shihalyfie · 3 years
Shooting off from the ask about the Adventure crew finding out they’re a TV show in the Tamer universe, how do you think Ryo would have reacted to finding that out? Especially since 02 would presumably also exist (I can’t remember if they stated it was just Adventure or also 02) and he’d be faced with the knowledge of what happened to Ken after he disappeared.
Yeah, this is always the biggest question that comes up. I think a lot of the fan rationalization has actually been that Adventure and 02 didn't "literally" exist in Tamers as presented, but that something mostly resembling them was aired and released (after all, we had crossover products in real life too), and some have suggested that Ryou just wouldn't have been in that version at all anyway. Of course, that might lead to some weird situations when the Adventure and Tamers groups presumably "swap notes" and notice the disparity and why it'd revolve around him in particular.
A lot of the weirdness around Ryou comes from the mixed signals coming from both Bandai and Toei (and, to be honest, not that I want to be Toei's Defense Squad or something, but knowing Bandai's track record I'm personally very convinced a lot of this has to do with their side being notoriously uncooperative). You can see attempts on the Toei side to get Ryou in somehow as early as being the initial proposal for the first 02 movie; I really get the impression that the anime staff was kind of constantly at a loss on what to do with him, leading to his eventual form in Ken's backstory and in Tamers. Even then, Seki's statement that the 02 and Tamers incarnations of Ryou are the same person seems to have thrown all of the staff involved off guard when they’re asked about it, and everyone involved seems to feel it's kind of forced, but you have to remember that, as the producer who also represents the interests of Toei's position in the anime as a whole, it's not like Seki could just outright contradict Bandai on the matter and get them upset, so she probably didn't even have a choice for any other statement she could make. Basically, just...don't think about it too hard, take the WonderSwan games with a grain of salt when trying to analyze anime canon (they are notoriously contradictory with the anime), and figure out an explanation that makes the most sense to you.
In Tamers all of the (really, really subtle -- technically speaking, it’s only official statement that confirms Adventure was involved, not the series itself) Adventure references were only to Adventure specifically and 02 wasn't referenced, but there's no reason to think 02 wasn't involved either; Adventure was at most "where it all started" at the time and the pop culture disparity between Adventure and 02 hadn't settled in to nearly the same degree as it has now, so for the most part they were seen as basically a single series at the time. Most of the fanart I've seen that goes into the topic assumes Takato would know Daisuke and co. just as well (see this famous one, for example), and if you want to bring Xros Wars into the equation, Takato commenting on the amazingness of seeing Taichi and Daisuke side by side implies that 02 is definitely in the equation.
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crescentmp3 · 3 years
do they literally not get the point??
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Image ID: A post by @/miraculousxo that read as follows. “Hey, can someone tell rjalker I hate Adrien? Like, I genuinely despise him and his role in the narrative because he’s boring as fuck and continously disrespects Ladybug’s boundaries? I would but she blocked me like a fucking coward.” The tags read as follows. “#ml fandom salt #i literally hate adrien #still doesn’t stop the fact that aeon ain’t a black girl because she's literally not human #and i have been told this by multiple black people #who have a little more authority on this matter than the white person who only cares about the opinions of black people #if they align with hers. /End Image ID
we are calling out the fact that the creators of the show are LITERAL middle aged white men who know this.
they think adrien is an angel. they think it is okay to make a character, that is presented as a black girl, and literally kill her on screen by the boy that deem an “angel” and make us SYMPATHIZE WITH HIM for that.
she was killed. on screen.
by the person the writers deem perfect.
and guess what? it is no surprise that the writers are middle aged white men.
they made the character look like a black girl, they decided to kill her on screen, they decided that the cisallohet billionare boy would kill her. on screen.
that is what we are criticising. that is what they are defending.
do they realize that???
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rjalker · 3 years
miraculousxo for your block list.
Is trying to say Aeon isn't a black girtl just because she's an android.
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Super minor thing, but do you know why the American English dub changed Taichi and Hikari’s surname from Yagami to Kamiya? I initially assumed they had somehow accidentally reversed the kanji and translated it that way, but everyone else has their original surnames, so I’m stumped.
That's the assumption because it's the most logical explanation, really. Could have been an accident that happened with them? This kind of thing wasn't unusual back then (and I personally wonder if Piyomon becoming Biyomon might have been the result of an accidental misread of ピ as ビ fed through a fax machine or something). But then again, two series later they decided to change Matsuda to Matsuki and Makino to Nonaka for no perceptible reason, so the reasons will possibly remain forever arcane...
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shihalyfie · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Ghost Game’s first episode, if you’ve had the chance to watch it?
(Also, I really enjoy your blog! Thank you for all the good content.)
Thank you so much! I'm glad if it can be interesting and helpful!
I really liked it! I have to hold back on my temptation to try and unpack everything about it the way I normally would because we literally have only one episode and it's probably not a good idea to extrapolate so much depending on so little, but I think it set a good tone and made clear that it has an obvious direction it wants to go in. There's already a lot you can analyze from the first episode alone, which is really impressive, and (speaking as a 02 lover) I really like it when there are a ton of details and hidden flavor things that actually carry a lot of interesting implications, to the point you can rewatch it several times to dig more out of it. Hiro is already shaping up to be quite unique as a Digimon protagonist, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with him. Gammamon might have set a new bar for Digimon cuteness in this franchise, but from what I'm hearing from others this seems to hardly be an uncommon opinion ^^;;
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