#ml s5ep7
kisilinramblings · 2 years
Passion - Translation
What everyone thinks of the love square reversal
Alya : What are you talking about? How come you are in love with Chat Noir?
Marinette : I don’t see why you are so surprised about, Alya.
Alya : What is surprising me is that until now, you were madly in love with Adrien. 
*Alya points at the bulletin board which has  Adrien’s pictures*
Marinette : *covers it* A-Adrien, yes. But loving Adrien was all but a good idea.
*Alya is not convinced*
Marinette : So, my love for Adrien allowed Shadow Moth to take me 15 Miraculouses. That’s why loving Chat Noir is THE good idea. Chat Noir is cute, very attractive even. Super competent. His jokes are less annoying than before which make him super cool. And the cherry on top, he is in love with me. You see, it’s perfect!
Alya : Euh... he is in love with Ladybug.
Marinette : And we both know it is the same thing! 
Alya : But he doesn’t know that. And you cannot tell him anything. You are finding yourself a new love interest conveniently when Adrien starts to be really interested in you. Coincidence? I think not. Aren’t you just trying to run away from your feelings?
Marinette : No, not at all. I really don’t see what I could be running away from. I have nothing to run from. And anyway, it’s time to go to school.
*Marinette falls from her bed*
Alya : At 7 a.m.?
Marinette : Exactly! If you don’t want to be late, 7 a.m. is the perfect time. See? New love, new habits! This is the proof I am right to love Chat Noir!
*Marinette leaves*
Alya : She has left with her pajamas still on. 
Plagg : Marinette, Marinette. You only have her name is your mouth! What about Ladybug? Are you throwing her away like an old cheese crust left on the cheese board?
Adrien : No, Plagg, she is wonderful, but she isn’t in love with me. So, it is about time I am leaving her alone so she could pick the cheese she loves the most.
Plagg : Maybe Marinette is not in love with you as well.
Adrien : I just need to ask her to know. Hide.
Skipping the (odd) Agreste family breakfast
Adrien (to Plagg) : Have you seen the ring Nathalie is wearing? I’m happy my father and her are getting along. 
(Translator’s note : spoilers alert, they are more like divorced parents trying to keep appearances).
Adrien : A ring! Why don’t I give a ring to Marinette?
Plagg : Roh! Don’t tell me you are going to ask for her hand!
Adrien : That would be a bit too much, don’t you think? But I could confess my feelings to her during recesss. Or I could write her a poem! What do you think about it?
Plagg : A poem? For Marinette? My poor Adrien, we write a poem to declare our love for cheese! *eats*. And until proven otherwise, Marinette is not a camembert.
Adrien : Thanks for your help, but I think I need real advices.
Skipping to Plagg and Tikki’s scene
Plagg : Sugarcube, the situation is even more rotten than that old brie part I am keeping in case of emergency! My Holder is in love with your Holder!
Tikki : Oh, but this is excellent news! You too know she is madly in love with him.
Plagg : Excellent news?! It’s cataclysmic, you mean! What will happen when they will savor their love? In less than 2 seconds, they will tell each other everything. “I love you”, “you love me”, kiss, kiss, kiss! “I’m Ladybug”, “You are Chat Noir” and BOOM! It’s the end of the world!
Tikki : Don’t worry, Plagg. Nothing as such will happen. My Holder is running away from her true feelings by choosing an impossible love with Chat Noir.
Plagg : Euh... Sugarcube, allow me to doubt. You know that my Holder and Chat Noir are the same person, right?
Tikki : I am well aware, but not my Holder!
Plagg : If she declares her love to Chat Noir, something tells me it won’t be long for her to find out.
Tikki : You have no reasons to worry. When my Holder is in love, she is unable to do anything. She is going to knit beanies, and create plans that have no chance to work. 
Plagg : Hmm... Phew... In that case, everything is going for the better.
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kisilinramblings · 2 years
re: that ask about people salting because Adrien's wish in jubilation was regarding romance and not something of his own - but in a way, isn't it right though? The show especially from season 4 has put Adrien in this box of 'Love interest whose existence is mainly dependent on their romance'? Adrien could've been a complex character and they could've explored his grief of his mother's death (because if she'd died a year earlier, no amount of optimism would lead him to be as cheerful - speaking as someone who has had to deal with a loss), but instead put him in this 'supporter' role. While marinette gets to have her own story and ~angst about her guardianship and her ~ trauma Adrien just...stays optimistic despite having much more serious issues and problems in his life ? And people then get mad when we get mad Adrien is being treated so badly by the narrative...Even gabriel gets treated with much more depth and care by the narrative when Adrien is the punching bag for it
Okay, life story! When my father died, I was the quickiest to mourn him. I helped out my older brother with the farm but after 6 months, I couldn't take it anymore of this routine and signed up to an university class in another region to get away and moved on. Why was it so fast for me? Because most of my mourning started when my father was still alive because he was sick (he died from an aneurysm rupture in the end, but at least it was quicker than his untreatable illness which would have been painful for him).
So, yeah, I understand Adrien, who got a sick parent before losing them. So tell me, Anon, am I -- or anyone -- an inhuman person to you because I don't want my father back even though I loved him?! No and neither is Adrien.
Because there is no typical mourning process. It's not a set amount of time then you are done. Some will go through it in a few months. Some will be mourning for several years. And it will be different between each members of the same family (and I speak from experience too).
Heck people can still be missing their dead love ones but still have the right to laugh during the process!
Adrien has done his mourning process and is trying to live his life. And new episode Passion also showed us it was also his mother's wish for him and Gabriel. Because she accepted she was going to die and wanted both of them to still find hapiness.
Unlike Gabriel, Adrien has moved on, but right now, the kid is rather inexperience in life. He is barely starting to define himself because, NEWSFLASH, not only has he lost his mother, but he is an abused child whose parent decided in his place what was best for him for years and were overprotective and didn't allow him the liberty to be himself. Adrien said it himself, as a kid, he wanted to be what his parents wanted him to be and never question what he truly wanted himself until recently (Wishmaker). Adrien has started to affirm himself, make life experiences and slowly gain independance outside the familial cell. Of course he has no clear idea.
So, of course Adrien can feel like a blank canvas at time, he is just starting to figure himself out! But since S1, we do know what he likes and what doesn't. He doesn't like to be a model. He was doing it initially to please his father. He is selfless and likes to please others. He has immense empathy. He loves to have fun. He makes puns. He hates lies. He doesn't want to travel the world. He wants to be with his friends, but above all, he wants an happy life with the person he loves. See? He is not a wax statue. He is a fictional character in a story build around a romance and going through a coming of age.
Finally, there is nothing wrong for Adrien to long for love, warmth and a family of his own in his life, especially after lacking it for a while. Heck, if he were to decide to be a homemaker as his civilian occupation, would that offense you? There are women who despite having all opportunities to take any career choose to stay at home. Not because it is expected out of them, but because they want to be there for their kid. Just like there are people who are satisfied to just have a normal job instead of being a CEO or something.
So, it isn't weird if a fictional character and a male one at that become like this.
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kisilinramblings · 2 years
So was Plagg being dramatic when saying end of the world or does he actually think them being together will cause the end of the world
Dramatic? A bit, but Plagg feels very apprehensive about any potential reveal (remember, he was against the idea during Chat Blanc and had a bad feelings about all of the situation of Adrien finding out who Ladybug was under the mask). Probably because he knows Adrien too well.
While Plagg wants his Holder to be happy, he knows Adrien can react impulsively when his feelings are concerned. Like whenever Ladybug was in serious danger.
Plagg seems afraid Adrien would expose himself and be more vulnerable than ever.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
Hi. I hope you don't mind me asking a question here. First thing first I haven't watched much of s5, mainly because I'm still having burn out from the whole episodes in s4. But I have seen people posting pictures of Adrien using cataclysm very... Murder happy, which is something that I don't think he ever do before, unless I forgot any episode.
Before, whenever he's frustrated his object on leashing out is never an Akumatized person, it's always be an inanimate object (tree/ads box, chimney and billboard) but in this season, he seems to be losing his patient more and more, the scene in Jubilation is the freshest I can remember how close he was in cataclysmed Dark Owl and apparently he almost did that too in Derision.
My question is, is there a reason behind this behavior? I mean, it feels like out of character of him to do that considering Adrien is always patient and empatetic kind of person that I'm sure if people just telling me without showing the clip of the episodes, I would think theyre joking. Its always sad to see such kind and sweet character to turn like this.
I'm sorry if I'm rambling too much!
Hey! No worries! I'm sure you are not the only one finding this weird. You are right in saying than before S5, it wasn't like Chat to willingly use Cataclysm on an individual. Aside of Sentis or him being controlled by an akumatized power, or as seen during Chat Blanc, the NY special, Destruction which fall under that category of being accidental.
So what indeed did change or happened to him to the point he can be triggered and having his emotions taking over the best of him?
Tbh, I myself even is sure if I have the correct theory there.
The common element in both Jubilation and Derision is Chat Noir violently reacting when someone plays with the emotions of a person he deeply cares about.
After all, Darker Owl played with both LB and CN's emotions with the power of the Pig and trapping them in a dream fantasy where they were in love, married and had a family while Kim played with Marinette's emotions to the point the impact of that cruel prank have deeply traumatized her.
The dialog at the end of Derision between Marinette and Adrien seems to indicate Marinette isn't the only one with trauma that needs to be healed.
Adrien : I'm scared too. It's new for me, so I don't know how to react. I'm scared of doing something wrong, of hurting you, of someone else hurting you. I'm especially scared of losing you. But we are together and we will do everything to help each other out. Like that, you and me, maybe we will become less scared?
Part of his line refers to what Ladybug told him earlier.
CN : Me too, I got carried away by my emotions. LB : Don't worry. It can happen to anyone. That's why we are a team. There is always one of us to help the other out.
And even though he didn't use Cataclysm, Mister Bug's reaction at the end of Passion was too filled with rage.
Mister Bug : Forcing such a fragile person to carry out his twisted plans. Monarch is a monster! He'll pay for this...
Not only that, but Adrien was tempted to use the Wish to heal Nathalie. Something associated to the Bad Guy side.
So, yeah, that is my best guess right now. Adrien has trauma too, but we have yet to see what exactly caused it but we can suppose it is most probably in link to his mother's demise.
So, Adrien can be violent in reaction when seeing the people he deeply cares are being hurt.
EDIT : I've forgot! Chat Noir did almost Cataclysm Hawkmoth during Chat Blanc timeline after learning the truth but stopped, wanting answers.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
question: can the person whom Hawkmoth attached an Akuma to, request for a specific power and name???
and can an Akuma be like say, "transform into anyone get their powers" like say if they have a picture of Rena Rogue, they'd be able to take her form and cast illusions? The caveat being they need something of the being that they want to turn into, like say photos?
Like for example, the akuma victim has a picture of Carapace. THey slot that picture somewhere in their body and take the form of Carapace.
Actually, it is the akumatized themselves who influences the power they get as well as their appearance, not Hawkmoth. He is just the one who enables someone to have superpowers in the first place.
We got a testimony of this ever since S1 with Evillustator. Nathaniel had already drawn what his supersona would be like along with which powers he would have before he even feel negative emotions. And when he got akumatized, he got just want he wanted in order for Marinette to fall for him.
HM might tells to his victim that he is giving them a specific power but he is actually just using what the victim desired on the moment in order for them to consent to help him out. And let's not forget that the Butterfly Holder can scans people's emotions to select who is the most appropriate person for the mission. The Butterfly Holder has to power in order to carefully choose their champion that would assist them. Except that HM is using his power for his own gains.
Anyway, there is also Startrain's case. The Akuma was out of reach from HM. Yet, Claudia got what she wanted : a power to go explore space. Her appearance was determined by herself.
Chameleon, Passion and Reunion are other episodes worth to check out as they play around that. Chameleon, Safari and Pharaon (2) are all akumatized who initiate on-screen their own akumatization. Lila and Nathalie on their own free will. Jalil out of misguidance.
So yeah, so long the akumatized has a goal in mind that gives some logic to their current superpower, then you are good.
EDIT : Forgot the answer the part about the name. Sorry! 
In the show, Hawkmoth is usually the one who names the akumatized. This further pushes the idea he is the master -- the one in control -- while his akumatized is his pawn to be used. But we got a few cases where the name actually comes from his victim (Nora as Anansi, Chloé as Queen Banana). During Simpleman, Roland objects the first name he gets before he agrees for the name “Simpleman”. And in Nathalie’s case, as Safari, she named herself and is the first to establish it during the exchange, illustrating how she is the one in control from the very beginning. And in her case, it reversed the power balance. (Love the episode Passion for that)
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
There's something I really don't understand. When did Natalie suddenly start disagreeing with Gabriel's decisions so heavily? Did I miss something? Because in passion, I kind of feel like her absolute hate of Gabriel's choices as a parent was quite sudden. Even though I do think there was some build up to it in earlier seasons.
Answer is during Evolution. Did you watch it?
Monarch royally f*cked up despite having the Miraculous that gives the power to travel through time in his possession.
Nathalie gave him an alternative, to change the past by dropping an usb containing the informations needed to repair the Peacock Miraculous before Émilie use it. However, Monarch didn't do it, obsessed to defeat Ladybug first. And as a result he lost the Rabbit Miraculous and Nathalie upon hearing that was furious at him for letting Émilie and her down.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
what exactly does making a wish entail??? does wish maker need to wear both the miraculouses and fuse it?
And the price, is it random?
By fuse, you mean the "Unify" command?
Anyway, both Miraculous need to be equipped, yes. We know it involves a special formula. It could be "Unify" or it could be another specific formula we have yet to hear.
It is also possible it involves the ultimate capacity of each power. After all, in Ephemeral, Sass mentions that the actual world has to be completely erased before being rewritten. And in Chat Blanc, when he was about to trigger the end of the world, we saw in Bunnyx's Burrow that all the windows of both the future and past were showing static, as if they had nothing to show anymore.
Of course, we have to take into account that Chat Blanc was akumatized which could have lift any barrier to reach that untapped potential. But it is a possibility to consider that the power has always been accessible. Rena pointed out at the end of Mr Pigeon 72 that the Miraculous power is limited by the Holder themselves. If Creation gotta create (and we have seen an example of what Tikki could do on her own during Dearest Family), then Desctruction range could be far more than what Plagg has done before in his youth.
As for the price, it is as Marinette puts in Passion :
"There is always a balance between Creation and Destruction. For every one thing we fixed, another would be destroyed. For every sick person we cured, another would become ill. For every villain defeated, something else just as terrible would be created somewhere else to replace it"
So, it isn't random. It has to be similar to what is being fixed. In Robustus, who wanted to become human, someone would have lost their humanity in exchange for example.
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