment of excitement. 
“We’re ready, We won’t let you down.”
June 15th - Federation Day
It had been approximately 9 days since you had met the Walker boys. They were everything you imagined Elias’ children to be. Determined, well mannered and well… handsome. This has been your first mission with them since. Your goal: To gain intel of Rorke's current location. 
It had been somewhat of a quiet mission up until this point, you knew all hell would break loose when you make your evac but for now, you almost had your hands on the federation soldier and “friend” of Rorkes, Victor Ramos.
“Dammit, he’s not here! Hesh?” Keegan calling into his comms when busting into Ramos' empty office.
“I got him.” Hesh dragged him in and pushed onto the office chair with a gun pointed to his head.
“He knew you would come.” Ramos’ words echoing off the gun metal.
“Where’s Rorke? Where is he!”
“I don’t know!” Ramon interjects, hands in the air “no one knows!”
“Vig.” Keegan gave you the ‘go ahead’ look. The one step in front of Hesh and Ramos was pushed onto the desktop by the lapels. Hesh now standing to the left of the man, his pointed gun in clear view. Light vibrations rushed through your body by the man’s trembling. He knew what he was getting into the moment he befriended Rorke. There was no remorse to be shared. 
“You have five seconds to deliver the coordinates on Rorke.” Keegan's voice rattled through the man’s skull, suddenly restless.
“Four.” Ramos yanked his arms out of your grip.
“He’s not here!” “Three.” You looked to Hesh.
“Two.” With a subtle nod your way, he readied his feet for fire. Ramos’s left arm dove across the table. 
“His location is in there! In an encrypted file!” Before you could follow the vector of his finger out the door, the screen fizzled awake behind you. Grabbing Ramos's loose arm, you turned the best you could to glance at the screen behind your tactical helmet.
“Well, well, well, if it ain’t the walking dead.” It was Rorke, you've heard his voice only once before in a recording but you’d never forget it. “Hm, I knew you’d follow the breadcrumbs.” 
“You tried to kill my father, you piece of shit!” Hesh haphazardly lept towards the screen. Sending the now half conscious Ramos into the desk chair, you met Hesh halfway.
“Hesh.” Your hands holding him back by the chest.
“The sons of Elias Walker. Boys sent to do a man’s work.” Hesh’s mouth went dry, his eyes fell from the screen to your gaze, then his shoulders dropped. He finally backed off, targeting his gun back onto Ramos.
“Enough games. Where are you, Rorke?” You turned to get a good look at the man on screen, your patience running thin. 
“Ha! Vi Ra Go. Talk about a man's work. Nice to put a voice to the face but where I am doesn’t matter.” He mocked. Your eyes narrowed out of frustration. “What matters is a decade ago they left me to die in this city. And from this night forward, Elias lives with the knowledge he sent his own sons to their death.”
“It was a set up.” Keegan said under his breath. The screen shut off and you locked eyes. 
“Let’s move!” You yelled, stepping with a heavy foot. One tap to the shoulder of the boy to your left and he followed behind you. Subconsciously pairing off as you knew Keegan would have Logan’s back. The building was collapsing, you could hear it before feeling it. 
“Command, mission is compromised! Attempting an aerial exfil from the 52nd floor!” Keegan was last to leave the room as he barked into his comms. You led the boys down the stairs, the concrete cracking in trails after your steps. Alarm raging. Scaffolding bare. 
You had your head resting on your hands, these trips after a mission were never a highlight for anyone in particular. People have different responses, Merricks paces restlessly, riding on leftover adrenaline like a drug high. Keegan sits still, to the side, not quite giving into exhaustion but with more of a level head then you reckoned someone should after jumping out of a collapsing building. 
You, however, are much smaller in frame and when you sit down, it tends to hit you quicker than everyone else. They’d called you a lightweight, especially when you share a drink with them. Keegan’s a hard one to make laugh but when Kick and Ajax continue to get you shots of water, the whole table shits their little cargo pants. So they let you bathe in the sound of the helicopter and regain a little strength. 
“You know him?” Your eyes barely opened as you turned to the boy who just sat next to you. You’re confused eyebrows egging him to elaborate “Rorke.” 
You shook your head and rested your head against the wall. One large exhale and you met his eyes again.
“They brought me on a long time after him. Knew the stories though,” Hesh watched with expecting eyes, ready for you to continue. “But he’s after me too and he took Ajax. That’s personal enough for me.” 
He gave an understanding nod and rested his head against the wall beside you. In the corner of your eye, you catch Keegan and Logan share a side eye glance. You can tell Keegan thinks you're getting soft but this job gives you little comfort. You’ll clench your balaclava as tight as you were now to stay cool in front of this boy whenever just to keep feeling the way he makes you feel. 
The next few days pass slower than usual. You could blame it on the same fact everyone else did. That Rorke was still out there. You almost had him and then was sent back a couple steps. 
However, you really knew it was because in the back of your mind, the idea of you, a boy and his dog, sat peacefully. 
Every mission, you kept your eye on him. Covered his back when you could and every mission he’d cover yours. Every mission you were sent to scope an area by his side. In between missions you would sit and chat. Chat about how you became a ghost, talk about his life before the military, talk about how he started to think of Riley after being away too long or how the other ghosts have become like father figures to you. The latter being a secret you thought you’d take to your grave.  
Sometimes Logan sat with the two of you, sometimes everyone else. In a group you would discuss sport and women and combat. Your plights and fights. Hesh watched as you grinned everytime Merrick rested a casual arm on your shoulder, you watched as Hesh beamed whenever Elias would place a proud pat to his back.
June 23th - Passage to Antarctica
Sure there were things to do, meetings to attend, plans to go over. But for the most part, on these kinds of days, you had more time to yourself then you would get in a while. Time you well needed when in constant close proximity with people like the ghosts. 
Once you were done on deck talking with the force, you made your way below deck to the sleeping quarters. You knew for a fact Merrick and Keegan would stay above deck for a smoke and Logan wouldn’t stray too far from Keegan no matter. But Hesh?
Something inside of you almost wished he would join you. You’d spend hours in the dark questioning if it was wistful or if you just felt guilty for having these thoughts cross your mind more often than not lately. 
When you had shared your plans of sneaking off to nap to the guys, every one of them shared a knowing look when Hesh was soon to follow you a few minutes after. It bothered Merrick more than he thought it would - feeling almost protective over you - but Keegan and Logan had already started the betting pool days before. 
“Just in time too.” Logan was quick to add. 
Hesh was quick to catch up to you. He stopped you in the hallway below deck, hand on your shoulder and a sentimental look in his eye. One that almost took your breath away at the sudden vulnerability. One you’d only seen him share with the likes of his family or with Riley. 
Let the games begin.
“Is there a reason you have me stopped in the hallway or?”
“Yes.” His chest rose with a deep breath. You had to rip your eyes away to look into his eyes. He continued his confession, “Virago, I think about you.” 
“You- what?” Spoken like you’d been punched to the gut. Your ears boiled. He had both hands on both shoulders now and at some point had steered you off to the side of the hallway with him. 
“Come on, you can’t tell me you don’t feel it too.” 
“This is highly inappropriate, I-” You awkwardly shimmied his hands off your shoulders as you tried to brush past him. He stopped you again, a hopeful, charming smile plastered shamelessly on his face. 
“It’s ridiculous, I know!” A boyish chuckle escaping through his words.
“Hesh.” The way you called him sent shivers down his spine. Had the situation been any different, had he not spotted the hope in your eyes everytime you looked at him, he would’ve given up by now. But he was already your weakness, as you were his. One more crack and he knew you’d be his. “I have to go.” 
That last crack was following you directly into the female berthing room. He greatly enjoyed your stunned state, it filled him with a sense of pride to influence your emotional responses so strongly. 
“Lieutenant! This is highly inapprop-” You’re scolding was cut off by a pair of lips and two hands gently holding your head in place. The final push. 
You melted in his warm, calloused hands. This is what you were afraid of, being so completely and utterly in the palm of his hand. You’d thank the stars for months that the room was currently unoccupied. 
His kiss was slow but hungry. Like he’d been dreaming of it but forced himself to savour you. Once you had relaxed into him, he moved his hands down to your waist, pulling and pushing. Chest to chest, back to bunk. Any gasp or sigh you let out, he returned with a quiet sound of pure bliss. Lips skimming each other but not locked. Open mouth pants, warm breath with a haze of mint below your nostrils. 
When you pressed your chest further into his, hands caressing his buzzed head to the nape of his neck. He shook his head, pulling away with a breath he struggled to take.
“You tell me no now because I may not be able to stop if we keep going like this.” 
“Hesh.” You said feigning a scolding tone. 
“You can call me lieutenant again.” He joked but sounded so out of breath. He could barely keep his eyes open when you ran your fingernails over his shoulder blades. 
“David.” You retaliate in a real scolding voice. A warning. He only groaned as his head fell onto your chest. 
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” He groaned. His grip on your hips got tighter, pulling you against him in a way that made you gasp. Showing his appreciation of the sound by latching his lips to your neck.
The boy fell just as deep as you had. You wanted him so bad but the adrenaline running through you wasn’t entirely from him either. You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the door even when you tried. 
You took a loud gulp and pulled him off you. His confused face soon daring as you guided him into your berth on the floor and pulled the curtain shut. It was tight, you laid on his chest, your back touching the roof if you arched your back. You didn’t care. If you had the chance to, you wouldn’t have ripped yourself from his chest and just stay this close forever. 
It was dark, his hands on your hips gave you butterflies. Your knees tingled as they laid either side of his thighs. He was breathing just as hard as you were. 
You started taking off your shirt and his eyes widened.
“Take your shirt off.” You didn’t ask but it also wasn’t an order. He was taken aback by your forwardness all of a sudden but didn't hesitate to wiggle his way out of the confining khaki material. “If these things start to smell, someone will know.” 
His hands were already exploring your bare waist, your lower back, upper back, the curve in your spine to the hanging stomach over him. Over your upper arms and shoulders to your chest. He memorised every curve, the feel of your soft skin. The way you’d cringe when he touched a certain point on your waist. The way you’d gasp when he cupped your breast and brought it out of your bra. 
“Hold me up.” He obliged with no hesitation. You desperately wanted Hesh out of his pants and needed the hands that were keeping you up to do so.
“May I?” you asked, hands resting over his belt. His eyes were desperate. 
“Please.” Who were you to complain? He brought you close to him, arms wrapped around your upper back pressing your chest against him. His lips rested next to your ear, determined to at least let you hear him if nobody else could. Arm reaching down between your bodies, you soon had in him his hands. 
“Holy shit.” He moaned in your ear. 
“Yeah.” You moaned back. 
“Did you get your nap, Vig?” Keegan's deadpan voice almost makes you think his question was genuine.
“What nap?” The words spilling out before a single thought could be put into them. You froze once you noticed your mistake, eyes wide in panic. There was no coming back from this but you could try. “Yes. Yes I did.”
He only raised an amused eyebrow and left your side with a “I didn’t think so.” 
June 28th - Sin City 
“Commander Walker, may I have a word with you.” Your fingers were fidgeting, eyes to your feet. He’d never seen you this way. You were a strong woman, Elias knew all too well. What other men called annoying - one well read man’s attempt to unknowingly call you a shrew - Elias taught you could be a sign of courage and strength. Virago. A word his wife used to love. 
This demeanour was different though. From you, almost uncanny. 
“Is everything okay Sergeant?” You took a gulp. He couldn’t stop the amused look on his face. He had a creeping suspicion of the topic you wanted to discuss, the whole team was starting to catch on. Hell, even kick could’ve guessed it. 
His suspicions were true. You knew you had to bring it up to him. The incident on the way to Antarctica consumed your every waking thought. It was almost dangerous, never have you had something come close to waning your focus on missions but this. This made you worried. It hasn’t even been a month of knowing this boy and you were worried. 
“Sir, this is very difficult for me to talk about. I’m afraid this is very inappropriate.” He let out a sigh, shaking his head. His expression was shielded by a thumb and pointer finger holding his nose bridge. Your stomach dropped.
“It’s okay Virago. Take your time.” He raised his head to look at you, giving out an involuntary chuckle. You stared at him, not sure what to do next. You were certain everything you said came out in a stutter. 
“For his sake and your sake and the ghosts sake, I will stand down if need be. It was never my intention to cause an issue like this, I know how inappropriate it is but i’m afraid of how it may develop and what will-”
“Virago.” Breathe. 
You follow the hand on your shoulder up to his eye. With more vulnerability than you were anticipating.
“Sir. Your son makes me feel like a giddy school girl.” 
After a long, uncomfortable beat, he lets out a genuine, hardy chuckle. It turns into a laugh. 
You brought your hands to cover your face in mild embarrassment. After all the chaos you endure in your job, admitting a little crush is what finally brought you to your knees. All you could do was share the laugh with Elias. It’s only when the moment settles that he gives his response. 
“As your commanding officer, you two work together better than a lot of teams I’ve seen out in the field. I am happy to overlook it as long as it doesn’t cause any problems. I see no reason for you to step down; however, if you think it’s the best decision for you, I won’t stop you. You’re an excellent sergeant, that's why you’re on this force.” You’re certain your face is red but his shoulders drop and the warm, a paternal smile returns to his face. 
“As a father, you’ve brought a sparkle to his eye I haven't seen in him since he was 18. I couldn’t feel any more pride if my son had chosen someone lesser than you.” Were you crying? A grown ass woman and you were crying at your commander’s words. You didn’t think his validation meant this much to you but you had always worked hard for this man’s respect. “He’s a stubborn one. You’ve got your work cut out but at least I know he’ll be in good hands.” 
“Thank you sir.” Was all you could get out without allowing your voice to crack. You took a quick glance at the boy standing by his younger brother. Elias walked to join them allowing you a moment to recollect yourself before the landing in vegas. With a quick but hot walk, you made it to the previously known luxor, now safe house. 
“JSOC’s going to want to move fast on this, so load up before you get any shut-eye. We got six hours until Keegan gets back.” 
You were already by Merricks side, guiding Logan to stock. Elias had been stopped by Hesh and dragged to the corner. 
“Dad, I need to talk to you for a sec.” Elias could feel the same smile growing on his face from only moments before. He was starting to think something must have happened on the last mission for the both of you to bring your feelings to his attention with this kind of urgency. 
“David, if this is about the girl, I already know.” Hesh stopped in his tracks. The boy was too stunned to speak! Perhaps he was meant to say a comprehensive sentence, instead he let out a series of “uh”s, “oh”s “wha?”s, “ how?”s. 
“She got to me first. A bit out of your league.” With a nudge to his gut from his father’s elbow, the tension slowly started to expel from his body. In fact he even gave out a laugh. Sheepish but true, you were out of his league. 
“You’re not mad?” Suddenly he felt like a child again, his worst nightmare would be disappointing his father. 
“Fuck no son. She is a warrior, that one.” Whatever Elias was fiddling with was dropped momentarily as he met his son’s eyes. Expression dropped to a deadpan. “If you started fucking the rest of my ghosts, well then we’d have a problem.” 
All Hesh could do was laugh out of shock and relief. He caught a glimpse of you beckoning Riley to follow you and he felt his pupils turned to hearts like an old cartoon. 
“I could marry her, dad.”  
“Hey, hey. Steady on Hesh.” Elias chuckled out, passing Hesh with a pat to his back to pull him out of the little trance you put him in. He couldn’t help but laugh - not in a judgemental way but in a nostalgic ‘young love’ kind of way. “You keep each other alive first and then you can start getting all cosy. You copy loverboy?” 
“Copy.” Hesh replied with a goofy little smile. 
“Hold up.” Merrick stopped. “Something feel off to you?” 
“Security’s working.” In a matter of seconds you were on the floor. Elias’ faint yelling at Riley in the distance played you off as you closed your eyes and took another deep inhale of gas. 
They say hearing is the last to go when you die. You figured this might be it. You could hear Merrick’s voice yelling - how he usually used his voice - and figured you wouldn’t be mad if he were the one to send you off. 
What they never say though is that you’d feel hands grab you before you die. Now that sobered you. 
You were being picked up off the ground, grey federation gloved hands steadying its grip on you in places that were entirely necessary to lift you up onto a chair. After a minute of having your hands brought behind your back and met with a rope, your vision could finally focus in front of you. 
Merrick sat across from you, hands tied behind his back like your own. He watched the soldier behind you intently before locking eyes with you. You wondered what time it was, how long had you been out, how long had he been awake? You could have sworn he gave you a mocking look as if to say “lightweight” but it was short lived. You might have even laughed in any other situation.  
With a quick surveillance of the room, you noted there were only a couple of soldiers by the door. You could only just make out another figure in the hallway those soldiers were talking to. The soldier behind you was struggling with the rope as your hands started to fidget out of them. You gave Merrick a wink, devising a quick plan with a wordless exchange in under a few seconds. 
An eyebrow raise and a slight nudge of your head indicating the soldier behind you. ‘I'll take out the one behind me.’ 
A head tipped to his chair, then to the door behind him and two very exaggerated blinks. ‘You take the two at the door.’
He gave a curt nod and your expression stopped him before he counted the leap into action. You took a short moment to contemplate how to relay this information without your hands, it was never going to be a very dignified attempt.
A head nudge back to the door, a defeated eye roll then the most comical, clear attempt you could express talking by flapping your mouth. ‘The two at the door are talking to someone.’
He raised an eyebrow best he could. ‘How many?’ 
You returned a disparaging look and a subtle shoulder shrug. ‘I don’t know.’
He took a breath, shot a determined look then tipped his head to a count of three before you both jumped to your feet.
Whipping yourself around, you sent your tied hands slamming to the exposed neck of the shoulder behind you. He stumbled over the back of the chair, giving you a split second to seize the opportunity and kick his ass over his head. A clear thud paired with an echoed crack as the man’s back hit the concrete. His attempt to reach for his gun was unsuccessful when a boot trod on his wrist and a wooden chair smashed to bits off his vest. 
With what leverages your tied hands could give you, you tugged out the unresponsive soldier's pistol and finally turned your attention to Merrick.  
One soldier was on the ground, the other was giving him some little trouble. Two shots was enough to have the federation soldier on the ground. Whoever those soldiers were speaking to in the hallway were no longer there but would obviously return soon with back up. Merrick made quick work pulling the rope off your hands. You gave them a moment to roll them out before beginning on Merricks ties. They were untied enough for him to shimmy the rope off but you were yanked into the room by the waist before you could assist him further.
You’d retell the story with what you’d call more than a dozen federation soldiers surrounding the two of you. One holding your legs off the ground, vest to vest. Another soldier retying your wrists together while the rest had their guns pointed. Struggling was getting pointless. A quick glance to Merrick and it seemed he was in a worse position. Pushed to his knees and having life punched out of his gut. 
You followed suit, being pushed to your knees by a grip in your hair. The soldier in front of you lingered in this position, enjoying the view more than anything. If there weren’t so many soldiers posted, you could’ve sworn that man would have a world record for the quicked murder. 
“She’s a fiery one huh.” There was that voice again, you should have suspected it was him all along.
“Rorke.” Merrick's voice was gravelly, an evolved stage from the angered yelling to something further. 
“Vi Ra Go,” Every single time. Each syllable paired with an indolent step, his gaze never faulting from you. He didn’t want to acknowledge the man he once called friend beside you. 
“So we finally meet. The woman they sent to fill my void.” The word ‘woman’ was spat out with a misogynistic type of venom. A discreet disgust painting his features until his eyes started to wander down. His eyebrows raised shamelessly. 
“I tell you what, they don’t make soldiers like you in the federation.” His hand gripped your jaw. Resisting the urge to give him any satisfaction of a reaction, you stared past his head. He only relished in it more, with a thumb running up the skin of your neck. “Many of my men have your photo on their wall but to have the whole thing here is something else huh.”
The soldiers in the room started to holler and you could’ve sworn you felt bile being sent up your throat. You’d had comments like this before, about being a woman in the force but this man was something else and Merrick had had enough of it.
“Enough of this Rorke.” His roar rippled through the room and finally Rorke released his grip on your chin. Head dropping immediately - if not to stop it from cramping in your neck, then to hide the tear you fought hard to stop welling. Fuck him for making you feel weak. Fuck all of them.
“You know what they did to me sweetheart?” Still he refused to acknowledge the man next to you. You kept your head down.
“I know you killed Ajax, that’s all I need to know.”
“They left me to die. I’ve sat through things that’ll make your little limbs fall off darling.” He moved behind you, left hand situated on your neck, right hand on Merrick’s. Two soldiers accompanied your fronts. “Your whole team isn’t even here for you, darling. Where’s your quiet friend?” 
His grip on your neck guiding you to face him. His eyes anticipated more than he was going to get. 
Warm spit and a fuck you.
The last thing you saw was an unimpressed Rorke wiping his face with a palm before a fist connected to your stomach. 
“Bitch!” He spat. Jolted his head to the door and before you knew it, you were being dragged out the door by two soldiers. “I bet it doesn't take much to make her scream! As for you-”
“Virago!” Merrick roared before Rorke's frame covered your sight. The further you were dragged away, the less you could make out of blunt objects connecting themselves to his frame. 
The two soldiers carrying you shared a couple words, bringing you back to the foyer. And for what felt like hours, one held your head up by the hair while the other had his crack leaving bruises that’ll take at least a month to heal. 
Then finally relief.
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bloodyquillink-blog · 6 months
Hey hello! My name’s bloodyquillink, but here, you can call me Quill I guess?
Couple things about me for curious people:
I’m autistic and adhd
I write poetry, stories, drabbles and whatnot occasionally
I write poetry in response to some fanfics I’ve read here on tumblr sometimes, I’ll link them below if you’d like to read
I really like music, cooking and art (you can find me on insta @ alyssa.the.ghost if you wanna see some stuff)
There’s not much more, I’m pretty basic
Here’s characters I’m open to writing for, whether drabbles, HC’s or stories (Second person POV’s):
Sleep Token and its members as *characters*
David “Hesh” Walker from CoD: Ghosts
Logan Walker from CoD: Ghosts
Keegan P. Russ from CoD: Ghosts
Kick from CoD: Ghosts
Elias “Scarecrow” Walker from CoD: Ghosts
Thomas A. Merrick from CoD: Ghosts
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson from CoD: Ghosts
Any of these characters with x reader and/or poly relationships work if you’re interested. Also, you can find some story things I’ve written and read on Ao3 @ RiversSong82, especially if you like Logan Walker x Reader!
Feel free to leave me a message in the ask box on my profile but please don’t spam message me. Including media is okay if it helps get your idea across. I won’t write smut fics but smut HC’s are fine, HOWEVER, I don’t have a lot of experience with smut so I can’t guarantee anything(suggestive ideas are all good)! I do not write for child readers, must be 20 years minimum.
Thank you for reading this and enjoy my blog!
*If “here” if not written next to the name of a character, I haven’t written anything for them yet!*
Sleep Token here
Call of Duty: Ghosts here
Logan Walker here
David “Hesh” Walker here
Keegan P. Russ
Kick here
Alex “Ajax” Johnson
Elias “Scarecrow” Walker
Thomas A. Merrick
Fanfiction Poems here
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maccreadysbaby · 1 year
Oh my gosh I love you 😭😆 you’re precious
< prev part
next part >
of all the things y/n had imagined doing with her sons, catching an emergency flight to Santa Monica, California, at ten pm wasn’t one of them
climbing off a plane in California and immediately getting into a military-grade vehicle with violently tinted windows and a man she’d never met was unnerving, but Hesh had told her that was who she was looking for
it was almost six in the morning when the three of them arrived at Fort Santa Monica, where Logan stayed between missions
they were greeted out front by Hesh, who was sporting a really believable “I haven’t slept in two days” look
”hey, guys,” he shared quick hugs with them all. “He wanted to wait for you to get here but surgery was too critical. We have our best medical staff on him now. We aren’t sure how much longer it’ll take”
y/n had nearly fainted when hesh first called her and said that Logan had been standing mere feet away from an active land mine
That someone set off
and now, there the three of them were, waiting in the commons area of Fort Santa Monica for their Logan to come out of surgery
Hesh kept walking in and out, asking what they needed, if they were okay, how he could help
Merrick walked in once and tried to hold a conversation, but he wasn’t very good at it
Keegan was a little better, not panicking as much as Hesh so he was able to hang out with the boys and get their minds off of everything for a while
Y/n had never met Kick before, but he brought blankets and pillows into the room for them incase they were tired after their travels, and — though he was silent — the tight lipped smile he sent her way definitely did more good than harm
she finally used her mom voice on hesh (which the boys found entertaining) to make him sit down and stop walking all over the place, trying to help him calm his nerves
but it didn’t help because the very moment he stopped distracting himself, and let himself take in the reality of everything, he started crying
and y/n was just at a loss because she’d never seen that side of her brother-in-law before
keegan was quick to take the boys somewhere else, like “let’s go check out the vehicles we got in the hangars” or “you’re not really allowed in the armory but I don’t think a peek will hurt” because he’s precious and didn’t want them to worry anymore about their dad because of hesh’s emotions
for a while y/n just held hesh, too, because she remembered how badly she needed to be held when Logan found her on the kitchen floor. And she definitely wasn’t just going to not do anything
it took a while for him to calm down, but she didn’t mind. She knew the toll being called back into the line of fire was taking on Logan and, as far as she knew, hesh had just been keeping it all to himself. So she just patted his back and let him take his time
it wasn’t very long after that, though, that Keegan came back into the room with the boys on his heels, announcing that Logan was in recovery
the lot of them practically ran through Fort Santa Monica just to reach the recovery room, where Logan lay peacefully in a hospital bed, cut up and bruised, but breathing
Y/n and the boys sat in chairs around his bed for what felt like hours. Hesh was going to give them space but she insisted that Logan would want to see him, too, when he woke up
The sun was going down again, and he still wasn’t awake. Elliot was stretched out across two chairs, laid over in hesh’s lap, totally dead asleep, and McKade had — despite a few quiet arguments from his mother — squished his tiny self into the open space in the hospital bed next to Logan and fell asleep there.
And only when hesh had fallen asleep and y/n was nodding off, did Logan rouse
she almost flew out of her chair
It took Logan a few minutes to focus on everything around him, but when his eyes landed on y/n, his eyes watered up
”y/n,” he breathed, stretching out a hand toward her. She grabbed it tightly and leaned down, placing a kiss on his head
”hey, baby”
he glanced down at McKade and smiled softly, blinking back the tears in his eyes as he lifted a hand and ruffled his son’s hair
McKade woke up quickly and, when he caught sight of his father awake, exclaimed excitedly: “dad!”
and that woke up Hesh and Elliot
and for a while, everyone was either crying or nearly crying, because there Logan was, breathing, heart beating, alive
“Y/n,” Logan stated, peering up at her. She was immediately by his side, and he continued: “I’m never leaving you again.”
she smiled and chuckled quietly as she batted away the tears in her eyes
“I cant serve anymore,” he continued. Y/n knitted her brows together, cocking her head to the side
”what do you mean?”
he lifted up the blanket with a wince, and sitting neatly beneath the sheets, unbeknownst to everyone else, was a metal prosthetic where his left leg used to be
y/n’s mouth fell open, and she turned and laid her head on his chest, hugging him gently, whispering: “oh, baby…”
she felt him kiss her on the hair lightly “it’s going to be a change, but it’s okay, because I’ll really never leave you again”
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 1 month
Hello!! I read that you're taking requests, and I would like to ask for headcanons: what would the GHOSTS boys think or how would they react to (any) user trying to put pacman ghost stickers on their belongings like guns, gear, and such?
Thank you and take as long as you want to write for this, it was a thought I had but have yet to draw or write it<33
Omg I love this idea! I also love this idea because I like to think a few of them (Keegan, Kick and Ajax specifically) were born in the 1980’s when Pac-Man first came out so they grew up with this kind of thing and would totally vibe with it.
CW: none! Fluff :)
Ghosts find Pac-Man merch on their gear:
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So starting off, I def think this man was born in the mid to late 80’s so Pac-Man stuff would be nostalgic for him from when he was a kid.
Keegan notices one of the power pellet ghosts (dark blue ghosts) on his rifle and while he is confused at how it got there at first, he can’t help but crack a smile.
He knew it was you who stuck that on there, and he couldn’t bring himself to peel it off.
The ghost ends up staying there for about 5 months before he ended up losing his rifle in a firefight with an enemy team.
He was slightly bummed after that, he actually liked the little quirk it gave his rifle.
but once you gave him another? He couldn’t be happier about it. He made sure to take extra care of his new rifle this time.
I imagine him to be born in the early 80’s, so he was growing up with it once it came out.
During a ruck through a desert you had been stationed in, you, Ajax and your platoon had settled down for a quick rest.
Ajax felt a slap to the back of his helmet and turned around to see you beaming mischievously.
He raised an eyebrow and took his helmet off, turning the back of it towards him only to see the little red ghost “Blinky” on the back of his helmet.
He thought it was a cool addition to his helmet, and from that point forward he had given you the nickname “Stickers”.
He had the sticker on his helmet before he was kidnapped by the federation, and sometimes you still wonder whatever happened to it.
This man…this man was born in the late 80’s and video games were his SHIT when he was a kid.
He notices something bright and shiny on his laptop one day and he narrows his eyes before he moves in to investigate.
The little blue ghost “Inky” was placed perfectly on the laptop’s cover.
He immediately got so excited, he finally had a good excuse to nerd out and explain how he used to play the games when he was a kid, how he played the original in arcades and eventually on his game boy.
The smile on his face when he noticed the little blue ghost was priceless, and he’d curse himself forever if something ever happened to his laptop specifically because of the sticker.
Hesh was born in the late 90’s, but he was still able to appreciate the old arcade games at the mall or at an old fashioned pizza joint from time to time.
He had left his gear out one day when he went to go and grab something to eat from the mess hall, only to come back to find the little orange ghost patch stuck onto his vest.
“Clyde” he mumbled happily, remembering the name of the little orange ghost. He held his vest up in front of him, grinning at it.
He knew exactly who did it, but he went to go and find you afterwards so he could ask if you had another that he could stick onto Riley’s doggie vest.
He was born in 2001, two years after his brother, so he was also on the tail end of the hype for Nintendo games as they were starting to transition to DS territory.
(Running out of ghosts in the pac man series, saving the best for last so let’s just imagine there’s a yellow ghost for this HC).
Logan strikes me as someone who likes the color yellow (yellow by Coldplay anyone?).
He notices a little yellow ghost sticker on his tablet, and he was a little confused at first when he saw it. He knew the character looked familiar, however he still went to ask his older brother about it.
Hesh had informed him that it was a Pac-Man ghost, and had nudged him with his elbow as he gestured to you who happened to be nearby talking to another soldier.
“Guess who bestowed you with your awesome prize?” Hesh teased Logan. “Sunny.” Logan gently punched his brother’s shoulder at the name he gave him in reference to the ghost on his tablet.
Logan couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the little ghost though.
He looked on at you and cracked a small smirk. How did you know his favorite color was yellow?
Merrick is one of the older men on the team, I imagine him to be born around the mid to late 70’s, so he saw the craze start and end.
But he was never that into video games, so he never really got into the whole Pac-Man craze.
He noticed a little pink ghost painted onto one side of his headphones.
He was livid, not for the fact that someone had painted on his personal property, but mainly for the fact that he received the pink one.
“If you’re gonna steal my shit and paint over it, the least you could have done was given me the blue one. Not this girly one.” He grumbled to you.
“Sir, Pinky is a boy..”
Merrick gave you an intense side eye and had you on kitchen duty for a week.
Eventually, the pink ghost grew on him, and he couldn’t help but smile to himself every time he saw it.
“Y’know, you’re actually kind of cute when you’re vandalizing other people’s stuff.”
Elias Walker:
Elias is another older gentlemen on the team, so he was right up there with Merrick as far as seeing the craze start and end.
Since he was one of the OG ghosts, he gets another power pellet ghost.
He noticed a little blue ghost pin along with his other chest candy on his uniform, and he raised an eyebrow at this.
He wondered if this was one of his two sons doing, until he noticed that they both had a variation of one as well.
He ignored it for a bit until he caught Merrick complaining about his own one day.
You had been caught red handed.
However, Elias was secretly a master at Pac-Man back in his prime and couldn’t lie if he said he didn’t love the little pop culture reference.
He let it slide, and he kept the pin on a little tray in his room, feeling nostalgic of his youthful days anytime he sees it.
Bonus: Rorke
Rorke gets a Pac-Man pin, specifically for the reason that he hunts the ghosts and takes them all down.
Inbox is open, message me with any requests!
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luboy7rt · 20 days
How Team GHOST Would React To You Being Brainwashed (Headcanons) (GN reader) (Elias, Hesh, Logan, Merrick, Keegan and Kick.. and Riley)
(Remember This is just what I (My headcanons), enjoy reading!)(Could be seen as Platonic, Romantic?)
(Reader is in the infirmary after the Federation brainwashed you, after months of not seeing you, how would characters react to you being so different)
Elias Walker:
- Elias went silent as he sat in your infirmary room, his arms crossed firmly. Elias is a hit..  saddened, he knew Rorke before he got brainwashed.. he never wanted it to happen to someone he knew so well, someone he cherished.
- Elias stares into your dull eyes as he sat next to you, his jaw subtly clenched as he would force himself to give you a reassuring smile.
- Elias would talk, talk a lot despite the fact he never talked much, he would catch you up on everything and anything, telling you stories about the memories You have shared together that you might have been brainwashed to forget.
- Elias would simply spend time with you, your body chained down due to your Brainwashed state, but.. Elias wasn't able to ‘get over’ it, like he did with Rorke, He wasn't able to not visit you. He had a chance to help you, he was willing to spend his time doing so. He never got the chance to help Rorke, he regretted not trying more to save the man in the past… But the past was the past and you were his future, you were more important and the current, he decided to focus on the present.
- Elias would pull up your covers if you weren't able to or didn't/couldn't move due to your brainwashed state. Elias would personally care for you, and when he couldn't he ensured it was a trusted friend, teammate or medic to care for you.
- Elias would give you headpats, he gently murmurs when you flinch back due to the trauma you have experienced by being Brainwashed and tortured by the Federation. Elias would respect your space but also wants to gently get used to his touch again.
- He would read You stories, his voice is great for it. (If you are his child, or if he raised you it's because he wants to remember the good times… and make you remember that he's here. or He would hum a soft song he hummed to you when you were very young or maybe humming a song Ms Walker would always hum before she passed) Elias would even read out loud or hum gently even if you are sleeping, he saves the stories about Team Ghosts and stories about you, or the others for when you are awake and ‘listening’.
- Elias would be there for physical therapy, every moment, whenever you needed help but couldn't voice it. Elias would be there, and he gets really good at just guessing what you needed.
- Elias wants to be the first person you see in the day, not a medic, despite the fact he knows you have false memories, or your memories were messed with, he wanted that trust you once had for him, he wants you to understand you were safe with him.
- Elias gives you a forehead kiss when he arrives to your side and one before he lives, just to make a habit form so you can expect affection from him or if you're not that close he would pat your head instead.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker:
- Hesh falls asleep on the infirmary bed next to you every night, emotionally exhausted as you were the first experience of someone he knew so well being brainwashed. Hesh would refuse to leave your side, willing to stay put until he knows you are aware again.
- He does cry when he gets frustrated, knowing you were in pain, knowing he couldn't help.. knowing your memories were messed with, he tries to hide it, but his hand is tightly holding yours. He's on his knees by your infirmary bed, his face buried into the mattress as he murmurs ‘I got you’, ‘you'll be alright’ multiple times over and over again.
- Hesh tries to encourage you, to get up.. to move about a tiny bit.. to strengthen your limbs once again. Hesh takes you walking around the base when you are mentally aware enough to not attack him or others.
- His hands gently clasped around yours, after days of ‘waiting’ for something.. anything from you. Hesh began speaking to you, rambling on about any topic he could think of. Trying to comfort you so he talks about any topic that you had brought up to him before you went missing, it could be about a hobby you were telling him about or a story, or anything. He remembers, and will remember for you until you could hold onto the memories again.
- Hesh usually re-does your bandages, ensuring your wounds are disinfected and bandaged in clean bandages. He asked a medic to show him the ‘right way’, (he knew how to do this already, but asked the medic anyway to ensure he did it right). Hesh does this so you can get used to his touch once again, he flinches when you flinch at his touch because he isn't used to you flinching because of him.
- Hesh sneaks in your favorite snacks for you, despite the fact you weren't supposed to eat it, but he did sneak it in for a bed-time snack, trying to coax you with your favorite snack, so maybe it would trigger the memories of all the nice times you both have shared over snacks.
- He watches movies with you, Hesh didn't really care he was uncomfortably curled up in the chair next to your infirmary bed, ends up with Riley on his lap so you three could watch movies together while you recover.
- He tends to get frustrated and cry, but only a tiny bit, a few tears slipping from his eyes when he watches you, his heart hurt for you. Of course, he has seen a lot in his time as a soldier, he lost many friends, but he hadn't ‘lost’ someone like this before. He wanted to protect You but he couldn't figure out how.
Logan Walker:
- Logan didn't react much physically to the news you were back at base, back in the infirmary. He was told what had happened to you.. But he didn't visit at first, letting the rest of the Ghosts members visit you.
- He did visit at night though, when there wasn't supposed to be visitors, he snuck in. Silently sitting on the edge of your infirmary back, staring back at your dull eyes. At first he was surprised you were awake but he simply sat there.. so you wouldn't have to be alone again.
- Logan would stay the whole night, tapping your arm.. He ignored if you flinched, he understood what happened to those who have been brainwashed by the Federation. He tries to respect your space, doing just soft taps to let you know he was there every once in a while.
- Logan formed a habit to spend every night in your infirmary room, as if he was ‘guarding’ it for you. Ensuring no one came in, no matter how many times Elias tells him to allow you to sleep.. He does, but he's going to be around while you do.
- Logan simply wants to protect you, ensuring the Federation couldn't get you again, even though there is a slim chance of anyone getting into HQ, he likes to think it eases your mind, even if you couldn't or didn't voice it. 
- He'd sit there for hours, moving to sit next to you.. sometimes he would lay his head on your forearm, to sleep near you. Sometimes he would shift his head onto your chest to simply hear your heartbeat to ensure you were alive.
- Mentally Logan is breaking down, unable to handle the fact you were no longer the you he knew well. Not taking well to the fact your memories were messed with, so he tries to make you remember, using the rare photos he has of you and the team to try and show you.
Keegan Russ:
- Keegan broke in the moment he got word of your return, scaring all the medics as he kicked down the door (he didn't have to, it was unlocked, but he didn't realize It) as he stormed in. He would say your name, as he walked over to you. He sorta aggressively grabbed your shirt, to check your now bandaged wounds, just simply checking you over himself to just see you were alright, his gloved hands firmly checking over each of your now bandaged wounds.
- After a bit, he would grumble and sigh as grab the chair to the side, dragging it, the noise being loud, if you flinch he would place his hand on over your collarbones as if to keep you down, murmuring a soft shush as he did so.
- His hand would hold yours, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles as he would ensure no one else was around before being a bit affectionate with you. “You better be fuckin’ alright” Keegan would mutter under his breath.
- His hand stays firmly on your body, your chest, your arm. Your hand, he doesn’t care if you're brainwashed, he silently cares that you're alive. He’s willing to put up with you, he didn’t need you to remember (despite the fact, that he silently wishes for you to), he just needs you to be aware he’s there. Silently holding you, protecting you. He won’t admit it out loud, but all his actions while being around you are to protect you from further harm.
- He stays with you for a few hours every day. Leaving for missions when he needs to but he always usually returns to your side to inform you about his day. Aggressively challenges you, pissing you off with his snide comments, riling you up to do something.. anything. That's all he wanted, to get you back to your usual self.
- He would.. be a bit more patient than usual, sighing as he settles in the chair next to you. Ends up with his legs kicked up on your bed, his hand tightly holding yours, murmuring insults under his breath at the world.
- He would end up putting your favorite shows on, informing you of anything you couldn't remember, he knows it all. You're favorite character, favorite moment, anything you question about yourself, he probably knows it. 
- He plays music too, any music you like. As if trying to subconsciously make you remember anything. He would mutter the lyrics under his breath, having learned any songs you used to like in the time you weren't around. 
- His hand rests on your chest, feeling your heartbeat. He silently counts along to it, to ensure you were alive, well, and your heartbeat was beating at a decent pace.
- Keegan was willing to get you revenge as well, working his bodies to its limits on every mission to get rid of any Federation soldier in his path, he cared for his teammates a lot, and knowing what you went through, he would make them regret it
- Keegan is angry, angry at the world, the Federation.. Maybe a bit at you, despite knowing it was stupid. It wasn’t your fault you were captured, maybe he was also angry at himself, but he simply kept that anger for himself and any Federation soldiers he comes across in the future.
- Merrick is surprisingly gentle, his hand resting on your shoulder as he sits on the chair next to your infirmary bed. He shifted the binders of work he needed to do on the floor by his seat as he checks up on you. 
- He tends to just quietly work by your side. It was a win-win for him, he gets to stay by your side while also finishing up on work. Sometimes he would talk when you are awake. Sometimes just telling you about things you had missed while gone for the months you were tortured and brainwashed.
- He would also apologize for all that you went through, he feels bad. He understands he couldn't control what happened but he regretted not moving fast enough to save you.
- Merrick would check up on you as well, checking your bandages, it's not that he didn't trust the medics, he did. But he felt like sometimes he just had to see for himself you were okay.
- He would be there, he would call himself stupid if he wasn't, he liked just talking to you, it reminded him of what your relationship was like before you were brainwashed..  or just talking to you. He didn't need you to speak back if you didn't feel like it, or couldn't.
- He would take you on walks, leading the way, or showing you around HQ again, even if you couldn't remember the way around. Merrick gladly will show you around, as many times as you need. He would also remind you of funny stories, and explain where it took place to try and get you to remember.
- Merrick is saddened and pissed off, but he understands, he couldn’t be sad forever. Yes, he will grieve the past version of you that he knew very well. But he simply kept that quiet and helped you recover. Merrick knew he would like the you, you are despite you being brainwashed, and he will continue to support you through it all. But on the field? Suddenly he gets more scary, yelling a lot more, and aggressively taking out Federation soldiers.
- Kick is there, by your side while he has a break in his work, his hand firmly holding your forearm as if to ensure he doesn't ‘lose’ you again. He doesn't talk the first few days of your return, he glances away when your dull eyes meet his.
- He would also pick up one of your hobbies, even if you forgot all about it, if it was a video game, he would play the game and remind you all about it, what you liked, which characters you liked, show you your account and make his own. If you liked drawing, he would attempt to get into it. Basically just picks up any hobbies you had, to try and re-teach you, wanting to see the passion/love you had for it return.
- He’s a bit overbearing, wanting to see everything, every injury, every one who enters your room, he just wants to ensure you are okay.
- He uses a military drone to ‘entertain’ you, even if you don't react much and just watch, he's happy, talking you through his own hobbies for hours at a time. He just is trying to spend time with you, he almost lost you, and he wouldn't take his time for granted anymore.
- His hand is usually resting on you, your shoulder, forearm, knee anywhere you feel comfortable with. 
- He would sometimes tell you about his day, or something stupid Logan and Hesh have done as of late. 
- He would sneak in food, whatever you liked before getting brainwashed, he would cook it himself for you, the cost doesn't matter, if you liked it, he buys or cooks it. Leaves a note that he did indeed bring you food for the medics incase they needed to know but he does it before he leaves so the he doesn't have to face the medics.
- He also brings you your stuff, things you liked or like to do, will bring you books, papers, yarn anything really you want or can do. 
- He frowns when you don't react to the things he brings, as he sees you don't have the passion for any thing you used to like. He doesn't like seeing you.. Brainwashed, doesn't like that you don't respond, and only respond to orders. He will be here while you heal, understanding you would never be the same person he once knew.
- He tries to hype you up, oh you sat up for the first time since getting back? He's hyping you up, you talk for the first time since being tortured, you got this! He's hyping you up every step of the way on your journey to heal.
- He’ll do something stupid just to see you smile, he would make Logan and Hesh do something stupider to just see you smile, encourages stupid shit to Logan and Hesh, saying that yeah.. that would make you smile. But ends up just laughing at the two, and using them as his own amusement while ensuring he would be by your side the whole time.
Riley: (Honorary Dog mention) 
- Riley is sat by the side of your bed when he isn't with Hesh, firmly sat there to protect You.
- Barks for medics when you ‘need’ it, swiftly learns that when your hand brushes against his tail, he needs to bark loudly for a medic to check up on you.
- He waits for you to be ‘better’ so he could get you to play fetch with him, but for now.. until you heal, he is willing to wait by your side. 
- After a few months of your healing journey, Riley sets up to lay on the bottom of your bed instead of on the floor.. flops his head by your handcuffed hand so you can pet him.
- Riley is very loyal, staying put for hours at a time, when he wakes up, his eyes glance at you. To ensure you were alive, awake, and aware. If you sleep too long he chomps (lightly) on your hand to wake you up.. if you don't, Riley goes running off to the first Ghosts member he could find to drag them over to you.
(Hi, sorry this might not be a lot, or that great, hope you enjoyed these headcanons! I might add more later :)
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mrshesh · 10 months
"a...worm?" - call of duty: ghosts x reader
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overview: cod:ghosts men reacting to you asking if they'd still love you if you were a worm
pairing: call of duty: ghosts men x gender neutral reader, romantic
genre: fluff
a/n: this was requested by @simpforhotmaskedmen! thank you for requesting this, babe! and thank you for wanting me to include kick - i love that man a bit too much. i had a blast writing this. i will always love these worm requests.
x keegan russ
His eyes widen immediately. He isn’t confused - he’s merely amused at your ability to keep thinking of stupid scenarios. 
He secretly finds it adorable. It just adds to your charm. 
“Babe… what?” 
“Would you still love me if I was a worm? It’s an easy question.” 
“I mean, yeah.” He quickly says. He doesn’t put much thought into your fantasy life as a worm. All he knows is that he loves you regardless of what you are. 
He would have a hard time in the beginning. He would find it freaky that you, his partner, are in a worm’s body. 
But eventually, he’d adjust. He would keep you in his pocket, checking up on you constantly. “Are you hungry?” “Do you need anything?” “Are you hurt?” are only some of the questions he’d ask you daily. Would he receive an answer? No. Would he keep asking them? Absolutely. 
“You need medication, babe.” 
x kick
Kick’s initial reaction is just: “What? 😀”
“How do you even come up with these questions?” He would mostly just be confused. 
“Would you, though?” “Yes, of course.” 
Despite his bewilderment, he would realistically take superb care of you. 
He would let you slither in his hands like a snake constantly. He would want to keep his eye on you to ensure your safety, but he would encourage you to be independent. 
He would teach you how to survive individually in life-or-death situations - to further ensure your health. (He would research worm’s way of life for you 🙁💗.)
He would even go as far as to keep a leaf with him at all times in case you got hungry. 
“How would I kiss you?” “On the tip of the body?” “I wouldn’t know if that’s your face or ass, though.” 
x logan walker
A blank stare is all you get initially. Logan soon gives you a small smile, though. He thinks your question is cute as hell.
“Yes.” He’s as blunt and honest as always. He would love you a lot, even if you were a worm. 
However, he would not know what to do.
He would not know how to take care of you. Sure, he’s smart, but he’s not a worm expert. 
He would find himself locking you in his room before his missions, only to return to the room with leaves and dirt in hand because he would forget that you need to eat while he’s gone. 
His knowledge would eventually evolve enough for him to keep you in a big dirt-filled container. 
Logan has always been a quiet man. He doesn’t talk unless he needs to. But if you turned into a worm, he would go out of his way more often to remind you that he loves you. 
I can see him petting you gently before he goes to sleep. ☹️
x david "hesh" walker
David has no shame in laughing at your question. A worm? Seriously? 
He, like Keegan, would not give your question much thought. He just instantly knows that he would love you regardless. 
“Yeah, babe! Of course, I would.” He chuckles. You never fail to amuse him.
He would be a little confused, but he’d have the spirit! 
He would let you be outside during the day and bring you inside when it's time to sleep. 
When you aren’t outside doing… worm things, he would keep you on his shoulder. And, my God, he wouldn’t shut up. David would talk to you as if you were a human to make you feel included and seen, in a way. (And because he loves talking to you.)
He would even stay with you outside to keep you company if you’d like! He would sit on the grass next to you, talking to you about anything and everything while you dug yourself into the dirt. 
“Is it legal to get married to worms, or?” 
x elias "scarecrow" walker
He immediately bursts out laughing. He loves how comfortable you are with him, to the point where you can ask him things like this. 
“Yes, hun.” He snorts. “I would still adore you.” 
Elias, unlike everyone else, would think about your life as a worm on a high-detail level. He would consider different possibilities and roadblocks along the way of your worm life. “It would be difficult, but that has never stopped me.” 
He would be a great caretaker! 
He would get a bit frustrated that you can’t verbally communicate, so he would teach you a made-up language between you. The language would consist of different physical moves you can do as a worm, and he would just use his words. (Yeah, he gets the easy part. 🙄)
Elias would keep you fed, clean, healthy, happy, and well-rested - he is a father of two very talented boys, after all! He knows how to take care of people (and worms).
“But, I’d prefer it if you stay like this, honey.” 
x thomas merrick
“No.” “Really?” “...No.” 
Thomas is a bitch. We all know this. But he has a soft spot for you - something he doesn’t have for anyone else. He will always love you, no matter what, but he will never admit that. 
He wouldn’t be horrible at caring for you, but he certainly wouldn’t be good. 
He would protect you with his life, though. 
If you even receive as little as a dirty look from someone, he’s knocking their teeth out. 
He would mostly keep you in his pocket. That way, Thomas can keep an eye on you. 
He, like Keegan, would check up on you regularly because if you’re a worm, you need him to survive (or that’s what he thinks).
“Are you hungry?” He would ask, only to scoff to himself. “Who am I kidding? Of course, you are. But since you’re a fuckin’ worm, you can’t tell me, can you?” He would seem annoyed, but the truth is, he wouldn’t be. 
But obviously, he does not want you to turn into a worm. 
“For the love of God, get a hobby.”
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pearldog30 · 1 year
The last message, pt 2.
So I honestly didn't even have intentions on doing a part 2, for this series but @macravishedbymactavish encouraged it. and I thought of an amazing idea for this so I just had to do it. Part 1 👈 sorry if this isn't Welly perforated it's late when I'm writing this okay.
David Walker.
Other works 👉 Master list
Warnings| angst, death, description of wounds, blood.
It's been about a long, exhausting, month. after tracking where Rorke went with Logan. they think they finally have a lead on where they might be at, finally a glimpse of Hope for David.
Weeks after sleepless nights, panic attacks, nightmares of the scene replaying over, and over in his head of his brother being dragged away and the video his dad left him. they finally might have something, even if it's not much, it's something. giving David the strive to keep going, and to keep fighting even harder, for his brother. that's what's been keeping him going all along. The thought of finally getting inventions on rorke for his father, weighing heavily on his mind. but not only vengeance for his father, vengeance for his brother, and all the Brothers he's lost in this battle.
They eventually find the exact building of where they think the Federal were holding up at. And tonight, was the night they were going to be the classic ghosts they were. and go in and take them out one, by one, quietly. to get Logan back. Hesh, Keegan, and kick, were going to pull this mission off together. As Merrick stayed back and helped them along from the outside. They made sure they planned this perfectly as this was their one and only shot they could make no mistakes, they had no choice. 1 mistake, and it could be all over.
They get to the base where they know Rorke and Logan will be. But it won't be so easy, as the guards are everywhere, they waited until the next shift change, as it would be easier to take them out from the shadows. To make sure they didn't draw attention to themselves. As they knew if they got in a gunfight they wouldn't be able to last, they'd be outnumbered way too quickly. They were like the lone wolves walking into the Lion's den. One wrong move and they'd be a snack to Rorke, feeding him and his army. As they knew if rorke had the chance he would do whatever he did to Logan, to them.
After taking the two guards out that were standing at the gate. they finally got into the base. now was when the real game of cat and mouse begun. "I'm going to get to the security room to find out where they're being held up. You 2 get into the main building and wait for my commands, since we know they're in there somewhere." Keegan said to hesh and kick. Keegan was leading this mission commanded by Merrick. Not that Merrick didn't trust hesh, he just couldn't take the chance of the guy with nothing else to lose, leading the mission. as he didn't want hesh's vengeful, hot-headedness, getting in the way of the mission. As he knew hesh's feelings would get the best of him, and he would be leading with his heart and not his head.
doing as commanded, Hesh and kick went their own ways, as Keegan found himself at the security room. doing what he does best, taking them out before they even know it. "Kee you made it to the security room yet?" Hesh asked over the radio, as they entered the main building. "Yeah just got here. Not too much of a hassle surprisingly" Keegan joked to himself. "Alright, do you have eyes on rorke or Logan?" Hesh ask hesitantly. "No I-" before Keegan could finish his sentence he was cut off. "KEEGAN! KEEGAN!!" Hesh and kick yell over the radio concern for their friend now. "Haha... When do you boys ever learn" they heard the familiar sound of rorke. And this made hesh's vision go red, as he was seeing straight blood at this point. You could have swore he could have killed him, and the entire army they had there, from just the look in his eyes.
"God damn it Rorke I'm going to fuckin find you" hesh said angrily over the radio. as him and Kick moved up from the main building, going to the security room. as that was the only shot they had. As they begin getting close, they soon felt a sharp stabbing pain in their neck. Soon their vision going blurry, falling to the ground blacking out.
Hesh's eyes begin slowly opening, all he can feel was his head pounding, the taste of blood coding his tongue. He tried to recognizing where he was, but all he felt was being dragged. He tried to muster up what strength he had to fight back. but it was no use, as his hands were tied together. "Uh.. even knocked out, out of consciousness he still tries fighting" he heard the faded voice of rorke. He hoped to whatever universe there was, that this was just a bad dream. and they didn't just fail the mission.
"set him there" he heard the raspy voice of rorke command. as he began feeling being thrown into a chair, his vision coming back Fully. he shakes his head looking around, and he feels like he's been here before. "Damn son you just couldn't get enough of me couldn't you. Hehe..." Rorke chuckled out before he continued. But instead of listening to him, he soon recognizes Logan behind him, his eyes going wide. something's different about him, something's off, it's not the Logan that he knows, and it breaks him. Rorke soon notices "oh what your brother" he says pointing to Logan. "Yeah him. we just fixed him up a little bit, made him stronger, better. he was broken and weak when he was with you." Rorke says and the words cut Hesh Like a knife that's on fire. "Isn't that right Logan boy?" Rorke says to Logan making him speak for the first time "yes sir" Logan says with a smirk, and hesh can't begin to imagine what they've done to him.
"it's like we got the whole family here... Almost.." Rorke says before continuing. padding hesh's shoulder, and it just drives hesh into a rage. wanting to strangle him with the rope that's wrapped around his hands, right then and there. "Anyways let's cut to the Chase and get to the point. " Rorke says bending down to eye level to hesh. "I'm going to fix you, I'm going to make you a new man like I did your brother. I'll make sure you're not weak like your dad was, or who knows.... maybe you're already too far gone like him. weak, and broken." As the words leave Rorkes lips, it gets hesh to his final breaking point, exactly what rorke wanted. hesh's knows Rorke was referencing the video he left him. "I'LL FUCKIN KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER JUST WATCH!!" hesh yells out, trying to get up from his chair to tackle Rorke. but he is soon thrown back into the chair by his brother, getting pistol whipped. feeling blood quickly rush out his nose.
"that was a ballsy move I got to give it to you" Rorke says, as he begins walking around hesh. But before anything else could happen they hear a voice come through the walkie-talkie "sir we need you. two of the prisoners escaped" the voice says and Rorke huffs out to himself annoyed. "Fuckk.. Logan you stay here, and watch him. I got to go take care of this" and before anything else is said, Rorke leaves the room. Giving hesh the perfect chance to try and hope that his brother is still in there somewhere, trapped in the cage of whatever they did to him.
"Logan you there, look at me." hesh pleads out. Trying to get his attention but it's no use. He knows whatever they've done to him, he won't be able to compromise. so he has to go to the last resort that kills him "please... listen to me... acknowledge that I'm here... anything!" He says to his brother. But his brother continues ignoring him, with each passing word his brother looks farther away from him. Hesh knows that he's fighting something inside, whatever it is that has this hold on Logan, it refuses to let it acknowledge hesh "bro bro... Please.... You know the real me.." hesh whispers out, not realizing how much this is hurting him. The nickname David gave his little brother when they were little, made something in Logan turned his head to look at him. and for a second David saw his brother come back, but as soon as it came, it vanished.
"Stop..." Came the quiet cold voice of Logan, as he looked away again. "No! You know the real me... I'm sorry for all of it.. I- I should have fought harder for you at the beach" hesh finally cries out. Finally all the pain and guilt from that day finally catching up to him, and pouring out from him. Even if his brother wasn't there, he was going to make sure he knows how truly, and genuinely, sorry he is. that he couldn't get up, and fight for his brother on that day. that he just laid there, and watched him be dragged away.
As the words slowly, and brokenly, leave hesh's lips. Logan moves his head, as if he's trying to avoid listening. "N-no Logan please... Don't throw me in the dark... I- i can't lose youu...." David continues. He doesn't care if he's a sobbing mess, he doesn't care if he's sounding ridiculous, he doesn't care if this makes him pathetic, and weak, all he cares about is getting his brother back. "Logan please... I saw what they did to da- dad.." David says trembling, and this is what makes Logan completely snap. He walks up to David quickly putting a gun to his head. Pushing it right up against his Temple. "One more word! and I will pull the trigger.." Logan says deeply, his hand slightly trembling, sweating. David knows if the real Logan is there, he wouldn't even think about pulling the trigger.
He decides that it's worth the shot getting his brother back. "Do it then Logan... Fuckin. Do. It. Because I know you won't" David yells pushing his head up against the gun harder, looking into Logan's eyes. Logan breathes out heavily, quickly looking away from David putting the gun to his side. "See.. I knew you couldn't do it... I know you're still in there Logan" David says, continuing trying to fight that little battle going on in Logan's head. "Remember what mom always taught us... The only people we have is each other..." and for some reason those words leaving David's lips, make Logan cover his ears, violently shake. almost as if he's having a panic attack.
"Logan remember all those times da-" before David could continue. Rorke comes back in the room sweating, and infuriated. "WELL IT SEEMS LIKE OUR LITTLE FRIENDS HERE HAVE ESCAPED" Rorke yells, before he notices what's going on. "Get the fuck up Logan" Rorke commands staring down at Logan. Kicking him in the stomach, spitting next to him. Logan grunting in pain, grabbing his stomach. "I SAID GET THE FUCK UP... I TRAINED YOU BETTER THAN THIS" Rorke says as Logan stumbly comes back to his feet, sweating. Rorke putting his hand on Logan's shoulder, whispering something in his ear. David looking up catching his brother's eyes, he can tell that his brother is back. that the words that he was saying were the thing that broke him out of that prison that he was fighting to get out of for however long. giving David some sort of Hope. "Yes sir" Logan says sternly to Rorke, slowly backing away from him.
Logan giving David one last look it was something unpredictable, something that scared David deep down, he knows whatever that look is it's not good.
Before David could fully process the look, Logan quickly grabs the knife from his back pocket, stabbing rorke in the neck. As he does the gun Logan didn't realize roark's had in his hand accidentally goes off, shooting Logan in the heart as well. It all happened so fast before anyone could process any of it. Both of them stumbling to the ground, both of them starting to choke on their own blood. David quickly gets up from his chair running over to his brother. "NO NO NO NO.." David cries out, putting his tied hands on his brother's chest, to try and slow down the bleeding. "S-stay with me Logan" David says to his brother as he begins to feel tears running down his cheek. His worst nightmare slowly coming true. He could feel the blood rushing out from beneath his hands, his chest slowly beating slower and slower, his breathing getting lighter and lighter. "Co-me on brother..... I- I'm... going t.. to ge.. get you help... stay with me" David chokes out, doing the best he can to help his brother stay alive. "T-Thank you bubba...." His brother whispered to him, lightly putting his hand on David's arm, as the life he once had slowly disintegrates.
"no! God dammit you keep your eyes open and keep on fighting" David says sternly to his brother watching the life slowly leave his eyes, feeling his once warm hand, turning cold. limply falling to the ground next to him. "FUCK! FUCK! NO! NO!" David yells out crying. holding his unconscious, slowly lifeless body, to his chest. Feeling his warm blood starting to coat himself he doesn't care. He would sit there in a lifetime covered in blood. both literal, and physical, if it meant his brother would come back to him. He would navigate his way through hell with no compass, no map, if it meant getting his brother back. the once so young, so full of life, so quiet but yet joyful, Logan Walker. Leaving this once beautiful Earth.
Keegan and Kick eventually find hesh. and the scene before them shocks them, stopping them both in their tracks. Hesh on the floor holding his brother's lifeless body, crying to himself, trying to get his brother to come back to him. covered in his blood, it breaks their hearts. not only did they lose a member, they lost a friend, they lost their brother, Forever. Until one day they all meet again. "David" Keegan quietly says, gently approaching hesh. He knows hash is suffering badly, with this loss. but they can't sit in this base forever they have to go. "David" Keegan says again. gently putting his hand on his shoulder, getting his attention. "We have to go" Keegan says to David meeting his eyes. And right there he could tell that David wanted to die there with his brother. "But.. but.." hesh cries out, hesh doesn't give a shit if Keegan saw him crying, he just lost his brother, his other part of him that he didn't know he had. He lost himself. "No come on we have to go" Keegan says lightly to David. undoing the rope that tied his hands together. "Keegan's right come on they're waiting for us" kick says lightly, as Keegan tries to drag David out of there, So they all didn't get killed in there.
"NO I CAN'T LEAVE MY BROTHER" hesh screams still in denial, refusing to come to terms that his brother is gone. "David look at me... He's gone" Keegan says looking into David's eyes. as much as it breaks him to say this, it's the truth. and he's not going to sit around and let David live in denial. cuz that's only going to hurt him more in the long run. "Come on we have to go, we have to get back to the rest of the guys" Keegan says. as him and kick drag him out of there, because if they didn't he would have died there along with his brother. David still silently crying to himself, as they drag him out of the building.
And that's going to be the and for this. I hope you all enjoyed this! I hope this lived up to its expectation. I had a plan but then as I started writing it out it kind of just flopped but some people want it out anyway. So I hope it was somewhat enjoyable, and readable. Anyways I hope you're having a good day/night wherever you are. Reblogs, and comments are always appreciated 🖤
Tags @macravishedbymactavish @simonsdoll @alexkellersleg
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writingwarden · 6 months
hii! i saw your recent story about logan walker and am like on a logan rampage rn lol, do you think you can write something where reader is captured with logan (they are in a relationship) and basically while they are in there reader is in worse condition than him and he protects her the whole time, and they eventually get rescued together? Love your writing and if this isnt possible thats totally fine no worries
I am also on a Logan Rampage, he's so underrated! Well, you know what they say, "If you want something done you got to do it yourself!"
Logan Walker x Reader
Tw- Near death experience, torture, canon typical violence, Drugging, Angst, Coming to terms with one's own mortality, previously established relationship, slightly inaccurate medical knowledge.
Word Count- 2k
Summary- It would take a miracle to get out of this alive.
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[Call Sign- Weaver]
The cell door slides open, the horrible screeching of the hinges warning you of the pain and ridicule to come. You stayed curled up on the cold concrete floor as Rorke’s boots appeared in your blurred vision. 
How long have you been in this cell? How long had it been since he dragged you and Logan from that beach? You had lost count after the first week, too focused on not letting the man break you. 
Rough hands grab under your shoulders, you knew what was about to happen and if you had the energy you would have cried. Frustration clipped at the edges of the deep bone tiredness you felt now. Day after day Rorke tortured you and Logan, trying to break you until you were nothing. Both of you had fought in the beginning, not willing to go down without a fight. But Rorke is very good at what he does. He tried to use you two against each other once he found out you were together. Beating on one of you while the other was being held back, helpless to do anything. Drugging you with hallucinogens and leaving you writhing on the ground trapped in your mind. 
A calloused hand gripped harshly under your chin, forcing you to look at the monster standing in front of you. Rorke tilted your head back and forth, a mocking sneer as he let go of your face. “Not dead yet?” he asks in an almost giddy tone. Like this was the funniest thing he has ever seen. 
The deep red scratch marks across his face and down his throat had scabbed over since the last time he had taunted Logan with you as the bait. Rorke had been stupid enough to believe Logan had no strength left and didn’t bother tying him down to the chair as the “Ghost Killer” burned the hot end of a cigar into your skin.
The searing heat of the cigar had you weakly flinching as Rorke pressed it into your skin. “You know,” the man started, gesturing at Logan who sat slumped in a chair across from you, “These are nice cigars. You want one?” He offers the cigar to Logan. Your lover gives no reaction to Rorke’s offer, instead staring straight ahead at you. His gaze was unyielding but not all there. 
Rorke laughs, turning back to face you. “How rude.” He slams the cigar into your collarbone, causing you to jerk violently in your chair, a pained high pitched whine from your throat. That sound was a trigger, Logan launching himself from his chair and slamming his weight onto Rorke, wrapping his hands around the man's throat. 
It didn’t take much for Rorke to push Logan off of him, but not before Logan dragged his hand down Rorke’s cheek and throat. Angry red lines forming as blood blooms out of them.
The lack of answer from you doesn’t seem to bother him as he nods at the guards holding you upright. They start walking, dragging your body along with them down the hall. You know where they are taking you, having memorized every step of this walk to the other end of the cell block. To the one that Logan was being held in. Barely conscious as the door opens and you’re tossed forward onto the ground like a doll discarded by a child throwing a tantrum. 
Letting out a pained groan as your body collides with the ground, the bleeding wounds on your abdomen catching fire with the movement. Infection was surely in your veins. The door slams shut with a loud bang and the sound of keys jingling as the door is locked. Rorke chuckles, “It’s only fair you get to watch her die. Enjoy the last moments together, lovebirds.” Then his footsteps are walking away.
There is more movement in the cell, then Logan’s hands are on you, pulling you weakly against his own body. With a solid thud Logan falls back against the wall with you now laying half in his lap. His breaths are short and rapid. Slowly he brings his hand up to your head, cradling you like a lifeline. 
Rorke was right. You didn’t have much time left and your body knew. It would take a miracle for you to survive this. Against everything you had been taught or had thought, all hope of a rescue had been squished. A small part in your broken body pangs with dull pain at the thought. You had held out hope that the Ghosts would rescue you from this cold hell. But who were you fooling? The last sight you had seen before waking up here had been Hesh, lying against a rock. His blood spilling onto the sand as you and Logan were dragged away.
The Federation now in shambles would leave your teammates with bigger problems. So now you were dying but at least Logan was here. It is cruel but you wouldn’t mind if he was the last thing you saw in this life.
Death was a concept you had come to terms with nearly ten years prior. Life had been ripped out from under your feet. You knew even then as you enlisted that you would die on the killing field. And that had been perfectly fine in your eyes, your life would have meaning in this apocalyptic war. The prospect of your own demise was simply a fact in your mind. That was until Logan had literally fallen into your life. 
The small cliff provided minimum shelter from the unforgiving rays of the sun. Pulling a cigarette from its pack you sigh. Outside the wall patrol was almost always boring. Sometimes broken up by the occasional person/s seeking shelter inside the wall or scavengers. As you looked down to light the cigarette in your hand a loud thump and startled cry from a man falling off the cliff you sat under. Your gun in your hands and pointed upright in a second. Recognition of the same uniform you wore is what had you lowering the gun slightly.
The man looked up at you, he was young and looked embarrassed. As you were going to ask if he was alright a dog's bark comes from above you. Said dog jumps down next to the man and sniffs at him before turning, a low growl from the creature. 
You watch the dog as you ask if he was alright. The man sits up, the patch on the front of his armor read “Walker”. You recognized the name right away. This must be one of Elias Walker’s boys. 
“Logan!” Another man’s voice rings out. You lower your gun and step forward, extending your hand to help Logan up onto his feet. His grip is solid against your own as he stands up. Once you were sure he wasn’t going to fall over you let go and turned your head to call out “He’s down here.”
Another man appears on the cliff but this one wastes no time jumping down. This one was taller than Logan but sported the same last name. This one must be “Hesh” the eldest Walker brother. He still had on a beanie despite the heat. 
You watch as Hesh checks on Logan, fussing around with his armor. Logan smacked Hesh’s arm and started moving his hands. Sign Language? Hesh finally looks at you and a wide grin forms on his face. He steps forward and laughs, “Sorry about that. I’m Hesh and that clumsy one is Logan.”
You look at them, amused, “Weaver.” 
It had been history after that and somehow you wound up falling for the youngest Walker brother. You both clicked and your knowledge of basic sign language had made him more inclined to talk to you. And when Elias felt the need to bring his sons onto the team of Ghosts, he dragged you along. Maybe you would see him when you crossed into the afterlife. 
Logan’s head rested on the top of yours. His heartbeat lulls you into a calmer state. Everything in you screamed to stay awake but your eyelids felt like they were made of stone.
The loud pops of a gun being fired jerk you from your hazed state. Looking up just in time to see the guards outside the cell door collapse like ragdolls. Blood splattered on the wall and ground next to them. Logan curls around you, blocking your body with his. 
A few more shots fire and then there's the sound of boots hitting the ground running. “Logan! Weaver!” The names make both of you go rigid. Turning your head to look at the door reveals the tall frame of Hesh.
His eyes are frantic as he takes in the sight of you two. The sound of keys and the door being unlocked. The door slams open as Hesh barrels into the cell. Hurriedly he reaches up and calls into his radio, “I’ve got them, B block!” Hesh shoulders his rifle and reaches out, his hand cradling Logan's face. Logan looks like he’s in shock but he finds the strength to shove you into Hesh. 
Another pair of footsteps come bounding down the hallway as Hesh hurriedly looks for the source of your blood, which is seeping into his clothes. They stop in front of the cell, a flurry of curses only Keegan was capable of spoken into the air. Keegan looms over you and the Walker brothers. 
It is then that you are gently taken out of Hesh’s hold, now held against Keegan’s chest. In the corner of your eye Hesh is pulling Logan onto his back and standing. Keegan’s arms are steady as he carries you out of the cell. Logan is slumped over unconscious on Hesh’s back as he walks in front of you, pistol drawn. 
The hike through the compound and to the evac is not easy. Federation stragglers ran everywhere. Several times despite your body’s protests, does Keegan have to sit you down to return fire. Despite the torment that is being moved and jostled around you manage to stay awake until the team reaches the trucks. Haphazardly being placed in the backseat of a truck, it is there that sleep finds you. The rock of the trucks through rough terrain is enough to lull you into a merciful unconsciousness.
The steady beeping of the vitals monitor draws you from your sleep. A week of medically induced comas, surgeries, and constant monitoring had flown by. The infection is well on its way out of your system. Well, on its way out of both of your systems. Logan hadn’t been much better than you but he was lucky (unlucky?) enough to not have needed to be put into sleep. 
His own hospital bed sat only a foot away from yours on the left. His face was a picture of calm as he slept. It was late but sleep evades you. Skin still feels raw from the antibacterial soaps they used to keep the outer infections at bay. 
The window across from you had its curtains drawn back. A steady rain that should have been comforting droning on against the glass. Instead the storm only served as a baying hound, the noise loud. Thunder and the occasional lightning to keep you company.
You both had plenty of visitors as soon as the doctors had deemed you stable enough to have them. Hesh was the first, later Keegan and Merrick would tell you that he had been waiting outside the door for the all clear. Then it was your old squad and eventually your civilian friends. But it was after hours now, Hesh having gone because he had been assigned the night watch.
Looking back over at Logan you feel your heart ache. You want nothing more than to crawl next to him, to feel his warmth. But you can’t, the copious amount of IV’s and monitors stuck to the both of you prevented much. Settling for reaching across the gap and resting your hand over his.
So you sit and you watch the rise and fall of his chest, and you breathe a sigh of relief. Things would get better. Rorke is now dead for good thanks to Hesh’s bullets. The federation is scrambled in the mud. 
Things will be alright.
[Hope you enjoyed! Find the rest of my call of duty works HERE! Let me know what you think!]
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