#ml spouts nonsense
tokyoflavor · 8 months
Currently on my Lost You Forever train of thought at ungodly hours of the morning, and this is likely an unpopular opinion but I still feel like Tushan Jing/17 doesn't really fully deserve to be end-game. Not because I dislike his character or feel like he's not a good person, but just because in comparison to the others (with the exception of 4th ML who, let's be honest, never really was a contender lol), he's barely made any kind of sacrifice for her throughout this whole show. I find the fact he's continuously in a stalemate with his engagement due to his grandmother's desires kind of a large reason as to why, alongside the fact he hasn't had much character development since it was revealed he was Tushan Jing.
Although I don't see Cang Xuan as potential love interest, for many reasons, one being that, to me, he's more like a brother to her, I still feel like he's done a lot more for her and all of his actions are very much for her benefit too.
Then we come to Xiang Liu. Oh Xiang Liu. My heart aches for him. XL, who has sacrificed the most for her happiness, and continues to suffer quietly. His love and continual yearning for her is so prominent, and so unbelievably painful to watch. The fact that this is the first time he's experienced this kind of love in his life after growing up feeling lonely and unwanted just is absolutely hard for me to bear sometimes lol. Yes, he was cold and unfeeling and harbored a few red flags initially that gave reason to pause, but since then he has shown his absolute sincerity in leaps and bounds, in many ways overriding all of that stuff. His character development is like no other. Let not forget he is a demon, after all. And yet, a demon who would throw away everything for her. Who learned the true emotions of love and jealousy through meeting her.
Anyway yes I'm spouting nonsense at ridiculous hours of the morning since I can't sleep lmao. idk why this is where my brain is going but whatever. I'm absolutely in too deep without question lol.
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flightfoot · 1 year
I saw the ask about the black and white morality and I think there might be a little more to it, and that mire is something *very important* to fandoms and in a larger sense politics and societies so worth mentioning.
ML had one (seemingly) complex character early on in terms of morality. That character looked to be maybe moving or st least inhabiting a 'more than they seem' area.
Then they were slammed back into their original role and it was vehemently denied by Authority(tm) not only that she should shift but that there was ever complexity in the first place. Anyone who saw complexity was wrong.
Since this came from Authority(tm) it lead to a purity test. Did you accept the Authority(tm) or question it? The nature of the character in question muddied the issue and there was(is) a lot of animosity.
A section of those who valued complexity simply fled. There is other media to consume. That isn't trashing ML it just... Didn't seem to have what they wanted.
Then we got further purity tests, very 'pick this not that' moments. At each one you see splits, people leaving etc.
In any group those that survive the purity tests tend to be more purity minded. They start their own tests. (Alya isn't loyal enough!)
Long term you end up with a very us/them black/white punish the dissenters, punish the outliers, punish those who question mentality among those who remain. It isn't universal but as a proportion of the whole it increases.
Eventually you get things like Derision(it's back!) And Mylene spouting nonsense about how 'a mother leaving' is a universal experience with universal impacts on everyone, and any deviance is inexcusable (paraphrased) ... and do you accept this statement or question it? Purity test.
Of course, a single cartoon is not global politics, but it is a social microcosm.
Yeah I really would have preferred that Chloe stayed more complex, there were some indications of that in season 2 and somewhat in season 3. I'm thinking that there was some sort of fight behind the scenes between creators.
I'm fine with not completely going with what the author intent is and questioning the assertions the story has made, to some extent anyway. Though I do still generally try to be charitable towards whatever the story is trying to say is. But in my experience, with the ML fandom, "questioning" those assertions tends to be more along the lines of "take these characters who might not have been completely perfect, but still had reasons for what they did and generally good intent, and turn them into monsters for whoever has been deemed 'good' to freely beat up and hurt in whatever cruel and vengeful manner the person can think of," so I tend to be wary of that cropping up.
Honestly I'm just done with pretty much anything that resembles a Chameleon saltfic at this point, I've BEEN done with that for years, I just want to get back to the Agreste plot and Lovesquare development please.
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