squeiky · 2 months
More Metaos (Metal Sonic x Chaos)!!!
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Im particuarly proud of this one
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Some headcannons of mine involving sickness and aflictions. I think Metal Sonic gets "cramps" whenever stuff gets stuck in its turbine, and since Chaos has a brain, he can definetly get headaches & migraines. Probably can also get dizzy, and drunk (lol).
I think medicine & hot water (soup) might work for Chaos, but since Metal is a robot, theyd have to get stuff like virus protection softwares, or even just hire tails (or get eggman if possible) to just fix it up.
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Some more of my wonderful girls here (personal designs for chaos and Metal, as well as my favorite fat transfem bio-Metal design because my girls are a-stylin' (so fabulous).
Also, theres a group of bird who get themselvss drunk by eating some fermented (accidentally wrote "dried") fruit off the ground, and i thought about chaos and the chao accidentally (or purposely) getting drunk like the birds, and here we are.
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dapper-squeiky · 14 days
When Our Worlds Collide
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momopatchi · 10 months
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And just like you, I hope I'm spared MetalChaos Piece for the @fyr-zine
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zerothejackal · 2 months
METALCHAOS BEST SHIP YES I JUST SAW UR BIO (if they havea better ship name pls tell me!!!)
technically i created it (it started as a joke... and then became a ship i actually shipped like not even 10 minutes after) B)
when the trailers started to drop i was like
imagine if he and metal kissed lol
and then i went "when prime next season releases im drawing them"
i couldn't because stuff got complicated 😭
but they're my guys...
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katzenklavierr · 4 months
I should draw Metalchaos at some point but that will require me to learn how to draw Metal Sonic
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squeiky · 2 months
Ive lost myself into the depths of Metaos (Metal Sonic x Chaos 0) (again)
(Gonna add more drawings under the cut. Dont wanna make this too long on the feed 😊)
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I have a hard time draw kisses. I keep practicing, but its not easy. So instead i just make these two do what i call a little "pikachu kiss" where they just touch their little snouts together and nuzzle, then a spark of electricity appears for as long as they decided to nuzzle.
Also, i drew Chaos with a tounge. Yeah thats cannon in his final form (so i added it to his zero form. Also added the lizard-type eyelids too, so you can see his lizard styled sclera!).
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I love how quickly chaos goes from 0 to 100.
Also yeah height differences, Metal is the short king (by like 3 inches maybe?). It finally got to be the robot king 👏👏👏
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I like to think that the reason Neo Metal Sonic didnt just go and take the biodata from chaos himself (as he probably would've been totally chill with it) is just cause he got flustered and ran away. Also its kind of akward having to ask.
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Also i headcannon that chaos just eat (or absorb) the animal freinds, considering they just straight up disapear once you give them one, so the fact that Chaos saw froggy and randomly decided to eat it, then puked it out an ran out- probably meant that chaos just doesnt like frogs, and that him turing into a frog- was because he is related to chao and once he eats a live animal freind, whether he likes it or not, will turn into it, for a short while.
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I started making concepts for Metaos stickers (and valentimes day cards) Mostly am making them for myself, but if anyones interested i totally would start selling em' for a couple bucks or something (idk)
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Just thinking about them sharing baby photos (aka blueprints & concept art and using live children as examples because your species are all identical)
Some zoomins of my favorite doodles:
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(Ran out of pictures i can add 😭)
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squeiky · 2 months
Omochao & Metaos (Metal Sonic x Chaos0)
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A robotic chao, or a metallic one, probably would be the closest to a metaos shipchild. Which, surprisingly, there is a cannonical character that fits that definition! Its omochao. (Not to mention the reflective chao, which look metalic.)
Also, i dont even know if eggman made omochao. The little guy appeared into existance one day in sa1, and we dont question it because its omochao. What random dude took a look at chao and went "yup, you need to be a marketable wikihow bot" and everyone just rolled with it?
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They dont have lips, so the equivalent of lipstick kisses must be like.. sticker and stamps. Red crayon doodles of heart on a forehead. Little flower petals stuck on the watery head.
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Levianthan au but their both mythological creatures (wyvern & a levianthan)
Im guessing this is like.. day 3 of drawing metaos now? I started this because i wanted to understand the characters more and get a sense of their interactions outside of my fanfic, but it seems this has spiralled into a daily need to draw metal sonic and chaos 0 together, just.. constantly.
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dapper-squeiky · 9 months
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“His heart is filled with anger and sadness”
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squeiky · 9 months
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the height difference though.. Chaos isn't even standing fully straight up either.... This guys hand is bigger than Metals torso..
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squeiky · 10 months
Working on something (WIP)
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I guess leviathan au? But chaos is basically already a leviathan so perhaps mermaid?? I don’t even know man but he atmosphere is what I’m going with this.
I guess there are many benefits to being a marine biologist
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squeiky · 22 days
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ALL OF THEM. MY TOP POSTS. this is the best night of my life?? Everyone please keep it like this.
I am so happy!!!!
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squeiky · 23 days
Ngl, i just like metaos. I want them to dance ballroom style. I want Metal to sway across the floor in any form it so chooses, i want Chaos to gleefull hop and swing to the tune as he pleases.
I want them the sit in the grass and watch the stars, pointing to constalations, and make new ones together.
For them to cuddle, and sleep by one another. To protect and defend eachother. To console and be kind to another. To learn and grow, to adapt and to love.
I want Chaos to feel like he has someone to confide in, I want Metal to feel like its safe in his arms. For them to both be so comfortable the world just fades away.
I can think of the sideline cheering, the endless support of one another. Chaos cheers it on during a race with sonic, Metal learns how to interact with softer beings like Chao. They teach something new about the world and learn alongside eachother. One of past and one of future, side by side to make theyre own present.
Learning, adapting, growing. Failing, and getting up to try again. Something new each time you see them.
Togther they become the most powerful foes imaginable. Inseperable beings of possibilites. Flawed, and alive.
Something about these two make me feel so comfortable, safe and happy. Everytime i talk about metaos i feel like its taking a peice of my delicate heart and sharing it with all of you. They mean so much to me.
Ive discover new things about these two everyday. I've recently learned of Eggman's hunt and knowledge of the Ancients. I wonder now how that information will ever make it across to Chaos. I wonder if he knows his history. Or may be as confused in his place in this world as Knuckles, perhaps even more so.
I wonder if Eggman would ever tell him of his past. I wonder if he'll ever try interacting with Chaos again, after he tried to eviserate him. Does Metal know? Could it tell him?
I feel, so many things. I want to express many of these feelings. For someone to love these two as much as I do.
I want to be right so badly. I want to make sure that every portrayl i make of them is so fine tuned and accurate, as not to tarnish the beings i hold so much love for. Alas, i am flawed too.
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squeiky · 10 months
I have another fic idea for MetalChaos buts it’s literally a mermaid au/ aquarium type shit
And like Tikal is a marine biologist
And im thinking like okay so bio-Metal right? And then he goes into the aquarium and works there and find Chaos and he’s not supposed to- and then everything spirals from there-
But like also now that I’m typing this I’m thinking about having Metal be a transformation beast too- just in like hiding or something.
Would mermaid in water x mermaid on land make any sense? And I’m better that they aren’t the same type either. Size difference 100% too.
I seriously need like 1 buddy to jump in yippie with me but it’s gonna take awhile for people to understand my notions.
Might as well be having fun while it’s just me in the fun zone right?
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squeiky · 10 months
Figuring out the MetalChaos dynamic is kinda tricky
I mean here we have these emotional roller coaster wrecks (chaos with the “you hurt chao? I hurt you BAD” and then Metal with his.. complexities..)
And then they’re both big giant monsters sometimes (only with chaos emeralds/ and lots of bio data)
But chaos is like this really nice chao gaurdian who lives in little ponds watching chao sing- and devoted a lot of chaos’s life to this goal
While Metal is this fucking dude who devoted his life in hatred and desperation into defeating sonic.
I’m pretty sure these two have a shitton of truama somewhere and got baggage
These two are a mess. A pile of goopy, liquified messes.
They’re basically metal hydroxide. I’d call this ship hydrometal tbh because that’s fucking swag.
Like to it’s core it’s like a happy x whatever angst type metal is- but like these two are really fucked up in the head (literally and figuratively beacuse I think chaos would have a shitton of brain damage by now)
Fun part about this ship is that they love eachother, and break eachother. It’s so fun. I love fucking things up when they’re already fucked up to begin with.
Both labeled as “monsters” too it’s incredible.
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squeiky · 10 months
writing my MetalChaos fic has given me a deeper appreciation of the art of the Sonic adventure games.
I'll be diving into it in my fic for sure- but there's a genuineness in the way Shadow and Chaos are so similar yet so incredibly tragic. (This applies to Maria and Tikal too)
Like everyone loves diving into Shadow's lore and traumas and stuff- but have we ever stopped to consider that Chaos might actually have that as well?
We have these two incredibly kind and loving people- who simply want peace (Tikal) and protectcs the vunerable and weak (Chaos). They just want happiness, peace and safety.
Then, imagine your own FATHER (yikes parental issues!) decides that the best way for peace is actual war. and this girl.. is incredibly brave, and heroic.
She stands up to her father multiple times- requests and talks to the literal master emerald and manages to get its assistance- She continues to protect the chao and the master emerald in front of her father's soliders(?) She does everything she can think of to save people-
and in the end she and the group of chao get smacked down by these guys.
The last we see then is where the world is coated in RED. They're in the middle of an actual WAR! you can hear her desperation and worry with how much she's begging- and rushing- and trying her hardest.
and MAN is it tragic. To see her hit the floor with the COMPLETE BETRAYAL due to her OWN FATHERS greed.
and then we sit there and watch CHAOS- the peaceful. the docile. the PROTECTOR, the kind and gentle being who protects the weak and vulnerable. On top of the altar (that man is OUT of the water. War is waging and he is NOT happy) only to see his freinds and the chao he had sworn to protect on the floor- with an army of soilders charging towards the master emerald-
and the last thing he hears before sending them all away to god-knows-where? "ah! a monster!"
What. the. actual. fuck.
you spend your life just caring for others and protecting those in need. These innocent cute looking creatures and you their #1 caretaker. You are in the middle of a war and out of your comfort zone (pond) and are faced with the troubling situation of having possibly thousands of those cute adorable creatures- and innocent people getting attacked, hurt, killed, and all because of some greedy ass bastards. Then the last thing you see- is a charging army, and those exact chao on the ground AND your freind. Your too late. you couldn't protect them. to do the one thing you were supposed to do. Then your attacked by those same exact soilders..
and then some fucker has the audacity to call YOU the monster???
then you get put in the master emerald or something for like hundreds of years- not 50 years (im looking at you shadow) BUT SINCE ANCIENT TIMES-
like I would be PISSED. I would be incredibly also SAD. This guy held a MAJOR grudge- for THOUSANDS OF YEARS- OF COURSE HE'S ANGRY OF COURSE HES GRIEVING. This guy was freed by eggman- and you know the FIRST CUTSCENE we see of this guy- Is him getting attacked by the goddamn POLICE (cause GUN didnt exist yeah- he even jumps down from a rooftop all dramatic too)
like has anyone ever thought to consider that chaos might have.. feelings? that y'know maybe the guy was grieving? that maybe he (like shadow) took it out of some random city because the first thing he was faced with was aggression?
Somebody made a prophecy of him fighting sonic- and somebody started calling him the "god of destruction" when like.. his entire self is the complete opposite of that. Who thought he would be okay with having his own legacy be at a time he was grieving? Who called him that at a time where that battle hasn't even happened yet.
(this is like if you, a historical being, came back to life- and the historians only know about the times you were having a mid-life crisis (or worse.) like just imagine that. This is blobfish-name levels of wtf. Put that man back underwater!! Stop naming things based on a creatures worst-moments of their life. I feel bad for blobfish.)
He was angry, he was sad, he was grieving. He's noted as being a kind and gentle soul- do you think a kind and gentle soul would immediately decided to trash an entire city? no! That guy was going through something. of course he was he still in WAR mode- and that was only furthered by being constantly ATTACKED.
Tikal said "were these the chao you were trying to protect?" and like that just hits it home that Chaos is just... going through some shit and sometimes when your really powerful- you going through shit means everybody else got too.
but yknow he's not as popular so who am I going to vent this too??? Who can I go "hey SA1&Sa2 are very paralleled and have a lot of similarities and one of those happens to be that maybe- just maybe Chaos (and Tikal) might actually be a bit traumatized. Yet he has no way of communicating that other than destruction."
also Tikal is very much a hero and should be assigned as such because this girl is incredible. She deserves lots of love for her efforts. Girl sacrificed so much to bring peace and like... she didn't deserve to have such a shitty parent.
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